t4 VOL. XVI NO 245. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, M1RCE 20,, 18911. ESTABLISHED 1182 o p o a llil' iHHliEtM DMU1M I w M4. I 4T 'WW- A GENERAL TAKEN ! Reprtel Capture tto Mais if General Pailo. YES OEJK 34-INCU . . Silk & Woo! Stevens' Checks -TlilMMED INr THE NEW- LOUIS XIV. BRAIDS, Make as Stylish ami Malty iv Suit its a lady wishes for Spring Wear.- Call and See Them. . ' THEN MM OF ' ORIENTAL LACES, , In EDGES AN!) HANDS deserve a Glance. . ' 2 These things will pl.'ase t'ne Stylish Heauty and adorn the outer self, Suit tho inner self will surely clamor for attention and I here is scarcely a place on earth that such PERFECT SAUSKACTION can to secured as at Our S tori s ' " .. We fetd that, long years of Closest Application should have brought us that Experience which brings its Reward in the Thousands of Pleased Customers Favoring us wilh their Patronage. The Ou t-jt ami Inner SiOf having been Cured For, there yet remains the "SOLE"' which must be propctly Clad or all efforts will have been in vain. VISIT V$ Then von will surely Patronize us, and then them will bo Happiness and Perfect Contentment un der our Vine and Fig-Tree. j an' nn The Administration is Firm as Ever, Men Wanted for the Navy. Secretary Gage Now Has Something to Say on War. Special to Journal. Kky Wist, March 19. It is reported that General Garcia, of the Insurgent forces, has captured the Spanish Ueucial Pan lo. The Cubans believe that tins disaster o the Spanish arms will bring Spain to terms. Tbe wildest excitement prevails among the Cuban sympathizers. San Francisco, March-19. (Special.) Tbe battleship Oregon lias sailed to Callao, to await orders at that port. Washington, March 19. (Special.) Assistant Secretary of tho'Navy Roosevelt says that there is and will be no recession from the stand talteu by the United States Government towards Spain. The administration, Koosovelt declares, has mapped out its plans and will tirmly carry tlicin out. Ordering the Massachusetts and Texas to Hampton Koads where ihey are to be j lined by the Brooklyn, Columbia and and Minneapolis, was for the purpose of better protecting the Atlantic coast. He also says that the intimation that Spain did -not like the presence of the fleet at Key West had nothing to do with the formation of the fleet in Hampton lioads. The dynamite cruiser Vesuvius, from Key West reached the navy yard at Washington this morning. It is expected that her nuns can be prepared in a few days.1 It is believed in some quarters that the Vesuvius car ries the preliminary report from the board of inquiry, but this is denied. Tlio Navy Department is preparing to send several thousand notices to be pos ted in the principal towns throughout the United States calling for enlistment in the Navy. The advertisements call for men be tween 18 and 35 years of age, except for ordinary seemcn who are required to be 18 to 80 years. The Navy Department is experiencing the utmost difficulty in securing seamen for the service It is reported: that Lieut. Hoi man, the Maino surveyor, who was called back today, brought a report from the court o inquiry. He was closeted for sometime with Secretary Long and then saw tbe President. The House this afternoon agreed to the bill admitting free of duty all mili tary and naval supplies purchased abroad. Cleveland, March 19. (Special.) Bee retary of the Treasury Cage declared to day that he does not believe present complications with Spain will lead to war. He said the people are getting used to this war talk and understand that it means ltttlc or nothing. There is a possibility of war, lie says, and if it comes the financial resources of tiie government will be equal to any emergency which may confront it. The President can doubtless ask for and get any appropriation wanted. Our credit is the very best and the business interests have not been attecteJ by the possibilities of war. THE STATE CAPITAL. THEY RIDICULE IT. ParfloDBu Criminal Wants Bis Fine Returned. THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfield ,S Co. Commission Brokers. New York, March 19. