. ixm To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA,'' AND , "PITCHER'S CASTOZtlA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. : SAMUEL' PITCHER, of Eyaimis, Massachusetts, was the originator of ; PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now sr$T7aZ on CTe7 hear the facsimile signature of G&fi&xs&tc&tf. wrapper. This is the original - PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the liomes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at ike' wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought tf . yJfj n fh and has the signature cf wrap per. No one has authority from m to use mu name ex cept The Centaur Lmpany of President. " March 8, 1897. -' . ,p. Do Ihi Bo Decehed. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a lev mors pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" Dt ARC T!J C f A "M k A 1 1 r-' rtAii t-i inn w BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF 9 Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. - VHS 0KMTAUP1 aMMV, It MUM NAT ftlMCT. NKWVOMOITVe . 1 '; ; j - ;- Schedule EHcti?o This condensed Schedule is published as information only and. i subject to change without uotice to UREENSBORO, RALEItiil. 1 Ho. 14. Kg. 10. No M. . , No. 85. No. IS. No. 11. Mixed Dally. Daily. Eastern Tlmn. Dally. Dally. allxeu. oally. (, . . .; , Dally. ISO a in 8 30 am II 10 i m l Urceinljoro Ai 11 H a m VMpm ess am SSUaui v-l.aiu Liaupui Ulbaouviite " 1144 am It cu p in vioani i it a m V w bi p u. Llou College 1 11 si) a m W p ni a 08 a m 8 10am a a m lioepni " , Burlington , " Uluani ft top m 896 am 3 lis am 40am loopr " ':-;- Uralium ' llioam SUpra 610 a ni a Maui 47 a iu 7p.l" 11a itivor 10 Sou in 6SS)m 519 1 m Sonant iu Dam i li:l " Alobaue . " KMHiim 6 47 p in 6 06 a tu a so am lu'.Htiu liTuiu " lliusiioro " 10 nim noipm 480am Sonant loiUaiu ltopui " . University " ivulaiu tCOpiu 8S5 a m aoaiu W81" ' w " Durliani 9Wani 4S8pin i a " DM am loan am i Si P m " ; ; Moirlavllle " 9 18am I 4 07 pin tils am S6 a m 11 10 a iu IHpu" . Cary " 0U a in 8 58pm a ill i in libaui 111 Jam 1 1 J u Al - Uuli lpb ' Lv 843am 840pm HOI) a lu - . No. 41. Kx uu. . ,. Bx. Sun. 00aiu . . l.y Ilaletgu Ar 00 pm warn ,JV?P,n 1 SI pin Auburn . .8S7am 1814pm 8 10pm to (Jaw 'J'?!"1' 4duiu" - Clayiou " 816 am ISUipui lul pm 1166am ISSSpS HP tielma - 7m jjgg '8 05 pm I 6 iiapm -. Noriult " ii a in "UtOpiul 1 10 1. ui i "l an p ui " ITlncelon " 783am "siUpm 6 80 pm I mp m I 14upu4UpuAr Juulauoru . Lv ?10ara 130pm 4 65 p in N il. II ana It curry Pnilmaa Bleeplnn Can Atlantic Count Line. WlLMINQTON & NKW IiBltKB R. K., TIMR TABLE NO. 1, la Eituci WednetiUy. Dec. 1, 1897, Dully Except tiuuday. O.iing Boatb BCURDULE: Going North No. St, l'asienger Traini o. fiO, I.y. a hi, 8 00 W .... a 47 WIS... 1181. V stations: . Now Berne . , .Pullockaville i..Mayvillo... .Jacksonville. Ar. P m, 5 40 5 03 4 52 4 31 3 47 Wilmington, Uuiou Depot nr.a .Ar. Wllmlngunj Lv. .. 2 40. P M Ho. 80, Passinorb tt Frsioht, No. 81. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednea- Aiij and Friday. Leave New llerne Tues day, Thursday and Baturdny. U.iu 71) ,...Lv. Wilmingtoa, Ar 8 X ..... ...Scott'iUill.... SO.... . .. Wooll.le .... Jl Uollyrldge . , 10 40 ....... ....Dixon....... Ar. PM ... 1 M ...H83 ...II 55' ...11 85 ...10 41) ...1010 ... 9 40 ... 850 ... 820 .. 8 00 ... f5 ... 5.1 ... 60 llta .: Verona , 1150 ....."...Jacksonville,... 13 10 ... .....Northcaiit 13 U0 .........WhiUfak ... 1 10 ......... Maysvllle 1 40 Pollocksville... 3 20 Debruhl's . . .8UJ Ar. Now Heme, Lv Duily Except Wumiuy. '; J. It KENLV, Oeiinral Manager. J'.. ISORDE1, Bopt. Tranaport illon. 1 1 J. ER CSsf. H. Eeteher is May 2, 1897. - " Uie public. GOLBSBORO AND NOKFOLK. between Un enaboro and Raimgb. A. & sr. C It. B. - J T1UK TABLE NO. 4. To Tuko Effect Sunday, November 28t)i, 1897, at 12 M. Going East ( Schedule: Going West No. 8 l'aascngcr Trains No. 4 Lv. p m .840..., 4 09..., 4 83.... 583.... 043..., 8 57... STATIONS: , Goldaboro. , LaGrange. Ar, a m ....1105 ....10 83 .. ...Kinston...., 1012 ..Ar. New Berne, Lv,;.... 0 10 ..Lv. '.' Ar...... 8 57. Ar. Morehead City Lv. . . . . 7 47 No. 1, f Mx'd Ft. and 1'asa.Tn. -Lv, a m 710...... 7 43..... .. 