1 i. jf I- I I ' I I I I I I I Mill i IP ' II - -i I. I - .. ... i . I . i . , n VOL. XVI---N0 253. NSW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 3D,, 189!!. " ESTABLISHED 1882 it 1' I -En Beauty- Quality and Price, RESOLUTIONS. 13 OUIl HANDSOME STOCK OF . STYLISH SHOES For All Ages and Sexes. , We have them in nil Widths and Sizes, in Fine Clf. Vici-Kid, and Russot Leather for Spring and Summer Wtar, with Bull-Dog, Rugby and French Plain Tees.. We (en mit an one and everyono from uur Fino Stock, NO BETTER QUALITY. NO LOWER PRICE. List week we caller1, your attention to our line of "Stevens' Checks' which have ben moving rapidly. Wo are now getting in a most compline Stock of . SILKS, In Checks, Plaids, Polka Dots, &c. The very thing for dainty Easter Waists. Then too, onr Figured Organdies in Imported Goods, were selected wii li an eye to plcaso the Most Fas tidious Tastes, a'tl at the Same Tin.e Conform to the Requirements of the Most Economical Purse. g OUR RttERY DEPARTMEST Should Never he Overlooked. Oar BUTTE II .eg at 23 OEN I S A POITN I) is the Quest we can buy. Every Luxury and Ntcessity has a Place on Our m Shelves at.d Tney Are Put There at the Right 5g Prices, a il Yon Can Get Them at Figures Which P Will Nuvcr Untile a Regret. .... Several For Mepeatleiice and War ! NO BETTER CONDITIONS vsBiniiiii: . 1 I n. run LT.U Inn j j. 3 a o a o A Fivsh Lot of N. C. llama, only 10o lb. Shaf.;r's B.ea'ihst Strips, 10c. Khifrr's S'i?a Cured Pig Hams, 12o lb. Loose Ott Flukes mid Oat Meal, 3o lb. Large and S.ohII Hominy, 2Je) lb. -Fox River Print Hullcr, 25o lb. Ocod CookiDg Butter, 20u lb In fact onr slncls of FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES are alwajt up-to-date. (Jive us a Trial and ho Convinced that we 8;ive Yon Money by Oraling With Us. Very Respectfully, Wholesale and Retail Qrocer. J. R PARKER, JR., 'Phone 69. O El O 77 Broad Street. adbcUidiid M w M W ) ) 8 I t h mm m w The Flower i of the ' Household. Tho ooo k hut your health and jouj; temper in her hinds. If ho warm to she can Rive yon dyspasia and make yoa quarrel with yonr Unfriend. Met wr be good to her. Give ber the test FLOUIt to Worn with and l.eil be the flower of the Houwliold a "daisy" Tilt: WEST FJLiOUll IS JT. 12. 51. Negotiations With Spain Perplex , Ins to All. Congress and Pub 11c Impatient. Sigsbee Wants a Ship. Madrid Clams to be Calm. Special to Journal. Washington, March 29. The Senate adopted Senator Morgan's resolution call ing on the President to inform theSenate bow many Americans were imprisoned in (Jubau towns by Wyler's orders, and liow much money appropriated by (Con gress was necessary to feed Americans. Senator Morgau, who is on tje Foreign Relations Committee which has the "Maine" report in charge, suys that the only key to the situation is a declara tion of war against Spain. "I have made up my mind what to do," said the Senator, "but I will do nothing until a disposition Is made of the lesoiution for intervention which Senator Foraker introduced today." Senator Mason of Illinois in a speach declared for war. This caused great applause in the galleries-which tho Vice President could not stop. Senator Mason says; "The responsibil ity for the wreck of the Maine lies willi Spain and she must pay the penally." The Senator said lie was tired of the dilatory tactics which the government as displayed. He will oppo ? the ask ing fivrun indemnity, annexation, or lire purchase of Cuba, and will demand the withdrawal of the Spanish IWg and the absolute freedom of the Island. Senator Fry introduced a resolution direcliug the president to lake steps to drive the Spanish from Cuba, Senator Allen of Nebraska introduced resolution recognizing the independ ence of Cuba, and demanding that the United States should intervene imme diately. The resolution recites that Spain has already lost Cuba and the United States should put au end to the war. Senator Allen asks that live hun dred thousand dollars be appropriated for the starving Cubans, Senator Foraker offered a resolution for the freedom of Cuba. He said that later he would make a speech. He thought that action was too long de layed, that lie 'was dissuaded from pre senting a similar resolution in December by tho President's efforts to hare the plun of autonomy tried. The House has agreed to a bill to print ix thousand copies of the President's message, and the Maine report and the testimony of the board of Inquiry. All the resolutions offered were re ferred to the committee on Foreign af fairs.