VOL. XVI-NO. 22(1. NEW BERNE, N. CM SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2 lo'JIl. ESTABLISHED 1882 n - i$ h h On1 5f ' H IK For Breakfast With iaple Syrup, in m mm THAT THE MAINE WAS BLOWN UP BY DESIGN. UK THE SITUATION CRITICAL These Cold Mornings, are something to whet tlie Appe tite and Satisfy it at ihe fame time. Try some of our FllRSlI BUCKWHEAT ant oir UK-UINE MAPLE SYUUP, and you will enjoy it delicious isienl. 'a have also Prepared Buck wheat, Prepared Oritl llu (Juki Flour, and everything woiwury to pruper'y prepare, one fur tl:o duties of tho dny; and then visit our Dry Goods Department. Si e Our Kxq-tisiti) Display. Com pure our Values. Inspect Oiir Stock. Wii cin Show u Largo H'd Varied Assortment ' with Vftried A8'irt!in;iil with It preseiUHtivo Lines of Every WYiive and Every Fabric. You will SUUKliY LOSE MONEY it' too buy vonr I'.efoie visiting up. Every Ditoou'ii. and Many Houses J'nv F We Diieot. In the Manufacturer, Often UotHil Shoes at a Lees Price r Their IioO'Ib. lull f.r Than There v are always Attractive Offerings, Courteous Attention, Eight Away Service and Money Back, it not Suited at B and plates, was stove upward so far that parts of the shattered double "bottom show out of water and in places sections of the green-painted outer bull are risi ble. The 10-inch and n-inck magazine were unseated and hurled from their pluces in opposite directions and diagonally with the line of the keel. The forward boilers were, overturned and wrecked. There were no fires under these boilers at the time of explosion. Fires were under the after boilers only. This indicates that the contents of the reserve six-inch maguzine were exploded by the initial blast, and that there was no explosion In either of the other two. .1 ... . ; I a enr. i in uie reserve iiiHgazuiuwas biuwcu ,uuu pounds of powder id copper tanks, eacii of which contained 200 pounds. It is important to note that in the six inch and ten inch tank recovered the ex celsior used for packing the charges shows no injury from mime or gases. TK STATE CiPllit. of North Carolina HapTius. To Cnre for United States Prison ers. Treasurer Worth and Oyster Claims. Convicts Making Shirts. Short Court Session. Journal Buhkac. Rai.kIQii, N. C. Feb 33. f Chairman Dockery of the penitentiary board is here to see the Governor in re gard to drawing up (he contract, to be 1 CHOICE LOT North Garolina Hams. Cabinet Meeting Yesterday. Vlzca- ya Has Left New York. DeLome Goes to Madrid. More Span ish Troops Land in Cnba. Divers Working Hard. Special to Journal. Nkw Yokk, February 85. The Even ing Snn says: ''Tho news from Wash ington is graver than at any time previous since the Maine sank. High officials of the Administration no longer conceal the fuel that they regard the situation as extremely critical. While nothing is said as to the results of 'he court of inquiry, all the news received supports the belief that the Maine was blown up by outside agencies. The President and Secretary of the Navy Long stiff hope that the result will show that the explosion was accidental, but if the court of investigation finds Unit the Maine was blown up trencher- The powder stored in the six-inch reserve submitted to the U. S. Government re magazine was used for saluting purposes Igurding the establishment of the Federal only. The magazine itself appears to I prison here for United States prisoners have lieen utterly destroyed, only a few traces being lel to show thu spot where it was once located. The uutlorpart of the ten-inch maca zinc is wholly accessible to divers. In i the upper part is lightly wedged a mass vers to extricate, but apparently contain ing unexploded charges of powder. from the Southern States. The outlook is that the Uuvernment will give the State 25 cents a day for the care of each prisoner in tumitinn to (he prisoners labor. Mr. Wheelei Mill tin the newly ap pointed successor to solicitor Bernard is here. He was on his way from Vance county where he held his iirst court. Small Sugar Cured Hams. Hreakfist Strips and English Cured Shoulders. Big Hams to Cut Just Received. And a