I'UOFESSIONMU HOW TO COOK POSSUM. LEGAL NOTICES. r r Clf AVegcfablePreparaUonfor As similating iheFoodahdRegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of PromotesDigestion.Chcerr;;! nessandRest.Cont(ii.s r.cilr Opium.MorphJne nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Acym tfOUO'S.m.'aJ'lTCIIEa Pi pip&im Smi' - ' pcSmnm HirmSai rlmHnl Sugar . hinktymn Haror. Apcrfcct Remedy for Constipa tion.SourStorrccb ' .urUoca, Worms .Convulsion-.. e.nsh ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Schedule Effectivo This condensed Schedule is published tta inforinatioo only and subject lo change without notice to Hie public. B UREEN8B0RO, RALF.mil. !o. so. :u. No sis. No. as. No. in. no. ii. Mixed Duly. Dally. Eastern Time. Dally. Dally. Mixed. Oally . , I Dally. I I 1 Mam Swam a Si urn 10 a m la am wain 8 ao a hi Sua in 4 60 a in a i.- qi t SOU III IHlul , e mi m 1 llrnui 8 AO a in i. a in 9 -Ji u in UK a in U 40 a in U 47 a in IV vaiu 1(1 :i h in 1U lit a in lOKam lu tun 11 jd a in 11 4o a in 13 in l m l.v I. 41) i 111 , ii M l lu J" '4 Mi l III 1 OU p F- '" ? p : i" 1 . p . J l" i i iii 1 48 p Hi I" J Ui p III J W p 111 ! i 4 p 111 ' a cm . in Iai Urennnboro Ulbauavllle fclou College Burlington Uranaui Haw Kiver Aleliaiie lluiHboro University Durham MorrUvllle Cary Kali iyk Nn. A.1. &X BUII. "oo a iu 0 AH a ... Ralelgn Auburn Clayton Helma Noriolif" 12 03 pin in leiiiu 12 45 j in li Ml p m l si pin " IS p in " 4 11 p on ' 10 81 am 11 6o a m 6 D5 ! Ill I lru. 1 lu p ui 1 le p ui I 1 40 p in lltliui " 4 56 p in Ar Pilneoton Joidauoro No 1, II and 1 eury Pnllman Sleenln Care Atlantic Count Line. WimiN'GTox & New Berne R. R.( ' 1IUK.TAKI.K NO. I. Ia Effect Wednesday, Dec. 1. 1807, Dally . , Except tfuuday. Ooioi South I SCHKDCLK: I Going North 'So. 51, Passenger Traius No. AO, Lr; am,-' stations: - Ar. p m, . New Berne 5 40 .Pullockiville . 0 03 ...uaysvillu 4 52 .Jacksonville 4 21 Wilmington, I o, Unioo Depot ( 11 0). 9 23 47 10 1 11 51a II fit) ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 240. r at P M No. 60, Pasaemokb A Fbeioht, No. 81. Ljeave vviiroingiun juuuuaj, neuuw day aod Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. a m . Ar. pm 7 49 Lv. Wllmlngtos, Ar 1 zS 8 38 ........ . Scott's dill .13 S3 BSD ... . .. Woodslde...... ...11 M 5J... ...... .Hollyrldge . 11 Bj 10 40 .'. Dixon.. , 100 11 03...... ....Verona. ...... ...10 10 1150 ........ Jackaonvllle 9 40 li 10.... .....Northeait.... . ..... 8 30 18 80 Wuluxak , 1 10.......... Naysvllle 8 00 1 40 roiiocKsviiie; 1 to ItO.... ....Debruhl's .. ...... 063 8 00 Ar. New Berne, Lv 0 20 Daily Kxoept Sunday. . . J. It KENLY. '. ' Uuoeral Manager. , E. BORDER. ,' . ' Bupt. Trunaportatlon . , , ' - V:.L. DOUGLAS tt.t. it.., ,f lirrl 1 .i, . H'I 1111, 11,1 tv.t ft f ntai y mri f.,r -. as THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF , " IS ON" THE : WRAPPER OF EVEET BOTTLE OF Outeria la p tt sp la one-aise bottles only. It it i.ot told ia talk. Don't allow anyone to mil yon anytelBgelse cn the plea or promise laat It ii "jot aa good" and "v!ll eaawer every pit. pose.'' See that yon got O-A-S-T-O-R-I-a. tallr fjX V May 2, 1897. UOLDSHORO AND NORFOLK. Ar' 11 55 am j ', li tli in , '! 11 aia in i " 11 lua in ! :u n ui u to p in o 59 p in 5 50 p ra 5 45 p in 5 3 p 111 5 47 p in u7 p 111 5 50 p in 4 8S p in 4 07 p ill .'I 5e! p ill 9 40 p in 6 55 a in i' 15 a in 0 08 a iii 655 am 6 40 a m 6 45 a in 6 o5 a ui 480 a in H56 a m S 30 a id S8 a m Si k n .00 a in II i3a in 10 Ml a in I III t u in Hi ii a in 0) 07 a in i B SOiiiii 18 a m V oo a in , 8 58 a in 1 No- 41. Ex. Sun. 00 pm 8 40 p ui 7 4.1 p m a os pm 8 27 am s 16 a m 7 49am I 3 14 p m I 02 p iu a 6 p in iHl p III 3 am 7 t a in" 7 10 am 2 1 0 ii m I ft 80 ti m Lv 1 80 p in 1 4 55 p III between Oreenaboro and Ralnuib. a. & nr. c. . it. TIME TABLE NO. 4. To Take Effect 8uoday, November 28th, 1807, at 12 M. Ooing East SCHEDULE: ' Oolng West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Ar. a m ....11 05 Lv. p m 8 40... 