W-4 -eAr s-4 riv . r ., VOL. XVII-NO 1. NSW BlttSE, N. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 3 18'JU. ESTABLISHED 188VI WW 35 Easter Dainties That, will tempt tho Spring appetite 'will le found in great variety in our High Grade Stock of Table Delicacies. Your Easter Eggs will bo procured Fresh Laid and Delicious, your Uutter sweet as the perfume of Easter Flowers, and everything in onr Stock Fresh, Pure and Tempting. Vo always insist on the Highest Quality and then so combine Immense Quantity and Spot Cash that we give our Patrons Goods which Win their Approval. H OUR TAFFETA SILKS, SPAIN'S TORPEDO FLOTILLA At Porto Bico anMoM Jj Warships from Ha?anj. The Senate Foreign Committee Will Report for War. In the Latest Patterns and Shades are coming in each day. Yes, and the CAMBRIC PERCALES in 3(J inch fioods for TEN CENTS per yard are true surprises. Then as the Spring comes . ; . NEW flATTINGS, Are needed. We have a full line of these and only ask you to examine them before purchasing. You will miBs a treat and lose money if you fail to see our SHOES Never Such a Long Line. Never Such a Good Line. Never Such Values. Sowing tho Seeds FAIR PRICES. of HONEST GOODS and IB? warn. o A Fiesh Lot of N. C. Hams, only lOo lb. Shafer's liipakfuut Strips, lOo. Slisfer's Stun' Cured Pig Hams, 12o lb. Loose Out Flakes and Oat Meal, 3o lb. Large and Small Hominy, 2Jo lb. Fox River Print Uutter, 25o lb. flcod Cookinj Butter, 20o lb ' In fact onr. stn.de of FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES am always up to dt'e. Gfvousa Trial and be Convinced that we S.ve You Money by Dealing With U. Very Respectfully, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. 3 J. R. PARKER, JR., 77 Broad Street. O Navy Department Placed on a War Basis. Information to Public Withheld. Battleship Texas Beady for Action, Where Will the Blow be Btrnckt To Enlist Troops for the War. The event of yesterday was the unexpected arrival of the Spanish torpedo fleet at Porto Rico. Porto Rico is nearly a thous and miles from Havana, Our fleet at Key West is only nine ty miles from Havana. We can reach there first. The late news does not con firm the sailing of the Flying Squadron from Hampton Roads. It may have sailed. The country is prepared for war if it comes. Nothing very momentous can be expected to occur today, or for a day or two. Any great event will be bulle tined at tho Journal office. p 'Phone 69. noniiiiie; The Flower 1 Mm of the Household. Special to Journal, , Washington, April 2, This afternoon word was flashed from London that of (icittl cables announce the arrival of the Spanish tlutilla ot torpedo boat destroy ers and torpedo boat at Porto Rico. Thereupon a hasty meeting of the Naval Board of Strategy was held at the Department to consider the arrival of the flotilla and decide a Cuurse of action. In addition to this information, tl.e news was telegraphed from Key West that dispatch boats sent from the White Squadron to follow the Spanish warships Vizcaya and Alralrante Oquendo, which left Havana yesterday with destination unknown, had gone to Join the Spanish torpedo fleet to Porto Kico. The talk! amount the navy officers in private conversation is that they expect to hear the booming of the guns within a week. The Navy Depart ment went on a war tooting today Orders were issued that no information Acquired of the defensive or offensive op erations of Spain be made known to the public. All others not in active service are ordered to be in readiness when call' ed upon. The Navy Department issues orders to Revenue Cutters to rendezvous at Nor folk by next Monday. Biz additional vessels for the naval service were pur chased by tho government today. The urgency for wire for Immediate use Is such that the government purchased In sulated wire to obtain it. The shipments of ammunition, powder and projectiles from the Biookljo Navy yard today, was the largest in the history of the station. All the war munitions were consigned South, presumably for the Plying Squadron at Hampton Reads and the fleet at Key West. The battleship Texas wss today painted a slato color at thn Brooklyn Navy yard. The ship repaired and ready for service. The report Is current on the streets of the Capitol tonight that Minister Woodford has been recalled from Madrid, The membeis of the first class at the Naval Academy at Annapolis, who were otherwise to graduate in June, were to day detached and ordered to ships in the various fleets. The War Department or. dered from the Government printing office ten thousand muster rolls for the enlistment of troops. The first troops will be mustered in as National Guards. The navy yards were today closed to visitors. Governor Black of New York who is on a trip in Canada was recalled by tele gram to Albany and passed through Montreal on a special train this morning. The sub-committee of the Senate C m- roiltee on Foreign Relations, which was appointed to draft a report and prepare formal resolutions outlining a course of action that the United States Bhall pur sue with reference to Cuba, reported to the full Committee today. 