4 VOLXYMiO 202. NEW. BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING,-JANUARY 23, 1808. ESTABLISHED 18C2 . . v . 4) : : , , , , , , , t v , vv i . Vi 1 1 . . ,v. .u l Lif et Preservers 1 That are effective , every time, through all kinds of had weather, are bur Superior and Stylish They keep the feet dry, and are light and handsome at the same time. - For Men, Women and Children-who are very much out of doors, these shoes will save many a doctor's bill. 1 After a day of exposure nothing is more solacing than a cup of our I NCOnPARAB LE COFFEE, -Associating With the" superb biscuits and bread made from our I. X. L. FLOUR, Then a romp with the children and then tucked under our ALL WOOL BLAN KETS and BEAUTIFUL COMFOETS you are sure to have pleasant dreams ot More Free Pass Discission. Fenl tentlarjr Prisoners Escape. Jndge Robinson (Forgets. . Hotel . Tax Discrimina tion. Journal Bureau. I . Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 22. f The K. K. commission is called upon to look to the Attorney General, Z. V. WalBer. He is riding an a free pass, as local council" for the Southern, while at the same time he is supposed to rep resent the State against the. Southern R.R. Raleigh's health record this mouth is remarkable. Up to date there has been only 2 deaths white, and both of them over 80 years old. Mr. E. J. Best, of Goldsboro, has been appointed by Judge Purnell as his stenog rapher and type wriier at a sa'ar of $900. The government allows this sum to the District Judge for a clerk. Yesterday "The Central Market and Cold Storage Company" was incorporated here. ' Yesterday the eecivpe of a 30 year con vict was noted. It seems the discharged guard released four besides the first mentioned one: Joseph Martin. The Grimes farm near Ralvieh will not be worked by the penitentiary authorities us w as at first proposed. urn vonon o o o o o A Fresh Lot ot large Florida O'ariges 40c dnz. Standard 3 lb Table Poaches. lOo can. Standard 3 lb Pie Peaches, 8o oan. Standard 12 lb Sugar Corn, lOo can. Standard . 3 lb Tomato, lOo.can, . North Caroline. Dried Peaches, lio lb. North Carolina Dried-Apples. 63 lb. California Prune. lOo lb, 3 lbs 25o. Very beat Elgin Butter 25o lb. Very best Cream Cheese, 15j lb. Sbafer's Small Pig llams, lie lb. Bhafer's Breakfast Strips, lOo lb. Frank ford Sausages. 10a lb. Largo Hams, sliced, lio lb. . Id fact we carry a full and complete line Fancy and heavr - j Groceries. Give na a trial and we will save jou money. I j Very Respectfully, t ( I D DADIfTD ID Wholesale and El J, II. rMnlVLri, Jn., Retail drocer. 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. o "oaonsigBii inonofV I (Si "J ( f (Jl s v YOU MAY TRAVEL FAR Sir.lI.10HS' RICGRD. if fiitbt Enndrel Illicit Distilleries PUD TOO MUCH. Harlot Sap Pule Alain Are MContoi Business-Like. Many l'eaple Are Had Because They Were not Asked to the Reception. ' McKenna is Attorney Gener al. The Teller Resolu tion Next Week. FOVDER Absolutely Pure numbers who, they say, had no claim to be asked except because of their real or assumed prominence in Washington social life. The Senate in executive session, con firmed the nomination of Attorney-Gen eral McKenna to be a justice of the Supreme court of the United States. An effort was made to secure the con firmation of the nomination of General be commissioner of rail- Journal BuhEau, ) Washington, D. C. Jan. 22. J Civil Service Commissioner Harlow is about the most unpopular man in Wash ington, with the government clerks,since he told tne Senate Civil Service commit tee that the government could easily save about $8,000,000 a year in clerk hire alone hv pomnellinir the cinnloves of all the ilennrtmenta to work seven hours a r1v. .nstead of six Rn,l one half. And he roads. but Scnator Vesl ,nade objection didn't stop there. He expressed the opinion that millions might be saved if the government's business was managed like that of large business establishments after a general reclassification of salaries and flia rirnnnintr nf unnpnpRAArv pm- nW. Mr. HnrW lm discovered what Providing for the payment of national has been plain to