Xcge table Preparation for As -slmttating theroodandRegula tjng the Sicaachs and Bowels of PromotesPigcslir.Chccrfiil rssandRest.Coi!tains nciC-T Opjum.Morphine riorltocraU Not Nabc otic. jium if obi itSioti 'ZLPiimni Mi SmJ- Jlipmimnt - THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE '..;.: of . time e III J10T0! Aperfect Remedy f or CortSilpa liort. Sour Stohvc; ' ;:u rtwea Worms .Convulsion . i verish ness and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW vonii. IS ON THE WRAPPER F(fllou Tl of the CmilT u In Ui teock T lirtme liossi. Who tat out heuid of the Per:u jewels thuir glory, their nau.ber, their priceless worth? Y hen tne doors were unlocked and I was tuken iuto the peacock throne room, I found myself surrounded by a mass of wealth tin- equaled in the world. Nowhere are such treasures, but nowhere also ia there nob ail accumulation of rubbish. I will, however, dismiss the rubbish and refer only to the treasures. Down eacn tide of the room were chairs entirely covered with sheeted gold, and at inter vals were tables of gold, nailed, I shud dered to note, with the commonest of black headed tacks. At the far end of the room was the wonder of the .world, 'the peacock throne. Whether it is one of the seven thrones of the great mogul and was brought from Delhi I don't know, bat it is certainly the most oostly ornament that the eve of man can look upon. I inspected it moat carefully. It is entire' C. "O LLC 07 EVEBY BOTTIjE op 1 mm mm ti i 1 i 4 exact copy or wrapper. Outtrla Is pst tp in aw-b sottlai only. H ii not told la bulk. Coat sllnr Savons to mil ym anything tlst on the plot or ponta last it it "JbU ai good" and " v'll am war mry pnr poM1 r Beo that ytm got O-A-S-T-O-B-tA. S0-a.tl1.err2. - ISa,ilwa3r- . Schedule E2otivo May 2, 1897. , This bonrhnsed Schedule ia published hs informatiou only and U subject to change without notice to the pnbiio. N An Xo- i ! t lilustrmiive of .. -.o Ua-f-tinge and l!ielrlc&l leffipen, The ottit-r morning thpre dropped in to the salliiry of a pboti -a: i,.-r who i mriiled by Oilloe fcUera. "The linn r Experiences cf a Cabinet n.i r s Wife" ia one tf the most in teresting contributions to The Ladies' Home Journal, la a auies of letters the wife of a cabinet nieuibtr'writfs to her has long made a specialty of taking the sister of oluoe seekers and of those in ,!, . 1 of theatrical eli.hritina a biathe departments. "You can have no strapping western man who came to see idea, " she anonymously declares, 'bow his friend, the photographer. The young Henry (her bnsbaud) ia persecuted by woman behind the counter, who knew., applicants far his influence with the the caller, had just been reading in a president or with the boads of depart newspaper a savage "roast" of his na- ments. He really has no influence out tive city of Chicago. She handed the side of his own department, and he is paper to the westerner to read, expect- wearing his sympathies into totters lis ingto get some amusement out of his tening to tales of woe. The saddest case comments. The Cbicagoan was in trie . tnat nas come uuaer my own uuoHrw ml Hut nt him reading, bristlins with i .ii, han tha hnshanil nf a, well : vears old. who has worked in the de- kunwn actrers entered the room. A part menu ever since the war. A TIDAL VAVE OF SUCGE; - LEUAL'NGTICES. 13 Sweeping Over tho Land, sand Carrying" '-Runycn's Cure3 Into Every Homo. Hotice 'of -Sale, Valuable City Lot. Administrator's Notice! Hving duly qualified as adminlatra- tor mi in testamento annexo de bonis noa ui anuria n uiuy, aec-easea on me gum day Df December, 1)397, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified to make prompt payment, All persons holding By vlrt"B of a Judgment cf tho Supo- 1 ". aaue are oo,mea 10 rior Court of Crue,.ounty, N. , C, in t"8, ?e,d:u I .J.e"fied to action to foftcieae- fttie rtt-" f """L8" n.!u,.,,J o - M! i t iif Ann Ifnnro ""r emu, lovo, vi iuia uuiiuc will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. V union's cures mx nnmberod ia millions. Preaidents and Cabinet oiliccri have been to stored to health by Munyon'ft remedioa. Doo torsindorseMunyon. Preachers praiso with i tiun is that of a maiden lady, fully 6l . MunJon Aovt "hn'iovo or mankind i framed portrait of the actress, taken several years ago, stood on an easel in corner. The husband walked np to the picture, and after contemplating it for a few minutes said: - "My wife is certainly a remarkable woman. '" That picture was' taken all of five years ago, yet she is younger look- lv nf otlvnr. a creat oamn bed structure, lng and