r'wfrTffinmiiMttmiiMiitiim 1 JiVcge table Prepsrallonfor As similating ite Food and Reg ula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of PromotEsDicstion(CheeTrul ness and JtestContains neither 3)iutri,Morphine nor Mineral OT NARCOTIC. . Am tfadnrSMDOimBSR . fltmnmrnt. . ) A oerfect Remedy forfonstiDa- lion, Sour Stomach inrihoea, Worms ,Convulsioiu .m verish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of : NEW "YORK. . EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. So"a.tla.ex-ta - IE3iIlTX7-a37v Schedule E3ctivo May 2, 1897. This oondmsed Schedule is published aa information only and n lubject to change without notice to the public. - . . 1 ' ' 1 So. J2. Klxetl Daily . Ko. is. Daily. ; No M. Dally. Eastern Tun. Lv Greensboro Ar Ulbeouvlile " feUuu, Colloge . , ' " Burlington j " ' ' Graham ' Haw Ktvor ' Mubuue .. Hmsooro -; " University " " ' Durham " Mon-tsvllle " " cary " At BaliVh Lv Lv Ralelga Ar ' Auburn " " ' Clayton " " Belma Norfolk " " Piinoeion ' Ar , JoicUooro Lv . 1 Mam isia llitoi I loam Mam to a in SAuani 4 Warn Mani b tin f Maui Mam, warn J 10 ut S Mam Si. am 9 ijitui am Mam (! 10 (lam lu nm 10 Ma in 10 Warn lu to am 11 Mam UMam 12 10 p rn 1J 40pui UWpu, Mpm I OOpr J p : 1 t p:t 1 17 u in 1 4Sp m I IT, pro 1 Mpm 1 Mpru I IWput : No. i. Kx Bun. 'in Swam MS am 11 Mam 11 OS p m U M p m 11 4ft p m It appro I SI p m S 44 it m 4 11pm l map m K 4 f Ul I 1 10 l Ul I 1 Mpni 1 avput j ttm 4 Mpm Hot. II ami It otrry Pnllman meaning Cart Atlantic Coast sLiiie. Wilmington & New Beene R. R., : . TIMK TABLS KO. I, V , Id Etfcct Wednesday, Deo. 1, 1607, Dally , v.. Except Sunday, - Going South mchiduli: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains flo. M), Lv. m, 9 20 ;,r stations: ' ' Ar. p m, ..New Berne ........ ( S20 ..Pol lock tville . ..... 4 44 ....Mavsvllle... 4 80 .'.Jacksonville......... 3 68 83 ....... 1000 ....... 10 43.... 12 8J Ar. P If :; No. 81, Passenou & Fbrioht, No. 80. Leave Wilmlnirton Monday. Wednes day and Friday. Leave .New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. , l. A at Ar. m 710.....Lv. Wllmlngto-, Ar..... 140 7 65 ..... ...Scotfs Hill......... 100 8 40. 9 15. v950 10 10. 1049. 1103 1128 1162. 1193 12 68 180 Woodside...... ...12 10 .Hollyridge . ......1123 Dixon 10 80 10 00 923 847 825 803 7 88 718 ; 6 43 ..I Verona . . . .. .'. . Jacksonville, . i ... ..... Northeast.., ....... ......... Whiter ak ......... Majtvlile ......... . . ..... .PollooksvilJe... . ... .... ....Debruhpe. ........ ..... Ar, New Berne, L v Dally Except Sunday. J. R. KENLY, ' General Manager, E. BOEDER, '. Bupt. Transportation. I r.s t In "rid. , ..-4 ff lu. NV SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE - OF IS ON THE- WRAPPER OF EYESY BOTTLE OF Cutarla Ii pet c? la one-tin bottles only, It It ul told h balk. Don't allow anyone to tell yon anything olia on the plea or promise Hat it It "Just at good" aid "v'U answer every pur pose.'1 WSeo that yon get 0-A-8-T-0-&I-&, vrpj., No. 35. Ually. So. 15. Daily. No. II. Mixed. Ually. 0 55 am 0 IS a ui 0 08 am fi&A am 6 40 a m 5 23 a 111 6 05 a m 480 a m 3 46 a ru 8 80 a m 2 80 a m 2 t h m H00 a m No. 41. Ex. Sun, U 00 p m 8 40 p m Kl pm 6 OS p ni 6 so p m 4 to p in between (Jraentboro and Itainub. X. A JtJ. . It. It. THIS TABLE NO. 4. To Take Effect Sunday, November 28th, 1807, at 12 M Going East I Bcuedulk: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p m :-: t stations: Ar. a m 8 40 .Goldsboro 11 OS 409... ...... LaGfange 10 32 4 82 , . . Klnston 1012 6 83. .....Ar. New Berne, Lv . 910 54V.. ...Lv. ." Ar 8 57 8 57. . . Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 47 No. 1. f Hx'd Ft. and Pasa,Tn. , Lv. a m No. 2. stations: Mx't Ft. and Puss. Tn. . . ' - Ar. p m 710.. 7 43.. 8 0S.. 8 26.. 14.. 9 28.. 9 43.. 10 15.. 10 40,. 1115.. 1181.. 12 05 . 180.. S 19 . 2 20.. 143.. . 8 12.. ...V,..'. Goldsboro 8R .. .......Best's 7 20 ....... LaU range . 6 50 .....Fulllug creek 6 20 ........ Kinston 600 ......... catwoll ' 5 18 .....Ar. Dover, Lv 5 00 .. ..Lv. Ar 4 20 .......core creek 4 00 ....... Tuscarora.. 888 .........Clark's .,. 8 20 . . . Ar. New Berne, Lv 2 50 ...Lv. , Ar 10 47 ....... Riverdale 10 00 ;. .....Croatan , 1000 .. .... Havelock.'.. 0 40 Newport, Lr 9 06 8 23 . 3 81 . 8 46 . 4 01.. ....... Wildwood. . 8 47 . 888 . 820 . 750 ........Atlantic .Ar. Morehead city, Lv. .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. r. m. A. M. Monday. Wednesdnyjind Friday, tlueaday, Thursday and Saturday, v S S. L, DILL, H Superintendent, PATENTS If. 8. AND foreign: PROCURED EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes, 1729 Ne York Ave i Washington, D. 0. Offim EstablUhed 1808. Charges Mod erate. - Correpondence Requested. WM. DUNN, JaS. BEUM0ND, President. ' Tice Fret. B. S. CI DION, Sect' A Tress. Hew Berne Ice Go Maanlkctarera Pure Crystal Ice From Distilled Water. . Out nut 20 Toot Dully. Cat Loud Lois Solicited, Ice iMiverod daily (except Kundayt) a. in. to 6 d m. Huulvs (muil on'y) 7 a. m. to 1! noon. t't linen "u l !!, r u irtuttioa, 11 65 n m ' i 35 p m 11 14 a in ' l 03 p in II 20 u in 6 an p in 11 1(1 a m I 5 5) p in II IS a in ' 5 45 p m 10 Ml a in j i a , in 10 43 il III I 5 il ill 10 fti ami u" p in lo 07 a ui 1 5 60 1 in 0 50 a in I 38 p in 0 18 a m I 4 07 p in on a m : 54 p in S 63 u IU 3 40 p Ul t Z7 am 1 3 14 p m 3 15 a ui t 3 0J p in 14ain 2 "P 7t"am 2 20 p ill I i a ui 1 is a in I 2 . i m 110am 1 winju NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. , " , .v High EmffhM ul Flea Boom Tampata tiurea aa a Wanhla. : 1 The great internal heat that rendered the Amphitrite inefficient was due to lack of provision for ventilation is the engine and boiler spaoes. These regions became so hot that little useful work eonld be done in them, and the lack of air was snch as to actually ruin the fur nace draft, smoke ooming out freely from the holes in the furnace doors, Aside from two small ash hoist tabes in the central part of the nreroom and a small escape hatch forward, there were no openings from the ftreroom to the outer air. , The boilers reached nearly to the iron main deck of the vessel, and as the air above them and between the deck beams had no escape it became greatly heated and lay roasting 1n those spaces. It was impossible for a man to go on the grat ings behind the upper parts of the boil ers after they had been under steam a few hours, though the main and auxil-1 iary stop valves were there. A board ol offloers that reported on temperatures in ; the vessel got at this place only by in- traducing a thermometer on the end of a long pole, and this thermometer, when fished out and taken to a place where it eonld be read, showed, 803 de grees. The superstructure containing the cabin and wardroom was directly above the engine and boiler rooms, with a light wooden floor laid over the iron ' main deck. At sea, with the doors closed, this habitation became exactly like a frying pan on a hot stove lid. The smoke pipe, partly uncovered for alleged ventilating purposes, passed through the center of the wardroom and by vigorous radiation contributed its full share to the general discomfort. The deck, in spite of its wooden sheath ing, was so hot as to be painful, and I hesitate to say from memory the tem peratures the board reported as being usual in the