THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory: KTREKA LODGB NO. 1. I. O. O. T.: OftV -ora : J. L. Cooper, K G.; R. J. Disoaway.V. U.; T. K. Hynian, ll'o'a. Bec'ty; J. n. rareer, Jr., Treaa. BeKulumeaUcR even Moada; ATHENIA XiOUGB NO 8, K. Ot '.-Meet wry Toexlay night In K. ol P. Hah, Middle Street. t. P. Avery, C O.; W. 8. Paniona, v.o.- i. i. Moody, K.K. a.; v. u morn tOD,M.of F. ... JAl.TJMET ENCAMPMENT HO.4,1 O.O.F. " . . - . v t i i .. - n . i trail ti LI UH f 111 . Jj, ViWKE, v. i . , v. 1 1 nail) u. '.; F. R. Hyman, S. W.:H.C Lonimlen.J. .; N.O. Hugbea, werlbe; B. B. Neal, Treaa. Reg ular EncaniDmenta. lab BO. and nil many) riitimriay nUbi in each month t 8:00 0 olnck' ' r.ANTOXCLRbrfONT NO. t. P. M. I. O. a F, Uftlcera. Geo. Slover, Captain; t. G. Hy nian, Lieut. I P. H. Pellelier, KnsiKn ; Wm. J. -fitu, llerkiitd. ueroeK, aooounuuit. kbk olar Cantoumenta, 3d and 4th Thursday a'Rtiu in eaon moutn at a w o ciooa- ,KA VBN LODGB NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HAR MONY: Meeia sno ana n weaneraa iilirltl-ji in tuuih month in SounLree'a Hal at 7 JlOo clock, a. K. llall, Prtaldent; J. H. Malta, secretary. HT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 8. A. F. AND A. M ('moer:-T. W. Dewey, W. M.j N. Case. 8. W.: George Green, J. W.; T. A. Green, Treas ; w u ruts, ec'ty. Regular wm mumcatioiu Id Wednesday each month. CIIATTAWKA TRIBE NO. 14, IMP. O. H.M Meets the ud Sleen of every Sunt f Monday night ai K. of P. Castle flail, Middle Street, New Herat , N. C. Visiting Red Men always welcome. W. 8. Paraone, Sachem; J. II. Smith C. ol It AKWBKRNB CHAPTER NO. 46, R. A. M.: (Hcer-T. A. ureeu, H. P. J. B. Clark, K.C; T. W. Dewey, Scribe; Chas. Duffy, Treas.; C. D. nradham, Hecty. Regular l onvoca tluus 3d Modav each month. 8T. JOHN'S COMMANDERT NO. 10, K.T.: i)it1oers:-H.J. Lovlck. B. C.;J. ll.Claik.G.; S. H. Street, C. G ; 1. W. Dewey, Prelate; (!. D. Bradham. Recorder. ICegnlai Conclaves flret ind third Fridays of the monto. KNIGHTS OF HONOR-Ortlcem: Jn; M. Ilitrgdtt, Dlotator; . II. Vinson, Rnoorter; W. ('. Ronntroe, Financial Koportur New Berne Lodge No. 448 meets the Soil and 4th rrlilay ntirlits at 7:30 o'clock in Kouulree'a Hall, l'ollock Street. NEW BERNE LODGE SO. 1, F. II. C.-1.W. lllddle, Prest ; J. ll.S ul'h, Uojordlng Mtcty; E. K. Quldley, Fintinclal riecty. Meets In Knight of I') thins hail every 1st and Slid Wednesday night in each mouth, Business Locals. PERMANENT Employment Summer ant Winter. National Portrait Company, Chicago. FOUND A sharp ended row boat. Owner can obtain same by paying charges. J. R. Parker, Sr. FOR RENT Next door to my residence on Mctcalf Street, a two story house riven rooms. Inquire of J. D. Dinking, M Middle Street. WANTED, a tew energetic ladies and gentlemen to canvass on guaranteed salary of 40 per month. Call or address V. C. Bost, Davidson, N. O. SEW AD VKRTIHEMEJTP. Munyon. F. O, Hill, Agent Notice. Stuart & Co. Is it a trifle? H. B. Duffy-Holiday gifts. Bitrfoot To start with a rush. T. F. McCarthy Admn. notice. Hackburn Christmas delicacies. Q. Marks Co. Preparing for Xmas. OF LOCAL INTEREST. A big line of dress braids and nice drees goods in all colors and grades at J. J. Baxter's. Mr. Lon Richardson has sold his fine bird dog to Mr. Wm. Madly, of Baltimore, for one hundred dollars. The Rountree Roller Tray Trunk is what everybody should have for sale by J. J. Baxter. There were sales of C4 bales of otton in the local marked yester day, at pi ices between 4.50 and 5.40. Yon should see J. J. Baxter for a nice suit and overcoat, he is selling them low down for the cash. New Berne Jhapter No. 40 R. A. M will ho'tl its regal ir monthly convocation, tomorrow, Monday night. J. J. Baxter