; VOL. XVI-NO 195. NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1882 Brighten up Hew Year. jjji IF YOUR KITCIIKX IS LOOKING IT.l., rFlHTAPK YOIT NEED A Good Stove Brush and Some of Our Fine Stove Polish. WE MATE AI.Ii KINDS OF SUN DRIES FOR THE KITCHEN Scouring Bricks, Sapolio, Household Ammonia, Concentrated Lye, Sal Soda, Pearline, Soaps, &c, &c, THAT, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF A IirtV)F HANDS, WILL KEEP THE KITCHEX SHINING. .... NICE RUSSELL SPEECH. t He TIODit Gool for Private StoclMfa sad other Southern R. R. officials for refusal to answer the commissioners questions, and against the 8. A. L. for giving free passes. These cases will not be tried at this term of court. The R. R. commission has ordered ac commodations for negros be improved by February 1st, at the Union station here. The number of Ron bonds now being recorded is very noticeable and is by no means a good sign. OS; o o o o o B If 0 A Fresh Lot of Urge Florida Oranges 40o dnz. : Standard 3 lb Table Peaches, 10c can. . Standard 3 lb Pie Peaches, -8a can.' Standard' 8- lb Sugar Corn, lOo can. Standard ' if lb Tomato, 10c can. North Carolina Drift! Peaches, lio lb. North Carolina Dried Apples, 53 lb. California Jj Prunes. lOo lb, 3 lbs 25c. Very best Elin Butter 25j lb. KlU , Very best Cream Cheese, 15o lb. Sliafer's Small Pig Uains, uui 12c lb. Bhafer'i Breakfast Strip, JOo lb. Frankford ju$ ' Sausages. 10,) lb. , Largo Hums, sliced, Via lb. pjjJj In fact we carry a full and complete line Fancy and heavy UU Groceries. Give us it trial and we will save" you money, q Very Itespcotfully, O I D PARIfTR IR Wholesale and D Ji 11. rMlllvLri J 11., . Retail Orocer. Q 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Bates on - Railroads Reduced For ; Fertilizers. Auditors Expense. Trying to Attach Pearson & Caldwell. Lien Bonds on the Increase. Journal Bobuac,, RALMOn, N. 0. Jan. 14, '93. f A sad accident occured here yesterday afternoon when five girls went out near the city limits to visit a playmate, and in handling a gun one of the girls accident ally fired it, and instantly killed little Pearl Weuthers, aged 10. The Park Hotel which was closed two weeks ago will tomorrow bo opened as a family hotel by Mr. John A. Tucker. Air. Uaney, the lessee of the Purk Hotel in renting the hotel to Mr. Tucker stipu lates that he is not to take any transient guests. The Yarboro House, that has the monopoly, now charges lOcts 'bus' fare. The management is making an oversight and losing . nickels by not hurging for hat rack space at meals. Mr. Tucker has for a long time been con nected with the hotel and will keep n good house. . It is stated that Col. Andrews in an terview at Salisbury says that soon after Russell was inaugurated he offered to sell the State's interest in the N. C, It. R. for $'20,000.00, and when asked "How about the private stockholders he said The private stockholders be damned " The Railroad commission has served notice on the different railroads to show cause as to why they should not reduce passeuger rates. The commission issued an order reducing fertilizer rates iu the State in car load shipments one sixth as to present rates. Judge Purncll will, on Monday admin ister the oath ot office to Henry C. Dock- ery the new U. S. Marshal for this dis- ict. The State auditors report will show that the cost of bringing convicts to the penitentiary for the year ending Novem ber 80, 1897, was $0,250.99 and the year before it was nearly $8,000. The report will also show some of the other State expenses as follows. Executive depart ment $4,800; fugitives from justice; $3,848. W; judiciary $63,583.93; earnings and disbursements of penitentiary $184,- 1G.38; K. R. commission $10,409.97; Geo logical survey. $10,000; interest on 4 per cent State debt $141,839.94 and on 6 per cent, debt $101,107. Pension warrants, $103,757. The total expenditures for the State are $1,303,904.41. TheU.R. commission yesterday had Mr. S. Otho Wilson up for having his 20 passes and he told