- Senator Ilawlings says: ''I am in favor of declaring war against Spain Immedi ately she knows something about the destruction of the Maine and should be held accountable for iU Tho first blow we should strike, however, should be in the, shape of the recognition of Cuban Independence." The controversy with Spain over the Cuban question Is thrown into utter con fusion and uncertainty again by the dis covery of the latest phase of the negotia- l.ons between President McKinley and the government at Madrid. It has been thought many times that the critical stage of the controveniy had been reached, but today tho settlement seems a remote as ever. Now Spain holds out to the United Stales the proe pect of an arrangement for an armistice with Hie Cuban army and the proposition it met with apparent favor by the Presi dent. U may be accepted as a method of setting question and arnnllut; war. Il is at pru.tul tho plan under romdderittion. Hlgsbee called at the Navy Department today and reported tor duty. He said that lie did not want any rest, but wan ted a good ship an-l to be aslnel to the Ivy West squadron. General Miles and the hoard of ord danoa in J fortifications ar In Cleveland lodsy Inspecting the Uallln guns. Tho Mala Department bah Issuer! a bulletin that cablegram received from Consul General Lee saying that the con dition in Havana is not alarming. No message from the President re garding Ouban afiairs was received by Congress today. It is rumored that there is a split in the Cibinct over the Cuban situation and that Secretary Sherman is the disaffected member. Tho twenty-fifth regiment of infantry, stationed at Fort Assinaboine, is ordered to barracks at Jacksonville, Fla. . The Mangrove arrived at Key West today bringing eons and wreckage from the Maine. Madrid, March 29. (Special) Com plete tranquility prevails here and in the Provinces. Public opinion has qui eted. The belief is that the difficulties between Spain and the United States will be arranged in a friendly manner The newspapers place great weight upon the conference between Minister Wood ford and Premier Sagasta, this afternoon, cxpressinz the belief that it will have important results. Spanish newspapers say that Spalu "has decided to do anything possible to avoid war if the honor and dignity of Spain is not affected." DISTRESSING Rt MORS. SPAIN DECEIVING. Has Made no Offers Lift to Peace or Justice. Fulton Market Corned Beef, 3 News Received at Midnight War like. Cubans will lMe Ituth r Than Yield. A Schooner Seized. Congress (Jetting Kxasperated. The following dispatch was received late last night. It shows that the situa tion is very strained. The disposition of Congress and the people is to settle the unbearable uncertainty: ThIIi of Stock Gambling on Secret Knowledge ortbe AUmtnlntratlon'ii Pinna. Special to Journal. NeW Yoiik, March 2'.), Wall street got the lip out of Washington on the proposed offers of Spain yosterday for a peaceful settlement long before the peo ple at the Capital had knowledge of the plan. Banker Cannon of the Chemical Na tional Bank, New York, and broker Moore, who hurried from Florida for the purpose, and other prominent bankers were using their influence on the side of peace. The news was then forwarded to New York and a big rise in stocks fol lowed. Officials of the State Department sus pect that the cipher codo was