804 No.2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn.- stations: Ar. p m Ooldsboro...... ... 800 ...Best's 7 20 LaGrange 0 50 8 28.. ......Falling Creek. 0 914 ..Kinston 0 00 9 88 Caswell, 6 18 9 43. ....... Ar. Dover, Lv ....... 500 1015 ..Lv.. " Ar 4 20 10 40 core creek ... 4 00 11 15.......... Tuscaront 8 88 1181.....". Clark's .... 8 20 12 03 Ar. New Berne, Lv .... . 8 50 1 80 Lv. " . Ar 10 47 8 13 Iliverdale 10 00 2 20..... croatan ., ....10 00 8 43..,.. Havelock.w....... 9 40 8 18 Newport, Lv 9C8 8 23 ...,.v.,Wlldwood. 8 47 3 81 ......'....Atlantic 8 88 8 46 ...Ar. Morehead City, Lv 8 4 01....Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 750 r. m. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. ' Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Superintendent. PATENTS IT. B. AND FOREIGN" Pill) l Ullfc l. I EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Qauses, 1729 New York Ave , Washington, D. C. I Olll'-o E itabllkhed KM. Charges Mod crate. Corre-poudence Requealcd. MM. DUNN, JAS. UED.10XD, j Pre I ile nt. Vice Pres. I V. 8. UL'ION, Sect' Treas. Hgw Bcrns Ice Co Maonftictarsrs Pure Crystal Ice, J Fr.) ii Out pill 'D r.w DnillcJ WaUr. ni , .t i. i. lit ;u i lny) 9 7 a. in to 12 , ,1,1 to. lu il p a. mi. csrraac Camas FRENCH MARRIAGES. MATRIMONY THE GREAT OBJECT TO ALL GIRLS OF FRANCE. V Custom la This Partlsalar Hav Chansael . BadleaJlyAt the Present Tim tha Par aaoal IsollnatioM at Toons Wtan Aaa Considered. - Miss Anna lu Bicknell is aa English lady who has had most nnnsnal oppor tunities for stndying French life. For a number of years she was a governess in the household of Napoleon HI and re sided in the Tnileries. Far The Century Miss Bicknell has written an article on French Wives and Mothers." Miss Bicknell says: The old manage de oonvenance, which caused so much sorrow and consequent evil in former days, when a girl was taken out of a convent to be shown the man to whom she was about to be mar ried, is now a thing of the-past It must be acknowledged, however, that mar- riagea are still made up, often too has tily and superfloially, by nicely balanced family arrangements and by the inter-1 ventionof friends. Nevertheless, attrac tion and repulsion are now taken into 1 consideration, and a girl is no longer forced to marry a man whom she posi tively dislikes. I could quote instances in the very highest (historical) aristoc racy where, at the last moment, after the trousseau bad been sent in (marked, according to custom, with the nnited initial letters of the two names elabo rately embroidered) and all the social preparations made, the marriage was broken off because the bride had de clared that she could not "get accus tomed" to the bridegroom nor endure the idea of seeing bis fuco in her home during her natural life. In one of these instances the family lamentations over the initials of the troueseuu were really amusing. Fortunately. a substitute was soon fonnd whose name, like that of the rejeoted suitor, began with an X, and the complications were thus happily settled. .. - The great object of the French girl's life is marriage From the time of her birth her parents have prepared for this etent, and in many cases they have con siderably straitened their income and curtailed their enjoyments to make up her dot. Every girl in every class is ex pected to have something. Those who have nothing are exceptions and consti tute a minority of old maids. The sirls ' who front choice do uot many generally become tiuns, usually much against the wishes of their parents. The old tales of young women being forced into con veuta to improve the position of their brothers nro forgotten iu these days, when, while no child can on any pre tense be deprived of a sbaro in tlio fa ther s luherKauce, monastic vows are not recognized by law. Nnns and spin steri are exceptions; marriage is the rule. . .. When a girl is of age to be introduced -into society, her friends and relatives immediately look out for a suitable hus band, whom it is considered highly de. sirable to obtain beforo she has reached the age of 21, that she may uot be pro claimed fillo majenro vruen the banns nro published. The principal considera tions are equality