THE JOUR : Published every day in the year,' ex cept Monday, at 96 Middle Street. Phosi No. 8. t CHARLES L. STEVENS, ' tDtTOBAMD PROPMBTOB. ' ' 1 SUBSCRIPTION HATES $ one year, In advance, One year, not in advance, ilonltilv, by carrier In the city, ...14 00 6 00 .... 50 Advertising Bates furnlsbed'on appli cation. . ! Entered at the Post Office, New Berne, N. O. as second class matter. I - ' Official Paper of New Berne and Craven Comity, (., New Berne, N. C. Feb. 641898. THE CRT rOH BETTER WATER The people of New Berne do not ' fnllar annrnniatA the manv bleBairjffB . which are showered upon tten in this most healthy and pleasant place, where their city ia located. Seen re against those atmospheric disturbances which harass and im Doverish many localities -in this country; with no euessive summer, no extreme low t heat in oipera- tures in winter; with rain and sun shine equally distributed lo make productive crops for those wj ho farm in this vicinity, the people f New Heme are singularly fortunate in living in such a climate and 'place. But however fortunate in climate, the people of New Berno may be, how much more fortunate they arc in having id addition to 1 10 fore going, an abundance of pure , whole g)me water, a Bupply which is inex haustible in its volume at d une qualled in its health givinf quali ties. 'V ' - It is only necessary in these days to take up any newspaper, and find iu its columns tho account'' of some town or city which is distressed on account of its water supply,. In one place it is insullicicnt; in another impure, and various are the ways which are being tried to remedy these troubles. 1 But New Berne is not troubled in thu particular, for its water is . abundant and puro, and needs no artificial helps, before the people can use it for any purpose they way de sire. ......... if ... There is no cry for better water I in New Berne, simply because no bet ter water is found any whore, than is today furnished its people in a maximum of volume and at a mini mum of cost. ( THE WAT TO DO ITf The Kinston correspondent of the Journal, told yesterday in a few words, that our neighboring town has secured tbe 1 necessary- money pledges to insure it a cottoul mill. In these days when so many placet have suffered in their, attempts to build local" industries on the co operative plan, it is truly a matter of rejoicing to find among the many , failures, here and there exijeptions, 'in brilliant successes. j Kinston is one of the successes, not because its people are richer or have more mouey to invest than . many other places, but it is success ful because its people determine to build, then go ahead and put op the money themselves for the enterprise not waiting lor some outside or imaginary philanthropist to come in and furnish tho necessary capital. Congratulations to Kinston and its people, for it has shown this teo- tlon the quality of its confidence Id its own town's future in this co-op erative work, which will give it a cotton mill, and its action in this particular speaks louder than the words in ten thousand newspapers. T rrni . iolo vac nit Take Laxative Brbmo Quince Tib lets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure, 2oo. The genu ine ha L. B. Q. on each tablet. PRETENTION .TBI BEST CUAB. The health and city authorities ol New Berne are to be cor;;rtuUteJ upon their action in tho n utter of guarding the people of this city from any chances of t' small 1Z4 which is oi tronble and amioty i 8uth Carolina anil in ; ' State. In this matter they 1 n no opposition, no boat;;,:; stead the people of New seeing and realUing, ! by the knowle !j;o f u the sturjostlons of i' r Vaccination, fr. i i proving a si ii. tho people, t' 1 I? ' 'line, t in to j--i''.''