'The subcommittee recommended the adoption of a resolution declaring in the first place "tor peace and the recognition of thn Republic of Cuba," aud secondly "for Intervention by tho United States with the army and navy for tho purpose of assisting the Cubans to secure their independence in case Spain refuses to concede it." ' The committee treated the recent orders issued by the Spanish ministry for the release of the Cuban non-combatants or reconcentradoe, as a subterfuge of Spain and dwells upon the past if not the res ent treatment of these unfortunate peo ple. Ihe Committee describef the Maine disaster and represents the destruction of the vessel as sufficient cause for de claring war, if the country is desirous of making it such. The Injury to Ameri can interests in Cuba by the struggle is touched upon and is judged to be a full justification for interference. The full committee agreed to accept this recom mendation. The President will now submit the whole Cuban case to Congress. The leaders siy that the President still enter tains some hope hut is not sanguine that there is another chance of peace. The President today sent an answer to Spain to the lat tote from Sngasta. The answer is brief and omiuous and the President informed Minister (iullou through the American Minister that the reply by the Spanish government was received and would be submitted to Congress. The President issues no ulti matum in his reply to Spain. lie simply notifies Spain that her answer is unsatis factory. The President devotes today and Sunday to the preparation of a messi ge to Congress. The message may not be sent to the Houses before Tuesday or Wednesday. Senator Froctor, who did so murh in his speech to show the conditions on the island of Cuba, declares that Cuban in dependence should be Immediately re cognized, that our coast defense strong nnd that our navy is better than that of Spain. Some Congressmen and Senators arc receiving telegrams from the "peace at any price'" politicians that their constituents wish to avoid war, It is understood that in the event of the Opening of the war that the French Am, baseador will protect Spain's Interests in this city and the French Ambassador at Madrid will protest American interests there. Tbe official statement given out by the Spanish minister that connects the Maine disaster with the Cubans ' creates great surprise. It is considered asextraordinary that it should be thus conceded that the explosion of the Maine originated from the outside, when the attempt of tbe Spanish commission was to prove that the explosion was Internal. THB STATE CAPITAL, The cook hat jour health and jour temper in her bands. If aha wants to the can give you dyi-pejsia and make jon quarrel with yoor be.1 friend. lletter be good to her. Give br the best FLOUR to Work with and shell be tho flower of the Household a "daisy" the m:sT FJ.OUIt IH J. E. m. and from rmr price oo It jou'd never guess that wheat li a dollar a bushel.' . , Another lot of famous ROASTED CARACAS COFFEE Just reoeifed from Ihe Roaster. Trj It and save, money. It It line oulj Twelve rente a pound. JOIRI DM!, Cash Grocer, C3 roLLoutx htiii:i:t. I .mmiiui.ili f I r i I 11) 1 l,t 1 1 t it M t'M 1 114 ?v,( a iiivms from gti Ue bllllj and hand unrenr, should lusPr.UUYiltlls, the boM blond 4iri0r Slid TfUIUcr. OrlMlf tUtnalM,lr. Joha W Hull run, (Ilk bull and Ira. atuk. MaadUtU. Pills Will B(. Urowib Pint. Nail ItrHlb. Hay ao Callrii Out oualerrellers Arrralrd. Journal Burp.au, Raleigh. N, C. April 2. In the Superior couit yesterday Jim Booker who was convicted of murder was sentenced to be hung on May 3lst The growth of Southern Pines can lie estimated by the fact that the receipts for freight and passengers at the depot amount to about $60,000 a year now, while a short time back it was dcarcely $60 The 9th annual convention of the King's Daughters of this Stale will be held W ilmington in May. The death of Mrs. Omega Foster at Johns Hopkins Hospital last night has cast a gloom over Raleigh where she has been suuh a favorite since she married. and made this iier home. Judge Tiaibcrlake has given the Sea board aud Southern railroads a $1,000 ne for the issuing of free passes. The trial of the man who eutered the dwelling of Mr. Woolcott some weeks ago and took a good deal of jewelry , was yesterday sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Had not the family been 'absent and so the house empty the penally would have been deatli The S. A. L. will