of birth, of position of fortune, and in the last particular I the scale is uauully expected to weigh : rather more on the side of the young lady, especially if the young man, in addition to sufficient prosentadvantages, can bring forward a number of relatives not likely to live long. This is called having hopes (desesperances beanconp d'esperances). If the young lady with a substantial dot can also show a satisfac tory background of invalid uncles and aunts, then everything is as it should be, and the young people are bronght together with every prospect of a favor able conclusion. It happens, however, too often that tbey do not know each other sufficiently, and that tbey are per suaded to believe that the mutual liking is greater than it'really is. Sometimes this sort of undefined attraction ripens into a deep and devoted love. When this occurs, there are no more affection ate wives or more faithful Widows than Frenchwomen. . ; More , frequently, especially in the higher classes, a sort of oool friendliness springs up, where tbey see but little of each other, and freedom is enjoyed on both sides. The authority of the hus band is less felt than in an English bonsehold. There is a sort of under standing that in her borne the wife is qDeeu and settles matters as she pleases. But tbeir best and warmest feelings are awakened by all that concerns their children. French parents are perhaps the most affectionate in the world. The interests and welfare of their children are tbeir first consideration, and won dorful sacrifices of their own pleasure and enjoyment are made in favor of tbeir sons aud daughters by the most worldly men aud women. These are taken as a matter of course ; no one thinks of doing otherwise or of seeing any merit in such acta The mothers especially are uuoqua ed. Nothiug will stand in the way of a Frenchwoman whore her children s in terests are concerned. - This love Is so engrossing that it swallows up every other. Tbey are more mothers than wivos, and if called upon to choose be tween allowing a husband to go alone on a foreign mission or leaving tboir children they would uot hesitate. "Mos enfants avaut tout" i Mora Proof, I . O'tloolahsn Couutiu the two win yeaterdui, there's been 18 kilt so far on the noo bolldlu coin up across the street O'Callahan (impressively) Thot'i another proof as the uuluckiness av the number IS. Brooklyn bagle. Oysters after tbey bavs been brought away from the sea know by instinot the exact hour when the tide is rising and approaching their beds, and so of tbeir own accord open tbeir sncus to re ceive their food from the sea, aa if they were still at home, llhemallaiM l nrs;i a Itajr, ''Mvstio Cure for liiiou tnu' ism and Neural"!!! radically cures In 1 to 3 Jays. Its action upon the srstoln remarkable-and mysterious, it re niov"8 at once the cause, and til dinrain iiiimu'liatoly disappears. Tli first (luso grimily lienelits, 75 cents. r-'.iM by Ilunry's l'luimwy, New i'.-rim. THE.BEAUTIFUL. Wrinkled and old ar those hands of berm, Bard and fall of tba onus Of labor and tha year, Knotted th knuckle And ereaaad and crinkled The akin on the back of them. Park veined and larga. With splotches of brown Between the drawn tendons, Aa if seared by tears. Thick the nails and blunted, Rough and with little ridge , Bunning the length of them, Callous the palms And lacking all pinknossand prettineaa Old are those hands of hers, Wrinkled and hard. But, oh, what a story of Infinite tenderness And love Could they tell. Those hand of a woman -Whose threescore years and ten Bare been passed in doing the good ' That women dot . W. J. Lampion In New York Sua. Knglish Jacobite Societies. To judge from the list of Jacobite clubs and associations given in the "Legitimist Calendar For 1835," which includes the order of the White Hoses, the Devon White Rose club, the Legiti mist Jacobite League of Great Britain and Ireland (ponderous title!), tho East ern Counties' (suaua or uroniwen i) White Cockade club, the Forty -five club Grimsby, tho Glasgow Jacobite club, the Oxford University Legitimist club, the Bt. Ives (Hunts) Jacobite club, tin Jacobite Restoration league, the Surrej White Rose leagu'o, the Mary Stuart club of