.ii;a they know is t t fur tl.cir own individual and oilers benefit, there will be no opening in this city for email poi even if it was brought liero openly. The coming of the Fair week will bring with it thousands of people, and these visitors can como with tlie- full assurance that New Borne is ai free from diseaee. as it is free in its hospitalities to all who come. THE FIRST PAIR. Tha Boy! Mother Bad Not Booobm Accts tomcd lo Knickerbockers. Doctor (hat in band Is there a little sick boy here? - Mother of the Sufferer Yea Come in. ' Doctor, my poor dear is very sick. Since this morning I don't know why he keeps falling down. . ' "Palling down?" . :': , "Yes, all the time." "Palling to the floor?" "Yes, to the floor.? "That's strange. How old is be?" "Four years and a half." ''He ought to stand all right at that age.. How did it begin?" "I don't understand it at all, I tell yon. He was very well last night, and he played all aronnd the room. This morning I went to wake him as usual. I put on his socks, I put his little breeches on and then I put him on bis feet. He fell at once. " "Perhaps he tripped." ' "Listen, dootor. I picked him np. He fell right down again. I was star tled, bnt I picked him np bang! down he went, and be did it seven or eight times rnnning.'I tell you, I don't know what ails him, lint since this morning be keeps falling down. " , "That's very singular. Let me see him." - -... .-":,,.:. .-. The mother goes out of the 'room and thou comes back with the boy in her arms. His chubby cheeks are rosy, and he appears to be extravagantly well. . He wears trousers and a loose blouse starched with dried preserves. "Why, he's a splendid child," says the doctor. "Stand bim on the floor," The mother obeys. The child fulls. "Once more, please." . The child falls again. ; "Once more." Third attempt, followed by the third fall of the sick boy. The doctor is thoughtful. "Unheard oft" He says to the boy, whose mother holds bim np by the arms, "Tell me, my fine little fellow, have you a pain anywhere?" "Ho, sir." "Does your head aohe?" -"No,sir." "Did you sleep well last night?" "Yes, sir." . "Have you any appetite now? Would you like a little soup?" . . " "Oh, yea, sir." - "Exactly, " and the dootor adds with an air of authority, "He has paralysis." The mother cries: "Paral O Lord!". She raises herhauda toward heaven, and the boy falls. "Yes, madam. I am sorry to say he has complete paralysis of the lower limbs. ' Yon can see for yourself that the flesh of your dear child is absolutely insensible." (Speaking, be goes close to the boy and prepare to make the ex- j periment) "But but wbat'a this? What a this?" And be screams ont, "Tbnuderand lightning, madam, what's this you are chattering to me about paralysis?" . j The amaaed mother answers, "But, . doctor" "Of course the boy can't stand on bis feet You have pnt both his' legs into one leg of his breeches. "Boston Jour nal. PrloM For Books. Works which are greedily sought aft er in one geueration are neglected in the next. Booksellers now rarely think it worth while to give the height of an Elzevir or to devote a note to an Aldus. The first edition of the c lamina, which in the days of our grandfathers were the collector's chief pride, are now fall en