AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "C ASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR. TRADE MARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now on every bear the facsimile signature of QyjfM&&tc wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is tthe nijid you have always bought rf y7 on the and has , the signature of C&a&jfKtfcJ&& wrap per. No one has authority from wis to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is . President. v ' . ' March 8, 1897. Qt 3--,P. ' Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by. accepting a cheap substitute which some, druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the-ingredients of which even he does not know.- "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF N THE NICK OF TIME. AN INCIDENT OF THE WAR HITHER TO NOT PUBLISHED. Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. iiiim tMNm, it imut nniT, mm nn. So"u.t3p.ein - I3a,IlT7"a,37 ,'-- Schedule Eactivo May 2, 1897. This ootid .-need Schedule is published as information only and subject to clmnge without notice to the pnblie. UREENSBORO, RALEIWH, UOLDSBORO AMD NORFOLK. Mo. U Daily . 1 30am sua in tsjaui S 10am 18 a in id a in Sua ui 4 waui 4 Miaui A lr a HI tSOaiu tta ui Sua in 7 Mia ui No. 41. Jtx Hun. . 00 am 40 a ill luglaui UHim UUliuil 1 10 p ui I Ko. :. No. ft). No. 35. No. 15. No. 11. Duly. Dally. Eastern Time. Dally. Dally. Mixed. Dally. 8 50 a m li 10 p ui Ly . Ureensboro Ar 11 69 a m S3 p m 8 M a m v. aui Utopia uilMoovllle " II 24 am OS p ui IMS a m 0 I a in la 4 p lu Kiwi college ''1190am 6S u ui gogam swam 'mm " Burlington "11 10am SMpm 655am 4oaiu tOtfpr " Urahain Ilia am 5 45 pm 540 am 0 47aiu ll'-i " Haw Hivur , " 10 50 am 5 58pm B 25 am 10 oaui i tp:i " Motiaue ' 10 6 27pm 605 am 10 :t tin 1 17 u in llillauoro " 10 ti a m 5 07 p in 4 80 a m 10 54 a in 1 48 p in University " 10 07 a m 5 50 p m 55 a m 1052am lvjpin.1 Durham " 060am 4 58 p in swam luJOam I in p ui llorrlsviile ' (18am 1 4 07 pm 1)1 I m Hi a in 2 48 p in " (jury siwam S 68 pin SMkni 1145am tuupuiAi Kalchh Lv 8 68 a ui 84opm IS 00 a m No. 41. Ex. Sun. ,,, l.v Raloigo Ar 9 00 pm 1' 01 Pro isipm" Auburn " 827am i;814pm 820 pm 1 i 45 pm '"fu " Clayton 815am I a ui p ui Ulpm 12 W) p in P m " Selraa J49am j P j 6 2a p in " SuriolK " ZHZ aim ' " ItOpuii 4 20pui Prluoeion " lUiui 8i0pin 5S0pm I 1 4u p ui 455pm Ar Joiuauoro Lv 7 10 am 1 80 p m 4 65 p u FIGURES OF SPEECH. hU and H carry Pnllman Hleenlng Can between Uroenaboro and Eaimnh. A. & IU. C. It. TIUK TAULK KO. 4. It. To Take Effect 8unday,lNovcuiber 28tli, 1887, ut 13 M. Going Runt .BcilKDULKs Going West .Ar. .Lv. No. 8 Lv. p m 8 40.... 4 09 .. Hi... 5lH..., & ... 6 57... No. 1. f Mi' J Ft and 1'aaa.Tii. Lv. a in 7 10 7 43..... .'. BOM Passenger Trains STATIONS: Uoldslioro...... LaG range . KiUSlOtl ...... New Berne, Lv,. " Ar. Ar. Morel lead oily Lv. No. 2. Mx't Ft. and 4'nsa, To. Ar. p m .Uoldsboro 8 00 ....Beat's 7 30 LaUrange 0 60 No. 4 Ar. a m ....1105 ....10 82 ....10 12 . . 810 ... 857 .V 7 47 stations: 8 20 Falling creek 8 20 8U Kiustoo 7 600 518 0 00 4 20 400 8b8 820 28 cnswcll 8 48.. Ar. Dover, Lv 10 15..... ..Lv. " Ar. 10 40 Core creek... 11 15 Tuwarora... 11 81 Clark's .... 12 05 Ar. New Denie, Lv 2 60 180......LV. " Ax 10 47 812 Klver.lule . 10 00 820 cnwluu....... ...1000 241.,, Ilaveiock. ........ 840 8 U Nrwport, Lv 8 08 82.) Wililwood 847 381 Atlantic 88C 8 48 ...Ar.Uurehredolly.Lv 6 30 4 01 .... Ar. M. city Dvxt, Lv 750 f . m. a.m. il.Mi.l.iy. Witlnmlay and Frlil ly. f lutJ.iy. '1 huminy ami Siilurd iy. " ' . 8. 1 rtiiiH'rinlunJfnt Atlantic Const ItUw. Wilmington & Nkw Bkunb lu R., TIMR TABLE NO. 1, In Eltcct vVednotday, Deo. 1, 1897, Daily Except Sunday. Going South hcuedulb: Going North No. 51, rassenger Trains No. 50, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 9 00 New Berne 5 40 9 22 follocksvllle COS B47 llaysvtlle 452 10 18 Jacksonville '. 