xAN OPEN LETTER ; To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TIIE WCRD "CASTORIA " AND " PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PlTCHEfc,- of Uyannis, Massachusetts, was ike originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA; the same that has borne and docs now yrf . on mrV bear the facsimile signature cf OutfMic wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the MUhers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at Vie wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always lough . ' on (he and has the 8it;r.sture of Cl& Mlo$tt. ' wrap- ' per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Compmy uf uihlih Chas. H. ' Fletcher is President. - - March 8, 1897. Q& Jci-.p. Do JHot Eo BeoehiJ. Do not endanger the lile of your chiid by accepting a cheap substitute which sorfte drugrjtst may offer you (because he mako - a few more pcaniss on it), the in gredients of which even he docs not know.. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE TAC-SiMiLE SIGNATURE CF Insist on Having . ' The Kind That Never Failed You, IMS OCHTAbM bOWMNV, IT MUflHV MHIT, NKW VOHH C1TT. Schedule Eflctivo May 2, 1897. This cotidonsad Sohedulo is published as information only and subject to change without notice to the public. UREENSBORO, lULEIUIl. (JOLRSBORO AND NORFOLK. No. )2. Hi. veil Oally. 1 80am S Maui . t il a ui S 10 a m S IS am litaii ( Ml a in 4 80 a hi -A 4 W a in 4A A ir a iu S 80 a in - li a ui Ma in 7 lb a ui No. 44. - fcX BUU. 00 a m 8 40 a lu 111 1J a in 11 Maui U 40 y ui 1 l pm Ko. 18. No 8il. No. 33. No. 11. No. 11. Dully. Dally. Eastern Timn. Dully. Dally. MlxeU. Dally. 8 SO am 11 10 pm Lv Uicenglioro Ar 1166 am M p in 6 Mam til. am Li40piii (llbnonvUle " H14aiu tiuSpui V IS a m Silaui iswpa, " 1ju College ' 11 '2u a in o&tinui SOSuui 9 a a in '2 601) in" iiurlington " 11 111 am SHOpm 6 Mam 40 a in lOopr ' Uraliam llittam 54.1pm 640 a m 47 mil 7:j ' Itawliivur " 10 Maui 5 3d pin 5 25 a m 10 una I li.l " Juehaiie " 10 43 u in 5 27 p m 6 05 a in lu.S'im 117IMM " Hinsooro " 10 22 a in 5 07 p ni 4:10 a ni 10 84 a in 145pm " University " ioo7aiu i 11 i in 856 a m 10 Kara aoium.. Durham VMam 4 83 pin gan a m lu SO a m S 88 p m MorrlBville " 9 IS a m I 4 07 p in 2 .10 a m U 48 a in S 48 p in " Ciary ' 9 W a ni 8 58 p in 2 20 k ni U 44 a in IWpiuAi Ral 1h Lt lllnu 8 40 p in 2 00 a in No. 41.. Ex. Sun. .. , Lr ftaletg-ii Ar 9 no p m 11 08 p m J j p ni Auuuin ' 8 37 a m I 8 14 p m 8 20 ui JPm 8 48pm Clayton " 815am lauapm 7i,lpm lif) p ill 4 11 p ni Selma 749am jiopm Wpni 6jj5p in I I" SoriofK " ani ZTZU' 1 10 p m j'TiUpui Princeton " 788am 8,0puii 8 80 pm 1 40 p m I 4 55pwAr dloidauoro Lv 710 am 130pui 455pm ; INSANE MURDERERS. Ill Question of Responsibility aad Pua Unmans For tha Crime. It may well be that a man who oonld Dot be called insane, bat merely, say, an ordiuary member of the criminal ! classes, with strong passions and feeble intellect, would iu the presence of an opportunity long expected and hoped lor, the consequence, of wbioh his thoughts had frequently rehearsed, be leally for the moment incapable of re straining his hand. We should bang him, nevertheless, without the slightest scruple, and we should waste no com passion upon the absence of self control. It is, in fact, impossible to frame a defi nition of irresponsibility based upon ab sence of self control without inoluding all sorts of crimes which at present are punished by the law. For years baok tbcre has been a sort of feud between the lawyers and the alienists on the subjcot, so that even the textbooks speak of legal insanity and medical insanity as distinct. To take extreme cases, jurists have contended that