r-4 VOL. IVI-HO : 252. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 29 1898. ESTABLISHED 1882 o n DfO h P mx pir rU P w 1.1 S) m w I.) C (i miiWimmimimmimm IHE F.1ESSAG E. In Beauty, Uv ail Unsatisfactory Tods to tte fe int's Commnnication. Price ii OVa IIAXOSOME STOCK OF SH SHOES For All Ages and fc-'exec. We, have them in all Widths ami Sisws; in Fmo Oulf. Viei-Kid, ninl UiisseuLeHtlun- for Spring ami Summer Wear, Willi Hull-Dog, Uugby anil rVoniih I lain I lies. Ho ri'ii suit an one and from our Kino Stock. everyone N0..BKTTKK QUA LI I Y. NO LOWKR PRICE. Last, week wo called your attention to our lino of ''Stevens' Cheeks' which have been ' moving rapidly. Wo arc now gutting in a most complete Stock, of . 1ILKS, In Checks, Plaids, Polka Dots, &c. Easter Waista. Then in Imported (iooilm. The very i.hiiii; for dainty too, our Kinuivil Organdies were fiiik-oiril wiili mi eye to pleaso the Most Fas tidioiiH Tuslos, and at I he Same Time Conform to tins ltciuiifinciii.H i.f the Most Economical Purse. OIT15 Should Never In Overlooked. Oar IilJITF.U at :j UKN IS A POUND is the fluent w.i can buy. Hvory Luxury and Necessity has a Piaro on Our S'lulvm and Tiiey Are Put There at the liight 1'iinrs, and You Cin (li t Thorn at Figures Which Will Never Cine, a Kogret. . ... ,W6eeBiigigg nln A Frish Lot of N. C. Hums, only 10o lb. Slmf'.'r'n llreikfast Strips, 10o. Sh-tf-r'n Sit gar lured Pig HauiH, lb. I.ooso )t Flakes and Oat Meal, lie lb, Lrl and S.u.ill Hominy, SJi l. 1'iiht It.i't-r. S.mi lb. (leal Cooking Butter, GUOCKIUKS be Convinced K..X liver I'Oj lb In fi.i:t our slock .f KAN'CY FAMILY are alwiits nil tod ilo. tineas a Tiial and that wo Savo Yon Money, by Ofii1iii With Us. Very Hcspootfiilly, g j. R. PARKER, JR., "iVrlir. Thone 69. 77 Broad Street. e (S) (J1 Ml ft- j The Flower of the Household. mi l Leo on Foreign Relations and tliu House adjourned. Senator Piatt of New York called on the President today and said that his visit was to urge the President to "pro ceed with caution." An important point as corrected by the testimony in the report is that the posi tion of the Maine was not changed after the vessel entered Havana harbor. She moved to the buoy and remained tin re until she was destroyed. The cook has your licnlth anl your temper in her hands, If Mio want! to the can yivo yon dtpeyi &, and mdkn yon nuarrrl with yonr l h.t fmuil. .1'ottor b gool to hur. Oio her the be.t FLOUIt g; to Work with and tl el! be the flower of the lloundiold-a "diny" To Wait on Spain and to Feed Those She lias Starred. An Armistice Proponed. Minister Wood ford Expects to Securo Justice from Spaiu. Special to Journal. Washington, March 28 Spain has agreed to accept President McKinley's plan in regard to Cuba. The President's plan is: First, Armistice between ttie Cubans and Spaniards until October. Second. United States to feed the re- concentrados with Spain's consent. Third: The Maine report to be held in committee indefinitely, The President believes Unit the coun try will support him in thus avoiding war, " He lias already won over to this plan some members of the Senate com niiitee on foreign relations on the plea of military necessity and the fear of yellow fever in case of an invasion of Cuba. This plan may be challenged in the Senate, but tile leaders may he able to hold the House. At noon a special cabinet meeting was in session considering a note received frum Spain today accepting . the proposal of the United States for an ar mistice pending American arbitration for permanent peace of the Island ol Cuba. The Cabinet is considering the roper announcement to make to Con gress and the people as a result of the negotiations with Spain. Judge Day, Anaistant Secretary of Slate, after leav ing the President, continued Senator Procter's statement that the Pre. i dent's j. message today would be confined t j the report of the court of Inquiry. Great crowds flocked to the Capitol at in eany hour mid long before noon the galleries were full. The excitement was n ire intense than has ever been known. it was almost impossible to restrain the crowds from demonstrations. I'lio reading of the President's message Congress consumed only a few inii.