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close Peoples Cas.... 01 01 J 91 91 C. B. & Q 90 01 i 00J 01 COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close May 5.97 5.97 5.01 5 04 CHICAGO MAKKETS. Whkat Open. High. Low, July 8') 8(1 jj 831 CoKN May 29 29 J 24 fotton Sales 14,200 bales. Close 85.1 29J Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo. The 1esi'3ai.vk in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. S. Dully. REPORTS mom CDB1. The Flower . of the Household. Tho cook has your health and jour temper in her hands. If she wants to ejjo can (live you dyspeysia and make you quarrel with yonr bi fi'tuud. . lijtur be good to Tut.- Gim ht r the best , FLOUR to Work with nid hi e'l be the llower of tho lloitboliold "daisy" . THE 15EJT fXOUR Ifc J. E..51. '' . nd from our pi ice on it you'd ueer guess that wheat ia a dollar a oustiei. x Anither lot f famous ROASTED CARACAS COFFEE just received . from ihe Roasters. Try it and sivo 'muney. It is fluo only Twelve oeiiU a pound, ' JOHN DUNN, Cash Grocer, 55 VOIAMVIL HTHEET. 81 AM Y PEOPLE KinHCI.K THE IDE OP AN ABKOLUrF. t'l'KE rOK DYNPEPftIA ANIt HTOJi AC1I TROUBLE". bit I r, C ) ARPEN'S AUTOMATIC LAPIP FILLING CANS ! s I hart just received the 2. id lot of Arpon's Automatio Limp Filling Cans, and am prepared to fill all orders at short notice. Those cans aro perfectly air light, thereby preventing evap oration. ' Cans are loaned froo of expo tun ami are called for regularly to be r.Glled with only -the Host Quality Oil at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and Examine Same. Good bouso-keepers should Dot bo without one. Very Respectfully, J. R. PARKER, JR., Thono GO. 77 Broad Street. Wholesale and Retail Orocer. I KKIIrnlr, However, I. Not Argument Stomach troubles are so common and Ji fih many cases so obstinate to cure that people are apt to look with suspicion on uny remedy claiming to be a radical, permanent cure for dyspepsia and Indi gestion. Many such pride themselves on never being humbugged especially ou medicines. This fear of being humbugged may bo carried too far: so far, to fact that many persons suffer tor years with weak diges tion, rather than risk a little time and money in faithfully testing I lie claims of a preparation so reliable and universally useu as oiutni vynpepsia lauieis. Now Stuarts Uyspcpsia Tablets are vastly different in one important respect from ordinary proprietary medicines for the reason that they are not a secret patent medicine, no secret i made of their ingredients, but analysis shows them to contain the natural digestive ferments. Dure aseptic pepsin, the diges tive acids, liolden Heal, bismuth, Hydras tis and mix. Ihey are not cathartic, neither do they sot powerfully on any organ, but they curj indigestion on the common sense plan of digesting the food eaten promptly, thoroughly he ore It has lime to ferment, sour and cause the mischief. This Is the only secret of their success. Calhartlo puis never havo and never can cure indigestion snd stomach troubles because they act entirely upon the bowels whereas the whole trouble is really lo tbe stomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet, taken after meals, digest the food. That is all there is to it. Food not digested or halfdl nested is poison, as it creates gas, acidity, berdaches, palpitation of the heart, loss of flesh and appetite, and many other troubles which are often called by some other name. They are sold by druggist everywhere at SO cents per package. Address Htuart Co., Marshall, Mich., for book on stom ach diseases or ask your druggist for it. Havana Rccoiiilng Exeil.. Many tinnnlNll Noldierti Nick. Work of Ihe DlyerN. Itltinco in the Plelil. Havana, March IS. Havana is more wrought up tonight than it has been be- lore for a month. Developments of the next three days will bo closely watched aud may be of great importance. El Gorreo, in its issue tonight, dc'are that Spain occupies u serene altitude, re gardless of the "bravado of jingoes" and the suspicious situation of the American fleet around Cuba and Porto liico. When the time arrives, the paper states, Spain will i.n lerstand how lo chango