no degree of insanity should exempt from punishment for crime unless it has reached such a point that the person is utterly unconscious of the difference between right and wrong at the time of committing the offense, while medical men have very generally hold to the opinion that this is not a proper criterion, that many of the insane are fully conscious of the difference between right and wrong and that to enforce eucb a test means the hanging of many a lunatic ' There can be no doubt that of late years the med icnl view has met with a wider accept ance than it used to do slid that even lawyers have shown an increasing read iness to admit the doctrino of irrespon sibility. But it is a very anxious ques tion, especially in view of recent dog- mas as to degeneracy, bow far this doc trine is to be allowed to go. Tho couditicn of affairs is much mure serious than some people think, and it is highly necessary that those who ad minister the criminal law should be on their guard against any insidious estab lishment of immunity for the violation of its most sacred principles. In any case of murder the presumption in fa vor of hanging ebonld be so strong as to leave very slender prospect of escape for any man who prior to the commis sion of his crime had been thought fit to be at large. If this condition cuuuot be secured, it will become a mutter of grave necessity to take prompt steps for the incarceration of many people of evil passions who are now ut liberty and to render tho utterance of threats a mutter to be deult with by tha alienist as well as by the magistrate. Loudon Hospital. SOCIETY IN SIBERIA. end., pimples, bliickli ad. oily, mcithytkiii,dry, thin, niui falling hair, hr-h. lotr.tcal scalps, all yield quickly to warm i:it.t with Outiccra (Soap, t.ud tin tie anuimina with Coticoba (olr.imectj, t greai skin cure. A VANITY BOOK. Personal Record KMpIng Whoa latorat Xxsaaa Ita Vanity. In the beginning one's parents must be the authors, or if the parents will not then some devoted aunt may win for herself the warmest thanks iu years to come. When Heart Delight came to "earth some 16 years ago, a snbutan- .1.1 1 I 1. . 1- U 1 - I , I . wai raiaw wua uuuBu w uu u uuua. , ,..hll- ., b,M,1h.ff ,, .,,,. ,,. r.n .u:- . a - .i n l n r.4 .1... I . . . .: --, luiu bum won lira, lua goiicaiugjr ui mu ' ana nulnrill miser family on father a and mother s Bides as far as there was knowledge of it. Pho tographs of greut-gTeaA-graudnarents, grandparents and parents were inserted. The wedding dress of the paternal grandmother was shown by a small piece, and the maternal side was rich with bits of the wedding dresses of mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Photographs of father and mother at the time of their marriage and when Heart's Delight was born were also added. To these were added one of the bouse and the room which the little maid made blessed by her coming. The announcement card went in and letters written for ber welcome. Mamma wrote a description of the won der, and pupa took her photograph. ' All t.hia n-na fnr thn rtpaintrinff lint as months went mi there was mora to Scieutlflc, it WJil'o b') lioiiojd " chronicle. Baby's ways, the coining of Chicago hVcoril her first tooth, her first word and when it. war snnlrpii. wlinn Khn hftfrnn rn wppn . . . . ., 1 KlieniimtlMll Clir.'ll and then to walk nil these were re- nnrdftrt. Tntn thn hnnk went. mo. snnh Mv wife lias used Chamberlain's Pain treasures as too first sock, the first lit- Balm for rheumatism with great relief ihroiichmit (he worll. Pitmn Dm asd Cue. win 1'r.tiH.. ll-tou. H w rrwliiw .n. m.lte !l4UU," hm. ITCHING KUKORS 'S ebbin's wife U g ling to make h in go in for geology" What's i hat f h !'" "She ca'i mato him keen him self tifiv, unci slin tiii .i s ( hi is Sale of Property ! Ty virtue f tlu Tax List for 1KH7, nnl Snn.liy Cxii'inloKH. i will f.,r CASH, in II. e liiKli8t ludder, at the Mill of the PHILLIPS LUMBER COMPANY, ON OLUiirOOTS CREEK, Nrar North Ilarlowo, on SATHUIAV. 