Lanark, the Legitimist Hogis tration union, the National Royalist and Jacobite association, the order ot St. Germain and the Hemiugford Gret Royal Oak club, not to mention our old familiar Thames Valley Jacobites and two or three foreign legitimist bodies, it ought uot to bo difficult for the sup porters of tho lost house of Stuart to nut several hundred adherents in the field (or even Ludgate circus) if they so decide. London Mail. The cheeks become pale from fear bo- cause the mental emotion diminishes thetuction of the heart and lungs and so impedes the circulation. .' About 45,000 sovereigns pass over the lank of England counters every day. TREHTiErlY FOBWEMiEH. TS1AL WITHOUT EXPEMSS. Tbo famous A pjilinnec and Kera' dles of tho Erie Mod ,eal Co. now lor i ho first tiroo oilcriil on trin 1 ithuts:;penBe to ny houest tnim. N'ot c dollar to be pal'A lu advance. Curo Effeete of Efrroro it Exce6f.,es in Old or Youn. Manhood Fully llivtored. Ho-,r to Bnliirijo and Siren.itlica Week, Unde-veloi ed I'ortions of Body. Absolutely unfailing Home Treatment. No O. '. 1. or other scheme. A plain offer by a firm of high ttandlii a. fcnir sjrniftsi fn 4N!aoai?ast.! Itnit iiiLUiUnL My. BUFFALO, N. Y. FINANCIAL Farmers & Merchant! ...BAfiK... Began. Bualaeas 2ev3r, lssi. Capital Stock $75,000.00 surplus ana rronis 11,1 11. i OFFICKH8: L. H. CuTi.Kn, President. w. . uiiADwics, vice ires. T. W. Dkwki-, Cashier. J. W. liiDDLK, Teller. F. F. Mawhews, Collector. '. D1KECTOHS: H. Cut! ir. John 8ater. W. It. Blades. W. 8. Uiadwlck, r.ll.reilttlcr, J. B. UlavK, .w. Btowart, a. M. jnrney, T.w.uewey. We want your business and feel thai we can offer you as much in return nt any other bank in the city. It is oui endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant and protitablo to oui patrons. A. BRYAN, i THOS. DANIELS, President. Vice Frea CI. H. ROBERTS. Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK Or NBW BBRNK, N. (J. XXTOOSX'OXtJk.TBlIS 1BBB. Capital ...,...$100,001 Surplus Profits 98,16 DIRECTORS: Jas. A. Brtah, Chas. S. OarAir, Jko. Dusk, a. a. kobket Tho. riANiKLS. ; J. H. llACKUUH L. I1ARVKT H. K. Humor. , A. tireen, Pros, E.H. Meadows, Vice Pro H. M.GBOVSs.Cashlor. CITIZEN'S BANK car new BsrEtsrxo, it. a. DO A GENERAL RANBlNQ BUSINEM Tha Accounts ot Banks, Bankers, Corpoi atlons, rarmors. iiorciianis ami otnera r aeived on favorable terms. Prompt and oar. tul attention given to the Intel f al ol our our tomars. uou.ouona a specially. BOASD OF DIReOTORS. Ferdinand TJlrioh J. A. Meadows. tC. U. Meadows, ChM. Diitlv. Jr. Hamuol W. I pock, Chas. H. Fowler, Jami-s Redmond, Mayor Habn. f . w. urainKer, K. W. Smallwood. ThiimA A. Orson, C. K. rnv W. F. Crockett. Or to. N.Ivss. 0. C. Roach, Pres. J. H. Fisher, Cash. Da. Wm. L. LA83ITIR, V. Pres. The Mutual Aid Hanking Company, 117 Broad Street. Does a Qentral Banking Business Accounts Bolicted. Correspondence Iuvlled. DIRECTORS. O. C. Roach, F. B. West, B. Willis, J. f, tilanley, William Crispin. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Tnaoc Manna DlSIONS I , , , ' Copyrights JkO. AnTeee .eeillna a ...Ire enn fliempiHffl may nnlhiT aiweft in eiir (ii-M'i".n nee w,..,,". t,i,eiitl.ii I I..I.IT iinli-'nl'e. I ..nilininie- tlm .IrliH .n.leTtllnl. l.i.lt-lliWi I'.leiil vnl free. ii .vt.,if-T fur .t-uriiiir Hit i tl.r.Miuh Ulunn A to. reoalT ap. 14 tu, en li'iut i''"rve, lu tns I'ni la fIa-"s Ay Vl-. -.- iti-.i A tnl ..mm I. Illn.rlert We.lT. -1- i . . -i a r n - - lis, IL Hi'lil ll .il newt 0 I Vi rl l rt B 'o "i"" trlie" "'.a ti l lUil.llLeo,l,lol,e. a" Jill 1 i 1 I w' lnmnn'li,aeK.Ta-eB, k I'loirK .'"aeee-l ' f f'7 SSIBroadoaf. ' n ..'