1181 i Wilmingtom ) 11 01 llnioo Depot f 1150 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. . P M No. 80, Passknoks & Freiobt, Leavo Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. am Ar. pm 7 40 ....Lv. Wihningtoa, Ar.'.... 125 4 21 2 47 .. 8 40 r m No. 81. 8 35 820..... 855... . 10 40 .... 11 05 11 60..!.. 12 10 19 80..... 1 10... 140 .. 2 20 .. 8 00. ...Scott's Hill... ., Woodsiile.... ....Hollyridgo .. Dixon . Verona. . .12 85 ..11 55 ..1125 ..10 40 ..1010 .Jacksonville 40 PATENTS U. 8. AND - PROCURED. F.UOKNE V7. J0UNSON, Soliellor and Attoruey In Patent Causes, 1718 New York An . WiulilnnU.n, I). C. Om-e UuLIUliwl 1808. Oiirgps Hod irate. Correiondenoe ftMUMted.- l l-f IV nsjtvt J. I l-l i. s'f mni mli i'st pTtt1 O-rt' k L4SA4I MA WHMH , ,..t,t t .. f s4, lf-1 .. t li i. I (M' fl el k7r:C0J Northeast. 8 50 Whltorak 8 20 Mayivllle 8 00 Pnllocksville 7 25 . .... Debruhl's 6 55 ..Ar. New Berne. Lv 8 00 Daily Exeeot Sunday, .J. It KENLY, General Managor, K, BOUDEV, bupu TiausporUtlon. i SMALLWOOD Under HoUl ChatUwka, New Berne, N. C, ' DRALBK IV Sash. Dir., Mi, Lin?, Ceisi PLASTER. Garland's 5tovs & Ranges Devoe's Ready Mixed Paint, Alr-Tifjht .caters. Mory ex the tint Kxpodltioe to Fait Fteh- I Ssllliic Vaster of the Ella Knlfht Tried to DeUve Bis Charge to the Enemy. ' On the first expedition to Fort Fisher captured blockade runner called the Ella Knight was used as a government transport The cargo of this vessel was Light Battery E, Third United States artillery, and the Sixteenth New York Independent Light battery. A boat 160 horses, 12 field pieces, 19 caissons and 12 limber chests made a valuable cargo. The sailing master's name was Ad ams, bnt as we sailed under sealed or ders, to be opened off Cape Henry light house, the ranking military officer aboard, who held these orders, became ranking or commanding officer of the ship. This officer vab First Lieutenant R. Myrick of Light Battery E, Third United States artillery. Adams, a Baltimore man haying Borne inBuenoe, was appointed sailing master in the United States transport fleet. He was a genuine Confederate at heart and had in his mind a way to help the Con federacy, which was to await his op portunity and run the first good cargo in his charge into the Confederates' hands. ' As a signal the flagship fired a gun over the waters of Hampton Boads, and the transport fleet of the first expedition. without outside lights, sailed out into the darkness of night into the broad Atlantic. The Ella Knight was not the last to reach Cape Henry lighthouse, bnt when she did the sealed orders were opeued and Adams was advised of the ship's destiuation Fort Fisher. Soon after turning southward from Cape Henry the wind beeau to blow strongly from the south. The sea be oaiue extremely rough, the decks were wet and slippery and the horses' stalls gave way. lue horses began to slide back and forth on deck, so heavy were the lnuges and rolls of the ship. At the same time the guns began to roll on the npper deck. Bopes were procured and the guns lashed through the wheels to preveut rolling on deck and knocking a hole through the transport's sides. Then ropes were stretched lengthwise and through the center of tbo deck, and sev eral times crosswise to help Bupport the horses, but many were killed and many disabled. Some tiuio past midnight Adams qnietly turned the ship to the north and scudded with the wind. Then at the end of a few hours be turned the ship south again. His orders were to keep within Bight of the transport fleet, but when daylight came no transport fleet was in sight. He gave as his exouse that the ship's eugiues were weak and that he could not make the speed required of bim. We knew that the Ella Kuight was a fast ship, and from that time on we knew that Adams was a man who would stand watchiug. By the middle of the