4 00... iSi... 8U3. .. 34V.. 657... STATIONS: , Goldsboro.. , LaGrange.. ....10 32 .. . . Klnston 10 12 ..Ar. New Berne, Lv, . 0 10 ..Lv. - " Ar 8 5: Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 47 No, 1, t I I No. a, Hx'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and Pass.Tn. Pass. To Lv. m . Ar. p m 7 10 ..Goldsboro 8 00 7 48 ...Best's 7 20 8 00 LaUraoge 0 50 8 20 Fulling creek 6 20 914... ...Kinstoo 6 00 9 28.... caswcll 9 48 Ar. Dover, Lv ., 1015 ..Lv. M Ar.., 10 40. ...... ...core creek...., ,. 518 ,. '600 ... 420 ... 400 11 15 Tuacaror.,, . . 1181.... Clark's ...... 19 03 .....Ar. New Berne, Lv. 180......Lv. Ar 13 ...... ...Rlverdale.... . 8 88 . 8 20 j 50 10 47 n on 90..........croatan. 1000 9 4a Havelook 940 8 19 Newport, Lv.. 8 93 ......... Wild wood S81 ...Atlantic 8 46 .... Ar. Morebesd City, Lv 4 01 .... Ar. II. city Depot, Lv Ml, 9 06 8 47 8 88 8 go 730 A.X. . 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday, . f Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8.1 PILL, . ' 1 Superintendent. PATENTS IT,' H. AND FOREIGN" PROUUKKU. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and' . . o. u Attorney In Patent Causes, 1729 New York Avs , Wathiogtpo, D. C. , Office Establlihed 18614. Charges Mod rate. Corre-ondenoe Requested. - ' Wl. DUNN, JAS. BEDX0ND, President Ties Pres. B. 8. 0 U ION, Bectx A Treat. Hew Berne Ice Go. manifactarer "' Pure Crystal Ice, Front Distilled Waler. Out put 20 Toot Dtv. ' Car Lrmd LoU Solicit I. leje delivered daily (exipt Sunday) I a. m. lo p m. riunil.ys (reuil only) 7 a. m.' to 13 noou. (sir once ami 1 1 r 11.! irmlioo, tfl lixi, II. S. ti ! ; '. !"!iaj(f. Void by Om of the Moat Skillful Oppea . earn Cheb la the World. , A negro's juicy appreciation of poo snm meat was well illustrated upon a recent occasion when a lady with whom the narrator is acquainted paid a visit to New Orleans. She told bim the story. She was walking down Chartres street early one morning, intending to visit the celebrated French market of the Crescent City, "and on her way she' met a very old oolored man coming from the opposite direction, evidently from the market, aa he was carrying in one hand a possum and in the other a umall split wooden basket of sweet po tatoes. The old man's faoe was beam-, ing with good nature and wreathed in smiles of anticipatory pleasure. He look ed so joyously into the face of the lady that she, too, could not help bnt smile at him, whereupon he held the possum up aloft and said, "Good eatin, missy, goodeatin." She stopped for a moment, looked at the childlike, happy faoe of the old negro and said, "So you like possum, do yon?" "Like possum, missy! I loves pos sum. Dare ain't no eatin like possum. De possum am good, but de gravy with sweet potatoes is better. Did you never eat possum, missy? Den you didn't know what good eatin was. But mebbe you all wouldn't know how to cook Mr. Possum, fur dar's ebbyt'ing in de know how. " "Well, then, tell me how you cook It," she said. The old man set the possum and po tatoes down on the pavement, or, as they call it in New Orleans, the "ban quet," and with a look of earnest con centration began with: "Now, don't you never forget jest what l'ze gwine to tell yon abont how to cook de possum. Well de fust t'ing you does is to get your possum. Dat