-t -J IV. I . t r". III -M VOL. XVI-NO 213. NIW.fiEUNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1882 ( ' : ::;;;;i;-V;iiii;V,.V.V Fascinating ! 1 17RITTEH EXiOIKATIONS To Be Given All Applicants For : z Law Licem'i TEA GOWNS, feminine and dain ty, in cashmere and soft clinging fabrics are popular for home wear, and we have many beautiful materials for your se lection. ' We are showing s stylish assortment of LADIES' FLANNELETTE and all the lingerie so accessary in every Lady's Wardrobe. These wintry blast nnil cold rains make extra precau tions necessary. Fortify aguinst sleeplessness by buying a pair of our : ' . ALL WOOL BLANKETS, 10x4, GOOD VAlYtfE, Former Price Now Reduced to $3.50. $3.00. Heavy Cut in all Winter Underwear. .- - March so trying to every one, has many aches and shivers in store for you. Examine our stock and marvel at the bargains we offer. ' No one should tempt Proridenco by risking wet feet. We offer great values in our SHOE DEPARTMENT. ., Quality, Prompt and Courteous Service and Ex tremely Low Prices are a winning team for nn Trains to Make Close Connections. tiay Society Doings, Prison For United States Convicts. Negro . Convicts': Escape. De mands Its Bights. Journal Bubkau, ' r RaleiOr, N. 0. Feb. 10, '98. . f : The Supreme court today took up the case of Mr. McMillan, only to do nothing for him. Tbey decline to grant him license, and simply say tbe incident Is closed so far as the court is concerned. The court passed a rule that hereafter the applicants for license must send in writ ten examinations, so as to avoid all future trouble.' On the 13th the Southern tram and the S. A. L. one going east and the other going north will connect here. As it has been for some time, there was a mis connection of about 15 minutes here, that while it meant but little to the rail roads, meant much to the passengers. The Federal court has about finished the docket, and the jury has been dis missed. The equity docket is still open and on Saturday Judge Purnell will hear several of those cases set for that day, The Leazar Literary Society -at the Agricultural and Mechanical college will ou Friday bight, the 18lh, bold its fifth oratorical contest. The two literary societies of the college are, the Leazar Society and the Pullen Society. These young men are very enthusiastic as to their clubs, and so they always makw an evening pleasant to those who attend their debates. 1. An invitation has been extended to the Agricultural and Mechanical college cadets to go to the New Berne Fair. It is now settled that they will not go. There are about 150 of them tliat have been vaccinated and .some fifty or more arc laid up from this. The young society folks here are going to make the most of the time between now and Lent. There are two clubs among the girls and first one member and then another entertains the club. Miss Mary Byan entertains the "Thalian club" on Friday night and Miss Elita Busbee entertains the "Fia De Scicle" club Monday. The young men are always invited and in this way the girls return tbe hospitality of the "Euphrcsyne club" that has given so many delightful Her mans. ' '''.-''...' , The printing establishment of Mr. E. M. Uzzell baa been closed by the sheriff and the entire outfit will be sold at auction on March 8rd. Mr. Claude Dockery, chairman of the penilentiry board, has been to Washing ton City to aee the Attorney General as regards making the North Carolina peni tentiary a prison for U. S. prisoners from the Southern States.' The department will investigate- the matter, and if it is found that there will be work enough .to keep them constantly employed an order will probably be Issued designating this as a receptable for U. 8. convicts. Now they have to be carried to Columbus, Ohio or to New York. Two of Raleigh's druggists yesterday received a check for $23.00 each as a prize offered for the biggest sales of "Bromo Seltzer." Tonight "The Milk White Flag" held the boards at the Opera House. Next week, "The Wilbnr Opera Company" plays a week's engagement here. Collector - Duncan has written to the civil service commission asking whether he cannot appoint all store keepers and guagers- He has reappointed the old clerks and deputies mostly, possibly be cause be knew they were fully protected by the civil seivice law. The Democrats are urged to organize and hegin work at once. It is declared by many that they are too slow in getting themselves together. Last night four negro convicts with terms of two to live years escaped from the county workhouse. With a piece of steel they loosed the mortar arouna the hearth stone, pried it up and digging out, fled. They were fired upon, and one of them, Dick Bridgets, was shot at five times, and was finally captured this morning. ; . Cabarrus county after demanding con victs of .the State penitentiary as pre scribed by the enactment of the last leg islature, and being refused, has brought suit to test the law on the matter. A Nice Lot of Small Spain's iosaltinp: Minister Eomil M y His 0m Governmsnt. Cl L201 vononi 1 K? :-: imnocov;. 'SC I INSTANTLY RELIEVED AND FEB- MANENTLT CUBED. 