day the storm bad passed over and Adams took a reck oniug off Cape Hatteras, North Caro lina. Then we continued our journey without much of interest nutil nearly daylight the next morning. All was quiet aboard the transport. As she rode through the darkness there was a report of a cannon, and the next instant a shell burst over the deck of the Ella Knight From the short inter val between the report of the gun and the shell's explosion the battery officers knew that wo mnst be near the shore. Besides, the sound of the breakers from the heavy ocean swells could be beard lashing the saudy beach. Each commissioned officer quickly reached for his side arms, and they were soon on deck. J. B. Myrick (now major Fifth United States artillery) was the first to reach the pilothouse. Adams was at the wheel. Myrick asked bim, "Where are we?' Adams replied, "I reckon wo are pret ty nigb Fort Fisber that was the or dors, wasn't it?" Quiok as a flash Myriok'g revolver swung under Adams' ear, and bo order' ed bim to turn to sea. Adams turned deathly white as bo remarked: We are in the Inside channoL If we turn to sea, we will have to ride the reef. If we ride it we will be caught by tbo pirates outside of it," meaning the Union fleet But at the same time be gave several fast turns to the wheel. and the transport swnng half way round and beaded for the reef. As we gained it there was a roaring and hissing souud and tbo wave shone with phos phorescent light Soon we wore in tbe line of tissing, glowing waves. Ono sodden bump of the vessel, and she bad crossed the reef nuhurt and was sailing In the old Atlantic. Boon we saw tbe dim outline of swift steamer approaching us from tbe larboard side. A obaUenge came through a trumpet: "Lay to, or we'll send a shot through yool" Adams rang tbe engine boll. The tbip soon lost Its headway and swung idly la the seas. A few uiomeuts later a Union eusigu appeared on deck. After learning tbe name and character of our ship be iuformed Adams that be bad been under the guns of Half Moon bat tery, one and a half miles shore Fort Fisber. Then be continued: "I am Eusigu of dispatch boat No. I of tbe blockading flwt Tbe bal ano of the transport fleet is 20 miles due east at sea." Again our engine were started, and in a short time daylight began to creep over tb ocean and w could see the transport fleet sloamiug towsrd land, Nothing We doo with Adams, but I hav alwayg believed fa iutended to beach tbe Ella Knight under the gun of Fori Fisher. Eugene Scott In New York Commercial Advertiser. At lb defense of Tbennopylst tb shower of Persian arrow was so duns It eat off tb light of tb son. isTstsVMiaa (.CM )brc. Permanently cored by the masterly power of Boutu American Nervine Tonic Invalids need suffer no longer because this great remedy can cure them all. It la cure for the whole world of stomach weaanfas and imlijrentlim. The en re be- gins with the Aril ilneo. The relirf It Crinst is marvntou and surprising. It Oiakv no failure; never dlaep(MilaU. No Ristlrr how long you have tulfrmt, your cure is crrUin umlrr th nse of this great hrallh f mnr forre. riwuinl ami el ways sxfn. rvM by ('. I). Ilradham, inula annty was reading a story one Bight, To good little OUror's railing delight, Bhe oame upon something remarkably qoeer That good litl te Oliver wondered to hear. And this was the something she placidly read1. "Jane Ann then determined to enter tbe sheu. And, cautiously dropping her eyes on the flora-, They fell on tbe snake which had caught theu bofore." Interruption wss rode, the dear child had bean taught, Bo he said not a word, but lie thought, and he thought. And the longer he pondered the stranger It The thing that Jane Ann was reported to do. Ee felt of his eyes with mysterious doubt And wondered how she oould have taken hers out; And how this was really what puzzled him They could fall on a thing which had