may be easy fur you uus, but 'tain 't fur me dat is, always. Well, den, when you's dun got your possum yon skins bun fust. Den you puts him into do pot with cold water an put de pot over a hot fire, au den you parbiles him not too much fur you doan't want to lose any of his nice sweet fat. Den you takes him out of lu pot an you dries him iu a clean towel. Den yon puts him into a big fryiu pan. Den you scrapes de skin off your sweet potatoes an you puts dem into de same pau with Mr. Possum. (Den you has your stove red, an den yon puts de pan an possum au potatoes into de oven an deu go away fur a little while, but not too long. "Den when you comes back you puts in a little hot water, an den you begins au bastes de possum an do sweet pota toes, an you keeps on a-bastin an a-bast-in till de possum is a good brown jest like my color an de sweet potatoes is soft an juicy an de gravy is almost black an plenty of it. Den you takes it out of de oven, an den yon sots de table, au den well, den you bars de doors, fur de smell of cooked possum goes a long ways, un when yon have only one possum yon doan't want much com pany besides yourself. " Now, there is your recipe for cooking possum and given by probably one of the best chefs for that dish in the world. Philadelphia Times. ONE MILLIONAIRE'S START. Be Earned Ten Dollar by Throwing the Strong Man of a Show. "Had I caught my train that night," laughed the man who had nothing to do for a quarter of a century but sit and watch pine trees grow to swell his bank account, "I would probably be a farmer now trying to raise a mortgage and a few other thingB. I had gone to a little town in lower Wisconsin to see a colt that a man there wanted to sell ine. I was a good judge of stock and shrewd on a trade, but a greener country lad never broke into a town. I would have walked back to the farm after I found myself too late for the train, but I saw a handbill announcing a show that night and couldn't resist the temptation to see it, though it did cost a quarter. "In my hilarious appreciation I was more of an entertainment than they had on the stage, especially as I was utterly oblivious to the fact that I did not look like any one else in the audience. To ward the end a huge fellow oame out, tossed cannon balls in the air, held men out at arm's length and lifted heavy weigbta After this showing of his prowess he offered f 10 to any one whom lie could not throw inside of two min utes. I was the crack wrestler In all our section, though none present knew it and I felt as though the challenge was aimed directly at me. I turned hot and cold during a few seconds of intense I silence, xueu 1 sprung up, uuu, as 1 came out of my old blouse, shouted, 'I'll go you, b'goshl' There was a roar of laughtera and then some of those about me nrged me not to go np there sod have my neck broken. But one old man told ino to go in. It was a tough ob' mlu"T threw the giant almost I through the floor with a hip lock. There was a little hesitancy about giving me the (10, bnt the crowd shouted till I got lt Then the old man took me home j with him, and in a week I had charge 1 of all the teams in bis lumber camps. ! time I became partner, and he cleared tne way to make me Hon. xnat was really a match lor a million. " Detroit Free Press. Not Slip. "Here," cried the managing editor, "what does this mean? The account of this man's death Is headed 'Gathered to His Feathers. ' This kind of proofread ing has got to stop. 