VOL. XVI-KO. 211. NIW BEKNE, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 0, 18911. established; mt 41 . 3 3 '! -I Fascinating ! J THST DOTSB IN OPINION. ' TEA GOWN'S, feminine and dain ty, in cashmere and soft clinging fabrics are popular for home wear, and we have many beautiful materials for your se-. lection.- :v f : We are showing a stylish assortment of LADIES' FLANNELETTE and all' the lingerie so necessary in every Lady's Wardrobe. ' - These wintry blasts and cold rains make extra precau tions necessary. Fortify utriiinst tleeplessnes. by buying a pair ot our . . . ALL WOOL BLANKETS, !Ov4. GOOD VALUE, Former Price Xow Reduced to $3.50. $3.00. Heavy Gut in ai! Winter Underwear. : ,,. March so trying to every one, has many aches and shivers in store for you. Examine our stock and marvel at the bargains we offer. ' . , i No one should tempt Providence by risking wet. feet. We offer great values in our SHOE DEPARTMENT. ' ' Qiality, Prompt and Courteous Service and Ex tremely Low Prices are a winning team for PmKHlul ftneak.r Ha. Onp.tta Vl.w. an m ' finance Bill. The ftp.ak.rla Bar. HI. Way. Special to Journal. ' k Washington, Feb. 8. There is said to be a difference of opinion between Presi dent McKinley and Speaker Reed as to the advisability of the House passing a financial bill at this session. Mr. Reed thinks the voting down of the Teller reso lution by the Hoase was sufficient to put the party on record against silver, and that it would be wiser to have the 'House finish up the regular business of the ses sion and adjourn as soon as possible, than to have the financial debate that would be necessary to put through a financial bill along the line recoup mended by the ' president's message. While Mr. McKinley thinks that it would be better for bis party to further emphasize its position by having the House pass a financial bill. - Although some persons are predicting that this difference of opinion will lead to trouble, the chances are that it will not. Mr. Reed's position is endqrsed by the strongest men of bis party in the House, and the chances are that he will have his way, and that the President will not insist upon having a bill passed. Will Ga For lb. Steal Bar.P. - Special to Journal. Wilkrsbarre, Pa,, Feb. 8. The prose cution against Sheriff Martin and bis deputies will try to have the owners of the coal mines indicted as accessories to the murder of the strikers at Latimer. SlierilT Martin and each of the deputies have furnished bail in the sum of $6,000 which was obtained from a surety com pany in Philadelphia, making a total vf bail furnished of 9130,000, Will Ucnend un England. Special to Journal. London, Feb. 8. China is reported to have finally abandoned the idea of obtain ing a loan elsewhere than from England and will make no further efforts to obtain help from Russia. ' WWW 4ionorj- g Arpus Automatic Lamp Filling Cans. , : I desire to call attention to the fact that I am prepared to furnish the trade with Arpus Automatio Lamp Filling Cans, These cant hold 5 gallons and are self-filling and perfectly air iiBht, thereby preventing evaporation. . Cant are loaned free of etpansi and ar called for regu-. larly to be refilled with only the BEST QUALITY OIL at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and examine sum. Good bouse keepers should not be without one. Very lloapectfully, - I D PARIYFR IP Wholesale and J. I!. iMnlXtr., Jr.., Retail Grocer. JL. AAlJJkW W 9 t V1 VUU WUA W W4 E3 rum PJUl iml o o lir"nr'nr"-ir'r"ir'r"nr?