12 .'. I ck n.Min. A pill ih, t In) lolion n.jr ui'hC:iliMl j ei'sonal pro perly, m- ii : Almiit 45 i00 firtt HSf-ortod lumber on yunl. 1 liicli ill Snfp No. 8. K'Kid an new. 1 KiIUT.Toi l)r'k. Ollll (.-Olililt ion. 1 Letier rfi hs uml Slnml. 1 fitnve 1 Nickel Ijiih:. 2 Si!it.inM(im anil i lniii-s. S Stool Cliaiis. 1 bill. rapping paper. 1 Box Limp I lliiiiinc) s. 1 40 giil'oii Oil Well kimmI ronililion 1 Ice box I Packai- Wash boards. Anil lot of MciT'.iamtiae in storp 'loiifc. cohsiflinj; of ( loiliini;. Bools, Oil-cloth-Ini!, Snuff. Shovels, lluts, and oilier ar ticli'i usually found in a country htore. Will he put up in lots to suit bidders. JOSEPH L. 11AHN, Sheriff Craven County. vkMIJo KO YEARS' tr 4t EXPERIENCK 1 JAPANESE CURB Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anvnnit ami dine a skeK'h and dnointton roar qnleklr a-ertin our opinion fra whether an lnrentlnn t probably paten Inble. CoinnitJnica tlotwAttirtlyoonfldenUal. Handbook on Patau ent free. Oldest afrency for Mcuhng patent. Psaenu taken thmogh Munn t Co. reoalr tptcUU notice without charge, lathe Scientific American. A bandsomelr IU nut ted weeklr. Irrert etr. eolation of any identilln Jnumal. Termg, $3 a year : four month, $L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.38"""' New York Branch Offloe, 625 F Bt, Washlniiton, D. C , FJtOFESSIONAL. A Xpw and ComDlete Treatment, consist ine of StTI'OSITORIKS, Capsules of Ointment and two j Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing cure for Piles j of every nature and degree. It makes an operation i ...ill, tli L-nif. ulii.-li i na infnl ani nftrn rttultl I tlo aboe, a piece of her lirht colored I and I can recommend it as a splendid in death, unnecessary. Why endure this Urribte ; dress. Everything of whatever kind liniment for rheumatism and other .!'S.",VECL' f5. Sent hy mail. Samples free OINTMENT, 25c nd BOe. PfiNQTlPATIflN Curtd, Pllei Prevented, by Curb for sale only by V. H. DUFFY, New Berne, N. that marked a beginning fouud a per- i,ljni.nl,i flir wM,.,. ,vn ilav(, fml,,,i inanent place in the Vanity Book, and . valuable. W. J. Cuvlbr, Bod Creek, v.. ... w uuimoi irn i iuii in.i.. liv p.nii.the therein. ' . " . . vmt LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and Ail thn child rinvolonnd thn nhnTnntnr Air. Cuyler is one Of tho loading HUT- BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant of the items naturally changed. When chants of this village and one of the most "y p " " she went to scuool. her early eiTorts sup-1 prominent men in Una vicinity. . U. rpec , vial of these famons little Pelleu will plied more material, sometimes iu the I'iiipimn, Editor Bed Creek Herald. For , bei)""BT,HVLirsTrKMH Pilb Dunpu ua BtJiiuui wuiik uiiu OUUJCHUIU3 us i )y Uuliy. T is entered in tho book. "l havo n ,loGtor'8 certificate here There are so many tokens here that that 1 cannot sing tonight, smd the are treasures, more valuable as tuey I prjtna doun nartv. the first theater nrnfiramme. and - " 11141 1 roareQ 1,10 manager, 1 1 with this are other programmes of Klve J0U " ceraneaie mat you never those thiugB which have impressed the I could eins." Detroit Free Press. i. : i .1 ,i i ... i. I cuiiu. iw urtib lmny uiess, ui course, i was shown in tho book. Throughout the I 8100 book are photographs of Heart s Do-1 lr. E. llmchon's Anil Dlurrt light herself as she grew toward girl-1 May be worth more to you than $100 if Hood and ol the girls and boys who I you have a child who toils bedding from Were lier irleUUH. I ini-nntpiinnpn of wntnr illlrincr Liong ago tho bnoKuiuKiug leu into No. 1) ana Uoarry Pnllman Slaaiilmc Uan between Ureenaboro and Raleigh. A. & BT. c 16. It. TIM K TAHLK K0. 