J ,,v Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. , Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band wil pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. v CAUFNNIA FIB SYRUP CO. sam numaaoo. cl mmiu.a. . hew root. nr. THE JOURNAL. HEW ADVERT1NEMEHTS. J. K. Land Collection of Rents. Craven Cuunty Receipts and hiiraements. Dlt- Business Locals. EARLY Spring Goods have arrived and more to follow. Cull and examine be fore placing your order for clothes. Samples on cards and in book form. F. M. CImdwick, Merchant Tailor. CLOSING OUT the following goods for CASH ONLY Apple Vinegar 5c qt., 15c gal.; West India. Molasses 7c qt , 25c gal.; 8 lhs Atmore's Mince Meat. 20c; Standard Oil Co.'s 150 test Red Oil, lCc jral; White 150 test, 10c gal.; Heini Sweet Pickles, 15c qt., 25c J gal. Alle good, 78 Middle St. TRY a nice cool gloss Budwei's Beer, on draught at the Palace Saloon today. Something fine. ..' FOR RENT Six room dwelling on S. Front Street, adjoining residence of 8. II. Lane. Apply to 8. M. Bbinsos. PERMANENT Employment Hummer and Winter, National Portrait Company, Chicago. A Neat Tie, ' A comfortable shirt, snspen tiers, anything in the furnishing line, we will bo pleased to show yon. Unr stock is fresh and up-to-date. We bare no oil styles. Yon should see our new spring Shoes, which have just arrived. Tbe shape is something new. Yon ought to have an Ascot Tie, it is the latest. Our Spring Hats are in the newest shapes and colors and the prices are bound to suit yoo Our Spring samples of Suitings have arrived and we can suit every one, both in quality and prices, to shv nothing of the ret feet fit our tailor guarantees. Call and see ns and be convinced that we are up-to-date and that our prices . are right. Satisfaction guaranteed. Baker & Dunn. OfVW0TIS Knows Qood Thing When they retoiv a I oa of our Choke Chocolate or Orange Bon-bons dors all connoisseurs In confectionery They ars pure, wbolrsome and tempting, aod can lie indulird In by in children as well their eldrra. with nothing hat good effects. Our Taffy and Brittle are mailt lrrn every day. CJ, JffSorley A Co. FARH FOR SALE A Good Farm, nar Stella, Car teret county. Will sell It Cheap. Write D. HAITI at Slslla, The weather bureau forecast for today is, fair and warmer. The nay train of the W.""& N. was on its usual rounds yesterday glad dening the hearts of its employee. Tbe maximum temperature at ob served by the Government Weather j and Crop bureau yesterday, was 60.6 minimum 34.0. - The county commissioners met in session, yesterday, and will again today. Foil proceedings will be published in these columns. The schooner Houston has arrived from Baltimore with a cargo of hay forjCharlea B Hill, the hay, gtain and feed dealer. i-' v , Fifteen bales of cotton sold yes terday at 4.50 to 5.50. The sales in New York were unusually large 243,000, and the price was higher. Work on the Trent river bridge was being pushed yesterday. The pile driver was at work in the stream putting tbe piles in position. ' . Schooner Cornoliu, Capt. . B. : L. Uill, from Norfolk, loaded "with fertilizer, arrived Sunday. Capt Hill will sail today to load lumber at Oriental. The Litt'e Helpers will meet this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Geo. Henderson at half past three. An election of officers will be held and a large attendance is requested to be present., 7 . In the Journal's article on the road supervisors meeting, published in Sunday's Jocusal, it should have read that the ', road . overseers would have five days to make their report, not road supervisors. The Elizabeth Circle will meet this (Tuesday) afternoon at fouy o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Seymour, and a full, attendance is desired, ' Meeting was postponed Saturday on account of rain. The entertainment furnished by Cbas. E. Lindall at the Academy last night was varied and especially entertaining to the children. It was held under the auspices of the King's Daughters. , ,., About forty persons were vacci nated yesterday and it is hoped that tbe number will increase. It is a duty that each one owes to himself and to the public. Dr. It. S. Prim rose is doing the work and can