J ' 'jj'iy U illy V VOL. XVI NO ' 205. NIW BERNE, N. C THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1882 Or 4' v. V IM.UMIfl'.J inK((miRiiiiMiMiMt irr r m m WW WWWWWW W w I W V V WW W WW WW VMM VJT t.lltUiillllllUllllllXIMIIIIIIIMlK Ljiie Preservers V ft. Y IS. - .. -V- , TBS IXEETS ASSEMBLING. Other Halloas IXKIni Their af War lata ike Waters af Hmu Haraar. Special to Journal. . ' ; Wasuinqton, January 86. The news comes from Havana- that a cumber of foreign warships arrived today. These are vessels belonging to tho British; Oer- man and French aoveromcnts. The na tions of the world are now veil repre sented in the Havana harbor. That are effective every time, through all kinds of bad weather, are our Superior and Stylish They keep' the feet dry, and are light and handsome at the same time. For lien, Women and Children-who are very much out of doors, these shoes will save many a" doctor's bill. .; - After a day of exposure nothing is more solacing than a cup of our INCOMPARABLE COFFEE, Associating with the superb biscuits and bread made from our. ' .. I. X. L. FLOUR, Then a romp with the children and then tucked under our ALL WOOL BLAN KETS and BEAUTIFUL COMFORTS you are sure to have pleasant dreams of - Writes la the Garvraor. Denial af all Cnarces Aaalast Him. Special to Journal. ' - - Raleigh, N. C, January 20. Covern or Russell today received a letter from Robert Hancock, President of the A. & N. 0. Railroad in hich he denies all the charges that have been made against him by the Abbotts. . " ; He accompanied bis letter of denial by letters front New York City from rela tives of lib's Abbott in New York in which they bear out Hancock's statement f his relations to the girl while in that city.- -v.;'. Hancock says in his letter that so far as he knows the character of the girl is good, and that his relations with her have been entirely proper, and that he never made any threats or tried to in timidate her in any way. Nt. Louis ilarrleaae. St. Locis, Ho., J:in. 25. A gale that reached the highest velocity of any that has visited St. Louis since the tornado of May 27. 1890, prevailed today. Its veloc ity was 60 miles an hour. Two deaths, one fatal lujury and sev eral minor casualties were reported, nnd there was considerable destruction of property. r.-i q jaaaaaiBa feakasaShal a4 ill "WW. ooov; Arpus Automatic - Lamp Filling Cans. I I desire to call attention to the fact that I am prepared -' to furnish tlio trade with Arpua Automatic Limp Filling Cans. Those cans hold 5 gallons and are ielf-fillinc and perfectly air light, thereby preventing evaporation. Cane are loaned free of expense and ore called-for regu Urly to be refilled with only the BEST QUA LI IY OIL at Lowest Possible Prices. :' Call and examine samo. Oood lion so keepers should not be without one. Very IUipenlfnllT, ' J. R. PARKER, JR., Retail Qrocer. 'Phone GO. 77 Broad Street. B ifiSisonorVF LETTER FRORI HsNCOCK. 1HTO THE GOVERNOR. cular saying they will issue no more fne puses to rallroi I employ families. This will be a hard blow if it is carried! out i Judge Robinson was yesterday a wic- ; naaa in 1.iI.1uKh. ma I. I.ta 1 1 1 . il i .1 " n The Hswl Daily EiMMtioii ofh- TREATED ALL RIQBT. rYrrnrtnrrrnrrrrir The lBM(labl Main NMnteU at 4'onrlrNtrtt Extended. Washington", Jan. 2o. A telegram was received from Consul General Lee by tlic State Department this afternoon nnd was taken by Assistant Secretary Day to the White House for I be inforn a ion of the President. General Lee suid that the Maine had been receive! with every cmrtesy. The commanders of the Ger- meeting yesterday had the pleasure of man and Spanish ships of war in the har- having quite an array of Southern otfl- bor had called upon the commander of cials before them. -They also had the the Maine, who had returned their calls; Tucker is No More. Small Fox At tracts Attention. Convicts vFor Pnblic Roads. Pensions Paid Confederate Veterans. - More Passes. Journal Bureau. i Raleigh. N. C. Jan. 26. f -, The Railroad Commissioners at their 0-UUfci FIGHTINQ MATERIAL SUNS. Fllllbualer Tlllla l.oal at Hen. ronr Mr Ga Dawa and Marb