rooms, in bureau drawers, on the wardroom table and in other parts of the officers' quarters. It was as high aa 113 degrees, and I think great er. Sleep was only a period of uncon sciousness, induced by utter exhaustion, and was without restful quality. The fireroom temperature was never below 150 degrees and often above 170, while the engine room ranged closely about 150 degrees. For the first 24 hours the men stood it well, but on the second day seven succumbed to the heat and were put on the sick list, one of them nearly dying. Before the voyage wns ended 38 had been driven to seek medical attendance. On the evening of the fourth day out our men had literally fought with lire to a finish and had been vanquished. The watch on duty broke down one by one and the engines, after lumbering along slower and slower, actually stop ped for lack of steam. The ship was al lowed to drift inshore on the tide and was finally brought to an anchor in St. Simon '8 sound. Though a warship of formidable characteristics and sent on this distant service, it is doubtful if the Amphitrite could have gone into action at that time or have steamed 100 miles farther to save herself. F. M. Bennett, U. S. N., in Cassier's Magazine. DOOLITTLE'S LITTLE JOKE, iw Bo Conferred an Honor Upon Friend, Senator Fetaenden. Hit The old senator was a great story teller and related many interesting and humorous accounts of what he had seen in pnblio life. One of his favorite sto ries was at the expense of Senator Fes-.! senden, a warm personal mend. The judge and Senator Fessenden had been appointed on a commission, with several others, to treat with the various chiefs of the Sioux Nation on an important In dian question of the day. It was long before railways had been 'introduced into the far west, and the members of the commission had to travel on horse back, Jndge Doolittle was chairman of the commission, bat at the conference shifted that duty to the shoulders of Senator Fessenden, The latter was high ly pleased at the honor conferred on him and much "puffed up in consequence. The jndge bad method in his madness, however, for he bad heard of the pe culiar reception tendered by the Indians to the spokesman of any party of visit' ing whites. At the appointed time the two parties to the conference congregated. There were probably 200 Indian chiefs present, with their wives. Senator Fessenden advanced to do the honors for the com missioners, when, to his dismay, the whole body of Indians, squaws and all, advanced and, after embracing the ohairman, gave him, according to their. custom, a welooming kiss. Judge Doo little often said he thought that Fessen don never forgave him for the trick. Boston Herald.. OaardlBK Her Kavvaa. A little east end maiden of 5 stun' men, whose clever sayings ire the de light of her friends, recently dined with n aunt At the beginning of the repast she gravely said to her relative: "I'll take just one eup of tea, Aunt Lisa. I havo to be so careful about my nerves. If 1 don't take care, I'll have uorvet like a cat " . She got her tea, and it is scarcely necessary to add that when she had fin lshed it she forgot all about her poor nerves and clamored for more. Cleve land Plain Dealer. .. Time's ChaogM. In 1830 Goethe wrote to a friend that It seemed almost Inconceivable that now that the Goths rd wagon road had been opened it was possible to go from Frankfort to Milan in a single week. Is now done in day. it OldMt Sailing Craft. ' Ths eldest sailing craft in the world Is the so called Ookstad ship, viking vessel which was discovered in a sepul chral mound on the shores of Chris- ttania fiord. It is 1,000 years old. kMMtMlata