'Gathered to his feathers I' Why, the man who let that slip must bo driveling fool I" "h' J.11"'' "i1 J"i8htJ",?f ld cU,r editor. "It's a joke. Folding bed soot- dent yon know. "Chicago News. : ' AHd.d. .' ' "Does your sister slug much, Goorgo?" "Not when I'm around." "What's the reason?" ' ' ' "I always ltv when she begins." -Clovclaud Plain Dealer. . Btfceenatleae) Ceire4t tea a Djr "Mjstio Cure" for Rheumatism nd Neuralgia radioall on ret in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system it remarkable and mysteriout. It ra moret at once the oaoie, and the disease Immediately- disappear. Th first dose greatly benefits, 7o cenU, 8old by lleory't riwmacy, New Hem. Jut try a 10c be ot Caacarets, the An- 'sat llvr aM bowel rejnlator ever made TENEMENT HOUSE FIRES. laaaraaea. Patrol Work ae Faithfully Fot the Poor aa For Thoee Who Are Insured. - There is an article in St Nicholas on "The Fire Patrol, " written by Charles T. Hill, who has contributed a series of papers to that magazine on the New York fire department Mr. Hill says: At tires in the homes of the poor these detachments of the patrol work jnst as earnestly and conscientiously to teve property as they would in the expensive ly furnished mansions of the rich. At tenement house fires they are of great service. First, they aid in getting the people out ; then, gathering the goods together, the patrolmen protect them from water with tarpaulin covers. The majority of these fires break out in the basements or cellars, then, following the air aud light shafts to the top floor, they spread and do the greatest damage in the upper stories.' To extinguish these fires the othor floors below have to be flooded, and were it not for the fire pa trol in many cases the poor families would lose everything they owned. One of the captains of the patrol re marked : "Why, it would do your heart good if you could hear bow profuse these poor people ore iu their thanks, and the blessings they shower on us when they find we've saved their things. They go running around, wringing their hands and crying, 'Everything's lost. everything's lost!' And then, when the fire is out, we lead them back and show tbem th-ir things, as dry as a chip un der the covers, and well, say, there isn't anything they wouldn't do for us. Half the time they're not insured, and it isn't our business to protect people who are not, but we're not supposed to know everything, and our orders are to protect property first and find out whether it is insured afterward, and it is not our fault if we save the little all oi a lot oi poor creatures wlio nau tne i time haven't a change of clothes to their backs. You bet wo get to work just as quick in a tenement house fire as iu a big house on Fifth avenue, aud wu do the same work iu both places, no mat ter whether it's for the rich or the poor. " Edward Ill's Drum Corps. Probably introduced from the east, it is frequently mentioned iu the accounts of tho lirst crnsudc. When Edward III and his queen madu their triumphal en try into Calais, "tambours," or drums, were among tho instruments which were played iu their honor. Another of these was called u "ualter," or kettle drum, taken, together with its name, from the Arabs. The poet Chaucer also mentions this instrument iu his descrip tion of the tournament in the "Kuightes Tale:" FyTes, trompi'd, imkorea and clnrlounnB, Tluit in the Imtuillo blowen hlutly sonneti. The king generally kept u troop of these bandsmen or minstrels iu his em ploy, and wu read that Edward II on one occasion gave a sum of (10 shillings to Roger the Trumpeter, .lanino tho Nakerer and others for their perform ances. Chambers' Journal. It Wouldn't Work. 