VOL. XVI-NO . 172. NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1897 ESTABLISHED lltltt Santa Clans Is Already Making Tracks For Our Stores, WHERE HE KNOWS He will find a stock of Shoes for Ladies wear, that are Things of Beauty for Xmas presents. dg ";':. . And also the Ladies' Favorite Giftto lier male friends of HANDSOME HOLIDAY SLIPPERS that make acoeptable gifts, for Little Money. THE CHRISTMAS RUSH ! OF HOLIDAY BUYERS is upon u now and we 1 can't weigt out Dried Fruits, Nats, Candies, &c, ftiH enough. We are working for all we are worth to promptly fill orders. From on- Stock of FANCY GROCERIES von can prepare a dinner for a Gourmet. U H 1 i0 5 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Good Things for Xmas ! We open onr doors to the Holiday Trade with the determiim'ioi: to make this . The Best Christmas Up to Date. Are you coming in for your share. OUR TERMS ARE CASH, but onr prices are so low that our competitors do not attempt to compete . For a Little Monoy you can make your dinner table groan under the weight of Good Thingi. .... The ery best of everything that should be found in a Firkt Class v qipCKiY STOCli. JOHN DUNN, Cash Grocer, AVWnODiHHiSOl o Just Received 11 o n n L3 I 'J Also fresh lot of Shafur't Small Pig Hams and Break , fast Stripr. AVe also have a nice lot of Bananas, Lemoos, Florida and California Oranges, Mixed Nuts, Candy, Coca nuts, etc 1 We also have a full and complete line of Choice Family Groceries, Try out 3 and So Flour and the Fox River Print Butter at U0o lb. has ho equal. Our So Roasted Ooffee has no equal. Give us a oall and get our prioos. We guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. Very Respectful) ' I H P p,fFR IR Whole.!, and is II. I . .li.tLll, Jll.s Retail Grocer. '1 i ( . 77 Uroad Ctrcrt. mum fcftL inonoi A frosh lot of those LARGE HAMS I That we Cut ! WILL EXHIBIT HERE. Tie Rollion Exposition Car the Fair! at Trying for a Pardon. Carl Duncan Likely to Take His Ofllce Next Month. Government Build ing I'nsaie. Mood Bank Deposits. Jouknai. Bureau. i Raleioii. N. C. Dec. 81. f Raleigh is surely coming to the front so far as the business house, decorating windows, goes. Many of them have win dows that would do credit to large cities. An effort is being made to secure a pardon for Riley l'ate the youug whtle lad who in Yancey county killed his com panion a lad 14 years old. Pate is weak minded and was under the influence of liquor when he commited the crime. The Supreme court sustained the decision of the lower court in the appeal. Sir. Hen dricks of Marshal is here with a strong petition for pardon. Collector Duncan's appointment was n it confirmed before Congress adjourned so he will not take charge of the ollice until nfler the midd.e of January, or probably the 1st of February. Dughi. the well known caterer here offered a handsome basket of fruit to any one who selected a name for his new Christmae wagon. There were 700 names sent in, and a committee of gentlemen decided on "The Ark" us one most ap propriate. Miss Lily Forrcll will get the basket. There are to be Christmas trees in pro fusion this year, both Sunday school trees and private trees. The merchants say flint the Christmas trade has not been as good as usual owing to the low price of cotton. Mr, John A. McDonald a former resi dent of Raleigh died near Ashcville, and his body was brought here today for burial. He is the father of Mr. C. C. Mc Donald, here. A government inspeetoi Mr. J. II. Deverenx has been here lookinir into the enndition of the Government Building here. He found it in a bad condition ami will so report it to the authorities at Washington. The weather todsy is' much warmer, but very wet and stormy. Tomorrow the 'Rolling Exposition Car 'Charlotte'" will start on its 5 year trip over the country. It Is by far hand somer nud more complete than the Cali fornia or Florida cat. It goes from here to Southern Pines first, then to different points iu the State, until in the early summer when it ill go off on its North ern trip. The car wili he in New Heme during the Fair in February. I'rofessor Lee had a class in hypnotism here last week and graduated 24. He charged them each (25. That amount and his SO cents admission tickets to the hall makes the humbug a rather pay ing business. Two physicians and a state official were among the number. It is said that if the civil service regu lations are regarded the new collector, Duncan, will have only rive appointment to