. r Bt, Waahli., U. I. Rheumatisj Is a blood disease and only a blood renie- J fly can cure it So many people mate I the mistake of taking remedies which j at best are only tonics and canuot nossi- 1. ' 1 bly reach their trouble, Mr. As. Smith. Greencastle, InaianasayForjearsv,oln)ljMi()ncr WI at .aUie Vi ,),. j 1 1 have, suffered with Sciatic Rheuma- tism. which thebest nhvsicians were un- ' I ... . I avis W lbllbl V lASlJk, 1UUUT IWtMl medicines ,but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew ivorse nntil I was on- 1 . I - I nlilA in tnlrft mv fond or handle myself in any way; I was abso- lutely helpless Three ' t.Milpa nf H 1 ? ! Domes oi o.a.o. re - lieved me so that I n, ,M mm-hefnra JO long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (guaianteed purely vegeta table) is exclusively for the blood aud is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Addresa Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Executor's Notice. Having this day duly qualified s the Bxceutor of Elizabeth B. Green, de ceased, nil persons indebted to said es tate arc requested to make inuneilmlc settlement. And all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present the lame duly verified to the undersigned on a- Detore Uecemuer 21st, loas, or tins notice will be plead as a bar to their re covery. This Dec. 21st, 18U7. UEOliGE GREEN, Executors of E, B. Green, deed. Executrix Notice Having this day qualified as Executrix 'o the last will and testament of llagar lones, alias Hagar Pitts, deceased, notice hereby given that all persons Having ehii ms acninst said estate, iil present ihem fur payment on or before the IStli day of January 1899, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons inueiiteii to me sum estate win make immediate payment. This lltli day of January. 1NW. SARAH OXIjKY, Kxecutrx, of llnsar Jones, alius llagar Pitts. L. J. Moore, Ally, for Executrix. Notice, Land Sale. By virtue of an order granted by the clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county in a special proceeding entitled, Bciimo A. Darnels, executrix, against Clarence Daniels and Emily Daniels, I will on the 14th day of February, 1893, it the court house door in JNcw lierne at 12 o'clock, M., sell to the highest bidder for cash, one farm two miles west of New Berne on Trent road, anil bounded and described as follows to-wit: Meuiuning at a marked cum on the south side of. lrent road at Lewis Wil lis and It. Brown's corner and runs west with the paid Lewis Willis line 180 poles to Jackson Unrnevs line, .thence norm fP west with Jackson Carney's 120 poles to a stake; thence south 5U deg. cast shii poles to a stake on the north side of Trent rond; tuence souuiwaruiy wuii Hiiid Trent road 18 poles to the beginning containing Bf acres, ror luner descrip tion see book 77. p.iges 44H and 447. There are two dwelling houses on the farm. T o.l. 1 COO iliiuuury oi". ico. utJiiNit; A. uarsiriLs, Executrix Notice, Land Sale. Dv virtue of a judgment obtained in the Superior court of Craven county in an action entitled State of North Caro lina, ex rel.. W, M. Watson, C h. C, against Henry Rouse and Jennie Rouse for the foreclosure of a morf'iige, I will on the 14th dny of February 18S8, nt the court house door in New Berne at 12 o'clock ni. sell to the highest bidder for cash, a "ccrtnin tract of laud in Craven county near Dover station, which id de scribed in a certain judgment iu the Superior court of said county In a cer tain action wherein Henry Rouse is plaintiff and 8. B, W est nnd wife are de fendants being all the rights, titles and interest of the said Henry House which he has by virtue of said judgment." January lutii. l. W.M. it. WATSON, Commissioner. Caveat, and Trado-Marla obtain ana tit rai cnt buHMiecooftiicica tor MoornaTC cc. ouRomciiiyrrai'i.v. w.r.-, nd we cap Krura paum la Irw U1US 5A0 UKNK re note Irom watmnirlon. ; end model, drnwinx or photo, with dnertp J .!,. Wa aivUa. if natcnlaUa or not. Itl ot clurre. Our fee ii"t du till patent hie, JU , a MLrr. " How to Obtain Patent," with iut ot eaovTln the L. & ad foreign coucn aa New Sr,t ll4.aier Abenlstf If llaknawa to tns fetund coney It .il.iuo r ii,. ,rubmialu i... w..t l am. tn is to c, a-ira. w. aomefortlM.-iwmcDrK'e atmo eno iu win. nai te-al .lib tlie-o V lie C3 nrrfer to eoine here wt III omitiect to cure I fc tliem or na ! oomlin. ii ,. mt J ' y a nil r'lrc. tni betel J c- b : a, n H e 14 H"a. ane M.ke aeE St !-,-. J Sk J m t J csai n.reelre nil .pellft1 IVIl'i-'Wi" T mu., .ere. ,iii.e..c. m iwt. Ik. .till of tlo t 0.n,.l p,rl-lwe. Mre-,nTY,'ei'''.ltAv. l-r., -.' a ni '-la,' i ;munH ni .nu -ii t ii i.ni.r.'-. la-. s,imm e.-,-.litl lon:,il cir un'-omlitlee"! ru.r.nlew. V llle uj Inr 1V'l.o h H t ,no ,'.mIM aeolk. Ailil-. (O lit Kl.na.t.W S'll., am M.,rl. Xv,(?..le. 4:,ipr. Iiliieta. ..J K.