fare la stay. . "Mystio Core" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically on res in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system ts remarkable sod mysterious, it re mores st oooe the cause, and th disease immediately disappears. Th first dose greatly benofits, 79 oonts Sold br Henry's Pharmacy, New Borne. CaCARKts stimulate 1ivor,ktdneyt and bowelt, never tlcken, weaken or gripe. SAMPLE CORPSE. Ichm of aa Ohio Undertaker For Ad vertising Embalming. ' ., An Ohio undertaker named Pearoe doesn't allow sentiment -to interfere with business. He can't see why the shoemaker adjoining his establishment should advertise his skill by displaying bis samples, or the tailor across the street hang his latest sartorial oonfeo tion in his front window, while the em- I palmer's good work has to find a lodg ment beneatn sizieet ox eartrj almost aa soon as it has been accomplished. ; Mark Twain, when he was shown the mummy of a Pharaoh who lived in the time of Moses, shrugged his shoulders with contemptuous indifference and re marked to the curator of the museum "Haven't yon got a corpse that is a little fresher?" All Mark has to do is to visit the fu neral direction establishment of Mr. Pearoe at Ardmore. There he will prob- ably find something more to his fastidi ous fancy In the shape of a sample ol embalming, kept on view by Mr. Pearce aTnaa lnananfiin Vt Wia inofnmQPII H'ha i lUi UUUWUU WJ UM VUDDUIIIWO. uv "subject" has now done service for a period of three years, and the proprietor confidently expects that it will last as long as he remains in business. The body in question has been in the very warmest workroom of his estab lishment all this while, and the leather like flesh of the corpse is totally free from odor or putrefaction. Some say the hair on a bodv will erow after death. This probably originated in the mind of a 'dramatist or novelist, who wanted to sensationalize his readers to sell bis books, for there lies Mr. Poarce's dead man, with his very last hair cut the same as it was two or three years ago. Then some say that the hair will fall out, but you couldn't pull the hair out of that body with tweezers. Each hair seems to be particularly riveted in to the hardening leather and bone. Even the fuzzy, lighter hairs of all other parts of the body remain the same as they were at death. Formaldeheyde, a product of wood alcohol, and a comparatively recent product, is the fluid with which the body was embalmed, and Mr. Pearce says that there is uow a fluid, with oth er elements added, that is far better than the 140 ounces, or a little over one gallon (ii worth of the formaldeheyde used for the dessication of the body in question. New York Herald. A New Vie For Orcan Grinders. A well dressed woman lately entered a Paris jeweler's shop and askijd to see some valuable cold pins While she was examining them a man began play ins a barrel organ before the door The music seemed to anuoy the lady, and, stepping to the door, sbo threw a piece of money to the niau and told him to go away, which he did at once. On returning to the counter she said that none ot the pins suited ber, but that as some compensation for the trou ble sbe had given she wonld bny ( brooch. She accordingly chose one, paid 10 francs for it and was leaving tbo shop when the jeweler missed a dia- moud pin of great value from among those she had been examining He ac cordingly stopped bis customer, who seemed highly mdignont aud insisted on the proprietor's wife searching ber, which was done, but uo pin was found The jeweler then set but sister to watch the woman, who was seen to en ter another jeweler's shop, and was