c. v Both the method and results when Byrup of Figs ia taken ; it ia pleasant and refreshing to (he taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duoed, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM mmuaco, cal. U0BIIIUE.U. KW tOKK. K.Y. THE JOURNAL, NEW ADVERTMEVEHTtt. Bradham War on insects. Stephen H. Lane Sealed proposals. R U. D. Notice. J. W. Stallings Palms, & II. J. Lovick City tax list Business Locals. FIVE Barrels Four Year Old Apple .Vinegar, 11 cents per gallon by banel. AUegood, 78 Middle Street. HOUSE TO RENT Two story house, six room on Metcalf Street, number 80, Good locality. Apply to J. D. Dinkine, - NEW LINE Spring foods just in at Cbadwich's. Call and examine before placing your order for same elsev. here. F. M. Cbadwick, 101 Middle St. A DAY IN THE CITY. Cloudy weather with shower?, is the forecast for today. Sunday was Palm Sunday and Christ Church of this city was beautifully deco rated with palms and a large congrega tion was in attendance, it being the be ginning of.IIoly Week. The protracted meeting held at the Methodist Chapel continues nightly And great interest is manifested by those who attend: The sermon preached by Rev. F. S. Becton Sunday night was very effective and great many presented themselves for prayers. A collision yesterday afternoon on Middle street, near Scott's stables, be tween two carts, resulted In throwing Bill Smith, colored, from his cart, knock Ing the breath out of him. After a few minutes, Smith recovered his breath, and was none the worse for the accident. The loiterers in the vicinity of Arm strong s store on lower Middle street, yesterday, enjoyed the light of a atrug git between a mule, that wanted to get iato the store and several colored men It took a good deal of forcible persuasion before the mule was made to realize that his place was on the street, not in a store. Eacllca Arnica Falve. The Best Salts In the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cum pile or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price U cent pri uox. f or sale ny t . e, uutly. PERSONA I Mr. T. A. Cress, weal to Morehead last night. Mr. Clarenr Crapon came over from Wilmington last night. Mr. Geo. Dill went to Morehead last Bight on business. Mr. J. A. Crews Is In the city in the Interest of Wilmington Messenger. Mr. Matilda Jordan and daughter, Miss Julia, left yesterday morning to tbelr bom at Washington, D. C. Messrs. A. D. Ward and W. D. Mclver are at Jacksonville, attending Onslow county Superior Court. Mrs. A. D. Patterson left yesterdsy morning lo visit her son, at Nyack, on Hudson, N. Y. Miss Mary A. Dewey of Halelgh and Miss 111 tie Dewsy of Goldsboro ar visiting Mrs. T. W. Dewey. MIm Lou Webb left yesterday morning for Washington, D. C. While la the city sb was lb guest of Mrs. J. E. Latham, Mr. J. L. Carroll and son, Mr. Eu gn Carroll, of Richmond, V , who bar been visiting at Mr. W. F. Itoua tree's, Wtt yetrdy morning returning bom. HilllMrf Twawdaj. Al our opening Tuesdsy w will show lb most elaborate collection of pattern bat vf shows by us before. 0. A. BAHFOOT, OABTOniA. two. y k lot 1m Hra thnn feH ntrt rll UM Blahl. The. Naval IteMrres were oat la, full force last night, pnrsnant to the order published la Sunday' JorasAL. The The Division was drilled for soma time on the street, and the accuracy with which the movement were executed drew forth many expressions of admira tion from the spectator! who witnessed the maneuvers. The member of the Division, m well as the officers, deserve to be congratulated upon their profi ciency in the military tactic and in the event of war with Spain, we will expect great thing from our local soldiery. Prior to the commencement of the drill, the report of the Broad of