tampered with. It is asserted that a new cipher is now being prepared. THE STA1E CAPITAL. .i and from onr price on it you'd never .urss that wheat li a dollar a buahel. . . V . "J Army Post nt KnlelKD. Trne BUI Por Sltiruer. t'onniy Kaeriutenitent Probably be Imllrtcrt. Mormon KUIers. JO'JHNAI. BuRlCAC, Raleigh. N. C, March 29. f There was a special meeting tonight of the Chamber of Commerce to consider the possibility of the establishment of an army post here. Senator Pritchard says with proper effort on the part of the citi zens there is good prospect for its estab lishment. The Grand Jury has found a true bill against W. 8. Browning for murder in the first degree of Mr. Slricklaud his father-in-law. The Secretary of Slate has distributed the new Supreme Court reports to the different States, and tho Stale offlcerd, and today it was put on sale. The Superintendent of the County Home will probably be indicted at this term of the court, for partiality aud for general loose management of the county convicts. The news received here yesterduy re garding the arbitration between America and Spain rather dampened the ardor of thoso who had been so sure of, and so anxious for, war. The Mikado is to lie presented here April lllh, and lUh for the benefit of Rex Hospital. The ladies who are work ing so hard to make it a success will no doubt succeed, but they have to stand rather severe criticism for devoting so much time to the rehearsal during Lent. Two Mormon Elders reached bcre yes terday to carry on the work left by those elders who started back to Utah last week. The work is done in and around the city by this set of ciders. The Superior court this week is bo ir- ing appeals from the eighth district. The docket Is a very lengthy ono. And still the fate of John Evans of Rockingham is unknown. Messrs Claud ius and O. H. Dockery, Jr., attorneys for Evans make a strong appeal for him, aud asked tho council of Slate to postpone ac tion until today. They declare the evidence that It Is said has been obtained against Evans la false. Commissioner of Agriculture, John It Smith, who wu also on the Board of Directors of the Insane Asylum, has tendered his resignation as a member of the board. Ilia place was Immediately filled by the appointment of Dr. James McIU-a. This makes three plyslclous on the board. A federal prisoner from Georgia ar rived at the penitentiary today. '1 he appeal of the Bell Telephone Co agalnat reduction of rates by the railroad eommlulonra will be heard before the Iredell county Superior court Special to Journal. Washington, March 29 Spain h-is sent no assurances that she is disposed to end the war in Cuba. No assurances have been sent (hat Spain will make amends for the destruc tion of the Maine. The cabinet spent two hours this after noon discussing the Cuban question and then adjourned without any communica tion from Spain looking to a peaceful adjustment. The American schooner Nestor, en route to Jamaica, was boarded by men from a Spanish gunboat off the coast of Cuba. The vessel was towed into port at Casilda and detained three days and was then allowed to proceed, us her papers were found to be in order. Captain General Blanco has stated tn an oilicia! friend that the final report of the Spanish Commission ou the .Maine will assert that there was lack of discip line on board the Maine and that there was carelessness on the part of those handling explosives, resulting in the vessel being destroyed by a torpedo or powder magazine from within. Senor Palum, the Liiban delegate is summoned to Washington for a confer ence with Senators Mason'aud Frye, ami Congressman dimming and several other representatives. He will meet a number of other mem bers of Congress at the Mason House this evening. Patma says that the proposed armis tice was a pure fabrication for the pur pose of affecting the stock market. He says that ho came here to tell Americans that llie Cubans are fighting