is daily getting in new goods for the holidays. Yon should see his stock btfore buying. The l'hiledonian Club will give aoolher of its delightful germans on tho fourth Wednesday night of this month. Gold, gold filled, gold plate, nickle and steel spectacles and eye glasses at Baxter's, tho Jeweler, next door to Journal office. Thd" maximum temperature as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was 73.0 minimum 55 5. At their meeting ou Friday, the County Commissioners rlrow the jury, for February term of tbe Criminal Court of Craven county. After about a week of beautiful weather, the change came last night, with rain jand disagreeable night. Colder and clear weather may be expected today. The North Carolina Baptist says this week, that tbe Rev. S.J. Porter of tbs Middle Street Tftilist church, has declined the cM to go to Lum ber ton, N. C. The retail merchants are getting np their displayi of goods for the holiday trade, and soma very band souis and attractive window displays can be teen. Tha tale of fancy articles, to be given by the 8k Cecelia 8ocioty of Christ Choroh will be betd on Sat urday afternoon next at tho rwl deno of Mrs. John Hughes. A Diet cliaoot to buy Christina presents. . Ml Oyaier Bteeeiwle. There were twenty-eight oyster schooners unloading at the docks yesterday morning and the whole place was bustling with activity. Most of the boats came in the evening before in a bunoh. There had been a calm down the river bat the fleet had worked its wiy op within ten miles of the town. Late in tbe afternoon a brisk breeze sprang np and tbe fleet came np the river together. Old frequenters of the water front nay that it was one of the prettiest sights they ever saw as tbe vessels, not less than thirty five in number came slipping along under the press ot their canvas. The recti pts of oysters in the morning wern over nve . thousand b 1'iels and the shockers were busy all day preparing them for ' market. The Trent KUer Bridge. Contractor Neal has kept steadily at work ou the Trent river bridge duriug the past week, and the structure is beginning to assume some proportions. Over one half the piles necessary to be driven for tbe bridge, are al ready down, and with the present progress the bridge will soon reach the other side. Big Beat Eatale Tranafer. Charles Reize'nslein has cold. all of bis houses, and the lots on which they are sittia:ed, forty-six in num ber, in Reizensteintown, to Joseph L. Ilahn. Mr. Reizeustein still retains a nmnscr ot lots in his sub division, but the above sale includes all his houses on his tract. C7ard rTtaanka. The members of the Citv Band I wish to thank the ladies wb so kindly assisted them at their Festi val on Friday night, also to that k the Naval Reserves for the use of their armory, which was so igener oasly tendered. PERSONAL. Mr. J, II. Hackburn rcturmd home on last night's train. Mr. W. W. Clark returned yes terday from Greenville, whore he has been attending Pitt county Superior court. Miss Rebecca Thomas of Ihfeigh, who haj boon visiting at Mr. S. L. Dills, left last night to visit at Beaufort. Rev. G. D. Bernheim of Wil mington, came over las', night to c mduct the services in tliu Lutheran church today. Miss Statue Williams, who is teaching school at Riverdale, came up yesterday morning, and spent the day in the city. Mrs. J. A. Jones and children, returned last night from Polloks ville, where they have been visiting relatives. Mrs. Jones' sister, Miss Annie Bryan, accompanied her home on a visit. The shutting olf of the electric lights all over the citv last night was caused by a leak in the Eleutric Light Company's boiler, all steam having to be taken off before, the boiler could be repaired. Annual Itaaaar. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold their annual bazaar on Wednesday evening, December 15th in the Presbyterian Lecture room where the usual refreshments and fancy articles will be on sale. Doors will be open at 5 p.m. Every body invited. Backlaa't Arnica Salraa. Tub Bust Salve !d l be world lor Cuts Brulatt, Sorts, Ulcers, fait Rheum. Fever tin run. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. 0ins, sdI all BkiD Kruptiont, nod poait ivtly cuitt Pi'eaor no uv required. It i uaraDierr to ui verlut lalintction Of money r ft.iVed. Tree 25 cents per box. Fa tale by Y, 8. Dully. nioehhala'era MocHaf. To the stockholder of the How Berne Tobacco Warehouse Co. There will be a meeting of the stockholder of the New Borne To bacco Warehoutn Co., on Monday night December 20th. 1897. at th City Hall at 8 o'clock. This meet ing is called for the purpose of bear ing the report of the Pieeident anrl finance committee of board of director for the past eaon, and U lay plan for the future. This wilt be a very important meeting and all stockholder are earnestly requested to attend. E. E. IlAKPEit, See'y. N. II. Street, Pre. am Cms la a May. "Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically core in 1 1 3 days. It action upon th system i remarkable and mysterious. Jl re mores at one tli cause,, and th disease immediately disappear, Tb first doe greatly benefit. 75 cent, rfold by Henry Pharmacy, New Barn. SfM rrvlara V Bmf. ', Church of Christ: Preaching at 11a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Endeavor meet- iog at 6.30 p. m. All are cordially invited. .; i!-v : J'., '":-; , St. Paul's Catholic Church Third Sunday in AdveoU High mass and sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday Sobool at 3 p. m. Vespers, sermon and benediction at 7.30 p. in. St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Koun tree Hall, Pollock street, Rev. O, D. Bornheim, pas tor. Morning service at It o'clock. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday School at 3 30 p. m. All seats free, and every person cordially invited. Centenary M. E Church R. P. John, pastor. Prayer meeting 9.30 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p, m., J M, Howard, Supt. Christ Churoh-Rev. T. M. N. George, reotor. Third Sunday in Advent. Holy Communion 7.45 a. m. Service) 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday School at the chnrch 3.30 p. in. and at All Saints' Chapel 9.30 a. m. The public are cordially invited to attend. . Christian Science reading room), 87 Craven St. Open daily at 10 u. m. to 5 p. m. Services Sunday 10 30 a. in., Friday 7.30 p. m. Testimou ial service, lesson 2 Tim., 4: 1-8; 16 -18. Subject today-: Paul's charge o Timothy. Gulden text: "But watch thou ' in all tiling', endure affl c ions, do tho work of an evan gelist, mike full proof of thy minis try." 2 Tim. 4. Footsteps: 1 Preaching the .Word and exposing false teaching. 'I, Overcoming afflictions. 3, Winning the crown 1 of righteousness. All are welcome. ( Jcst try a 10c bux of Csscarets, the fin est liver ar bowel regulator ever made i Offierra Elceled. The Kuights of Honor held their election of ollicers Friday night and the following named gentlemen were elected : J. M. Hargett, Past Die. S. D. Pope, Die. Wm. Lorch, Vice Die. Eugene Tucker, Asst Die. G. L. Vinson, Rep. W. F. Rountree, Fin. Rep. S. K. Eitou, Treas. A. E. Hibbard. Guide. K. R. Jones, Chap. J. II. Vinson, "Guard. F. Boesser, Sent. I.a flies' Blyllab Wrap. Our offering this week consists of an unusually nice collection of Jackets made of Astrachan, Boucle and Beayer at from $2.38, 8.50, 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00. BA.RFOOT. Caalrlbatlana Far Tb