be nrl . thu Oit Halt frnm 19. tn 9 o'clock. .' . PERSONAL Mrs. N. H. Street returned home from Kenansville last night. Mr. Bryan Gardner of Grifton is in the city on a short yisit. Mrs. Sndie Willis returned last night from a visit to relatives at Dover. Capt. Joe Gaskill left last night to nsit his family at Beaufort. Mr. John Thomas returned yes terday from a three weeks hunting trip at Newport. Mrs. Sol Oettinger of Kinston, arrived last night to visit Mrs.' M, M. Mark.' Mrs. J. II. Bell and Miss Lilla Ward of Pollocksville, are visiting in the city. Rev. N. M. Jnrney of Goldsboro passed through last night going to Beaufort to spend a few days. Miss Swindell, niece of Rev. F. D. Swindell, came down fronr Golds boro last night, and is visiting at the Methodist parsonage. Miss Ivy Hayes of Raleigh, daugh ter of Mai. ilsyes of tbe U. a. Army, arrived last night to visit Mrs. Rogers on East Ftont street. Messrs. S. J. Lane, R. C. Cleve and Macon Bryan of Vanceboro, and J. T. Lincoln of Maribel, were n the city yesterday on business. rra Fills, .rend yon address to II. J5. Buck len k Co., Chicago, and get a free imule box of Dr. King's New Life Pill. A trial will couvtnee yon of tbeir merits. These pills are easy io sctiou aod are particularly effec tive in tbe cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles lhy have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be pure ly vegetable, , They do not weaken by tbeir action, bat by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly in vigorate the system. Regular sixe 25c per box. Sold by F, 3. Duffy Druggist. CHStttlMSii I disire to thank the Firs Depart ment for its tiir.ely aid on Sunday morning, and also to express my sincere appreciation or the many kindnesses extended to Mrs, Lovick and myself, by our neighbors tod friends during and aflr,the fire. JI J'. Lovkx Several s ns'l l,upiiiingt were at the mayor's court yesterday. The case of a colored man from Beelsboro was heard. ' He made a disturbance Saturday night when drunk. The patrol wagon was called and be was carried to the station. On the way the jolting wagon seemed to revive him from bis stupor and be suddenly raised op and strnck Sergeant Howell two heavy blows on the eye, making a very bad bruise. On tbe charge of disorderly conduct, he was fined 20.00 and costs On the charge of assaulting an officer, he will be tried later.':;-; - . Wilson the "solder man," who peddles material for mending holes in tinware, was sent across the river and warned not to return. Wilson is an odd character, not bid, eiciep; when drunk. .Then he has tbe pleasant habit of walking into some bouse and sitting down at the table and demanding . dinner. Air one residence he walked in and went np stairs to bed. Such conduct U not viewed with approval" by house holders. A white tramp was taken charge of yesterday by the police. He had just invaded town and had stopped at a house t beg. He crsated some disturbance and the police, had something of a chase to catch the mau. These characters are more frequent as Fair week approaches. They will be taken care of promptly by th polico and will only be wel comed in tliat way. Two men wero arrested last in tbe evening for begging. They claimed that they we) all right but were strangers in town without money. They will be released this morning and allowed to proceed on their way. :v;.' ; ; . TfcO HlnlI flip. Too Minstiel Company special train will leave here tomorrow, Wednesday, at 3.30 p. m, and re turning will leavw Kinston ut t o'clock', after 'lie German, which is to follow the entertainment. Tbe fare for i-e round trip is only 50 cents. There will be the strictest order preserve! on the train, and while there is no occasion! to expect anything but good behav ior from nil, assurance is given that every lady can feel perfectly safe from disturbances of auy nature NanurNnlxrirr. About the time the church bells were ringing ounaay morning at 10 o'clock, an alarm of lire Was turned in from box 34. TLe fire was in the residence, of Mr. II, J Lovick on Middle streeS and by the time the Fire Department was on the snot tbe blaze was working through the roof in the rear. The origin of the tire was from an