to VOL.. XVI-NO. 179. NEW BERNE, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3(1, 1897 ESTABLISHED 1802 AT THE STATE CAPITAL. '.-. . . . . NO MORE WWW. K - ARE BUYING THEIE GOODS of us these Christmas Times, but don't be afraid of the crowd. It tells ot Best Values, Biggest Varieties, Best Styles, Lowest Prices. Public opinion is the safest of Pilot?. We ransack every market for the choicest of its products, lay the cohl cash down mnl ,'ct goods at prices few housiM can command. Quality..... Is never sacrificed to Cheapness Iito. .i matter how low onr prices, yon can rely upon getting Dependa ble Q.iality very few there are, buying in tlii- tmrket, who fail to appreciate our advantages, but in that few we would surest that the surest wav of saviui; money, and preventing worry is to join in with the thin:i; and 2 buy at . Good Thing's for Xmas ! Wo open onr doors to the t1etermiriAioi: to mnkc this Arc you cominif in for your .haro. OUIi TERMS AUK CASH, but our prices are low that our competitors do not attempt to compete. For a Little Money you can make your dinner table groan u rider the weight of (loud Things The rery beat of everything that should be found in a First Class v-.jk. y -X & JOHN DUNN, 55 POLLOCK STREET. oood: JUSTi Received Also fresh lot of tjhitfur' Small Pt IlamsHnd liionkl fast btripc. ' We also have a nice lot of Hananan, Li moos, Florida, nntl California, Oranges, Mixed Nuts, Candy, C'ocu. . i)"U, to. . '. . We all) haven full and oomplet line of Choice Family (..oceriei, Try onr :) and 3o Flour nut the Fox lliver Print Butter at 30o lb. hi mo equal. Our . 23o It lasted , Coffee ha no equal. Give ui a call and get our price. We, uaraulee satisfaction or lefund your money, , . . 'Very llespectfnlly, - ... ' ' ' J. R. PARKER, JR., . Retail Orocer. 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. '! -. e? f il Holiday Trade with tho j . The Best Christmas Up to Date. y JL. -v a v ' s y Cash Grocer, iooflo A fresh lot of O a o those LARGE HAMS I Thm . e Cut ! i a o a o -lcn"5Pcn?p7?r" liiv Tie Fleet of Japan is Prepar- ii for Action. Will Not Siiliinit to Russia's Ocra potion of China. The Celestial Umpire in a Incasy Slate. Washington Oltlcials on the Crisis. London, December 3!) A special dis patch from Shanghai, dated yestcrda), says: 'II is reported that a Japanese licet of over twenty warships is wa'ninjr npar (into Island, outside Nagasaki, fully equipped for war and only awaiting in strnetinns. This includes the Yashima and I he Fuji, two of the finest vessels in the Japanese navy, and I he Chen-Yuen that was captured from China. The Japanese fleet, it is understood. is acting in close touch with the llr'Uisli squadron under Yiee-Admiral Sir Alex under Duller, commander-in-chief on Ihe China station. Japan will certainly oppose a perma nent liussian occupation of Tort Arthur The sudden dissolution of Ihe Japanese Diet was owing to the war spin. It is expected thai the Japanese Heel will at tempt to prevent the landing of reinforce ments from Odessa lor the proleelion of liussian Irans-Asiatic railway in Manchuria." Yokohama, Deccinher 2! Owing to the failure of the premier. Marquis S:ii;;o to reconstruct the catiiuei all the mem bers of that body resigned. Tile newspapers demand Ihe formation of a very strong ministry, capalili coping with the siluuliou in the Knst ol I'kkiN. Dec. :!. The Herman que stioll unsettled. China's dillieully is in creased owing to the. uncertainlv of Ihe attitude of Hie poweis. tier, niany's withdrawal from Kiao Chan bay is said to be conditional upon her finding a suitable naval Malion else where, China is becoming alarmed ai the present situation. Ihe government ippears to he utterly powerless. No answer lias lieen received Itoni Itussia concerning Ihe proposed loan. There are calamitous forebodings eonnecled with the sun's eclipse on the Chinese new year day. Wasiiinoton, Dee. 2S. The Japanese minister has not yet been advised of the resignation of the entire cabinet, and he feels that while the resignation may have been tendered, the Kniperor will not accept them unlets it becomes apparent Ihat an entirely new cabinet under Marquis llo can be formed Mar quis Ito has been In private life much of the lime since his notable achievements ililling tiie China-Japan war, and