VOL. XVI NO, 163. NEW BERNE, N. C , WEDNESDAY MOUSING, DECEMBER 15, 1897 ESTABLISHED 1882 EIBBIB We have bottled and canned to the Queen's taste in our Choice Stock of Food Supplies. All New Goods ' AND OF ...Very Finest Quality. We guarantee every dollar's worth : ot goods that leave our stores and ' will cheerfully refund the money, if Quality and Prices do not compare with any house in the City. We just wish to tell you, that Our Stock oi ; Cannot be m e Happy Cupid Shower Xnu tilfU' Alway on hit victims la the shape of sweet and choice confectionery. No mutter what else you present to your sweetheart, wifo or children at Christ mas, a box of tine confectionery must accompany it. Viiletirle festivities, with the Christmas stocking Ip All, and the tree to decorate, is always associated with plenty of our choice chocolates, Don bom and nut candies. ' ,f . J. MeSorley A Co. THE OLD REI.IA.DIiE J. D. DINKINS, . . HAS OPENED A FIRST CLASS, Wholesale Place, At 54 Middle Street, Next to the Old Blue Stor, THE MOST COMPLETE STOHK EVEIt BUOUQIIT TO THE CITY. Pure Old Baker Kye, . Echo Sriojf llye, Silver Brook Rye. Sur A Hye, Pure Old Rose Valley Rye. Pure OM N. U. Corn, N. C. Apple ltrandy. I'uhcU Brandy, ()iitt;'. 1. 1 nek berry, r;u ppcrnong ami 1 ort inns. Excelled. WE IIOAST OF THE III NEVER MORE WORTHY THAN NOW.. We Give Bargains That Have No Precedent. LISTEN TO -THE FACTS, ALL 0U ECONOMICALLY IN , . CLIN ED PEOPLE, It i because we mil tho greatest falue that we telt the greatest quan tity; and it i became we buy in largo quantities that we Can under sell all other stores. J a st glance over our mannlllcen stock and gee If we do out nave you money on every Item. Why is it that we are the leading exponent in high-class merchandise? Because our assortments are big ger and fresher. - llt-cutise our prices are lower. Because we protect our patrons by the guaranty, "The Best." , III! EI'S. Gas!) Stcro, lo rolloc': Ct., C. Great lues tit nro Wfl MP II U UliUll ITS WORK BEGUN. of State Treasurer and Auditor. Th teres are Busy. Alliance Sboe Factory Commences Work. Go to Work for S. A. L. Want no Fusion. An Interest ing Case. Journal Bureau. I Raleigh. N. C, Dec. 14. ( The committee whicii was appointed by the legislature to examine the books of the State Treasurer and Auditor, be' gan its work today. The committee is composed o( two Senators, a Republican and a Populist, and three members of House of Representatives, a Democrat, Republican and a Populist. This Is their first annual meeting as they were ap pointed for two years by the last legisla ture. It will take them four or fire days to complete the work. There was an unusual amount of thieving hero in the stores on Saturday night. Many places of business were re lieved nf numerous small articles. There seems to be little doubt but what Col. Thomas M, Argo of this city is slated for the District Attorneyship. Col. Argo is a tine lawyer, mid will be acceptable to the people, . The State Board of Agriculture met here today and the-report ot tlio officers of the Agricultural Department for the past tlx mouths was submitted for exam inalion. A negro who in August 1893 shot and instantly killed his sweetheart because she would not marry him, then escaped has been arrested in Baltimore, and re quisition papers hare g me on for his re turn here. Eugenia Blair, who was booked to ap pear here last night in Ingomar could not do so us some ot her troupe was sick. It was a disappointment as Rohcrt Downing her leading man is a great favorite here. The Alliance Shoe Factory nt llillsboro has at lust Btarted operating. The present capacity is SO pairs of shoes daily but this will be increased as it is deemed neces sary. There is a possibility that the Supreme court may hand down its opinion in the R. R. commission case this afternoon The Baptists at their convention last week at Oxford raised nearly $.1,000 for the Baptist Female University. This was a generous amount, and Raleigh men gave about $1,600 of that amount. Mr. N. T. Cobb who has been in Col. A. B. Andrew's office here goes tomor row to Charlotte, having accepted a bel ter position witli the Seaboard Air Line. Mr. John West who was in the Southern R, R, Freight offices hero has also ac c -pled a position with the 8. A. L. alnny of the prisoners in Wake county jail will