" a ft C It- 1-.- - V. JtV'cgcfdblc Preparation for As similating theroociard Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of SI PromolesT)igesUoft,Cheerfu1 ncss and Rest.Conlalns m',r.r OpmnlMorphine nor ; -liiwral. Not NARCOTiC il rvm Sal' -. Sam : 51 Hmerntmt -' J lUrmSai flnnfud Sugar . A perfect Remedy fnr Constipa tion , Sour S tomac ! ' - Uoca, Worms .Convulsion. i .trish ness and Loss Oi" SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 'If J. J- Stiff - I tXACTCOPYOF WRAPPER. - SeheTiiiatlvo This oimtl.'nsod Scheiliile'is publiBhotl as information only, and it subject to change without notice to tlie public. ' - .' ' ; : : : 11 nnnuniiitnn nirnw.,.. , 1 , ( 1 . . a . m.n ... v. ot f v r No. '& Mixed "ally . Nc. 10. No H. No. 38. No. IS. No. 11. Dally. Daily. Eastern Ttiue. Dally. Daily. Mixed. Daily. . , . , , 8 90am 11 10 pin Lv Ureonsboro Ar UMara USSpm OMam U2.aui lstvpiu " Ulknodvllle 11 24 a in UUSpm n lii a m H 21 llll U4iipib - tluu College ' II 'JO mil 60 p 111 0 08am oiDtaui '4 unpin " - .' lturllngton '" 11 lo am M0im 6 Main 40 a in lOupr ' Uraliam " IN8im 043 pin 640 a ni V 4i a ui .1 V : J " Haw Kivur 10 Ml a in 6 S8 p ui 6 26 a in 10 U ii ill I li;i " ftlutiaue ' I0 43aiu 6 27 p in 6 06 a in lo 2 'l in 1 47 u m " lliiiaiioro " 10 22aiu 6o7pm 400 a in 10 84 a ui -1 48 p Ui " University " 10 ui a in 6 W p in 116 t m 10 62 a m 05 p in Durham " 60 a m ttSpin tsoam loin am 2 8s pin" - MorrUvtlle " 18 am 1 4 07 pm 2S9 a in 11 28 a in 4 p in ' uary "Dooaiu 868pm lit k m U46aiu I Mp in Ai Kali lirb Lr 8 Mam opiu 200 a m ' . No. 41. , Ex. Sun. - .., , l.v Ralelgq ai 9 00 p m 12 03 p m 81 p m Auburn 8 S7 a m 1 1 14 p m 8 20 p m JJWl"" 848pui" Clayton " SlSaui ISuapoi 7a pm UM)!!u Upm" Delraa 74am f jj J J ' OS p if 6 26 u in " Nurlolt ' "TZZL v1 """ ZZHZT" llopini 42apui " Prlnoevon " 738am ti0pm 6 80 p m 1 40 p ui I 4 66 p m Ar aoidaboro Lv 7 10 am 180pm 4 65 p m 1 Si) am JO a in til in 1 10 am 8 Is a in 8 28 a in S ou u m t m a m Maui A ti a ui 5 30 am 21 a in IM4IU 1 uva ui . Mo. 4-. fcx Sun. UOaui 4i a in 10 Hi am 11 Main UUpui I 10 p m N j. li and II carry Pnllman Sleenlnx Cars - Atlantic Coast Line. Wilvikgtos & New 15krjk R. B.t fc y T1MK TA1ILB NO. 1, Iu Kifoct vVednooilay, Due. 1, 1897, Dally . Except Sunday, doing South soHEDULar Going North No. SL, Pas wnger Trains No. 50, . ht. a m, stations: Ar. p m, WOJ ........ New Berne ii ...... ".Pullocksvllle . .. S V . . . . . . ; .'. . wytvilto t. a i 10 13 ... .. . .Jacksonville 8 40 6 05 4 S3 4 21 9 47 t Wilmington, I ( Unioa Depot f Ar. Wilmington; Lv. . tl 51. II fill... Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... S40 r x P m Nj. 80, Passbnoeb Frkioiit, No. 81 Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berue Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. a M Ar. r M 7 4) Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 85 8J5. ..... ...Scott. Hill.. .......1285 920 Woodaide...... ...1155 b"5(... Hollyrldge. ., A.1185 -10 10 , . . . plxon. . '. , . . 10 40 J I US ,. ;. Verona' .!.,... .10 10' 1150 ..' ..Jacksonville,... .... 0 40 19 10.:,; ,.,.;NnrtbcaHt.,.. .'8 50 'IJiW Wbiterak 8 80 1 10.,.."..i.. Haysvltla .... .... 8 03 HO ........ Pollocksville ..7 25 ' t W . Debrubl's 8 65 ' 0IIJ .....Ar. New Heme, Lv...... 0 20 'Daily Except Hunday. J. IL KENLY, , , - General Mansgor, ' E. n6RDKl, : . . , Supk Transportation. i , .... ; 7.L.UOUGLAS v i O i r t In tho World. 11 1 tii.. i,v f" rat. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE " SIGNATURE . ' OF- IS ON THE ; WRAPPER OP EYISY BOTTT-jE op Gutaria li t-t to Is one-she Vottlai enlv, It ill ut sold la bulk. Don't allow aayaw to sell yon anything 1m oa the plea ot promise Uat It I ii just u good" ana v'll rntver every pn. po. w-k Uat 70a get u-A-B-x-u-o-l-a. , ThttM- Bail jrBI Vrt ton Alj2,n897. between (iretmaboro and Raiaiab. A. A m C B. B. TIME TABLE NO. 4. To Take Effect Sunday, November 28th, 1807, at 12 M. Going East .Schedule: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p m stations: ' 3 40 ...Goldsboro... Ar. a m 11 OS 4 09.. 4 82.. 5 85.. ...... LaGrange.... 10 82 . . .Kinston ...1019 .Ar. New Berne, Lv,... . frlO 545, .....Lv. " Ar 857 8 57... Ar; Morehead City Lv.,.,t 7 47 Na Ml I No. 2, Ux'd Fl and I stations: Mx't Ft. and Pass.Tn. Puss. To. Lv. a m Ar. p m 710... Goldsboro ... 