overheated tile chimney and the fire had gotten a start in the npper part between the ceiling and roof to whijh there was no ready access. The Department went to work with a will and it was soon seen thst the flames would not have a clitnce to spread. Some of the boys had on their go-to-meeting clothes and they were not benefitted by the smoke and water. The npper rear part of the house was onrued out ana ttte wnoie puce flooded with wator. As a result ths plastering over the emirs housi will come off. Tbe walls had just uien nicely pipe red. The loss is about i00, and is fully covered by insurance. Considerable furniture was carrie1. oat and taken care of by neighbors, and Mr, and Mrs. Lovick received mauy invita tions from friends to visit with them until tbey bad things in order again. The value to this oily of the abundant witer supply can soiroely be overestimated. Een a few m menu delay in obtaining the neces sary pressors, in case like Sunday's might result to great loss. No town is a better insurance risk thSa New Berne, at it is seldom that a ffre has ( a chance to get fairly started. . Tk Nra War . Commends itself to the w-1 1 -informed, to do pleasantly and (fact ually what was formsrly done in tbe erudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cloanse the system and break up cold, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant alter ef fects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Byron of Figs. Made by California Kig .Syrup to. ' The Haaaia. This ancient and honorable order bad a largely attended aeetiog lat uiglit at Rouutree Hall. The Sultan was present and sev eral new memliera were initiated into the order, receiving with das solemnity the diffursnt dngrees cun' ferrsd apon tbetn. There will he another meting to morrow. Thursday night, at SuVloek at 1! -uulr H ill. . '.Chairman Drauey called attention to Chapter 3, Sec. 53 of the City ordinance relating to painting tele graph, telephone and electric light poiea. ' On motion the Mayor was instruct ed to enforce said ordinance. Moved by Councilman Watson that the matter of leasing the Bar riugton building corner Broad and Hancock streets referred to tbj Mayor at last meeting with power to ac', be rescinded. Earned. Councilman Draney moved that some otner person other tnan toe Mayor be appointed to make the lease. Motion was tabled. On motion the F. D. Committee was instructed to investigate ana find suitable quarters for the New Berne Engine Company. Motion amended by adding the Mayor to said Committee. On motion Iftora Hryant was re lieved from payment of lioense tax. On motion an ordinance against the nso of air' rifles was referred to Committe ou ordinance and li cense. A petition asking the repeal of ordinance in reference to closing bar rooms rt 13 o'clock and open ing at o o uiocK was on motion tabled. ' " ; Councilman Greem offered the following resolution which was adopted. ' , ; . Resolved, That the ordinance rel ative to the closing of bar rooms at 12 p. m, be and the same' is , hereby suspended from and after Monday February 28th to Saturday March The matter of returning cost in case of City vs. Ireland, was upon mntinn fflhtad. The following motion bv Council-' man Watson was, on motion adopt n ed: That the Committee on Lights be instructed to locate the arc and incandescent lights used by' the city and to have printed n list of same to be given to the Electric Light Company who shall be reqnired to nse same 'or reporting out lights in presenting monthly bills, showing number of bonrs each light has bnrned, The Chief of Fire Department recommended that the 5th ward Hose Reel Company, retain tbe reel and hose in their possession as from persona), observation they have al ways done their duty. The Mayor's report as follows was read and adopted: ' New Berne, N. C, Feb. 1, '08. To the Hon. Board of Council. Gentlemen: I have herewith re port that I have imposed in Mayors court for the month of Jan., 98. - Fines, 110.80 ostv ' ' 78.65 .;;.. 1189.45 Very respestfully, . Al K. Dnnison, Mayor. Chief Police report as follows was read and adopted: To tbe Hon. Mayor and Board o' City Council. ' . : Gentlemen: Below 'please find my report for the month of Jannary 1898. We have made during the month, CJ a'test. .'