Examin ation held last Friday night for Petty officers, was read, and the order install ing the successful candidate was pro mulgated. The number of candidates who stood the examination was twelve; and the eight successful ones who succeeded in icqulring petty offices are as follows: J. T. Hargett, 1st Boatswain's Mate, P.O. James E. Carraway, 2nd Boatswain's Mate. - G. B. Bender, 1st, Gunner's Mate. F. F. Matthews, 2nd, Gunner's Mate. -J. B. Congdon, 1st, Quartermaster. J. L. Hartsfield, 2nd, Quartermaster. Geo D. Roberts, 1st Coxswain. J. R. Collins, 2nd, Coxswain. After the drill the newly Installed petty officers invited the Division to UcSorley's store, where Coca Cola and cigars were served to the members. Sew Berne Boy on Colombia. New Berne will be represented in the United States Navy, even if the Naval Meserve boys do not go. Jack Crabtree and John Tolson who left here a few weeks ago for Norfolk, have gone into active service on the United States Cruiser Columbia. This vessel's movements hereafter will have a special interest to the people of this city, and Jack and John will have the best wishes of all In their new posi tion in the Navy. Taken to Newport. The remains of C. C. Mann, who died here Saturday night, were taken by train last night to Newport, N. C. for inter ment. H. C. Whitehurst and J. P. Hall, ac companied the remains, representing the Knights of Harmony of which order Mr. Mann was a member. Krllect Three Deer. The three door belonging to the Fair Association, which have the run of the Fair grounds, were given a chase on Sunday morning by a dog which gained entrance to the grounds, the result being the death of the tbree deer. The dog chased the deer until they took refuge in the grand stand where they were penned up and bitten to death by the dog. The doz a short time afterwards met Ills death by being shot. The King's IVaaahtera t'enwenlloiu The ninth annual convention of the North Carolina Branch of the Inter national Order of the King's Daughters and Sons will be held in Wilmington on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 2fllh, 27lh and 28th, 1898; It is sincerely hoped that every circle of the order in the State will be repre sented. Mrs. R. N. Sweet, Wilmington, State Secretary. Miss Hattie Thrower, Williamston, Iiec. Secretary. Mrs, Hampden Smith, Raleigh, treas urer. Executive Committee Mr. M. S. Willard, Wilmington; Mrs. C. U. King, Wilmington; Mrs. Julian Baker, Tar boro; Mrs. James B. Cherry, Greenville; Mrs. E. C. Harrington, Chapel Hill. CASTOR IA For Infants and. duldrau. km Wnipa -wr -wcw tow Traeh Laaha. A drive among the track farms, yes terday, shows that the coming crop is in fin condition. There was a light frost Monday morn ing, but it did no damage. Peas, are in bloom, and bean and po tatoes are op and grawlng splendidly, Home very fine lettuce and cabbages are being shipped, daily, to Northern markets. Will Mai aaoah. The advertised (peaking of Hon. C. B Aycock, which was announced for Fri day night, April tttb, hat btea postponed until a later date, which will be duly an nounced In there columns. Parlac Oaralaa, Mr. Wbaley and Miss Pauline Albengh our expert trimmer from Baltimore bave left nothing undon to mike your visit to our (tore Tuesdsy and Wednesdiy entertaining as well as profitable. O. A. BAHFOOT. ItraaaelcBl KaaSata ia0. The monthly meeting of the Female Benevolent SorUty will be held al lb bouse of MU Melts on Tuesday April lib at 4 o'clock, p. m. X.O. Bat moth,' Secretary. ma leea aa4 Mil a. Al our opening Tuesday anil WrUne day, w will bavt on display the best collection of drass good and silk that we bave ever shows. O. A. BARFOOT. Don'l forget that YiuLo, Banjj, Mandolin and Guitar Hiring of all slsea at Its