- ites. The message contains 1,8011 words. Reviews the report of tho court of in- piiry which Bays that the discipline on the Maine was perfect, that the explosion was due ,to a mine under the forward part of the vessel, and that the responsi bility is unknown. The President says further in his mes sage after quoting the lindiugs of the court: At a conference with the Spanish minister in Junuaty it was agreed for visits of our war vessels in Spanish waters and the authorities at Madrid were advised of the purpose of this gov ernment to resume friendly naval visits md that the Maine would forthwith call at Havana.' "This announcement was received by S;ain with appreciation, with a nolilica tion of the intention to return the courtesy by sending Spanish ships to the principal ports of the United States. The presence of our sliiis in Cuban waters was stroug- ly urged by Consul Qencral Li e. I have directed that the findings of the court of Inquiry and the views of this government therein bo communi cated lo the Spanish government, und do not permit myself to doubt that the sense of Justice of the Spanish natlou will dic tate the course of action suggested by honor and the friendly relations cf Hie two governments. "It will be the duty of executive to ad vise Congress of the result and in the meantime deliberate cousiderat ion by Con gress is Invoked," A cable from Minister Woodford snys that tho Sagasta Ministry begins negot iations Immediately with the insurgents looking tj tho restoration of peace. The Spanish government will not oh leet to the National distribution of aid to the recoucentrndos by the United Btatos. Minister Woodford declares that he has no doubt of his ability to reach very prompt agreement with the Hpanlsb Ministry so that justice shall tit done to Cuba and American interests be effec tively proticted and peaco main tained. It is reported this afternoon that Hpaln wl'.l nk (or an armlstiue pending ar rangemeals for a satisfactory government In Cuba. The message was referred to the Coin- BBUK1HG 1WAT. 11 UnSTOii. Review of tie Gliioces pf Peac3 or War. i 1 Smal Sip Thai Cups fill Declare Mains! Spii. Senator Morgan Wiil Introduce a Declaration of War Wednesday. Senator Money Calls for Armed Intervention. Warlike Morpiiipnts. TIB H IIllVT FJjOITII If eJ.'K. 31. an I from our pi Ice on it you'd ncrer iiuri that wheat it a dollar a bushel. Another Jot of famou UOASTKI) CAHAOAH t'OKFKK just received from the Itousicr. Try it and lavu money. It g line only Twelve wnli a pound, , JOHN DUNN, Gash Grocer, 55 lOLI.t'I KTHKlsT. OABTOniA. ruu lie Kh Tm Hra kinn Bomrht SI Special loJournal. Washinuton, March 28. Seuator Morgan has prepared a declaration of war against Spaiu which he proposes to in troduce in the meeting of the committee oa Fori in Relations, Wednesday. The ot her members of the Senate Committee also favor action Unit will free Cuba. The testimony of the Court of Inquiry sent to the Senate makes 100,000 words. The Poreigu ltelatious committee vigor ously protested against withholding the testimony. Tho President has sent messages to the leaders in Congress summoning them to the White House to map out the plan of au.ian for tomorrow, ' The Cabinet was in continuous session today, the meetings) were so close to gether, the brief intervals being worked by conference between the President and this or that member of his otlicial family. The scheme of armistice between Spain mil the Insurgents in Cuba is not re ceived with enthusiasm in Congress. The leaders think that whatever policy the Uuiled Stales intends to pursue should be announced now. Senator Money made a strong speech lavoruig intervention in Cuba and cre ated the greatest excitement in Congress. He said that, "at this critical moment he could not escape the responsibility of performing a solemn duty to his country, that Weyler was merely the agent of the Spanish government, who planned and executed the policy of starvation. 