4. X To Take Effect Sunday,Novetnbcr 28lh, Ci 1897, at 13 M. . Going E.ut Boiikdulk: Uoinj West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p ra stations: Ar. a m 8 41).... ... .Guldsboro 1105 40t .. LuG range ...10 82 Klnston 1012 Q8i....Ar. NewBcmo, Lv.... . 810 541 .....Lv. " Ar. .... 857 8 57... Ar. ilorehead City Lv 7 47 No. 1, f I I No. 3, . Mx'J Ft a id stations: Mx't I t. and Pass. To. I I Pass. Tn. Lv. a m Ar. p m 7 10...... ..Uoldsboro 8 00 7 48 Best's 7 20 8 03 LaUrauge . 8b0 8 26 Falling creek 620 14 Kinston 6 00 8 28 Caswell 518 9 48 Ar. Dover, Lv 5 00 10 15...., ..Lv. Ar 4 20 10 40..... core creek 4 00 11 15 Tuscarora 8 88 11 81 Clark's 8 20 12 03 .....Ar. New Berne, Lr..... 250 180. Lv. ' Ar 10 47 812 ..Blverdal 10 00 Atlantic Const Line. 1151. 20. S4J. 8 13. 823 3 81 8 44. 4 01. r. m. .1000 . 8 40 . 806 . 8 47 . 888 . 820 . 750 A. M. Monday. Wadnwdny and Friday, t lura lay, TUuiMia and Saturday. S. L. DILL, SupvriulcoJoDt. croalan , .. .... llavvluck Newport, Lv... Wild wood ...Atlantic . . Ar. Morehead city, Lv. ..Ar. At. city Depot, Lr. Wiluinotok & New Beiinb l I?., T1MK TAULB NO. 1, In ElTect tVcdncsday, Dec. 1, 1807, Daily Except Bunday, Uoing Boulh SCHEDULE; Going North No. 61, l'assenger Trains No". 50, Lv. a m, stations: Ar, p m, BOO New Berne 5 40 0 22 Pollocksvllle 5 05 8 47 Haysvillo 4 53 1018 Jacksonville 4 21 j Wilmington, ) ( Union Depot f " 1150 ...Ar. Wilmlngtonj Lv. ... 240 r M . p u No. 80, Pabsenoek & Freight, No. 81. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Leave New Borne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. A ll Ar. P H 7 4) ....Lr. Wilmington, Ar 125 8 35 Scott's Hill 12 85 20 Woodside 1165 8 55 Uollyridge 11 25 ....Dixon 10 40 ...Verona 10 10 .Jacksonville, 9 40 Northeast. 8 50 Whtte.uk 8 20 Maysvllle Pollocksville 7 25 bebruhl' 6 55 . . . Ar. New Berne, Lv 6(0 Daily Except Sunday. J. C KENLY, General tlananor. B. BOltDEf, bupt. Transportation. liiilli A t:... nmiiiua anil ecrmaotot CUTS .,rwtdnSdiv. itauw1yharml. .o - uortni ell" iw - ..v4 rr--lrr? R. A. Ol'NN, M.D., " 41 Cart II tn. New Voik Cltr. 4 I a . l r :M mi . J avrji mnd 'I rnrte-V. v U tjstffc i4 all tVal 'nt l4T.M)rM)'lua-rtl lr 1nofTt tfta j nflrtt;in rt5iri j o. fATty O J. 4 rmr j ,1U rU UI HS Uau Aft Ife. - I vt W pirim-ttate, 5 y ixi' f i ,. n 4, lr1 H a rt-fxiiT, ,i . i ... J - .4 In?, ll.rlo Ol-i.m rt'ts i 1. U. a. .uH Irftti MituCI el AM..-, ii,r,.uuww Ckuu.i 10 40 .... II 05 11 60 12 10.... 12 DO 1 10 140 .... 2 20 8 00 LW.S Under Hotel Chattawka, New Berne, N. C, dkalku lv BIWj, Uo3, C' PLASTER, Garland's Stoves & Ranees Devoc's Ready Mixed Paint, Air-Tight Heaters. Hosteas and Guest Frequently Retlro to the Kitchen to Cook and Eat. "At ono of the grand balls I atteuded at Krasnoyarsk, " writes Thomas G. Al len, Jr., of "Fashiouahlo Siberia," in Tho Ladies' Home Journal, "I was im pressed by tho profusion of flowers used iu the decoration of the ballroom, and which had been imported from Europe at enormous expense, and also by tho importance given to the matter of re' freshments. Although there appeared to be about four girls to one mau, tho male portion of the company spent the greater part of the evening at the buffot, or zokooski table, eating and drinking. The conversation of tho women, I found, was most conventional, and one could invariably anticipate the came