Orpbaaa. The citizens of New Berne are requested to make, contribution of food, clothing, toys, mocey or any thing which may prove of service in making glad the hearts of the Or phans at Oxford N. C. on Christmas Day. St. Johns Lodge has appointed a commit'eu of three, Messrs. Jamet Redmond, T. A. Green and 0. Marks, who will see that the con ttibulions are packed and sent to Oxford. Contributions may be left at (be wholesale store of O. Marks and Son, from now nntil Dec. 21st. ARB YOTJ NERVOUS. Mr. (J. 0 Filler, 135J Sontb Fourth Street, Colum- bus, O., write t 1' to Dc Hart- "V man, of Co- follows: -For ten or ntweu year i have been sub ject to nervous dyspepsia. I would have spells of quivering in my stom ach, with smothered feeling. My nerve wero terribly debilitated. 1 wa suffering from .what I called nervous prostation. Mj stomach felt bloated, and I was constantly weak and tiembling. I consulted several physicians who treated me without doing any good. I had almost given up in despair when 1 beard of P-ru-na. It was about ix year ago that I first took Pe-ro-o. I found it ao immediate rel ef to all my disagreeable symptons. It it the only medicine that bat eter been ot any use to me." Mm. Lucie Waldie, Otsego Lakr. Mich., Box 07, writes: , "For . tirj yeart I tofferod with ettarrhat Jytpcpsia. I wrote to you for ad vie and yon told m to take your medicines. It ha been ten month sine 1 began to use yonr medicine and I am per fectly well. I think jour ruedioiue deserving of much praiw." Bend for Dr. Hartman latest book on 4'Winter Catarrh." Ad dress your letter to Columbu. Ohio. Ak voiirdnwifixt for a fM Pi- run a Almanac for IS'.'H. JK LaclaraTharatlay l(ht. , Rev. James B. Averitt, formerly a resident of this place, will deliver hit famous lecture on "Personal Recollections ;of Plantation Lite before the war Life in the great house and life in the cabin" at the Court House next Thursday Dew in ber 16th at 8 o'clock, door open at 7:30.' That every one may avail them selves of this unusual opportunity, and listen to a mbject which will always lie of thrilling interest to both North and South, the price of admission will only be 25 cents. Oram or Mr. !!. A despatch was received here yes terday, from Raleigh announcing that Mr. A. T. Mial, father ot Mr. T. W. Dewey, of this city had died Friday night at his home some miles outside of Raleigh., -. Mrs. Dewey was at the bedside of of her father at the time of his deatb, Mr. Mial'i death was due to pneumonia. . s. ; CASTORIA For Infant and Children.' rutu- IniU Km JTffJf UjutotS! If Bryaa a Dark Hlajrrr. Qalvistox, Tex., December 9 Hon. William J. Bryan and his party returned last evening from a duck-hunting trip to Lake Surprise, in Chambers county, Texas. Mr. Bryan carried off the palm by bag- giug 43 ducks, of whlcii l'i were canvas- backs. He said he had a delightful trip. and appeared to be in thbest of health. Aiier ainner air, Bryan leic tor Ban An'onio, where be will be Joined by Mrs. Bryan and former Contul-Oeneral Crit tenden for a tour of Mexico, in the course of which he will study the money ques tion there, Mr. Bayao said hu expected to reached home about January 18. Free of Car ja to Sufferer. - Cut this out nod lute to j ur druggUt and grt a oamp'o b-.ilr five of Dr.Kinn's New DisoH'Fi). fr Cm siiiiiiinn,Couohs and Coli's. Tbey do imt Hpk ton to buy lieiore trjing. 