'One touch of uature, you know. old "Of course, of course; but you're not datme, and consequently I refuse to bo couched. " Thus the promptness with which he saw the point saved him. Chicago Post. Williston Palmer is the name of a white man against whom there are sen tences of 2UM years in the Georgia peni tentiary Palmer was originally sent up for 1 1 years from south Georgia for bur glary. Shortly afterwurd. while work ing in the mines of Dade county, he at tempted, with other convicts, to escape, and in the melee that followed he killed two of the guards. He was tried some time ago for the killing of the first guard and got V0 years. He was then put on trial for the killing of the other man aud got UO years more. Exchange. Comparative. A. My wife says she saw the lights all burning iu your bouse as she came borne from the ball at 8 o'clock in the morning. She thought it a little strange. B. A little stranger It was a little traiurer. liondou Tit-Bits lull TREA1 ON Till To Any Rollab.le Man. MsrvftlfHM onllinMindoht month's rtrrrtsXtiM Of ram power will b lent on ti iai. wikotU any adtxtHcfiNitmwtif, by tb (irotoi oomiwnr in th woria in ins irtsin)ni ui wvn wvuk, urtiKun ai couraaed from tffoc'i of sxpwmi, worrr, over work. & it dry DiHrrtiaTA rrourtd, oomplets rat- toraUonor de"lopmnt of nil mbtut eunaUionB. Th time of this offer w )iinlttd. No ( O. 1. scbomai no damptfuai nnunnaara. Ailrts ERIE MEDICAL CUhWXlo:- The Forum. EDITED BY J. of. RICE. DECEMBER, 1897. The Policy of Annexation 'or America Rt Hod James Dryce P C, M P. Th Wolcott Commllon sod Hi Re- ulti Hod Jamrs H Eckels. Notable Letters Irom my Pohtli! Friends III, Senntur Jmtli d Murrib. The National Guard and Bva-daiat Dtfeoae Capt. J. C. Ayrcs. The PrueDt Con litlon of Ecooomic Science L L I'nce. Th Dmrrss of Orrliart II luptmaoa Guitar Kurbe. The Poetry of NUura-Clitrle O. D. RoberU. Rill way PiKiling, fron the people's Point ot View, lion. Charles A, Prouty. UDCoeatlUiliooality nf tho IliWalsa Treaty Hon. Daniel Aanew. A step inward Economy in . th Postal 8irvlce Una. E. F. Loud. . Ltittrtf In Ttachlnjt Id th Otrmsai UaWersltles R, Euckrn. The A'an of tin Polio Power Hon. Herman O. Kudltcb. Tfi Miwoa of Lllersturt Tltodor W. Huot KKW TORSI . 1 TOE FORUM PUB. C04UI Bth at. Si,Cts a Copy. . f.H.00 Per Ysr, i.itii! Mm han.ile3f,r.r.iia stron r tui: ullil.: i y the wak and db!i.utfd.. U ri.res rxuto or rf.uM u...r rht?i;n:n-lig.-n hi f.-jm .:o I j live days. 6'.:nri),s ' 'ooiaia; pi-ina in r.:i of I'.ia br-dy Mapped in a few dosun. A prorupl.comnKjf.n I pQrraa::cntcurofrlamn!3, Borc32,i.i::r If.'.:: i.iid nil ntlus la Lips c;-d loins. Rheunmt sra Cure la cuarttiilfe n u ki-boiuiuij OIiroMlc ria'unii;:.-., Ecrr-r.ta, iui!.nr.go or pmii iw thebaic era bjilmjuIIv cured, itctWom fulls tofive rc.iuf fromono to two doses, ncdalmort invariably ciiruab fore 0:10 boulti 1-aa be used. TheMuuyoa Remedy CmmiiiV prtpareu!cp::rute cureicr men disease At nil dru"::!.t--23 ceu.sa vir.I. ifyounwd medical aJvIcs riie Prcf, ilunyoii, UM Arch 3Li Philadelphia. It b absolutely free. Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent Wholesale Prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. HAMS $ lb Sugar Cured North Carolina SHOULDERS- lb Sugar Cured English Cured Richmond PORK f barrel New Heavy Mess. . . Short cut DRY SALTED MEAT Bellies Short backs f lb LARD P lb Best Refined North Carolina Compound SALT, f sack Liverpool I 10J i (W) 1 12 (a 10 00 (B 10 50 7;J & 51 0i 7 (S 5.1 ( 0 American . ... 