remarks upon an iutroductiou to a lady. Knowl edgo of French, which I was surprised to find few could speak, is cousiderrd the most graceful feminine accomplish mcut. "The kitchen, bowover, has for the lady of the laud a peculiar fascination. Very often while dressed in silks and satins and conversing with her guests a hostess will proceed to frya'blin,' or paucake and eat it with tho greatest gesto. The other ladies are at liberty to follow the hostess' example if they choose. ' French and English Croaoe. French men of letters have not enough of the auducions spirit cf the English, says Henry D. Eedgwick iu The At lautio. They troop to Paris, where tbey have been accustomed to sit on their classical boncbes since Paris became the center of France. The rumuuoe of Villon is the romance of a Parisiau thief. The romance of ltousurd is the romance of the Parisiuu salon. Montaigne lives on hi seigniory wbilo Eugland la topsy turvy with exciter tent of now knowl edge and new feeling. Corneille has the nobleness of a ieuue fi lie. You can measure them all by thoir ability to plant a colony. Wreck them on a desert island, Vlllou will pick blackberries, Konsard will skip stones, Montaigne whittle, Corneille look like a gentle' man, and the einpiro cf France will not increase by hand breadth. Take handful of Elizabethan poets, and Sid mm w1l .linn Kltubciiiii&Ara vmilrl o0 rnnlr. Jnnann dlir. Bacon snare. Marlowe calch a wild ass, and lu 24 hours they wonld have a log fort, a score of savage slaves, windmill, a pluuuce, and tho croaa of St. Ueorgo flying on tha tallest tree. Calorie. The emotional litterateur had just written a piece cf which he waa very brood. The editor looked It over and then raid: "Do yon candidly think such opinions ought to go into cold type? "1 don't know much about the prac tical work of printing, was lbs reply, "but 1 don't believe It makes any differ cuoa. Evf n If the tj Is cold, 1 goeaa that artiido will take the chill off It." Waihliton Star. the hands of tho girl bersolf, and she adds to it nil that points to tho story sho is making. Everything of pleasure of special benefit iu her life, is to bo re called from this book, und even now she prizes it above all her possessions, What will it ho to her when she is 50'r What will It be worth to her sun or daughter when some ono writes "Finis' to it for her? What would you not give for such a book left you hy your mother or father? It would be worth more than mouey There is a great deal of pleasure to be found iu making such a book for oneself, though if ouo begins it utter childhood ho loses much that went into the little one's book. It will become filled, how ever, with the important things of life, each making these for himself. A vain ty book is one of the best things iu the world to show how one's ideas of values change and how lifu's horizon expands. It records a life with some ' f those which preceded it and gave il its bent and those which accompanied and de veloped it. Though it may bo vanity, it is yet a vanity with a lessou. New York tiun. llnnd Made and Sawed IB P. M. Simmons, A. I). Ward J. II. Pou, E. W. Pou. fcSIMriONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. KF.W BEKNE, M. C. Office 68 Eo, Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chattawka. (Offices also at Raleigh and Smilhfield ) I'raellee lu the counties ol Craven, llnpliu, Jonee, iinslow, Carteret Parull-o, Wakr, Julinston. Harnett and vilison; In me Su preiue anil i-t-ilural lourts, and wherever 8er'h es are dislrid. P. II. Pelletier, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers Brick Building. Will practice In the Coiintien ot Craven 'Jurtercc. Jones, Onslow and I'anilico 1 . 