-HKk All I i. St Uilvj.. ikf h hjrii, TnttlttM O'mmI, TJ (,, -Irt rtv ctr.Triri.ia. cieat ires, .wuarcw, i C.A.SNOVVtxCO.) f Or. Pttit Ornci. wagHmcTO, O . LEGAL NOTICES. jNotico of Sale VElUaDie Uliy iuOZ. r,v vi, ,,)(J or B jat?gmt.t i t tl.e Sunn-. rior Corlrt oX Craven i-ounly. N. C. in ' Valuable City Lot. n iwiion to rmex-loau a mortgage t-nti- 1,1.. l.....nl. T 11..!.. ... r ...... A irnn. wUbUiv Mheed ! at the ccurTDout nTTTraVFTj-rcijiity -hrr city of hew Hemp, h. : . nt 1J Wliii'l: m nn t!ti Clli (Inv nf . on tiie Till t!uy of Ftbiuarv ieOU t, ll.a fire, l,..!uir nf aui.l )011',i,, t , highett biddi r tor cash. the follow inis described lot or parcel of land: Timing,. ,1 na foili.a'fi lr.n'(t ......",.. ..... On the north side of New South Front street in the city of New Berne. Ix'cin-1 ning at the aonih corner of Ib.bcil G. Moselry. Sr. 'a line, diflai.ee one hundred j aud iifiy fdt't weit of the corner ttonu Ht j t10 corner of Jones and New South j Kront streets, ruuning thence with en'd i Uiw.1.1.', litia uii.l r.ntull.1 titl. 1tnns street, northwardly inns hundred and I o to r. ... A un ,.t ortrii auu ti-is itc it, uiiuiv hiiu ui i I Kit. No. 400 as designated in the pli'.n of Hie city oi rmcw berne, tlience with said bank line rud Gilts Jarman's line west wnrdly thirty-eight feet to Esther Sim mon's corner, thence with the same and parellcl with said Jones street to New South Front street, thence with the north side of the thirty-eight feet to the begin ning, being Division No. 3, of the estate of Jesce Moselcy as was allotted to the said Lucy Ann Moore, then Lucy Ann Moseley by W. 11. SlnrsUal. U. B. 1'islier and Geo. E. Tinker, Commissioner. Recorded in Book No. 77, Folio 45. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Craven Co., and being the same lot of land mort gaged by the said Lucy Ann Moore, William Riley Moore to Joseph L. Hnlin by deed, bearing date of July 23d, 1894 and recorded in Book No. Ill, page 307, in the office of Register of Deeds for Craven county. This 3d day of December, 1897. J. E. & It. O'HARA, Commissioners. Notice, Sale Real Estate. T F, McCarthy, ndmn 1 c taillin of Maria Wiiitty, deceased, In the Superior vs. J Court. before Lewis II. Brown and the Clerk. Phillis Brown, de- fendants. J By virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, N. C, in the special proceeding entitled as above, now pending in said Superior Court, the undersigned Administrator will sell for rash to make assets, at the court house door in city of New Berne, Cravm co., N. ('., at 12 o'clock noon, on Sli.nday the 14th day of February. 189S, it being tho first day of February term of the Superior Uourt ot said county, to tlie highest bidder for cash, the right, title and interest of Maria Wiiitty, deceased in a certain lot or parcel of land situated in the city ot JNew Heme, IN. u,, -on tne north side of Goode street, between Primrose street and A. & N. C. R. K known as lot number (7) seven (Joode sheet, being the house nnd lot where Maria Whittv, deceased lived and died and devised by will to Phillis Brown together with the house and improve ments thereon. Dated this 10th day of January, A. D., 18DM, THOMAS F. MCCARTHY, Admn. c t a d b n of Maria Wiiitty, deed Wm. E. Claiikb, Atty. for Admn. Notice of Sale. llol.and Smith, Admin- !...-....:.. ... T r I isilllllix Ol u. ' r-,i.rt crt:,. Smith, deceased, before Nellie Bmith'and Emma llle clerk Smith. j By virtue of an order of the clerk of the "Superior court ot Craven comity; North Carolina, m the special proceeding entitled as above now pending in Bind Superior court, the undersigned admin istratrix will sell for cash, to make assets, nt the court house door in Hie city of New Berne, Craven county, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday the 7th day of February, 1898, it being the first day of the February Term of the Superior court of said county, to the highest bid der for cash, the right title and interest of D. W. Smith, deceased, in a certain piece or parcel of land situated in said Craven county, on the north side of Swift creek and bounded by the lands ol Peter Willis. Noah Jacskon, Macon Bryan, V. 11. Etevln