1 Vegetable Preparationfor As similating Uicrood andliegula ting the 5 luaiachs and Bowels of m - ProinotesT)igeslioii,Checiful ncssandRcst.Contains neither Opium.MorpUine iwr Mineral. Not Narcotic. JwfJnn Stdi' , JnimStti , fiirmSai- -ClmtAdSuovr. hmiyrmo flam A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach rinlKea, Worms ,Convulsiua.. . ..a-rish-ness andLossQF SLKEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF STORY OF THE BIBLE. HOW IT WAS COMPILED, PRESERVED AND BROUGHT DOWN. ISON THE WRAPPER OP EVEET BOTTLE OF u .J' M EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 The Rveorda Betas With Abraham mmt Were Collected by Bra It Was Bara Is the UtUa Laad of Caaaaa Caaaawa Iarsl'e dirt to tha World. . Oteuria li f" r? la ose-sk bottles only . It ! uv lold u bulk. Boat allow anyone to sell yon anything else cn the ploa or promise taut it is "Jtrt m good" and "v!ll answer every jm pote.'1 a-Bee that yon got C-&-S-T-0-U-I-1. TiiofM- ripftr. So-a.tlbi32L- 2Sail-wa3T- ; ; . Schedule E3ctivo May 2, 1897. ' This oond-Jneed Schedule ia published as information only and subject to change without notice to tlm public. , UBEEN3B0S0, RALEIGH. U0LDSB0RO AND NORFOLK. . . . . . So. '. Kc. 18. No 1W. 5 ; So. SS. Ko. IS. No. 11. Mixeil ; Daily. Dally. ' Eiwtern Time. V Dally. Daily. Mlxe.l. - Daily . ; - . lally. - lSOatu SWaui 10 p in Lv ' u-reeneboro Ar U6Sum ifSllnin 8 5.1 am Ssuaiu m.aw utupui" uiuso-viue " liutui output via am SSiaiu v lui -s i J u, ' tluu ooliega ; ' lluaiu uMpm huh am loam vjui 'JJdp'ni" li.rilugtou "tlluam Mpni illiui SlSaui u Mam lWipr " Uraham . " lliDam 64.1pm 6 40 a ni (Maui utlaiu 7 'J" Huw uivor . " 10 Maui S as P m fi i6 u in -' looaui lU uam I V- A ' ' siotmne " 1U44aiii & sit p m 60ft u lu 4svaiu li .'iui 1 Ji u iu . Iluiauoro " lllutui u7 p in 4 80 am 4 60 a hi lUUt aui 14ep iu" UmrurCy tuuiaiu 6tipm 166 a iu ftiualu 10 M "' "" Durham " Wn 4 88 p lu , ao a in .tHiui lu ' a in W p ui . : Morrlsvlile " 9 18 a m I 4 07 p in i 59 a m Swiaui ll-taui H p ui " t,ry " V ou a iu IMpm 1 iu 7uiaui ilWaiu twpuiAi . lt-liurn . Lv eesaui i!4opm xuu a ui " ' - " . , , Xu. . .'. .' , " ." . No- 41. h- "", . , - ' 1 Ex. Bun. Waiu ' Lv . Ralelgu Ar BOOpiu iu a ui 11 03 p ro si p m I" Auouru "! 8 27 am 1 3 14 p m 8i0piu luoaui 19 V u 4 p m I" ' Clayion " 815am ISUipui 1.1 pio m ut,VVm 4llpui.. aelma 7am J?, 't"pii "t top iu j i- Sui-rjla .'' 1 lip ui li i pin j" , Frlnuoion " 7 Warn g"i0pm' t80 p in 14upui 4putjAr., u.Uljoro sl 7 10 am 1 DOpiii 4Mpu New disooveries about the Bible ar being made almost dally. Tbe religious world ia startled every now and then by tbe annoonoement that some old mannsoript has been found or aorne olay tablet oorroboratiiig Biblical history has been deciphered. Tbe last few years bave been especially notable for remark able finds, not the least of which has been a single leaf of papyrus bearing a few sayings of Jesus logia, as tbey bave been called. These discoveries arouse a questioning frame of mind. We ask, how did we get the Bible, whence did it oome, what was the method of its transmission to us? Learned volumes bave been written, bnt only scholars read tbeni. One of the latest of these is . by Dr. William A. Coppinger, bnt it is so expensive a vol ume only 160 copies have been printed for sale that few can read it, even if they would. Tbe much talked of poly chrome Bible, edited by leading Biblioal scholars of the world, is an answer to this demand. Still, the question, bow did the Bible come down to us? ought to be answered briefly, so that the mass es of the people can read aud under stand. It is irreverent to the Bible and tbe inspired men who save ns this world classio the olassic dealing-with the eternal theme of tbe relation be tween man and God to think of it as a ready made volume, dropped down from heaven bonnd and gilt edged. The Bible was born in the little land of Canaan b the weary caravan, led by Abraham from Ur of tbe Cbaldees, pitched its tents and the patriarch wrote down tbe promises of tbe Eternal on tbe palm leaves which be lonnd at nana. This was luore than 4,000 years ago, and that -writing was in use so early is proved by inscriptions found on Jigyp' tian steles or Assyrian tablets from 6,000 to 8.000 years old. Tbe records kept by Abraham and bis immediate descendants undoubtedly formed the basis of tbe book of Genesis aud the earlier chapters of Exodus, to be later utilized by tbe hand of Moses and his successors. With tbe advent of I . . , , . . 