caught them berore. . Mary K. Bradley in St. Nicholas, A SHERMAN ROMANCE. Hla Old California Sweetheart Loyal to the General. When General, William Tecumseh Sherman was a raw subaltern in tbe United States army, without fame or laurels and little apparent hope of win ning either, relates the Chicago Chron icle, be wooed and' won a beautiful Spanish girl then living in Monterey, CaL Dona Maria Ygnacia Bonifacio fell beneath the ardent glances of the lank, ungainly youth just as the flag of the sister republio was lowered before the triumphant army led by Scott. To day she is still true to her early love and unaware of the fame and death of her lover. California was then a part of the Mexican republic. Sherman, like many another, was forced to make war against the land of tbe Montezumas. In the dosing year of tbo straggle, when Cali foruia was occupied and became a part of the United Stalex, Sherman was as signed to duty ou the coast Here he met the fair dona, lost bis heart to her aud won hers in rcturu. .She was a member of an old aristocratic Spanish family, aud the subaltern was congratn lated upon his luck. To emphasize his devotion, the young officer in 11155 planted a rose tree before the entrance to tbe home of hie beloved. Then came tbe inevitable misunder standing which accompanies- every ro mance. The lovers disagreed. Sherman left tbo army aud went east to take up the law. He never afterward saw his sweetheart, nor did she ever permit his name to be mentioned in her hearing. She speaks Spanish only, never reads a newspaper, aud while the nation has sung the praises of the hero of Atlanta the Spanish maiden kuows nothing of bim from tbe day he left her. She still, although long past uer youth, waits for the return of the mau whose image has never left ber heart. But in spite of tbe separation of tbe sweethearts that rosu tree throve and waxed great. Now its brunches have spread until they form a beautiful bow er over the doorway of tbo old Spauisb mansion. Here the doi a, sole survivor of her race, sits und waits, silent aud alone, for the return of him who can not come. Uuder the bower of roses due to ber lover's caro kIio stood recently and permitted her t crtrait to be taken. She is still very beautiful in spite of the ravages of time and secrot sorrow. Bottled Up! Whether in the form of nill oowdci or liquid, the doctor's prescription for blood diseases is always the same mercury or potash. These drugs bottle up the poison ana dry it up in the system, but they nlsdry up the marrow in tbe bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains oi rneumausm. ine lorm gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of tbe body, and it is but a short step to a pair of crutches. Then comes falling of the hair and decay of the bones, a con dition truly horrible. Contagious Blood Poison the curse of mankind is the most horrible of all diseases, and has al ways baffled the doctors. Their pot ash and mercury bottle up the poison, but it always breaks forth again attack ing some delicate organ, frequently the mouth and throat, filling them with eatiug sores. S.S.S., is the only known cure for this disease. It is guar anteed purely vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the coutrary. It never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don't do violence to your system. Don't get bottled up! Uur D o o t s sent tree to any address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. FINANCIAL. r. A. Cinx n, I'm, K II. tit o' a. Vice 1'iof H. H Uaovis.t'aat in. CITIZEN'S HANK or xrxrw KK-bj b;, t. a. DO A GENEKAI. HANKING llUHINtH The Accounts ot Banks, baiii-ei-a, Corpoi ationa, ITarniora, Merchants ami oihera r celved on tavornble terma. anil cal. rol attention given to the InUM at ot our et-a tomers. Coll ctlona a Specially BOARD OF bIKTCTOR Ferdinand Ulrica K. II. Maarluo J. A. Meadows, ChRr.. Uutly, -)r, Hamuel W. Ipork, Jam. hVntnoi... Cbas. I!. Fowir r, Mayer llni-n, J. W. Grainger, Thoma A . jri E. W. Smallwood, C PROFESSIONAL. Geo. N. Ivea. W. K.C'rtK-k.'tl F. M. Simmons. A. It. Wars, J. II. Pen. I . W. Poo. SIMIONS, FOU & WARD. AHOKNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. MIV lltK.Nr, fi. '. OHIce (Ui ru. Fiout Slutt, nearly oppo- ilv Hi n I (.'hiillau ka. (Offices also ut ItuUiirli and Smithfield ) I'l-aclii'e in Ilie countieBol Craven. Dup'in, I .lniies ow-low. Ciuterel Penill'--o, Waki, : .l.