18 . ...A Fresh Lot of . FRANKFORD SAUSAGE, 1 Cents a Isfo. Fo Hirer Butter, 1 lb. prints, 25o lb. M ' . The Very Best Blended Coffee, 23o lb.- p ' Also a fresh lot of those Urge Hams, out to order 12o lb. p Shafers Small Pig Hnn 15o lb. Shafers Breakfast Strips fjjjj If you want full value for your money give as t trial and jji jl " we will please you nd save you money. . l Very It.'spectf nlly. O I D D APICD ID- Wholesale and M J. ri. rHniVLn, Jn., Retail Orocer. Phrmft ftp. 77 "Rrnnrl RftAof :oaoaiSiiigiiiiiii3 YOU MAY TRAVEL FAR 5 - BEFORE YOU FIND ANO TIIEIt GROCERY STORE wliere Uoods sre so Ituliable and Prices so Reasonable M bare. We are t'lnds. not philanthropists. We don't elvo away our We make a Fair fro fit and only fair proOt. I!nt we are Clusij linfitrs. That's the secret of oor Low INTENSE SUFFERING. Prom , Dyspepsia and Trouble. Stomach fatrnl A Hw DlMOvery, Mat Sol rllilBC. ' Dr. Redwell relates an interesting ac count of what he considers a remarkable cure of acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by tbe use of the new discov ery, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. He says: The patient was a roan who had suffered to my knowledge for years with dyspepsia. Everything be .ate seemed to sour and create acid and gases in the stomach; be bad pains like rheu matism in the back, shoulder blades and limbs, dullness and distress after eating poor appetite and loss of flesh, the heart became affected, causing palpitation and sleeplessness at night. I gave him powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies, but to no purpose. As an experiment I finally bought a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets at a drug store and gave them to him. Almost Immediate relief was given and after he had used four boxes he was to all appearanoes fully cured. There was no more acidity or sour watery ilslngs, no bloating after meals, ibe appetite was vigorous and be has gained between 10, and IS pounds in weight of solid, healthy flesh. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are advertised and sold In drag stores yet 1 consider them a most valuable addition to any physician's line of remedies, as they ara perfectly harmless and can be given to children or invalids or la any condition of the stomach with perfect safety, being harmless and xontalntng nothing but vegetable and fruit essences, pure pepsin and Golden Seal. V ithout any question they are the safest, most effective curt for indigestion. biliousness, constipation and all derange ments of the stomach however slight or sevore. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet are sold by drugcisis every where at fifty eeota for full slsed package. Speciul to Journal. , Cleveland, O., February 10. It is te ported that the Ohio Senatorial iuvesll ga'ting committee has found Mark Hanna guilty- of attempted bribery in the contest for the Senate term. Larce 1ms ef Life. Special to Journal. PrrrsBCBO, Pa., February 10. Twenty five people were burued to death last night in the great fire in this city. The property loss is plaucd at two million dollars. . - - A Horlh Carolina Vnoilal. Winston, N. O. Feb. 9. -The Grand North Carolina Exposition car is here and is being visited and admired by thousands of people. .While in Kernrs vhle last night Julius Hestor, a fifteen year-old boy, was caught by one of the managers mutilating some of the floe pictures on the outside of the car. A warraut was issued for him today and an officer went after him. But the boy's father promised to have his son here for trial -tomorrow. Tbe manager says it will cost them several thousand dollars to have the damage repaired. Spain Notified to Act Quickly For the Safely of De Lome. Com ment of tbe English Press. How the Letter Came Out a Mystery. Special to Journal. , Washington, Feb'y, 10. President McKinley demands fpom Spatu the im mediate recall of Minister de Lome. The communication is made through minister Woodford at Madrid. De Lome has made no pretense of not having written the insulting letter to Canalejas. The Madrid papers, however, are trying to ascribe the matter to a plot of the Cuban sympathizers. This afternoon Minister deLomo re ceived the acceptance of his resignation from Spain. At the same time Premier Sagasta notifies Minister Woodford, and through him the Secretary of State that deLome will bo recalled in disgrace in order to humiliate him. Minister Woodford lias no tilled the Spanish Ministry tliat deLome must leave this country in a hurry. Elpe the United States would not be responsible for the safety of the indiscreet official. The most objectionable paragraph of the letter written by de Lome is as follows: iieaides the natural aud inevitable coarseness with which he (McKinley) reports all that the press aud publie opinion of Spain has said of Weyler, il (the message) shows once more that Mc Kinley is weak and catering to the rabble and besides isa low politician whodesires to leave a door open to me and stand ell with the Jingoes of his party." Minister de Lome has been the Spanish representative lor the last three years, a period Hint covers nearly all the late troubles in Cuba since the out break of the revolution. The English papers say that th-' de ome incident adds greatly to the compli cation between the United States unit Spain in Cuba. Their general comment that the chances of trouble between the two governments ure largely in creased by the attack on the American President. De Louie is expected to leave Wash ngton at any moment. The exact man cr in which the letter became public is not yrt known. LAUOBS A I' A SENTENCE. Laclrcri the hma laa BoS-Im pmwl Wltb Ike Jury's Verdict CutoAOO, Feb. B.