1I,.V,.n,PU ,U UlB glcUb ltjlBinbUl mo Avcmonn iu o nation was formed, witu las legislation ns its heart and conter. It is probable tlint Moses wrote bis portion of the Bi bio upon the linen used for such pur iposes in Egypt, for many large pieces of this linen covered with hieroglyphic writing bave couie down to ns wrapped around mummies, The inscriptions are .still legible. Tbe Pentateuch was tbe nucleus of our Bible, the only Bible known to tbe Hebrews for many gener ations. It was written in tbe ancient Ibri character, closely resembling the Phoenician, as proved by tbe Biloam in scription discovered near Jerusalem aud some ancient coins which have been found. Leaders like Joshua, Gideon and Samuel wero needed in tbe promised lund. Singers and prophets, too, arose. and tbe scribes of tbe leaders recorded what was done. The poets wrote down their best pongs. Tbe prophets' words A Spla oa aa laa Yacht ' The wind is strong and steady, and the boat glides faster and faster. Sharp exclamations of pleasure testify that tbe Dassensera are enjoying it The speed increases. Before lies a field smooth aa plate glass and level as a billiard table. For two miles it extends without a flaw. At its farther edge lies a tremen dous crack filled with ground up ioe and heaving black water. Tbe full pow er of tbe wind strikes the white wings as the smoothest ice is reached, and the craft darts away at tremeudons pace. Faster, faster, she flies, till she is trav eling faster than tbe wind that drives her. Tbe air seems to be lull oi electric sparks : a frosty haxe blurs tbe view ; ev ery hearer ia throbbing with delight at tbe wild, free speed of it all. rieiore one has had time to think the crack seems to be rushing at tbe boat A mo ment of intense anxiety, a catching of breaths, a wild pumping of hearts, then a shriek of excited joy. The good boat has flown the gap as a hnntortdcars bis fence, has flung it behind her with never a rap, and is tearing away over another good bit as though she bad no need to touch anything mora solid than the cold, sweet air. Outing. Kin.-utt4n:m C tro is euanuite.d i. U;,i-;-iuitrir harm!-, :A Btronc loui i:i tuiW::is i , ite mi-aE ni rie(.ii:r.U'.L iLf l.rcs &CI1U! OF IUU1 llL.T I I.OUQ 1 tism Id f.-umo::ei.-rvoi2y. H:-nrp,TNiiispoaU In -iv mrt of f.ta body mltitmiI in a tvw die.. A prom p., comii!r:ur.n 1 ppriuit urn-euro f-rlf-iaen orcncM.Hitr hic'x oiid till c-ltis In Iiiijs rxil kiiiM. Cbronts rhti:ii-.::m, bt'.xu, lrr. ht .go cr polo In thebaic ore tixaity wren. jiixRict-u i:;-wf reuer rmnioiK! 10 iwonos, Bimr.nuwi u'7 eons before :teboi:ie lits tein iwi IbeS.uiiyon Hemcdy Coniitiliv pria;W ft H'ponn cure fr ch dlaease Atnll tltuirpia. U&ei'umu vlrl. jryouiis4 medical o-lvk-i rlte Prf. anyon, Uui Area Notice of Sale, 1 Valuable City Lot. LEtiAiTNOTitEy. j Adaiinistraloi'. Soiierl I llavioiruuly qualiluKl as a1minltra. I . 1,1 mill. .1' r .M ,u ' rin "A' hilly, iltwaoed rn the thh iKo-iiibrr. 1HU7. all m-rotinwinic i-aiil ute arc keivliy nolirtfd lo mak) prompt wyiiH-nt. All pwxma luHHing rlniui aKainat raid ralnte an. Holitti d lo ivwnt llif aaiim duly vnirlrtl lo llm undermined adininiM ralor im or hefun Jopl, L. Halm vs. Lucy Ann Sloo.e ' f'r,8?"" William Riley M.io.tli. undwi.ned ,beP!!", JSJL"' ' ",cir T- THOMAS r McCAKTHY, Admn. c t a de bonis non of HariaW billy, deed. By vlrt'ic of a Judgment of l he Supo riur Court of Craven t-nunly. K. C. in an iictinn lo foreclobe a iwirtgage enli tied and Commissioner will mi at public veuilue. at Ihti court Iiouhc of Craven county in .hf city of Kew Berne, N. U . mi 1 j o'clock m.. on tbe 7tli day of Febrnarv i 1608. it being the first Monday of said ; i month, to tlm highest bidder tor cash. , the following described lot ur parcel . of land Executrix Notice ! . Having this day qualified aa Executrix to the last will and testament' of llagar Jones, alias Hagar Pills, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate, will present them for payment nn or oerore ine irjin day of January 16911, or this nonce will I street, northwardly ona hundred anil be Dleaded in bar of iheir recovery. All seven and 8-18 feet to the back line of i persons indebted to tbe said estate will Lot No. 400 as designated in the plan of A Greedy Uttlo Flail. The' little fish known as miller's thumb the fresh water sculpin is one of the jiatnral checks on tbe overpro duction of trout and salmon. It eats tbe eggs and the yonng fish. It is found in all trout waters as fast as examined. It is very destructive. At an experiment once made in tbe aquarium of tbe Unit ed States fish commission, iu Washing ton, a miller's thumb about four and one half inches long ate at a single meal, and all within a niinnte or two, 21 lit tie trout, each from three-quarters of an inch to an inch iu length. New York Sun. A Novel Plan. When Lawson Tuit, tbe English sur geon, and bis wife were driving through the oity of Montreal one hot summer morning, Mrs. Tait, observing large blocks of ice standing opposite each door, remarked, "See what a novel plan tbey bave of keeping the air nice and cool by exposing small icebergs opposite make immediate payment, This lltli day ol Janunry. mm. 8AKAH OXLF-Y. Executrix, of Hagar Jones, alias Hagar Pitts. L. J. Moore, Atty. for Executrix. MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE ffRlt TREATMENT H TO ALL FDR WEAK MEH MEN. OF ALL AGES NO DIONEY IN ADVANCE. Won i .mill. i, oa mill fieniluc rem ediea sent on trjlal to any lelloble man. A world-wldo reputation bark oj this offer. Every obetnelo to hunpy mnrrioil life removed. Full wrcnrih, development and tone (tlvon toovery pornon or lue uouy, Failure lmpossililt: km no barrier. X,a i"i Ik tnhnmn. rnic Mcninii on 4 niaoarast. CniC HltUlUHL U Buffalo, w. FINANCIAL. Executor's Notice. Having this day duly qualified as the I'.Miiliif nf Vli.ul.ll. 11 I2. .1. Bouiidcu as lolli.ws, to-wn: . - ceased, all persons indebted to said es , On the north side of ew houlli Front . ,i, ,re requested to make immediaie street in the city of ew Berne. In gin-1 aeitlement ning at the south corner of Hubert U. I And all persons holding claims against Hoaeley, r?r.' line, distance one hundred ,iHrt i nT .i, aud tiny feet wtt of the corner stone at ; gallle du verjfifcd ,0 lne un jer8lgpefj the corner of Jones and New South Front streets, running thence with said Mnseley's line and parallel with Jones Notice, Land Sale. By virtue of an order granted by lue clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county in a special proceeding entitled, Beimie A. Daniels, Executrix, against Clarence Daniels and Emily Daniels, I will on the 14th day of February. 18118, at the court house door in New Berne at 12 o'clock, M., sell to the highest bidder for cash, one farm two miles west of New Berne on Trent road, and bounded and described as follows to-wit: Beginning at a marked gum ou the south side of Trent road at Lewis Wil lis and 11. Brown's corner and runs west with the said Lewis Willis line 180 poles to Jackson Carney's line, thence north 6 west with Jackson Garney's 120 poles to a stake; thence south 9 deg. cast 240 poles to a stake on ine norm siac oi Trent road; Ihsnce southwardly with said Trent road 18 poles to the beginning containing 87 acres, tor ruiler descrip tion see book 77, pages . 446 and 447. There are two dwelling houses on the farm. January 8th. 1898. , BKNNIE A. DANIELS, Executrix, the city of New Berne, thence with said back line pud uiles Jarmaus nur wesi wardly thirty-eight feet to Esther Sim mon's corner, thence with the 6ame and parallel with said Jones street to New South Front 9trect, thence with the north side of the thirty-eight feet to the begin ning, being Division No. 8, of the estate of Jesse Moselvy as was allotted to (he said Lucy Ann Moore, then Lucy Ann Mooelcy by W. H. Marshal. G. S. Fisher and Geo. E. Tinker. Commissioner. Recorded in Hook No. 77. Folio 43. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Craven Co., and being the same lot of land mort gaged by the said Lucy Ann Moore, William Riley Moore to Joseph L. Halm by deed, bearing date of July 23d, 1894 and recorded in Book No. Ill, pago 307, in the office of Register of Deeds for Craven county. This 3d day of December, 1897. J. E. At R. O'lIARA, Commissioners. or before December 21st, 1898, or this notice will be plead as a bar to their recovery. Tins uec. .1st. imr,. UEOKCE GREEN, Executors of E. B. Green, deed. I followers. The official recordB were kept 1 in tbe national archives, aud the songs , . II and H errv Pullman dlmniuic Can between ttroensboro and Halawh. Atlantic Coat f-Ints A. fc 2. C. It. JR. WiLitisoTos & New Bekkb R. B., ' TlliK TABLE NO. 1, In Eiect Vednesday, De6. 1, 1807, Dally Except Sunday. s Going South schkdDle: Going North So. fit, Passenger Trains No. f0, Lv. am, stations:. Ar. p m, 903......... New Berne ...'.... 840 . y.a ....I... Pollocksvtlle . ..... 5 05 8 47 ,'. , kutysville ....... . . .462 10 Id I.i . .'. .Jacksonville.'. .V. .".7. 2t Wilmington, 1,'uion Depot Wilmington; ...Ar. Lv: 8 47 . 8 40 No. 81. It 81. It fid r M No, 60, Passknoeb & Fbbioiit, Leave Wllmlngtun Monday, Wednesday- and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and 8aturdny. Lv. Ail Ar. PM 7 4) ....Lv. Wlliningtoa, Ar....' 125 J5 ..... ...Scott's Hill 13 85 30 Woodside ...1155 81... ....... Holly ridge ...... .11 85 1040 Dixon 1....10 40 11 05 Verona 10 10 50 Jacksonville, S 40 13 10. Northeast.... ..... 8 50 13 80 Whiter ak .8 20 -1 10.. llaysvllle 8 00 1 40 Pollocksvllle 7 25 8 20 Debruhl'i 0 55 8 00 Ar. Nuw Berne, L 0 0 Daily Except Sunday. ' J. R. KENLY, General Manager. E. HORDE 1, Supt Transportation. . TIMB TABLE NO. 4. To Take Ellect Sunday, November 28th, 1897, at 13 M. Going East .BcUEDCLE: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p in stations: ' Ar. am 8 40 Ooldsboro. 11 05 4 09 . '. LaGrange 10 83 4 82...... . -. Klnston... ....... .10 12 8 85 Ar. New Berne, Lv.;. . .. 8 10 3 45......Lv. Ar...... 8 57 8 57. . . Ar. Morehead City Lv. .... 7 47 No.l, f I i- No.3, Mi'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and Pass.Tn. Pass. Tn. Lv. a in . , '. Ar, p m 7 10 ..Ooldsboro.. 8 00 7 43...., Best' 7 20 8 OB... LaUraoce 60 8 20 Falling creek 6,20 fl 14...... .....Klnston. ........ . 000 8 2d... cuswcll - 8 18 9 43.... 10 13... 10 40.... 1115..., 1181.... 12 05 ... 180... 3 13 .. .20..., J43.., 813... 8 25... 3 81 .. 840... 401... r.u. ....Ar. Dover, Lv ....... 800 . ..Lv. Ar 4 20 ...'...corecreek... 400 Tuscarora. .' 8 38 ........Clark's 8 20 ..Ar. New Berne, Lv...... 250 ..Lv. Ar.....l0 47 Kiverdale 10 00 croatun 10 00 . .... 'Ilavelock... '....'... 8 40 Nowport, Lv. ...... 8 00 i.,...Wildwood 8 47 ,., Atlantic .......... 8 88 Ar. Morehead clly, Lv 8 20 Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 80 , A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, f luetduy, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, . 11 Superintendent, PATEflTS U. H. AND FOREIGN PRUL'IRKU. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and ... - 1- TV. . . -...-.. 1 7 )Q V. I - . . York Ave , Washington, u. v. Cfflrn lUublltlied 186)5. Charge Mod erute. Corre7nndenoe ltrquestrd. I. WM. DINS, JAS. BEDMOND, Preldet. Vice Prel, B. . Ol'lON, Sect; XTreas. llcv; Dome Ice Go rnnnfctafer Pure Crystal Ice, I'ro'n Dtilli'il WeUir. . Out i it " I I'onn D.Mv. I .r I (1 itl Si!irlle:l -1 il.,iy (cii'itit Siinilny) prophets wero passed from baud to baud. Wbeu tbe kingdom was divided, records were certainly kept both iu the southern kingdom of Jndah aud the northern kingdom of Israel. But much of the earlier litoratnre was forgotten in the catastrophe of tbo destruction of the kingdoms of Israel and Judab, and tbo exiles refused to sing the songs of Zion as tbey "sat by the waters of Ba bel and wept." When at last the term of exile was over and some of tbe more devoted Jews returned to rebuild the walls and temple of Jerusalem, the law bad to bo brought back to them. Ezra was the man for this work, and he and bis coadjutors, the elders, col lected