everybody who has Donda in 8llvcr was Ptponed by the taken the trouble to look into the matter Senal until ncxt Tuusday' w,t'1 ih t.l,t the l.nlfc of tl,e mnIove a nald understanding that the final vote would o,,t of oil nionorlion lo the Imnortanee of u0 taken 0n Thursday. the work they do, while the few who do responsible and difficult work are under paid. There is nothing new in all this, I except that a government official should say these things. Great offense has been given a num 'TrnnryTrrrrrnrrrrirrnrir' .A-tmore's Celebrated Mince Meat ! A Frest Lot Just IJeccived by Last Freight. Also freeh lot of California Prunes, finest quality. Dried Peaches, Dried Apples. Evaporated Apples, Eyaporated Apricots, only 10c lb. Fresh GritB and Loose OatfUke?. Ileinzs' Mixed Pickles, sweet and sour. . Standard Pie Peaches, 8c can. Very Finest Elgin Butter, only 25c lb. Auything you need in Groceries, you can got at the right price from I to immediate action and the nomination went over until another dav. Mr. Vest did not stato his objections beyond men- Itiouing the fact that they were not personal. Consideration of the Teller resolutiou McDaniel & (Mill Wholesale A Retail Grocers, FREECB DEPUTIES SUSPENDS. Superintendent Mewbome finds that t ber of people here; as was to be expected, there is $900 of the penitentiary library fund. This has been accumulating for several years and is mostly from the lOcts. admission fee for visitors to the prison. " ' . Council for John Evans who is con demned to hang at Rockingham on the 271 h has asked tor commutation of sen tence to life imprisonment. In the case of the II. R. Commission agaimt the Southern Express Company for dead heading express packages in violution of the law, Covernor Russell and ex-Governor Carr will probably fig ure as principle witnesses. There was a short session of Federal court hcid .ycBterday before Judge Pur ncll to approve a few accounts. There will be an adjourned term of this court held beginning Feb. 8th for the trial of civil cases. District Attorney Aycock appeared yesterday fur the last time before the court. His successor Claude Bernard will take - the oath of ofllco aud qualify next week. The anti-saloon League will hold mass meeting tomorrow afternoon. They will try to put temperance on the muni cipal ticket next spring. It is charged that Judge Robinson only charged the grand Jury as to indictment because their names were not on the invited list to the White House reception this week. The guests comprised chiefly members of the diplomatic corps and a large part of Washington society, and here and there a few representatives of the army, navy and other government officers. The army and navy people are especially indignant that persons were bidden' to the White House in large LOTS ! CATARRH OF THE STOMACH A PlMMantHlniple, nulNale Effectual Cars For It. Catarrh of the stomach has long becD considered the next thing to incurable. The usual symtoins are a full or bloat ing sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery-risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breath- i'Hthtlng- in lbs Chamber ou (be urey hia Affair. M. Zulu Nilcka to Ilia Cunrvcs. Special to Journal. Paris. January 23 The Chamber of Deputies today became the scene of great disorder. A free for all fight broke out among the members and the session of the Chamber was susnended. The trouble grew out of the prosecu tion of M. Zola for his criticism of the ONLY $250 00. tsterimzy court martini, rue decision oi the court martial acquiting Esterhazy was declared by Zola to "sully with sua- pician all such future trials," and that the decision was rendered in accordance with ordcrB from high authorities. Zola also accuses high army officers of dis honest actions. These charges M. Zola now reiterates. 