'The new plans of autonomy are futile mid imbecile, and the insurgents will accept nothing less than complete hide- pendenco. the ling of spam must go from the ishnd and the United Slates must intervene to accomplish it." Philadelphia, March 28. (Special. ) I he Columbia, one of the swiftest of the modern cruisers, has sailed from this port and in a few hours will join Admiral Schley's squadron at Hampton Roads which is believed to be about to sail under sealed orders to watch the Spanish torpedo flotilla now headed towards Porto Ulco, El Paso, Texas, Marcli 88. (Special.) Orders have been received nt Fort Bliss from Washington to prepare two com panies tin ier marching orders. Chicago, March 88. (Special.) The revenue cutter Calumet has received orders from Washington to prepare I in mediately for sea service. Key West, March 2.1-(Speclal.)-Il is understood that the Mangrove ts await ing orders at Havana to take Americans away from Cuba In the event ot trouble, Madrid, March 28. (Special) The statement is reiterated that Spain will consider it an act of piracy on the part of the United Slates government if ' the Spanish torpedo fleet is prevented from rearming rorio Klco. The ttairmta miuistry has secured a majority of three hundred, out of foil hundred and thirty two seals in the Coites. Havana, March 28. (Special.) Ue. ports from the election show that the olllcittl ticket of the autonomist and con aervstlve parlies were polled throughout the island as was previously arrauzed. Twenty autonomists and ten conservative were ciecicu. me failure ol me auiono mills to return a number of men of prominence Is tho strongest indication that the new regime ts a total failure. A Hpsnlali officer, wearing the uniform oi mo Havana custom bouse, sjwut yes terday on iKmrd the U. S. steamer Mao. grove, prying into closets anil doin other expert secret service . work for hi. g ivernmi-nt. He left only on vigorous protests oi uonsui ucneral loe to Ucueral bianco. I.ndon. March 28. (Rperlal.) The united states cruiser new (Jrlean. formerly the Brssilian Atnaaonos, left today lu company with the Hun Francisco lint not heme as rant a boat the He Orleans will not Ue puhrd to her speed limn, ltutn snips will bo In New Yor next Tuesday, t V m m i t (i ii A S month of g ; With guaranteed cosh hmm at 5 per oonU at stated time after 3 yra. (t ' It'flfVM eAtl r.ff . t,rr ,,,, im . iiiiiiu tun wot ur a tuuiVyl Al UUM AUK. 4 ?f. I,. HOr.TsOUT.f.Ti, AnU THE ACCUMULATION POLICY OF The N. Y. Life Insurance Company . 4 . Ifi A POLICY. . . . W iAi the tingle condition that tho premiums be raid as airoed. With no restrictions whatever respeuilntf occupation, living or man Incontestable aftor it has boon In force one tear. That cannot be forfuited after it shall have been In force three year. With one month grae la paymunt of all premium. With the privilege of lioinslalemoiit during 5 bontbt following the nib of grace. lured Fig Hams, Star BREAK FAST STRIPS AND I1IG HAMS TO CUT, all Fresh Quality Just Received. When Intervention Takes Place the Strain Will ll'omc. Spanish Flo tilla Is Also a Dangerous Factor. Siifllcient Mili tia Force for War, Special to Journal. Washington, March 28 Congress and all the world now knows officially that the Maine was blown up by enemies.and bile the report does not specifically name I hose enemies, it places the re- ponsibility, in the eyes of every Ameri can, upon Spain. Leadingmen of all par ties promised the President before the re port was sent to Congress that they would ndeavor to prevent Congress taking any t!on thereon until he had been given an opportunity to make a last diplomatic ittempt to settle the whole Cuban quee- tion with Spain, but it is by no means certain that this endeavor will be success ful. Congress, us a whole, believes that war is bound to come, and may conse quently get away from the leaders at any moment and take action that will bring on war at once. Nothing short of a mira cle can now prevent war, and miracles are not of frequent occurrence in these nys. It would be a miracle for Spain to propose to retire from Cuba and re cog- ze its independence, if it failed to re store pence in n given period, as one re port says it