the scattered records of earlier days nnl made the first canon of the Pentateuch. They wrote it in a new script Kethav Asburis, the Assyrian or square character brought back from Babylon with them, and road and taught it to tbe people. By this time some of tbo speeches delivered by the prophets of tbe exile, tbe second Isaiah aud bis disciples, had become so aear to tbe hearts of tbe people that they were esteemed as classics. Some bad preserv ed the addresses of the earlier prophets. and gradually a second set of accepted writiugs was added to the law. The older songs, too, were found again, aud new singers were inspired for the serv ice of tbe new temple, aud the book of Psalms became its bymnbook. The proverbs of tbe nation were col Iected by various bands. Other books were fonnd or written as late aa the sec ond century before the Christian era. The book of Daniel, for Instance, was composed to inspire a people, fainting under Syrian oppresslou,.for the Macca bean revolution. And all this later lit erature was strnggliug for acceptance tuto tbe Bible uutil tbe canon of the Old Testament as we now bave it was established iu tbe first century of onr era by the rabbinical school of Palestine. As tbe nation Israel suuli under the waves of xlomitu conquest the Jewish spirit heid the Old Testament aloft as its gift to the world. Clifton Hardy Levy tn Review of Reviews. Both Awake. First Burglar It's uo nse tryln thet place t'uigbt, Bill. Thar man au bis wife went In 'bout an hour ago, an 1 heerd him tell ber be'd buy ber di'iuond neckluoe termorrur. ' Second Burglar What's tbet got V do wid it First Burglar Plenty. She won't be able f sleep fcr t'lnklo 'boat tL an be won't sleep fur t'iukin bow he's1 got I' pay fer It Loudon Fun. Farmers & Merchants D Maf eeeUMiene.e Sesre-a. Sxu six-ess "e.y, 1881. Capitol Stock. . ;. $73,000.00 Surplus and Profits 11,111.41 OFFICERS: L. H. CtTTLBR, President. w. e. uhadwick, v ice rrea T. W. Dkwkt, Cashier. J. W.Bidiilk, Teller. F. F. Matthbws, Collector. DIKECTOIW: . I,. H. Cutler. .fohn Sntor. W. n. Blades, W. H Cliadwlck, r.ii.i-euetier, .1. . uiarK, W. Htnwart, N. M. Juniey, T.W.Dewey. We want your business and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other bank in the city. It is our endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant and profitable to our patrons. Notice, Land Sale. By virtue of a judgment' obtained in the Superior court of Craven county in an action entitled Slate of North Caro lina, ex rel W. M. Watson, C. 8. C, against Henry Rouse and Jennie Rouse for the foreclosure of a tnort"nge, I will on the 14lh day of February 1898, at the court bouse duor in New Berne at 12 o'clock m. sell to the highest bidder for cash, a "certain tract of laud in Craven county near Dover station, which is de scribed in a certain judgment in the Superior court of said county iu a cer tain action wherein Henry Rouse is plaintiff and 8. II. West and wife are de fendants being all the rights, titles and interest of the said Henry House which he has by virtue of said judgment." January 10th. 1898. w.t. m. WAinoiv, Commissioner. .e .1 . Ml. I'l II p. HI. ,) m!v) 7 H H 1 1 1 "l!l . '.'-'IU . ni. to I r m-itin.iio J.A. BRYAN, TH0S. DANIELS, President. Ylce Pres. U. H. SOBEBTS. Cashier. The NATIONAL sank. Or NHW BKUNK, M. C. irsrooRgQRA.-Trm laes. Capital, ....:.........:....:....$IOO,0(H) Surplus Profits,.. 95,16 DIRECTORS: - Jas. A. Brtas, - Tros. Dakisi. Chas. 8. Bhia, Jko, Duns. O. H. Hobket Notice, Sale Real Estate. T F. McCarthy, admn " c t a d b n of Maria W bitty, deceased, In the superior vs. Court. before Lewis II. Brown and the Clerk. Phillis Brown, de- I fendant9. 