iter, the J wider. TaaaatsialaoLaalfw.: At the Annual meeting of the East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Indus trial Association held at City Hall on March 28lb, 1898 the following resolu tion was unanimously adopted. , Whereas, Since the inauguration of our Fail, the most material aid and as sistance has at all time been rendered the Association by the ladies of the City and, Whereas, we are deeply cognizant of the fact that to their zeal and untiring efforts, is largely due the success we have attained. Therefore be it, Resolved, That our most sincere and appreciative thanks are hereby extended the ladies who compose the various committees for their faithful and effi cient service. Resolved, Further, That these reso lutions be spread upon the minutes and a copy furnished the New Berne Jour nal for publication. ...-'-.- II . Dimrlrt Conrl. . The next regular term of the United States District court will be held in this city the week beginning April 25th. Jurors and witnesses are not required to attend, however, until Tuesday, April 26th at ten o'clock, a m. The following named persons have been drawn to serve as Jurors for said term, viz.: Craven county John E Morris, col., J C Whitty, E W Rosenthal, J E Latham, D 8 Jones, John Dunn, James A Bryan, Enoch Wadsworth, Ralph Gray, John Allen Jackson, J D LaRoque, W N Bell, F Ulrich, Sr., G W Guthrie, A M Baker, 0 II Wetherington, A W Wetherlngton, col., J C Moore. Jones county Amos Heath, C H Foy, It B Dunn. Pamlico county John B Reel, B F Pickles, S W Ferrebee. Lenoir county J A Prideen, W W N Hunter, John Fields, Jr, Robert Harper, col , W E Borden, col., Abner S Fields, J W Grainger. Beaufort county R H Shavonder, Geo E Buckman. Greene county S G Fields, Noah Hardy, col. Onslow county II E Jarman, Lewis Marine, Alfred Hum 11, col., John Francks, W J Montford. Carteret county Wm E S Karren, Jacob S Bell, A II Mutdock, Denurd R Roberts, E D Arthur. ' Wayne county Geo D Bennett, John Williams, Arnold Boiden, Josepu JS Robinson. Pitt county James R Tingle. WHEft TKAVEMJIO Whether on pleasure bent or liusiness, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Fhrs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. Fur sale in 50 cent bottles by all leafiing drug gists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations inraisn- ed by W. A. Portcrfluid Co. Cot amission Brokers. New York, April 4. STOCKS. Open. High, . 01 i . 02i M Low CI ore Pcoplrs Gas. C. H. JtJQ. .. 01 03 1)3 031 COTTON. Open. High. Low. 5.07 599 5.07 CHICAGO MARKETS. Close 3.08 May. . . WHfc-JI July...., Corn- -May...... Open. . 84 High. 85 Low. Close m 85, 29 29 29 2flj IT IOTED STATES CISTOM'ri BUILDING. New Bern. N. C. April 4th, WW. Sealed proposals will be received at Ibis building nntil o'clock P. M. Wednesday, April 13tb. 1898, for furnishing fuel, lights, water, ice, inisccllaoeous supplies, washing towela hauling khIics, and sprinkling streets Inr this building during the fiscal year in Hling June 80, 1899, or such por tion ol the vear a may bo deemed an viwbW, The right to reject any nd ill bids I reserved by the Treasury Depart ment. fcTEPHBn H. LANs, custodian. Easts -n Carolina Dkpateh and Old Dominion Line. NOTICE. Stoamer New Berne M 'HI be withdrawn from svrviro for rriiair on i ' - A anesaay, .apru uiu, for about two week. The STEAMER KEUriE will lrav New 1 Irrn it l M. on Monday. WhI Bcada r and Krida)', and KiImIiHIi tty at F . M. on Tncwlay, T'liimlxy -nd rJatwr Jx, toucliltj at all Intan ardible WmTj igs In bath directions. M.IICKINO. II. O. ItUDuIN. d en. Manager. Urii'l F. ft I', AL GEO. HENDEKSON, Ag'tiL Apr rU 4th 1808. " Or lh Old Monitor 3I0T11 IMMX, 10o a 1'ound. Yon can get Jilunly ol this in ttmniUiiw al Bradh. im't , RelUblw Drug itore. 