Fresh Car Load of C. ft. A. Yoigt & Co.'s Snow Drift, Calla Lilly, and Star Flour. Three grades of good reliable Hour. If you are in need of a barrel see us t.?fore you buy. Every barrel guaranteed. Mail S (Mill, Wholesale & lletail CJroeers, The Dow torpedo tube of the Maine lias Solicitor Martin tenders his position as been located in the wreck. It lies in the penitentiary director to Uovernor Hussel). debris forward submerged several feet The Caucasian ntinounces that Senator under water. Butler will soon take charge of the edi- If there was a mine beneath the Maine torial department of that paper. What there is no likelihood that any traces of has become of Auditor Aver? It was an- 71 Broad St., NEW BERXE, UT. C it will ever be disco"ered, as the wreck in going down must have crushed under it any fragments of amine that might have been left. The mud it very soft in the harbor, and the wreck is settling in it at the rate of a foot a day. The hull is now imbedded in tha mud I ously. President Mcliiulcy says that war with Spain is inevitable.'' j to the dep'.h of eight feet. The (livers I pjnilcd the Nantucket Mills at Washiuglon, February 23 (Special.) sink to their armpits in the mud and I Rockingham couutv, w ith Official announcement is made that l lie Navy officers will enlist nil able bod ied seamen applying. Naval prepara tions continue unabated Twenty-seven nounecd not long ugo that his fluent pen would direct the editorial page of tout valuable paper. The news that small pox has broken at Elon college, and the students leaving created quite a stir here yesterday. Tile Secretary of State yesterday incor- Spray, capital have the greatest difficulty in prosecuting! their work. Fifteen hundred Spanish Hoops arrived this morning from Barcelona in the telegraphers have been sent 1 1 Key Wist steamer Montevideo. They were enlhu to handle increased matter received .rom siastieally welcomed by the populace. .. ,, ,. , ,, . . , ; The whole city todav is decorated, ten Havana. From the very first Hie Ad- j Wcy,t8tret.t-in ,)alticular being ministration has rushed preparations in ; decorated wttli Spanish flags and a i mm m I 10c 11 0 JUST RECEIVED. ttomt-d : it Print P.utter, I'M MO HlUUl, 3 j lb. (! tod Cooking But- nji." Ill Mv Fox lii ver 1 ii ler .!20e llj. Try my 3 : tin I iij) r nod you will always come again. We alt ays ke-ri .n h.uid u full nod cotnpleto line of Choice I' mil !; ".eerie (iivo in a tri il and we will save yon money. Sutisfaoi.on iMrititeed or your money refund ed, Your ior btiRinc t, s J. R. PARKER, JR, m O 'Phono 69. 77 Broad Street. ITTL ruu-. "Lia nir 111,11 DSjf pi iriru Ea e w Where Do You Buy 'm ! 'it Iff 1 I I I) i to'i ee tyonrOrocerieiitanyStire, or do y mi r! in a wrU'n lme f Whaterer you do, we want you to makt not of ourimn e. You may not !? b perfwlly wtisfied wl ero yon ro, nd then Vd )ikothvlryttUfyinyou. If ihoDKST QU I.t I V OF GOODS, KKASONAULK PK1CK nd COUR TI.OUS 'I tilt ATM EST f.l to itiefy you. you must Indeed bo I r I Kt pUio. . Tome tnd lee in and yon will H pload. Qual ity li.i llh.-nt an I Prieei as Low M tho loweit. JOIKI DUNN, Gash Grocer, eoniingeney of war. An important Cabinet meeting was called today. The Cuban and Spanish sil nation and preparations for war were liscussed. Communications were re ceived from Admiral Slcard and General Lee. Havai.a, February 23. (Special.) The Mangrove is still here but the board of inquiry hopes to leave tomorrow. Every precaution is taken to keep the result of the investigation secret. The wrecking lugs aro removing what hey ran from the Maine, More nnex ploded powder cans were removed from he vessel today. The public is excln- ed from the official vessels. The woun- led are doing well. New York, February 25. (Special )- ! The Spanish Warship Vizcaya sailed for Havana today. Before sailing Captain Eulate sent the following message by carrier pigeoo: "liy inn emmem oi nope send you good-bye. I have enjoyed my visit muck aud hope I shall sec my friends in New Y'ork again someday. Eulate." Madrid, February 23.-(8peclal.)