-.' it convicted. 19 dismissed. 1 7 were bound over to conrt. 2 were released by Mayor. Fines collected, IC4 80 Coit collected, 65 to ' Total , 1120 00 Which has bevn turned over to City Treasurer and I hold bis re ceipt far same. There is ouUUnding which I have so far been nnable to collect. Fines to collect, $40 60 Cost to collect, . 22 93 , Total r $09 45 Respectfully submitted, ' r M. T. Roberts, Chief of Police. Police report as follows reSd aid adopted : POLICE RKPORT. The police are still in need of uni forms, in order to have a completely equipped force. . . Polioemso Roberson has been ab sent from duty one day during tbe month by permission of the .Mayor. The City Hall and Police Head quarters are in good cocliiieo. There have been no auspeniioos daring the month. Very Respectfully Yours, l. T. I!0HKRT, Chief Polios. ' On motion the electric light I'll as anditwl and recommended by the oomiiutte wu allowed. Bills al lowed,' all members of the board present voting yes. No further business the Hoard sd jonrnul, Jli r.nJ. Ivi( K, CVy Cletk. Tbs Naval I.cierves l.avu i. . ',vc 1 broad sworJs and foiU, wiili uliii h they will be drilled. This organizatiou is one that ought to receive some financial assis tance I rem the city. Its members are at personal expenses which few of tbem can afford, and unless some aid is given the Reserves, tbey can hardly keep up and be of nse. Tbe city would find tbe Reserves of valuable service, should any emer gency arise requiring .Tbe preserva tion of the peace. , A special from Raleigh was highly pleasing to the Journal last night, as it told of the successful examma lion of Mr. R. A. Nuun before the Supreme Court for admittance to practice at the bar.; Mr. Nunu has been connected with the Journal for the past' two years, and at ono time was actively eogaged with this paper. . He has been studying law with Simnione, Pou and Ward, and bis preparation was very thorough. " ' Mr. Nnnn is a deservedly popular young man and has a promising fu ture before him in hia chosen pro fession. It is to be hoped that he will continue to muke New Berne .his home end we predict for him a successful, career, , . . . The Surprise of All. Mr. James, Joues, of the . drug firm of Joues & Sod, Cowdeu, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Dis oovery, says that last winter his wife was uttacktd with LaGrippe, and her case grew to serious that phvsicians at Oowden and Pana could do , nothing f .r ' her. . It seemed to developed into Hasty J Consumption. ' Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and tellinp lots of it, he took a : bottle nome, and to the surprise 'of alj she began to get better from first dose, and a half dozen bottles cured her sound and wull. Dr.' Ring's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. 1 ry it. Free trial bottles at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store. , Etlveralda ! be Haiti p. ' Agent A. M. Baker, reports that the demand for lots at Riverside continues, and also that the lumber is ou the ground for the construc tion of one new house,, with pvos- oects of several. more being erected very soon. See the advertisement of these lots on first page. OF LOCAL INTBT. The collection of rents and ac counts giyen caieful and personal attention. Bert of references given J. K. Land, 12? Bro4d street. T. J. Turner has a dwelling house on Hancock street for rent, 7 rooms and city water, No. TO next to his residence; , Giye yoMr order for enlarging Pictnrci to T. J. 