lfete Sir i Saito VOL. XVI--NO 247. .NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 2,'!,, 11! UU. ESTABLISHED li 82 5 o n o u P C3 CD C(!l i: li'S as ni 1 DIRE UNCERTAINTY. Every KinA of Prediction Maine Report. v . YES OUR 34-INCH . . Silk & Wool Stevens' Checks TRIMMED IN THE NEW - LOUIS XIV. BRAIDS, . Mukc aa Stylish and Nutty a Suit as a Lady wishes for Spring Wour. Call and See Them. TIIE3T OUB LINE OF ORIENTAL- ".' LACES, Id EDGES AND BAND3 deserve a Glance. . of the IT IS ON THE WAY. The President Says Ue Will Receive' it Thursday or Friday. Congress to Have It Monday. The Sus pense Hard to Hoar. War Preparations Contin- ne Unabated. These tilings will please the Stylish Beauty and adorn the outer self, but ihe inner self will surely clamor for attention and there is scarcely a place nn earth that such PERFECT SATISFACTION can bo secured as at Our ' Stores. We feel that lung years of Closest Application should have brought us that Experience which brings its Reward in the Thousands of I'leased Customers Favoring us with I heir Patronage. The Outer "and Inner Sylf having been Cared For, I hero yet remains the "SO MS"' which must bo propeily Clad or all efforts wll have been in vain. VISIT US Then you will surely Patronize us, and (hen thorn will he Happiness and Perfect Contentment un der jour Vino and Fig-Tree. Special to Journal. Kky West, March 82. The court of inqutry has finished the, work of inves tigation. Admiral Sicnrd has pointed out sonic alterations to the court when it was sub mitted to him. The report was taken t Washington today by Lieutenant Com mander Marix of the hoard of inquiry. The decision seems to lie still a matter of surmise. Significance is attached to the remark of Admiral Sicnrd who said, "the case is most peculiar, perhaps the most peculiar which ever occurred in the history of the world." From this it is judged that the findings do not solve the mystery of the explosion. The court will remain in existence at the call of Admiral Sicard. The surviving ofrloers of the Maine now here have received orders sending them north.'' The flagship New York goes north immediately. Thebattleship Iowa becomes the flagship of the squadron. Washington, March 23 (Special) President McKinley announces that he will receive the report of the Maine court of inquiry Thursday or Friday, and that he will send it to Congress next Monday. There is a strong feeling in Congress against the suggestion ot international arbitration which it is now believed Spain will request upon receiving the report of the United States court, This arbitration would review the find1 ings of Ihe court of inquiry and this is considered an imputation of unfair deal- nga on the part of the American naval olHcers, The President has made up his mind, according to those claiming to know, to recognize the Independence of Cuba. The conferences held at the White Houbc yesterday, when the President met Speaker lteed and the other leaders of both Houses, are recognized as of the utmost importance. No doubt the object of the meetings were to arrange for a program for the guidance Congreis after the submission of the board of inqniry report. " Madrid, March 22. (Special.) The papers publish daily a full report of the movements of the United States warships and the defensive preparations of the United States. They favor the further strengthening of the Spanish squadrons. The Spanish Minister at Washington cables that the report of the United States naval court of inquiry will hold that the explosion of the Maine was of external origin. Havana, March 22. (Special.) The pence mission of General Pandon has failed. He did not even see the com mander or the Cuban forces. He met several minor chiefs but they declined to accede to the proposition to stop hostili ties. Both sides will continue in the Held. New Haven, Conn., March 23. (Spe cial.) The forces of men have worked all night on cartridges in the Winchester repealing arms factory and will continue to do so until the rush of orders is dis posed of. The Martinis fire arms factory is run ning night and day. IHE ST&TE C1PIIU ' Q ttttttt rorrrr Trrnrr Small m Governor Repites Evans furTMrd Time. .Cure On Ihe Dnte fur Reduced FRHNeuieer Katm, Special to Journal, Uai.ekiii, N. 0'., March 21, Chairman Caldwell extends until April 1st, the date when the reduced