handsomer today than it is. but modeled in lovely designs. It is in-: Just then ,the westerner finished the crusted from end to end and from top to ' Chicago story. bottom with diamonds. - Well, I don t tninsr, '"De exoiaimea At the back is a star of brilliants tbat loudly and empnatioaiiy, tnrowing me makes yon blink. The rng od whioh the , paper down upon the counter, shah sits is edged with precious stones, ) "What right have you, sir, to think and the pillow on which be reclines is anything about it?" demanded the ac oovered with pearls. I could keep on . tress' husband angrily. - " - writing about the dazzling beauties ot t "wno gave yon coniro over mj UREENSBORO, BALEIUI1. HOLDSBOBO AND NORFOLK., o. Jz. Mixed UattT. 1 Mam sua ui t Si a m 1 10am t U a m t 8 in S tvaui 4 so a ui a Wttiu A I.' a ut t SO a in 5 ii a in Itiin I Ui A in NO. 4. Kx Bau. Ko. 16. Daily. 00 It LU S 40 ui bin a at 11 80 Ml Mam Ui. am V .1 aui 40 am 7aui IS Uaui to .in in 111 Slain 10 Warn lo M a ui It a ui U 46 a in II 03 p ui li m i m is 40 p ui is Ml l ui Ko. SR. Dally.. li 10 p ui U to y ui U 40IU SSim 1 oopr '.lp;j i S;i 1 J7 l iu 1 45 u ui S Wi ui S S8pn t 40 1 UI I Vilpui i 31 p hi s a p ui 4 11pm 6 io n in Uteuil .1 10 ii ui I I Mui i4opia 4 iu pin 4 A5 p m Eastern Time. Ureansboro (ilbsoiivlile fcloii Collage . Bartlngton - Uraham Haw Kivor alobaue Uuiauoro " . University Durham Horrisvlils iaiy Bulivh . Raletga Aooura . Cutyuin Belma Ar Lvi Ar So. 85. Daily. Noriola .. Prlubeion Joiuhboro Lv U 64am li Main 11 90 am 11 10 a oi 11 a ni 10 waui to is u iu 10 ii a ui 10 07 a ui swam 18am ova m sosaui (27am SUaui 149am 7SSam 1 lOaui Daily. e Upm 0 OS pin 0 Wpm li Mpm S 4S pm 5 aspui 1 ti l' iu oi p in iiiipn 4 88 pin I 4 07 pm 0 08 p Ul 1 40p in IS 14 pm u lip m I 4pni i jujiui t i a in Ko. 11. Mtxeil. Dally. SM am vis am OS a in 5 55 am 6 40 a m 623 a ui 6 n't a ui 4 80 a m .156 a m S80 a m tso a m IMk n It oo a id lillDin 1 sopml No 41. Ex. Sun, 00 pm S pm 05 pm 5 80 p m 4 65 p in ot. l and I curry Pnllinan ileopInK Can between ttreensboro and Balautb. Atlantic Coast Cine. Wilmington . & New Bebsk R. K. TIMK TABLE NO. 1, In Elfect Vedoesday, Due. 1, 1807, Daily Except (Sunday. Going Sjulh bcuedulk: I Doing North Passenger Trains 2to, W, It. a. & iff. c. a. TIUK TABLE NO. 4. To Take Effect Sunday, November 28th, ; 1897, at 13 M. Going East .Bcueddlk: Going West i No. SI, Lr. a ni, - 00..... M 9 47 .... 10 13 ... stations: . . . . New Berne , ...Pollocksville Maysville , ...Jacksonville. (Wilmington, Union Depot Ar. p m, .... 6 40 60S . .'. V i 52 .... 421 TJuioTDVpt " 1169 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lr. ... J 40. p m ' r m No. 80, Pahbenokk & Fbeioiit, No. 81. Leave Wilmington Mouday, Wed lies- day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. U. AM Ar. p.m .Lv. Wilmtngtoa, Ar 1 26 Scott's Uitl 19 85 . Wootiside 11 66 ...... Uollyrldge 11 96 7 4) 8 35 99 0 55 10 49 It u6 11 ISO 19 10 19 1 10 140 990 . HI No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 8 40. ........ . Goldsboro 1 1 05 409... ...... LaGrange..........l0 83 4 83...... . .KtuBton.. 1012 5 83 Ar. New Berne, Lv 9 10 5 45 .....Lv. " ' Ar. .... 8 57 6 57 . . Ar. Morehead Olty L. . 7 47 , No. 1. I I No.8, Ux'd Ft. and statioks: Mx't Ft. and Paaa-Tn. J Pass. Tn. Lv. am Ar. p m 7 10 Ooldsboro 8 00 7 43.... Best 790 bOl. ........ LaGraoge 850 8 20.; Falling Creek 0 90 9 14 '..Kinston ,. , 8 00 the throne of the king of kings, bnt I never could get beyond declaring it to be a superb jewel. Borne people have valued it at 6,000,000. Its real value is between 3,000,000 and 8,000,000. But, though the peacock throne is the magnum opus of the Persian crown jewels, it by no means extinguishes. the magnificence of the other treasures. Who can attempt, however, to recount the number of bejeweled arms, the roy al arms, the flashing aigrets, the trays piled up with out and uncut stones aud the bowls filled with pearls that you can rnn through your fingers like a handful of rice? Every one has heard of the Daria-i-Nur, or Sea of Light, sister diamond to the Kohinoor, or Mountain of Light. Every one has also heard of the Globe of the World, made by the late shah of 76 pounds of pure gold and 61,886 gems tho sea of emeralds. Per sia of turquoises, India of amethysts, Africa of robies, England and France of diamonds and valued at 947,000, Illustrated Magazine. Haw Alaakaa Indiana Trap Bean. William B. Otis, who has been all over, the world as ono of the ichthyolo gists in the employ of the government, Bpeaking of his experience in Alaska, said: : , . .". v' a "Strips of wbalebcne are folded into the shape of the letter 'N, ' enveloped in hunks' of fat and frozen that way. The fat thus prepared is left in promising spots for great whito bears to devour. Along comes one of the monsters, gulping lump down whole. Ibe gastric juices melt the fat aud eat away tbo strings of tendon with which the whalebone is bound,' the whalebone springs out traigbt across the animal s stomach, and presently it dies. Next day Mr. Es kimo comes along and gathers in a bear skin worth several quarts cf whisky. " Portland Orcgouian. , " A Man of Poor Judgment. Gordon o you think that Eently is mail of poor judgment.