from their blgb estate. I have bought recently for 80 shillings a fine copy of the first edition of Aristophanes, Aldus, 1498, in a bandsomo binding, with gauffered edges, which in tbe first half of tbe century brought prices ranging from 130 franca to 425 franca. I could instance other similar cases of decline and faury I cau see symptoms of giving way in those books which tbe modern collector most affect. In Paris, iudred, a "rot" has set In as regards modern works. Yet tbe best bouks in good examples steadily mount in price. First folio (Shakespeare, con cerning which a discussion i being con ducted in Note and Queries, are far commoner Cooks than is generally thought. Thu "boom" ia tbem was started by Lilly of New street, W. C, who showed m rows of fim folios Which he never allowed to be sold under a certain prio. These now bring Urge sums, aud tha tendency is and probably will be upward. In early poetry gen erally tbe prlrrs, once thought very high, of tha "Bibliotbeca Auglo-Poet-Ica" am now often surpassed, booksell ers of the better data tell me that tbera is a itcody demand for good books. Notts and Qnerira. Catarrh Caaaat B Can4. With lcal Applict'iooa, a tin y cai.oot eich (lie teat of th iilvaa. C'Hinnh blHd or coutlilulloiu! iKsiBse, axils Tiler to cui it )ui mu t It'll li.t9rn i rrnivli)'. lull's Ca'atrh Cire is taker inleruiilly, aol ai la directly on tho IjI'MhI aud mui'oii (Kiir'it. Hall's (a'arrli Cuieiiuot a qi'uk n.ailcii. It a pre Till ty on Ol th" l'rl tiykianl In this count-v fir teir, ii. it a rvcti'ar prevrptio. Il It c"niv I of ihe but OHi'is known, roinh'nnl ml h tha lxi.t M'l piinih t", fti.lHu tlir.tily mi Die mik:u. mu'.u r. Tlia rc-iCnt coniiiiimiioD if lit t WO I iv' 'I i"l I hit priviiM . n li won It ui ni-uiii In tiling l'lHrih. N ll'l f., r irM iimiii r.( fi rr. K. J. Clii ii!Y & ( j., Tr.'i"., T..ln.hi,0 h'il'1 n 'In.' ' ,'i'H. )u H 7 V. II ill's F.iiui'y I'' a k ii.c l kt. 1 r I 1 ' LY. la Paria Water 1. the Mont rreeloua aud Ltcluaive lriuk. "Water is the roust precious aud ex clusive drink you can order in Paris," writes Lilian V '! in a letter fr"'11 the preach capital to The Ladies' Home Journal. "Imagine that, yoa who let the water run to cool it I ' In Paris they actually pay for water iu their houses by tbe quart Artichokes and truffles and nyishroorus aud silk stockings and kid glove are so cheap here that it make you blink your eyes, but eggs and cream and milk are luxuries. Silks and velvets are bewilderingly inexpen sive, but cotton stuffs are from America and are extravagances. They make them np into 'costumes' and trim them with velvet ribbon. Never by any chance oould you be supposed to send cotton frocks to be washed every week. The luxury of fresh, starched muslin dresses and plenty of shirt waist i unknown. "I never shall overcome the ecstasies of laughter wbioh assail me when I see varieties of eoal exhibited in tiny shop windows, set forth in bigh glass dishes, as we exploit chocolates at home. Bnt well they may respect it, for it is really very much cheaper to freeze to death than to buy coal in Paris. The reason of all this is the city tax on every chick en, every carrot, every egg brought into Paris. Every mouthful of food is taxed. This produces an enormous revenue, and this is why the streets are so clean. It is why the asphalt is aa smooth a a ballroom floor. It is why tbe whole of Pnris is as beautiful as a dream. " Too Much Uka a Pan. "No, Mr," said the Kansas editor, "your services are no longer required. " "May I venture to ask why I'm dis charged?" v v.y.