VOL. XVI NO. 160. NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1897 ESTABLISHED llifl'i BUS We have bottled and canned to the Queen's taste in our it Choice Stock of Food Supplies. All New Goods AND OF ...Very Finest Quality. We guarantee every dollar's worth ot goods that leave our stores and will cheerfully; refund the money, if duality and Prices dOnot compare with any house in the City. We just wish to tell you, that Our Stock ot FMiV Cannot be n j m 1 cSgIcIi! IVTUUU J. Illllg fc for Xmas ! We open oar doors to the Holiday Trade with the determination lo mako this The Best Christmas Up to Date. Are jou coming in for your share. ' OUR TERMS ARB CASH, but oar prices are so low that oar competitor do Dot attempt to compete. For a Little Money yon' can make your ditoner table groan under the weight of Uood Thing. The very best of everything that should be found in a First Class eTiOCEf,r sTocii. JOHN DUNN, Cash Grocer, 53 POLLOCK STKEET. u Pi i of: O ri Received Also a fresh lot of Bhafer'e Small Pig Hams and Break fast 8trlpf . We also have a aloe lot of Bananas, Lemons, Florida and California Oranges, Mixed Nuts, Candy, Coca nuts, etc . We also have fall and complete line of Choice Family Groceries, Try our 3 and 8o Flour and the Fox River Print Dutter at 30o lb. has no equal. Our 23o Routed Coffee has bo equal. Oive as a call and gat oar prices. W't guarantee satisfaction or refund yoar money. Very Respectfully, n J. R. PARKER, TM, X i. cr.o CO. DUES Excelled. urn's i - A fresh lot of O those LA ROB HAMS ' That we Cot! JR., Wholesale and . Retail Grocer. 77 Broad Street iijiciii n nun Advertisement lij Sensitive "Ei perts" in Exposition Car. A Satisfactory Appointment. Asso elation of Academies. Officers Raleigh Academy of Medi cine. No Room at Sol diers Home. Journal Bureau. 1 Raleigh, N. C , Dec. 17. The announcement from Washington City, of the reappointment of Judge Thos. C. Fuller, of this city in the bench of the land claims Court was gladly re ceived. The same telegram gave the ap pointment of Henry 0. Dockery as IT. S. Marshal of this district to succeed Mar shal 0. J.. Carroll. It was noted a short time ago that a Mrs. P. F. Chase of New Hampshire had the Hug of the 4th' N. C. Regiment, and wanted to return it to survivors of that regiment. It is now proposed to have tier come to Charlotte on May 20th next and present the flag herself to the survivors of that regiment. The members of the Agricultural Board at lirst expressed themselves as much pleased with the "Rolling Exoosi tinn Oar," but afterwards part of them, headed by J. W. Bailey, concluded they would make n kick, because a whiskey house had paid for a prominent adverti ng space and used it. If the State is not a big whiskey manufacturing place, then why is the U. S. Court so crowded with whiskey catm. The majority of the board did not sustain the fanatical pro position to require the whiskey ad to be removed. Some people are too narrow minded to be countenanced. The report of the Labor Commissioner as regards the tobacco industry in the State is very full. Col. Jno. 8. Cunning. ham, of Person county, who is the largest tobacco planter in the world contributes much information. The association of academies will meet here Dec. 28-211. This association is one of the principals and teachers of private sit it i: 6 CROUP I CURE. L When your baby whoops in mid- dlo of night Croup is impending L give the child a dose of ANw&Y's Croup SYRl'P and the little fellow swell and laughing in five minutes, Khmarkahi.e and harmless, but true, or we will refund the money, 2nc. AT 00000000 f IRE NORTH CAROLINA MALT WHISKEY, recommended bv lead ing physicians for medicinal purposes. sold only at JT. F. Taylor. 