5 VTsLT on Insects ! 7 L j Ity In proved tlmlvru j I usee t Ikwtmrvr n HILL-A-BUU ! k I 'lis 1 TAX SALE. By virtue of the City Tax List on my hands, I have this day levied upon the following real estate to aaiisfy the taxes due and unpaid for the year 18U7, and will sell at public outcry, at the Court House door in the City of New Berne, county of Craven and Slate of North Carolina at 13 o'clock M., on MONDAY, MAY Oth, 1898. HUGH J. LOVICK, City Tax Collector. New Berne, N. C., April 1st. 1898. Name. - Street.. Tax & Cost. Arthur, Martin, 12 Scott's alley 6 19 313 403 Armine, Nettie, Forbes alley Bynum, L B, 202 Pollock st : Barrington, C N, by W It Barrlng- ton, cor Broad and Hancock st Boesser, F, Craven st Bryan, Virgil, 32 Eden st Bragg, George, 100 Queen st Bryan, Rebecca, by Owen Bryan, Tin Cup alley , . Barnes, Joseph T, 1 house and lot Oak st, 1 house and lot Pavie town, 8 lots Parle town Bow, Harriett, cor Queen and Griffith st Burney, Luke and Fannie. Met calf st Banks, George F; 28 Stanly st Baker, William A, Cedar St Bryan, Millie T, White st Baker, John E Carroll st Bryant, Julia Cedar st Bryan, Elizabeth by John A Boom Chapman st ; Cragg, A C Jorkins' alley Chase, James 60 Pavie avenue Chapman, M W Fine, Bern and George sts Collins, Charles Queen st Davis, Tincy A by A P Davis, Forbes land Douglass, Mary C by Fred Doug lass, New South Front st D'uguid, Mrs 8 A Pollock & Met calf st 639 495 718 8 75 2 25 8 25 5 55 600 3 45 3 15 2 05 210 2 55 815 4 93 815 802 8 78 5 25 013 18 45 Duglasp, Fred New South Front st, Bern st, Broad st, Bryan st, George st west side, George st east side 13 80 405 Davenport, Isaac Jerkins land Davis, 11 E Pavie town 8 90 Dudley, E R agent for children Primrose st and Braggs alley, 5 8. Ellis, Mrs Dnlluy by Henry Gas- ktns Griffith st 645 Elliott, Laura Bryan st . Freeman, Mary by M E Freeman 2 01 73 George Bt 013 2 40 Foy, L L by W W Lawrence Jer kins alley ' Fulcher, M by Hannah Pearson Main st, Pavie town 2 55 Frszlcr, Lavinia trustee for M El Frazior 193 George st 8 75 3 4-5 Fisher, Peter, Sr Elm st F .slier, Theresa Goode and West, West sts 4 03 Foy, Cicero Broggs alley 810 Gardner, Laura by Chas Gardner George st 3 8 Gibbs, Clarissa by Jos Chase Pa- vie town 2 83 4 83 d 75 Green, John A Pavia towa Cruris Rebecca, Broad st. Husecy John E. Broad and Oak sts 11 04 Hussey Henrietta Guardiau, John Brown, Pollock and Relzensteln villo 3 45 0 25 9 15 00 315 13 05 315 408 Ham J F agt. for Rosa Harris, - tale, Bloomfield st. Hicks, Patsy, No. 54 Pavlo Towm Hays, Levi, Jerkin land Hill, Samuel, 10 Maine st. Pavfe town Hutchinson, John, corner Broal and Hancock Harris, Roranna, by J H Fisher Crooked st. narris, Daniel II, Or! Queen st Henry, Mrs E J by T A Henry, cask side Middle st 20 70 Hlnes, Robert, Kllmanock it 585 4 15 3 75 403 5 15 ,f ones, Koicoe, 10 Oak tt Jones, Susan by W W Lawrence, Braggs alley, Jackson. Henry S, Griffith st Jnnes, E P 28 Bragg's alley James, Henry BlooniflrM st 4 28 Johnson, Rev John S, Scotl'tallcy A 15 Johnson, Henry Carroll st 31 15 Kelley, Thomas Farinvllle sii't Main it It 70 XB5 Klnsey, Thomas Crooked anil Ash- sis Lewis, Wm II art for II A Lewis, Pasteur and Primrose st 9 45 4 45 Lewis. Wm II Primrose it ani Jenkln alley Lofiln, Simon Osk and Ash st Lynch, Klla F.nd st Lewis, J T for Ktte of Isaad S5 2 M a Lewis, South Front st ! 