give. Cobb of Elizabeth City, who was defeated by Duncan, is talking loud. .NO FAITH CURE ABCCT STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS. laUlamlioa Anyway. Whether Tea Hare ralih Ta-ni or Nal. All physicians agree that ihe element of faith has a great deal to do In the cure of disease. Firm belief and confidence in a family phys'clan or Hie same confidence and faiih in a patent medicine, have pro duced remarkable cures in all ages. . This is especially true iu , nervous troubles and no Held offers so prolific a harvest for the quack and charlatan, as the diseases arl.lng from' a weak or run down nervous system. Nevertheless, the most common of all diseases, Indigestion and stomach troubles, which in turn cause nervous diseases, heart troubles, consumption sod loss of flesh, requires something be sides faith to cur. Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not give you an appetite, will not Increase your flesh and strength, n jour nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do these things, because they are composed of the ele ments of digestion, they contain the juices, adds and peptone necessary to the digestion and assimilation of all wholesome food. Stuart's Dvinerjsla Tablets will dleest food If plsoed in a Jar or bottle in water heated to 9i degrees, and they will do It much mora effectively when taken into the stomach alter meals, whether you have faith tbat they will or will not. Tbey Invlgorsto the stomach, make pure blood and strong nerves, in the only way that nature can do It, and that is", from plenty of wholesome food well digested. It Is not what we eat, but what we digest that does os good. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by druggists at 50 ovnts for full siaed pack age. , Little book on cause and cur of stem sch troubles mailed free by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Bo says lie was offered half of the term of the Collectors!) I p, but refused, and that be also refused the position of Bank Examiner at a salary of (3,500, Yesterday Secretary Walton of the N. C. R. R. sent State Treasurer Worth (3,000,000 worth of shares of stock in the road. There were no shares of stock in the possession of the Treasurer before. J. M. Mewborno who will take charge of the penitentiary January 1st, left today to irs. e;t the convict farms on the Roanoke. There is opposition to so much farming by the State,, but if it is abandoned the State will have to pay the lease money for several years yet. The five banks here show a deposit of over $1,750,000. This leads the State. The Citizens Rank leads here having over $500,000. Many Masons will go to Ashcville to night so as to be present and participate with the Grand Lodge of the laying of the corner stone of the Vance monument tomorrow. Revenue Collector Simmons has had official notification that his successor has been appointed, and for him to prepare to vacate the office. The cotton in the burned steamer at Norfolk was owned by a Raleigh firm, and was ready for foreign shipment. In surance covered the loss. Work on the Baptist female Univer sity here is stopped until Spring. COURT DECISIONS. From Stale Nupreme C'ourl For The Week. Special to Journal. Rai.eioh, N. C. December 21st. The Supreme Court opinions were handed clown as follows on Tuesday after noon. Tobervs Clark and Vilino vs Lumber Company, from Swain. Motion to docket and dismiss allowed. Tames vs Uaihoad, two appeals, eided in favor of plaintiff. Broad foot vs Fayetleville. No rcr. Worth vs. Simmons, from Surry. De- Er- Af (irmed. State vs. Monroe, from I'nion. Af firmed. Ktate vs Trnvlor, from Union New trial. State vs Smarr, Irom Cleveland. Af tinned. Commissions of Stanley vs Snuggs, affrmed. (Jaither vs Steam Generator company, from Mcclenburg, affirmed. State vs Raliy, from Macon, affirmed. State vs Uibson, from Buncombe, no error. Cunningham vs Cunningham, from Transylvania, affirmed Laws vs Price, affirmed. FIRED ON OUR FL&O. The Turk Tnrn Their Cnanon on the ,1'nlted HiRienNhlp Bnncroli. Special to Journal. Nbw Yokk, December 21 The United States practice ship Bancroft was fired upon by Turkish gunners at Smyrna to day. The act was promptly discovered by the Turkish authorities, and an apology- was made and two Turkish officers were dismissed from the service. 