SImv -IT 4 VOL. XVI--N0 200. r- NEW BEtlNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 189. ESTABLISHED 1882 3t O o UJ1 1U UJ1 nil 3? 3? nil ml M (UX, .- Ina1 a o o 3 8 i () '9 Wit rni J iU D...." owuulul iniiii an m noses - , Are those well-dressed happy little maidens whose mamas have passed through the crucible ol trials and disap pointments in buying from houses which care nothing, for duality "and have centered on a firm which holds itself Responsible for the Good Behavior of all its Goods. This course insures that the family is Well Shod, Handsomely and Economically Dressed Nourished by the Purest of Food Products, iAnd now having become healthy, wealthy and wise, would not think of wandering away from AGAINST BLANCO. Bltt.r rrellUR Acaluat rtt flnml Bjr TMiilMri It lb ftpaalth Aim;. Brialntt 11m Bui Ulm. Havana, Cuba, January Id Absolute calm now reigns in Havana, and it is difficult to realize that a few daya ago the city was apparently on the verge of a revolution. Although the rioting was practically over on Friday night, troops Continued to be poured into the city up to Sunday. General Bernel arrived from Pinar del Kio on that morning with a force estimated at 2,000 men and bivou acked in the railroad yards in Prado, where most of the forces still remain. About the came time a column of one thousand cavalry rode in and found quar ters in the Cnuntel de Le Fuerza. In Cuba street, on the artillery wharf, but teries of field artillery were planted in position to rake Cuba and Chacon streets. All public buildings along the harbor front from the Plaza de Armas to the Puntu were crammed with troops and large bodies of cavalry, and infantry were held in reserve in the streets adja cent to Central Park. It is cs'imated that fully twelve thousand troops are in the city in addition to the regular garrison. A very probable solution is that the riots were the result ot a conservative plot in Spain to overthrow the ministry and General Blanco and to enforce the return of Weyler. nono, O OOO A Fresh Lot of Urge Florida Oranges 40c. W. Standard ' 3 lb table Peaches. lOo can. . Standard 3 lb Pie Peaches, 8 i ohm.. Standard 2 lb Sugar Com, 10c can. Standard ' 3 lb Tomatoes, lOo'can. North Carolina Dried Peaches,. 12c lb. North Carolina Dried App'es, So lb. California Prunes. lOo lb, 3 lbs 25o. Very best Elgin Butter 25c lb. Tery best Cream Cheese, 15o lb. Shafer's Small Pig Hams, '12c lb. Shafer's Breakfast Strips, lOo lb. Fraokford . Sausages. lOo lb. Largo Hams, sliced, lio lb. In fact we carry a full and complete line Fancy and heavy Groceries. Give as a trial and we will tavo you money. Very Iteapoctfully, JD DADIfCD ID Wholesale and . h. rMniVtri, JH., RetallOrocer. o o a onoomniii S W W W m- laonotfF w tatt iritT mriTTnT nm I IUU- D1AI TmVJSL fM HEFOitrc yOU FIND ANO THICK OUOCERY STORE whore UKiU are so Hull able and Prions so Keasonalle u here. We are not philanthropists. U'e don't givo wy oar goods. Ws make a Fair ProGt and only a fair profit. Hut wo are C'losa Buyers. That's tho secrot of our Low Prices. A Full Lino of FANCY CAKICS Just Received. JOIIIT DUNN, Casli Grocer, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. EISY iT LAST. Politicians Have Their Minfls At RtstoaCelaiflJolii v 4 PleiunnlHImple, Bnl Nnfo EfTectnal Cnre For If. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to incurable. The usual symtoms are a full or bloat ing sensation after eating, axcompanicd sometimes with sour or watery-risings, a formation of guse, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breath ing, headache fieble appetite, nervous ness and a general played out, languid feeling, There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coaled tongue, and if the interior of the toniach could be seen it would show a slimy. Inflamed condition. The cure for this common and obsti nate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it hns a time ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomucli. To secure a prompt and healthy diges tion is the one necessary thing lo do, and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. According to Dr. Harlanson the safest and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Disastase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux. Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and, not being a pat ent medicine, can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thyiough digestion will follow theii regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. Booher of 2710 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold 1 in the head, whereby tho lining mem brane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom, pass ing backward into the throat, readies th stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for me for three years 'for catarrh ol stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men after using only One box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 1 cannot And appropriate words to express my good feeling. I have found tlesh, appetite and sound rest from their use. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tsblets is the safest preparation as well as the simplest and most convenient remedy for any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach, bilious ness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloat ing after meals. rVml for little book, nulled fiee, on stomach troubles, by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The tablets can be found at drug stores. Railway Commission Case. Judge Fuller Woes West. Another Farm Leased. Seven New Depntles. Catch of Fish. Pardons at Beaufort. ' , Journal Bureau. I Raleigh. N. C, Jan. 20. f Some of the politicians here now rest easy. ' The District Attorney hog been appointed and Bernard gets the place. Chadborne gets the Wilmington postolHcu and Lyre Glenn gets the Greensboro postoffice. Tho Kaleigu postottlce will probably fall to Baily of North Carolina. All the council in It. R. commission case have returned from Washington City, The U. S. Supreme court may ren der its decision on the case without hear ing urgument or they may send for the council to come on later and argue the case. Mrs, Watson, whose husband shot her last October, and then killed himself.died early yesterday morning where she had been taken to see' if the bullet could be located and extracted from near the spinal cord, Ben Fields, who was sentenced to be hanged on the 18ih, for poisoning a mau named Keel in Edgecomb county was, a few hours before the execution was to have taken place, commuted to life im prisonment. A leading Populist says t'uit the past will be forgotten and that tin Butler and anti-Butler factions will soon be united. Judge L. C, Fuller left today for his court in Santa Fee, New Mexico, lie will be gone until the eud of March. At a meeting of the Raleigh druggists' association held yesterday, E. G. Bird song was elected president. The stockholders of the' new Republi can paper will meet here tonight. It is probable; that tho paper will be made a semi-weekly. Another farm was leased by the execu tive committee of the penitentiary ward. and confirmed by the ward. Two acres of Bugar beets are to be Dut in ou each farm to test the idea of the sugar beat industry in the State. Otis' Skinner lost night gave a tine pro duction In his "Prince Rudolph." The Railroad commission has sum moned Mai, J. W. Wilson to appear be fore "the court" next week. Major Wil son pretty sure to give the new holders of tho commissioners' office lively time, for he never whips the devil around the stump. Miss Sallie Stockard, one of the four female students at the University will graduate with the class of '98. It will be the first time a female has ever received a diploma from the N. C. University. U, 8. Marshall Dockcry has appointed levcn new deputies. They will be re quired to give 5,000 bonds before they get their commissions. The Underwriters Insurance Company was formed in Greensboro with a capital of$100,0'J0. Thero U so much inclina tion to start local companies. The catch of Alh in the State. 