continue to issue newspaper passes over its line in Virginia and North Carolina. Issued in this way it is said the inter-State law will protect them from interference from the U. 1! Commission. The board of aldermen have called for an election on April 14Ui to vote on issuing $50,000 bonds for public schools. The State Guard mav be called to come together here at Raleigh at any time The quartermaster general has today been lookiug for a site suitable for a camp There is still intense excitement here elsewhere on the war question. Fort Macon at Beaufort harbor is an old deserted post, but attention has betn called to it by papers sent the Noril Carolina Congressmen, and it may be that ere long the fort may be garrisoned It stands on a small islaud about 3 miles out from the main laud It is said the report of the peniten tiary for 1897 will be given out next week. Three men have been arrested in Mc Doweil county for passing counterfeit silver dollars made in Virginia, in the extreme northwestern part of North Car olina this counterfeiting has been goin f r atout IB month). I nr ttttttt inrmrrmrYrrsTT or Nouibern ) Mute OhriS ; VIEWED AT MADRID, to Haaalards t lrai la Their f'aaerpllo r AmrriCK. Waul 1'JmI la, pvaaeae lasiaalljr. Special to Journal, Wasiiixoton, April ?. A semi-ofB oial notice published at Madrid by the Spanish government states that Prcai dent HcKinley did not insist upon the freedom of Cuba In hie note through Minister Woodford, and that no proposal containing the slightest allusion Cuban independence was made, with without an indemnity to Spain for its release. That the presumption that 8paln would be disposed to recognise Cuban lodependeaooe In return for an Indemnity was a most immoral device, aad that Spain would reject such a pro posal' immediately. That there is do party nor politician In Spain that would favor such a solution of the ques tion. The "Imparoial" of Madrid likens the United Slates warships to the sham sol diers seen upon the stage In comedy. The United Btatet Ambassador at Ber lin reports that tbe Spanish Royal Fsmlly fear an outbreak at home nnlea the difference with the United States are adjusted. Work lit Cihfcwcll. Special to Journal. Wilmington, April 2 The work Fort Caswell is being rapidly pushei Two hundred and fifty men in relays are working day aud night on the butteries The emplacements for the fourth tei inch ritle gun ib being gotteu ready. The Artillery company are camped tents at the fort nnd officers and soldier are allowed some freedom and permitted to visit at Boulliport. EnsrlniMl Onr Frlenfl. London April, S. The Daily says : 'Every lover of liberty will wish the war as short as it is sure to he decisive. The United States can gain nothing themselves by lighting Spain, unless It be an addition to their honorable record the apostles of freedom. It is a mi commonplace to say how great is K gland s anxiety for Ameriean success ihe Daily Uranmc sars : "War mav be regarded a inevitable within a very few weeks. Tim eoneill tory form of Spain's refusal of ther Ame lean demands cau only produce a short delay, rew reasonable people win qui lion the wisdom of the I mteil Mates die course they have adopted, hjia had her chance b it lost It. Mu Fulton iVlarket Corned Beef, JUST liECEIYED! Big Hani3 to Cut, Smsll Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beef Tongues. California Hams only 8: pound. Bologna Sausage, Canned Chip Beef, Cooked Corn Beef, Potted Ham and Tongue. Surdities, Salmon, Kippered Herring. Lemon Cling and Yellow Crawford Teaches, Tomatoes, c'orn, Succotash. Corn and Tomatoes. Okra and Tomatoes, iSui'tlett Pears, Green Gages, Eagle and Dime Condensed Milk, right fresh. Finest Teas and Boasted Coffee. Faucy Elgin Butter, fresh from dairy. Mustard, Catsup, and Worcestershire Sauce Heinz Baked Beans, Pure Cider Vinegar. ' Eitiest quality Portorico Molasses and Fancy Cain Syrup. The best of overythinf- in the GROCERY LINE can always be found nice aud fresh at If W 1 1 V n 1 MP Wholesale ill' I I'll) KM IV It'K'LIII Q & Retail iuVlllUlVl Vj Ud'OJVlUOe Grocers, 71 Kroad Hi., NEW BEItXD, X. . UULUJULUJUIJLUJLU EOEE MERCHANDISE New stuffs, bright and Iresh, all over the premises. .Everywnere nere are signs 01 Spring work, no section slighted. Then too, with all, no matter the line shown, we never lose sight ot valuevalue for your money every time, that's where the customers interest comes in. Dress Goods Fourteen different designs in dress goods, nil wool or nil wool and silk, at halt and less than half value. .Seldom such mi offcrinir. Note their widths, 45 1 1 5(1 inches wide at Mc and 47c. Hronil Cloths, the new bluish grev nnd greuns, n well us staple shades, 50 inches l.uUnndl S.i. Kx 'liiHive styles In pillem lengths of these, no two alike T5e and 1.00. Parasols