-hnaccn, llarm-u and Wilton; in ine preine tout rciuiul Comic-, ana wbeievtr arc iL t:it il. 1. II. lelletitr, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyers Brick &P0TASH? FOR JINF-TENTHS of all the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer is caused . by weakness or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always mm Farmers & Wlercharm ...3AINK... Began Buslnesa 2vie.y , 1 691, Capital Slock 8J5.000.OO Surplus and Profits 11.111.41 OFFICKKS: L. H. Cctlkr, President. W. 8. Chadwick, Vice Pres. T. W. Dkwky, Cashier. J. W.llIODLK. Teller. F. F. Matthews, Collector. D1KF.CTOKS: L. H. futlfr. .Tniin Suier, W. 11. Wades, W, 8 ( hudwick, lMl.l'elletier, J. B. Clark, J. W. Stewart, N. M. Juri.ey, T.W. Dewey. We want your business and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other bank in the city. It is our endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant and profitable to our patrons. Building. Will practice in the Counties o( Crax en O u teret. Jones, Onslow and 1'iiuilico. 1 . f. (Joint hi New Berne and Supi-cuut court cf h-.j tiuitr. Dr. E J. A. BRYAN, THOS. DANIELS, President. Vice Pres. U. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL bank, Of NEW BKUNK, N. C. INOOBPORA.TED 1866. Capital : $100,000 Surplus Profits, 98,168 D1KKCTOUS: when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. fi Jar. A. Ruyan, CllAH. H. I tit VAN, Jno, Dunn, G. H. ItOHKKT Tnoft. Daniklh. J. II. Hackuuuh L. Ha kvky B. K. Bishop F. Early, DENTIST, Iirai'.ham's Pharmacy, OFIU;K:-Over Rooms 3 and 4. OFFICE HOURS:- 0:110 to 2 anil :i In OAS ADMINISTERED. Real Estate Ajjjeiiej- ! Houses For Rent. Mouses For Sale. Farms For Sale. Collections of Any business in our line will bo prompt attention by leaving word at tiio store of N. Niinn tV Co., opposite 1 1 e Post Ollicc. E. E. HARPER. Rent. given -STEAMERS- CAROLINA DISPATCH AND 0 LIP, 0, FREIGHT & PASSENGER. Apt Quotation. There .is sometiinos moro wit in the application to tho business in hand of words already chosen for another pur pose thun iu the invention of an appro priate phrasa Bishop Whipple, accord ing to Tho Chnrcb riews, lovou to tell this story : A devout colored preacher, whose heart was aglow with missionary zeal, gave notice to his congregation that iu the evening an offertory would bo taken for missions and asked for liberal gifts. A selfish, well to do man iu bis congre gation said to him beforo the service: "Yer g wine to kill dis church uf yer goes on saying give, give. o church can stan it Yer gwiuu to kill it." After the sermon the colored rniuister said to the people: 'Brother Jones told mo 1 was gwmo to kill dis here church ef I licp' a-uskiu yor to give, but, my brethren, churches doesn't die dat way. Lf anybody knows of a church dat died caura it s been givin too much to do Lord, I'll be very muoh obliged ef my brother will tell mo whar dat church is, tor I'ze gwiue to visit it, aud I'll climb ou de walls of dat church nuder de light of de nioou, and cry, ' Blessed am de dead dat die in deLord.'" Another Kalian ce. It was tbe first time he was being married, and he was naturally a little nervous and upset but he niunaged to say "Yes" all right and to keep tiuio to Mendelssohn, sailing down tbe aisle, and to sign hi name iu the register without making moro than a dozen blots. Ho thought then that