- How did you happen to oome to that conclusion? Titcomb I asked hlin to lend me 1 10 the other day. Gordon And because be refused you question bta judgment? Titcomb (Jb, no. uo let me novo it. Boston Transcript. Living in Paris in late years for per sons of moderate means has been great ly simplified by the Bouillons Parisieni, whioh have succeeded the Duval restau rants. One can get a good dinner at these places for a small sum far letter than one finds at more expensive places In London. Caswell ...Ar. Dover, L? .. ..Lv, " It... .....Core Creek..... Dixim 10 40 ....Verona ...10 10 ...Jocluiinviile 9 4) .....Nurttieaal... 8 5tl ... White, ak 8 20 ... Maysville ....... 8 00 ...Poll.H-.kaville 7 95 .... Ueuruhl's 155 Ar. New Borne, Lv 0 90 'Daily Except 8nnUny. J. li. KENLY, Uiinttral Mauagor. - B. pnnDEN, Sapt. rranrportation. o if if XyE m lesrsr sofr'T seess to fcaWr to sli ataia. At tJie aame time, any one who has bought our seds of tlirlr local dealer during either iftio or 1H117 will be sent our Oaeaal ai Eftry'klai lor tas tijrota" tor I -O rnrrj provided they saply i kticr l ii-li snd ifive ti.e name of the html aterckaut fron ml-- tutj koot'it. To all others, this macnili rent MaaaaL every copy of whkh comj us H Mats to pi t In your hnnds, will be sxnt Ires on retr 1 t of HI is (stamp) to cover prnt-it-e. Nothing like tins Maaaal li.is ever been seen hric or nh'md 1 It Is s M nf l-t pce contiiins H enviiv i ;s of truif anj plan! a, rtuwtly new, and tin e ,ie """irmenled ty f ml Sie inlnrej t 1 . t e be'4 rmvr. of the nvm, 1 . ', v ''! h' e-t u "1 r .1 1 -efn ,' ; 993.. 9 48.. 10 15 . 10 40.. 11 13 1181 Clark's , U05 .....Ar. New Berne, Lv 1 80 Lv. " Ar 9 19 ......... Uiverdala.... 9 90 9 4J..... 819... . 518 500 4 90. 400 8 93 .. 3 81 .. 8 48... 401... P. M. Tuacarora ... 8 88 : 820 250 ,10 47 ,10 00 .Croatan .....1000 Ilayelock 9 40 ...... Newport, Lv ..' 9 06 Wildwood 8 47 Atlantic 8 88 Ar. Morehead city, Lv 8 90 Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 51 A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, jluesday, Thuiaday and fciaturday, 8. L. DILL, SupcrinteodenL PATENTS V. . AND I FOUE1UN FRUCUiUU EL'OENE W. JOHNSON, Jjolicitor an Attorney In Patent Cauaea, 17U Ne York Ave , Washington, D. C. OfTirw EataUiahed 1!W. Chargi-s Mod eraU;. Corrr'.oudi noa lUxiucaUid, WM. BINS, . JAS. UF.DS0M), rrrslde.nL V Ire Pre 11. . UtlON, Serty A Treat. Mew Berne Ice Go Kanufactarirs Pure Crystal Ice hit 1 1 . Froo IMHI 111 2') Toea D Ti tr I J Wall-1 ,-t f-a fi, thinker?" retorted the astonished west erner. " "Think what you please to yourself, but you shan't insult my wife, sir," shouted the husband. "Your wife? Where is she? Are you lunatic?" . "No, sir, but you are a big bully," cried the husband, dancing with wrath. The little woman behind the counter, who had been convulsed with laughter, tried to explain the mistake, but the in dlgnant husband refused to listen. Nothing bnt an apology would satisfy him, and he made a dramatio exit from the gallery, saying that the westerner would "hear from him again." He went home and wrote a letter to the photographer saying that he bad been insulted and threatening to withdraw his wife's custom if the apology was not forthcoming. The photographer was obliged to write several letters before he oould calm the troubled waters. Meantime the Chicagoan went- borne, firm in the conviction tbat be bad nar rowly escaped hitting crazy man. New York Sun. , 1 , Senate- j rial influence bas kept her in all these years, but now that the civil service te forms are being introduced she is in despair,- for, although perfectly compe tent at her work, she never in tho world could pass one of those rigid examina tions. She called upon me bearing a let ter of introduction from Mrs. Arthur Folsom (Mary Allison), who married into one of the old families here. I don't know whether her family lost their means by the war or in some other way, but tbey