-Ex- Minister to the United States de Iome arrived at Liverpool this morning. Premier Bagasta telegraphed him to come immediately to Madrid. De Lome will there consult Sagatta. The premier is anxious to see de Lome and it is be lieved here that vital action may result. The newspaper Imparciat today bitterly 'nounecd the United State. Perth Amboy, N. J., February 25.- (Speclal.) A deep tea trial of the sub- marine torpedo boat today ii satisfactory la every respect. Nw York, February 25. -(Special. ) The stock market recovered from the scare of yesterday and kbowrd much Im provement Hut morning. Havana, February 24-In the light of discoveries made yesterday and this morning there I no longer any reason to doubt that the explosion which wrecked the Maine came from uifnYrncath the vessel and that lier magazines had noth ing to do with the Initial explosion and played much smaller part in the general disaster than was at first supposed. It It discovered that the forward part bunting. As the steamer cnteied the harbor rockets were nrect Irom all parts of the city and bands plavcd on the wharf. n, Ztiln Aiiprnls. Pauis, February 24 Maitre Laboii, counsel far M. Zola today lodged a notice of apieal on behalf of M. Z la from the sentence Imposed upon him yesterday of one year's imprisonment mi l a fine of 3,000 francs. THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Portcrfield &Co. Commission Brokers. New Yokk, February 23. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close Peoples Gns.... 00 01 0J 01 C. It. & Q. 04 04 J 9 041 COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close May 8.09 0.13 6.0 0 13 CHICAGO MARKETS. WllaAT Open. High. Low, Close May 103t 104 1031 103 Corn May 291 804. 29 2HJ Totton Sales 139.000 bales. stock of $33,000. Judge Pumell of the Federal couil, held a short session yesterday and dis posed of one case. It was to quash the verdict in the Richmond county case, and to issue an execution against the bond. Judge Pumell set aside the judg ment, and reinstated I he case for trial at the May term. Chairman Dockery of the penitentiary board yesterday finished the work of over looking the accounts of ex-Superin tendtnt Smith. treasurer Wortli thinks he was very wise in not paying the oyster claims, as now that the lisls of claimants have been printed there are found to be many names there who never heard of an oyster claim, Mole and more intense grows the feel ing against the Spaniards and more in tense seems to grow the demand for war. Tae new 8 from Havana adds fuel to the Haines. The shirt factory is now woiking 14 of the convicts at the penitentiary. The con victs are fumitlied free for four weeks until they become thoroughly initiated in the work. Only negligee shirts nre turned out at present. A meeting of the State Board of Ex aminers was held here today in the olli of the Superintendent of Public instruc tion- A course of study, to lie piloted in pamphlet form, for the use of public schoolteachers in North Carolina was arranged. It is expected that (he decision of II U. S. Supreme Court in the N. V. Rail road commission case will be handed down en March ?th. Stale Treasurer Worth today stated that he believed the action r f Ihe Rail Farmers Alliance today at llillsboro ranged to increase the capacity of the Alliance shoe factory. People whose duties call them out into the country say that the farmers say but ttle as to their plans for cotton acreage lis year and that they talk very little politics. Papers outside the State think that the clion of ihe Democratic Executive Com mittee here on the '-inl points to fusion, man does not have to go very high up tree to see that even the cummittec ernes any such statement. Stat Ike Lakes. My Harder, Washington, February 24. The Po;t office Department has directed Inspector road Commission on reducing passcnge Williamt at lbattanoogii, to detail an I rales had broken olf the eharlers for th other inspector to proceed to Lake Uty, lease of the Atlantic and North Carolina 8. C, and assist Mr. Mayo, who arrived I k , lhc s,,u,.r,i, further miid there Inst night lo conduct the Investlga-1 lnilt . thinks the ti-rnu upon which the tion Into the murder of rostinoster Hotter caw lo mve been mad.