it was fiuiahed, bnt when they gut to tbe church door they found it was raining. "Confound It! ' be cried, putting op bia umbrella. "Auother nalsauoouowl" And theu, though be cauuot guess wby, the peoplo around all laughed, aud hi luotbcr-iu-law bridled and his wife refused to speak. Pick Me Up. M? ELREE'4 Is nature's provision for the reju- latlon of the menstrual function. It cures all "female troubles." It is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife wiih do mestic and maternal carts, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of Life." They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. Fcr adVice in cases recjuirlne r?ec!al directions, addr- S3, etvine symptoms, the " Ladies' visory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. ChttUa nooes, Tena. THOS. 1. COOPER, Tupelo, Miss., tsyti ' My t'stor suffered i-om vry Irregular tnd painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wins ot Cardul entirety cured her end alto heiocd ruy roomor mrougu uia cnangu ci li.c. For All Points North. ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles. ; Notice to 1'h Mies' The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mondays, WuilnesilajF, and Fridays at (i p. tn , sharp. Mak- ng no stops between New liciiic to Klizabetli Citv. The SleamtT NEWBERNE will sail on Tuopdt'.vs and Fridays at l'i o'clock, noon, making landings at Oriental, Ocraeoke iind ltoanokc Island. ZrST' Freight received not later than ono hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. UKNDKUSOX, Agt. M. K. Km;, (ien. Mgr., II.C. HL I)iass,(;i'n.Frt.& l'ass.Agt. Norfolk, Vu. New Heine, N. C, Sept. IS, 1S'.)'( NOTICE ! North Cahoi.ina, t'AHTKKKT Col'Nl'Y. l Superior Court, l ull Term, 18U7. Loum Snow, Jr.. on be- half of himself and utl ! oilier creditors of I lit- White Oak River ( or- ! ' 'vs. ! The White Oak River Corporation. J Pursuant to the order of the Superior Court of ( in I I'ict county made id the Fall Term lrtil of (iarlcret Superior Court in the above i-nlitliil action. All creditors of the While Oak River Cor poration are hereby notilied to come ill and make themselves parties to this ac tion before the next term of the m:d Su perior Court to lie held in the town nf lieauforl, C'oiintv of Carteret on the 21st day of March, 1!!K And all persons holding Claims against said corporation ale nulilied to piesent the same to tbe undersigned Receiver, duly verified, before tbe liiiteubnve men tioned. 1 Ins notice is given lo the end that all final orders ami decrees nniy be made and entered al said term, and all matters in controversy settled and ad justed according lo law. This Jutiinii '."tli. 1M11S. JAMES A. P.KYAN. Receiver Whi'c Oak River Corpoiation Haml Made ami Sawed mm r.rii k, Lulis. Posts, Mail. Cut Price on Wood : Stove Woo fir cents to your door. Nut cut .'n cents delivered. BIG HILL, The Shingle Han. Administrator's Notice! Having duly qualified as administra tor of the estate of Sanib ('. Sterling, deceased. All persons owing said estate are hereby notilied lo make prompt payment. All persons holding claims against said estate are notilied lo present the same duly veiitied to the undersigned administrator on or before February 14lb, lMill, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 14th day of February I THOMAS F. McCAUTilY. Admn. of Birab C. Sterling, deed, "iVil. E., Attorney. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Fmm i c. mi, CKIML AMD COCAINE HABITS ' A i vli--il, positive and permanent cure fn 5 d.vy. Afatolutrly harmless. No " Leering off" process No subsutu tioa mctnod. 