her atli t ide frum serenity to aggressiveness. The attitude of the Havana papers has changed. The United States are now openly charged by them with bad faith The performance at Ihe Tacon Theatre tomorrow night lo swell the fund being raised for the purchase of a warship f Spain will doubtless lie a great success, The entire house has been sold several tinicj over. The insurgents' ranks arc constantly being recruited from this city. Last wee sixty-two men left to join them and more are to follow. There are 1,300 sick Span isli soldiers in the hospital here, and they keep coming in. Smallpox hi here 150 cases at present. Divers have recovered pait of the ship's silver service and another of her six-pound guns. On Mondny work will be begun in earnest by the big derrick Chief, and It is expected that some of the larger cuns will be lifted and much of tho heavier portion of the wreckage re moved. Madrid, March 18 The central and western provinces of Cuba huving been pacified, as asserted in official circle here, General Blanco is about to start on extensive operations, wilh eighty battnt ions and large volunteer forces, to de stray tho insurgent power in Eastern Cuba. Kin Janeiro, March IS The Brazilian government has refused a proposition mado by the United btates to purchase we Dsttiesuip Aquiuauan, CASTORIA for InfanU and Children. ha Want Federal Prison. Raleigh Street Improvements. Candid ate for Postofllcfl. Convicts to be Uniformed. Re port Not Accented. Journal Bureau, ) Balcigh, N. C, Marcli 19, '98. ( Not long ago a man in lancy county was fined (100 for contempt. This went o the Slate school fund. Governor Rus sell later pardoned the man and he now makes the demand that the $100 be re funded. Superintendent of Public In struction Mebane referred the matter to the Attorney General. He says ,-that nless money already paid to the public authorities is, by the express terms of the pardon of the Governor, to be refunded. such limitations being within tli j power of the executive, such money can not be cf unded unless by Legislative act." The penitentiary board passed a resolu tion asking the N. C. Senators and Con gressmen to use every effort to have the permanent Federal prison located here. The board declined to adopt the report of x-Superintendent Smith, (because of the absence of some figures required by law, The Finance committee of the Board Aldermen, after meeting witii the Raleigh Street Railway people regarding Joint work, as to hauling the rock from the quarry to the city for street improve ments, decided that the proposition from the Street Car Company could not be ac cepted. The Street and Finance coinmit- cs then decided to build a tram way, and use horse power. Contracts for the ork will be given out at once. The Pithian's paper, '-The Carolina Pithian," published at Charlotte has made its appearance. It is a handsome paper. The candidates for the Raleigh post- mastership have all been summoned to Washington by Senator Pritchard. The Senator says he has indorsed no one, and is pledged to no man. Col. Shaffer, ex postmaster. Mr. C. Tom Bailey and Mr. John Nichols are the .three who are seek- ng the appointment. Jim Young (col ored) had no showing so he withdrew from the race. Mr. Joshua B. Hill seems to have dropped out also. Every indica tion is that Bailey will get the appoint ment, but charges will no doubt be pre fcrred, and his confirmation will be fought in Ibe Senate. Superintendent Mebane left today for Graham where ho goes to attend a teach ers' associaliou. lie expects to be away several weeks conducting a vigorous educational campaign. The government requests that Ihe guards at tins penitentiary be uniformed so the Board of Directors ordered that t be done. Gaps will be used wilh N, C. P. on the front. The force at work here on the streets is the largest ever employed. Tins is under the $50,000 bond issue. The men at work on the grouuds of the Governor's mansion have been busy laying it olt and putting out plants 1 crracing lias begun on capital square UrUFi;Hai&s? BREAKFAST STRIPS AND BIG HAMS TO CUT, all Fresh Quality Just Received. Also a Fresh