Cnrga. Providence, R. I., Jan. 25. Nineteen survivors of the wrecked filibustering steamer Tillie were brought to this port by the coasting schooner Governor Ames today. Four men were lost, Capt. John O'Brien, a famous filibuster, known as 'Dynamite Johnnie," was among those saved. : , " The rescued men bring word that the Tillie wis abandoned off Barnegat, N. J., last Sunday afternoon in the midst of a terrible storm. It is believed that she was scuttled by traitors who had joined the party on board for the purpose of destroying the vessel. The nineteen who were saved escaped with great difficulty. The other four men could not be taken off and went down wth the vessel. Forty tons of dynamite, . three dyna mite guns and a considerable quantity of ammunition, intended for tiie Cuban insurgents, were on board the Tillie when she sank. pleasure of bearing Boms pretty plain words. No ' decision in the contempt cases was rendered at Col. Andrews and the others ate their breakfast at their homes t'-iis morning instead of "behind the bars." Col, W. A. Henderson of Knoxvilie, Tenn., general counsel for the Southern made a brilliant argument for his clients. Today sees the end of a firm that has been in existence here for over 00 years, " W. U. &R. S. Tucker & Co." today closes its business and the two gentle. men T. H. Dobbin and J. F. Ferrall who will open in the place of Tuckers will do so in their own names. The appearance of small pox in Char. lotto while it is in Wilmington and Rockingham naturally . makes people here a little restless. It may be that the Board of Health will take the matter in hand and require vaccination. One of the commissioners of Cabarras county came yesterday to complete ar rangements for the 40 convicts that are to be carried to that county for work, on the publio roads. The lovers of comic opera will enjoy "Wang" here on January 81st. The Raleigh Euchre club was elegant. ly entertained at the home Miss Lydin Hoke last night. ' ' Dr. Eben Alexander of the Stale tni- versity.who has been minister to Greece, will, on February 11th deliver an address on "Greece and its people," for the bene fit of Good Shepherd church It will be remembered that Governor Russell was requested by tho New York World to wire some cotton mill statistics a few days ago. Your correspondent the Spanish forts had fired Salutes, and all the ceremonies demanded by naval etiquette had been observed. . In addi tion the Consul General stated that every thing was tranquil in Havana. McKenna IUNtnlletl. Special to Journal. Washington, January 20. Joseph Melvenna was installed today as associate Justice of the Supreme Court. AT INDIANAPOLIS. Large tialhertug- Iiitrraud In the Reform ofiue Currency. Special to Journal. Indianapolis, January 20 The second day meeting of the monetary convention was held today in the Grand Opera House. There arc now 26 States represented in the convention and there is more than a hundred delegates increase over the first convention of a year ago. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Tint Best Salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd all skiu eruptions, nnd poet tivcly cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price i box. For sale by F. 8. Duffv, THE HARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterficld & Co. Commisslqp Brokers. ; New York, January 80. " STOCKS. '. ' ' V '- r . ;' Open. High. law. Clot Peoples Gas..., tttj 90 95( 96 C. B. & Q. 90 99J 9PJ 9itj - ; cotton. - ; Open. High. Low. Close May...... ..... 8.79 583 6.79 5 82 CHICAGO MARKETS. S, WHkAT Open. High. Low. Close May 9lp 94 93J 941 Cobs . May 391 29 Hr 29 Potion Bales 106.000 bales. ttatt mv mnnfDT inn iUU Ldfll lftMMj Mil BUZZARD STILL RAOINO. Over Vaat Niraiehra af Caaalry lb una King Balda Mway. Special to Journal. ' ' Chicago, January 86. The great Northwest storm of wind and snow still rages over thousands of square miles of country. In all the cities the streets are blocka ded and street car t radio has ceased. Telephone wires and poles are down In every direction. The damage to the delay of trains and the Inns of perishable goods Is very great. In Chicago the suburbs arc qullo isolated from the city. YO'J FIN'!) AND Til Kit GUOCKUY STORK K-'!iii!'lii and Piiivt a U tutonaMo u hora. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. it Ufui km gave an out line of the Governor's reply but did not know that be had added "irratus" a nine at Dr. Abbott, the rail road commissioner that does not let Gov. ernor Russell think for him, nor who does not always think as the Governor. He intimates that Dr. Abbott can be bought by Pierpont Morgan, but that hie two rascals Caldwell and Pearson can not. Republicans here last night were indignant that the Governor should have so slandered Dr. Abbott The machinery 'or the shirt factory at the penitentiary arrived yesterday and will at once be put in position. The penitentiary is allowed to do the washing for residents of the city and many pat ronize it. Thus convict labor is brought In competition with free labor, and those who help convict labor would bo loud in their denunciations of one who had to steal to live after the means of living was taken from them and given to those who little needed it, rather than to the State. There la little doubt but . what Ewait will be tho' successor of Judge R. P. Dick. It is not known who will be Ewart's successor. The Governor has not given It out. Tomorrow tho passenger rate question oomes up before the R. R. Commission and on Friday tho Southern Express Company will be asked why 1( "Dead Headed" exprossage to his honor the Governor. Borne time ago the plan to establish library at the city graded schools was started. There are now but 1.000 vol umes. These were contributed to the Duolls mostly- Borne books have been bought by money raised by different en. tertainments and some given by citizens. Theso 1,000 books are in the Centennial school at the Murphy Is another library of the same kind. Bines 1889, when the first pension law went Into effect there has been paid to Confederate Veterans in pensions 9764, 000, so ssjs Auditor Ayer. This docs not include the special appropriation to disabled soldiers. It is not yet known whether the Bell Telephone will appeal from the R. R. Commissioners rate or not. If not the rate will go Into effect Feb. 1st. The penitentiary bought tho Castle Hayne farm but never paid tor It, It nevertheless did not hesitate to sell about t6,000 worth ot material. Tho penilen tiary must be in straits. Even the direc tors not knowing its debts The Southern it, R. has issued a cir- The Nnsbville fmitrst. Nasiivillb, Tenn.: Jan. 23. A vote was taken iu each branch of the Legisla lure today for United States Senator. A6 the Democrats are largely in the majority there was no election. Most of them did not vote, The Democratic caucus net again at night and took eighteen bulbts. The last and eighty liflh ballot stood McMillin, 87: Turley, 27; Taylor, 26 The indications still point to a dead. rock, and the feeling is crowing that there may be no election of a Senator, Fresh Buckwheat, old fashion and prepared. The Very Finest Elgin liulier, fresh from the Dairy, only 25c per lb, And one of the Most Compute Slocks of Choice Fam ily Groceries in the city. Give us a call, Yours Truly, Wholesale fc Retail Grocers, 71 Broad Nt., NEW ISIHIXE, W.' C. FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING UP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, With desirable occupants and owners, I now make for a limited time the following advantageous proposal : Located on National Avenue, and I others equally desirable. All lots to bo connecter with complete Sewerage System $5 CASH DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK. Every man of moderate mean;, and everv man working on a ealarv. . i. ii , . ... ? .1, . " cents periuiay owu u noun;. uuy n nome nnn pay ior it ill liistiiiimpiitR, w nen me ursi payment is made, l will give yon a guarantee to make you a deed for tlio lot when nil payments on same are made, "a pass book for weekly payments." afor than a sivinga bank, and far more proGtablr-. When the lot is paid for, I will build von a MC ERN COTTAGE. (your choice of plan) to bo p.iid for in