pre tending to make a purchase when the organ grinder made bis appearance. As soon at be began playing she again threw some money and ordered him to move on, bnt the person who was watching ber perceived that with the money she had given. the man a piece of jewelry This was at once made known to the polios, who arrested both, and on searching tbe man they found several articles of stolen property. Paris Let ter. Fountain pens are rather older than most people imagine. As long ago as 1824 they were in use, for in that year Thomas Jefferson saw a contrivance of this sort, tried it and wrote to General Bernard Peyton of Richmond asking him to get one of them. Tbe pen was of gold and tbe ink tube of silver, aud, according to Jefferson's letter, the mak er was a Richmond watch repairer earned Cownn. There aro more than 100,000 chil- iron in the national schools of Germany who stntter. MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE FREE TREATMENT TO ALL FOR WEAK MEN MEN OF ALL AGES NO ISOHRY IPT AUTAHCK. XTnif rfol appllaac mui eionUae rem dies Mat on rhl f any irllabla man, A world-wMo reputation back ot this offer. Every obstacle 10 hippy marril Ufa toiuovkI. Full sin-nstti, dowkipment and ton twn tn averr port Ion of UM body. Fallurolmposgililn; airo DO barrier. ERIE MEDICAL CO., St I HALO, N. V. New Berne Mails. Notice Is given that on sod sfter this dais mills leave For sll points Id Pamlico County and goutb Crerk section of Beaufort Couotj Closs st ft s m. For Vaocelmro and Post Offices is Nortbern part of Craven County closs 12 noon. For Bclislr sad LI mat .. For W'jltfotd, It a. tu. All trail for DcBruhl g to Pullokf Tills, tbe former offlcs is disoootluaed. Vaoeslro mall arrives 13 m. VasceboM mail ktves I p. ra. ' U . MANLY, fottoiastaf Real XUiato Agency ! HOUSES FOtt BENT. ' ' nOU$E3 FOB 81LB. .FABMS FOR BALK COLLECTIONS OF BKJTS. J Any butliwss In oar Una will be gives prompt stteotion by leaving word st lbs Mots of K. Kuan A Co., opposite tbe PostOffloe. - . EE. HAflPEB Sear Ton Office. . Veterans' Stories. - . Old Soldiers Tell About Mun - yon's Great Victories. Mr. D. H. Clark, member of the Union Veteran Legion, No. 1, and residing at Glenwood, Twenty-third Ward, Pitts burg, aaya: "' I Buffered (or twenty years . ... from weakness of the Heart. During tome ot the spells that I had It amounted to almost heart failure. These 1 spells were ac companied by 1 pains extend ing down the left aide and arm. My case was so severe that the Gov ernment is paying me a pension on ac count of it. I have tried everything in an effort to secure relief, but rinally gave up the idea of being helped. Recent ly I tried Munyon's Heart Cure and It gave me almost instant relief. 1 carry a bottle of it In my pocket ail the time, to be used in case of an emergency. 1 have also been troubled with severe distress In my stomach, accompanied by pains and drawing up of the Intestines. At times 1 felt that I would die. I pur chased a bottle of Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure and 1 am happy to say that the first dose cored me." A. G. Austin, No. 7 Harper's Court, South Bend, Ind., a veteran of the war, who contracted rheumatism while in the army, and Is also s'lfferlnpr from the effects of sunstroke, says: " I have been using the Munyon Rheumatism Cure since last Monday. I have derived more benefit and greater relief from the medl- cine than any that I have ever used; In deed, one feature is very remarkable; my little finger, which has been perfectly stiff, as though It had no joint in it, and always In my way, which 1 nave not been able to bend for many years, has become supple and pliant, and I can now close it into the palm of the hand In a natural way. I am delighted with Mun yon's medicine." Munyon has a separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25 cents a vlai. Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent Wholesale Prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices havo to be charged. HAMS ft lb Sugar Cured, ... North Carolina, . . 8IIOULDERS-$ lb- 12 1H Sugar Cured 7 English Cured 8 Richmond PORK-? barrel New Heavy Mess. . . . Short cut DRY SALTED MEAT Bellies Short backs f lb.... LARD "p lb Best Refined North Carolina Compound SALT, V sack Liverpool American BUTTER V lb Best Elgin G xd FLOUR-Il barrel Extra 4 ti 10 00 10 so 7:,' it 5.; 0J (. 7 & M at 0 (! ra ( tip ( 00 25 40 Straight 5 00 Fancy Straight 5 2") Full Patent 5 50 Best Fancy Patent ... 5 75 COFFEE ) lb- Roasted Orccn 17 10 SUGAR, p cwt.Granu. Standard A White c (3 5 00 Yellow tf 4 40 9 RAIN ? bushel- New Corn Oats, Cow Peas Peanuts 3.") (,c 27 i ($ 00 (t 30 80 (il 1 00 EGGS f dozen.. 15 POULTRY -V pair- Chickens, youug 30 ( Chickens, old 40 (j Turkeys, .. 1 25 (r 40 45 1 50 FRESH MEAT Beef ? lb 4 & Pork p lb 5J ( BEESWAX ft s TALLOW. V POTATOES-? bushel- Norton Yams 40 (its Bahamas 20 The Forum. KDITED BV J. 5J. KICK. DECEMBER. 1897. The Policy of Annexation 'or Amotica Hi Hod James llrjcs V C, M V. Tbs Wolcott Comiuimioo aod its He- ulta Hon Juium II Eckels. Notable Utleis horn my Political Friends III, Senator Juatii 8 MurnU. The Ntlooal tiualri snd feu-Coast Dtfeost Uiipl. J. C. Ajrit. Tbs l'n-sent Cooditiou of Economic Sciinoc L L Price. The Diarrss of Orrliart Ilouptmnnn Gunsv K'lrba. The Poetry of Niturs-Chsrle. O. D. Robeit. IUIIwsy Polling, fron lbs People's Point ul View, -lion. Cluiles A. Proutv. UnooaitHutiooalily of the Hwian Treaty Hon. D.,nlel Axnew. A step toward Economy M the Postal Sarvlce Uo. E. F. Loud. Llotrt In TsacbluK lu the German Colmsltles B. Euckrn. Tbe A'hms of lbs Police Power Hon. Uermae Kudlltl.. The Mhatuo of LIUrsture Theodore W. Hunt lisw roust TBE FORUU PUB. CO, III Sib at. S3 Cis a Copy. IS.O0 Per Yesr. X-OST I Gertiftcate No, Utjfor one share of E. C F. O. Game Industrial Assoctaltoo. Appllcalloa will be oiadoforcertlflcaU LEGAL NOTICES. Aft in iiiisf ra 1 or'n Not i cc Having duly qualified as Ailiiiiiiistni tor of ilizcr V. Kit harilsnii, ccm-cd. I bcrehv notify all persons having, claims against t lie tslute nf said testator to present I he same to me mi or before the Oth day of November 181H, or this notice will be pleaded as a bur lo their recovery. All persons indebted to said Ili.er V. Richardson, deceased, will please conic forward and settle st once. This Oth day of November 1897. THUS. F. MCCARTHY, Administrator. Executrix Notice ! Having this day qualified ns Ex, cu lm to the last will nnd testament of Joseph B. Clark, deceased, notice is hereby given that till persons having claims against said estate will present Ihfm for payment on or before the 7lh day of November, 181)8 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment. This the 4th day of November, 1897. ANSA U. (.-LAKlv, Executrix of Jos. 15. Clark, deu'd. Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Executor to the last will and testament of Mr", Emily Williams, deceaeed, notice is hereby given I hut all persons having claims against said estate will present tliem for pa mint on or before the 12th day of November. 18U8, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, This 12th dav of November. 