71 Broad St., STEW BEBWE, IV. . JULSJUUUULOJUU THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING UP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, Ulannllc Null TniNt. Special to Journal. Bi'kinofiei.d, Mass., January, 22. A great wire trust has been organized with a capital of eighty seven million dol Ing, headache flcble appetite, nervous- 'ars. ness and a general played out, languid A New ork syndicate headed by fenlin?. ' ' IPierpont Morgan controls two. thirds of There is often a foul taste in the mouth, the stock. coated tongue, and if the interior of the stomach could be seen it would show a I Bucklon't Arnica Salvo. slimy, Inflamed condition. The Best Bai.vs in the world for cuts, Hie cure lor tins common and obsti- bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever nate trouble is found in a treatment 80reg tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, against free passes in counties alone tho,wliioh ?USC8 lho. fpod to readilv' corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi. viiuiuuguijr uisciku uciuic it uun a nine tiveiy cures pups or no pay requireu. n to ferment and Irritate the delicate la mmnuitopd m ci nni-ffvt sailsfnctinn mucous surfaces of the.stomach. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per lo secure a prompt and healthy diges- i)ox, ior Mie )y f. S. Duffy. tlon Is tbe one necessary thing to do,and when normal digestion is secured the With desirable occupants and owners, I now make for a limited time the following advantageous proposal : Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. All lots to be connected with complete Sewerago System $5 CASH DOWN. BALANCE $1.00 A WEEK. Every man of moderate means, and every man working on a Balarv. may own a home. Buy a home and pay for it in installments. When iho iirst payment is made. I will eive vou a truanuitoo to make you a deed for tho lot when all payments on same are made, "a pass book for weekly payments." bafer than a savings bank, and far more profitable. When the lot is paid for, I will build vou a Alt' )EHN COTTAGE. (your choice of plan) to bo paid for in monthly installment. Payments but little more than vou would pay rent. For cxamole, a cottase costing 2,000, will cost in monthly payments, 830, for 7 years, and tho house anu lor is yours. If yon want a smaller cottase, say to C03t $1,200. The monthly payments will bo $1 5 At the end of 7 venrs vou own a house and lot in a desirable locality, increasing in value every day. ion should act at once. size of lots 50 x 200 feet. Full information, maps, etc., call on AM. BAKER, 57 I ollork Nlrrrt. WILLIAM IUNW. line of the Southern R. R.' lie says this was due only to forgetfulncss. How con venient memory Is sometimes. The last revenue act exempts from licenso tax those hotels whose business is under $1,400 a year. A test case is now to be made before the Supreme court. Tbe lessee of the hotel In Durham says this is discrimination and refuses to pay, The Superior court backs hi in and the State appeals to the .Supreme court to settle the matter. The Governor and attorney fur the penitentiary decide to let Cabarras coun ty have 45 convicts for publio road woik This in the face of the statement of the superintendent that no convicts could be furnished this winter. During Collector Simmons term 800 illicit distilleries were destroyed. This is a record. Reports to the Labor Bureau, state that the annual value of the State's oyster prouuci l now oniy buoiu viou.uuu. OABTOHIA. . f Tht Kinii You Haw Always Botight .six tr . s, is Si r IIKFORB YOU FIND ANOTHER aUOCEKY' STORK hero (l.iods are so Reliable and Trioes to Uowinable M hero. We are not philanthropists. We don't giro away onr roo'Is. We make a Fair Pro lit and only fair profit. 1 P.ul wo oro Close Iluyors. That's the tccret of oar Jo J'.i.-M. A Full Line of FANCY CAKES Just Received.' u "2 DUIIII, Cash Grocer, ! i Money Back . ' If AHWAY'8 Cboup Svrup, fails to relieve your child of croup. To introduce this remedy, any one presenting this advertisement and fifteen (15) cents will receive a bottle of Anwaj's Oroup Syrup, regular prioe of which is &3 cents. Offer good for this week ooly. Dratlham's Reliable Pharmacy. Pollock aud Middle Streets. catarrhal condition will have disap pcared. According to Dr. Harlanson the safest and best treatment is to use" after 'each meal a tablet, composed ot Disastasc, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux. Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can no be found at all drug stores tinder the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and, not being a cat ent medicine, can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thyiough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. Booher of 2710 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold in the head, whereby too lining mem- Cor brane of the nose becomes inflamed and I May tho poisonous discharge therefrom, pass ing backward into the throat, reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Med leal authorities prescribed for me for three years for catarrh of stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 1 cannot find appropriate words to express my good feeling. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the simplest and most convenient remedy for any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach, bilious ness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloat ing after meals. Bnnd for little book, mailed free, on stomach troubles, by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Th tablets cao be found at drug stores. ' THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Portcrfiuld & Co. Commission Brokers. New York, January 22. STOCKS. Open. nigh. Low. Close Peoples Gas ... 90 00 . 05 J 83: C. B. & Q. 99J 90t 0? 93 COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close May 5.74 5.74 5.73 5.78 CHICAGO MARKETS. What Open. High. Low. Close May 021 921 911 02bid Housekeepers! Cream Olive Oil, Extract Vanilla, Extract Lemon, Extract Orange, Extract Almond, All of Best Quality. Don't spoil your cooking using Interior Spices. Bradham's Reliable Drug Store- SEED IRISH POTATOES. For Sale 100 Ba-rels First-Class Seed Irish Potatoes, white Bliss, fall grown. Will be delivered at Aurora, N. O. Flour barrels, donlile headed, if de sired. Correspondents answered prompt ly. , U. K. MALLISON, Jan. 11, 1808. Idalla, N. C vv :.v. At the book More 20 29 Cotton Sales 28,300 bales. yNMsBaavsi 1 IClll z Pharmacy, 127 Middle St., New Berne, N. C. FIijhIcIuii FrcMcrlptloiiM A Specialty. A Fresh Supply of Landreth's Garden Seed Onion Sets. NMNNN and L Truck PEAS ! PEAS ! PEAS ! AND Beans! Beans! Beans! The earliest of Extra Early Peas, and improved Valentine and Uust Proof Wax Hoans. Potatoes to arrive. Are You Comet Comet Coming;! J. F; CLARK, . Brick Store, Near Market Dock H II Insurance That Insures ! A Policy atohiti-ly without Krstrictioos; A Policy with but One Condition, namely, the Dsvmsnt of Dremlum: A Policy with a Month's tirace in premium payments and puhl in full In case of I uriuii uiirmi nmnin or grace, leu only tne overdue premium with Interesti A Policy providing for Kr-lnatatemrnt during tht five months following the month of Rrnco, if llin inaurvd U In Rood henlthi I A Pulley automatically non-foiff hlng after three annual premiums have been paid; A Volley wlih Privilege of Cali Horrwnder Values, If so desired, and of Loans at nve pi r rent, lnu-reat, at sutixl Urns three veara artrr luaun A Pulley with K i if I Option In arttirment at tlx end of 15 or $0 yean A Poliry InonnicitUhle front any uauae one year afler Issue) , THAT'5 THE ACCUflULATION POLICY of The flew York Life Insurance Co., ...HARDWARE... Stuart's a Dyspepsia Tablets, ON SALK AT ... . Davis' I Pharmacy, Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles ell Mile Stall New Berne N.C. More School BooIch A School Supplier Ilave Arrived. Call and Sec My Iiimch RaftketM, Tooth Picks Paper Dusters. and Nice Tissue V.V ta. H. EnncU. All Sorts of Hats For all sorts of people and for all torts of prices, exoept high prices. We nave just reoeived new line of Spring HaU which ere np to the latest style. You will do well to see nt Jetoi9 buying else-whore. We ere agents for the oelrbreted Knox Hals, end have a line of cheaper hate which are marked down to rock bottom prices. Call end tee onr line of Spring Goods end yon will be tuitod. Baker & Dunn. a. A. irirCAIjI - - FrrKldont. if t t J f t- t ! i 1 V rUoneM. CornroftilAMi.l.lloBl, i4iiiti4iI'ia-ai'i'fca-lVli