8 00 7 43... Best's 7 20 8 0J... LaGrange 6 50 8 26 Fulling creek......... 6 20 9 14... Kinston 6 00 9 28 Caswell.......... S 18 9 43 Ar. Dover, Lv 6 00 10 15..... ..Lv. ' Ar 4 20 10 40.. ..Core creek...... ... 400 11 15.. Tuacarora.... 1181.'. ..Clark'!....., 12 05 ...,.Ar. NewOernc, Lv. 180 Lt. Ar 112 ......... Riverdale...., 2 20v. croatan..... 2 43 Havelock..'.. 8 18... Newport, Lv., 888 820 250 10 47 1000 1000 9 40 .... 9 06 8 25 Wlldwood 47 3 81 '..Atlantic ........... 8 88 8 45 ....Ar. Morehead city, Lv...., 820 4 01....Ar. M. City Depot, Lv.;... 7 50 r. u. 1 AM. ' Monday. Wednesday and Friday, f Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. . -8. L. DILL, Superintendent. PATFNTQ V. S. AND FORE1UN" 1 . PROCUltED. EUGENE W. JOONSON, Solicitor and Attorney la Patent Causes, 1729 Now Yttk Ave , Washington, D. 0. Office Established 180. Charges Mod crate. CorreiToodcnoo Requested. TfM. DUNN, ik. KEUatOXD, 1'realdeaL flea rri. B. S. Ul'ION, Seety A Trees, Hew Derne Ice Go . Mannfkctartrs Pure Crystal Ice, Front D.Milled Watar. Out put 20 Tons Ddly; lVr Load Lots Solirlta.1, lc il1ivrd daily (exispt Sunday) I a, m. lo p m. Snud.ys (raiil only) 7 a. m.. to 12 ihkmi. K r prn w and oilier informalion. a-MriMa. II H. U'.MoM. Mitna::r. THE EMPEROR WORSTED. A Plucky Uttle Hancariaa CM Oot It, vena. For fedowm. The present kaiser would probably not admit that fas bad often been thwarted in any of bia plaus, bnt an anecdote baa recently beoouie known which shows that be at least once "got the worst of it, " and it ii all the more piquant from the fact that be waa de feated by a girl. When the kaiser, . who . was then Prince Wilbelm, waa abont 10 years old, he and Priuoe Heinrich spent some time at Cassel with their tutors, who sometimes allowed the little princes to pluy with other children. Que day when several of them were gathered together it chanced that a little French girl was among the number, and the yonng Ger mans conceived the brilliant idea of making her a representative of the conn try they all so cordially bated. Tbe de lightful plan was immediately put into execution, and tbe poor child was tied to a tree. Then began a fusillade of pine cones, sticks, etc, and whenever: anything struck ber there was a cry of "Here's for Sedan I" This went on for a few minutes, when a little Hungarian girl, Helena von D , who was watch ing, could bear tbe injustice no longer, and, singling out Prince Wilhelm as cuiel offender, she threw herself on him. The attack being unexpected, be was completely taken by surprise and fell down, whereupon she begun to pound him, crying out at each blow, "Here's for Sadowal" , The prince was fust getting the worst of it, for his little adversary was thor oughly in earnest, when the imperial tutors, hearing the noise, rushed up uud separated the combatants. After that tbe princes were more carefully watch ed, and Wilhelm hud no opportunity to "get even" with the little champion of justice. Some days afterward, bearing that tbe princes were leaving, Helena went down to the gate to see them go by. As they passed Wilbelm spied bis foe, and leaning out behind bis tutor he stuck out bis tongue. Helena was tbe daughter of titled parents, and later she was married to an Englishman. When tbe kaiser was in London, she told this story to ono of bis gentlemen in waiting, who in turn repeated it to bis majesty. Tbe latter . exclaimed la that ilwil of a cirl here now? I would like to see her." A meet ing was arranged, but Helena became ill, and so they never met after that one encounter to make frieuds or renew bos tilities. New York Tribune. A SAVAGE CRITICISM. The Tcaohcr(s Artlatlo Cleverness it eelved a Hard and Cruel Mow. In ono of the Cleveluud public school rooms of the primary grade tho teacher has been reading Longfellow s "Hia watha':' to ber pnpils. Of course this is a rather unihitions work for the little ones, says Tbe Plain Dealer, but they enjoy it, aud tbe rhythm seems portion lurly ploasiug to theui. When they come to a bard word, tbe teacher goes to the blackboard and draws a picture to illus trate its meaning. This the pupils find highly entertaining, and it helps in quite a remarkable way to fix the text in their minds. A few days ago they enme to this line in