intends to do; and it would be a miracle for Spain to meet this coun- y half way in any peaceable effort to settle the Cuban question, nolwithstand. ng Mr. McKinley's expression of the belief that it would do so. The President has not asked indemnity from Spain for the loss of the Maine, because of Ins unwillingness to Hive pain even the shadow of right to ask that the matter be arbitrated. There Is nothing to he arbitrated. The alleged report of Spauish naval ollicers, claiming hat the Maine was destroyed by an in. rnal explosiou, will be ignored by this government. The President has for- arded a copy of the report of our court to tin; Spanish government, and it Is ex- pect"d to make a reply, Upon the nature of that reply, the next move of this government will depend, provided it is promptly made. Hut regaidless of that eply, the President has fully determined that it is a duty this government owes lo umanity to put an end to present condi tions in Cuba, peaceably if possible, by n war if necessary. In accordance with that determination he will ask Congress to appropriate the money to feed and clothe the poverty. stricken Cubans of nil classes, and ('en gross will promptly do it, and the distri bution will at once be made by United States officials. In other words, the in tervention that the President promised u his metsigc to Congress, lost Decem ber, if the conditions then existing in Cuba wero notbetteiej they have stead ily grown worse it is about to become an accomplished fact. If Spain resents that intervention, so much the worse for Spain, and it is the general belief in Washington that it wilt resent it and thereby start the war. Not a few persons, especially among naval officers, believe that the Spanidi flotilla of torpedo boats and torpedo boat destroyers, now niakluir its way from the Canary Islands to Porto Itico, is being sent to American waters for n bos tile purpose, although the government of Spain has declared to thecontra-y. This government has, there is reason to be lleve, untitled Huain that if this flotilla makes a start from Porto Kico to Cuba it will hi deslroied by our warships, as there could be no other possible reason for such a movement th in to make an attack upon us. The situation is now so strained that It cannot possibly continue for many days. Peace is possible, but war is much more probahl. In a speech commending the valor of American sailors when our Navy was much less formidable than it Ii today, Also a Fresh Lot of Kico Fruit Jelly by the pound, 5c. Also in 5 lb puila for 25 cents each, Fresli Elgin llutter, right fiotn tho Dairy 2jc lb. Fresh Canned Goods of all Kinds. Baker's Chocolate, both swoot and plain. Cox's Gelettno, Plenty of Nice Freeh Eggs 10c dozen. The Finest Tea and Roasted Coffee in the City. Codfish and Irish Potatoes. The Very Best Flour, Lard and Baking Powder can al ways be found at our Store. Wholesale fc Retail Grocers, 71 Broad St., NEWQBJERNjE, ST. . JUUULOJLJULJL$UL2 IDaniel i Hill, and predicting greater deeds of valor for them in the future, Representative Foss, of Illinois, gave some interesting figures of the co9t of our new Navy. He said: "We have expended nearly $375,000,000 for the Naval establishment since 1882. Of this, 81,000,000 bus been expended for the constructioe of new vessels and ft I, -100,0(10 for armor and armament of new vessels, making in all a total of 1 22,500,000 for the construction and equipment of new vessel!'. Today our Navy compares frvorably with the Na vies of tho world." Officials of the War Department do not think that it will be necessary for Ihe government to open recruiting offices in order to net all the Boldiers that will be needed in a war with Spain. Accord- ug to the enrollment now in the Depart- icnt. then' are more than 100,000 men n the militia of the states. The Presi dent, instead of issuing a call for volun teers, has only to order that the Slate Militia Organizations be Imustered into ho I'. S. service by regiments to add these men to (he U. S. Army, and to use as mnuv of them as may be considered necessary to assist the Navy In driving the Spanish