Taffeta sill;, the "close rollers" in hroken plaid and cIici'Ick, new colorings. violets ami greens, handles to match, 3.50. I'hiin white China silk parasolx, $1.50. White China itilk parasol, with two mill.', !.)). White China silk parasols, three milieu of silk tissue, fi 50 Printed Organdies The finest French, a filmy texture in deed, 4ic. Organdy Use and Orgindy St. Oer miiin, sheer and dainty, scroll pattern, plaids and dresden effects, 15c and 20c. Dress Ginghams The newest things in a popular priced gingham, fancy bright colored, broken hair line strips, plaids and pin head checks, 10c. Fancy dress styles plaids, just a little coarser, 7c. Figured Docks Simple styles in stripes and figures, a few in plaids, all on good cloth, 10c. Ladies Handkerchiefs Specimens of both the Swiss and Irish, some on lawn, others on pure linen cam brie, either showing dainty work, 15, 20 and 25c. Ladies Hosisry Ladies tine gauge. Hermndorf black, high spliced heels and double soles, lisle hose, 50V, Ladies fine gauge, high special heel-, perfect black, a good 35 cent value, Sic. Ladies Neckwear I, Miles ribbon flv bows, made from the new kinds of ribbons, 25c. Ladles fancy fly bows, of cambric, graduated stripes, 10c, I IOM, M &AKIII0 Bnvnrn IruifUs.ii I Absolutely Pure I CUT OK TOWN CUSTOMERS may order with confidence. Their orders will be given intelligent attention. Samples Cheer fully Sent. THE ACCUMULATION POLICY OP . The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, . . . IH A POIilCY . . . With tho single condition that the premiums be raid as agreed. With no rost riot looi whatever rospeotiog oooapation, living or man ner of death. . Incontestable after it haa been la (ore one jeer. That cannot be forfeited after it shall have been la force three year. With one month grace la payment of ell premium. With die privilege ot ltelnetatemeat during 8 a.oolb.1 following tbe uiontn ot flrece. With guaranteed cash loeni at 6 per oeot. at elated lime after 3 yre. WHITE TOll COST OF A POLICY AT YOUR AOK. Jff. I IIOrXOWKlMU A cent. TBI HABUTS. Peoples Oa. aao, .. Yesterday's market quotations fnrninh- ed by W. A. Portcrfiold A Co. Cooimiudon Brokers. New York, April 2. STOCKS, Open. High. Low. Che .so wi m out . 90 91 1 HJ) l COTTON. 0)en. High, Low. (lose Kay.... 5.90 tltt 6 00 S.95 CHICAGO HAItKETS. WaT Open. High. Low. Ckw July 8-'! U 83, Mi Coax May to to St! 80, rave laiaerabMr. At the solicitation of tbe clllrens of Z Carolina Worm S&Hlvr! A highly v ihinbh' prepimtlnn. cupalile, limn the promptitude of lis net Inn, of clearing I tie sya nil in s few hour f eteiy worm. The t right, derrl i) menl, and support of worms. In the human stem, are to l attributed to a dpiaeil and ileliililnied condi tion of the k O i sell and bnwvU; it leieg an tnhlixl.ed fnrt that li.'ic tl.e illgi'Kilon is unimpaired, and general powers of Hie rysli m In h heiillliy ut ile, the)' can llud no linlntnlioii. This prepaialliMl has the periiliar sdvai I g,. of not only dexlrnylnn every wurin, but liof proUiK ing a healthy aetlnn of the slmiiach and bowels, thereby re lieving many complaints arising from a derangement ot the digre livn organs. There Is no disrate tn which children are rtpoacd which is so common ami fatal as Worms, and this mrdtehie should be kept In erery nnrm-ry anil In every house hold. Tldi prrptrailoa not only rstlrpatn !h worms, but cleanses the system of the mucus In which thry are rnsvrtderrd, and promotes a neslll.y action of the digestive powers. I arnlina norm mhct never laus tn dn all we claim for it. Try a bottle and gel your mnnry hark If Msauiseturrd 7 " Hew Berne I have decided to give one not s rrprmeti'ted. more day to the free treatment of Ce- f ,na oui" " tarrh, at Chattawka Hotel, Monday U Bradham'e April 4. from 10 to II a, and from 2 Reliable Druf 5tor. to t p. as. . All sufferer from catarrh ere cor dially lavlted te see me. Mice recepiloo room, at! eaese trailed eoofldentlally, twenty years eiperleaee. Da, It. M. Twisdm.k, Of Korf.dk, Vs. 44 m44MMt44t4 Philadelphia Brewing Company's Celebrated Bock floor, for sale at the I'alare Pal wo, le Middle 8t, The . . Spring FiirislNliiiig Are a distinctly dlffnent from the Winter Furnishings a your Spring Suit Is from your old Winter Suit We hav just received a Beautiful Line of Spring Shirts and Neckties and rou can suit yourerlf eaartly by giving a trial. Our Bit lee are Ihe Uu at and our Prices are Cbean. You should see our Spring Hats end 8hoes hlcb are VP to date, but DOWN la Price. We have Just received our Spring Gloves aad Every Pair ts Guaranteed. Our TAILORING DEPARTMENT is giving great satisfaction and a trial will satisfy you that our sample art new and stylish) that our Price are right aad thai we give e perfect fit. Call and ere as. Baker & Dunn. 17 POLLOCK STREET.