tbe early part of the poem: At the door on summer eTenlnga sat the little Hiawatha. "At tb door on sum-mcr cve-nings sat th' lit tle" read tbe children. "Go on," said tho teucuer. , But they couldn't go ou. The name of Hiawatha was too much for them. Tbey knew who Hiawatha was, but they didn't recognize his name. So tho teacher went to the board aud took con siderable pains in drawing: 1 First. A wigwam witb poles stick ing up above it, and a rude aboriginal drawing above it, and a rude aboriginal painting on the side. Second. Little Hiawatha, witb feath ers iu his hair, sqnatted at tbe wigwam door. Third. A fine harvest moon. Then she pointed at Hiawatha aud asked what itwas. There was F general craning of necks and shaking of heads. ,. "Come, come,", said the teacher, "you know what that is. " . Then one little girl spoke np: "I guess it's a mud turtle." And iustautly, with one accord, the class glibly repeated: "At th door on sum-mor eve nings sat th' lit-tle mnd-dy tur tie." And tho teacher feels that her artistic cleverness received a bard and cruel blow. ! Stylish Eralaf Bodloa. The simplest and perhaps the most fashionable bodice for evening wear, ays a New York fashion antbority, is the full blouse shape of chiffon, droop ing over a fitted silk liuiug, the top cut out iu square or rounding fashion, with a full tulle ruche, a narrow baud of fur, a fall of laoe or bead ad revers to finish tbe edge. The sleeves consist of short, full puffs similarly trimmed. - Tbis is a basis tor any kiud of (lower trimming that taste suggests. Bows of shaded piuk roses devoid of foliage are Iu groat aim ou eveulug gowns this win tur, aa are niuidoubair feru and lilac sprays, laid npou strands of pink or or ange satin ribbou uot wore thau au iucb and half wide. 1 la a Cbloae Art Oallery. "It seems to nie the) perspective in tills picture Is faulty." "Tbe er what?" "The perspective. "Ob, yes, that part of Jt il vory ugly. It'i laid ou too thick, aud you can buy better frames thau that oue for 80 dozen." Chicago Tribune. A 84 Marsala. did 70a break "Jane, platef" tbe ohina v"Yea'm. You got fooled on that plate, mnm. It's a weak nn. It broke the fourth lime I dropped it "Cleveland Plain Dealer. stheaaallaaa Carva lai a aay. "Mjilio Cure" for liheumatism nd Neuralgia radical I v ourei in 1 to 3 Jays. Iu action upon tbe ijttem is remarkable and rnjiteriooi. It re moves at ono the cause, and tbe disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bflnoflts, 73 cents, riold br llonry' I'lurmaoy, Horn lierne. JOHN KEATS. A Ptxrfi (taatu Life That Waa Terminat ed Ail Tee Soon. In tbe days of Keats,' Hampstead and Highgnte were still capable of baviug an individuality of their own aud of teeming with interesting associations. Part of their celebrity arises from those associations thus formed. Leigb Hunt, visiting those scenes before his death, wonld point to tbe wooden scat where be and Keats or he and Shelley sat when snch a poem was recited or to the path through tbe fields where Coleridge took leave of him and Charles Lamb, who would stutter some witticism at purting. ' John Keats was born in Moorsfteld, London, 1705, and at the ago of 15 was left an orphan, when be entered upon a Ave years apprenticeship in a surgeon apothecary shop at Edmonton. From his youth he showed a' pussiou for music and poetry and spent all bis leisure mo ments in poring over books. After read ing "The Faerie Queene" bo would talk of nothing but Speuser. He learned whole passages by heart, which be would repeat aud dwell upon with ec stasies of delight. His first poetical com position, written at the age of 17, was entitled "In Imitation of Speuser." Fnoin that time it seemed that Keats lived only to read poetry aud to write it. He luxuriated iu tbe thoughts of poets, talked about them aud read them to bis friends. Before Keats! apprenticeship was over it was evident that he would not persevere in becoming a surgeon. At 20 lie entered a hospital as a Etudeut, but soon gave it up aud found more con genial society with Leigh Hunt, Shel ley, . Goodwin, Haydou and others, Keats signalized his acccssiou to this literary group by publishing in 1817 a small volume of poems. Hunt describes biiu at this time as being under medium height, with shoulders very broad for bis size. His