out of Cuba, Arrangements iive already been made by which they could be landed on the island ready for business in a little more than a week. I m Wail F07DER Absolutely Pur THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfield & Co. Commission Brokers. New York, March 28 STOCKS. Open High. Low 'loe Peoples Gas.... 89J 93 89 92 C. Ii, & Q 89$ 94i 8UJ 93f COTTON Open. High. Low. Close May 5 82 5.97 5.82 5 96 CHICAGO MARKETS. Whkat Open High. Low. Close July 83J 84 80 84b Corn May 281 29J 28 j 29$ f'-olton Sales 151.000 bales. THE STATS CAPITAL, C ASTORIA For Infants and Childreu. Is tu- J ba WT wvsppsa, mm ao HIlKiirU. Well RulllllllK. New lueorpwrHiluus. Kweh Knre lu Control lln Own Hebouln. Jol'KSAI. Bl'KKAU. I Raleigh. N. C. March 28. This morning's train brought in Chair man Caldwell of the Kail road Commis sion' who had to go immediately to the Superior Court room as a witness in the suits brought against the S. A. L. and Southern ruilroods for issuing passes in 1805, 6 and 7. Tomorrow the It. R Commission meets, but Dr. Abbott of the commission says he thinks it doubt tul whether the passenger rate question will be re-considered. The blir.zard and heavy frost predicted for Fridny and Saturday tailed to ma terialize. So far no damage has been done and a heavy fruit year is the outlook. State Labor Commissioner llninriek is in from a trip over the Piedmont section of the Slate, and says 1898 will make a line record for well building. The Populists say that Richmond Pear son promised to voto for and stand by free silver and has broken his pledge. The name of the man who is in Jail here for burglarising a house here some weeks ago is at last found to be Ueorgc F, Merrill of Newark, N. J. Governor Russell, on Saturday, de clined to honor the requisition of the Governor of Georgia for Mehegan and l.ithnm, so Ihey arc both free. A meeting of the Wake County Dem ocratic Kxecutive Committee is called to meet hero April fllh by the chairman, to consider ihe lime for calling the county convention. The Secretary Plate bwl week lucor- poiulcd "The Raleigh thick Company," "The Hnrdwood Supply Co. of Elissbeth City, and "The Eigle Foundry Compa ny'' of Urvensboro. The Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Is preparing a bill to be presented to the next session of the legislature, to change the public school law In regard lu committeemen. He favors letting each rare control Its own schools. ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints Ariel Bicyles. iftjw New Berne, fmm N C. FOR SALE. B-H V 1 offer for sole the following property. It Is the best opportunity for Investment now offered. Store, on oorner, opposite A. ft N. C. Depot RcsUlenoe next lo above named - store. Two tenements and ground on rear of plsoe oa Queen street Ilouaeaad large plot corner Pollock and German stmrU, OitOO feet Apply to owner - BmmIis Ttbn r mlt. 8irlal to Journal. London, March 28 Information from I'rkin la thsl the Chinese garrisons were witbdrawB today from Port Arthur and Ta blen Wsu. The Kuuians landed and the Itusslsn Has was then hoisted over both plsora. Mae Bj leasts. Special to Journal. UWPWNsTt, March The great river floods still cotillon. The loss to railroads and other Interests Is placed as high e seventeen millions, Only the Olteasapeake and Ohio trains are enlerlnc ths drools wiLUAfl tOLLIUAN. q tula oliy. .Book Store ? Ladies' Home Journal for J G. N. Ennett. April. Fine Tinted Stationery. Latest Popular Miuio Musical lustrum' nts. nd WTt n 8 wnen oaoy Is Sick Don't grope In the dark or trifle with symptoms which Disy be misleading to an unpracllced eye. Bend for your physician and leave with him th rmpon. slblllty of determining what the symptoms mean, and wbal The Remedy Should Be. If be writes a prescription, the responsibility ran npoa you of having ll promptly and areu rsUly filled. We are la business to ueet just such emergende. Our store U never without a iperlenc4 and capable atten dant night or day. Onr drug are always the purest and beet that we oan buy, Bradham'g Reliable Drug Store,

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