1 Y TABLF. WINES cannot be equalled in this city. Imported Sherries, lirandics, and Wines ot all kinds, the finest brands. J. F. Taylor. oocooooo F OR LIOUORS of every kind, the Palace Saloon is the cheapest place. Only the Best Goods Sold and the Best Is the Cheapest. J. F. Taylor. CCOOCCOO THE OLD RELIABLE J. D. DINKINS, HAS OPENED A FIRST CLASS At 54 Middle Street, Next to the Old Blue Store. THE MOST COMPUTE STUCK EVER BROUGHT TO THE CITY. Pare Old Baker Eye, Echo Spring Kye, " 8ilr Brook Bye, Star A Rye, Pure Old Kose Valley Rye, Pure Old JN. U. corn, N. 0. Apple Brandy, Peach Brandy, Orange. Blackberry, Souppernong and 1'ort Wines. Case Goods ofill kinds. My Motto is Q.iisk Sales, Smilt Profit!. W Bradham's 5 J Reliable Drue Store. Z Wholesale Place Citrars&Tobacco schools all over the State. This is their first annual meeting. Mr. Hugh Mason, principal of the Iialeigh Male Academy is president of the association. The ' Raleigh Academy of Medicine elected officers for the following year as follows: President, Dr. A. W. Knox, Vice President, Dr. J. R. Rogers, Sec'y., Dr. Hubert Royster and Treasurer, Dr. A. W. Goodwin, Board of Censors, Dr. K. P. Battle, Dr. F. J. Haywood, and Dr. W. I. Royster. The Register of Deeds has no dearth of marriage notices to report. Yeslerday he issued seven. There are 100 applications on file for admission to the Soldiers' Home, but there is no room at present. Ex-Judge Avery and Mr. Robert Strong have formed a partnership to practice law here. The Governor has appointed Mr. Dan iel C. Champlain of Buncombe county a notary public. Rev. James Battle Avirett who deliv ered his address "Plantation Life Before the War" in New Berne last night will deliver the same address here in January. The executive committee of the Epis copal mission work in this diocese met here yesterday, Bishop Cheshire, Revs. Murdock, Smith, Ingle and Wincrofl, and Messrs. C. M, Busbee, John Wilkes, K. H. Dattle and W. L. London were present. Only routine business was transacted. The Agricultural Board is still in ses sion and today visited the herd of cattle at the A. & M. college that is infected with tuberculosis. The board meets twice a year. This year it met during the rair so as to see the Fair and cost the State $800. Some propose to meet every 60 days, but others say they will defeat this eveu if they have to leave and break a quoium. That they have dragged out the work for the per diem is visible lo any one who cares to sec. A penitentiary guard says that one of the wardens let two convicts escape on condition that they go to a house he owned and paint it. Rev. Dr. Cunninggin, a well known Methodist minister is dangerously sick at Greensboro. Ex-Judirc Spier n lntaker stands no chance whatever of getting the V, S. District attorneyship. Chairman Wilson of the I!. U. commis sion has written a letter to the S. A. I suving Hie commission never intended any change as to the freight rate on cot ton on the C. C. R. If. The debt of the rnnrl ia lnt-iru hilt rinea not. ttiinlf tlip npn- pic along the line should for that reason be forced to pay a higher rate. TERRIBLE DEED. Wllllnlll TerrlM. I be ttrrnt F.nfllh Actor. Murlireit. LONDON, December 16 William Ter- riss, the well know actor, was assassinat ed tonight, being stabbed with a knife as he was entering the stage door of the Adelphi Theater. The murderer rushed at the actor as he was stepping across Site pavement from his cab and stubbed him just below the heart. As the actor fell his murderer was seized by people, who were outside the theater. The wounded man was carried into the theatre and doctors were called from the Charing Cross Hospital but Tcrriss expired in fifteen minutes. The murderer was taken to Bow street police station, followed by an angry crowd. His name was given as Archer. It is said that he had Deen a "super; ut the Adelphi Theater several years ago and for tome days past lie has haunted the theater. Homlnntlon or t"rl uunran Special to Journal. Washington, Dec, 17. The President today sent to the Senate the name of Carl Duncan, for Collector of the Eastern District of North Carolina, to succeed F. M. Simmons. AlptaMU nde Uel Paris, Dec. 16. Alphonse Daudet, the novelist and literateur, is dead. Mr. Daudet expired at 8 o'clock to night, lie was dining with his family, and was in excellent spirits, when he was seized with a sudden syncope. Phy sicians were .summoned, but he died al most Immediately. TBI MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish' ed by W. A. Portcrfield & Co. Commission Brokers. Nkw YoBK, December 17 STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close Peoples Oat ... 