for independence or death. No autono my, no armistice, no buying of freedom will be considered for a moment, l'ulma will remain in Washington for a week. The House has followed the leud of the Senate in its warlike course Con gressmnn Marsh introduced a resolution in effort that war be declared between Spalu and the United States, and that the President be authorized to use the whole land and naval forces of the United States to carry the same into effect. Representative Ridgely offered a joint resolution for Cuban independence and Bell Introduced a similar one an 1 also appropriating five hundred thousand dollars to feed starving Cubans. Lwis introduced a resolution in the House asking the President to state the tenor of the views which he has communicated to the Spanish Government concerning the Maine explosion as intimited in his message. New York, March SO-(Speciitl) A mass meeting is held in this city at the Metropolitan Opera House tn urge upon the President and Congress intervention in Cuba. General Sickles presided at the ineetiug. New York State U ready lo help the government in case of necessity and Governor Black Iris sent a message that in event of war the Slate will ap propriate funds for its prosecution. JUST BECEIYED! Big Uam3 to Cut, Small Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beef Tongues. California Hams only So pound. Bologna Sausage, Canmd Chip I!tef, Cooked Corn Beef, Potted Ham and Tongue. Sardines, Salmon, Kippere.l Herring. Lemon Cling and Yellow Crawford l eaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Succotash. Corn and Tomatoes. Okia and Tomatoes, Bartlett Pears, Green Cages, Eiglc ami Dime Condensed Milk, right fresh. Finest Teas and Roasted Coffee. Fancy Elgin Butter, fresh from dairy. 'Mustard, Catsup, and Worcestershire Sauce 1 lei nz Baked Beans, Pure Cider Vinegar. Finest quality Portorico Molasses and Fancy Cain Syrup. Tho best of everything in the GROCERY LIXE can always be found nice and fresh at McDan iel k Mil Wholesale A Retail Grocers, 71 Broad HU NEW BERNE, . . .JLOJLUJUUIJULUJLUJI (per Curiam) afilrmed. Wagner vs Herbiu from Guilford Curiam) affirmed. 1 Soireil vs Slinson, from Moore, appeal dismissed. Arnold vs Porter, from Wuke af firmed. Worth vs Stewart, from W ake, Scuscs, allirmcd. State vs Cameron, from Chatham, ai lirmed. liuilcr vs McLean, from Thallium, error. Worth it Co. vs Ferguson, from New Hanover, reversed. Phifer vs Railroad, from Anson, new trial. Home vs Tommissioncis, from T im- bevland. reversed. Johnson vs Townsend, from II ib,-so:i new 1 1 ial. Lucas vs li.iilnia. I, from Bladen, peti in allowed and new liial granted. McLcotl vs Nimoeks, from Robeson, modified anil iillirnieil. Cooper vs McKinnion, from Uobeson, llirmed. I MI II Another l..f of famou ROASTED - CARACAS COFFEE just received from the B lusters. Try It and tarn money. It is One only Twelve rents a pound. JOHtl DUilN, Cash Grocer, 5 JOLT.OCZ'NTIli:i?r. I THE ACCUMULATION POLICY OF , The N. Y. Life Insurance Company . . . IN A POLICY . . . With Ibe tingle oonditlon that the prewlami be paid aa agreed, With no roil riot ion whatever ropeotiug oconpalion. lirini or man i . . - , ner or deato. Incontestable after it lias boon Id force one year. That cannot be forfeited after It shall have been la foroe three years. With one month grace In payment of all premiums. With the privilege of Roiuslatouieut during 6 n.ooths following tbe month of grace. With guaranteed cash loans at 6 per oeot. at stated time after 3 jra, ' WRITE, FOR COST OK A rOLlOY AT YOUR AGE. tf. I,. IIOTjTjOWr.LTa, A cent. Naprrnin Court Derision. Speciul to Journal. Rale on, March 83. The Supreme Court nlvslbe following aidiiions: " Ilartsell vs Coleman from Cubimi (per Curiam) affirmed. Tccbcr vs Heart from Stanly (e l! ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints. AriH R?rvp 73 Street, New Eerne, N. C. RAILWAY COMMISSION. ree ln lleel'tton by Jnilue Tlmber luko. l..