-ir"ni: (ft YOU MAY TRAVEL FAR 1 THE STATE CIPITU. Tie HappeiiiDp jf One Dai ; - Gatheretl In. - ZOLA GAINS A POINT. INTENSE SUFFERING. From Dyspepsia and Trouble. Stomach INSTANTLY RELIEVED AND PER MANENTLY CURED. Pastas A New Discovery, unl Hot Medicine. Dr. Redwell relates an interesting ac count of what he considers a remarkable cure of acutestomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by the use of the new discov ery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. He says: The patient was a man who had suffered to my knowledge for years with dyspepsia. Everything he ate seemed to sour and create acid and gases n the stomach; be bad pains like rheu matism in the back, slioulder blades and limbs, dullness and distress after eating poor appetite and loss ot flesh, the heart became affected, causing palpitation and. sleeplessness at night. I gave him powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies, but to no purpose. As an experiment I finally bought a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets at a drug store and gave them to him. Almost Immediate relief was given and after be had used four boxes he waa to all appearaocA fully cured. There was no more acidity or sour watery tilings, no bloating after meals, the appetite was vigorous and he has gained between 10 and 12 pounds In weight of solid, healthy flesh. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are advertised and sold in drug stores yet 1 consider them most Valuable addition In any physician's line of remedies, as they am perfectly harmless and can be given to children or invalids or In sny condition of the stomach with perfect safety, being harmless and containing nothing but vegetable and fruit essences, pure pepsin and Golden Seal. Without any question they are the safest, most effective cure for indigestion, biliousness, constipation and all derange ments of the stomach however slight br severe. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by riruggUu everywhere at fifty cents for full sized package. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Federal Conrt Opens. Accidentally Hurt. 7 Corner Stone Laying Lamb Bill Helps Depositors. Some Singular State Expenses. : Journal Bcrkac, : Balrioh. N. C. Feb. 8. TO, f Today Federal court began, for the trial of civil and criminal cases. Bernard has not yet received his commission from Washington as District Attorney, so he has requested Mr. Aycock to attend this term of court. Yesterday at one of Die cotton plat forms a 475 lb bale.of cotton was acci dently thrown from a wagon and si ruck one of the cotton weighers crusning him to the ground. He is' probably internally injured. . . The fact that 18 out of the 59 applicants for law license failed to pass is about the biggest percentage that was ever turned down. ' The corner stone .of the Colonial Manu facturing Company of Concord will be laid by colored Masons. This will be the only cotton factory mill with capital owned by colored men, and in which only colored labor is employed in the South. W. H. Chadbourne of Wilmington has sent in his resignation to Governor Bus sell, as one of the directors of the peni tentiary. The county commissioners of Wake county are giving the county printing to Jim Young who is the editor of "The Gazette," the negro organ here. If the Lamb bill, now beiore Congress becomes a law, it will distribute $7,000 here. The bill is to pay depositors in the different Frcedman's Saving and Trust Oompanys. There Is constant complaint that fire insurance companies not licensed in this State are continually writing Insurance in North Carolina in defiance of the law Many cotton factories are thus insured because they'cao get such reduced rates. Secretary of State Thompson intimates that the State loses fully 10,000 a year by this "overhead" insurance work. The Secretary of State has incorpora ted the "Carolina Soapstone Company.' It is to mine, mrnufacture and sell talc, copper and other ores in Moore and Chatham counties, The incorporators are Raleigh men. It is for 80 years with a capital stock of $12,000 to be increased totl00,000. There is much Indignation felt and ex pressed at the action of the board ol aldermen in their last meeting, in decld ing to charge the school committee $1,200 annual rental for the Centennial graded school. The largest storage warehouse in the State owned by Wessrs, Johnston and Thompson, cotton buyers will be ready to be occupied next week. It is just north ot the eity and on the line of the S.A.L, The expense account of the R. R. Com mission is made public Some of the Items may, interest people elsewhere. For instance James Mott Is paid 35 for holding and