did lose everything when she was a gay girl at the top of society in both Alexandria and Washington, bbe told me about dancing In set of lan cers opposite Abraham Lincoln, who, though awkward "and angular in bit dancing, seemed to enjoy it and always had a gay word for everybody. She says her feeling for Mr. Lincoln was some thing more than respect it was more like adoration; that she bas often won dered if people did not feel just so to ward the great religious prophets who must have spread abroad what Mr. Lin-j coin did on atmosphere of sympathetic kindness, trust, purity and uobUity." . Profeaalonal Call Delayed. New Woman Physician George, is there any prospect of if clearing off very soon? ' ... .' George No. Why? N. W. P. Mrs. bmith sent for me to oome over and see hex three days ago, and I have been waiting ever since for it to clear off. I am snre she will be ex pecting me. Philadelphia North Amer ican. -. curacy f.!E Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, Transportation Dep't, New Berne, N. C, Jan. 98, '98. Eastern Carolina": Fish; Oyster, Game, and Industrial Fair, NEW BCHNB, If. 0, Feb. 28. to liar. 5, '98 Lines of the AHsoclated Railways, A ft D; 0 Fat Y V and Seaboard AI Line hava adopted tbe following low rates of f re f i tha above for tbe round trip which includes one admission fee: From ( harlotte I 9 23 Durham 4 85 Forest City........ ....... 1170 Oastonla, 10 Vt Henderson 5 45 ' !axton,.!..v .... 6 96 ilarlon, 1160 Norfolk, via Klnton t 80 PorlaiuoQlh. via Oohltboro, 7 76 - Petvrabug, via Goldoboro,.. 7 V Rural Hall..... 8 00 . Danville. Va.... 7 65 Fn etleville IV Franklin, Va....... ... ... 8 45 (lernaboro, 6 Utlimore 11 90 lntehoro 118") Norfolk, via Goldoboro 7 76 I'einliroke, 6 ft-'i Portsmouth, via Kuialnn,. ., -6 80 lt i rkburg, vU K.lialou,, , 6 7? la'i-'gl 4(10 Iiiil nrxKid, via liiildnboro,. 8 00 ' " Klualon,. .. 7 50 rt itho rimiti n 1 1 e. THE SECRET OF LONGEVITY. Nineteen Commandments Which, If Kept, May Injure One Hundred Year. Sir James Sawyer, a well known jihy sician of Birmingham, England, has been confiding to an andience in tbat town tbe secret of longevity. Keep tbe following 19 oommaudmenU, and Sir James sees no reason why you should not live to be 100: 1.' Eight hours' sleep, 9. Sleep on your right side. 8.; Keep your bedroom window open all night 4. Have a mat to your bedroom door. 6. Do uot have your bedstead against the wall. v : " - 6. No cold tub in the morning, but a bath at tbe temperature of the body. 7. Exercise before breakfast 8. Eat little meat and see tbat it is well cooked.. 9. (For adults) Drink no fnilk. 10. Eat plenty of fat to feed the cells which destroy disease germs. 1 1. Avoid intoxicants, which destroy those cells, . 19. Daily exercise in tbe open air. 13. Allow no pet animals in your liv ing rooms. Tbey are apt io carry about disease germs. 14. Live in tbe country if you can. 15. Watch, tbe three D's drinking water, damp and drains. v .. 18. Have change of occupation. 17. Take frequent and short holidays. 18. Limit your ambition. 19. Keep your temper. Merles of Bear Oeorge. The activity and power of intellect of the late Henry George did not prevent absentmiadedness, A writer in The Re view of Reviews says tbat this quality was "tbe jest of his circle." Names escaped blm. I heard him say to Mr. Dayton, the candidate on hit ticket for comptroller and one of tbe best known men in New York: "You won't mind it, I hope. If I for get your name. I am so conscious of tbe danger of setting names wrong tbat when the need of remembering comes rattles me, and away the name goes. ' He came late to a dinner at tbe Lotus club, where be was to discuss with some friends the question of bis being a can didate in apprehended contingencies. It was raining, and be took from bis pocket tbe- slippers with which Mrs. George bad Insisted on providing him in case be should get bis feet wet, and as put them on he apologized with honest gravity: "I lost time looking for a man I kept asking after as Kinsella, aud It turned out bis right name wss Morianty least I think that was what be told it was when I found blm." But there was no abBcntmludedneaa When discussion of the business iu band eneued; be was keen aud wide awake. Fn'inrt. ... riiMiltnnl, Hi-i'ir tu,! ..k, via i .l Ul.. h, .