them that lie never had a pass until he was urged by Gov ernor Russell to use them as a member of the board of equalization. Russell denies this but Wilson sticks to it. It. O. Burton, Maj. Wilsons attorney goes to Washington on the 18th to make motion before the C. S. court that Messrs. Pearson and Caldwell be attached for violating the supersedeas of the court, The commission did not meet today. The Superior court yesterday returned true bills against Uol. A. B. Andrews .! YOU () ( () MAY TRAVEL FAR BEFORE YOU FIND ANOTHER GROCERY 8T0RE where Unods are so Reliable and Prices so Reasonable m here. We nre not philanthropists. Wo don't givo awsy our goods. We make a Fair Profit and only a fair profit. But we ure Close Bu rers. That's the secret ot our Low Prin t. A Full Line of FANCY CAKES Just ttecoived. JOHN DUniT, Cash Grocer, -r t w iifr f - - w i ran - 44. CASTORIA lor Infants and Children. Another Niwapaprr. Special to Journal. Raleigh, January 14. The publication of the Republican newspaper, which has been agitated here, is now said will com mence March 1st. . Kepot1! off Aalreea Balloou. Stockholm, Jan. 13. Professor Nor- denskjold, the Arctic explorer, has in formed the Swedish Academy of Science that the foreign office has received intelli gence that several persons worthy of credence saw Professor Andree's balloon early in August in British Columbia, seven miles north of Quesnelle Lake, in the district of Cariboo. The Professor regards the news as being of sufficient importance to call for closer investiga tion. HOT ON THE FLOOR Bnt in Committee Rooms liis FK nancial Qoesiio. is Talked. Acquitted or Murder. Special to Journal. Raleigh, January 14. John Groves who allot and killed a negro, named Henry Wall, at Forestville, January was today acquitted of murder by the jury. To AMbe. Los Angeles, Cnl., Jan. 13. The body of murderer Wm. Henry Theodore Dur- rant, who was hanged in San Quentin prison Friday of last week, was reduced to ashes at the crematory of Reynolds & Van Nuys here today. No one was present except employes of the crematory vnd members of the Durrant family. The incineration was done quickly. The ashes were taken from the f ui nace at 2 p. m. They were delivered to Dur rant's parents. THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Portcrfield & Co. Commission Brokers. New York, January 14. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close . 96J 98 90 1 90 f . 101 lOlf 100 100i COTTON. Open. High. Low, Close 5.81 5.85 5,81 5.82 CHICAGO MARKETS. - Wiikat Open. High. Low. Close Peoples Gas. C. B. & Q. .. May. O0J 901 W May Corn May 29i 29 Hotton Sales 80,000 bales. 90 29i 291 limllt stguian bis STOP HACKING ! YOU CAN Stop That Hacking Cough ..... If you will only tako Bradham'f Cough Balsam and Bradham'f Bronchial Lozenges 1 Doth are old, tried recipes and guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Try them. Hold only at - flan Nearly Completed. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Jan. 14. The plans of the proposed railway from Elizabeth City to Suffolk are reported as nearly com pic ted. Movement off Woratalpa. Jacksonville, Fla., Janvary 13 The warships Maine and Marblehead and. the torpedo Flotilla, have been under -full steam at Key West all dsy waiting or ders. Stores and coal have been taken aboard. On arrival of the Detriot, the Marblehead will leave fqr Navassa to In vestigate the trouble there. Tampa, Fla., January 13 The cruiser Montgomery arrived here last night to remain during tho Fisheries Congress but this afternoon she suddenly weighed anchor and sailed from the harbor under sealed orders. ' Kkwtort Niwb, Va., January 13 The battleship Indiana left here this after noon for Old Point Comfort, after taking oo 950 tons of coal, to join the other vessels of the. North Atlantic Squadron Norfolk, Y., January 18 There apparently little doubt but that the flag' ship New York has been ordered to hold herself in readiness for Instant departure to Havana if necessary. 