- would be and tin- burning of the poatofilcc. I K00j om., for st.ltl,. Tho executive Committee of the I Ewart, WtNRTON, N. C, February 24 The Sentinel ttatet that it hat information from reliable aourc to the effect that H. O. Ewart will never be con firmed as I Judge of the United States court for the Western North Carolina district. It ! known lu Washington, says a gentleman lust from that city, that Senator Hutlcr hat enough sjalnst Ewart lo prevent him from going In. It It predicted that Sena tor Duller will Die his charges and have OASTORIA. rtsiao- the Kind You Have Always Bounit n ni7 vripptr. lis lao- no miiu iuu nam sraajs amg i (it Carolina Worm Killer ! Safest and Most Reliable 25 CENTS AT Bradham's Reliable Drug Store. Office of City Tax Collector. CITY TAXES. TIME DP. I hereby notify all persons who have not paid their City Taxes, that after March 1st, I will at onee pro ceed to collect by distress. The time is up, and longer indulgence cannot he given. 1 he city needs the tnoticy and I am compelled to enforce law. Will also jjarnishee and dis train all unpaid PolU. Save yourselves costs and and trouble dv paving before above date. IlVlill .1. LOYICK, City Tax Collector. Feby. 30th, lS'Jt. I An way's Croupi Syrup ! Is rapidly growing in favor sure proof of its ine-it. NO CURE, NO PAY. FOR 25 CENT5. Bradham's Reliable Drug Store. i Need Irish 1'otntoeM ! Red Bliss," "White Bliss," "Pride of South" and "Earlv Rose" Cheap for Cash. J. E. LATHAM. 5 Craven Street. Henry It. Ifryaii, Jr., FIRE INSURANCE AGbNT, New Heme, - N. V, 69 South Front Street. x- W V 1 Henry '5 l Pharmacy, I 127 Middle St., New Berne. N. O. PlijNlelaii lreeritioii. A Npevialty. A Fresh Supply of Ijmdretli's Garden Seed and OnionSelH. of the keel of the Maine, with lit ril I m8,lr tiled next Monday, CASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. hum . s, . - J Baeklsa't 4rats lalvt I Tit R111T MAt.vt in the world for cuts, I bruise, sores, ulcers, tali rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coma, and all skin eruptions, and poi llvely cures pi Irs or no pay required. Ii It guaranteed lo give perfect sntlsfui lion or money refunded. Price 23 cents pi r box. For aal by F. 8. Duffy, POVDER Absolutely Pur Tl? Ml llctlfr tv Live With Life Insurance Thin Ii Die Without It. ...HARDWARE... If You Wish to Know' Wnat an Accumulation Policy In the New (York Life would cost at your age, and j What the Company Is paying to living pol icy holders who insured 16 or 20 years ago, at I your present age, Address Masury's Paints. II. W. N I MPS OX, Funeral IIreetor and Hiiibalmer. Olllee 08 Broad Street, next to Stewart's stables. Residence HW llrnad Street. (jrHurinl wliea a Hcls:iy. SEASON TICKETS . . 1W The Fair! Are now on sale and ran lie procured si Ihivin' Pharmacy. Henry's Pharmacy. l. E. Hibbard's Jewelry Kmixirium, or from lleorgp Urcen, .Strretary of the AKSOflllllOII, I ton' I pu! iff gettinn your lickela. If pundiawd la-fure lhi Fair opens they are fl SOi during the Fair 1.00. Children's Season Tickets, '-I cents, during the Fair 1.00. DON'T GIVE YOUR ORDER . . FOR . . Jot Printing ! have wen us or got llefore you our pi ices. We have a full and complete stock of i very thing In this line and will compete with any responsible printing house, doiug nrM't'lnM work, in the I'nileil States. We Hani Your Trade ami will guarantee Prices and Kirst-Clnss Work. NOT CHEAP PRIXriNU but PRINT- ISO CHEAP. Ariel Bicyles. 73 Hiie Street, New Berne, N. C. FRESH AND CORNED Keef anJ Pig Pork I Veal, 'Mutton, Qreen and Bologna Sausage, And our STALL-FED DEEP If always up to tho standard. flame sod Dressed Poultry of all Kinds Can bo Had at Sam'l Colin & Son's M Mrtldlo St, Phono 46. HILL, prir Printer, South Front Slieil, Sew Berne, N. C. ftSNBSVBT 9 uniif nuw LONG! HOW lAINO are you gnlnr to suffer with Headache and Neuralgia? Yon ran be cured by Cola Headache Powder. Manufactured aod Bold at BRAPHAM'S PHARMACY. -llaou I BRAPH SBSarSBrN ! Ms Ii. IIOI.TiOWKftTi, Agtnl. iMtiMHiHMM it n f 1 limit