face, strongly cut, yet deli cately mobile, denoted determination aud sensitiveness. His entire expression was of eager power, and he plainly showed his . emotions. Wordsworth alone be seemed to look upon as a sub limity anioug contemporary poets In 1817 he left London to lead a quiet, thoughtful aud busy lifo on the isle of Wight, returning yenr later with four booksof his "Eudymiou" com pleted. In 1820 ho was seized with the fatal malady, the knowledge oi which ' bad been his fearful secret for some years. After a few mouths, duriug which he seemed partly to tight with death as one to whom life was precious aud part ly to long to die us one who had nothing to live for, be was taken to Italy uud there breathed his last ut Rome, Febru ary, 1821, at the ago of 25. He bad wished for "teu years of po etic lifo, " but uot half that term had been allowed him. Crowded into his short life was much of interest with his ambitious, his high ideals i:ml his tal ents, and had ho lived the ordinary age of man many tliiuk that ho would have been one of the greatest poets. Ex change. EFFECTIVE TREATfvlEKT . FOR WEAK Eil FREE TO ALL OF ALL AGES na nnNKV IN ADTANCK. Won dcrfot appliance and aclentifle rrn; edles seat on trtel to any irllnbin lanii. A world-ldf) reputation baek of thisoffer. ISveryobstnelu lo huppy murriod lifo removoil. lull sironftn, development and tone given toovery portion of tbe bocy. Failure lmposslliln; rko no barrier. No C. O. D.Mhemn. ERIEKED!CALGO..nrN.svr: FINANCIAL. Farmers & Merchants ...BANK... Eesraxi. BixsIxloss May, isei. Capital Stock (75,000.00 Surplus and Profits 11,111.41 OFFICKUS: L. H. Cotlkb, President. w. h.chadwick, vice rre. T. W. Dicwar, Cashier. - J. W. Hiodlk, Teller. F. F. Matthews, Collector. --r;r - DIHKCTdltJl - L. II. Cutler. John Huter. W. B. Illades, W. 8 Cliauwlck. P. 1 1 Pel let lor. J. R. Clark. J. W. Btewart, N. M. Juraey, T.W. Dewey. We want your business aud feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other bank In the city. It is our endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant aria profitable to our patrons. J. A. BRYAN, THOS. DANIELS, President Vice Pres. 0. U. ROBERTS. Cashier. The national bank, Or NBW BKENK, N. U. ivrooa.POH-A.1! am iees. Capital, $100,000 Surplus Profits, 98,168 DiUBCTOttsi J as. A. Bryan, Chas. 8. Bkiai. Jxo. Dukk, O. H. Uoaaar Thou. Danisls. J. H. Hackuuui U liAKvav H. a. liiauor; T. A. Ureen, Pre., E H.-Headuws, Vice Pre H.M.Oaovaa, Cashier. CITIZEN'S BANK or xrmrvr jskkxtsi, jkt. o. DO A 6KMERAL RANKINU BUSINESS Tha AoeounUot Banks. Beak era. CorDOi- atlona, Farmora, Merohant. anil othera re eelved on larorable tenua. r-rouipt an.t can nil attention given to the Inlei rat 01 oar eur aera. Coll.ouons a apMialty. boasd oroiaaoToas. Ferllnaa4 Cliloh K. II. Meadows, Una, burly, it. Jaini-a keatuond, Mayer Hun. Tbiimaa A.wresja, O.K. Fnv. W. F. Crockett. t. A. Mnailows, Aimuel W. Ipoi k, u laa. u. rowier, j. w. Urainitrr, B. W. Smallwoo4, Quo. M. Ivea, -.'. BO YEARS' w - rvDVatlBTMCsT TMADf Marks Anfrvri MHi'llna a kttfHi nd fleaawwlrrt km Mf eHhaw mm nmtintntje lnvntt"fi It pr..hhlf mmiiIM, rnnmunoi. tton MrtaMlr nonfldtnitlau. aua..l f reaaa. (fhlaasd atefir f flriotiti!. Hnf1lxwi nn l'kiMit4 iWfairt fur Mtinni T tfiM (kollOaS vHhout vhsirsTt IB 'ailstit lavaxn innun sunn m t isabnv asvteW fkolictv vHhout (iharfftl, IB U $d:ntilic Jlr.cricax A tiri'tnmlr ltlntni(fHl If. 1 rwH HtS (nlalton i1 'te'ntiBo y- nrnsil. Twnii. ir : f.'iir pi'.t.tb, t. Dold ttfall nwsl.ir, i':;i ftC3.,,,--'Kswycrk a.aiHS OAue, a F K Waskluaiuo, IX U l'ii'T.ai.ti-;;-.l furo L-l riorums, l. li.- ui-- .lively an lil.:ui ...-L K .rt; i.nitoor n:iih e': r rl:ii:ni I us:j in rr in a:iv iv .e lj I'-. a i!avB. l;:-;;rii,u.:.toi'.ni: pnu pro!t:jl, tMTnn!". j 1.7. i leruu:'.l-ll, f.r Liiaenoss, 'Or?!!-' ,Mlii 11.'.. -. I l J...III-, I'l ll..s u lyma. Clinv-in r!i: j-:i:';"-i:i, Kr.-i.i-a, pir-hi-go cr pain in i:ioin k i;i-ii i--K--.ii.iy ci:nl. liFtMi.r.1 t:iiswri re lcf from eu-j l.i tv.o c'a. cr.il iilrqat liivar-iibly rur.-ih f-jra r-iebol. l:-l-r. to- n i-sr-1. 1 tie MmO'on Usmiil ; i;,' pur; u: .-rafale euro for i-acli Ji-ici'M AT. i.:i llru- ;:'::l--:5t-t-n.s-i vl-.l. IfyouDoM neH-uil a'.v:;i rUo Pr-r. I.