1 IV-o. Brad ham' Reliable Drue Store- 0. C. Roach, Pres. J. H. Fibhir, Cash Pa. Wm. L, Lassitkr, V. Pres. The Mutual Aid Hanking Company, 117 Broad Street. Docs a Qeneral Banking Business Accounts Sollcted. Correspondence Invited. DIRECTORS. - C. C. Roach, F. B. West, J. B. Willis, J. P. Stanley, William Crispin. The New York Life Insurance Co. THE OLDEST INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY IN THE WOULD. JT. A. ITIcCAIJL, - ,- PreNldent. NEW INSURANCE, Paid for In 1807, - - - 135.5C5.704 INCREASE OVER 1800, over, .... 14,000,000 TOTAL INSURANCE IN FORCE, - - - 877,0.'0,025 ASSETS, - - - - ' - - - - 200,091,440 This company is composed of over 300,030 policy holders, who own tiie company; who are the company; who alone receive the profits of the company. Estimate; of cost gladly furnished by 31. I.. IXOIsIjOWKIiI, A cent. Fight Against the Civil Service Lan Not Going te Abate. It is Non Said That Annexation is Not so Certain After all. Journal Bukead, Washington, 1). C, Jan. 14. f Financial topics have been much dis cussed at the Capitol this week, but il was not on the floors of the House or Sunute, but in the committee rooms and between individual Senators and Repre sentatives. Early in the week Senator Chandler started the ball rolling, as it were, by declaring in the most emphatic language that he has just had a talk with President McKinley on the subject, auil that the President was juBt as good a bi tneiallist as he (Chandler) was, and that he had not given up international bimet allism, but intended to send the commis. sion to Euiope again at the lirst favora ble opportunity. Then there was a breezy little talk in the room ot the Senate Fi nance committee 'on the resolution of-' fered by Senator Teller, declaring I'. S bonds to be payable in silver dollars, ut the option of the government Consid- iration of the resolution was' postponed week. Then there were long financial talks by ex-Senator Edmauds aud ex- Secretary Fairchild, members of the mon- etary commission, before the House com mittee on Bankiue, and Currency, in favor of tiie bill prepared and recom mended by that commission. If those who favor a retention of the preseut civil service status really believe, they say.tlicy do, that the members of the House who said so many bitter things during the debate on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial appropriatiou bill, which was passed this week, are satisfied now that thoy have gotten their peeches in the Record which can he dis tributed among their constituents, they e likely to get a rude awakening later on, llie anus are working liarucr tnan ever to make converts and are expressing confidence iu their ability to get their bill providing for a modified civil service law before the House, and to pass it, before the present session closes. Some of them now express hope that the Presi dent will not modify the present rules, because that would weaken them, by satisfying some who would otherwive vote for their bill. Tho outlook for the annexation of Hawaii through the treaty, whi'-h is now under discussion by the Senate, is not ns good as it was a week ago, although the friends of the treaty are still claiming that the necessary two-thirds vote will os obtuined for it. Senators Thurston, of Nebraska, and Gear, of Iowa, who had been put down as favoring the treaty, this week announced their Intention to vote against Its ratification; and Welling ton, Maryland; Mason, of Illinois, and Spooner. of Wisconsin, arc iu doubt as to how they will vote. Guesses as to how long the Senate will debate the treaty before taking a, vote run all the way from two weeks to three months. Fine Roasted Coffee, Best Elgin Eutter, FlouivLard and Baking Powder, OR WHATEVER ELSE YOU MAY NEjil.) IX TIIE Grocery Line -GO TO- il s, Wholesale & lletail Grocers, LOTS ONLY $250 00. BALANCE $1.00 Why Pay Rent 71 Broad St., WEW IfEIlXE, UT. ., AND YOU CAN GET IT AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE ! .JULOJUIJUULJULIL. FOR THE PURPOSE OF 1UJILDING