1m,mu d. A. (H nn. M.D.. 41 East 2Ut Street, New Vork City. n iouibbt ml on mill mm To Any Rollable Man. UarrakHN mMUimw and rat iivtlhimnali iHMrirti pirmrwy, cy i rr i-t-wwhjwi s Wftrkt In ( truimf)til ii'-n twl, btkn,0l evmrMM from affocii of . n, worry, (tor . ltnfr tuwril uurwa. ouaipift ns ttirtUonnf dfllon.Hit if nil r"bit ctmulttotit, Th Km) of tlitl o4 M I tnllr-4. Ko '. . U trhwrn! no rtfowpfl"i lo itiv, AM'e 4 rounHM put t AU.n.v. JWANCII OFFICE IF. i MMA l'o., ( Siuoetsor to'.II. W.,byjt Co.) Hunker llUtl HrokvrM. Stocks, Bond. Cotton, drain. Protlslunl Bought asvl sold for rash or nn margin ( uuu per oerit. In lots from 'jt) up. Over Cotton Eichnnge. IWNitlional Hank Kifcrenoee, taTdinstant Quotations. A. O; NEWIIEHRY. Manager, VH!T.I Eatily, Quiokly, Permtnently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE iilec loLurr iniofiinia. Pits, Dinir ERIE MEDICAL CO. If two tuning Lrkg of the (am ptteb are placed facing each other, lb on sooudlug, tb other silent, In few sec onds tb sllotit ono will b giving oat a distinctly audible not. Peas to tb Bum ber of 1,000,000 ar tad tbroagnoul tb world svery day la tb weak. CABTOniA, fWhe- llK t tns Hw Unix BoifM, Is snM with a rum getr s. Hvmtwi.. Nvrvou. Urbility, LtMt Vitalilr. 8minal Uan, Failing Memory lh rnult olOvn-work, Worry, Sirknr, Krrors of Youth or Uver-tndttlgenct. frice to, aa It ; Mi.t is. ... fur ulrk, nn.ltlv.inill.MingrriitiiBnrinsi VN'eaknM, ImnotetK-y. Nervous llebillty and Lost Vitality, us. BLUt LaB(L SpgOiaL-"1 Mrrnirlh will giv. slrrusin no lone lo ivm part ami e fleet a pereiannil cure. Chespttt ana best. loo fills i; by mall. CRC-F A bottle of the famous Japtena Mwr Mleis still h. liven with a li hoa ot aiore of Mag- aeltc Ncrylae.lree. Bold only by F. S. DUFFY, Ne Heme N. iT. UCSN, J AS. BEDKOND, Pretldeil. Tie Pri B. S. U LION, Seety! Treat. New Berne Ice Co Vlaaafaetarer Pure Crystal Ice, Prom Distilled Water. Out out JO Toe Dally. Oar Load tt Hot'iclukl, lrw dellverrt dally (eioepl Hoodsya) a. m. lo 8 b. m. tSunday (reull only) 7 a, m, to It ooo. risr prices and othor informal o. TRAOC MARHb 'Pffll COfVRIOHT C. Anyone stMiillna a sketch and desert i.l Inn may qnl.-ltly naeertitlii our oilnli.ii freo wlither an Invention I. probably nnlenlablo. ( uniitiuiili-n-tlonsstrtellyeoiitidentlal. HimdlMtokon rHtenu MMit fre. oldest aveney for siH-urmil imlent... ralenta Uken Ihrouvh Munn A Co. nwelTO tpfcitU notice, without Lhsrue. in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly, l.nrent etr. eillatloli "f any sclentiBe journal. Term.. S a yr-sr: Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3e,Bd- New York branch omoo, IBS T St, Wasliluttluii, 1). C. . See He For, SHORT LOANS. Whenever you have njpaper you want iliscouiilcd see me ami you liKT Till'. CASH. ISAAC II. SniTlI, i: Middle St.. NKW .i:UNK.N. t:. MGROUrlDSp i The Folding Pocket Kodak.' 41 a sat -- Tsfcss mm wvi-s m LOADS IN DAYUOHT. TWiiiilisnurf ha. smsw. mu aaae, saaas a ssa. aooMiTtn,i.y. ill i giiiaii insassaiaeS waay, -a awe, rfe MeCanre ki aKOOAK eanwee as...s lari y Ike CearlaaMKeeekGe. 1'E toerrr ly r tttit t tslrs to " sell sisla. At the game time, any one who has houRlit our seed of their local dealer during either lM or 1807 will he sent our Maaaal l Evtryining lor Ik Uarec" tor IH9S rDr"R provided thy apply ly letter I IL.L SliJ c;x lb' name of the local aurclni.t from hna tkey e(hL To all others., tin mai'.ml tfnt ral, every topy of vhkh ot M cealt to place in vmir h.ind, 1 ill ly sent free on receipt of rOceet (t.iirp to,vc; postage. Nothing like this Maaesl h.i ever been teen here or j It Is a book ot 209 pages, contains tct ei.gravini1 of bmJs and nlanti. mostl v new. and these are i gtipplemented by lull tire colorftllate ol the best novelties 01 me scison, inuny, OUR SOUVENIR SEED COLLECTION will lo be ent without etwee to alt appll cants sending 10 ct. for thr Kaaaal who will ttats where they saw lh!t adverttiement. SwsMl Cr4 Aftaratbee Wttl aVol ft. Alw-tkas. kalsl'l'illl'lrlwja Ptl 411.11 all I .WPlllw li.TT,irrr vmmmw Ihiigijii:, New ltrrov, N, C Kiklreat, H.H. (iUlON, MamHrev,

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