guarding tho R. R. Commis sion's office against "the two Wilsons", Brockwell, the locksmith geta $10.40 for breaking into the office for Caldwell and Pearson (Russell's tools) and then repairing-said locks. This is pretty way in which to spend the people'i money. Ex-Congressman Thomas Settle now here. , He is ready, with .the open ing of the next campaign, to enter noli tics once more. This morning the Supreme court began the docket for the Spring term. There are no Important cases decidedso far. Next week there will be quite a large excursion here of Northern people who are wintering at Pinehurst and Southern Pines. They come to see the publio buildings.. All of the fruit nurseries In the Bute, are now pronounced free of the San Jose scale, and have been given a certificate testifying the same. tl.arral Neretrr Onlfir fAsnar. Sal Ha. Hard riant Hcfar. ' , Bins. Special to Journal, ' Paris, February 8 General Meicier and Major De Odam were ordered by the court to appear and testify in the Zola trial. Gen. Mercler is the former Minister f War who submitted to the jury in the trial of Capt. Dreyfus the documentary evidence in the case. When summoned yesterday be refused to appear, claiming that It was not necessary. M. Zola him self made a strong appeal to the presid ing judge to have the witness brought and the matter wns under consideration until today. The Judge then issued the order. " The feeling Is that Zola has a hard fight before him as the race and class feeling is all against him. He reiterates his ab solute courldeDce in the innocence of Dreyfus. Kpeeeb trom lb. Throne. Special to Journal. .London, Feb'y, 8. The Parliament was opened today by the address of the Queen, which was read from the throne in the House of Lords. The Queen makes no allusion to China, although it was confidently predicted that the position of Kngand and her relation with the other powers would be touched upon. The Queen promises local government for Ireland. A Nice Lot of Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams. Fresh Elgin Butter. Fancy Cream Cheese. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Small Breakfast Strips. Fresh Grits and Big Hominy. Loose Oatflakes. Dried Apples and Peaches, Fancy California Prunes and Apricots 10c per lb. Heinz Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce. ' Standard quality Table Peaches 10c per 3 lb can, and lots of other good things to eat, which we cannot mention for space at prices which defy compction. President William, or Ibe Cbrmleal National Bank lo Retire. Special to Journal. New York. February 8 George Wil Hams,-President of the Chemical Nation al Bank will resign from his position at the head ot the bank. Mr. Williams has been President for over 25 years. He has been greatly troubled by Hie action of Cashier Quinliu in milking the late worth less loans or Immense sums of money without authority. BE WILL RESIQN. Another combine. Special to Journal. Chicago, Feb'y. 8. The Stone Mami. fucturcrs of this city have combined. The capital represented by the differ ent companies is ten million dollars. l 1 I T E MeDaniel & Vo 71 Broad St VJLOJLOJUUUL Wholesale & Retail CSroccrs, ., NEW BERNE, JiVi-c. JUULOJLJUUUUUUL LOTS ! ONLY $250 00. BALANCE FOTDER Absolutely Pure FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING UP AND SETTLING RIVERSIDE, With desirable occupants and owners, I now make for a limited time the follow ins advantageous proposal : Located on National Avenue, and others equally desirable. All lots to be connected with complete Sewerage System $5 CASH DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK, Every man of moderate means, and every man working on a salary, may own a home. Buy a home and pay for it in installments, When tho first payment is made, I will give you a guarantee to make you a deed for the lot when all payments on same are made, "a pass book "for weekly payments." Safor than a savings bank, and far more proDtahlf . When the lot is paid for, I will build yon a UV )ERN COTTAGE, (your choice of plan) to be paid for in monthly indtallment3. Payments but little more than vou would pay rent. For example, a cottage costing t2,000, will cost in monthly payments, 130, fur 7 years, and the house and lot is yours. If yoti want a smaller cottage, say to coat $1,000. The monthly payments will be $!". At the end of 7 venrs you own a house and lot in a desirable locality, increasing in value every day. lou should act at once. Size of lots oO x 200 feet. Full information, maps, etc., call on A.JJl. BAKF.R, .Kent. .17 ruiiiirit nirrrl. THE MARKETS. Yesterday's mat kit quotations furnish ed by 'W.',A. Porterfield & Co. Commission Brokers. New York, February 8. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close .08 m 97 7 . 101 1021 1011 101 COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close '0o 0c 6.05 5.06 : ' CHICAGO MARKETS. Whsat Open. High. Low. Close May 94 06 Oft 96 Cobs May 29 29 80 29 Hbtton Sales 197.000 bales. Peoples Gas. C. B.&Q. .. May. SI ' twtw BEFORE YOU FJND ANOTilEU OR0CK11Y STORE where UnoJt are so Kultablit and Prices so Reasonable u here. We are not philanthropes. We don't give away oar goods. We make Fair Troth and otily a fir profit. But we are Clone Buyers That's the Secret of our Low Pri.-es. A Full Line of FANCY CAKES Just Received. Mil DUIill, Casli Grocer, yozAAn iL fTr:r:i:T. JanaaM r.r Hl.aalka. 8a Frahoisoo, Cel., Feb. 7. Japan is going to invade the Klondike, An army of five thousand laborers is being gotten tog-ether for the gold fielJs and In month or so they will descend upon Daw son City. , One of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha steaintr will .bring them here, but as they will not land la the United Btatea, there will bono one to say them nay, unless Great Britain take a band in the affair. - - - 1ST BOV The flew York Life Insurance Co., 1MII TO ITS POLICY IIOLiDEItS -I ? Every Secood, - -Every Minnte, - Every Hour, - - Evert Day, Every Wtek, - - : Every Month, From January I, to December 31, - I I 15 138 78 - 7.7.8 CD 61,813 63 373,38 76 1.017.434 63 10,401,453 61 Bncklan's Arnica Salve. Tin Best Salvk In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and po.1. lively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. OASTOniA. n(t 11. Kins 1m Hue Mwars Botiftt CROUP Is Always Alarming, 8omelimes Fstal. An way 'n Nymp Affords Immediala Hellut. We have hundreds of Testimonials praising. In highest terms, this valuable remedy. No Cure, no Pay. Manufactured and Bold at Brsdkam's Reliable Pharasry. Pollock and Middle (Streets. WILLIAM DUIOr. 1 Everything For Chaps. 1 Frostilla, Camphor Ice, Purfumed Vaseline, Vaseline Oil, Vaseline. Cold Cream, Hind's Honey, Hind's Almond Cream, Bishop's Camphorine, SOLD at Bradham's Reliable Drug Store- f Henry's i s J rnarmacy, i 7 127 Middle St., New Beroc, N. C. Z I Z l'lijKiciaii 2 I 1'reMcrIptIoiiN 9 A Specialty. ? I A Fresh Supply of Landreth's Z jf Garden Seed and 2 (S Onion Sots. J T I t Dr. Ml ...HARDWARE... E, F. Earlv. J I DENTIST, OFFICE: Over Bradham's Pharmacy, Rooms 3 and 4. OFFICE IIOURS:-9:30 to 2 and 3 to 5. (IAS ADMINISTERED. Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles. 7311 Street. New Berne, N. C. j 31. Is. IIOLLOWrXL, AgenU II. W. NI3Ilf02f , Funeral Director and Umbalmer. Offlce 68 Broad Slrart, east to Stewart's sublet, Rcaideaoa 18 Broad Street tlr'Biirtal rotwe sp4a.'ty. Truck ! PEAS ! PEAS ! PEAS ! Beans I Beans! Beans! The earliest of Extra Early Peat, and improved Valer.tloe and Butt Proof Wax Beans. Potato, to arrive. Art You Comet Comal Coming! el. F; CX.AUK, Brick Store, Near Market Dock They Ntantl High On a pedestal of popular favor when we make vour clothing or over coat. They elevate the wearer above the ordinary, every day style of man. nd five a swell appearance that Is lm pnathl. lo grt from any one but an artiat In the tailoring line. We not only make the clothes, but adorn the man. F. H. CHADWICK'S, Herckaat Taller, 101 Middlb Brmirr. See He For. SHORT LOANS. Whenever yoa have a paper you want discounted tee ma and yon OCT THE CASH. IK A. AC II, BMITII, IK Middle St., NtW.BERX E, V. u.

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