1ml), IfHMUt ofery rrpn. NIm Herbert Kills Heraell'. Special to Journal. Washington, December 21 Miss Her bert, the handsome daughter of ex-Secre tary of the Navy, Herbert, committed suicide in this city today by jumping from a third story window. The cause of the rath act is attiributcd to melancholia brought on by an accident which affected the mind or the young lady. Special to Journal. Raleioh, Dec. SI. The State Treasury financial statement for the fiscal year ended November 30lli, shows the receipis (1,808,091, the disbursements (1,294,729. There is (102,810 of the general fund now in the Treasury. rireal Haasaa Cltjr. Special to Journal, Kansas City, Dec. 21. The auditor ium and theatre of Kansas City was burned today. The loss is estimated at half a million dollars. THS HiBUTI. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfield A Co. Commission Brokers. New York, December 21. STOCKS. Open, High. Low. Close .. 9ty , 86 06 m ,. wj 9 w m COTTON. Open. BIrd. Low. Close . 1.73 8.74 0,79 6.7S Peoples da C. R.AQ. Januery CniCAOO MARKETS. WhsaT Open. Ulgh. Low. Close May m ' Mt t 83 Cobs' " , ' May.......... W S0 M 20 ration Bales 05,000 Bale. DacUsa's Antes Sal Tua Baat BALva'ntbe world for Cuts Bruises. SorrS, Ulcer. 8alt Rheum, Fever Borre 'Tetter, Chapp.'d Hands, Clillbla:B, j Corns, and Vll okli Eruptions, and posit I Ivsly carts Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glvs perlwt sstlifsctlon or. mwey receded. Price 23 cents per hoi. ' l For rale by F, H. Dufly. TRIAL BY FIRE. Severe (Meal for lie da Civil Service Opposition to tho Rules is Wide spread. Minister to China Nom ination Was Nut Sent in. Closing Resolutions Pass ed iu the Senate. JoUHN.M. BL'KEAU. Wasihnotox. D. C Dec. 21.)" As a party man who has followed his party oftener than he has led it, Presi dent McKinley fiuds himself confronted with Borne hard party nuts, one at least of which must be cracked before Jan uary 5th, when Congress reassembles. This nut relates to the civil service, and consists of a plain proposition submitted to the President by somo of the leading Republican Senators and Representatives, which may be briefed as follows; Will you in the exercise of your unquestioned I authority, issue an ordei annulling all extensions of the civil service rules made by your predecessor, and thus save the party in Congress from the impending factional fight? There is not the slightest doubt that the Republicans in the ilouse postponed the debate on the civil service section of the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill until after the holiday recess solely for the purpose ot giving the President an opportunity to take such action as would make the de bate unnecessary. Notwithstanding Mr. McKinley's Hut- footed declaration in his annual message in favor of present civil service condi tions, many of his party expect him to do what has been as!;cil of him: they say that when he wrote Ids message, he did not realize the extent of Republican sentiment against the wholesale exten sions of the civil service rules made by Mr. Cleveland. Tho men who ask Mr. McKinley to do tins, told him that if hi' failed to do so, the light over civil ser vice among the Republicans in both branches of Congress would make it im passible for the party to win in the Con gressional election next Fall, and would probably result in the repeal of the entire civil service law, as the Democrats in caucus decided that they would vote solidly for repeal, but would not vote for uny bill proposing modifications which would only result in replacing Democrats now in office, with Republicans. Senators Teller and Wolcott led such vigorous tight on t lie nomination of Charles Page Bryan to be Minister China, that his nomination, altliouirh made out, was not sent to the Senate Exactly why the Colorado Senators made this fight is uncertain: they say that Bryan has neither the judgment nor the experience to till such an important posi tion. Brvnn'a nomination is credited to Illinois, but Senators Cullom and Mason, while not opposing him, are not doing anything to help him. Just before the Senate adjourned for the Christmas recess, the following reso lutions were adopted: One by Senator Cullom. directing the heads of the exe cutive departments, to inform the Senate what modifications should be made in the civil service rules, one by Senator Piatt of Connecticut, calling upon lb Secretary of the Interior for the status of the frcednien in the Choctaw and Chick asaw Nations, in the Indian Teiritory one by Senator Allen, directine the Post master General to send the Senate copies of all steamship mail contracts now in