'Turner. Cmyon work 16x20 at $1.1)8. Satisfaction guaranteed. . T. J. Turner has left, a few more Of those fine Oik Colder Seat Rock en well worth $2.23. Uur price $1.75. . Tbe Columbia DesK Calendars have arrived aud can be had of Win 1'. Hill, agent, at cost, Ida eacb. . Oo to J. J. Baxter and get the latest thing out in Shirts. Wm. T. Hil! carries a full line of Bicycle Sundries, at lowest prices. Sue him before purchasing. I am offering my entire stock of Winter Goods low down for the cash. J. J. Baxter. J. J. Baxter is agent lor the Vis cal Patent Leather Shoes just . in. Ev:ry pair guaranteed not to crack. Who eyer heard of it. OA0TOIIIA. rutw f lis IiiA Yw Haiilwm Bought A Card. la behalf of the New IWne Stesm Fire F.ngiue Jo. No. I we desire to hereby extend the thanks of the company to Mrs, U 41. iiennren and the ladies who so kimlly assisted her and to Mr. John Dunn, for the refreshments so kindly an I thought, fully tendered tin immltirsof the fire department during the fire at Mr. Loviuk's on Su inlay last. ' A. II. UtKOEltT, Foreman, 0. C. TitORJtToir, Ssc'y. j lUll Y J IC" J""" log .mi ti . .it .. i; r in lhs end have nothing but a lot of werthleas rent receipts to show fur Lhousamls of dollars thrown awnr, when you can have a limn (both houne and lot) built aci-ording to your own idea, in any wihii ju may sultnit, by simply pnyn' me what yon art now pf ' 'I'l ri n', romriarelivdy. A. M. 1 ' r h . , Af ni, C? '' f1 ujJiiu aim uuiimiui uj-ii 11 o better time than February to do ones s 8 wing for coming: season. Provision was early made to have in store the right goods. Assortment.: more complete have not been shown in the city. . :- In the line of Heavy White Cottons, particularly suited for children, are small check nainsooks, little patterns in heavy cotton welts, medium and very heavy marseilles. In Colored Cottons, are new printings, in full yard wide percajles, plain colored piques, plain and figured duck and fancy crash. ; : Matched Sta in Embroideries", Matched Sets in Fine Ma chine Torchonc, cbitely resembling the expensive lunl made laces ai.d narrow band run Smyrna laces. ., .;' Moderate prices prevail throughout the entire collection. ? -rr-rr ' 5 "si- AN UNDERSELLING SALE OF riusl in Underwear ! Beginning tomorrow -morning we ontnmenca our oth sale of Ladies Musliu Underwear with the Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices we haye ever had. ' : ' These goods ate made in rnral munity and do uot come in touch in any way with thi sweat "hops of the large cities, and are carefully made. Every garment is cut full and no skimping of either goods or workmanship. ' We invite your inspect n of these gar ments as yon will find it will save a great deal of sewing for Spring y We can yon only a hint of the assortment. February G. Meadows' Cotton Guano, ' - Largely increases the quantity and grade of Cotton. Meadows' Gold Leaf Tobacco Guano, j' k Produces Tobacco of the finest quality, ': .. , . e ecially fancy wrappers. . Meadows' Dissolved Bone and Potash Compound. Meadows' All Crop Guano. Meadows' Great Potato Guano.. Meadows' Great Cabbage Guano. GEIUIAK KA1NIT '& DIAMOWD 1IIC PIUTE A SPECIALTY. E. H. & J. A. Meadows Co., 5IANITFACTUIXERS, SEW' lIERNi; Ti. V. Not How Good But How Cheap Rvrms to be ths public ery, n we hare laid In a larse ilw k t I-Prlced Pitper, Envelope. Ac, &s. And sre prepared now to Defy Compt tlllon. Ws will not U) unilrrsolil by any one. Oyt our prices. IV. T. IIIEl, A CO., conncRCiAL J03 PRINTCRS, CI South Front otrm-L 'J'hone R0. A full Una of Isgnl DlimVn at Coinpo. thai I'ricra, on:iI4 Vr. ::1 l'rop. privi'i ; lOruls for u 1 1 thii r at the linvt l'iiir. 1 bv tliu nrii!ir;r'M I ft.r a f. Mr ilms. (Ifo. (linn. 'v in runt I be riM'.fi v vOlre. at l,. f 4 f ; c Ji - J liLJLJL com give Niftht gowns of good muslin, 4 rows tucks - 89o Night gowns, better muslin, 4 rows tucks and emlirt. .... . 49c Night gowns, eliiboraltly trimmed at .. . . . . . .59 anil C9c Nifrlit gowns, Empire with insertion in collar 89o And handsomer onea t. . . . . ...... 09c, (1 0t. 1 8 and $1.40 Corset Covers, plain lUo (Jorset Ooveis with embd. 25 & IV a Skirts with tucks and inbd. . 40o Better skirts from. . . .Bo In $1.4 A very large assortment of ski Is. Drawers.... ......... , 25c urawers wun ei nroiaery. .. . ono Drawers, more embroict. 80 & 89o Chemise,. .. 4o Chemise with embrold., . .59 & 9o pO. MARKS CO. V a VaVaWsVva -JsVBSD t HEADACHE! Your Ilradarhe, 7 Hick Hrailnclies. Nrrvrtu. tlrwUchni, llrailnrlirs from (lnervnrlt, llcailnche. from Neural. ARC CUkCO BY Cola headache Powders. Manufactured and Bold Only y Bradham'l Reliable Drug 5 tore. i At th Bool: Sir f nn i T't nil it ii rv - ' CHAIXLE53 VALt.ui. A I,ot of thf UllcU f PfntlM incrv " Ju:t AUa a F. O." nil I.i

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