passenger rales be come effective. I IPS The Flower of the Household. The cook hai your health and yonr temper in her hands. If rhe wants to she can give you dyspesia and mako you quarrel with yonr best friend. Itutter be goo I to her. Give hi r the best FLOUR to WorK with and tbe'li be the llowor cf the Household a "daisy" THE 16 E.ST IXOUJl IS J. E. ML. anil from our pi ice on it you'd never guess that wheat is a dollar a bushel. , Another lot of famous UOASTKD " CARACAS COFFEE just received g from the Roasters. Try it and save money. It i line only Twelvo j cents a pound, I JOHN DUNN, Cash Grocer, I 53 POLLOCK KTIIEET. v$vode ARPEN'S AUTOMATIC LAMP FILLING CANS ! I hare just received the 2iH lot of A r poo's Automatic Limp JOB Filling Cans, and tin prepared to fill all orders at ihort notice, pji These cans are perfectly air tight, thereby preventing emip- if oration. Cant are loaned frco of expense and are called for regularly to be reGlled with only the Il.ut Quality Oil at Lowest Possible Prices. ' v Call and Examine Same. Good bouto-koepera should not be without one. Very Ilcspeotfully, ' J. R. PARKER, JR., Thono CO. 77 Broad Etroct. A POPULAR M (STARS TIME EXTENDED. Frrucb Keyerses. Special to Journal. Paris, March 22. The French expedi tion into Madagascar has met with serious reverse. Six officers and one hundred men were killed and supplies were captured. GLADSTONE. HI Vacful Life Thouifbl lobe Near IlN I'lotie. Special to Journal. London, March 22 Wm. E. Gladstone started for his country seat at llawardcn today on what is supposed to be bis last journey. As the train was leaving Gladstone said, "God bless all this place and the land you love." BELOW ZERO. Cold Wentlier ami Nnow In the Welti. Special to Journal. Chicago, Marcli 23; A cold wave and zero weather prevails throughout the West. It is below zero west of the Missour river. Heavy snows are reported at some places. Regarding- R.nu-dlr for Dyspeiiitn Mud ladlvratluu. The national disease of Americans is Indigestion or in its chronic form, dys pepsia, and for the very reason that it is so common many people neglect taking proper treatment (or what they consider trilling stomach trouble, when as a mat ter of lact, ludigesuou lays tho founda tion iur muiiy lucurauiu arseases. no person with a vigorous, healthy stomach will lull a victim to consumption. Many kidney discuses and heart troubles date their beginning from poor digestion; thin, nervous people are really so because their ttomachs are out of gear; weary, languid, laded out worncu owe their condition to imperfect digestion. When nearly every person you nee t is afflicted with weak digestion it it not surprising that nearly every secret pa lent mcdicin on the market claims to be a cure fur dyspepsia, as well as a score of other troubles, wl.eu in fact, aa Dr. Werthier says, there is but one genuine dyspepsia cure which is perfectly safe and reliable, and moreover, this remedy is not a patent medicine, but it is a scien tific combination of pure pepsin (free from animal matter), vegetable essences fruit salt, and bismuth. It is sold by druggists under name of Stuart's Dyspep. sia t ablets. No extravagant claims are made for them, but for indigestion or any stomach trouble, Stuart'. Dyspepsia Tablets are far ahead of any remedy yet discovered. They act on the food eaten, uo dieting is necesmry, simply eat all the wholesome food you want and these tablet will digest it. A core results, because all the stomach needs is a rest, which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. give by doing the work of digestion. Druggist, sell the, tablet, at SOcts per package. Utile book on stomach di sease and testimonials sent free bv ad dressing Stuart Uo., chemists. Marshall, Mich. ono CASTORIA For Infants and CMldrtu, tinpreiiiv Court Onluloim. Special to Journal. Rai.kkiii, March 22. Supremo court tiles following opinions: Chard vs VV arren, from Dare, upon motion to retnx costs, court rules that all c jsts are to be taxed against defendant appellant. State vs Haines, from Nosh, nitirmed. James vs Lumber Co.. from Pitt, af firmed. 