5.3 Msson, Cicero Ooode st .1 CI Mosly, R O for Fannie Latham, Scot is alley 3 25 Moslry, It O for readlort Mcllvala Ash. (Vdnr, and Qnern sis 4 M M nm font. Minerva Qumn st - 7 93 M'Mire. H Cltircn and Bern stsaod' PsvlnTown 4 03 Morris. II W lot New South Front rt 10 05 Mnnlton. M I) by Geo MonlU a, F.t Front t ; l)2 Onim, Mile F Eden tl 71 Oliver, W II for Ksiaie. Br tad, Metcair, Onetn. and Hera st 33 S3 0'llara.J E I'ovls lown 144 Ph'illti. o J rnllock anil Gcwnra sis 10 I'leraon. J sines farmer at ' 116 I'slnwr. Mr I'AUWL rslmsr. . New street , J Itobblns. Martha It Mrs Jerkin land 31 RlchnloD, Mrs Oeorgla P John son l!ifira (ionlnn West at Hnit..lili, Kit it by J D DarAeld. (tenre st Hyal, Writht ITHOaorfS.t lilrhard. HwUsI A by W A Uymaa Pollock it Itnantre. John Chapman It It i" hard sop, Mary by tthad AI1np Miller st ttlcusrilson, Msry T. Norwood st Iteed, ( hsrlo I'svMowa Hwlndell, Emily J, Jobaroa nd llriwd s Rtrert, H It for wlU Pollock tl emyer, Hev It A near A N Cf It Kind While st Alteet, K 8 for wtfo (lenrrs it Halterlhwall. Will 1 1 road Kianly, Klnjr U.-rno rttanljr, II UriMt.1 Scott, Mrs Catharine, George and German Slyron, David South Front and George at Simpson, Bufu L Bryan st Sherod, Amanda by Peter Bishop, Green st and Pavietown Sllmpson Lumber Co, mill site and . Queen st 785 18 80 409 J 85 82 95 0 75 183 4 26 534 5 79 510 612 486 785 555 255 8 75 843 5 25 843 5 04 4 93 Salter, Wm estate by HA Marshal East Front st Taylor, Mrs R A It Gardners alley Tooxer, xl 11 bz jiast front st Thomas, A D Scott's alley vail, a A JNew .From st Warren, John New S Front st . Wadsworth, Dennis Pollock and Queen sts - Willard, Mrs E G Metcalf st - Wadsworth. tleo L Hancock st Wilson, David Jones and End st Wilson, Ella End st Willis, Susan Coat's st ' Wiggins, Wm II 180 Pollock st Wilson, Edward Pavie Avenue - Williams, A L Tull and Stanly sis Webb, Susan by P J W ebb Spring Williams, llazer ueorge st Walton, Ellis by Lewis Bryan Pavietown - 2 25 815 8 15 6 83 6 45 5 05 .2 85 Barham, Mag near A & N C R R Carmer, 8arah Brown's alley ; t House, n annte Queen st Hanks, J B by A A White Griffith Moore, Wm U Carmer, Walker an.d Berne sts Nixon, Ellen Pavietown Wolfenden, J J for C Wolfenden Craven st 16 83 Rountree & Co, Craven st . 435 OAST tittu- 1M wnaiM Have Always Bouglit jn im Mnn iw tiaw Always llta agtitus. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Just rccolved a new lot of Dreer's best Chryanthemum aud Palms, 132 Middle Street. ; J. W. Stallikos. The Millinery Opeuing of Miss liar riette Lane's on noxt Tuesday, April 5lh promises to be one of unusual Interest to the Indies. ' Don't forget that Hill, the Printer does Job Printing as cheap as any printing office in the United States, doing first class work. 61 South Front street. Give your pictures to T. J. Turner to be enlarged. Crayon work at $1.08. Sat isfaction guaranteed. - Buy your fine Chiffoniers and Hat Racks of T. J. Turner,' the leading fur niture dealer. . T.J, Turner's is the cheapest place to buy fine Bed Room and Parlor Suits. ' The collection of rents and accounts given careful and personal attention Best of references given J. K. Land, 127 Broad street. MilliDeiy Opening, TUESDAY, APIHLi 5th, 1898. HISS HARRIETTE LANE will display an elegant stock of 8PR1NG AND SUMMER MILLINERY 000D8, nil which will be suld nt very , low prices considering 'lie fine quality of good used In trim ininp. She liorx-a to welcome all friend and acquaintance on that dy. ... . . , , Mrs. Koch (nee Hit Nellie Wood) will bave charge of the trimming department during the srason, which is a guarantor of perfect satisfaction to all customers. The Best Remedy for Ileadacho CELERY HEADACHE TOWDEIIS, Made and Bold by . . . Davis Prescription Pharmacy. S Phone Bo, Tor. Ilmad It Ml. ml Ms. ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints Ariel Bicyles 73 Hififile Street. 