-' - .-; "You're too blamed funny. That style may do in the blase aud heartless east, but wbeu you refer to a death in a cyclone as 'a terrible blow' to the fam ily you overdo it out here. " Detroit OA8TOniA. ni tw- The Kind You Haw Always Bought L. H. tatler Hardware -Gompany, Hardware, flafth, Ioon and ISllnds. Xiiiie, Cement and Plaster, lta I lders Hardware a Specially, We also have the-Iargest and best as sorted Line of PLOWS' AND AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ever in the city. , : . . . : Merchants we can sell you at Manu facturer's Prices. Remember we keep a full' line of De- voes and Harrison's Paint. Yours for business, L. U. CUTLER HARDWARE CO. SEED inifiii POTATOES. For Sale 100 Barrels First-Class Beet) Irish Potatoes, white Blir, fall growa. Will be delivered at Aurora, N. O. Flour barrel, double headed, if de sired. Correspondents answered prompt ly. O. K. M ALLISON, Jan. 11, 1898. " Idalia, N. C, ' , TO NEW BERNE FAIR. From all stations wort of Near Berne tickets will be sold over the A. A N. C. railroad on the mail train from February 30th to March 8d Inclusive, good to re turn until March 8th, tncluaire. All stations east of Near Berat will sell tickets op to snd Including March 4il, by the mail train. i The special fair tr n will tun on March 1st, 2nd, 8rd aod tib, from Oohli b.iroand iotermediat ststlon to New Bern and return tame day. rare for Itonaa Trip. Ieladlnj one Admlsklsa Into tk Fair, When Tickets are rarthaard: av Tin Mail train. Oildaboro, 1? 41 ui , i j tjilhanne , g ()i Falling Creek H) K null. n ( 00 laaae l t 4. livr i X.) ('nn (.'reek ....... in Tiiu'srura i ( Urk t ,', , , , , ko Kivi-nlnle i; ('riialao... , , a H'i llilVfliK It, 1 (HI NfwjMirl y, Willi WlMXl, , ) Atlnnllc. , J Hi Miiritifad City, i SJ BY TlIK srEVUt. TRAIL IJiilillmrn 1 'n llmt (0 I n1 i ran v'" 14"i riilili j t in k in Km-.!"" 1 H i i;n i ;i ?. . . mu l i.v.-r ... lv, l int'n'i k 1 Tui'iiriiia , .... I- (.luk'a .. Ni( t'ml . train tlm tint run cunt ut Ni'W I i nil'. I ! 1 Cheap Vi i'. i A r in...!, Chief," fevjs: We won't ke.-i house without Dr. King's New Dis oovery for Consumption, Ooughs andV Colds. , Experimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure lor Uouahs. Colds. Wboopirjg Cough, etc. It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged' on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are -not as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It hever fails to satisfy. Trial bottles freest F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store. ' CALL HQ. 10. BON DS OF CRAVEN COUNTY, "NORTH CAROLINA. . Notice is hereby jciyen that E'glit (8) Craven County Bonds of the denomina tion of Five Hundred Dollars have been this day drawn for account of the Sink ing Fund of said county In accordance with tho act authorizing their issue, towit: Bonds No. 08, 94, 96, 119,131, 145, 157, 218.-', . -' -;--. :, . - These Bonds will be paid piinclpal and accrued interest to January 81, 1899 in clusive, upon presentation of tbe same at tbe National Bank of New Berne, North Carolina on and alter February 1, 1898. Interest on the above Bonds will cease after January 31, 1808. By order Board of Commissioners. -. E. Q. HILL, Chairman. -- New Berne, N. C, January 28, 189P. Real Estate Ageney 1 Houses For Rent. Houses For Sale. Farms For Sale. Collections of Rent. Any business iu our line will be given prompt attention by leaving word at the store of N. Nuon & Co., opposite tho Post Office. i. , E. E. HARPER. WANTED Five shares or Hock in the A. & N. C. R. R. and a few N. C. Bond?. E. F. Harper. , v ' - , ' IP YOU WANT -A' GLASS OF BEER i As good as you can get iu . New Yoi k or any other city in the United States go to - Palace Saloon ! 