181)7. U. S. kivs, Executor of Mrs. Emily Williams, deed. Notice of Sale, Valuable City Lot. By virtue of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Craven county, N. C, in an action to foreclose a mortgage enti tled Joseph L. Hahn vs. Lucy Ann Moore and William Riley Moore.llie undersigned Commissioner will sell at public vendue, at the court house of Craven county iu the city of New Heine, N. C, at 12 o'clock m.. on the Till day of February 189H, it being the first Monday of said month, to the highest bidder tor cash, the following described lot or parcel of land: Bounded as follows, tn-wil: On the north side of New South Front street til t lie city of New lierne, begin ning at the south corner of Robert (i. Moseley, Sr.'s line, distance one hundred aud lift v feet west of the corner stone at the corner of Jones and New South Front streets, running thence with said Moseley's line and parallel with Jones street, northwardly 0113 hundred and seven and 3-12 feet to the hack bnu of I Lot. No. 400 as designated in the plan of ; Hie city of New Berne, thence witli said I back line rnd Giles Jarman's line west- i wnrdly thirtv-eiglit feet to Esther Sini- j mon's corner, thence witli the sumo and paiellel with said Jones street to New 1 South Front street, thence with Hie north j side of the thirty eight feet to the liegm I nine, being Division No. 3, of the estate 1 of Jesse Moseley as was allotted to the said Lucy Ann Moore, then I.tiev Ann t Moseley by W. H. Marshal, (i. S. Fisher and Geo. K. Tinker. Commissioner. Recorded in Hook No. 77. Folio 45. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Craven Co., and being the same lot of land mort gaged by the said Lucy Ann Moore, William Riley Moore to Joseph L. Hahn by deed, beating date of July 2:!d, 18114 and recorded in Hook No. Ill, page 307, in the office of Register of Deeds for Craven county. This 3d day of December. 1 SOT. J. E. & It O'HAKA, Commissioners. Notice ! Jfew Kulerprise ! W'e have just tilted out for sawing Latbes. We will keep tliem on hand ill 1 any quantities No. 1. Don I forget our ! dry, sawed stove wood under lare shells land never gets wet in rainy weather. We j keep Mat I. Fence Posts, and all kinds of j Hand-made and Sawed Shingles, and I Brick. Flats for rent or sale. t j BIO HILL, The Shingle Han. i.4Va Careatt, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat fnt bui.-.ciacondurlcd for MooraTC cca. ooaOrficsiaOeeoaiTt U, 8. pTiTO-ri'. and we can secure patent ia leu tuue ' una uu. -rer.;ote trom WashniRton, ... ' Send model, drawing or pnoio mm aeicnp - (ion. We advise, 11 paiemawe or nm, ir iwj air lee lit cue till patent m ei:r a. , Mt rj ' lliir to ObUin I'alrnis" with' cojC ot earn-, in the U. b. a'l forciga toumr-ea ent ilea. AddrcM, i C.A.SNOW&COJ inqton, 0.0 to 86 dATS. W. mean b trfckMttdal ,tlianien.ra. Baa. Mtint Orriec. WM firm Hssii Km4T Akeeiirlely nWuiul inonsay If wc do not rum. Vol Horn fur i hettitir price Umi wilh ttton who will rontittct to cur and tii swme nm orrtn to point Lt-1 Ibrra or pay oxptnM f eon ins, BpaBBj ml Isotol 10 mm ri irosta bills, and t faaivs " ras.II to WmwmS uO hmw Ua it 1111 mwm mftif uri. iiMlltlM sMlits.li onrt lna. Mmemw I'tlfhri PlmpUt.4'ppy. -elr-issutullticlxHljr Hstlrur It is this Prlwarr Ulooel rlaNi tlistt OllOlttllf niOal satt 1 ko ..44 torn m Mstr wm tal Waattay. Hrrw Q tuij I :yeWawa fWlltar wnt, I ihr mvmw steiaMT or 1 sirua rj SJtMIWItMltlinil 9 mim rmnn nd p allsaM reH enema 'Ilitst ilTi ikm kill mt tlin mnmt mu lisvs al vy lti4 or Nikfif yrejLTT wm Im I InvHt psiraarlMa. lo k strH iiir of Bel I tle illfla wilt, our w'l rHILr-.MC rva w kts a-OC.f'OU mpiuvl fwhlnd our Dooondltlnrwl sjitavrttnuw. WHIstlwrnr 1 0s-e.srf b-xb Btul BkaaWiiW 4N MetMHiitT Traspl, w hlraigo, Utnolsj. BRANCH OFFICE IV. A. PorieiM & Co., rduccessors to O. W. 8ilab)& Co.) IlnnkerM nnd llroken. Stocks, Dosds. lotten. drain, Previsions Doufht and sold for cash or on margin one per cent. In lots from 30 up. Over Cotton Eichanre. tirNatlooal Haok Hefersnoee. Vonstaol Quotatloos. .... A. O. NEWBERRY, Msosger. FROFESSIONaX. i'. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward ftiiuuioiiM A Ward, ATTUUNE YS and COUNSELORS at LAW. NEW BEHNE. t. C. Practice "in the eonntit-tot Craven. Duplin, Jone", Onslow, ijaiterel nul Pamlico; in tua Supreme ami Federal Courts. oilier nt Nituih front Street Opposite Hotel CbMttntrkit. . P. II. Pelletler, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers Brick Uaildin?. Will practice In tiie Counties of Graven Oarteret; Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. U. 8. Com tut New lierne and Supreme Court of -STEAMERS- EASTERX CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, -AND- o. FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All Poiuls North. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mntidavs, Wednesdays, and Fridays tit (i p. in., sharp. Mak ing no stops betweeu New Berne to hlizabet.li (Jtty. The Steamer NEWBERNE will sail on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon, making landings at Oriental, Ocracoke and Koanoke Island. Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Ktx;, (icn. Mgr., II. (J. lIritiiN'3,(ren.Frt.& I'asa.Agt. Norfolk, Va. New Heme, N. C, Sept. 18, 1897. Trnili-nnrh. XatlureVi UTorviiie and ICitpid IlVsforative. An unfailing cure for Diseases of the Digestive, Nervous and Generative Systems. A Tome of rare cllicacy for the old and young and of mark ed service for Students, Teachers, and all who are engaged in liraiu work or close occupations. Cure Depression, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Restlessness, Tired Feeling-, Muscular Weakness Patpitationof Heart Hysteria, Nerve Weakness, General Discomfort, Excess, Alchoholum, and that ul most innumerable series of discuses ami complications result ing from any derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women utid nervous children. Steady Nerves, Braced System, Sound Rest, Good Work, ISSl liEII II Y I SISO Or. Coz's Cocclin Nerve Tonic. Coufnlna No plnlea or -DanRrroni DriiKN 10 make a hnbll. 50 Cents Per Bottle If three bottles In copy of Orioli Dominion Steamship C GOGELI ordered at one time, a t'ook Hook will be included free. Al Drnaaima anel Dnlraor dlrclBjof na 011 rrcrlpt nf prlef, SO ernta. Wlnklemann & Brown Drug Co. Mola Proprlaiora, BALTIMORE. IHD, DAI, 60 YEAR8' -aaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaai v5& I jSMpataw-wM-TATATATl I A A TRAD! MAUKS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks r av DCSIONS Copyrights Ac AnrnnaMn11nff fcrtrh and 1acr1ptlon nar 1 wnennsjrT aa OnrrtiTiunlosv- ml 11 tlonrictyomndmtlal. Handbook on rsUnt suit frsM. OlrlMt airsmrv for scrurlm DsaitHita. PatAnta taknn throuirh Monn A Co. rowlT tptriat notice without chum, la thw Scientific American. A hanflpomfly lllnitTiitivf vak1r. larvMt rtr, rulation of any uientiBf lournal. Tarm, $x a yttar: fnnr months, L Sulci by all nwsdMlwra, MUNN & Co.,B'New York Braooh OrSea, SB F St Waealnaluo, D O. . i Kastman's Ko. 2 Eureka Camen is a simple instrument for use witl glass plates. Makes pictures J)i x 3Jj inches, snd has space in back foi three double plate holders. Safet) shutter. Fine achromatic lens. 4-8 $ Htoh Itaknan, afckaaitaMa aWa fc.l..r, Sa.se a liw SaiM. rw Srfaiw, aaa, .IS a Ixa.-.I.uaSMartraM.tX.IM.aaaM, JS Ft tmH r drmlfri. Jawaw a Mwm4 mi ttmtt a-MaO. A" af w m4t. FATMAN KflT-AK Tfl. Rochester, N. Y. for same. w. P. BU BKUo. 100,