Lot of Nice Fruit Jelly by the pound, 5c. Also in 5 lb pails for 25 cents each. Fresh Elgin Butter, tight fioin the Dairy 25c lb. Freeh Canned Goods of all Kinds. Baker's Chocolate, both sweet and plain. Cox's Geletine. Plenty of Nice Freeh Egge 10c dozen. The Finest Tea and Roasted Coffee in tho City. Codfish and Irieh Potatoes. The Very Best Flour, Lard and Baking Powder can al ways be found at our Store. Hie Wholesale A Retail Orocers, 71 Broad St., NEW BERNE, N. . Equitable Life Assurance Society of the UNITED STATES. e Outstanding Assurance Dec. 31, li!D7 New Assurance Written in 1111)7 'roposals for Assurance Examined and Declined ncome Assets December SI, 1111)7 Reserve on all Existing Policies (4 per cent. Stan dard) and all other Liabilities Surplus, 4 per cent, standard Paid Policy-Holders in 11197 $951,1(15,837 00 (III lot! ,955,(i9;5 24,491,973 00 411,572,269 53 23(i.B7b',3UB 04 111(1,333,133 20 50,543.174 84 14 2I,iik;, ;ii HENKY B. HYDE, President. J. W. ALEXANDER, V.-P. II. Swineford A Co., General Agt., Virginia and North Carolina, Richmond, Va. S. W, SHALLWOOD, Agent, (SI &AKIII0 POVDER Absolutely Pure - 1 Naptha- Camphor i Will protect Clothing, Furs, Feathers and Woolen Goods from MOTHS. Not so expensive as Cam phor and less objectionable than Moth Balls. For Sale by Davis' Pharmacy. ) rhone 00, cor. uroau fliwuie pis. s LAST CALL! For City Taxes ! Property to be Advertised and SOLD All property upon which the City Taxes for the year 1897, are not paid by April 1st, 1808. Will be advertised, cost added, and sold according to law, Pave expense and trouble by paying befo,s above data. HUuII J. LOVICK, , City Tax Collector. THE ACCUMULATION POtlOY OF The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, ... 1 A POLICY. ... With tbe single condition that ths promiumi be paid as agreed. Wilh no reslriotiooi whatever rcipuciing occupation, living or man ner of death. Incontestable after it has been la force one year. That cannot be forfeited after it shall have been" in foroa three year. With one month grace ia payment of all premiums. 'With the privilege of Kuioitatemont during fi n.onths following tbe month of grace. With guaranteed cosh loans at 5 per oenU at Hated times after 3 jn. WHITE FOIt COST OF A POLICY AT YOUfi AGE. ?f. L. irorfsiwi:rju a cent. i M,, -LJv k John I n Z Trim, V 7 J 7 DON'T O.IVE YOUR ORDER . . FOR . . Job Printing ! Ilefore rou have seeu us or got our'prices. We have a full and complete stock of everything in this line and will compete with any nuponsime priming noun, doing llrsl cluM work, in the United States. We Want Yonr Trade and will guarantee Prices snd First-Class Work NOT CHEAP rillNTINU but PRINT ING CHEAP, HILL, Pr,t Print r, South Front Street, New Derne, N. C. Henry R. Bryan, Jr FIRE INSURANCE AOhNT, New Berne, - N. C. 69 South Front Street. only one that reaches tbe Spot.' -AGENCY AT 4 B RADIUM'S PHARMACY. 1 DISSOLUTION Or FAKTHMaBIF. Notice Is hereby jlvon that the co mrtnimliio heretofore existing between H Aleiandcr and E. Danenburg under th t l of 8. Aieisnder a. Co. has txwu dissolved by mutual eonsmt from this date. B. Alexander will continue the huslnMe at lbs same stand. All bills will b. settled by A. Alexander, sort all debts will be rollected by H. Alexander. New Berne, N. O. March 9 h. m A. AMkniRa A Co. DON'T SUFFER WITH m HEADACHE ! Cola Headache Powders (Si SAre Harmless and Will Cure You. Thsy are mental invignralnrs resting and quieting the over-is worked and tired brain. No Opium, no Anllpyrine. They I arc harmless andean be given to $ children. Sold Only at Bradham's Reliable Drug Store. Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle 8t., New Berne, N. C. PhyMlelaii 1'reMeriptloiiM A Npeelalty. A Fresh Supply of Landreth's Uarden Seed and Onion Sets. 1 vJlSsvSsvJBNsVarVssTsJL "CRAVEN CITY." "CRAVEN CITY." "CRAVEN CITY." A 85x100 Foot Lot FREE with 1000 Pope's 20i. Cectary Cipa Up to-date merchants will avail themselves of this opportunity, to acquire desirable suburban property free of cost to themselves. For information inquire of NEW BERNE JOBBERS or Write Win. J. Pogue, Wilmington, N C