18 niDDLE STREET, Where you can get it. , Also any other Firtt - Class Goods in the Liquor . Trade. . . Pure N. 0. Malt Whis key, recommended by the best physicians. James F. Taylor. V;.L.UOUQLAG r'nr 14 w loHr, hna i W. L. . Mtw ' Itxwi art lln r f nun ir, '" i nn i'li 4 ftO . K I.- stit c It ' I SJI.'I 1 wti mi 4 l. ft. fi" 1 f f t .. 8 Il ..,raH m Wl' t trt ofT-r..1 S)l 1 rtfy mr ifU'ia In nil tli UImI rtni-p i1 at , i , kutl id mry ri H " l-H'lt.r. If rl. i-r ia- I wttridlT T-mi, rf fnr Pf. Ibsju U Vv . L. iAMAdua, utuUttuS, MM. tftUl U$ flol.l hy J. .1. Il.txtrr. 1... A r f.'J- v. 4i ri i,. rich r t 1 ..' b xo. t, i.o. o. r,; om- , N U.j C. H. linll. V. I :-u.. J. i J L. fen , 11 e it. pw'iy; J. R. harHer, Jr.,TrHtti. h.-.: niftr nieeltr-K everY.NoaO? )) CA1 'TMETKNTAVPVFNT NO. 4.I.O.O. F, li ueers: C. H. llail, V. T.i W. K." HTtimil ,1 T H. f.jN. C. IIUKliee, 8. vr.i A. K. Hifiburil, I J. W.: H.-C. Lumwlen. scrtlje: K. Genyk Treu. Kfjlav bncauipmen(s. In, SO, aud fiidittany) fhureilAy aigais tn iwmh monUi at '): o oinck 1THEN1 A MJlKiK NO. S, K. ot v Mpfltl every Tuoxlay ntRht In their CMile Bali, Hldiile -tirwt; vlst.tng Knlirnuwlll receive a clilvalrio weloumw. J. it. Bmltb, C. O.; A. E. pittms.ii, f. i.;W.S. Fanwnn. K. K. a.; O. a Tboraton, M. of f. i. J. Baxter, M. ot E. ' uNTONCLBfcrfONTNO.,,l. o.o. r, ! omeerii . Jo. Blorer, Captain j T. G. Hy- man, l.leut.; P. H. fvlleUer, Rnalitn; Wm. J. Pitu. C!lerk:Ed. Uerovk. Aecuuutnnt. Bet. . mar Cantonments, id aim 4tn THoradar1 O'Khta in each month at 8 ) o'clock" CKAVBN LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF H A ft- j 1iNY Hoeia 2nd and 4th Wednesday niKhta In eaon moutli tn Bounlree's. Half, t 7 M o clock, s. U. Bail, President; J. H. , Smith, Secretary. .. I XT. JOHN'S I.ODUB NO. t. A. F. AND A. Ml Oracera:-T. W. Dewey. W. M.; N. Case, 6. W.; George Green, J. W.; T. A. Green, irro., n i rms. ieu ty. neguiar tiom manicatloaa id Wednesday eacb month. CUATTAWKA 1RIBE NO. 14, IMP. O. K. U Meets the 2nd 8leep ot every 7 Buna Monday nlKhtl ai K. ol P. Castle Hall. Middle Street. New Rerm , N. C. Vlaltlng Beit Men always welcome. T. J. Pae, 8-nemi J. H. Smith, O.OIU ... : ;. ,-. KW BRKNB CHAPTER NO. 4tt, K. A. M.: t .KKcerw T. A. ureeu, H. P, K.; 1 I. W. Dewey, Scribe; Onus. Daffy, Tres.;-r C. D. Rredham, Bec'ty. Begular Uonvnoa- iiuusiu npnaav eaun mnntn. 1 ST. JOHN'S COMMANDKBY NO. 10, K.T.: Otncers : 1. W. Dow ey, K. C; Jit. Redmond G.j T. G. Hyinan, C. O 1 1. F. Mc lunliy, Prelate: U.S. Pi nn mi). Kecnrder. Reimliu ConoiHvea Brst and third Fridays ot the month, r KNIGHTS OP HONOR-omcerai 8. D. Pope. Dictator; G. L. Vlueon, Reporter; W. r. Konnt'ue, Fln.nolal Kiojter New Uerne lyiflne Do. 443 meets the Snd and 4tb rrlday nluhta at 7:80 o'clock In Itountree'a Hall, polKHk Street. . - NEW BERNE LODGE NO. 1, T. It. AC.-l.WV Middle, Prest ; J. h. 8 til h, tteanrdlnir Decty ; E. K. Qulnley, Financial ecty. MeeU In Knlguti. ot p)thlaa haU every 1st and 2nd Wednesday night lu eacb month, - STEAMERS- EASTEBN . CAROLINA" DISPATCH LINE, -AND- FREIGHT & PASSENGEH. For All Points North. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and X ridays at 6 p. in., sharp. Malt - mg no stops between lSew Borne to Elizabeth City. iiiiuiie.ii vi.;. The Steamer NIWBERSE will sail on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12 o clock, noon, makintt landinsrs at Oriental, Ooracoke and Roanoke KW" Freight received not 1ffl than one hour previons to sailing. For farther information apply to ,GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. t ir -wr w . m, i. xviau, uen. mgr., II 0. HuDOiNa,Gen.Frt.& Pass.At. Norfolk, Va., : New Bernp, N. C, Sept. 18, 1431 PE0FE9SI0NAU P. II. Pelletler, ATT0KNEI AT LAW. Xlddle Street, Lawyers Brick Ualldlas;. Will praetlc In th Countlet of Oravmii Oarterot, Junt a, Onalow and Pamlico. U. M. (iui t at New Barns and Supreiu Court rf he Htata. P. M. Aim men, 1. II. Hon, A. D. War, E. W. I'oa. SIMflONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS aad COUNSELORS at LAW. tw ataa a, r. r. Ofllo 68 8o. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chattawka. (Offices also at Ra1eh;b and Smithfleld ) Praotbe In tlia eonntiea ol ('rmvan, Dntntn, Jnne Onutnv. Oartnrnt Pamllno, Wa., Joliiivton. Ilarimtt and Wilton; la im, Sn prwna mhI Kmiriil Cuurta; and wnarerer A Gain in tfew Berne ! We Uav Juft Recvived a lot of no. i reo heart, CYPRESS SHINQL.ES. Which rxrrls anytliinr in the way of coerlnK liooait that ha ever breo In vented yet. Wa hare a larne lot of them nn hand and mutt be sold at some pilcc. Hrr, here lin y go. BIO. HILL, The Shinjrlc flan. rnrri m.i ff v : AND COKNI2D M 1" M. CT ! Vcl, i'lutts Qr::ti rnd r - , Anil 1 1 i;r r ; ' ! I : ; ' a . i I , t I t 1 I . I I i,'; t ,, i ' w .11 n'l I Hi Old Dominion Steamship Co 6 Whes talking to TOO . . . . About Furniture The sharpest point we can argue is'the fact thatflour LoNSiSTABUSRKn business and the Great Army of Sat isfied Patrons we, have mad is the best testimony as to the quality of .our traods and the war we do i business. . ... , . . ALL KINDS OF Desirable c.Bbe - - fonnd here Furniture 11? If you are contemplating the purchase of Furniture a call at my store will prove profitable. John Suter, Under Hotel Chattawka, New Berne, N. C. Willeiibrlnk'M s ' ; Itestwnrant, Only Up-to-Date Restaurant In the City. For Ladies and Gentlemen. iao vrDDiig;sTBimrrj . New Berne, N. C. -Regular Heals, At all Hours, 23 Cents. 11. WILLENBRINE, Prop Formerly Chef, Hotel Chattawka; , Are troMei ,. , . .. . If so, call at J. 0. Whttty & Co.'s and ! ,.rDt,vraDI1,Tnin on ! A ffPiitleinan MVtt I n.iitlii. sul uts In , n, hu wIt, O00 of your French jj,,, . ' . . ... , ' If m, we can supply you with a rniitiNuu muustt ikai-, or en uut u. 1 ' ' 1 ' .l r,, nt ,. . ' J Mice. WE HAVE THE TBAP3. J. C. Whitty to. Court Notice ! Witnesses, suitors and all other interested as well as jurors at Feb - ruary term of the Superior Court of Craven county are notiged that i hey need not attend Superior Court until Monday of the leoond week being the 14i.ii of February next. . By order cf Judge Brown, W. M. Watsos, 0.8. a E. Under Hotel Chattawka, New Berne, N. C, DKALEK IN Sash, Ecors, Blinds, Line, Cimcn PLASTER, Garland's 5tovs c Ranges Dsvoe's Ready Mixed Paint, , A irT fTnt. 'i I Heaters. O ff-a I QpOf.O V I U K ARK SKM.IXG n:ti and y " ' i At : ; i I, iwnr than they can be in nr. Unary ( iiant itins in .ki is. . 