-.UTiyn.i, looj Area v Eastman's No. 2 Eureka Cameri is a simple instrument for use witl Class plates. Makes pictures 3 x 3J has 'spnee in back foi inches, and three double plate holders, shutter. Fine achromalic lens. Safet) 4 I'rirf) S ruri'Ut'Mmm, wiill i.ur Atw.h LflJi, .... " Fxtra Ddiil.li- i'luir IIi'Licr., vtirlt I":;-.!wtiM:l-a Uaui.iitrj VUirt,3'j 4.00 per dWt .34 Ut ' Jiurekas an4 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester, N. V. Executor's Notice. Haying; tins day duly qunlilled as he Executor of Eliziiheth 15. Orecn, de ceased, all persons indebted to said -s-late are requested to make immediate settlement. Anil all persons hoi Jim; claims against said estate are notitied lo present the same duly verified to the undersigned on or before December 21st, 1H1!B, or this notice will be plead ns a bar to llieir re covery. This Dec. 21 -it, 1897. OEOUGE GREEN, Executors of E. D. Green, deed. Executrix Notice Having this day "qualified as Exectttrtx to the last will and testament of llacar Jones, alias Hagar Pitts, tleceased. notice s hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate, will present them lor payment 011 or uetore the lbth day of January 1800, or this notice will he pleaded in bur oi their recovery, am persons indebted to tbe said estate will make immediate payment. This 1 1th dav of January. 18'JS. SARAH OX LEY. Executrx. of Ilugar Jones, alias Ilngar Pitts. L. J. Moore, Atly. for Executrix. Notice, Land Sale. By virtue of an order grunted by the clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county in a special proceeding entitled, Betinie A. Daniels, Executrix, against Clarence Daniels and Emily Daniels, 1 will on the 14th day of February, 1808, at the court house dour in New Heme at 12 o'clock, JI., sell to the highest bidder for cash, one farm two miles west of New Berne 011 Trent road, and bounded and described as follows to-wit: Beginning at a marked gum on the south side of Trent road at Lewis Wil lis nnd R. Brown's corner and runs west with the said Lewis Willis line 180 poles to Jackson Garney's line, thence north (tJ west with Jackson Carney's 120 poles to a stake; thence south 50 ileg. east 210 poles lo a stake on the north side of .Trent road; thence southwardly with said Trent road 18 poles to the beginning containing 87 acres. For luller descrip tion sec book 77, p.iges 441! and 447. There are two dwelling houses on the farm. January 8th, 1808. BEN NIE A. DANIELS, Executrix Notice, Land Sale. By virtue of a judgment obtained in the Superior court of Craven county hi an action entitled State 0 North Caro lina, ex rel., W. M. Watson, C. S. C, against Henry Rouse and Jennie Rouse for the foreclosure of a mort'nce, I will on the 14th day of February lbOS, at the 1 court bouse door 111 isew Heme at 12 o'clock tn. sell lo the highest bidder for cash, a "certain tract of land in Craven county near Dover station, whii h is do - scribed in a certain judgment in the Smierior eoiirt of miid couiitv ill n rcr- lam action wherein Henry Rouse is plaintiff slid S. B. West and wife are de fendants being all the rights, titles and interest of tlie said Henry House which he has by virtue of said judgment." January 10th. 1h;. WJ1. M. WATSON, Commissioner, Careitt,and Trade-Marto olrt.iiniciand all Pat entbuiiMMCOnd'jctcill. MootnATt cce. aua omei i OFeoeiTC J. 0. FaTserro-rn And wecapstrure paunt u kie uuie "jaa Uwr re-note Irom Wathinrjloa. ' Lena moaci. arawinK w pnuw, win. - r . ilnu. We advlM, if eaicnuUa or M, fr-l oi! clurse. Our Ice im4 due till petrnt Is a:e a, , a PaaiaMtsrr Mll'nr to Ol,tain Patents," wiui coj( ol sanyTln tha U. b. and foreign coaaU aa eat uee, Addieia, , I Op. PAT-TUT Omet, WftSHiNOTOH. D. C Hrw BsMPrt Umr AlMaintf It I nksewi to lh row Miim. rtaM!ini . rai in w u-ivai. m ft rviaivi muuwj it w Ui- n" Yt 1 ran b trtftUkrl m Donw lor 1 WiMmf r if ras wUh tbom who III rvwitrftot to Cvtr and the mm) "!-. prrr?r to Nin lir lltma or mmj nra nasi of fOaBlnf, Umhm mm UI1 lo ri irono MIlS. J CUt fa aiT I at. 