141,938, 000, last year was enormous. This is given by the labor commissioners report, The value of the catch is $1,813,618. The President of the Republican League says that Governor Russell has promised to canvass the State and It is probable be will do so. The governor has pardoned two of the grave yard insurance men who were con' vlcted at Beaufort last year. One was Delden Deleinar, white, and the other was William FUher, colored. Both were In dreadful health. ZOLA'S B0C88 GUARDED. GRANARIES NOT NEEDEf. At Least Nir Micna.l Nxy No. annria Onaarrrt m Itrunril the SJ. - London, January 19 Sir Michael Hickf-Beach, Chancellor of the Excln quer, speaking at Bristol today, ridici led the notion f providing granaries, as bud been suggested in some quarters, lie said he was convinced the British navy was strong enough to hold its own and in any war England would have many friends ready t'j supply corn. Referring to the budget estimates, he said these would show that the govern ment was fully alive to keeping up the standard of the army and nary; though he declared it was not creditable to Can ada or fair to English tax payers that such a colony should contribute practi cally nothing to the naval defences of the empire. He hoped Canada would hooii turn her attention to this matter, adding that he was convinced that if she did not, the day would come when she would have 'a rude awakening which would be en. tirely her own fault." !rTTTTTTroTTTirrnrrr Fine Roasted Coffee, Best Elgin Butter, FlourLard and Baking Powder, OU WHATEVER ELSE YOU MAY NEED IN THE Grocery Line GO TO- Nw Berne Gets a Deputy Special to Journal. Raleioh, N. C, January 20 Richard Blackledge, of New Berne, was today appointed a United States Deputy Mai-shal. DOLE LEAVES FOR WASHINGTON. He iPdpeels Korlllloulloim anil Nees a Review of Troop. San Francisco, Cai.., Jan. 19. Presi dent Sanford B. Dole, of Hawaii, left for Washington this evening to visit Presi dent McKinley. Before his departure lie yinitcd the government fortifications here, accom panied by General Shatter and staff, He was accorded full military honors, in eluding a review of the troops. After the review President Dole in spected the batteries and fortifications, und then returned to the city, where Mayor Phelan and a delegation of promi nent citizens entertained him at the Pacific Union Club. Aiiothr Niifcnr t'ompnuy. Speci il to Journal. Trknton, N. J., January 20 The American Glucose Sugar Company, has been incorporated, with a capital stock of $3,000,000. Low. 9.v; 9.) Close 1)9 HI Vlrat StMVBIUa. Washington, Jan. it. Tho luwer rooms of the White House were brilliant ly lighted tonight and filled with fUwers, hich mingled their bright color with the green of garlands' and tropical plants, while from the conservatory, at the west ol the mansion, came the familiar strains of the Marine Band. The occasion was the tint ofllcial reception at the White House of the present administration. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Portcrfield & Co. Commission Brokers. New York, January 20, STOCKS. Open. High .'copies Gas ... 9(1 9j a Hr&Q. ..... 1)93 011 COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close 5.70 5.79 5.70 5 CHICAGO MARKETS. Whkat Open. High. Low. Close May 1)1 j m 01 01 Corn May 29 2J 28J 29 Potton Sales 107.000 bales. Backltn's Armies BsIt. Tiir Burr Balvi la the world for cult, bruises, sores, uloers, salt rheum, (ever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, Caailaatal Dtaalraila ky ( Stsli la Pari aaa Pravlaclal Paris, Jan. 10. As a precaution to prevent disturbance the bridge from the Latin Quarter were today guarded by police and the residences of MM. Mathlcu Dreyfus and Erallo Zola were guarded. A small mob of students as sembled outside tho Law school with the usual cries, but the police prevented serious demonstration. BasalaM aairailav. Birmx, Jan. IB. Considerable surprise corn, and all skin eruptions, -and posi. has been caused her by a dUpalch from tlvely cure pile or do pay required. It 8U .Petersburg to the Cologne raxett is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction announcing that Russia ha formed two or money refunded. Price ti cent per new army corps on the Ccrraan and Aut- bos. For sale by r. 8. Duffy. . Irian frontiers, at Vllua and Kltff. ' .? ' f'r t " Insurance That Insures I A Policy elamliitrly without lWrlotlon A Policy with but One Condition, namely, the payment of premiums; A Pulley with a Month's Urace In premium paymriaU and paid in full In 'cna death during lit nimilh of srrac. leu only the overdue premium with lnln A Policy providing for Ite lnsUlement during Hit five mouth following the month ni grace, u me inturca is in Rioa neeiini