1 t h. V, I- -n a mi r : fir.h am) u C'liitrai'l n anil ' J-ar, .a ' I Is 1 NEW BERNE FRESH ARRIVALS... OF FINE HORSES v Farme's who want GooJ Horses aud Mates tn start their new crops, can find a Large and Varied Stock nt in; Stables on Broad street. Our immense stock of Buggies hu8 diminished greatly, but we still have some Rare Bargains. Everyone pronounce them pretty. " : Also Ilarnees in all the late styles and at lowest prices. A call will convince you that I am on the market with the Best of Every ttiinjj in my line. Whether you are a visitor or buyer the courtesy of my stables is extended to you. Vours Uespt , (181. 70. VI, 721 74. 74 BROAD STREE and 76 AGAIN THEY HAVE ARRIVED ! AT THE OLD KKLIABLB STABLES OP M. IIAIIN & CO., From 4 to (i years old. Frfl This slock has been selected Vy one of the best judges of slock in NortD Curolma. This slock ia suitable for all purpose. The puolio is lurited to come and select from the above slock which wi.l tie sold ou easy terms, lo dovti at rock hotiom prices lo ainrnspund wiib ' 4 and 5 cent cotton. Ail stock bo sale. J. W. BTEWAET, Preat. ENOCH WAU-JWOUTU, Vlcc-rnst. Rooms 8 & (9, Daves New Investment niliaiot, lunp.Mapliitt JtLorrli, Mid- Sle Street. Office IIoubs: 11 A. M. to 2 P. M City Property Bought and Sold. CITtlOTS, A handsome and mint desirable real dence, located on Hie south side of VIRIH. Change at it Intersection with Ett Front atna't, adjoiuinK the reahlencai of One fine !M acie farm, one and one Ida lale JikIko Seymour, Handsome ball mile from Niw B rn, ou son lb side house, with additional lot adjoining; for of Neu maul. another residence, nrnat dehhlfully lo. 8 tret if valuable land and timber, cated;an.l one of llio li.indtomrtt aod lying , t O trka' ataiinn on lit batt adle moat di-alrahlc dwflliiiKS In Hi city. of tho A. t N, C It. R. and the publio On Houth Front NiriHt, betweem On- road seven mile from Hie city of New ven and Kaat Front llnndaomii, reitio.l- liern. containlh( IMI0 acnt. Alao 12.1 eled brick midence, rO rooms, tlirt acre, tieglnnln; at I hi centre nf the atoriea and l aai-nirnt. all modern ennven A ft N. O. It, IL at il inWracctlnn with ii-ncra, balb rrxMna. Sic Ih'liKhlful lo- said pulilin mad. cation for aiunnvr or winti r realdcnc. One dMilrahle40 acre farm, nn moth One double house In Pavletown, new, aide o( Trent river, 2fc mile from Knu Oroomi. Ita-rn. A haurlanme hiillillnj lot 100 fret Mid. A drslrabl farm, 4 nillis from th ,11.. . l, 1 li7 U I .. .1 I I . . .. I - li ., I..I-. ... il,. 1 A V 1 1 O u ...J uionut i'j l"l, . IU iiitii lillllimiHinj north of Ibe dwellinu owned by J. r. Ivm; anil I'urcliaaera, this lot will b divided Into two lota, 60 fwt frontage earn. A fffiwt deatrabl mlilnnca bit silnat on Ni-iia river, at tha fiml 1 Pollock tt , tniialilo for handaome dwelling, but will be sold in noa'lrr parci-ls on aniiafactory tiTim. To new dwrtlinca tultabla for amall fa in II U a: all mwlrru ronvcniencpS) weat THE HEW BERN I7.UTUAL FIRE inSURAUCE CO., CP NEW l - ; i a 1 r . LIVERYMEN. AND MULES ! Ncw Berne, H. C. 50 Head of Horses 1 : No. 1. MSiii sold ia guarantied aa r. rt'jeiiiid ur HI. ,11AM & . OWtV li. GUIONBecy THUS. I'AMLLS, Tna Bern Company, Honey Adrsnced for I'arehaer lffVESTMSKTB tjOLIClTID. Ida of nancock street, between I'ollock and South Front. v i i"H i"i "v n w... V. . M. vuu Npuae river; 100 acra-a. On eirvllent farm of tW acre on Trent paid. It milt- from New tlrrn. A mnal dralrabl farm ronaitllng of 123 aorea, mile from New Berne, ua A. at N. C. R. It. and llclif Inr1 creek, An riceerilngly One farm, 4 miles front tbe city, containing B&O acre, ua Ncut road. ' BERN, N. C. I.rtAL FIKE IN.sL'HANti; I'lBT.' H. :.Ar:-ri. I V li r I". "- t , N"-'.l