'II BM-r. tlll hmrm mehr umJ In noatk.PatNvThroml, t4 jtorfat, I lrfM tn atll f k ret - rlllis taM, lldfM4talfcastl4 laktlnt, Msmm 'l4kJ our tnM4H,('aar eMaafS Itfcltot Ihf'UilT MaalfOf ii ui UiU I'rlakrr Ult-Nti I'flalM titt.1 tr mmmm Ma.1Wiife3 f.H tt tl't niovi mlmtM ike world tarmttMF i Ik fli.lll7ttt rveMt I r-otU) list AlWAVUl aft bJ4su J tit-, I VrniLr.M orn wt riiftrfiKisxw WiltOlwf r ro.K fv In" iirl IsImMi 4l MrtMUlti irtupln, I hlriarro. iMIoolik II. W. NIHFNOIY, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Oflloe 68 Broad Street, Tiext to Stewart's stables, Rmldence 168 Broa.1 Street, IVnurbU tolxn a aptclrtlty. aa smvBtI a m is LEUAL NOTICES. fa -a ft jj JfSTBOrTS AT Vt.3IQ vlUlIuV Ui. ViCl.C-, . Valuable City Lot. Ity vlrfc of a judgment of Itie Sunr-j rior Court of Craven county, N. C. iu I an action to foreclose a mort-i'e enti tied Jusepli I,. IJulin vs. Lucy Ann Mooie and Willinm Riley Moore. the undersiirned Coiiimissioner will sell hi public vuiilin-. at the court Ikhim- of Craven coiinly ii '.he city of New Heine, N. C it 1: o'cloi-k m.. on the 7th dav of February ! lf'JS, it being the first Monday of s:;ii. month, to tlie highest bwliler tor cash, the following described lot or parcel oi land: Hounded an follows, to-wit: On the nor'lh tide of New Souili Front street 111 the oily of New Heine, begin ning at the south corner of Robert (J. Moseley, Sr. 's line, distance one hundred aud fifty feet wei-t of the corner stone lit llic corner of Jones and New South Front streets, running thence with sa il Moscley's line anil paiallel witli Jones street, northwardly una hundred and seven and 3-12 feet In the back line of Lot No. 400 as designated iu the plan ot the city of New Berne, thence with said hack line end Giles Jarinau's line west wardly thirty-eight feet to Esther Sim mon's corner, thence wiih the Bame and parellel with said Joms street lo New South Front street, thence with the north side of the thirty -ciirhi feet to the bctcin- ning, being Division No. 8, of the estate of Jesse Moseley as was allotted to the said Lucy Ann Moore, then Lucy Ann Monelev liy W. H. Marshal, u. B. r islier and Ceo. E. Tinker. Commissioner. Recorded in liook No, 77. Folio 4."i, in the office of the Register of Deeds for ( raven Co., and liein the same lot of land niort- irngrd' by the said Lucy Ann Moore, William Riley Moore to Joseph L. Uahn by deed, bearing date of July 2:jd, 18114 and recorded in Hook No, 11 1, page 307, in the ollice of Register of Deeds for Craven county. This 3d day of December, 18!I7. J. E. & R. O'HARA, Commissioners. Notice, Sale Real Estate. T F. McCarthy, adtnn c t a d li n of Maria I Whitty, deceased, In the Superior vs. ; Court. before Lewis II. Brown and the Clerk. PhiUis Brown, de- I fendants. I By virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county N. C., in the special proceeding 'entitled as aoove, now pemlim; 111 said pmpprior Court, the undersigned Administrator will sell for cash to make assets, at the court house door in city of New Berne. Crown co., N. ('., at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday the 14th day of February. 1M)S it being the first day of February term of the Superior Court ot said county, to the highest bidder for cash, the right, tille and interest of Matia Wliilty. deceased in a certain lot or parcel of laud situated in the city of New Berne, N. C, on Hie north side of Goode street, between Primrose streel and A. & N. C. ! R known as lot number '(t) seven Good, street, being the house and lot where Maria Whiltv, deceased lived and died and devised by will to Phillis Brown together with the house and improve ments thereon. Dated this 10th day of January, A. D., lM'.iH, THOMAS F. McOARTIIY. Admn c 1 11 d b n of Maria Whitty, deed. Yt M. K CLAKKE, Ally, lor Admn. Notice i i" Htilf lloi:und Smith, Admin- istralrix of I). W. Smith, deceased, vs. Nellie Smith and Emma I In the Superior i Court before I the clerk. Smith. J By virtue of ah order of the clerk the Superior court ot Craven county North Carolina, m Hie special proceeding entitled as aliove now pending in san Superior court, the undersigned ndniin islratrix will sell for cash, to make assets at Hie court house door in the city o! iNcw lierne, uraven county, IN. U., at 1 o'clock, noon, on aionday the 7th day o February, 18118, it bt ing the lirst day o the February Term of the Superior court of said county, to the highest bid der for cash, Hie right title nnd interest of D. W. Smith, deceased, in a certain piece or put eel of land situated in sale Craven county, on the north side Swift creek nnd bounded by the land ol Peter Willis. Noah Jncskon, Macon Bryan, W. H, Eievin and others, con taining eighty (80) acres more or less being the lands, conveyed lo the s.