1 By virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior Court oi uraven county, N. C, in the special proceeding entitled as above, now pending in said Superior Court, the undersigned Administrator will sell for cash to make assets, at the court house door in city of New Berne, Craven co.. N. 0., at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday the 14th day of rehruary, ibus, it being the first day of February term of the Superior Court of said county, to the Inzhest bidder lor cash, the rigni, line and interest of Maria Wliitty. deceased in u certain lot or parcel of land situated in the city of New Berne, JN. C, on the north side of Goode street, between Primrose street and A. & N. C. R. It. , known as lot number (7) seven Goode street, being the bouse and lot where Maria Whilty. deceased lived and died and devised by will to Phillis Brown, together with the house and improve ments thereon. Dated this 10th day of January, A. D., 1808. THOMAS F. MCCARTHY. Admn. c t a d b n of Maria Whitly, deed. W.m. E. Clark., Atty. for Admn. Sale of City Property ! State of NoiiTii C'akoi.ina, J Craven County. )' Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Robert G. Mosely, Ex. of 1 n .... . . i . , " i Petition to sel. J. A. Jones, ii. 9 ; land to make Richard Jones, et als. j !,sst'tf- Pursuant to the judgment in the above ' named proceeding, I will sell at public auction I or caH) at the cjurt house ill New Berne on .Monday, the 7th day of Keluuarv. 18118, at 12 o'clock, midday, that lot or parcel of land tiluated in the city of New Heine, State of North Caro lina, bounded and described as follows: HcL'inninjr at Hie iiorth-enst corner of l'ollock street and Moonshine Alley running eastwanlly with Pollock street to Samuel Hilton's line, then with Hil ton's line a northwardly direction 214 feet, 0 inches, then westwardly to Moon shine Alley, then with Moonshine Alley southwardly to the beginning, being tbe same land conveyed to said J. A. Jones by J. O, Gardner and wife by deed reg istered in office of the Register of Deeds, of said Craven countv in book 83, pages 255 and 250. ROBERT G. MOSELEY, Executor ot J. A. Jones. This 1st day of January, 1898. House & Lot For Sale. Drunk JLUtw I,-,,, enness Absolutely and rjtrnianeatly cured in 9 days by a new scientific and invigorating treat ment No publicity no injections no restraint Can be given secretly. No "free treatment" icme. J " R. A. OUNN, M.D., 41 East 2Ut Street, New York City. Notice of Sale. J. 11. Hackbubn L. HABVBT H. B.. llIS-OF; ' T. A. Green, Prea, R.H. Ueadows, Vloe Pre H.M.GBOTis.Cashlur. CITIZEFS BANK Ol1 NHW SKEtXT-D, XT. O. DO A flEMERAL RANKINO BU8INOI The Account, ol Banks, Bankers, Corpor ation!, Farmers, Merchant anil others re nelved on lavorable terms. Prompt and eart rol attention given to the Inlet .et ol our ens tamers. Coll. attons a specialty. BOARD OrOIBVCTOBS. rerdlnaad Ulrica J. a. Meadows, Samuel W. Ipoek, Coae. H . Fowler, J. w. Uralnirer, E. W. Smallwood, Oeo. H. I Tee. K. U. Meadows, Cha. Dully, Jr. Jaim-1 Redmond, Mayer Halin, Tboinas A. Ureas, C. K. For. W. r. Crockett. 0. C. Roach, Pres. J. H. Fishir, Cash. Da. Wk. L. LasiutiR, V. Prei. The Mutual Aid ' Hanking Company, 117 Broad Street , . Docs a Central Banking Business Accounts Sollcted. Correspondence Invl eJ. DIRECTOR?. C. C. Roach, . F. B. West, J. a Willis. J. P. 8unley, William Crispin. Sjkymallsm CuceaH":.". "Mystio Cure" for Rhonmatisin and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3diT!). Its action upon the system it remarkable and mvateriout. It I moves at onoe the cause, and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose grea'ly bonoflts, 70 cents. Hold liy llotirr's Pharmacy, Ke I'.erne. ,t"l. BO YEARS' , EXPERICNCI ' Tftftnc Marks Dksiohs CovntaMTt A a. An fin ewmrtinsj H Hi mnA rt-fi n rn mmf tjt kif svBict'dJiiti fur ni"it"n frj nthf M In vssnf t"i M ,) H fr, tH.tf.4jt nu iii T f - SM-ejrtliC fii.t. I'litfMil ltl II.Mititfh Muilfl Crfc rKJetTel trrUtA V(U, Mli,,ul t i, Ltt Lb A RStirlanmiiilf Ulnetr-sit SMl f tiFs 4 T. , .,t . L.r-Ullf V-lfMAl 1 'f -t,s It 9 Pi 111 mm Caveat, and Trade-Marl.- obtairfuand ull fat cntbuii-cseconductcdlor MoDtaTC tea. ana orriee is Opposite J, O. ptihi 0-fi r and we can secure puu.nl ia u uiue "Jan inae. Send model, dr.in or pli6to, with delcrip ' We advie. li oatenuible or e, lrl 0J Icl-ree. Our fee not due till patent h ie.:r J. . .-MLIT HnwwOli-.nr-n."w"hi COW Ol 1" . "- w. h eat free. Addreu, j n A O B1 .4A; -r- ff l (VlHlUllVIIUfWVirj t err. Pttt Orriee, Washington. 