monthly itallmenta. Payments hut little more than jou would pay rent. For example, a cottage costing $2,000, will cost in monthly payments, 830, for 7 years, and the house tnu lot is yours. If yo;t want a smaller cottage, say to cost $1,000. The monthly pavinent8 will be $1 ". At the end of 7 yer.rs yon own a house and lot in a desirable locality, increasing in value every day. ou siiouiii act at once. Hze of lots 00 x 200 feet. Full information, maps, etc., call on LOTS ONLY $250 00. BALANCE BsKF.R. Agent. S7 I'ollnck Ntrerf. WILLIAM BUIOr. A Iblnpsa ReeepttOD. Washington, Jan. 25. The Cluueee minister and Madame Wu gnve one of I tbc most beautiful card receptions of the I season this attcrnoon to ceieuraic me Chinese New Year. The wMto marble msnsion occupied lf the Chinese lega tion was filled in tlio lute afternoon hours with a distinguished concourse of vli tors, the Chinese minister 'arid Madame I Wu welcomed tic guests In tho yellow drawing room at the left of the muni en trance. The minister greeted the guests first I" the Chinese fashion, while each of theral wished him a happy New Year. The I minister's "dress" was especially elabor ate composed of rich brocades, nnd he I wore the buttons and jewels denoting his I rank. . For Housekeepers! Cream Olive Oil, Extract Vanilla, Extract Lemon. Extract Orange, Extract Almond, All of Best Quality. Don't spoil your cooking by UBIIlg Interior Spices. Bradham's Reliable Drug Store- f LI Pharmacy, 127 Middle St., New Berne, N. C. PIiyMician - PrcHciiptionw - -A Specialty. A Fresh Supply of Landreth's Garden Seed Onion Sets. v, Onic ViflSlNlNIS SWSSTSSTV N smJU F0YDER Absolutely Pure .in. Wo , 1 only Inn t kivo away our f ,ir profit. That's t! V ('A!. f r,f nnr Uw Insurance That Insures I A Poller hWiIhIcIv without llrstrlcUons: A I 'nl If with but One Comintern, immelr. ths nsvmenl of premium; ' A I'olirv witli a Month's Uruce in uranium nuymeott and Mid in full in4' case of I .Until riiiriinr tlie month of grace, leu only Hit) nrerdus premium wllli Intereit; . A I'i'Ik y ir i.i in sr for Ite ltmutenipnt during Hie five mouths following the month i of t'lHru' if tin' insured lit tn irmiil health; A I ' . 1 1 v nuioinHiicaily ii-.n fuil. nliw afier tlitveanniiHl premiums have been paiil; I A I'olli y iili I'rivil. i;!- nt h Hurrviider Vlum, If so desired, and ot Loans at dm r n ut. Inif-rrnl, . ut-l limes tlireo yrn ftr isnw, A I'i'lu y wiih l i l. I opiums In m till mi nt at tlia end of IS of IM) years; A I'olii Iiiniiii. ..!.! from miy t hum una yt-ar after luus; that's nt:: accuhulation policy o( . Yb"' v: Vr;: ! JTc Inouranco Co., in )'"" u ai ailliup ml Truck ! PEAS! PEAS! PEAS ! AND Beans! Beans! Beans! The earliest of Extra Early Peas, and improved Valentine and Rust Proof Wax Beans. Potatoes to arrive. Are You Camel Come! Coming;! J. F: tX AUK, Brick Store, Near Market Deck. vahnv-. ' i,u . 1 m E ...HARDWARE... It ts Better to Have Loved and Lost Than never tn have loved at all. (I Is hotter, a good deal, for ths confec tioner and (or the flnrint. I'leaalii the woman you lor is the rio-lra of evnry mnn in lore, and takinf tier a box of our it it i n t y marshmnllows, deliolnua nut ran- - . . I iiktn ,,l 1IM. im.i iiih ,v mil' .ra.ii.TiB t I 1' ' I'fll. the Ixwt way to bs aure of iloiuit It. i nf. V.J. ::-:;oriey A Co. Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles. Men of Wealth and Refinement Will never wear anvtlilns but clothing that ia made by a Aral-class tailor, because they will have nothing hut the best. And the; get it whea they come here, after we have taken their measure and made them un a suit of clothes from our sterling quality of fab ric, ipni us peneci in nyie, lit ana finish. F. fl. CHADWICK'S, Verrhait Tailor, 101 Middle Strict. f 73 SlrEEtj Few Berne, I C. NEED IRIN1I . POTATOES. For Bale 100 Its -roll First-CUas Seed Irish Potatoea, whlu Bllas, fall growa. Wilt be delivered at Aurora, N. O. Flour barrels, double beaded, if de Mrrd. CorrMpondenta answered prompt ly. U. K. MaLUtSON, Jan. II, 1809. Idalla,N.O Henry R. Ilryan, Jrn FIRE INSURANCE AOENT, Xcw Ilcrne, - N. C 6o South Front Street.