it is not believed he is ready to return to the cabinet. He is strong with all parties, however, and has the people behind him, so Ihat he may again assume the premier ship if the emergencies demand it. - The Yokohama dispatch refers to Marquis Saigoasthe present premier, which is said at the legation to be an inaccuracy, as Marquis Matsugala has been premier tin to this time, with .Marquis Saigo as minis!!" of marine. The reference in the dispatch to the public sentiment in Japan fcr a strong minister), callable of coping with the situation in the East is one ol the lirst intimations direct from Japan that she may lake a hand in the controversy cen tering in China. While he has received no official advices as to the purposes ot his government Mr. lloshi expresses the iersoiial cnnviclion that Japan will nut he quick to enter into the controversy, hut v ill maintain an independent and neutral attitude for the present, at least. STOP HACKING ! YOU CAN I Stop That Hacking Cough ; ;J If von will only take s i) ' (jj. i Bradham's Cough Balsam and I ' Bradham's Bronchial lozenges llotli nre old, tried recipes and guaranteed to cure, or money s refunded. Try them. Hold j only nl if '$ Bradham's S Reliable Drug Store- 't .Ml, I) (!) Truck ! PEAS ! PEAS ! PEAS ! -AND Beans! Beans! Beans! The earliest of Extra Early Teas, and improved Valentine and Rust Proof Wax Beam. Potato to arrive. Are You Comal Cornel Coming! . J. F; CLARK, Brisk Store, Nar Market Dock. liiHAiie MnuENenpml. I'nplekrd t ullou on Ntnlv Fnriiin. Keveitr I'nllirl Ion Uootl. Olho WIInou In Happy. Journal Bi-rrai-. ' Rai.eioh, N. C. Dec. 28. ," There arc many prominent educators here to attend the meeting of the asso ciation of academics. Prof. Hugh Mor son of the Raleigh .Male Academy is president of the association, and wel comedthemeniberstoonrcity. The paper on "Athletics in the secondary schools" presented by Prof. Oldham was one lull if interest. The association adjourns to morrow. One of the inmates of the insane asy lum here escaped on Monday. It is K. H. Baker of YoungsviMe, and he left coal md shoes. Willi the weather as bitter cold as it is here the authorities fear he mav have frozen to death. Last week was a gay week for society people here, but this week is the banner gala week of the year. There are card parties, dances and club meetings piled up on each other every night. No one h iv who is "in the swim ' can complain of "dull Italeigh" at the winding up of the year 1811". There is a prospect that the street car line, going out to the eastern part of tin city, will be re-bullt. I lie rock quart y from which granite is being quarried for street improvement is out tin re and the line may he opened for hauling the out put of the quarry. I here will probably bean immigration commission bureau binned if the l.'nilcd Mates Supreme t ourt does not bv its decisii.n on the fertilizer lax oiiestion iiholish the agricultural department. Mr. John (irahnni of Kidgewav will hi the commissioner if one is appointed. Dr. Abbott of the Kailroad commission reaches here at noon today. He evident ly intends to sit with Ihe new members of the commission. Mr. Mcwborue who takes charge of the penitentiary Saturday says that theic are fully ."it'll buies ol ii ii lie he I cotton in the fields at Ihe State farms. .11 r. Jams I the aiiinlor s olbce savs that it the Slate is as successful next year as it has been this in collecting reve line, it w ill be able to pay all extra a proprialions, and have ?I0.0UU to begi IS'.I!) willi ami to pay the legislature. A session nl ttie legislature costs about r2.tlll('. On ('In UtiiuiH the pupils of the blind institute here for thewhites were given a reception by the tlovernor and his wife the mansion. Thomas M. Argo seems to have the inside Hack as io Ihe district attorney ship for t .is section. lie is by far the ilhlest man yet named. Superintendent Kay of the asylums for the white blind and colored ileaf, dumb anil blind, liapes to put up more build ings next year. Of course there must he an appropriation for the cost of all this. Olho Wilson is rejoicing that he was not here when Caldwell and IVarson broke into the nllice of the Ii. It. Com missioner. Pliroell Appoint n llrlillforl Special lo Journal. ltAI.II-oil. N. C, December'.!!) Judge