(.! Wi'M'in, via t.,.i I " hil.M. V il ilips !.,il. .. . . . W unl'.ti An 1 .v n 8 10 5 4 m II l. 7 I fi ' 4 I 4 I ,1 I 7 A Im Resort. "Her father says positively that 1 eaa't marry her. " "What an you going to do?" "There's nothing left now but to ai.k tbe girl." Detroit Free Frets. Drimtniilbvic khlllic l uttau is the name of a small luimh t In the Mo of Mull contal'iii'H not more t..u a th' Inhabitants, liow thiy j ri inimire it is a mystery only to ! n lvcd by some one ai'iiuaiutrd wild (im llo. Groat I'ritain and Inlnnd emit & 0 hauls, the most important l I, g the F-.-.k i .f 1 'ami, v.hi( b, but a et-p. tnl of $.3,1 ,, , ). and proclaims hie aelf-conhdence by f aiYlUX ewiiy itiaiciuwmiuwiLi.. and lowna overrun by disaase. T 4 Httle i V L. . 5S .Ar Qatling ln -, I1 u fore MiinTOn'a oelleta like a pank atricken army bel a battery of humane methida of treatment have swept away all the old-fashioned ideaa of doctoring with poiaonona d ruga that create a dozen diseases in the effort to get rid of one. He does not claim that he hat one remedy that will cure all complaints, bat that he baa pre pared a apecifio cure for nearly every disease, lunyon doe not claim that Mnnyon'a Rhen nutitm Cure will cur consumption, dyspepsia or any other complaint, but bo does assert that It will cure rheumatism. Monyon's Dyspepsia Cure is prepared expressly to cure dyspepsia; Mnnyorfs Cough Cure to cure congns; Mun von'a Catarrh Remedies to cure catarrh; Man yon' Kidney Cur to cur kidney trouble. he same may be said of all Munyon aamerem .n.ii. The am be obtained at all drat Stores mostly at s cents a bottle. fersonai lenora ro rrawwi a. wi, -. a . DblU-lnhl. P. .tifiMfad with Ann i mi "7,' free medical advice (or any dlseas. TRttTHEHT FOR IVEHK HEN. TRIAL WITHOUT EXPENSE. Tbo famous Appllanoe and Remedies of theErittMeUn'al Co.nowforthottrsttlme ottered on trial without expense to any bonestman. Not a dollar to be paid la edvauee. Cure Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Manhood Fully Iteetorcd. How lo Enlarge and Sirenirtoen Weak, Undeveloped Fortloris ot Body. Absolutory unfailing Homo Treotmant. No C I . I. or other scheme. A plain offer by a firm of high standing. tDIC IMlTiTWH Pfl ! NIAaARAST uVtl L ilLUIUHt.OU. DLll-rAUl, n. I Having this day Qualified as Executrix the last will and testament of Hngar Jones, alias Hagar Pitts, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons Having claims against said estate, will present them lor payment on or Derore tue lrjtn day of January 1899, or this,, notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment This nth day of January, ltwa. SARAH OXLKY, Executrix, of Hagar Jones, alias Hagar Pitts, L. J, Moore, Atty. for Executrix. FINANCIAL. A. Green, Pre, E.H. Meadows, Tie Pre - H.M.Gbovis, Cashier. a CITIZEN'S BANK or jsnnw BBr&isrm, n. a. 00 A GENERAL BANKING BUSlMEHt The Accounts oi Banks, Hankers, Corpoi ationa. rarmora. sterohanta anil otbera re salved on favorable terms. Prompt and oan nil attention given to tne miei eai oi our ens tomers. tiououona a apeouuiy. BOARD OF DIBWTOn. Notice, Land Sale. By virtue of an order granted by tbe clerk of the Superior uourt or uraveu countv in a snecial nroccedlnsr entitled. Beunie A. Daniels, Executrix, against Clarence Daniels and Emily Daniels, I will on tbe 14th day of February, 1898, at tbe court bouse door in New Berne at 12 o'clock. M.. sell to the highest bidder for cash, one farm two miles west of New Berne on Trent road, and bounded and described as follows to-wlt: BeginniDK at a marked gum ou the south side or Trent road at Lewis Wil lis and li. Brown's oorner snd runs west with the said Lewis Willis line 180 poles to Jackson Garney's linn, thence north 8 west with Jackson Garney's 190 poles to a stake: thence south 59 deg. east 240 Doles to a stake on the north side oi Trent road; thence southwardly with suid Trent road 18 poles to the beginning containing 87 acres. For fuller descrip tion see book 77, pages 444 and 447. There are two dwelling houses on the farm. January 8th. 1898. BKNNIE A. DANIELS, . Executrix, Ferdinand Dlrloh a. Meadows. Samuel W.Ipoek, Chaa. U. Fowler, j . w . urainger, K. w.omauwooa. CHo. N. Ivet, K. U. Meadowe, Chan. Duffy, Jr. . James Redmond, Mayer Halin. Tuoinea A. ttroan, C. E. Fov. W. F. Crockett. Farmers & Merchants OANK.ee zeotxavn. Buslnes Msvjr, 16B1. Capital Stock 975.000.00 Surplus and Profits li.iu.ti 0FFICEU3! b H. COTkBR, President. w. o. i-HADwicK, vice rraai. T. W. Dswxr, Caahior. J. W.mnoLK.Tellei;. I. r. Matthbws, OoUector, PlitECTOIM: L. H. Cutler. JonnSuter; w. n. Blades, W. r4.:hadLk. P.II.felletler. J. B.Clark, J. W. Stewart, N. M. Juruey, T '. Dewey, We want your business and feel that we can offer yon as much in return as any other bank In the city. It is our endeavor to make business relations mut uallr pleasant and profitable to our patrons. J. A. BET AN, THOS. DANIELS, President. Vice Free. CI. H. B0BERTS. Cashier. THE NAT) 3fJAl. DA NX Or NEW BERNE, M.U nrooiwo lATin xseo. CaplUI $100,000 Surplui Profits P8,I6 D1H KOTO RSi Jas. A. Baraa, -C'HAa. S. Hat AS, JMO. ilONM, O. U. boaaar Tnos. Dabtbia. J. H. HAcaaoaBl U llaavkT H. H. Uisaof; 0. C. Roach, Pres. J. H. FisatR, Cash Da. Wm L. LasiITsb, V. Pres. TJi Mutual AU Rankin ; Company 117 Broad Street. Does a General (Jinking Business Acoounti SolioteJ. Corrwrxtnilence Invited. DIHECTOB3. 