force: one bv Senator White, asking the President what action had been taken behalf of two Califormans, held as pris oners in the Republic Colombia, and one by Senator Kyle, calling upon the Secic tary of State for all correspondence with Haiti relating to Bernard Campbell. Official notice hs been given of the abandonment of the New Ycai's Day reception at tho White House, anil of the usual diplomatic brenkfact given on the same day by the Secretary. Truck PEAS ! PEAS ! PEAS ! AND I Beans I Beans! Beans! The earjiest of Extra Early Peal, and ImproTed Valer.lina and Rust Proof Wax Beans. potat0ee to arme. Aro You Comal Comet Coming I T g,r a-nfr - ' VKAHIl, Brick Store, Near Market Peek- 6,1,6 'ciiiiE sun, FDYDZR 1 73 HIDDLFj NT., Absolutely Pur I 1 NEW BERNE, - N. C. CHRISTMAS ALMOST HERE I 5 I A few more days and 'twill be Xmas S morn. Still telling the people, 'tis the people's store, ot the many things it has 3 for those in search of. Holiday gilts- W practical kinds mostly. S If only a pair of gloves, these of sever- al sorts tor both men and women, or 5 mittens tor the little folks. 5 It may be a handsome dress, some rich k patterns in the collection. v Some pretty silks tor waists, been showing these only a day or two. New plush capes, the best lot we have N yet owned. t Some good things in blankets and table linens. Handkerchiefs in cotton, linen and V silk. H. B. Duffy. FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING LP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, Willi desirable occupants anil owners, I now make for a limited time the following advantageous proposal : LOTS ONLY $250 00. BALANCE $1.00 I'.very man of nimlerato inentH, mav own a home. ISny a homo ami When ihe first payment is made, you a deed for the lot when all payments on same are made, "a pass book for weekly payments." Safer than a stvins hunk, and W,,-n the lot is p:iil for, 1 will (your choice of plan) to ho paid for but httlo more than vmi would pay 00(1. will cost in monthly payments, ic, fur ', years, anil the house ami lot is yours. If yo'.i war.t a smaller cottajre. payments will hefis At the end of , ye: ts you own a house, ami lot in a desirable locality, increasing in value every day. Full information, maps, etc., call n. BAItKK. sicrnl. 37 Hiillurk Mtrrrf. Your Doctor Fights Disease with medicine. If the medicine is no! r'uht he can nol coniUer dise.-ne If the druiriiist dues his duly the medicine will be ri.'ht, and your doctor will stand a fair chance of winning the vie torv. You ca help your doctor bv haviu: your prescription H I led nt Bradham's Reliable Drug Store- A suitable vessel or bargo for about (10 days from February loth, next, to anchor at mouth of l'afiiio tank liiver in North Carolina to re ceive iish fortius Company's passing steamer;. Apply to undersigned, stating di mensions and terms of charter. M. K KING, Gen. Manager, Nfk. & So. li. It. Co., Noittoi.K, Y.. . . . HARDWARE. Cook Stoves, Wilson's Air-Tight Heaters. Aik for Mabi'sy'b Mixed Paints, the best paint in the world. All Goods Guaranteed at Repre- Died or Money Refunded. 1 . Has an Entlra I New Stock of Located on National Avenue, and others iiialiy desirable. All lots to li? (nnncctcl with complete Sewerage System. $5 CASH DOWN. A WEEK, and every man working on a salary, pav for it in installments, I will R'v'e you a guarantee to make far more profitalil . build vou a MC -BUN" COTTAGK. in monthly i r.dtall men t3. Payments rent. 1'or exntiile, a cottage costing say to c ut, Sl.iOO. The monthly on "TS P rrtrc nouth Carolina, malt WIIISKKY, recommended bv lead- iiiC physicians for medicinal purposes. sold only at J. F. Taylor's. jj 1V TAI1LK WINES cannt -I Hi (''Iui,"'''I in "lis city. Im 1 III Sherries, ltrauilies, and Winei ' IV ikin,ls' ""' ,lnPsl ,)r"n'l8- 1 1 ,B .1. F. Toy not be ported i'inea of all lor. ooooooo FOR Llyl ORS of every kind, the Palace Saloon is the cheapest place. Only the Hst (ioods Sold and the Best is the Cheapest. .1. F. Taylor. GOOOOGOO Tin: OL.l HELilAltlsF, J. D. DINKINS, HAS OPENED A .',.li-271 FI KST CLASS At 54 Middle Street, Next to the Old Blue Store. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK EVER BUOUQHT TO THE CITY. Pure Old Baker Rye, Echo Spring Rye, Silver Brook Rye. Star A Hye, Pure Old Rose Valley Rye, Pure Old N. C. Corn, N. C. Apple Brandy, .Peach Brandy, Orange. Blackberry, Sonppernong and Port Wines. Case Goods of ill kinds. My Motto it Quick Sales, Small Profit. Wholesale Place,