now be removed; some set at liberty and others carried back to the different counties to await the next term ot court. Mr. William H. High, ex-sheriff of this county, is critically ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. V. C. Royster. The County Commissioners examined the books of Wake county's sheriff. Their report .was that the sheriff J bad collected on the tar list the sum of A suitable vessel or barge for about GO days from February 15tb next, toanchor at month ot Pasqno tauk River in North Carolina to re ceive flh for thii Company's passing steamer;, ' Apply to undersigned, stating di mansions and terms of charter. M. E. KING, Oec. Manager, Nfk, & So. R R. Co., Norfolk, Va Christmas .t th. Book Store Your Presents have come, Call and get 'em, Any and Everything in the way oi a -Christmas Gift. Selections 3 the Choicest. - G. N. Ennctt SUIIE CROUP CURE. When your baby whoops In mid. dlo of night Croup la impending give the child a doM nf Anwar's Cuottr Syrup and th little fellow is well aud laughing in Ave minutes, HKtiAHKAnLB and harmtou, but true, or we will refund the money, Sta. AT Cradham'i Ri!ll,!e Druj 5 tore. $02,000,29, being a little more than half of the taxes charged up to the sheriff. These taxes are as follows: . State, $115, 343.24; county, $17,870,19; school, $17,. 838,13; graded school, $7,832,99; Raleigh road district, $3,421,74. Most of the taxes due are by City people. 8heriff Jones is making a very efficient and acceptable officer. At the next term of the Supreme court will hear argument in the appeal taken by the S. A. L. against the It. R. Com mission's rate on cotton. The Populists are saying pretty gener ally that they do not want any more fusion with the Republicans. Slate Librarian Oobb sticks to bis assertion that there will be 60,000 votes cast if there are no "side issues." He says his party will have recruits from both the Republicans and Democrats. Of course he is "talking through his hat." Messrs. Scott, Blackstone and Petti- grove of the Massachusetts prison reform association are here. They have visited the Qeorgia convict camps and do not liko the system. They will visit the N C. convict farms and penitentiary. Judge Purnell tried 110 criminal cases. There were 25 persons sent to jail, 7 to the penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio, and to the reformatory at Washington. The case of Rhyne vs Roberts before the Supreme court involving the constitu- i nullity of the act of the last Legislature which confers civil jurisdiction on a judge of the criminal circuit court, is of much interest. This net gives Judge wart civil power. Before the Chamber of Commerce which meets this evening, Mr. It. C, Strong, chairman of the Insurance Coin mittee, will read u paper on insurance which lie has prepared at tie request of the Chamber, He has been interesting himself in securing lower insurance rates for this city. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Weekly Opinion riled hi Hie MIMe Capital. Special to Journal. ItAi.Kiuil, Dec. 14. The Supreme court files the following opinions: State vs Case, from Transylvania, af firmed. Garrison vs Beaukenship, from Burke, affirmed. James vs Withers, from Stokes, af firmed. Yarborough vs Mills, from Moore, nf firmed. State vs Jenkins, from Caldwell, af firmed. Commissioner of McDowell vs Com- sioners of Forsyth, reversed. Shoof vs Frost, from Davie, affirmed. Puryear vs Lynch, from Yadkin, af firmed. Presnell vs Garrison, from Burke, new trial. Mfg, Co, vs Railroad, from McDowell, affirmed. Cecil vs Henderson, from Davie, af firmed. Cowles vs Cowles, from Alexander, affirmed, Stato vs Groves, from Gaston, affirmed. Alspaugh vs Insurance Co., from Alexander, affirmed. Smith vs Goldsboro, reversed. Biwman vs Quick, from Union, af firmed. Bevain vs Ellis, from Franklin, new trial. Coley vs Sfatesville, affirmed. Caldwell vs Mfg. Co., from Burke, affirmed. i-oal.laaa I. jar blag. Special to Journal. New Oblianh, La., December 14. A train coming to litis city, carrying six negroes charged with murder, waB stop ped by masked men this morning. Three of the negroes were lynched, and the other three nearly whipped to death. NATIONAL FISHINQ CONOEESS, Diaaia 4 : ! Aiic.e est HMaloa. Special to Journal. Ii. Rauuoh. N. C December 14 Gov ernor Russell appoints as delegates to the National Fishery Congress, which meets on January 19th at Tampa, Florida, W R. Capehart, George N. Ives and V. H. Smith. . Trial DtM.aa.. Special to Journal. WASmsOToN, D. C, December 14. It Is rumored here that the trial of Gen eral Wcyler, the Spanish General, is de manded at Madrid. Mat Tata twit., Special to Journal. WAinisoTOH, D. C, December 14 No change of tho Dlngley tariff bill is to be made during this session of Congress, TBI MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfleld A Co. Oommiatloa Brokers. Nfw York, December 14, . , STOCKS. . Open. High. Low. Close Peoples Gas., C. B.4Q. ... .. 