7. n. Ro . u, F. B. Wct, J. B. W .,i J. P. H.iuej, William Crispin, Executrix Notice ! j tied Joseph L. Hahn vs. Lucy Ann Moore and William Biley Moore. tbe undersigned 1 Commissioner will sell at public vendue, at the court house of Ciaven county io ..hecityof New Berne, N. C. at 19 o'clock m.. on the 7th day of Febiuary 1898, it being tbe first Monday of said month, to the highest bidder tor cash, the following described lot or parcel of : Bounded as follows, to-wit: . On the north side of New South Front street in the city of New Berne, begin ning at the south corner of tobert G. Moseley, Sr.'s line, distance one hundred aud fifty feet west of the corner stone at the corner of Jones and New South Front streets, runniog thence with said Moseley's line and parallel with Jones street, northwardly one hundred and seven and 8-13 feet to the back line of Lot No. 400 as designated in the plan of the city of New Berne, thence with said back line rnd Giles Jarman's line west- wardly thirty-eight feet to Esther Sim mon's corner, thence with the same and parellcl with said Jones street to New South Front street, thence with the north side or the thirty eight feet to the begin ning, being Division No. 8. of the estate of Jease Moseley ns was allotted to the saiu Lucy Ann JUoore, men Lucy Ann Moseley by W. U. Marshal, G. S. Fisher and Geo. E. Tinker. Commissioner. Recorded in Book No. 77. Folio 45. in the office of the liegiater of Deeds for Craven Co., and being the some lot of land mort gaged by the said Lucy Ann Moore, William Riley Moore to Joseph L. Hahn by deed, bearing date of July 23d, 1894 and recorded in Book No. Ill, page 807, in the office of Register ot Deeds for Craven county. Tins od day or December, ih7, -J. E. & R. O'HARA, . ' Commissioners. Dec. 29. 1896. THOMAS F MCCARTHY, Admn. o t a de bonis non of Maria W bitty, deed. Executor's Notice. Haying this day duly qualified as the Executor ot Elizabeth B. Green, de ceased, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate settlement. And all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned on or before December 21st, 1898, or tbia notice will be plead as a bar to their re covery. , - Thia Dec. Zlst, 1897. GEORGE GREEN, Executors of E, B. Green, deed. Sale of City Property I Notice, Sale Real Estate. T F. McCarthy, admn c t a d b n of Maria Wbitty, deceased, In the Superior vs. uourt. before Lewis H. Brown and I the Clerk, Plullis Brown, defendants. By virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, N. C, in tbe special proceeding entitled as above, now pending in said Superior court, tue undersigned Administrator wm sen lor oasn to make assets, at tne court house door in city of New Berne, Craven co., N. C, at 19 o'clock noon, on Monday the 14th day of February, 1898, It being the first day of February term of the Superior court or satd county, to tbe highest bidder for cash, the right, title and interest of Maria Wbitty, deceased in a certain lot or parcel of land situated in the city of New Berne, N. C, on the north side nf Goode street, between Primrose street and A. & N. C. R. R. known as lot number (7) seven Goode street, being the house and lot where Maria Whitty, deceased lived and died and devised by will to I'liillls Brown together with the bouse and improve ments l Hereon. Dated this 10th day of January, A. D, 1898. . THOMAS F. MCCARTHY. Admn. c t a d b n of Maria Whitty, deed, , WM, m. (J larks, Atty, lor Admn, - State of North Carolina, ) ; uraven uounty, j Sunerlor Court. Before the Clerk. Robert (J. Mosely, Ex. of 1 P(,.tlon to j.jones, lland to make , Richard Jones, et als. l tt8BetB' Pursuant to the judgment In the above named proceeding, I will sell at public ' auction for cash at the court house in New Berne on Monday, tbe 7th day of February, 1898, at 12 o'clock, midday, that lot or parcel of land situated in the city of New Berne, State of North Caro lina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the north-east corner of Pollock street and Moonshine Alley running eastwardly with Pollock street to Samuel Hilton's line, then with Hil ton's line a northwardly direction 214 feet, (3 inches, then westwardly to Moon shine Alley, then with Moonshine Alley southwardly to the beginning, being the nn.MK 1 .. 