'Ice Or. vs Itailroiui Co., from Wake, new trial. Worth, treasurer, vs Wright, from Guilford, reversed. State vs Perry, from Iteaufort, itOlrmcd, McUowau va McGowau, (Homestead ca-ie) from Pitt, error. Marshburn vs Ijishlcy, from Wake, error. Pooch vs Fancert, from Granville, affirmed. Moss vs Railroad, from Alamance reversed. Mitchell vs Mitchell, from Guilford new trial. Herring vs Dixon, from Grecno, error, Worth & Co., v Wharton from New Hanover, affirmed. Fertilizer Company vs Marshburn from Duplin, affirmed. Gorrell vs Alspaugli from Foray the petition to rehear dismissed. Slate vs Newberry from Pender, new trial. Hicks vs fioyal from New Hanover, dismissed for IntulBclent printing. Kellain vs Drown from Ouplln, af firmed, Uullen vs Wilmington affirmed. Kerr vs Wadley from Sampson, mo tion lo docket and dismiss defendant appeal allowed. Cox vi Dunn from Lenoir, affirmed, Kerr vs Hick from 8aropson, ilia. missed on the ground that the appeal i premature. Sewing Machine Go,, vs Thomas from Moore, dumlssed fur failure to print record. Another Hotel. United State Pris oners Brought in. Cases of Blackmail. Wants Negro Support. Mrs. Dinwid dle Dead. Journal Bureau, ) Kalcigh, N. C, March 22, '98. f Raleigh has in prospect another hotel where the Capital club now has its quar ters. This club will get into its own handsome new club building by July 1st, and Its present location can easily be converted into a hotel with about CO rooms. It will come none too soon for Raleigh is surely deficient in hotel ac commodations. Ycsteiday seven United States prison-1 ers were brought to the penitentiary here from Lynchburg, Va., and eight from the Eastern district of Tennessee, Mrs. Jones Dinwiddie, wife of Dr. Din widdie president of Peace Institute of this city, died at Johns Hopkins Hospi tal, Baltimore yesterday. She was car ried there on Saturday for an operation for appendicitis anil died from the result of the operation. She leaves a husband and seven children Several of our business men here, it is said have been fleeced and detectives are working up a case of blackmail. Again John Evans, the negro who is in jail here for rape at Rockingham has been respited. He was to have been hung on Saturday, but for the third time Governor Russell respited him until April. Inspector Thompson of Washington is here looking after the heating and light ing of the government building.' He is the government inspector for this line of work all through the South. A new heat ing plant will be put in during the sum mer nnd electric take the place of gas if an appropriation can he secured. The ordinance requiring a building permit lias never been "enforced here, but it went Into effect March Ctli and the city officials declare it will be rigidly en forced hereafter. Clerk of the Court. Young, yesterday displaced his son-in-law Mr. Fred Wooll- cott, as his olllce clerk, anil put in the position a negro. This is to get negro support in the coining campaign. Along with the decision of the U. S, Supreme Coutt, that sustained Caldwell and Pearson as R. R, commissioners re ceived here last night was news that the fertilizer tonnage tax ease (upon which hung the existence of the agricul tural department) the court had decided in favor of the State. This tux on for. tilizers sustained the Department and aided the A. & M. College to the amount of about If 10,000 a year. Of course the caso was an important one. It is said that fully $!)00 was paid Judge Ewart last year, fur holding spe cial terms of court in lluucomlie county It is said that Chuirman Culdwcll not satislled with Ins rulings on Ihe ex cepl ions of the railroads to the proposed reduction of Ihe passenger rates, nnii that he may call a meeting of tiie com mission this week lo lake action on the matter. There seems to he no objection to the date of April Tith for the Hireling here of the S'ate Commiltee of Ihe Popullsl Committee, The Convention will be held by May 1st, It is believed. C. T. Ilailey is having some strong en dorsements sent to alilnuton urging his appointment to I lie Raleigh post mastership. There will lie quite a delegation from here to Chapel Hill tomorrow to see t'jc gamo of ball between the University team and Ihe Trinity College term. d Pig Hams, 3 HAMS 2 si tree Vt'l . eJ the pound, 5c. 5 HUB AK FAST STRIPS AND TO CUT, all Fresli Oialitv Ju Also a Fresh Lot of Nice Fruit Jelly by Also in 5 lb pails for 25 cents each, Fresh Elgin Butter, right fioin the Dairy 2"ic lb. Fresli Canned Goods of all kind?. Baker's Chocolate, both sweet ami plain. Cox's Geletine, Plenty of Nice Fresh Eggs 10c dozen. The Finest Tea and Uoasted ColTec in the City. Codfish and Irish Potatoes, The Very Best Flour, LarJ and Baking Powder can al ways be found at onr Store. WIlOl?KUlc fc It etui 1 Croeri, 71 Broad St., JfEW BE1XXE, X. V. J JUUL JL2JL2JUL JLOJLO. JUUL JL9JI JLJui NT Outstandins Assurance Dec. 31, Ib!U7 !)') Ulio.li;!? cw Assurance Written in 11107 ldii,l).j.'),i;(,i3 roposals for Assurance Examined and Declined '2-1,401,07;! ncome 4b.)'