W ... uj Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant ' and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duoed, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists, "ny reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL WMvuu. nr. new roar, r. THE JOURNAL. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Business Locals. OOOD, Reliable Sawyer wanted to take charge of small mill and do repair work. Address N. K. Deppe, Beaufort. N. C. NEW LINE Spring Coods just in at Cliadwlck'g. Call and examine before placing your order for same elsewhere. j M. Chadwick, 101 Middle St. A TAT IN TB3 CITT. Fair and colder, is the weather bureau forecast for today. The maximum temperature as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was 77.0 minimum 55.0. . The Literary;. CI nb, met at the Academy last night. The meeting next Tuesday night will discuss, "What is the real Spanish charac ter," Each member will be expe t ed ta read or speak five minutes oo this subject. The telegraph service to the Jouuxal is as good as can be ob tain oil up to the tinio of closiug of the telegraph office. Every special printed on the first page is by wire. If service could be bad until a later hour it would of course be more sat isfactory. The Jouusal is en deavoring to arrange for a complete service until midnight. J rowing Orau. Col, John C. Urcon was showing to his friends yesterday a curious thing in t bo way of vegetable growth. Ic was a stalk of hard; nut or joint grass which had grown directly through a piece of pine hoard. Tho board was cut from the heart of the log and would more than likely turn a teu penny nail, yet tho top of the grass looked as though nothing had disturbed it in its growth. Hev. E. Edward, pastor of the English Itaptist Church at Minersvillc, Ta., when uttering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Tain Balm. He iuy: "A few applications of this liniment proved of great service to me. It subdued the Inflammation and rellervd the pain, Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial It will plvaae me." For ante by F. 8. Duffy. f ttt r.mkraldrrv ( lab. The following is a correct list of the young la.;iei belonging to the KinbroiJery Club: Mr. ,1. II 15, Csrrawsy, Mr. 11 DuVal Jones, Mr. T. O. Hjmao. Mr. J. T. Hollistor, Misses Sadie Ilollister, Ktto Bryan, Margaret Uryan, Came Claypoole, E'hel Tyncr, Jennie Burrus, Bessie Pat tenon, Anna Ilyman, Mits Watsoo. Rkl.lcr 1MNIX HOIK Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease relieved Id lis hours by "New Great Sou Ih American Kidaey Cure." It Is a (treat surprise on account of its exceed fif promptness la relief tog pals In blad der, kidneys aad back. In male or female IUtieres retention of water almost Im mediately. If you want quick relief and cur this Is lbs remedy. Hold by C D. liradbam, Druggist, New Berne, N. a rrewwl Tsar Bilsa. All persons having bills igalnst "The Fair Association'' are request ed to present same to the Secretary on or before Thursday March 14, 1808. Philadelphia llrswing Company's Celebrated Bock Boer, for sale t the Palace Saloon, 18 Middle St. ExurrstLAitT. ' -r saw lirai Tatrfaawa Cmsii; Bella af. IaaparlM laaaravMMBIa a AMa By Haw Caaaawsf. The New Berne Telephone Com pany, yesterday consummated the sale of its entire plant and rights to the Henderson Telephone Company, of Henderson, N. C. Messrs. II. P. Strouse, F. C. For- plmor ana J. 11. midgers, repre senting the Henderson Company, arrived in thiscityjen Monday night, alter consultation with the owners of the Telephone Co., here, the sale was effected yesterday morning. Mr. II. P. Strouse, the head man of the company said to the Jocrnal after the purchase: ' "Vve have looked over our pur chase and found what is needed to improve the present telephone sys tem of New Berne. We shall give New Berne an up-to-date telephone