55 (A BUTTER X lb Best Elgin Good FLOUR barrel Extra Straight. .. Fancy Straight Full Patent Best Fancy Patent . . . COFFEE H Roasted Green SUGAR, i cwt. Granu. Standard A White c Yellow SRAIN-p bushcl- 20 4 75 5 01) r 25 5 50 tit do oo (it 5 25 () 5 40 (ti 17 10 20 i 50 i 25 i 00 4 40 Neiv Corn Oats, Cow Peas Peanuts :;i ;',u 55 50 70 15 ;io 40 25 EGGS "fJ dozen POULTRY -ty pair- Chickens, young.. . . Chickens, old Turkeys, c 1 FRESH MEAT Beef P lb Pork V II BEESWAX (' lb 4 (i? 41 (.0 (,( 211 TALLOW, 1 II. POTATOES n) bushel Norton Yams Bahamas Of (w 20 FINANCIAL. Farmers & Merchants eee BANK... Began BvLSlzxesa May, 1891. Capital Stock 875.000.00 Surplus and Pro Ills, 11,111.41 OFFICERS: L. H. Cotlkr, President. W. 8. Chauwick, Vice Prea. T. W. Dkwkv, Cashier. J. W. Itinni.K, Teller. F. F. Mattiikws, Collector. DIHKCTOtM: L. H. Cutler. .lohn suter, W.ll.niH.les, W. H Chadwlek, I' ll 1'elletiur, .1. 11. ( Iai k, J.W.Stewart, N. M. Juruey, T.W. Diwey. We want your business and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other bank in t he city. It is our endeavor to nrnke business relations mut ually pleasant and profitable to our patrons. J. A. BRYAN, TIIOS. DANIELS, President. Vice Pres. . H. ROBERTS. Cashier. THE NATIONAL bank. Or NKW SKUNK, N. INOOHPOBAT2ID C. 188S. Capital Surplus Profits,. $100,000 98,16 D1KECTORS: Ja. a. Bar ah, Chas. S. BaiA. Jno, Dunn, O. U. Hobkht Thim. Danikls. i. 11. Hackuukni L. llAitvar K. K. lllsuor. T. A. Ureen, Trea, E.H. Meadowa. Vice Tret H. II. OaOVBS, Caataler. CITIZENVS BAaNK or xranrr saiRxra, xt. o. DO A KNKKAL HANKIMU BUHINBsv Tne Aooounuol Banks, Bankers, Corpoi atloni, farmora. Merohanto anil othera r nelved on tavoranle terms, frouipt and can tvl artenUon slven to the Intel et ol our eua aomere. uou etiona a apeoiaiiy. aoAao or dibsttou. Ferdinand Clrloh J. a. alnadowa, Hamuel W. I pork, Chaa. li. Fowler, j. W. Uralrmer, B. W. Smallwooil, eo. N. ivea. K. U. Meailowa, Chan, Uutty, Jr. luni e Keuniond, Mayer Haiin. .TUiunae A.UraeD, C. K. Fnv W. r. Crockett. BRANCH OFFICE ff. A. Porlerfield & Co. fducoessors to H. W. BilabyJA Co.)l IlankerN and Ilrokers. Stocks, Beids. , - tettea, ursta, Prorlsloii Bought and sold lor cash or oa margin one par cent. In lots front $20 up. Over Cotton Etohange. I y-National Hank Keferoooe. loTX'onstaat (Quotations. A. 0. NEWBERRY. i Manager Executor' Vaiir 1 Having lliia liny ipmlilii'tt hh Kxecu or to 1 1 iu lust will null iraluiiit'iil of .ill". , Emily William", deuraml. nolii-i- in : hereby given llml ail x rons .linvmj; 1 cluimx against mild estate w ill pu si in them for jiaynienl on it before llieTJili! day of Isovenilicr. ISDN, or this ni tire will lie pleaded in luir 01 meir r- coverv. All persons mill lileii lo the said estate will make immediate payment, .... .... 1 ims 12111 (lav of ISoveml'i'r. le'Ji. I " K. S. RIVES. I 1 Executor of Mrs. Emily Williams, died. ! Notice of Sale, Valuable City Lot. By virte of a judgment nf. I lie Supe rior Court of Craven county. N. C, in an action to foreclose a Miorlixne enti tled Joseph L. Halm vs. Lucy Ann Moure and William Riley Moore. the undersisrni'il Commissioner will sell al public vendue. , at the court house ot Craven county m j the city of New Berne, '. C at 12 o'clock in., on the Till day of February . 18118, it iK'ing the first Monday of said I month, to the highest, hiddcr tor cash. ' the following described lot or parcel of ; land: 1 Bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north sid" of New South Front street in the city of NeW Berne, liegin ninir at the soulli corner of Robert (i. Moseley, Sr.'s line, distiinee one liundrcd I and fifty feet west of the corner slonc at i the corner of Jones and New South Front streets, running Ihence with said I Moseley's line and parallel with Jones street, northwardly on? hundred and ; seven and ii-!2 feet to the hack line ot : Lot No. 400 as designated in the plan of ! the city of New Berne, Ihence with said hack line mil Giles