8 ; ouitatNew Borne and fc!pr'ru' ' 'irt o h Mate. Dr. E. F. Early, DENTIST, OFFICE: Over Bradham's Pharmacy, Rooms 8 and 4. OFFICE HOUHS: 9:30 to 8 and 8 to 6. OAS ADMINISTERED sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by C. 1). Brad ham, druggist, Jncw Berne, N. C. Five hundreJ hands, idle for four months, are busy at the Delaware Iron Works, Newcastle, Del,, which has resumed work. Much distress is thus relieved. Brick, Luths. Posts, Murl. Cut Price on Wood: Stove Wood (i'i cents to your door. Not cut 50 cents delivered. HNAMIAI. . A. Green, Pres. E H. Meadows. Vice Pre. n. M. Groves, raaiil.'i. BIG HILL, The Shingle Han. See fie For Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured ia 3 j Days. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind. says; j "5Iy wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism in every muscle and joint, her suffering : was terrible and her body and face were , swollen almoit beyond recognition; lu.d been in bed for six weeks and had eight physicians but received no bcnelit until she tried the MYSTIC CL'liH FOR j RHEUMATISM. It gave immediate re- I lief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure it saved her life." . Sold by Hcnij's Pharmacy, Druggist New Berne, N. C. SHORT LOANS. j IX a .IvNKKAl KANMM hi- Accounts ol BanKB. ban r ations, Farmers, Merchants an. iu, ; celved on lavorable terms, rompt and till attention given to the Inters' o' n trmiHrs r:oll etlons a specialty HOARD OF nlRKnTOKh , pMi'iiinaiid Uliich K. n. Uuuoow I J. A. Mnadows, Cha . Ilutly. Jr Samuel W Iporfc lam. - Kt-nmnn. Chas. H. ,'owier MaNerHu'li. . .1. v. tirainirer, rimmas A I I.. W. Smallwoon O (. f. . l7i-P . I'm W . K. Crockett Whenever you have a paper you want discounted see me i.ml von CKT TilK ',ASI1. . . . . ... Capital Stuck. flSAAC II. SMITH, Surplus and Profits 130 Middle St., NEW BERNE, N. (J. During the year lS'.)1 tho United State3 sent to St. (iallon, Switzar- aiid, SO, 500, 000, over 90 per cent. of that sum in Djvinent for cotton John Oliver of Philadelphia, was K nJ PIlbrollle ,one ltl 8Uch the subject, is narrated by b.m as , g . , - 7 . , Robbed tho Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. follows: "I waa in a most dreadful condition. My skin waa almost yel low, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in hack and eid no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physi- ciani had given me up. Fortunate!; friend advised trying 'Lhctric tant point iu tho world. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word from the wise should be suffi cient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft repealed experience of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough llemc- ;Parmers & flflerchants ! ...BAfrK... j Began gin B-t -r. juiK.3, , t-tJ - $ 75.000.00 11. 111.41 OFFICERS: L. H.CnTLKK, President. W. . Chadwick, Vice Pre T. W. Iikwev. rashiiM J. . BiiiiiLK. 1 - n. . . F. K. M.'.TT .Kw-, Colleetui 1)11, K( TOH-: I..H. (lltl.r. .! I 11 Siller. V.B.Had W S I liBilwli'k, P 11 I f letli-l,. . B.Cia k, J. W. Stewart, N.M.Jur e , T.W. Uewey. We want your business and feel that tale are heieliy notified to make prompt we can offer you as much in return as payment. All persons holding claims any other bank in the city. It is our against said estate are notified to present endeavor to make business relations mut- tiie same duly verified to theundersigned uaiy pleasaut and profitable to our administrator on or before the l.mi day patrons. or March, lS'.ni, or tins nonce win ue , I Admiiiislrtor'& Notice. The undersigned having duly qua!i''ed a Administrator c t a of Jenny Dudley deceased, 011 the l"ith day of