service, just as soon as wo can get new material here." Mr. F. O. Forplinor,who will come here, and act as superintendent, said: "I am going away, but will be back about April 1st, when the transfer of the plaut is to be mado. During April I shall make over nearly everything on tho old line, put in a new switch board, and the eutiro line will bo newly equipped with the latest telephone appliances, aod by May 1st, I ex pect to give New Berne a telephone service the equal of any in the conn try." There can le no doubt that the new owners of tho telephone in this city will give the people here a ser vice which they will be glad to have anl thoroughly appreciate and sup port. PERSONAL. Mr. T. A. Dillon of Tuscarora, was here yesterday. Mr. E. W, Rosenthal returned from New York lust night. J B Reel of Reelsboro, was in the city yesterday on a short business vis t. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gardner re turned to tlfeir home at Orifton yesterday. Mrs. Geo. W. Gaskill and daugh ter arrived last night to visit in the city. . , Misses May Ilendren and Corinne Chadwick returned from Beaufort, yesterday morniug. Mrs. W. P, Marshall and Mrs. F. M. Baker returned last night from a visit to friends at Falling Creek. Messrs. Owen II. Guion, P. II. Pelletier and S. W. Hancock went to Beaufort last night to attend Carteret court. Mrs. II. N. Chndbourne and Miss Marie Cliudbourne of Minneapolis, are visiting in the city, the guest of Mr. and Wm. Chad bourne, Jr. Lieut. James B. Hughes, U.S.A., who has been spending several weeks in the city, visiting his father, Dr. J. B. Hughes, loft yesterday ruorn i lg for New York City. IOO. Ir. K. Deiehan'a Aall Dlaraiia Hay lie worth more to you than $100 if you hare a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. Ii arrests the trouble nl once. $1. Sold by C. D. Brad ham, druggist, New Berne, N. C. Aaaallr4 aa Baaa. The police of this oity have been on the lookout since Sunday for a white man named Aleo Hardy, alias Bailey, who was wanted at Wash ington, N, C. List Saturday i.ight at Grimes land, Hardy assaulted white man, whose name is not given, and robbed him of 25.00 or (30.00, and es caped with the money. Word was sent hero to lookout for Hardy, but he has not been seen in this -vicinity. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Ico Cream today at Duffy's Candy S'.otc. IW forget that Hill, tho Printer does Job Printing a cheap a any printing ofllce lu tho United States, doing first class work. CI South Front street. Give your picture to T. J. Tur ner to be enlarged., . Crayou work at 11.08. Satisfaction guaranteed. Buy your fine Chiffonier and Hat Rocks of T. J. Turner, lh leading furniture dealer. T.J. Turner's is tho cheapest place to bay One Bed Room and Parlor Suite. The collection of rents and ac count glrso oareful and personal attention. Best of references (ireo J. K. Land, 127 Broad street. Try f glass of that celebrated Bock Beer, at the Palace Saloon, 18 Middle Street. AT TUB SHOPS. Braolr War far Ike A. -B. BaHraaa i iBIrraatlasT Palais. The machine shops of the A. & X. O. Railroad are busy at this season, as the Spring business neces sitates that everything shall be in good shape to handle it. Engine No. 3 that has long done servioe as switch engine will soon be one of the things that are not. It has survived its usefulness and some mill road may be able to se cure its services for hauling logs. It s place will be taken in a few days by engine No. 8. This engine has boon in tho shop for some time. It is now being thoroughly overhauled, new boiler tubes and all worn out parts re placed The driving wheels have been put on the lathe and turned down until they are smooth and round. Tho driving wheels of an engine are of great interest, not only to the mechanic but to any obseiver. They have a steel tire which is heated red hot and then sprung