1 .1 . . T . T aauio inuu uuuvejfcu w nam i. A., duiiee by J. O, Gardner and wife by deed reg istered in office of the Register of Deeds, of said Craven county in book 88, pages 953 and 256. - ROBERT G. MOSELEY, Executor or J. A. Jones. This 1st day of January, 189S. Notice, Land Sale. By virtue of a judgment obtained in the Superior court of Graven county in an action entitled State of North Caro lina, ex rel.. W. M. Watson. C. 8. C. against Henry Rouse and Jennie Rouse for the foreclosure or a mortfafre, 1 win on the 14th day of February 1898, at the court house door in New Berne at 12 o'clock m. sell to the highest bidder for cash, a "certain tract of land in Craven oounty near Dover station, which ia de scribed in a certain judgment in the Superior court of said county in a cer tain action wherein Honry Rouse is plaintiff and S. B. West and wife are de fendants being all the rights, titles and Interest of the said Benry House which he has by virtue nf said judgment." January loth, ibwj. WM. M. WATSON. - Commissioner, In the Superior Court . before the clerk. 'D)ji'mk! iy enness AhtoluUiy and permanently cured m 9 dayi by a new sckntilic and mvigontinf treat. merit. No publicity no iniccuona no frstxamt, Can be grvtn teenrtfy. No "free vtrimfm f hew. F"m Notice of (Sale. Holland Smith, Admin istratrix of D. W. Smith, deceased, vs. Nellie Bmith and Emma Smith. By virtue of an order of the clerk of tne Superior court oi craven county North Carolina, in the special proceeding entitled as above now pending in said oupenor court, tne unueraigncu samin istratrix will sell for cash, to make assets, at The court house door in the city of New Berne, Craven county, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday the 7th day of February, 1898, it being the Brst day of the February Term of tbe Superior court of said county, to the highest bid der for cash, the right title and interest of D. W. Smith, deceased, in a oertam piece or parcel of land situated , in said Graven county, on the north side of Swift creek and bounded by the lands oi- Peter Willis. Woab Jacskon, Macon Bryan. W. U.' Elevln and others, con talning eighty (80) sores more or less, being the lands conveyed to the said D W. Smith, by deed registered in the office of register of deeds of Craven County, in book 89, page 471 and 472 to which rererenoe Is made; together with Improvements thereon. . Subject to right of dower and dower Interest of the widow of said lands. HOLLAND SMITH. Administratrix. R. A. OUNN. M.D., 41 Be aist Street, New Varfc Cityrf : "rfT I t j) House & Lot For Sale. Pursuant to powers in the mortgage executed to the Eastern Building and Loan Association of Syracuse. N. Y., by Virgil A. Crawford and wife, which is dated the December 1st, 1890, and is reg istered in office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, North Carolina, in book No. 104, pages 91. 92. 93 and 94. The undersigned will sell at the Court House, in the city ot New Berne, at ?ublio auction for cash, on Monday, the th day of February 18B8, at 13 o'clock, M.., tne following property. AU that certain lot of land situated in said city ot New Berne, known and dis tinguished as part of lot No, 1 in that part of said city known as "Dryboro" bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning on Cedar street ninety-seven feet southeasterly from the southeastern corner of Cedar and Stanley streets, running thence southerly parallel with Stanley street thirty-four feet, thence easterly parallel with Cedar street twenty-seven feet, thence northerly parallel witii etaniy at., tnirty-tour leet to ueaar street; thence westwardly along Cedar street twenty-seven feet to the beginning, being part of the premises conveyed to said Virgil A. Crawford by John Hughes as administrator, etc., by deed dated April 28th, 1870 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county in book, No. 70, folios 248, 249 and 950. This 6th day of January, 1898. The Eastern Bld. & Loan Assn.. of Syracuse, N. Y, By M. DxW. Stxvinson, Atty. EXECUTION NAEE. By virtue ot writ of execution, to me issued from tbe Superior Court of Craven county, in an action wherein Moody Lumber Company is plaintiff and Calvin Smith defendant, I will on Tuesday, February 8th, 1898 at the court house door in New Berne, offer for sale at pub lic auotion to the higheet bidder, for cash, the lands levied upon as the prop, erty of the defendant Calvin- Smith, de . scribed as follows: A tract of 100 acres in No.. 7 Township. described In deed from H. C. Wood and wife to Calvin Bmith, dated 1888, and re cordol In the office of tbe Register of Deeds of Craven county, Book 103, pages 535 and 630, , J. L. HAHN, ' Bhff. Craven Co. . NOTICE! North Carolina, I Castxrbt Oountt. f Superior Court, Fall Term, 1897, Notice to Parlies l,mti,aiul I m,e-.iarra omair-u wu m ... buMiwooiHluclcil liv MootnATC f I . OricieOeeoaiTtU.B. PTiTO-rn wa cau ar, in a pai.ni la hu. iini. -. r.r.