Purncil appoints J M. Worley. of Heau fort, I'nited Stales commissioner. I. mem !it. Ileum. (diicago, )oc. ','H. Martin Julian today on behalf of Kobcrt Fltsinimons made the followinir signed statement: "Fitz- suumons will delend Ins iil'IiI to the title of champion. Mrs. Kit.simmons has released him from his promise of relin -meiit." Hagerslown, Mil.. Dee, 2S. The town authorities have decided to entorce the tramp ordinance recently passed, and today Police Justice Youn committed four tramps, one colored, lo live days hard labor on Ihe stieets. Tomorrow niornms sheriff iseibert will hand over the tramps, chained together at Ihe feet. to Street Siupeiintendent liurhninn, w ho will put Ihcm to sweepini; the paved streets. aslnniiton, lleoeniber ','S I be con frence between Mr. Seflon, the Cana dian nilnhter of the interior, and Secre tary Aleer did not take place today. Secretary Alger hud not millicienlly re covered from his illness In undertake the work of arranging the detuils of the Klondike relief expeditions. Mr. Seflon said tonight that l:e hoped to conclude hit visit within the next two days, and that there wan no doubt the two govern ment could make an arrangement which would be mutuully beneficial in extend 1hT relief to the Yukon miners. Oar Own Adlnl Will Mprnk. Cu a in.oi tc, December 2(1 Ex-Vice President Adlai Stevenson, in accepting the invitation to deliver the principal address upon the occasion of the unveil ing In this city on the ,'Olh of May next of the monument to the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of ludrpen denre, wrote among other things: "I ap preciate more fully than words can x preM (lie loinpll ncnt paid m by this invitation, and I accent it with much pleasure, only regretliog that I am so poorly qualified to do justice to the great occasion." CASTORIA For In fan U and Children. ftetu- lallt km "WW Free Travelni for Politicians a Eist Back Set Itnilnav Coniiuissioii Uclums Its own lasss. No No-hip Moii lioncil. Coiitniissituior ltlntt Takes liis Sent Quietly. Otlicr AtUoiCv Speciii lo I he .liiiinuil. HAl.KliiH, N, Dec. lla'ilvvnv CummissioutT Ahhoit nrrived ;iiul wen! to the ollice when.' In tU 'iililwell ;inl IVnrsm, the new cniiitiiissioners, ; the Supreme Court hint recniii.ed them, he WHiid tlo likew iv. So Ihe lull cum mission met this afternoon. Ahhott snys that he never luid any in tention not to work harinoniouslv with whom soever th" Supreme Court plueeil in power. The HniUvav Coiniiiission at their meet in jj; this alternoon atloptnl a resolu tion areeinii' to enforce the eotninii-Mon act prohihitin the. use of free passes. The Commissioners returned passes sent them by certain railroads wlio-e they refused to jjive. The Commission refused in iant tin Western I'nion Ti-leraph Company any further lime for an answer in its ease regard in ! the reituetion of its rale- in this Stale: THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Portcrlield A t'o. Commission Urokers. Nkw YoltK, December '.".'. STO.'KS. ( ipen. llih Peoples (las. . . . '.ill' H7L' C. H. A? ( W: inn l,ow. !IU ("lose mi-; ;i:i; Close ."..To Close n.l I ' " I -!! ( '( ITTON. Open, lliirh. Low January 5.7'.' 'i.'i'i 'i.l: ClUCAdO MAUKL'IS. Wiikat - (Ipen. llih. Low- May UI: '.r; Coiin- Mav :IU; 2!i 1 SNAKES TURNED LOOSE. Iluae I'.itilrlelor nml I'yllioim Living In I'hli'iiii. 4ny 'I'urn l' H'ht're .Nnl Wllllll'll. Clin .inn, Dee. ','S'li. A hll'r lioacon stridor and two dcadlv pvlbons escaned from lln ir cai;es during llie lire which destroved the Coliscuui and if the rep tiles have not sucelwnbeil to the cold they are now j;liilin around sonu w lier.' in Jackson park. The snakes were owned by Lou Nickc lis, Ihe old time showinan. and were brought to ( liieaio ami placeil on cxht bition nl tiie Coliseum but a few days ago. The reptiles were the laliros! nf their species in captivity and before the) passed into the possession ol Mr. No kclls were evhibited throughout the count)) by Itariiuin .V Itailcv. When the tire started one of Mr. Niek ell's employes was in the cage cleaning it. and becoming evcitcd at the clouds ol smoke pouring through tin building, neglected to close the door ol the cage, when he jumped lo the Hour. Mr. (iilinas tied and when he readied the exit turned and beheld the three snakes gliding rapidly over the II an ami a moment later tiie reptiles passed into the open air. I In boitconsti iclor h adiug the way and the two pylhoiis following el isely lielillld. TIm reptiles passed around the corner of the burning stiucture and when last ttecn were making for the Midway. Tiie boacoiislruclor measured fourteen feet and weighed 'JI0 pounds. Ihe two pythons wi re live leel in length and w ere of the mosl deadlv kind. The replil were valued at f.'