March, I S'8. All icrsons indebted to said es- plended in liar of their recovery. THOMAS F. MoCAItTHY, Admn. v t. a. of Jenny Dudley, deceased. Wm. E Clakkk, Attorney. Notice of K11111111011N. t;aa t .J a 1 1 I . uiuore, miu 10 my gi.u. jujr uuu i (jy giVtJ, better saliBrnciion tlinn any surprise, the tirst Dottle made H I other in Uic market, no lias been in th 1 decided imnrovemetit. I continued drug business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve ti.i. ... f... ..ul ... I years: has sold hundreds of bottles of ,. j , . . I ibis remedy and nearly all other cough uin m ncii 1u.11, a .uu. 11101 ...... 1 ,, . . , ii,, I m.llnln.. m.niiNi. nmil which tthnw. my me, anu roooeu inu grave 111 another victim." No ono should fai' I Noutii Cakoi.iNA. Superior Court, i Cravkn County, ( Spring Term, 1898, Wise. 11 11 HniUon.Ceor.'n I'. 1 IIuiImiii and N. T. j Torbert, partners trad- ini! as the Hudson I Lumber Company, Notice of va. 1 Summons. J. H. Phillips, Kdward j 'II. Phillips and Isaac Trissel. J To Eil aid II. Phillips und Isaac Trissi 1, Take Notice. That 11 certain Civil Action has been begun agaiic.1 you by the Plaintiffs above A. BRIAN, THOS. DANIELS, President. Vice Pres. . 11. ROBERTS. Cashier. The national nK Or NKW BKUNK, N. C. INOOBFOaATKD 18B5. Capital $100,000 Surplus Profits 08.IW D1KBCTOH8: Jas. A. navAH, Chas. 8. Hkyam, Jno, IHlKH, O. H. KOBKBT Thor. Oanim J. II. llACHSUa L. Harvcv ; K. K. UlSHor to try thorn. Only 50 cents per hot. tie at t. a. Duffy s drug store. conclusively that Chamberlain s is thn I im,,ic-l. in the Superior Court of Craven most satisfactory to the people, and i 1 couniy for the fun-cloaure of that certain the best. For salo bv F. S. DulTv. t mortgage i-x.-cuted by you and your co- -STEAMERS- i:iSTj:it CAROLINA DLPAT ii LIN r , lol( UU Unl Boat.' "Do you thluk. Grimly, that yon do what yon should to brighten your hornet" 'l'v, putlu gas, tleotrio UghUaud lamps. It there', anything els, to tnak,' It l.rlpluer, 1 ui rmdy to invent." Do troit Frvu Pre niarmrwaiau aroHAtll l,EA,r. I'crmanrntly cured by Iho masterly I poWff of South American Nervln, Toolo. InvalUls nood tiiffer no longtr became this great remedy can cur, them all It Is cure for Ih wbol, world of atomicb waakaeaa and indlgratlnn, Th, cur, lie. gins with th flrl dote. The relief It brines if marvelous and Surprising. It make no failure; never disappoint. No ! mailer how liHig you have suffered, your cure Is certain under th use of tbla great health (tvlng torn. Pleomnt and al war fc Sol-I by C. I. JIlradliBm, 1 h 11 g t, i , New llvruc, N. C ALL WGMEH JiiTMitrrHS of all tit, pain andslcknusfrom which woman sutler la cauxad by weakness or derangement In th, organ of menstruation. Nsarly always when a woman is not wall the erg am ar, aflected. But when they ,r, atrbnf and healthy a woman la vary seldom sick. U nature's provUlon for th, reru latlon ol Ih, menstrual function. It cure all " ft mal, trouble,. It la squally allectlv, for th, fltl In bar loans, th, young wlf, with do maouo and maternal ear, and the woman approaching th, period known as th, " Chanr, of Llls." They all need H. The ar, ail UaeflUa4 by It defendant to the Plaintiff, above named, . . . , . 1. I on I he 1st day of February 18fl7, duly re- It IS reporleJ tint opiraMv.M at rnrie(i itl lhe 0mCe of the Rigisurof Full River fear another re lu ? i .n or 1 Deed of ( raven roomy, in book 121, I .) If.. lu....l..M.mUHl r.t thn , . . . . IUI 'e Ol, HUM i.'i li" riin.ii.iini ... ...w Uiliutdown, and are keen to tinu '.,.,.li(lll )lf,i, ,)nte therebv secured. work in tho southern cotton nulli ' V. u and each of you are hereby noti fied 10 he and apiK-ar lietorf our superoir j t'ourl to la-held at llie t onrt llou-e In 1 ii. ...iiiiiv ut t r:ii'i.n Sinip if North Distressing Kidney and Madder dmcu H.ilia. . 