on bv cooling. These tires are three inches thick or more when new, but thev become worn unevenly by use and then must be cut down on a lathe until round again. As much as three- quarters of an inch must bt cut off at times, so that tho tire becomes too thin after several returns to the shop, and must be discarded. Sev enty thousand miles would bo a fair distance for the wheel to run .be fore requiring returning. In the car shop, parlor car 1(5, "Old North State" is being repairvd and revarnished for tb summer. Combination mail and baggage car 13 is being painted and repaired. and second class car 4 is also being painted. The molds nre being in ado for the cftbting which . takes place on Saturday in the foundry, which is always an interesting sight. - In the yard, naw long relegated to the scrap pile ar some in toast ing objects. Theso are" the boiler. driving wheels and other parts of the old engine, "Dr. Hawks," which have been in the "bone yard" these 15 years. This engine was used during the war and was fitted up to carry the gun car, which carried a cannon protected by an iron shield. The cab and other parts of the en gine were also sheathed in iron to protect the men from bullets or can non shots. The old eneine had many exciting adventures up and down the road in those old times. Mr. W. R. Wartor8, Master Me chanic, looks after all the work at tho shops and takes pride in seeing that everything is done as well as possible. The painting and repair work is especially closely looked aftor by Mr. Warters who is verv polite in explaining those things to tho uninitiated. Tree Pills. &end yon addross to H. E. Buck Ion & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Those pills are easy in action and are particularly effec tive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to he perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be pure ly vegetable! ,They do not weaken by their action, bot by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatlv in vigorate the system. 'Regular size 25operbox. Sold by F. 3. Duffy, Druggist. riiy f'aaaljr Tneralug. March 0, 1808 fft t t m e ooar.i t,i council met in special session, Mayor Deuniaon pr sidiog. Present Cotincilmcn Druuey, Daniel, Green, Hays, Harrison, Johnson, Pope, Seymour, Shepard, Watson and Wnlfeiiden, The Mayor stated that he had convened the board for tho further purpose of considering the reduction of tho polieo force, and the leawt of building corner nncock ami liroud streets. On motion of Councilman Harri son the resolution adopted by the board March 1st, reducing the jn'.iice forco by dismissing four of Hiein. was rescinded. No further business Board adjourned. Huoii J, Lovick, City Clerk. SMtsr ALL, To cleanse the system In gentl and truly Leiieficiul tnsimsi, when the Springtime ooinos, use tbs true and perfect remedy. Syrup of Fig. Buy tbs gonuino. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, Aod for sale by all druggists, at 60 cents per bottle. Bock Beer makes blood and brains, fur Sale at the Palace Saloon, 14 Middle Rtrtwl. CHAIRMAN MANLY I ha Slala DmrrT. aaeras ihsSlslf.- ' To the Deraocratio Voters, of North Carolina: Pursuant to a resolution of the State Executive Committee adopted at its meeting held February 22nd, I hereby give notice that the Dem ocratic State Convention, will be held in tho city of Raleigh, at Vi o'clock noon, Thursday, May 26th, 1808. - - The plan of organization, recently reprinted, is now in the hands of the Chairmen of the County Exec utive Committees, showing the reg ulations governing primaries and County conventions. The Convention will consider the nomination of the Judges for the several Districts wherein the terms of the present incumbents expire January 1st, 180!); will announce the principles and policy of the party, and take jsuch action as it may see proper. ' ; . . ' 4 ; Judicial Conventions should be held prior to the date fixed for theJ State Convention in the following districts:. First, Second, .Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eloveuth.;,. The following resolution amend ing the plain of organization was adopted ut the meeting of the Com mittee held in December 1897: . : Resolved, That nil white electors who intend to vote with ns in the next election, and who desire the re-establishment of Anglo Saxon Supremacy and honest government in foi th Carolina, ar cordially in vited to participate in nil our pri maries and conventions." In tho adoption of such a resolu tion tho Democratic party expresses no unkind feeling for the colored people of North Carolina. The record of charity and kindnesses, public and private, of the white peo ple of this State to the colored rnce whilo the Democrat!'! party was in full power, refutos such a sugges tion. But the negro voter, with rare exceptions, cannot be consider ed one whom the grea1; principles ef government, the wisdom of econo mic policy, ox tho qualifications of public servants in their responsible offices, guides or controls in his choice of a ballot. His allegiance to' the Republican party or its allies cannot be disturbod by tho corrupt und disgraceful conduct of tlioso for whom he votes. Thus, in this day, when tho State is fast sinking into dishonor and Bhume under the hands of a fusion nd ministration, which regards neither the rights of person or property, nor the good name and honor of tho State, the call to duty isaldrrsRod to the white men of North Carolina. In national matters no more vital principles can nffect, the people and their welfare than those whichwark the present line of conflict, where the plain pnop'n of the country hare thrown down the gangn of battle to the money power and thn trusts Tho increasing control of the neces saries of life lnth few. by open violations' of the law. and lh en hancement of the purchasing power or money, wan tun ercr iieorensing vain" of pronerty. mark tho exigen cy of tho hour. Of the affairs in onr beloved Rtae no words shonld ho needed to awsken tho patriotism of her sons. A political campiien is jnst ahead of hp, in which the wago-of the con test is the good name and prosperity of ?f orth Carolina, We should 'lee'in work at once: presoribintr io test oath to our fellow ritixons. hnfc x tondinp warm welcome and ull fel'owsbip o all who want t,ioin ns in recTing jnst law and g.od government. An early convention i" 1xed. her differences. If any exif f. will b adjusted, the plan of "ir t tnapped nt and then a united Di looracy "ill trinmph. I respectfillv snj-gr-sfc that tho con itv ronviji'ions should he held as ' wn ns rtnrenioni foMheelec s'ob vf d"I-g-tes. The nomination o nntv n1Hr and member of tV penrrtf Assembly may be post, ppi ed ntil Jster as each eonnty con ti'iitim may think advisable. ltpect fully. Cl.KMKXTftfsMtT, " irman D.-m. State Ex. Com. Vfmston, Muroh ISth, 1808. Bhaaxatisa Oarsi la a Day. ' MYSTIH CURP," for RriKU KariS'f nnl NEURAJ,GtA radl- oalf enres in 1 to H datp. lit actinn upon the system is rmarka ble Mil mysterious. It rsmovss at one the cause and the disrate im mediately disappears. The first dotn greatly honsflis. 75 cint. Sold by Henry' Pharmacy, T)rtiggiit, Now Berne, N. C OABTOniA, YteW ft It To) Hia Unn ftocrU Stats or Ohio, City or Toledo, I Lucas County, J S4. - Fhank J. Cusnkt uiukts ath that he is the senior partner uf the Arm ut F. J. Clieot-y & Co , doing business in the City f Toll d i. County and Stale abie-iid,aDd thut said firm will pny the sum of ONE 11UNDUED DOIJA1W tor each and every cate of Catabbh ihit cannot lw lured by the ue of U all's. Catabkb Cobs, FHANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to brfore me and sulcrilcd in mwreence, this 6th day of D.cemUr, A, D. 1880. . ' ( A. W. GLEASON, SEAL I - --n Ntaiy Public. llall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,' and acts direellv on ibe bloo I und mucous surlaces of the svsUni. Send for tistim i Diaia, tri r. F. J..CFIENET & CO., Tol.