-nse ol V i Rnllrii.t.1 lo Nmiiliern. KvmiM to tluiia. Snccial to Journal. Ua'.eioii, March 21) Judge Timberlal-e n the Superior eouit here decided thai he Southern and Seaboard Air Line did not violate the s'aitilc ny issuing nw parses last year. Tie Railway commission restores the old rates on wood. Directors of the North Carolina Rail way tonight ralilicd Governor Russell s action in stopping the fight aiiaiust the lease to the Southern. The conucil of State decides that John hvans must be hanged, this decision is secret. THE LES.SE. Kegitrileu I u Knlrlicb m Orlnln lobe Mnd. Special to Journal, KaI.F.KUI, Ma-eh 20. It is regarded tonight as reasonably certain that the lease of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railway will be made lo the South crn. It's True, Too. But very many people will not find it out until loo late. Looks and low price will decide their choice. The wise man aud wise woman will. however, deliberate and. havimr delilier- Ueil, will discriminate in makinir their bicycle purchases. They will realize thai good looks are iften but enamel.ilcoii that low nrice is often but bait for the uuwarv that one has but one life to live, and it is short and sweet, while surgeons' bills are liiiih and unwelcome. They will realize that tirst cost is not everything, and that It is better to be sure than to be sorry." And there's where we come in with our Columbia and Hartford Bieyeles. All the world knows them knows that their makers are too tirmly estab lished and loo jealous of their proud rep utations lo endanger them. They appeal to discriminating buyers. The wheels have good looks, of couise. Hut they have intrinsic worth as well. We have the separate parts in the rough to show the skeptical or lo help those who are deliberating. WM. T. IIIL.I,, JKt, (II So. Front St., New Berne, N. 0. Tin- HrlilKii In Knypt. Special to Jourunl. IxixooN, March 20. News is received from Cairo that the English gunboats assisted by the Egyptian troops attacked and destroved the Itervish forts, liberal ing six hundred slaves. The Dcrvishcrs lost one hundred and sixty killed. S v ,:.v.:.v-.v.v.v: TUB MARKETS. 11 crr'nrn I- rUlfUa.ll I Absolutely Pure I Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porlei field & Co. Commisolon Brokers. New Yoiik, March 2!t, STOCKS. Open. High. Peoples G HI J HI J C. It. & O, II'.') I;'J COTTON. ''" 0ier. High. May S.t'O 5 W CHICAGO MARKETS. WiihaT Open. High. Low. CI July m 8IJ CoM!t May 28 80 (Vitlon Hales ft ,000 bales. Low. Cliwe DO 111 lll I'U I.ow. Close A Ul 5 :l FOR SALE. I offer for sale the following property. It U the best opportunity for Investment oow offered. Store, on eornor, opposite A. ft N. C. Depot Residence next to above named store. Two tenement and ground on rear of plaoe oa Queen Street. House and large plot corner Pollock and German street. SOiSOO feet. Apply lo owner WILUAft COLLIQAN. B'J 2KJ i At the Rnnk store 3 I i (a. N. Ennett. J . V.VA - ,V V.V. WlX'fl? Ladies' Home Journal for April. Fino Tinti d Stationery Latest Popular Music and Musical Itistriinii tits. ! When Baby hi i KILL-A-BUG ! Will savo yoa peck of trooblo and knock the bugi oat to stay. Put op in pint bottlea, fitted with patent rprlnkler for ap plying tho liqnid to beds and furniture, 25c at Dradham'a Is &ick llon't grope in the dark or trifle with symptoms which may be niihhsdinic tn an unprsctlced rye. Send for your physician and leave with him the respon sibility of determining what the symptoms menu, and what The Remedy Should Be, If he writes a prescription, Ibe responsibility rests po you of having It promptly and aeeu ratt ly Oiled. We are tn business to meet just such emergencies. Our store Is never without aa experienced and capable alien dant nlft-tit or day, Onr drugs are always the purest and best that we can buy, Dradham'a Reliable- Drug Store. L Reliable Drue Store. ' saws'

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