0 h Mondav afler the 1st RKI.IKF 1 MX IIIII RH AN i 11111)11 Stamsliip CKKDiH I MMCVi.M For All PoIiiIm oiil. fnr teVtei Hi cms wulitsf cruet! nrvdtofl, sdSrass. livaif symefoms, th. " Ulles AdrlKlrr DeBtnewirt," 1 M Ch.uiogrA kt KIM C . C ll BsOeVTM. TNOt, I. eoomt, Toaets, atlw TI Ml rriit Hr. WIa Cfw4 anllrt r.f t4 r'f4 TnTl'i'lf'tW.VM'lL relieved in six hours by "New Ureat South American Kidney Cure.' It is a. great surprise on account of ita exceed- ng promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, In male or female. I Relieves retenslon of water almost im mediately. If you want quick iclief ami cur, this is the remedy. Sold by C. l. Bradhain, Druggist, New Berne, N. C. The death of Sir Henry Hoi oni I at the advauoed age of 85 yeirs is a 1 event iu the world of pniiuiei I science. 81 r Henry', iiiveutini 0,' the proc3 for oonvortiDj pig iro'i land scrap into soft steel, hn bjen I one of the greatest bluasintre geuiu, ever bestowed on the world. InlBHo my wife went East and wss attacked with rheumatism. She received I no relief until sb, tried Chamberlain', Pain Ualm. Since that tlm, wo bar. never been without It. W, Hod It give. Instant relief in raws of burn, and scald and I never falling for ,11 rheumatic laud nauralglo pains. D. C Drakt, Santa Yuen, CaU For saU hy F. , Duffy. t Oysters and clams ar abundant along tho Gulf of California, but tbey art Inferior in site a id quality to those sold In the Eastern markets and the ooit if loo in ikei tlioin I valitolc for eiport. Mondav in Match 1MH. mil! answer or demur to tin- Complaint which will lie tiled in niv nfl!" during the Hist Uiree iivk of mid t.Tin. or olherwiiM' defend said acil.in at you may lie advised This March 2.1th, 18'JH W. M. WATSON, C 8. C, Craven County. The Steamer NEUSi nv 11 a ' E a. 1 il 1 Ii .1 11. I., - t 1. I . Tbe Meanier Nka bKK 1 F NOTICE. Xoktii Carolina, I i1w1i,... .... I laveu County. ) J. II. Ilnckburii,) Notice of Service of vs. - Summons and Al- (jiiitman Hay ) Urhnicnt. Tho Defendant Quitman liny, above named, will take notice: That summon In the above entitled aclion was iaaued against lihn bv the un dcrsigned a Justice of the Peace of Craven Onunly, on th, SAlli day of March 18U8, in the aclion abov, entitled, uixin the claim of the plaintiff for lhe non-pay mrnt of tin' aunt of l.17.4S, and Inter t tlierron. Which summon aas rrturnrd to me endorwd by Ih, Hlierlrt nf Craven county. "Not tn b, found,' Ac. Aad on said dnv and date the said plaintiff prayed and I Iwued an attach ment auint your property In the Ooun lr of Join, bint, of North Carolina, In said action. v uicn warrant is reiurn aUe lief ore me mi April 6lh 1HV4. Yon are therefor, notified to appear before me in th. City of New Uern, at Bay office o, th, SAth day of April IHwR, and newer or demur to tn, complaint 01 plaintiff, er otherwia defend Mid action at vou may be advtaed. thi, March Wilt, imt. I1F.NKY K. BKYAN, Ja.. i. r. Ur.v,n Co, U if. , I In. k, li". 1 Id .'. Inn m K.'l.i . lino line " 't ji'i 1 i' I' 1. III. 10. Hid I ni, , TikO HMNDEItMiN. Atit. VI K Kiso. (Jfi. Mgr. H U. Hl lmlNS.Oel. Fli.4 I'a Norfolk, Va. Hoill . N. t Nfp: l tgt. 16'.! W. UCNN, JAS. REDMOND, Presldeat, Tlce Pres. B. S.GU0N, Secty A Trees, New Berne Ice Co aaafaatarer , Pure Crystal ke, Fro oa Distilled Waler Kit-pot tO Tim Ml? Car lined !... N'lriei lc dallforwi daily (,ioeii ft ndy. I 4 n, to I p m. Saodav (ratall onlr) 7 a m. to It 000a. For prioa and other iniormelmu, addrsM. a.UUION.Maaaser.

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