Jurnnin's line west i wardly thirty-eight feet lo Esther Sim mon's corner, thence with the same and ; parellel with said Jones street to New ! South Front street, thence with the north , side of the thirty-eight feet to the begin ning, being Division No. 3. of the estate of Jesse Moseley as was allotted to the said Lucy Ann Moore, then Lucy Ann Moseley by W. H. Marshal. O. S. "Fisher ;and Geo. E. Tinker. Commissioner. Recorded iu Book No. 77. Folio 45. in the i oflice of the Register of Oeeds for ( 'raven i Co.. and being the same lot of land mort I gaged by the said Lucv Ann Moore, j William Rilev Moore to Joseph L. Halm by deed, bearing date of July 2:id. 18114 land recorded in Book No. Ill, page HO?. : in the ollice of Register of Deeds for Craven county. This lid dav of December. 18D7. J. E. & H O'lIAHA. , Commissioners. ! A Mini nisi1 ratorVt Not ice' llavim: oinililii'd as Administrator of i George Taylor, deceased, hitr of the 1 County of (.'raven. N. C . this is to notify all persons having chums against the estate of said deccas; ' to the undersigned on d lo exhibit lh"m or before the l'.lli. day of Deceniher I8(.W, or this notice be plead in bar of their recovery : persons indehted lo said estate please make immediate payment. This lUth, dav of Deceniher. ln7 Tiios. f. McCarthy, Adininistrati R. W. WILLIAMSON. Atfv. will All will notici: Statu or NoiiTii Cauoi.ina. Craven I'ounly. Superior Court, Spring Term s)7. Thomas Williams. vs NOTICE. Delsey Williams. TO HUSKY WM.I.IAMs: This is an action for Divorce, entitled as above, ami you are reipiired to appe ir at the next term ot (he Nitnl Court to he held in New Berne on lbe fourth Mon day before the tlrsl Monday in March, IHIH. and answer or demur to the c,iin plainl. or the plaintilV will apply to the court foi the relief demanded in the com plaint. "This l:lll, dav of December. H'.IT. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. LOST ! Certificate No l'Jl,Jfor one share of E.C F. O. Game Industrial Association. Application will he made for cert itieate for same. W. 1'. HI lilt IS. ! New Berne Mails. Notice is giveu that on aod alter tine i date mails leave For all points in Pamlico Comity nno ( South ('reek section of Beaufort Count 1 close a a a in For V'anceboro and Post Ol'ices ir. Northern part ol Criveu County closs iu 12 noon. For Bel lair dJ Lima, a. in. For Wliitlbrt. It a. ni. All irail for DeBrulil s to 1' illoks Vllle, the lormer orhee is d'contiuued Vancel'Oi'O mal arrives Z m. I Vancsbon mail leaves 1 p. m. M . MANLY. I'ostni'ister Caveat, and " rade-M.ir!: oht jirvd and all Pa; cnt buir.cconaur(fi lor MootaTr tr. Ooa Ome itOpPociTt U, o. pTtfn Qrv. ' m4 we can u-i -it o putt .it iu kaa luuo iaa Um r .ota In-m WainiK(n. .... , tend modd, draw hik or photo.. With dffcrip ttmi. Mm atlvia?, il paicnuUa or surf, U" 3J cturfre. Our tea tint du till patent I nx i. i a kAiasajiff HcrW tO OUaiO PatentH." With Jmit ol fcUicTirt thaU.ii.aoH lorciga cwuauaa cat trea. worta, c.A.srjowco,; Op. fTtT Ornct. whinotou. 0. 0 . New a nl Uimt'r AaMlw4r fakMn W nrolpM. fw .n. in w mi wr n ruml mantf II wn On no' Ton ru ba tiMUsA m aoM ror I D .m nri. I TJ att ..1 -J U In rI A 1 ami Um MtTts mrnmrmmi rfwfsar tO HHta brr w tkwm or pay ai rm nm of I wub xhom who ui Bias. saHBssMMM rftiiroaa Mtaa wa fll to MsBBaft4 flura. If mrj, e.aidfrt4ahtJ UII haava atlva and In mami h. fW TIimsM, tWMte, l lrrf oa M I VfW.W lUIUsJ Msi I as.y ar 1 rUi7 tmwmmtm lomrt Wi m mmial aIUM rmmmmi rur 1 til dl. i U onVIIi ajaf tk m rf rftftity Ti-wtfTt rwhai 1 lklsssjlr-ek,( '! lf l-utof thb-Mir Mslrt it to thf lrl.arr, Hlo-wl PwUmm Itiki x.itrlt that ttitMl oatlsv