-iid D. W. Smith, hv deed registered in the oilice of register tn deeds of Craven county, in book 82, pages 471 and 472 to which reference is made; together wilh ! improvements thereon.' Subject to i "gi i uower aim uower interest oi inc widow of said lands. HOLLAND SMITH, Ailminlstralrix. NOTICE ! NoRTn Carolina, i Cahtehet CorsrY. f Superior Court, Fall Term, 1897. Loum Snow, Jr., on be- bait ot himself and all other credilois of the 1 v ,:,., Will. M..1, l)i.,, "iiliV 1" 1'arties poration, . The White Uak River I Corporation. Pursuant to the order of the Superior Court of Carteret county mads at the Fall Term 1897 of Carleret Superior uouri in the aoove entitled action. All creditors of the White Ouk River Cor poration aro hereby notilled to come in and make themselves parties to this ac tion lie Tore the next unit of the said Su perior Court to be held in the town of Beaufort, County of Carteret on the 21st day of March, 1MH. And all persons holding claims against aid corporation arc nutllletl to present the same In tlie undersigned Receiver, duly verified, before tlie date aliove men tinned. This notice Is given to the end that all filial orders and decrees may be made nnd entered at Mild term, and all matters in controversy settled and ad justed according lo law. Tint January 5th, 181I8. JAMES A. BRYAN. Receiver Whi'e Oak River Corpoia'.ion NOTICE ! State op North Carolina, Craven County, f Superior Court, Spring Term, 1897. Thomas Williams, ) vs NOTICE. Delscy Will lama, ) To DkiJiiY Williams: This la an action for Divorce, entitled as above, and you are required to appear at the next term of Ilia said Court to be held In New Berne on the fourth Mon day before the first Monday In March 1898, and anaafcr or demur to the Coin plaint, or the plalnlllt will apply tn lb. court for the relief demanded Iu the C plaint . This Mlb day of December, 1HA7. .W. M. WATSON, Clerk Rnprrtor Cotltt A(tinInitrntar'NNoilc I Having qu ililicd i iinvnig qu inmn aa Aiimiiumniio iCicorge Tavior. fii-Pvasert. late .f '"') otCriven, N.C . ibis is lo n i nil I i-rronrf ImVinjj clniin niraiiibt Administrator of Ilia notify . I cri-onrf liviiia C'Miiik nirninst the stiile of a:il !' ; d lo exluliit them to the undersigneil on or ln-fore I lie lClh, day of Di ceniher 18U8, nr this notice will be plead in bar nf llu ir recovery . All persons iudehted to s.ii-l- i-etale will pleHM- make immediate ).i.vnient. This KHIi, dar of Di-omlier. lcl)7. ' TliOS. F, .MoCARTHY. ' ' Administrator. R. W. WILLIAMSON, Atl'y. AtlmluiMratoi'o Notice! Having duly qualified as administra tor cum tesiatiK ulo annexo de bonis mm Alarm A bitty, deceased on tho 29lh lay of December, lfill, all persons owiiur said 1 state are hereby notitied lo make prompt payment, All persons holdng hums against said estate are notitied to li'cstnl the same duly vended to the ndersianed administrator on or before Dicemlicr2(Jtli, 1898, 1b this notice will ic pleaded ill bar of their recovery. lice. 2:1. ISiW. THOMAS F MCCARTHY, Admn. c t a de bonis non of MiinaWhitty, deed. Sale of City Property ! State op Nokth Carolina, ) Craven County, f Superior Court, Before "the Clerk. '"J!1 (;:.. A!L,SC'y' EX-fli Petition to sel. ' - I land to make Os 1 . Richaid Jones, et ids. j 'lss,-lB Pursuant to the iudrment 111 tlie above named proceeding, I will sell at public auction for cafh at the court house in New Berne on .Monday, the 7th day of February, 18s)8, at 12 o'clock, midday. hat lot or parcel of land situated in the city of New Hei ne, State of North Caro lina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the north-east corner of Pollock street and Moonshine Allev 11 1 1 11 i 11 jr easlwardly witb Pollock street to Samuel Hilton's line, then with Hil ton's line a northwardly direction 214 feet, 0 inches, then westwardly to Moon shine Alley, then with Moonshine Alley southwardly to the beginning, being tbe same land conveyed to said J. A. Jones by J. O. Gardner and wife liy deed reg istered in office of the Register of Deeds, of said Craven county in book 8:1, pases 2 m and 2"rti. ROBERT G. MOSELEY, Executor ot J. A. Jones. This 1st day of January, 