6. r . rkMnHKS (ySgaA irMHUr. HINDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made Well Man THE iT- tT- OI me. GREAT FRENCH REMF.OY producBi the ahnve reeolt la 10 Says. L'urtt Srnmu Vrtilttt. Imfiolrncy, Vartcoctlf. tttUMK Memory. U) an oraina anu lonet canted by errors of yonth. II wards off In unity end Conumplkn. S'ouni; Mm renin Man hood nd Old Men recover Mouthful Visor. It gives vigor and S'te to anrunKen orKans, ana ms a man lor huaineta or aiarriage. Eaaily carried in the Teat pocket. Price Tft PTC Rs ?? by mail, In plain pack- uU ylVi t jcmis v fiMnnsti issitej Holhind Smith, Admin-, ai r. ur I .atra r,x ut . Inthe Superior bmitli, deceased. !Court Nellie Smith'and Emma U'.c clerk' Smith. By virtue of nn order of the clerk of the Superior court ot uraven county: North Carolina, in I lie special proceeding entitled ns alKive now pending in said Superior court, the uudersiirncd udmiu istratrix will sell for cash, to make assets, at the court house door in the city of New Berne, Craven county, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, on alonday the 7th day of February. 1898, it beius the first day of the February Term of the Superior court of said county, to the highest bid der for cash, the right title and interest of V. W. Smith, deceased, in a certain niece or parcel of land situated in said Craven county, on the north side of Swift creek and hounded by the lauds ol Peter Willis. Noah Jacskon, Macon Bryan, W. H. Elevin and others, con. tniiiiu eighty (HO) acres more or less, being the lands conveyed to the Biiid D. W. Smith; by deed registered in the office, of register of deeda of Craven county, in book 82, pages 471 and 472 lo which reference is made; together with improvements thereon. Subject to right of dower and dower interest of the widow of said lands. HOLLAND SMITH, Administratrix. Pursuant to powers in the mortgage executed to the Eastern Building and Ijjau Association of Syracuse. N. Y., by Virgil A. Crawford and wife, which is dated the December 1st, 1890, and is reg istered in office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, North Carolina, in book No. 104, pages 91, 92, 93 and 94. The undersigned will sell at the Court House, in the city ot New Berne, at public auction for cash, on Monday, the itli day ot February 1H98, at 12 o'clock. M the following property. All that certain lot ot land situated in said city of New Berne, known and dis tinguished as part of lot No, 1 In that part of said city known as "Uryboro ' bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning on Cedar street ninety-seven feet southeasterly from the southeastern corner of Cedar and Stanley streets. running thence southerly parallel with Stanley street thirty-four feet, thence easterly parallel with Cedar street twenty-seven feet, thence northerly parallel with Stanly St., thirty-four feet to Cedar street, thence westwardly along Cedar street, twenty-seven feet to the beginning. oeing part oi ine premises conveyed to said Virgil A. Crawford by John Hughes as administrator, etc., by deed dated April 28th, 1870 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and ' for said county in book, No. 70, folios 248, 249 aud 250. This th day of January, 1898. Tub Eastern Bid. & Loan Assn.. of Syracuse, N. Y. By M. DrW. Stkvknson, Atty. EXECUTION SALE. 5 nTa. By virtue ot writ of execution, to me issued from the Superior Court of Craven county, in an action wherein Moody Lumber Company is plainlilf and Calvin Smith defendant, I will cn Tuesday, February 8th, 1898 at the court house door in New Berne, offer for sale at pub lic unction to the highest bidder, for cash, i he lands levied upon as the prop erty of the defendant Cnlvin Smith, de scribed as follows: A traci of 10(1 acre in No. 7 Township. described in deed from 11. C Wood and w ife to Calvin Smith, dated 1888, and re corded in the office of the Register of lieeils ot i. raven county. Hook lOJi, pages 4 and -im. J. L. HAIIN, Shff. Craven Co. NOTICE ! written luaraulee. DR. F. 8. DUFFY, Now Heme N. tk c. V The Folding Pocket Kodak. Parties North Carolina, i Cakterkt County. ( Superior Court, Fall Term, 189' Loum Snow, Jr., on be-1 half of himself and all -I... .Ha...