laWWoMal f-tl-lw 4u 4am alwoir ! wtlTt.tMeV in a. mm m r as 'itf'eiasl I ma lo sti-n-iauijr trotting this fllMM na tr MVej fav.a MpttAl tar-hlMl OSir MIFwjnrli AdVI'w f .r ii mTf o" astNti I 1 aHftl. hlMNSn, IlllHal ai V. W. Simmons. A. I). Wr4 iiitssioHM & Ward, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. SKW ISKHNr, N C. Pniuii in the coi'tntt-i, oi Craven. Duplin, Jnuu-, luintow. viu'UM-el unit PuiulLcu; in ine Mrnie iiiik ru-iiM.il i.utii la. I ..iti. r... ... h rr.ai Ntrm-( 4)ihii Iim,.i 4 imiiHWkn. i I. 21. Pelleticr, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Middle Struct, Lawyers Brick Hul Id i n. Will prtu'ftre in the Counties of Craven 0 irtcn't. .lone-, nnslow and Pamlico. U. W CouitHtNew Uuriiu ami Supreme Court lit) Alll'.t). STEAM ERS- ElSTElMf CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, A.ND 'I o. FREIGHT & PASbENGER. For All 1'oiuts North. The Steamer NETJSE will leave on Mo days, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 0 p. in., sharp. Mak ing no stops between New Berne to Klizalietli Citv. The Steamer XEWBERNE will s.iil ot! TiK'fde.ys and Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon, making landings at Oriental, Ocracoke and' Kounoke Island. 2-is Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GKO. II FN DEIi.SON, Agt. M. K. Kim;, Gen. .Mgr., II. C. UriM;iN.s.(;en.Frt.& Pass.Afit. Norfolk, Yu. New Hern-, N'.C.Sept. 18, 1891 TrHlt"lurfr 4',ViMt'rl. LAXATIVE. THE IDEAL a cunt. Kon CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS 1IOXEY ASH SI I1I-: Tltl5 FOR Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Bilionaness, ' Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diseases, Irregularity, Kidney Troubles, Headache. Fevers, Sick stomacn, sain ana mooa Disorders, Thick and Sallow Complexion, Anil very mmiy other DtaenneH iiiilrtiiill'HtioiiN iiue.io mi anacllve Hlnle nl Hie KowcIn. PRUNELINE is the safest and sutest cathartic ami aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping, punlicj the blood anil icmoes all waste from tiie sys tem. 1' iloes awav with euator oil. I Milt 4, blue mass anil all other nause 'ous purgatives. 1 1 loin s utul cner igizcs ail the great organs of the system, l! is free from all harshly lading drugs, and is always safe, al j iv.iis ready, alw'avs reliable. Eccp the head cool, the feet warm and tne bowels open, using mtMELINE for the latter purpose. PIUNKLlNr. lie I'erleel fr'umlly Nedlelue- Nulil by all Iti'Klera. orss'it on receipt ol .'id ct, to any address nv VVinklemann & Brown Drug Co. Hole l'roirlrlorn, BALTIMORE. RID.. D A. S. 14j 60 YEARS' V, EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks f A Desion - f ....inu,. A I Anrnna nnt1nf a ktirh and rifarrtptlnn may qnli'kly tnfrtiiln nnr dpinum frae whrthr-r aa inrffitlnn m probuhlr imtpnlnhltx fommufrtra. IlnnnRtrirtlrrntilltlBntliil. llMndbonh on I'ateDta out Inf. iH.lfHit aironrr for mHniritig natpntn. I'ntonta ukon through Munn A Co. raoalva tprcuU notice without chdnra, in the Scientific American. A handnomulT tlltitrntMl waklr. lArvatt dr. rnlatlon of nny clftiitifln lournnl. Tarmi, a fur: four montbi, l oia bjaii newMMUin, MUNN & Co ' HewYork Brauob Oflloa, 106 F St, WubUsflutl. D. C. Steamship C mm v Eastman's No. 2 F.urcka Camen is a simple instrument for use witl glass plates. Makes pictures 3 x 3M inches, and has space in back fol three double plate holders. Safet) shutter. Fine achromatic lens. 3D$ hwh ltakaan wll-M. eh. M4h, start. rwaSrfanwit th. biiMi'iiiiiiiuiNqnMiliwias JS Mkrmrt. A'mM. TVm rlw At mmtt. w ttntlsal EASTMAN KODAK CO. 1 ' RoclwsUr, N. Y. -

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