97( ?i 0 96 . WH 9 98 9j COTTON. Open. nigh. Low. Close 'January.. . .7l S.7S 5.70 5.71 CHICAGO MARKETS. Whsat Open. High. Low. Close My..T 91: 911 OOf 90 Coin- May.; Sfl) 98 98( 28J notion Sale 65,000 Bales. . UAtaMXlXaX. lit GOVERNOR'S Dtl. Where J. ft Meitae and J. P.. Smith Ckaue Commissioner of Agriculture Mew borne Said to bo Abler Than Smith. A Schemn to Protect and Keep Both iu Office. Special to Journal. Raleigh. Dec. 14. Great surprise is expressed here this eveDing, nt the news that James M. Mewhornc has resigned as Commissioner of Agriculture, resigna tion to take effect Dec. 31st, and that the Board of Agriculture has accepted his resignation. This was done at a late hour, and it is the result of a deal by which Mewborne becomes superintendent of the peniten tiary, vice John R. Smith, and the latter is elected to succeed Mewborne as Agricultural Commissioner. The reason given for this step' is, that Mewborne is considered a far more able manager than Smith. This remarkable deal is engineered by Governor Russell. The penitentiary hoard will meet in a few days to elect Mewborne Superinten dent of the penitentiary HAD SUSPECTED SAN-iTJILLY. llltt Alleg-eil Acllou No NnrrtNf lo rnban Leaders. Peace comnil. sloucra Neul Out by Uenernl Blfuico Nuppo.ea lo Have Been Ilauiced by ihe Iunurgenifl. Havana, December 13 It is announced semi-ollicially that General Julio San. tuilly, the insurgent leader, lias written to Marshal Blanco offering him his ser vie'es unconditionally. A dispatch recently received here from Madrid says that the autonomic cabinet for Cuba will not be formed until the re formists ami autonomists (mile in one party, and it is added that the reformist deputy, Amblard, who is now in Madrid will, on his arrival in New York, offer to Manuel Rafael Angnlo, a member nf the Cuban revolutionary junta, a portfolio in the new autonomic cabinet, in order to nducc him to return to Cuba. New Yoke, December 13 At the Cuban junta headquarters and from other sources here it was learned that Sanguilly's loyalty to Ihe Cuban cause had been under suspicion for some time and that his reported action in offering his services unconditionally to General Blanco was by no means a surprise. Delegate Tonias Estrada Pal ma said that he could hardly believe thut Sanguilly had capitulated, but that he did not at tach much importance to the report, even If true. General hanguilly was in New York until about a week ngo. It was said at the junta that Senor Anirulo. referred to in the dispatch, was not a member of that body, which con sists of only four members. lienor Angulo. according to the same authority, is a Cuban lawyer and man of letlerr who is one of the editors of a journal called Cuba, published in this city. This paper has been published in Spanish for the last three weeks. Today it appears n English, It is directed by Senor Es- covar, formerly oi La uiscusion, in Havana, and advocates the acceptance of the autonomy offers. It has no con nection with the junta. THE GREAT HOXLEY What Huxley, Ihe Urrat KnallHh Melcnllat. lonKtrred Ihe Mral Hlnrl a Lire. The great English scientist, Huxley said the best start in life is a sound stomach. Weak stomachs fail to digest food properly because they lack the propel quantity of digestive ncids (lac tic and hydrochloric; and peplogenic products; the most sensiblo remedy all cases of indigestion, is to take afte each meal one or two of Stuart's Dys. pepsla Tablets because they supply in pleasant harmless form all the elements that weak stomachs lack. The regular use of Stuart's Dyipepsi Tablet will cure every form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. They Increase flush, Insure pure blood