'I lm will Lw you the Una tueri'k f this iruly wcnitrlu1. rem vdv, aid rhow ji.u what can le arcom phdiie.t by the n-gi'ar lzi bottle. Tbis is i o experiment, anl wu1d b! ilUastront to Dim propriutois, dt l they not know it wouid iuaiiab y cure. Muny of tliu beet pliyticians ;ir j nnw u-i'ig it in tbeir prac tice with (--i.t ir.U K anl arei reiyinic O" it in m-K-l n vert CdeN. It m Kiinant d. Trial bottle trie at F. 8. DutTy's Drug Store. Regular s'zis 50 rents and 41,00. TBE NATIONAL BAKE. ffw Brar, B. V . Drr. 10. IS97. The annual meeting of tho Stock holders of this Bank, for the elec tion of Directors, and the transac tion of such other business as may come before .them, will be held at their Banking House on the Sod Tuesday, bsing the 11th dayof Jat nary, 18U8. , Ihe Polls will be open at 11 M. to be closed at 1 P. M. G. U. Roberts, Cashier. Duify'ii Croup . Syrup, ON SALE AT Davis' Pharmacy, Phone 58. Cor. Broad & Middle Sta. Tordan'd Cough BalHAin, . as CENTS. Preparing for Xmas. ChristmM ihopping is beginning in earnest now and we are well pre pared to supply j our want at a very low price. ' Men' Pure Linen Han kerchieft, lOo. - Men't Large Size' Silk Handker chief, 40c. ' ' Ladies Embroidored - Hand Ker chieft, 10, 15, 20 and 25o. Ladie Kid Gloves, in black, tan, brown ana white, twa qualities, 73c anH ll.oo. Our Xms Toys art lielng opened and tha until price on nice toys ha been a pleasant torpris to onr costomert. , Make yonr section rarly am) we will box iml bold your purcbato nntil wanted. December 12. Willi biltou. or CiMitlre, mt aCawaret candy oalhartie.eiir gnarunU-e'l.'lrtc.OV. St, j ANDY 10 i 25 50 URSOT.nTFJ.T (ITTlTt JllTFETl ""r" tmwtiitiMi. w.ret an tin Meti i nOaUllUlClUl UUnnaniCiDill H,.. ..rrr rria nr niiw. bill nana n aitaml rxnlta. I a e - . . . n . Mm --..--....- ............ - I. - - J hnnfcl.l ft.. 1 A MTI11 IV1 UL'ULT.V H To Start Holiday o o We will open up and put on sale this week, a great big collection of Dolls, Toys. Books, Games, &&, at just about ONE-HALF the price that other merchants will want for them. i".''--- ' Every age from the tender tot to the aged grand parent will find the right holiday a'tioles here at price never undersold and tever approached Line of Stylish Lidies Jackets. We have juct received our third ship ment of Ladies line conta, made of Astra chan, Boucle, Beaver, &o., at from $3.75, $5.00, 7.60 and 10 00. vJ Special this week, a Ladle Black Cape trimmed with fur and braid, .worth $1.50 at 88c. Gloves Make Excellent Gifts. Men's all wool driving gloves, this week at 25c, 43c and 73r. Men's dress d or undressed kid gloves at 72c, 98c and $1.25. Ladiea' kid gloves, all colors and black value $1.00, our price 89c. Gv -a--. -Barfoot, 2icgx, m tup Boost, Opi P. O Y Suggestions for .. .HOLIDAY GIFT5. Probably every section of the store, can furnish something that is appropri ate for Xmas presents. If any, very few, fancy wares are here, it's the useful sort we are best supplied with. - How would a pair of soft all wool blankets at $3 50 do P y A pattern length of novelty dress goods, 85c,to $1 25 per yd P ; A waist length ot one ot the new silks, 35c to $1 per yd P : A pair ladies kid gloves, 75c to $1 75 P A pair gentlemen's walking or driving gloves, 65c to $1? Children's kid orwobl mitts, 15 to 50cP Gent's silk handkerchiefs, 25c to $1 P ODODi JOST RECEIVED, . Frankford Sausage, 10j lh. linrlon Layer liuisin. - 15c lb. 'Seoded Muscatel Ilaisins, lb, packages, 15a. Por- 1 fectly cleaned Currant, lb. packages, 10s. Citron, 20o 1. - Ijoose Muscatel Raisins, IOj lb. New California Apri- cots, 15o lb. North Carolina Dried l'eacbes, 12c lb; Dried Apples 5 and 8o lb. Cranberries, 10 j qt. Sour Krant 8o Qt, 2 q' 15o. Sweet Mixed Tickles 20o qt. Chow Cliow Pickle, 13o qt. In fact wo have everything tistiall kept In a first class Grocery Store. Oive n a call and i l imine PUj. our slock and get onr prices. . No trouble to show uotxU, njjj We guarantee satisfaction or refund jour money. Thank ruT ing my many Iriehd for past favor and trusting to receive p jour future business. I am very respt., O I D D A D ( C D ID Wholesale and 5 J. K. rAnlVLn, Jil., RetaUOrocer. 