ami others, con. tabling eighty (8U) acres more or less, being the lands conveyed to the said W. Smith, by deed registered in llic offico of register of deeds of Craven county, in book 83, pages 471 and 472 to which reference is made; together wilh mprovements thereon. Subject to right of dower and dower interest of the widow ot said lauds. HOLLAND SMITH, Administratrix, NOTICE ! North Carolina, I Cakteikt GovNrv. ( Superior Court, Fall Term, 1897. Loom Snow, Jr., on be-" half of himself nnd all other creditors of the White Oak River Cor .poralion, vs. Notice to Parlies The White Ouk River Corporation. Pursuant to the order of the Superior Court ot Carteret county made at the Fall Term 1897 of Carteret Superior Court In the above entitled action. All creditors of the White Oak River Cor poration are hereby notified to come in and make themselves parties to this ac tion before tne next term of the said su perior Court to be held in the town of Beaufort, County of Carteret on the 21st day of March. 189. And all persons holding claims sgalnst said corporation are notified to present the same to the undersigned Kecelver, duly verified, before the date above men tioned. This notice is given to the end that all final orders and decrees may be made and entered al Mid term, and all matters In controversy settled and ad justed according to law. This January otn, imwi. JAME-j A. BRYAN. Receiver While Oak River Corpoi ation NOTICE! State or North Carolina, Craven County, j Superior Court, Spring Term, 1897. Thomas Williams, ) vs V NO hck. Delsey Williams, ) TO DKLSIT WlLLIAMsl This is an action fur Divorce, entitled as above, and you are required to appear at the next term of the said Court to be held In New Berne on the fourth Mon day before the first Monday in March, 1HM8, and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the plaintiff will apply to the court fot the relief demanded (a the com plaint r,This 13lh day of DecemW, lfl7. W. M. WATSON. Clerk HuperiorCouiL Aitniinistrator'H Xotlee j .laving quiilifk'ri aa Administrator of fC.forgi! Tailor, ih-ceastd. late i,f tha i t opn y cf Craven. N. C . Iliia is lit notify ,a:i iio:x h.ivii i cixinit mrainal Hie .... I.. f I .1 1 . ,:!.!- . . tUMTTuiMX d ly of Di -ce mir 18WS, or thin notice will bt-plind in bar nf llitir ncorery All persona Iml. Met! to fcu.l estate will UMlJt niit. inunuiliol. ,i,.m...t This lolh oiKvr.mr. TI103. F. UoOAItTHY, - Administrator. . K. W. WILLIAMSON, Atl'y. Adminlslratoi'8 Notice! Having duly qualified as adminUtra t r rum tcsiamento annexo de tx.nl non ot Unria Wbitty, deceased in the 8Hh day of Dtceinber, 1897, all peraooa owing sai - l tstate are hereby notified to make prompt ayrrrent, All peraons holding claims against said estate are notiticd to (ircsnit the same duly verified to the undersigned administrator on or lefore Dcc.'rr.her 29th, 1S99, or this notice will 1)H llll-Illlll in IMir flf ttinir WflVM1, uec. w, lovu. THOMAS F MCCARTHY, Admn. c t a de bonis non of MariaWhitty, deed. Sale of City Property J State of NoitTn Carolina, ) Craven Couuty. Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Uorert ti. Wosely, Ex. of Petition to Bel. land to make assets. J. A. Jones, vs. Richard Jones, et als. I Pursuant to the judgment in the above named proceeding, I will sell at public auction for cash at the court house in New Berne on Monday, the 7th day of February, 1898, at 12 o'clock, midday, that lot or parcel of land situated in the city of New Berne, State of North Caro lina, bounded and described as follows: ticginuing at the north-east corner of Pollock street and Moonshine Alley running eastwardly with Pollock street to Samuel Hilton's line, then with Hil ton's line a northwardly direction 214 feet, (i incites, then westwardly to Moon shine Alley, then with Moonshine Alley southwardly to the beginning, being the same land conveyed to said J. A. Jones by J. (), Gardner and wife by deed reg istered in oftiec of the Register of Deeds, of said Craven county in book 83, pages oi-.r. or, 255 and 2-r. UOIiEItT G. MOSELEY, Executor of J. A. Jones. This 1st day of January, 189?. House & Lot For Sale. Puisuant to powers in the mortgage executed to the Eastern Building and Loan