.iilMI bv Mr. Ickidls. FRESH AND CORNED lleef nii.l lMir Pork I Veal, Mutton, Oreen and Bologna Sausage, And our STALL-FED BF.EF is always up to the standard. Grime and Dresned Poullrv of nil Kinds Can he Had atj Sam'I Cohn & Son's 88 Middle St, Phone 46. We are ready to take orders or Choice Christmas Turkeri. PA POWDER Absolutely Pur -G-O TO. Mckid i hWi KOI! .K YTHINti YOl" NKKi ... IN T1IK . . . Grocery Line. This stock consists ot the best goods and their prices suit the times. Don't forget the place. Slaoid & Gaskil 71 Brand SU JVEW 1ST. It Ml. W. C. LJULOJULJULJUULJL FOU THE PURPOSE OF Bl'ILUIXfi LP AND SETTLIMi RIVERSIDE, Willi desirable hit 11 pants and owners, I now make for a " limited time the follow ins adt alliaceous proposal : LOTS ONLY $250 00. BALANCE $1.00 I'lvery mail of niodernte means, and ever) man ivorkui may own a home. Huy u lt'inie and pay f "' it i" installit When ihe first payment is made, you a deed for the lot when ail payment-! on same ate made, "a pass book lor week ly payments. " Safer than a savinnj bank, ntid far more pr.ditabl . When the lot is paid for, I will build you a MC 'EU COTTAOK. (your choice of plan ) to be paid for in monthly ir.stallineiit'i. Payments but little more than you would pay rent For eani,i!e, a cotta;i' costing '.', (Kill, will cost in monthly payments, W. !'ur ; years, and the house md lot is yours. If you want a smaller cottage, say to cost 1.-,-iiii. The monthly payments will he -Ms At the end of ; ye: rs you own a house and lot in a desirable locality, increasing- in value every day. roll i ti 1 or in nt ion , mans, etc., n. K A Kilt. Atenl. r7 I'lilliM-k Mreel Looking For Me I I have moved b Maud. 07 Middle Mill can bud lin stock ill Ihe ( ii v i. k lo ni old Si red. where lie-l Selected it t atclH's, lewelr.v anl Silver Xotions. OF EVERY KIND. Particular ( ate Taken to do all Work Kirs: Cliis-. We warrant our Work. Sn. K. KiTOX, '.IT Middle St., (Ippositi. P,aitisl Church. 1 I A suitable vessel or barge for' about titl days from February loth, next, to nnchor at moiilh of 1 'at j n o t in k liiver in North Carolina to re ceivc fi ah for this Compii'iy's passing) steamrr.-. Apply to undersigned, stating di -j menslons ami terms of charter. M. K KINli, tier. Manager, j Nik, X- So. R I!. Co.. ' N'mtriii k, "a. SHKE Slil'l. 7:t miiili: ht., NEW BERNE, - N. C. Has an Entire New Stock of . . . HARDWARE. Cook Stoves, Wilson's Air-Tight; Heaters. Ask (or Marpry'h Mixkp Punts, tbo beet paint in the world. All Goods Guaranteed as Itepre- nted or Money Refunded. Wholesale Retail Ciiroeers. Located on National Avenue, and others eoually desirable. All lota to he connected with complete Sewerage System $5 CASH DOWN. A WEEK, on n salary, ills, I will give you a jruar.iiitee to make call on IV 1 1,1,1 AM IlTiX. oooooooo p I KK MHtTII I AltOl.lN'A MALT lllsKKY, recommended by lead ing piiv-iciaus for medicinal purposes. Id oulv at .1. F. Taylor's. OOOOOOOO M V TAl'.I.K WINKS cannot bo n-ti-illt'd in this city. Imported SIm-ith"-. liiamlirs, anil Wini'H of all kin-N, Tin lines! Iii.iinls. J. F. Taylor. OOOOOOOO F OK LhJlOUS tf t'vcrv kind, the I'.ihtcc Salii.tii is the chfuiM-Kl placf. ulv Im- lit (m)iN SnUi and the Hi -t 1 1 ii- ! ' hcapcit. .1. F. Taylor. OOOOOOOO Tin: oi,i iti:i,i aiu.i: J. D. DINKINS. HAS OPENED A FIICST I.ASS V 1 VI iddle Street, Next to the Old Blue Store. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK EVKR HKOIUIIT TO THE CITY. Pure Old Haker Rye, Echo Spring Hve, Silvsr Brook Rye. Star A Rye, 11 M.I n 1 ii r I i urn uiu itoje alley ivvo, Pure Old N. C. Corn. N. C. Applo Hra idy, Peach Brandy, Orange. Blackberry, Scupper not) g and Port Wines. Case Goods; of all kinds.'' My Motto 1 Quiek Sales, Ssatll Profits. : SLSU Wholesale Place Cicrars"& Tobacco

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