strong nerves, a bright eye and clear complexion, because all these result only from wholesome food well digested. Nearly all druggists tell Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets at SO cent full sited package. Scad for Free book on Stomach Troub les to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Jusrr try a lOo Dux of Cascarets, the fin est liver ar 1 bowel regulator ver mad Truck PEAS ! PEAS ! PEAS ! AND - j Beans I Beans I Beans! The earliest of Extra, Early Teaa, tod Improved Valentine's and Rust Proof Wax Beaoi. Potatoes to arm. Are You Come I Corns I Coming I J. F; CLARK, Rrlck Store, Near Market Dock. IF YOU WANT STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Frewls from the Dairy Yon can finil it at HcDaniel & Gaskill's, 71 Bread Street. ALSO ONE OF TIIK LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF Staple and Fancy Groceries To be found in this city. We invito you to call and examine for yourself. It is no trouble for us to show goods. You can buy a 3 lb. can of Ciood Yellow Table Peaclies from us for only 10 cents: McDaniel 4 Mdll, 1 LA. 71 Broad St., NEW BERNE, IU. C. FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING UP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, With desirable occupants and owners, I now make for a limited time Hie following advantageous proposal : LOTS ! ONLY $250.00. BALANCE Everv man of moderate nie:in, tuny own a li'iino. liny a Iviine and When the first payment is made, 1 will give you a guarantee to make on a deed for tho lot when all payments on same arc made, "a pass book or weekly payments." Safer than a siring bank, and When the lot is paid for, I will (your choice of plan) to bo paid for iu ut little more than vou would pav .000, will cost in monthly payments, and lot is yours. If yon war.t a smaller cottage, payments will be At the end of desirable locality, increasing in value every day. Full information, maps, etc., call on A. M. BAKER. AKenl. .17 nllorU Ml reel i Your Doctor t m) ' Fights Disease with medicine. If the med'eiue is not riht be can not compter disease. If the druggist does his duty the medicine will be right, and your doctor will stand a fair chance of winning the vic tory. You ran help your doetor bv having your prescription lilled at Bradham's Reliable Drug Store- Pig Fori Veal, And our STALL-FED BEEF is always up to the standard. All Pork, aiixed and Bologna Sausage. Dressed Poultry. AT- Sam'l Cohn St Son's 88 Middle Nt. Phone 46. Plenty of Turkeys for tho Thanksgiving II 73 MIDDLE ST., NEW BERNE, - N. 0. Has an Entire New Stock of ...HARDWARE. Cook Stoves, Wilson's Air-Tight Heaters. Ask tor Masuby's Mixed Paints, the best paint in the world. All Goods Guaranteed u Repre sented or Money .Refunded. Ml U1MIU1 BPa Bf 101 1WLI fW U I mJHMi 15 1 Wholesale & Retail Grocers, i Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. All lots to bo connected with complete Sewerage Sy-'tem $5 CASH DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK, iirnl every man working on a salary, pay for it in installments, far more proutable. build you a MODERN COTTAGE. monthly installments. Payments rent, ror example, a cottage costing 350, for T years, and the house say to cost 91,201). Ihe monthly . yer.ra you own a nouse ana lot in WILLIAM DlTJOr. NOTICE ! I Any information concerning a small sway back bay mare and one top buggy with black body aud yel low running gear, will be thank fully received by SCOTT & CO., New Heme, N. C. The same has been out of our Stablos since Nov. 17th, aud was hired to a white man. See He For- SHORT LOANS. Whenever you have a paper you want discounted see me and you GET TtlE CASH. ISAAC II. SMITH, 130 Middle St., NEW BERNE, N. U. WE HAVE" Just Received A FULL LINE OF Bear Traps, Otter Traps, Fox Traps, Mink Traps, Kat Traps, Hawk Traps, Mouse Traps, Musk-rat Traps, And a Full Stock of . . Hardware. Price will be made to suit FIVE-CENT COTTON. Yours Truly, J. C. Wliltty A Co. Looking For Me I I have moved back to my old BUnd, 97 Middle Street, where you oaa And the Beat Selected Block In the City of Watchecs - Jewelry and Sliver Notions, OF EVERY KIND. Particular Care Taken to do all Work First Clan. W. warrant our Work. SAM. K. EATON, ' VI Middle St., Oppo.lt Baptist Church,

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