85 83) 94 951 C.B.4Q. 08 88 86 981 COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close January S.06 S.67 6.60 5.67 CHICAGO MARKETS. Whsat Open. High. Low, Close May 91 93r 91 91) Corn May 201 2l Cotton Bales 78,000 Bales. lamsthUf ie biw. It my b north somelhlntf tt know ttisl lbs wry best aisdloine lor restoring IIhi tired oat nervous system to a health) vigor Is Elsotrio Bitter. This ned Ictus ia Durely vegetable, acts by ilviair tone to the nerve centres In the stomsob, gsot ly itlm'il.Uj the Liver and Kldoejs, and id ths orttsns la throwing off lm pa. titles to the blon-i. Klectrm Bitters im pmves lh appetite, al'is digestion, sod is pronnu.iewl by those who hv tried it s the vety best blow! purifltr and nerve look). Try it, sold for 90o or It. (0 per botUs st F. B, PufTj's Drag mors. HOT BUSINESS LIKE. Department Clerks Do Not Give Fill Value in Work. The Democratic Cnucns Declarations Against Greenbacks Retiring. Direct Election of Senators. Pressure on the President to Retreat. JOl'KNAL BnilEAU, Washington, 1). C. Dec. 17. j Every year when the Legislative, Executive and Judicial appropriation bill is before Congress there is more or less talk about the need of reform in tin pay and control of the department cm oloves in Washington. Hub tune, in addition to talking, the bill puts some restrictions upon the employes, particu larly as to sick leave, which everybody in Washington knows has been abused awfully. Some day a Congress will come along with the nerve lo properly handle this business, and put it on the footing of any other great corporation. It is notorious that at least nine-tenths of the employes of the government aie paid more much more than is paid for the same class of work in private estab lishments; the other tenth, whose duties require special knowledge, experience and expertness, are paid less Hum private establishments pay for the same class of work. Representative Bingham staled ou the floor of the House that members of the Approprlati'm committer, includ ing himself, believe that more than a million dollars a year could be saved by making the salaries lit the work done in the departments, and these gentlemen are unquestionably right. The house Democratic caucus came out strong against the retirement of the greenbacks and any extension of national banking privileges or reductions of their taxes, and for the recognition of Cuban belligerency and a " just and wise-' bank ruptcy law, but it did not say a word about Hawaii, although it had been pre viously announced that the caucus would declare against annexation. A resolu tion against annexation could easily have beeu put through the caucus by a major ity vote, but us a number of influential Democrats annouueed their intention to bolt the caucus if It was done, it was decided to ignore Hawaii en tirely. The House conimitte on election of President, Vice-President aud Represen tatives in Congress has made a favorable report ou the joint resolution proposing to amend the Constitution so as lo have Senators elected by direct vole; also on a bill allowing electoral returns lo be for warded to Washington by express o registered mail, Instead ot by messengers only as the law now prescribes. No mat ter what the House may do, the Senate is not yet ready to consent to the direct election ot Senators. It is doubtful whether the sentiment in favor of the direct election of Senators is as strong in lliat body now as it was a few years ago. It is said that Senator Hnnna has d dared to the President that he will not be responsible for the President's .politi cal future if the last Civil Service Cleve land order is not rescinded. This indi cates the importance which the ltcpiihli can leaders attach to the present situa tion. The President has not yet said what course he will puisue. Republican Senators who are interested in the matter say that the 4.",000 olliccs will be soon made available for good and faithful lie publicans. CASTORIA 'or Infants and Children. n tit- it m StfUtBTf Si Truck ! PEAS ! PEAS AND- PEAS Beans! Beans! Beans! The earliest of Extra Early Teas, nd improved ler.tioe and Rust Proof Wax Beans. Potatoes to arrive. Are You Cornel Come I Coming I J. F; CL, UtK, Brick Store, Near