-Adolph L. Luetgert was tonight convicted of the murder ot his wife, and sentenced to Imprisonment In the penitentiary for the term of his natural life, Luetgert received the ver- dlctwltb a laugh. It was 10.30 o'clock when word was sent to the court room by the jury that they bad agreed upon a verdict, aod were waiting to bring it into court. . Quickly as possible after the jury had sent word of an agreement, Judge Gary hastened to the coort room. The news ot a verdict spread like light' ning to the street, and in a few minutes the court room was jammed with news paper men, policemen, witnesses ' bad given evldenoe in the trial, and rlous spectators. Baeklsn's Arnica Salve. Tna Bsst Balvs In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and post. lively cures pllee or no pay required. is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction rnce to cents per or money refunded. box. For sale by F. 8, Duffy. OA0TOniA nth- j4 Tna Ka nsHraMwun b Wifts, Fn .-.-I. A Foil Line of FANCY CAKES Just Iioceived. Cnnli Grecer. . - - . Tlio flow York Life Insurance Co. 11II TO ITfl lOIsICY HOLDERS Erery Second, Every Minute, F.very Hour, - Every Pay, Eery Week, Every Month, From January 1, to P-i Sugar Cored Pig Hams. -s)S5- FreBli Elgin Hutter. Fancy Cream Cheese. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Small Breakfast Strips. Fresh Grits and Big Hominy. Loose Oatilakes. Dried Apples and Peaches. Fancy California Prunes and Apricots 10c per lb. Heinz Baked Beana with Tomato Sauce. Standard quality Table Peaches 10c per 3 lb can, and lots of other good things to eat, which we cannot mention for space at prices which defy competion. McDaniel I Mil Wholesale & Retail Grocers, 71 Broad St., HEW BERNE, ST. C. .JLOJLO.JUUULOJIJ Go The Prices OF HORSES AND MULES ! ill POWDER Absolutely Pure . THE MAREETS. 'Vcsterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfield & Co. Commission Brokers'. New York, February 10, STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close ,. 07 98 97 98 ,. 1013 102 J 101i 102, COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close 0.15 0.15 6.00 0 00 CHICAGO MARKETS. Whkat Open. High. Low. Close May 1)01 90J 90 90J Corn May 2 2ii 29 Hoiton Sales 285,000 bales. Peoples Oas. C. B, &Q. .. May. ho -y-jrva. r Hem Henry's Pharmacy, 137 Middle St., New Berne, N. C. Physician Prescriptions A Specialty. A Fresh .Supply of Landneth's Uarden Seed and L fL Onion Sets. J vJljrvsTsaTssJrSsTasaOLy ? CROUP ! Is Always Alarming, B Sometimes Fatal. An way's ftyrup rnher - 3 1 I'M 78 - . 7,720 CO 61.813 B5 373,2.13 70 1,617.4.-4 C:i ia,4on,4.",j ci it. Affords Immediate lU'llef. We birr hundiiNli of j'-itmnnlits praising, ill hii;lieh lernm, this Talnalile remedy. No Cure, no Pay. . One Carload I2etvivil on the 9th. One Carload Received on the 11th. Some Toppy Kentucky Horses with Speed. Have a Surplus Stock. These Purchases wero made at Low Prices and will be sold at prices to correspond. liemcmbrr I have a large stock of Select from, My Prices Suit Buyers. C8J, BUGGIES AND HARNESS to 70. Ti. 7M U. 74.4 lil'OAl) "STHEKT, STEWAET, New Berne, N. G. atVaYa V,'SY.'i i: st i. .'.-.T.;v.'s.il'sfi .. .. $ I LverylhiDg for Claps. Frostilla, Camphor Ice, Purfunied Vaseline, Vaseline Oil, Vaseline fold Cream. Hind's Honey, . ' Hind's Almond Cream, Bishop's Camphorine, SOLD AT Bradhnm's (., Jw Reliable Drue Store- r. I WW ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles. LiW Few Berne, Courtship in George Washington's Time Was enlivened by crackine nuts. pulling molasKPS candy, popping corn, or any of the little diversions that fill in time lictwcen love making. There were no confectioners at that time that could prepare such delicious concoctions in ( hiicnlutes, caramels, marsh mallows, bon bons or white nougata that the lover muld gladden the heart of his lady love, at lowest prices. C. T. McNorley A Co. Manufactured and Hold at Itradham's v Ki liable I'hsrmarr. k n i y I 'le Hlri .'U. Trtick ! PEAS ! PEAS ! PEAS ! Beans! Beana! Beans! The earliest of Eitra Early Peas, and improved Valur.tino aud Bust Proof Wax Beans. Potatoes to arrive. Ara You Cornet Co.tibI Coming! T. I ( Ti.'I . t( Brick Store, N ,r ,M.t:ki t 1 k They Stand IllKh ' On a pedestal of popular favor wlwn we make your rlotblns; or over coat. They elevate the wearer above the ordinary, every day style of man, and irive a swell appearance that is Inv pnMlhle to get from any one but an artist In the tailoring line. W. not only make the clothes, but sdorn the tnaa. P. H. CHADWICK'S, Merrksat Taller, Ml M loin i StHrrr. IVojxiv.N Wr.ntr.I. Proposals for all the rustaurant privilipes at tho next Fair, will be received hy tho undersigned at his &:;: f..r S few i! .v,. Ci". Civ.. IV