2 Thone 69. NOTICE! CAPITALIST nr BUSINESS MEN - m Dmlrlnj to local or ratabliali a bual ncas on the Hnutb til of Trent Elver, Bear lb termlons of the Mew Oounly Bridge, caa luak favorebl arrange meots by early application to i:. a. hill, Ant., For Owner. December lttb, 1HB7. ty Two applloitlont already on Die. NOTICE ! Having ancceeded the firm of CLAUK LUMBEtt COMPANY in the business heretofore ciiluutcd and operated by them, tbe umlrr signed will continue said bunini'M under tho Arm name ot Tho DUcca Lumbar Compa'iy. All debts due the Clark I, urn'. it Company mint be paid to u, nn I u!l diibl dua liy the (Inn i!l I - i I by u. I5LADKS I.Ull! '. : CATIIADTII CUntCOliSTirATIQU-x f ALL DRUGGISTS 1 t'.t M . 1 1 1 T-.k - .. . I. nu.HNii .u., vi .via. v.f. Trade, With a Rush, o that mean a great saving. We are in prices. -if we know it. ' Dress Patterns for the Holidays. Will lie In great demand and we start the season's ball rolling by offering t,5( 0 yards of drers patterns at $1.98, $2 40, $1.00, $6.75, $9.0Q, $12 00 and up. Special Sale 150 yards imported nov. elly goods, been selling at 87jo, we offer this week at 25c the yard. Handkerchiefs, N;cV wear and Suspenders. All these make gilts that are appre ciated and our rr.ces make it possible for all to buy, c. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. P. 0. inono FOX IVIl G Print Ilutter. g 30c lb, S 77 Broad Street. 5 DOOOrVF Call and Examine ' our Beautitul and Varied Stock of v Christmas Novelties before making , your purchases. Mam's Pharmacy. See He For SHORT LOANS. Wheoever yoa have a paper joo want iliacounlm are ma and youOET TiliJ OAHII. no Mi.l.11 t , Nrw rr n i; just Rtczr:. A FEESa LINE OF Family Groceries. PAIVULL Corner ' lUllliliU Broad and sjfc PERRY, " Middle (Streets xraiw bernb, nr. a. Attention Ladios We have jnat received another Ltrge an'l llcautiful Line of Cut Glass, UavilaiidV China. Bniiquet Lamps. ' - When you are looking for Xmas Presents it will pay ynu to call and examine our stook before buying. ;, L H. Cutler Hardware Co. Willenbrlnk'H Restourant, Only Cp-to-Date Restaurant in the City. - '' For Ladies . and Gentlemen. ISO ICfDDLISTBZIT, New Ucrar, N. C. r ' Regular fleals, At all Hours, 25 Cents. H. WILLEN BRINK, Trop Formerly Chef, Hold Chattawka. 'This Little Pig - Went te the Market, ' . This littlf' pl alnycd at home," but the finest little, pies and hi phrs Unit their way into thh market in the shnpe of delicious rauaagea that are ap petizing these cold morning, with your buckwheat cakes and in pig feet, tripe, sweet hums and bacon, choice loini. aod ahoulders of pork for maiHinir. and ling products irenerally. At JOHN WAR REN'S. North wen Corner . of South Front Street.,' ,,- Braunwcliweiger SaJIuin me, . Ture Lliuid Extract of Malt. A Food Medicine. lMUI E 10 CTS ' AT - 127 MIDDLE STREET." liipan's Tabules, S Cenls. 8-Yo Italian Mints. 5 Cent. Csndy Caacarets, 1U Centa. Physicians Prescription '- a 5peclalty. Two Hundred Years Ago A o t hat wasn't alwnyi new, II' nf Canadian Uan r ari l In lit lloclielle, and wlun woru out bv the French thev lira rriiiniln!!. ! . gummed and burdened fur the In mu- : mi .. I lartl. IT lion Knatn nnt H,. . with lhembe tit kerod them up i r Brssil, and Krasil In turn pal.. ! them off on tha lurklata i,.i,.,i..i of Motsmbique, Nowsdsjs, when yon buy hi hstyou net a new hat. It V i ! it here vou sot tho lat( t I ! t most approved c ilor, an 1 t; beat make. You are nun if latest stylo, and you don't 1 psy moch. We have line of !!,.! , f 13.00 anj run suit Ton i Cull and ciMiiintj (, r

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