-do,0 : Sold I'V Urutrffists 75c. Hull's Family l'illi ure the left. , Resolutions. .,: Resolution ollorcd by-J. W. Har rell, ex-foreman Mr, Foreman and follow firemen of tho Rough and Ready Hook and Ladder Co. No.l: In the midst of lifo there is death Whereas the great , and Supreme Ruler of (he Universe has in his infioito . witdom removed from among us one of our worthy and esteemed follow laborers,' dipt. James Charles, and whereas the long intimate relation held with him in the faithful discharge of his duties in thi 8 Company makes it cm nentl) befitting that we record our appre ciation of him'. Therefore. Resolved, That- the wisdom and ability which he exenised in the aid or our company by contribution, survicj und coun sel will be held in guileful remem brat ct. ' ., . Risolved that the sudden re.uoval of such iblifeTrom among our midst leav3sa vacancy aud ohadow that will bo ilcepiy realized by all the men liters aud friends of this Com pany and will provo a serious loss to the community add the public. Resolved, That with deep sym pathy with the bereaved relatives of the deceased we express our hope thut even so great a loss to us all may be over ruled for good by him who doeth all things well. ll)8oIvol,T hat copy of theso reso lution? bo spread upon the record h of tliis Com p iny also a copy for warded to his boreavel family and a cop;--printed -in the '-'New l$erne Daily Jouittf.ir, ull's blek headache nervoutv nesr, backache and lan- Pills ftu it Incu woman1! dally oomplttlnlJt cull for th(Miwe cflr Jolm W. nnll' PUli, tli beat altrrattrt, uerviuQauutomo cluiwu, rricolOaudivctas Npffcla-la ajrefcwrai. "Vo linvo put ou Halo 2(1 doavn Fine Bilk und 8nlin Scarfs, Hows, Foiir-in-Han ii, Putt Ties, &r, at prices not to ba matched elsewliere. (. A. Haucoot OPERA HOUSE! NEW-BERNE. N. 0... March 28, i898, Old Farmer Hopkins, INTRODUCING Frank S. Davidson,, JVnd Ida FamotiN Company of Actors, Ringers unit Dineers. 1,000 Pquare Yards of Magnificent Sce-K-ry. m "CRAVEN CITY." 'CRAVEN CITY." "CRAVEN CITY." A 25x100 Foot Lot FREE with 1000 Pep's 20ili CEDlnri Ci.au Up-to-date merchants will avail thcmie of this onportunitr, to Mcquir desirul'o snburbnu pronerty free ol cost to lheliole . For i ifortnation i-vjnire of NEW BKItNj: JOKBEI.'b or Writo Wm. J. Po-kue, Wilmington, N C. Stop That Cough -11 Y USING- DofTy Ik's GongTi Drops. hold by O. 1). ltrndha.it. T, A. Hcnrj, 1). 1(. i)avi4 ami F, iuf fy, Druggist. N. Nunn & Co., 0. . Mcaorl. y 4 Co., and John Dunn, Confeition ers. , Theso Coogli Drops are inanttar turtd by the KEW nKU?,K CAtDT f ACTORr, I 103 Xldalaf trart. Niw llrras, W. ( . has W tn n The New Silk Stock will undoubtedly interest - those who wish up-to-date colorings and designs at Reasonable Prices. Don't mind telling the Prices and will desoi ibo gome of tl em an well an possible. . - Fair Q'ltlily f I'laiii Satins, white and the deli Oate tints, at 5'l CENTS. " : Plaiu India, it inches wide, light shades, a splen did value at 5'i CIS a'H. V Two Toned Union Brocades, as green on ochre and old rose ou oaddt at 40 AND 5'J CRN l'rf. . , . Two Colored Uyion S'.iepherd Checks, one of tho season's fads, ut 50 CKNTS. , '" Figured Silks, Romo novel i-ITeuig, in smooth and -nrmnre giotinds, at 75 ANI 85 CKNTS. - -, . A Line of S did Colors and Changeable Silks, ' adapted for lining and f icing at 25 AND 35 CENTS. Sample Cheerfully Mailed to Our Out , f-Town Trade. "E3LVB.. ccoocooooaeooccocoocco! o .w m i j You Want to a o o o o o D o o o 9 o Q d o o o NKW SPRING STUFFS nro daily arriving and wo will take pleaniro in showiiiRyoii tho'newest things for Spring Wi-ur. We are usually tho first to have Now GdiwN ami owing to tho