(He Irom W ..hingtoa, . , t lod fi'idel, Orawtiif or pnouv, wi w . 1. Ve eivlae, ll nan-Maid, or a., J Onrae. Our In ik Hue mi paieni - it, m. , .eLIT !) lo Okaia raiaela," wi " oi au. i'ih U. S. a i OBVttiaai Bat lie. AUOrtaa, 1 c.A.c::owccOri f. aiantev Oreiet. nintM. D. o TO YFr"l, f) hernial i.iii 'rVtN a fJ. Cur f r I: if. 1 ill 1 t ,'1 1.) Loum Snow, Jr., on be-1 half of himself and all ' other creditors of tbe White Oak River Cor poratioo, Tbe White' Oak River Corporation. Pursuant to the order ot the Superior Court of Carteret oounty made at the Fall Term 1817 of Carteret Superior Uourt in the above entitled action. All creditors of tho White Oak River Cor poration are hereby notified to corns in and make themselves parties to thlt ao tion before the next term of the said Su perior Court to be held in the town of lieaufnrt. County of Carteret on tbe 21st day ot March. 1MM. And all persons holding claims sgalnst aaid corporation are notified to present tb tarn to the undersigned Krcelvar, duly verified, before the ilateabor men tinned. This notice is given lo the end that all final orders and decrees may be made and entered at aaid term, and all matte ra In controversy settled and ad jualed according lo law. This January Sih, ihum, JAMki A. BRYAN. Receiver Wbi'o Oak River Corporation T ,1.!',, , 0 112 l"C. -alia, , F i- t:4 fet exetM ',ii!u: :r. NOTICE! State or North ("a noun a, I Craven County, ( " Fupwlor Court, Spring Term, 1897, Thomas Williams, ) v. I NOTICE. . Delney Wllliamt, ) TO tUCI-RfV Wll.I.Uatl: This i an anlun for I lvorr. entitled as alwue, and yml are ri'i'iired to at --ar nt II, e r it Ii rin of the aid t'i,urt lo lie In ! l ill fvw i rue fn the f-.urlh ! ni- nT in to tl , i.i in t; to 1 ,e C'.n COMMISSIONERS SALI! By virtue of the power invested in the undersigned commissioner by a judg ment of tbe Superior court of t1 raven oounty, granted at its May term 1897 In l I. T U Vu..a of William Cleve deceased is plaintiff, and Moses Patterson and others are de fendants, we will expose to sale at publio auction, at the Court House door in tbe city of New Berne, on Tuesday the eighth day of February, 1898, (It being the second day of the February Term of court) to the highest bidder for cash, at the hour or ill o'clock noon all the fol lowing described real and personal prop. erty, to-wlt: , Flint; All that certain pieoe.l parcel or lot of land lying and being In the city of of Nw Berne, oo the East side of Middle trret between Pollock and South Front, and beginning at a point on the East tide of said Middle street 959 feet and 8 Inches from thei oorner of .Middle and South- Front streets and running thence with aaid Fst side of Middle street Northward ly 62 feet, Inches to the Hughes line, thence Faatwsrdly with tbe said Hughes line, 915 feel, 6 Inches to lot 63 In tbe plan of tbe aaid city or New llerne, tbenrS Southwardly with said lot 63, 69 feet 6 Inches; thence Westwardly 114 feet 6 indies lo Middle street tbe place of be ginning, it being tne lot Known as me lintel Allien lot, ana on wnicsi ins saia Hotel Allien is situated. Hecondly: All the furniture of every kind and description In the aaid Hotel I Ailiert, oontiating of office) furniture, parlor furniture, bed room furniture, dining mom furniture, kitchen furniture, , laundry furniture, or any other kind of furniture by whatever name II may be known, and Including all crockery, cut. lory, cooking apparatus, piano ami what- -cv, r of either ornauienLaVor useful kin I that may he situated and being In ti, a .mI llnu-i Allien, which belongs lo Uii' l mtii drfrndant. A ---it aiiMiiirnt to guarantee tha r limn of the purchaa by the pur r at the tmd aula when aame la con 1 I. r limit will he. required lobe , i. Amount to be i per cent of ; -,. ..ml 1.1,1. i January 8th, I1'. W. I. Mi Ivia, I, I (. I I f M It, I it. I ! the flint ;. a t : '1 ftf,w.r or i,l ,r the iit nt f ,i the r, ,i.-f il' I. :li day of I l ill literen to II p m. ul J-a (rl i'nr im .ll n'V) 7 I I! ,:.l It ;t f - fi a ! i 1 I li S (,