- ..I t. - I wi.;..1nu i-rft. .Notice to f, iii.v vaa ni.ci . ii - poration, , vs. Tbe Whlto Oak River Corporal ion. J Pursuant to the order of the Superior Court of Carteret county made at the Fall Term 1897 of Carteret Superior Court in the above entitled action. All creditors of the W hite Oak River Cor poration are hereby notified to come in and make themselves parties to this ac tion before the next term of the said Su perior Court to be held in the town of beaufort, County of Curteset on tbe 21st day of March, 189S. And all persons holding claims against saia corporation are notified to present the same to the undersigned Receiver, duly verified, before the date above men tioned. This nnlice Is given lo the end that all final orders and decrees ma be made and entered at asld term, and all matters in controversy settled anil ad justed accordlnf to law. ihis January otn. mm. JAMES A. BRYAN. Receiver Wbl'e Oak River Corporation Oil ilfl.ii ! I,-M. Ta-at mm kiM-en-l h .a-ndi-. a-4 LOADS IN DAYLIGHT. Ta. aak.4lalalef H-I.reli" eWt-eia-l aeBay. FHas s-i MM S-ka. ek t- aMmae hae, Sta.eS tie- enat Ha M ' M. 4M- Cafkr- Am 1 a aaas. the Basts Is a KODAK an-ctaredky w Kodak Ce. sooMemn, f4. v. 1" Ca II. W. NUIlfsOlVs Funeral Director and Embalmer. Offloe 68 Broad Street, neito Stewart's stables. Residence IM Broad Slreei, tynurlal robes S ipscla.'ty. NOTICE ! 8tati or North Carolina. . Craven County. (' Superior Court, Spring Term, 1897. Thomas Williams, ) vs NOTICE. Dtlsey Williams, ) TO DRLStT WILItUMSl , This is an action for Divorce, entitled as above, and you are required to appear at the next term of the aaid Court tn be held tn New Berne on the fourth Mon day before the Orst Monday in March, 18U8. and answer or demur to the Com plaint, or Hie plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe relief demanded la the corn plaint .This 18th dsy of Deoember, 1897 W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court, l 0M, MISSION KKS SALE! llv virtue of the power invested in the undersigned commissioners by a Judg ment of the Superior court of ('raven comity, .ranted at its May term 1897 la an action wherein I.. H. Cutler, Executor of William Clevo deceased is plaintiff, and Mosesl'atterson and others are de fendants, we will expose to sale at public auction, at the Court House door in the citv of New Berne, on Tuesday the eighth day ot February. 1898. (It being he second day of the rcbruary Term of . court) to the highest bidder for cash, at the hour of U o'clock noon all the fol lowing described real and personal prop erty, lo-wil: lirst: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being in the city of of New Berne, on the East side of Middle street between Pollock and South Front, and beginning at a point on the East side of said Middle street .59 feet and 6 Inches from thei corner ot Middle and South Front streets and running thence with said East side of Middle street Northward ly 62 feet, 6 Inches to the Hughes line. thence rjtstwardly with the said Hughes line. 213 feet. 6 Inches to lot 63 in the plan of the said city of New Berne, thence Southwardly with said lot 63, 62 feet 6 Inches: thence Westwardly 214 feet 6 inches to Middle street the place of be. finning, it neing uieiot known as the Intel Albert lot, and on which the said Hotel Allien is situated. Secondly: All the furniture ot everr kind and description to lbs aaid Hotel Allien, consisting of office furniture, parlor furniture, bed room furniture, dining room furniture, kitchen furniture, Isundiy furniture, or any other kind of furniture or whatever name It assy be known, and Including all crockery, cut lery, cooking apparatus, piano and What ever else of either ornanental or aseful kind that may he situated and being la the said Hotel Albert, which belongs to ins parties neiennanta. A deposit sufflcleot to guarantee the completion of the purchase by tbe pur chaser et the Said sale when same Is con- Armed by Court will be required lo be deposited. Amount to be Si per cent, of the amount bid. This January 8th. IMW. W. D. Molvaa, P. H. Pitxrnta, L'esnaii-rieaers,