Association of Syracuse. N. Y., by Virgil A. Crawford and wife, which is dated the December 1st, 1890, and is reg istered in othce ot tne Kegister ot Deeds of Craven County, North Carolina, in book No. 104, pages 91, 92, 93 and 94. The undersigned will sell ut the Court House, in the city of New lierne, at public auction for cash, on Monday, the 7th day of February 18518, at 12 o clock, M., the following property. All Hint certain lot of laud situated in said city of New Berne, known and dis tinguished ns part of lot No, 1 in that part of said city known as "Dryboro" bounded und described as follows, viz: Beginning on Cedar street ninety-seven feet southeasterly from the southeastern corner of Cedar and Stanley streets, running thence southerly parallel with Stanley street thirty-four feet, thence easterly parallel with Cedar street twenty-seven feet, thence northerly parallel with Stanly St., thirty-four feet to Cedar street, thence weslwnrdly along Cedar street twenty-seven feet to the beginning, being part of the premises conveyed to said Virgil A. Crawford by John Hughes as administrator, etc., by deed dated April 28th, 1870 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county in book, No. 70, folios 248, 249 and 250. This Oth day of January, 1898. The Eastern Bi.d. & Loan Assn.. of Syracuse, N. Y, By M. DeW. Stevenson, Atty. EXECUTION SALLE. By virtue of writ of execution, to me issued from the Superior Court of Craven county, in an action wherein Moody Lumber Company is plaintiff and Calvin Smith defendant, I will on Tuesday, February 8th, 1898 at the court house door in New Berne, offer for sale at pub lic auction tn the highest bidder, for cash, the lands levied upon as the prop erty of the defendant Calvin Smith, de scribed as follows:. A tract of 100 acres in No. 7 Township, described in deed from II. C. Wood and wifo to Calvin Smith, dated 1888, and re-. corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county. Book 103, pages m and 530. J. L. HAIIN, Shff. Craven Co. (OMMISSIONERS SALE! By virtue of the power invested in the undersigned commissioners by a judg nicnt of the Superior court of Craven county, granted at its May term 1897 in an action wherein L, H. Cutler, Executor of William Clevc deceased is plaintiff, and Moses Patterson and others are de fendants, we will expose to sale at public auction, nt the Court House door in the city of New Berne, on Tuesday the eighth day of February, 1898. (It being he second day o: tne February lerm ot court) to the highest bidder for cash, at the hour or 12 o clock noon all the fol lowing described real a id personal prop erty, to-wit: First; All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being in the city of of New Berne, on the East side of Middle street between polio"k and South Front, and beginning at a point on the Eat side of slid Middle street 259 feet and inches from Ihei corner of Middle and South Front strrels and running thence with said East sidenf Middle street Northward ly 03 feet, 8 Inches to the Hughes line, thence Eastwardly with the said Hughes line, 213 feet. 6 Inches to lot 55 in the plan of the said city of New Berne, thence Southwardly with said lot M, 82 feet 0 inches; thence Westwardly 214 feet 6 inches to Middle street the place of be. ginning, it being the lot known as the lintel Allien lot, ana on wuicb tne saia Hotel Albert Is situated. Secondly: All the furniture of every kind and description in the said Hotel Albert, consisting of office furniture, parlor furniture, bed room furniture. dining room furniture, kitchen furniture, laundry furniture, or any other kind of furniture uv whatever name it may do known, and Including all crockery, cut lery, cooking apparatus, piano and what ever else of either ornamental or useful kind that may be situated and being In the said Hotel Albert, which beloogs to the parties defendants. A deposit sumcient to guarantee tha completion of the purchase by the pur chaser at the said sale when same Is coo- firmed by Court will be required to be deposited. Amount to be 8i per Cent, of the antounl bid. This Jsnuary 8th, 1R6A. W. D. Mrtvsa. P. H. PsLLrnse, Commissioners,

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