82 HE SLOW Ku Eernc. (3 N.C. Henry'i Pharmacy, 137 Middle fct, Now Venn, N. C. l'lijuIclniM l'romrlpllftnaj X Hpeclalty. Freali Huppty of lndnKti'l rd4 Deed. 4f 119 2 1M Z 1U I 1Mb lit 7 it it z 31 13 7 9 A AH 7 .in V, OUR 'Hi liUiLJiiiiJ o n IS NOW o o A1 ND YOU H4V8 CAUGHT - New and Preit? Wearables mure novelties than were size'. ,. :: v' - ' - 'v. - .'" u o : - On account of onr lack of store . room - we could cot keep goods on display bat a da; or two, but we Invite you to call often and look at the new ; good. It will be onr pleasure to snow yim as often as yu vis.t us. We want to call your attrntton to a few Choice Novellies, they are in pattern lengths, so you need not be afraid to buy, FOULARD SILKS, o o ) ) o o o o o () o o The ideal, cool Summer Silk. well and always looks dressy. ' 22 to 24 inches wide at 69 cents a yard. Colors: Dark blue, Email white figure; Hunter's green, small , broken figure; Light blue-ground, white stripe." 27 inch, 75 and 85 cents a yard. Light grey ground, white figure: cream ground and lilac figure, also lilac and grey figure on light ground. ' The above will mutch goods yon get elsewhere at $1.00 a yard. 27 inch Black Figured Habutai 75c 24 inch Black China, 20c. . 24 inch White Figured China C5c. ' ' All of the above are good values. '.We buy them direct from the- impoftcrs and attach no fancy profit to the selling. , : o o o o o o we nave a wonnenui assortmenT, or THtTptnu in filiioo mill ficniva. I'nr.lj'rrtiJ of o o () 4 or 5 yards each and styles that are not to bo had anywhere else in this town. " Taffetas fire mostly 20 to 21 inches wide and in price from 75c to $1.50 a yard. Two Toned Taffetas are very scarce, that's one reason we were particular to get a generous assortment. () I) o a o o (V One Nl'lH'I ir. For Thin Week : We say special because the quantity is limited and - you'll find such values anywhere else, . IIT 1 f-S,l I I In 12 different col ors, mostly stripes aud beautiful goods i Wash Sills o If yon have in view a wash silk don't delay longer thiin this week buying it it probably won't be here. a o O o o April 3. CSCCCCCOOO cccocccocccoc We corJitlly invite our Patro-u and the Pablia Oeneially to inspect onr Spring di p'ay of Millinery, French Pattern Hats and Bonnets AND OUR ELEGANT STOCK OP Dry Goods, Silks & Trimmings TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, APRIIi Sth and Glli. MRS. W 11 A LEY, 4 MI3S PAULINE AL DAUuII, our expert trim.aer from Baltimore have -left nothlnx un ion to make ihete the m i brilli.'it " -day io the hU7 of oar bnine and we take (treat pleaturo in offurtag our patron and the public geu-t-rally the bet equipped Millinery UopartUient to be found in the city. lispectfully, G. A. Barfoot, Pollxk Street. Collars, Cuffs & Shirts Wel Uundrled Ar Alwaya Dctlrcbl. LINKtLl'S STEAM HUMJHY Is prrparvd to dn tLU work. Tli new management I Bow ready to rrcW and satisfactorily execute alt cltr a4 oiiuld ord.-r for vry kiad of Laundry Work. Call or writ LioDtll Laundry, I"". Brrnr, Ileal Iynl Agcnrj' 1 1 oust For Rent. K3 Houses For 51. Farm For isle. Collect Ion a of Rrnt Any businiM la oar llo will be lres prom4 stUtill"D by Irsilng word tt th iir i4 N. Kane A Co., pieil the r.rt fiiTii r r. n AM'Kii. ( ) tl u 11 o o o ( ) () M a a o o o o u o o o o ) () o o a o o o o a ii o o o o C) o u o .U OVER, A GLIMPSE OF THK MSni -we are showing his Spring ever shown in a town this - - '' :-: , --'..; ' Wears o o 8 () u o o o () () not Opposite Post Offc :gg i i:h, eg iyi:h, EGG DYES. Y4 7 II color for S cent CaCoo fa 7 I'aper or Tablet Dy. 2 Z Mnn-Poisonous. SOLD AT I BRifrJoM'S PHARMAl Y. J FOR SALE. 1 offer foe U lh lollowlnf properly. It I th brat oppuit (jilVy for luvmtuieot o ofTrd. Btor, on corner, opposllA A. ft N. C. IV pot. Ib-slJrnre nest la at or ntmed toe. Two tnnienU and grnuaj on rear of pits on Queen slreet, IliMiwsnd lrg pi, 4 enrner Io!l. srvd Oernon streets, 60it)0 f.ct. Apply lo owner wiLLu.n con ii1,- !