1898. House & Lot For Sale.. Piiisuant to powers in the mortgage executed lo the Eastern Buildinir and .oan Association of Syracuse. N. Y., by Virgil A. urawlord aud wife, which is laled the December 1st. IK'JO, and is reg istered in office of the Register of Deeds I ( raven Louuty, Worth Carolina, in hook No. 104, pages 01, 2, ;l and 94. I lie undersigned will sell at the Court House, in the city of New Berne, at public auction for cash, on Monday, the iiii nay ot ivnriiary istH, at 12 o clock, M., the following pionerty. All that certain lot of land bituated in aid city of New Hei ne, known and dis tinguished ns part of lot No, 1 in that part ol said city known as "Dryboro" bounded and described us follows, viz: Beginning on Cedar street ninety-seven feet soulheas'.erly from the southeastern corner ol Cedar and Stanley streets. running thence southerly parallel with Stanley street thirty-four feet, thence easterly parallel with Cedar street twen ty. seven feet, thence northerly parallel with Stanly St., Ibirty-four feet to Cedar streel, thence westwardly along Cedar street twenty-seven feet to the beginning, being part of the premises conveyed to said Virgil A. Crawford by John Hughes as administrator, etc., by deed duted April 28lh, 1870 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county in hook, No. 70, folios 248, 249 and 2-W. This nth day of January, 1898. Tub Easikhn Bi.u. & Loan Assn.. of Syracuse, N. Y. By M. DeW. Stevenson, Atty. execution st,i:. liy virtue of writ of execution, to me issued from the Superior Court of Craven county, iu nn acliou wherein Moody Lumber Company is plaintiff and Calvin Smith defendant, I will on Tuesdfty, February 8th, ltyW at the court house door in New Berue, offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for chsIi, the lands levied upon as the prop, crty off tlie defendant Calvin -Smith, de scrilwd ii a follows: . A tract of 100 ticres in No. 7 Townshin. escribed in deed from H. C. Wood aud wife to Calvin Smith, dated 1K8S. and re corded in I he ollice of the Register of iKviM ot i raven county, liook lU.t, pases :io and 530. .F. L. II A I IN, Shff. Craven Co, (0MM1SSI0XEKS SALE ! By virluo of the powef invested in Die undersigned commissioners by a judg ment of the Superior court of Craven county, grunted ut its May term 1897 In an ncuon wherein U 11. Cutler, Executor f illinni Lleve deceased is iilaintH. and Moses Patterson nnd others are de fendants, we will expose to sale at public miction, at tho Court House door iu the city of New Berne, on Tuesday tho ighlli day ol February. 1898. (It being lie second tiny of the February Term of court) to the highest bidder for cash, at the hour oi 12 o clock noon all the fol lowing described real and personal prop, erty, lo-wll: rirsl; All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being In the city of of New Berne, on the East side of Middle street between Pollock and Boulli Front, and beginning nt a point on the Eait tide of Middle streel 239 feet and fl Inches from tho corner ol Middle and South Front streets and running thence with said East aldenf Middle street Northward ly 0.' feet, 6 inches to the Hughes line, i hence Enatwardly with the said Hughes line. 21.1 reel, 0 Indies to lot oo in the plan of the said city Of New Berne, thrnc Southwardly with said lot M, 63 feet II Inches; thence Westwardly 214 feet 6 inches to Middle street the place of be. ginning, it being the lot known at the Hotel Albert lot, and on which the said Hotel Alliert is situated. Secondly: All the furniture of every kind and description In the said Hotel Allien, consisting or otlice furniture, parlor furniture, bed room furniture. dining room furniture, kitchen furniture, laundiy furniture, or any other kind of furniture by whatever name It may bo known, and including all crockery, cute lery, oooking apparatus, piano and what ever else of either ornamental or useful kind that may be situated and being In llie said Hotel Allien, which belongs to the parties defendants. A deposit sufficient to guarantee the completion of the purchase by the pur chaser at the said sal when same Is con Armed br Court will be required lobe deposited. Amounj to be 8) per cent, of the amount bid. This January 8th, IftlM. W. I), Mulvta. P. II. Pkl.tmio, Coniniieaioaers,