.V2i;o Assets December ill, 11107 i :!(!.!! 7 (i,;iu 11 lleserve on all Exist ins Policies (4 per cent. Stan dard) and all oilier Liabilities l!!i;,;;;;;!,l;!;l Surplus, 4 per cent, standard 5H,.')4;;,I74 aid Policy-Holders in 1111)7 2 U nil,:! 1 4 FERTILIZER TAX Nat Yl Drrlrtrd Ihe ('cart. Special to Journal. Kti.tKiii. March 32 A telrgratn from FiT.VDZn Akwolutely IN re Wholesale and Retail drocer. . k. v r i THE ACCUMULATION POLICY OF The N. Y. Life Insurance Company.j . . . 1H A POLICY ... With the tingle oondition that the premiums be paiil ai agreed. With no restriction whatever respecting occupation, living or man ner of death. I noon lettable after It bat beeo In force one year. That cannot be forfeited after It shall bava been In foroe three year. With On month graoe In payment of all premium. With the privilege of ltuiDilatenient during S month following the month of grace, . With guaranteed ch loam at 5 per ooot, at ttated time after 3 yri. id ut run tusr uk a policy at youu AGE. 1 HI. I IIOLT.OU r.I.T,, Agent. DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE ? Cola Headache Powders Am mimkIm Ia hum ltH.l..l.a 7 aad Neuralgia.. They to o don headkcbe. Try a package a4 $H your mowy back, if Dot cured. Made and Bold al wkii k km i n j ne Mm a c li T '0 c ;ICH ft 1IIH Mill U Soc of the UNITED STATES. no on nn 53 II4 211 114 14 HENRY B. HYDE, President. J. W. ALEXANDER, V.-P. II. KwimTord fc To., 41ciurn! AgtK., Virginia nnl Xorfli Carol inn, Itiflinioiitl, Yn. S. W. SHALLWOOD, Agent, Washington this evening s.,ys that the Supreme court ha-i not yet I'eeideil the fertilizer lax ease. CHINESE SILLING. M nil KlMnml MUiitH liefclrl Hlnilrllln MMllrrll. Special to Journal. Loniion, March 2 J. --Wor I ennte firm Shanghai that there lias lieen all anti- foreign demonstration in Ching-king China. Mission students were niurdored and the American Episcopal mission was destroyed. Three of Ihe murderers were sentenced to death hv the authorities hut n large force of Chinese refused to allow the ex ecution of Ihe sentence. Buck-ten's arnica Salve. Tn Ukst Sai.vi in the world for cuts onuses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chopped hands, chilblain, corns, nod all skin eruptions, and ismi lively cures piles or no imy required. It is guaranteed lo give M-r(cvt siilisfiiction or money refunded. 1'ric 23 cents ier hox. for wile liy r, n. Dully, TUB MABEETI. Yesterday's market quotations furnish cd hy V. A. Porterflcld Si Co. Commission Brokers. Nkw Yokk, March 22 HTCH'KS. Open. Well. Low. (1oc Peoples (Ja.... 00 9 1 H"' m C. II. ft U. 89J mij as ; COTTON. . ' Open. High. Losr. May S.M MM SOI ClllCAOO MARKETS. WlUAT Open. Hl(h. Low, July H ( Ho) Oiaa Uay m 231 f'ottoo 8alu 70,000 bale. time A til Close Ml The Way It is Done. Candles arc inndo by pouring wax into moulds, of uniform size. Ready nmdo Clothing is ni.ulo by the sumo process nnd sometimes yon get a lit in a ready-iua.lc Suit. Hut if you let us make )our .Suits, so give yon a lit even tune, you will lii ik as if you had been ponied into it ami you will be suited exactly. We promise to givo you not only a perfect fit, hut promise to po it to you at a mnnt Kcisoiiullo Vrlr.c. Call and be convinced. Baker & Dunn. 57 POLLOCK STREET. k run 1 BRA DR&riQ&M'S PHARMAf'Y.J saTNkTvBTsnSBTsaVs KILL-A-BUG ! Will ae you a peck of trouble and knock tho bug out to stay. Put op in pint bottle, filled with patent iprlokler for ap plying lb liquid to bed and furniture. 23c at Brad ham's Reliable Drug 5tort. . S en- C', 1 1 Cupid'B Bait He oftn fluds In our IVhclou rtoe-tVins, Choculalm, Fn-sh Thx and Itrllllr. They are Justly oelrlirt. d, for Utey are the arm of rrfrcllnn thai the aitnfUi eonfvethmor hue attained la (jiiAllty, KUvor. HmaithnrM and other Hrdurtlre VuaJIUre lht make tbrm fpneral fTortim with the ladlre and childrwi. rllork and Middle BU. Don't forgH Ihe place. i J. Mt SorUy A CV.