UP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, Willi desirable occupants and owners, I now make for a limited time tlie I'ollowiiiR advantageous proposal : Located on National Avonur, and others equally desirable. All lots to bo connected with complete Sewerage System. . . ... . . $5 CASH DOWN. A WEEK, When for $5 cash .lown ami payments of il per week, von can buv a desirable lot, and after the lot is paid for, erect a handsome cottage, to be paid for in monthly installments. Or if yon, want to build at once, for $350. cash and small monthlv payments, yon can buy a lot aud build a house in a good locality, where vulues are absolutely sure to advance. Under my home building system you can build at once after a cash payment of the value of the lot. I will build for you a house, or will ad vance you the money to build. ion extinguish ooth principal and interest bv monthly installments, paid exact! the same as rent, but with this dilterence if paid for rent. overy dollar is wasted, if paid under my system, every dollar is saved.. A more favorable opportunity will never be offered, to provide a home. ' Yon should act at once. Size of lots 50 x 200 feet. Full information, maps, etc., cull on Id. BAKF.K. A ! I. 57 Pollock Nlrrrl. William muor. Lady's Heart 19 9 F0VDER Absolutely Pur Fishing for Willi something tjint tickles the palate is a good idea. There is nothing you can bait your hook so successfully witli as a box of our rich chocolates witli nuts, cream marsh mallows, pep permints or r.linonds carefully covered with fine, delicious chocolate. C. J. McSorley & Vo. The Reason A great many physicians prescriptions fail to relieve is on account of improper conipoundi ng. PURE, FRESH DRUQS Properly put up will usually benefit the patient. We pride our wives upon our well selected stock of Drugs, and the success attend ing the administration of our medicines. Rradlinm's Reliable Pharmacy. Pollock and Middle Streets. Seeds! Seeds!! WE ARE SELLING PEAS AND - I1I2AXS At prices Lower than they can be bought In ordinary quantities in the northern markets. Stock guaranteed to be froth and the best obtainable We contract in the Spring to have our pess and beans grown for the following year, consequently these very low prices. A full stock of Fresh Garden and Truck Seedr Call and Bee us. F. S. DUFFY, Cor. South Front & Middle Sis. P oocooooo ritB NORTH CAROLINA MALT WHISKEY, recommended by lead ing physicians for medicinal purposes, sold only at J. F. Taylor's. F Y TAULK WINES cannot :i equalled in this city. Imported Sherries. Hrnndics, and Wines of all kinds, the finest brands. J. F. Taylor. cccocooo OR LIQUORS of every kind, the 1'alnce Haloon is the cheapest place. Only tho Rest Goods Hold and thr Uitt Is tho unrapesi. J. F. Taylor. cccoccco ; wpttL-i 1 ill m Off With the Old and on w i ! the new is tickle Fash ion' whimsical style. Hut she can't beat us on lightning change. We are watching every mood of the fickle dame, and bob up serenely In all the seasons with tie newest and most correct styles. and the bent and handsomest fabrics for our patrons selection. We will make you a suit of clothes Hint you will be promt to tiegin ttio flew lear on. F. H. CHADWICK'S, JIrchantTallor, 101 Middle Street. si:i:i IIIIHII POTATOES. For Bale 100 Barels Firat-Churt Seed Irish Potatoes, white Bliss, fall grows. Will be delivered at Aurora, N. O. Flour barrels) double beaded, if de sired. ComnpoDilonls answered prompt ly. O. K. MALMSON, J.a. il, I HUH. Idalla, N. C. Truck PEAS ! PEAS I PEAS I AND Beans! Beans! Beans! The earliest of Extra Early Teas, and improved Valentino and Rust Proof Wax Boani. Potatoes to arrive. Are You Com I Cam I Coming! J. F. CLAIiK, Brick Storr, Near Market Dork. Wmcnbrlnk'N J IleMtaurant, a Only Up-to-Date Restaurant In the City. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Kew Bene, N. C. Regular Heals, At all Hour, 25 Cent. H. Til LLEN BRINK, Prop Formerly Chef, Hotel Chaltawko. INsv4

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