larire rjiiaiitities wo handle, our Prices aru usually tho Lowest Never any Higher than others. We have on the. way and will probably arrive in a day nr. so, a . quantity of Madras Cloth, 3(i incites wide, suitable for mak ing liny Shirt Waist er Ladies Waists either. The Cloth is vtry much liner than a Percale and tho Piilterns are -ery milch handsomer, but our prico is only J 2 1-2 Cents a Yard. TU is bound to be a IUG SELLER on Hcconnt of its DURA I51LITY, BliAUTY AND REASONABLE PRICE. March 13. millinery nrpHrtmenl. Big; line early 8rin tuiilors just open. JiiHt the correct Ihini; for tliiKtvei-k from 35c to 2 (Ml. (I. A. liAiit'ouT. Don't iuint tnai Vuiliii, Binj.i, Mandolin and Guitar Sulnga of ull tiises at Baxter, the Jeweler. Mi'ii nii4l 4'ni. . Couluroy ciiHsiincre, worsted and flan nel Caps. All styles anil colors. VulcliU, Kolfs, ( tons, etc. actually worth UTic to Wc. Your choice, bitf psnorl im-ul, 2."w each. (t. A. llAiilfitoT. : Nanthri- i Camphor Will protect Clollnni, Fura, Fentliera and Wiolcit (JinhIh from MOTIIS. Not so conlve as Ciiin phor and ! ohj itioimlilo than Mold Hulls. Kor Sole liy Davis' Pharmacy. i.) I Phone IW1. Cer. Ilroad & Sll.ldle Bis. 9 i'i$&iMWi&PSG$&S)Gii&i Dobbin SFerrall 12J & 125 Fayettevllle Street, TUCKER'5 STORn." uiii:i(jir, - x. v. Highest Grad e Dry Goods. Ko I her Units in the 8'atr Offors Awiitrn ills Si Complete, nor So Sivlish Svlcctiniis. No Other Pricos are S Low. The L'jrroct 8i)le, Wgi Grade Quality, and Luw Trios Features of this . Turki-r! Nlore" Are not ICxct-Ilot! Am hut. Karly orders are recommended. Slocks aie now L truer and t'oloo lions are made easier, and early orders will g"i a little mure than ordinary good car. Kvury woman who orders will be pleased. Say! Try 0UKNDIKS this woakr Yutt will lia'dly find so mtny snyalierr. DoLMn V IVrrnll. ? I 1 lOuiEV" DroT3 -in on Us tv 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q Q O o o 6 COME 0 s&fm'm I When Baby lis Sick i w () ( (!) lVin't (ropn in lln d irk or tiillu with M'miitmns which mnv lin niisli ii liiur to an nnprncliiTil v eye. Bend lor your physician unci lenvn Willi him Hik iuohiii- ,j! All. Ml... ... .1... I.... .1... Bi'nii'aV ii tit-it-i iiiiiiiiij wnni inu fyniptoms menu, and what The Remedy Should If ho writes a twacrlnilon nKpoimihilily rexts uiioii you of !' Iliviuj; It prompiiv noil nrcu rati I v filled. We nre In li I lo meet just such enieri'ii Unr (More l never wiihont nil g FxrHTicnceu ann raphoiu niien- ii ilant n'lihi or dnv. Our ilniisa S H nre nUays Hip pureitt and I nut that we I'uii l.uy. Bradham's Reliable Druz Store. I.I (!) s B' - -' , , p It's True, Too. 11 ii t very many people will not find (2 it nut until t mi lute. Look and low nrlce will iW-ld.t ihelr choice. , The wise man and wlso woman will. i iiuwrTt-r. oenoernii anil, nnTlnjJ uelilN-r- aie.i, win aiscrlminnUi in inukiiiff llu ir bicycle purchases. Tlicv will reuliiw Hint pood Imiks nro often but enninel-dcep Hint low price I often lint bsit for I lin unwnry tlml .ni has hut niH lire to llv. ami it h sliort and sweet, while snrjjmmV hdU arc hull ami unwelcome. Tin y will rr.ilu.i ihul first col U not cverylhinc. and lint It is "belter tn he sure lf,an to In- sorry." An I tlieiu's where we como In wild our C'oliimbln mid UnrtforJ ItiojclrM. All I he world knows lliin-knows Hint their makers nre loo firmly tnlHV lUlied anil t4io jenlnns of llM-lr proud rep illations to end iinvr litem. Thy apn nl to disPrinilnaliiiK hiiver Tlie whirls laa soo.1 looks, nf imuis-. Hot lin y data Intrtnsiu worth ns well. Wa ha the s praU parts in lit nmuh to show lli ski plli al or lo help llioss who are drllberaiinn. WJI. T. HILT,, AKt , t Bo. front 8t.( New Iterne, N O. 9 Henry's Pharmacy, W MM lie Hi, New Heme, N. C. lliynlc!nii. lroMrlttloiii ii NiMM-luIly. Tm'i (Supply (Isnlen of Iinlrwllts 1 5 W ft (ii Be. $ .he 1 ness ciia. 1