A Policy auinmmirnlly non-forfeiting after thrv annual premiums have been pad A 1'ollr.y with l'rlilrn ol Cath Hurrendor Value, if so doslrcd, and of Loan at five per ront, InUrvit, at stated times lure y4r after luauei A Policy with Kiitht Options In Ktlb-ment at llw end of IS or 90 year) A Policy Incontestable from any cause on year after Issue; THAT'S TMD ACCUflULATION POLICY of Tho Hew York Life Insurance Co. JT. A. SlrCA-Ll, - - rrrnhlent. LOTS $5 CASH DOWN. A WEEK. THE MARKETS. ONLY $250 00. BALANCE $1.00 Why Pay Rent When for 5 cah uown ami payments of 1 per week, you can buy desirable lot, and after the lot is paid for, erect a handsome cottage, to be paid for in monthly installments. Or if you want to build at once, for '-J50. cash and small monthly payments, you eun buy a lot and build house in a good locality, where values nro absolutely sure to advance. Under my home building system you can build at once after a cash payment of the value of the lot. I will build for yon a house, or will ad vance you the money to build. ion extinguish both principal and interest bv monthly installments, paid exantW the same as rent, but witli this difference if paid for rent, every dollar is wasted, if paid under my system, every dollar is saved. A more favorable opportunity-will never he ottered, to provide a home. You should act at once. Size of lots 50 x 00 feet. Full information, maps, etc., call on William mnor. May. The Zola Trial. Special to Journal. Paris, Jan. 20. The trial of Einilie Zola, for publicly ocqusing a number of French officials In connection witli the Dreyfus proceedings, btiiins February 7th, next. Japan Bnjlnff t'ralser. Special to Journal. London, Jan. 20. It is stated Hint the Japanese government will buy the cruis er which are now belnir built for Brazil in the English and French shipyards. &AKIIK5 FDYDZn Absolutely Pur A Gain in New Berne We Have Just Received a lot of NO. I HANDMADB RED HEART CYPRESS 5H INGLES. Which eioel anythlni in the way coverlnr bouses that lias ever uecu ln vented yet. Wo I ave largo lot of them on band and must be sold at some price, bee, here they fo. Bid HILL, Wholesale A Retail Grocers, 71 Broad Kt.,?TW irailNE, X. ., AND YOU CAN GET IT AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE ! OR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING UP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, With desirable occupants and owners, I now make for a limited time the following advantageous proposal : . Located on National Avenue, and 1 others equally desirable. be connected System. . All lots to witli complete Sewerage A. ill. liAKRR. 37 I'ollork Nlreel. ii New Seed?, f Flower Need, A Garden Seeds, (IX PACKAO'HS) I (5) ; JUST RECEIVED 1 I -AT- Bradham's Reliable Drug Store- ! Truck PEAS ! PEAS ! PEAS ! AND Beans! Beans! Beans! The earliest of Extra Early Peas, and improved Valentino and Rust Proof Wax lloans. Potatoes to arrive. Are You Com: I Corns! Coming! J. F: CXA11K, Brick Store, Near Market Dock. IF YOVT WANT A GLASS OF BEER As good as jo i curt get in New York or any other city in the United States go to Palace Saloon ! 18 VllDDLE STREET, Where you can get it. Also any .other First Clns8 Goods in the Liquor Trade. Pure X. C. Malt Whis key, recommended by the best physicians. James F. Taylor. Henry 11. Ilryan, Jr., FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, New Heme, - N. . 69 South Front Street. 1 11 ...HARDWARE... The Shingle flan JMasury's Paints. Heal IiHinlc Agency uousEs rort HP.xr. HUU4E4 rUB BALE. FAUYM fOIlJIALK COLLECTIONS Of HUNTS. Any hiitlMut Id nor lion wilt I given prHTiit attention by leaving word at III Mora of N, Sana it Co., onuoitte the Ariel Bicyles. 73 Middle Street,-' New Bene, WiUenbrink'M lteMiMiriiiit, Only Lp-to-Date Restaurant in the City. For Ladies and Gentlemen. iao uiddlji BTitnnT.j New Iirrae, N, C. Regular Heals, At all Hours, 25 Cent. II. WILLENBRINK, Prop- Formerly Chef, Hold ChatUwka. 0. C. Uoacr, Pres. J. II. FMHia, Cah. Da. Wm. L. LautTia, V. Pre, The Mutual Aid Ilnnklng Company, 117 Hroad Street Does a Qentral Banking Business Acoounts SollcUd. Curmpoorienoa Invited. DIRECTORS CO. llnwh, . F. B. Wart, J. U. Willis, 1. P. Bunlar, William CrUila. H. C. I'll! I ! If 11 t Ptaoni.. e. F.UnrRi(.