Market Dock. NOTICE! CAP1TAL.ST or BUSINESS MEN Desiring to locate or establish a busi ness on the Boutb side of Trent River, near the termlnns of the Mew County Bridge, can make favorable arrange ments by early application .to E. O. IIIIsL, AKt., - ' For Owaer. December lltb, 1807. nTTwo applications already on file. o IF YOU WANT STItTTV FIRST-CL.ASS Fresh from the Dairy enn find it at HcDaniel & Gaskill's, 71 Broad Street ALSO ONE OF THE L AUG EST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF Staple and Fancy Groceries To be found in this city. Wo invite you to call anil examine for yourself. It is no trouble for us to show goods. Von can buy a 3 lb. can of Peaches from us for only 10 cents: McDaniel & Mi 71 Broad St., KTEW BERNE, Iff. C. VJULULUJLOJIJULUJL FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING UP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, With desirable occupants and owners, I now make for a limited time the following advantageous proposal : LOTS ! ONLY $250.00. BALANCE $1.00 A WEEK. Every man of moderate inean., and every man working on a salary, lay own a home. Buy a home and pav for it in installments, When ; tit: lirst payment is made, 1 will give voti a guarantee to make on a deed for the lot. when all payments on same arc made, "a pass book for weekly payments. Saf'-r than a saving bank, and When the lot is paid for, I will (your choice of plan) to be paid for in monthly installment). Payments tint little more than i would pay rent For example, a cottage costing '.',I0(, will cost in monthly payments, for T years, and the house mil lot is yours. If you want a smaller cottage, MivtneniH will be $1S At the end a desirable locality, increasing in value Full information, maps, etc., call A. Jl. BAHKIt. Airnt. I Your Doctor i Fights Disease with medicine. If the medicine is not riht lie can nol coinpier disease. If the druirgist does his duty the medicine Kill be right", and your doctor will stand a fair chance of winning the vic tory. You can help your doctor bv having yoiirjjprcscription tiilcd at ; Bradham's i !; i' r Reliable Drug Store- "! i if i Looking For Me ! I have moved buck to my old Stand. 1)7 Middle Street, where you can linil the llest Selected Stock ill the City of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Notions, OF EVERY KIND. Particular Care Taken to do all Work First Class. We warrant our Work. Hll. K. E1TOX, 97 Middle St., OppositeBaptisl Church, NEW BERNE, Has an Entire New Stock of . . . HARDWARE. Cook Stoves, Wilson's Air-Tight Heaters. Ask for Mahi bt's Mixed Paixts, the beet paint in the world. All Goods Guaranteed as Repre sented or Money Refunded. HUGE MB, 73 iiiili: st., N. C. 3 You (iood Yellow Table Wholesale V Retail Grocers, 1 Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. All lots to bo connected with complete Sewerage System $5 CASH DOWN. far more profitable. build you a MODERN COTTAGE. say to co-it 81.'-!00. The monthly of T y",ra you own a house and lot in every (lav. on IV .T. lallTW Clerkships Wanted ! BY BOYS OF EXPERIENCE. Two buys, 15 ami IK years of age, de sire a clerkship in some mercantile bouse. One and four years experience as salesmen in houses carrying mixed stocks, lloth are good salesmen. One now employed in Norfolk, Va. Apply at THIS OFFICE. References, the best. A Most Acceptable Christmas (lift To a man that is culti-ated in bis tastes, or fastidious in his apparel, would be an order on us for a handsome suit of clothing We can give you a style and lit that would be impossible to buy ready made, and our fabrics are from the latest Imported novelties, neat and hand some. F. n. CHADWICK, Merchant Tailor, 101 Middle Street. See He For- SHORT LOANS. Whenever you have a paper you want discounted see me and you GET THE OA8H. ISAAC II. SMITH, 190 Middle Hi., NEW BERNE, N. U. A suitable vessel or barge for about CO days from February IStb, next, to anohor at mouth of Potn.no tank River in North Carolina to re ceive flh for thit Company's passing steamers. ' Apply to nndorsigned, stating di mensions and terms of charter. M. K. KING, Geo. Manager, N(k, & So. R. R. Co., Norfolk, Va.

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