main Wm VOL. XVI -NO 8. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 12 1898. ESTABLISHED 11132 "I Necessary to the Tasty . Beautiful Damsel. ' Our27-Iooh SIMPSON FOULARDS at 5J Conts are Speaking for Themselves. And our FIGURED ORGANDIES are now Ready for Sale in the Newest Patterns and Shades. Ve also invite attention to our Handsome WHITE BEDFORD CORD, 27-Inch for 20 Cents per yard. Once more we ask you to pee our WAIST SILKS. A new line in and more expocted today. We make" a specialty of EMBROIDERIES and LACES. EXQUISITE CREATIONS for EXQUISITE CREATURES. ZEIGLERS' SHOES ARE GOOD TALKERS AND WALKERS. EVERYONE IS PLEASED WITH THEIR FIT, WE Alt AND APPEARANCE. OUB OBOCEHY BEPABTMEUTT I Replete and Complete. BEST BUTTER at 25 CENTS. CLA1RETTE SOAP and GOLD DUST POWDER. Ciuunliuees comes next to the crowning virtue. Wo are Persistently Planning, Contriving. Pushing to 'Increase the Advantage for our Customers We want the man whoso purse-and tastes demand the best to know that his wants huve been anticipated, that We Hove Provided .Jr Him. With equal energy Jo we strive, to bring to those of Limited Resources those who must the pennies. THE BEST OBTAINABLE FOR THE MONEY. HackMm bm. i. .end. Butter be goiJ to her. Give her the best FLOUR t Work with and she'll be the flower of the Ilonjehold a "daisy" THE BEST FLOUR IS J.E. lfl. and from our price on it you'd never guess that wheat is a dollar a bushel. Ai.ithcr lot of famous ROASTED CARACAS COFFEE just reoeived ' from iho Roasters. Try it and savo ranmy. It is fineonly Twelve cents a pound, r , 1-1 JOHN DUNN, Cash Grocer, 53 POLLOCK NTBEET. o o Inil W m A Fiesh Lot of N. C. Hams, only lOo Ih Shafer'f Breakfast Strips, lOo. Shafer'i Sugar Cured Pig Hams, lio lb. Loose Oat Flakes and Oil Meal, 3o lb. Large and Small Hominy, 2a lb. Fox River Print Butter, 25o lb. Of cd Cooking Batter, 30o lt In Not ear stock of FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES are always np-to-date. Give us Trial and be Convinced that we Have Yoa Honey by Dealing With V. Vory Respectfully, 3 "5 Mir. rtM mrn ii j. . rumtK, Thona CO. w1 stS Outfitting of This ml I he r lower of the Household. The cook lias your health and your temper in her hands. If she' wants to she can give you dyspeysia and make you quarrel with yoor nnmsnono ram. II' u ntn Crij CO n c;o u o n o in Wholesale and Retail Orocer. jh., 77 Broad Stroot. IT IS IN AND READ. But the Messaite is Not Satis factory lo UUmericaii People. Spain's Last Dodge Caused Postscript to Be Added. Congress May Break Away Today. Message Goes to the Committee. General Lee the Hero of the Hour. The Cruisers Frsrn England Sighted. SPANISH VESSELS WAT. HEAD THIS The President's message went to Congress as written last week. But to it was added a recom mendation which virtually asked to give Spain more time. This was a result of Spanish Diplomacy, which caused to he announced. that a cessation of hostilities was decreed iu Cuba, at the instance of the Pope. The utter foolishness of this is shown by the strong declara tion by the Cubans that they will have none of it. A fresh chapter of insults seems to have been added dur irr the t departure of General Lee from Havana, llis coun trymen yesterday gave him an ovation on his northward journey. Spain in declaring the cessa tion of hostilities, has reserved the right to continue her prep arations for war. Her war ves sels are in motion. At this : writing the President of tho United States seems to be the only one deceived by Spain. American property destroyed, Cubans starved to death by hundreds of thousands, the battleship Maine treacherously blown tip by a Spanish mine, insulted by do Lome, our Con-sul-General abused, WILL CONGRESS DECLARE WAR TO-DAY ? to Journal. Washington, Vpril 11. The message of President McKinley was finally sei.t to Congress at noon today. It was as dig many written but wliu an addition re- sul ing from the declaration by Spain of a ces'iilion of hostilities In Cuba, Tbe message asks Congress to author. ize and empower him to take measures to secure a full and final termination to hostilities, and secure the establishment of stable government in Cubn, capahla ot malutalng order and observing Its in ternatiotial obligations. Insuring 'he peace, tranquility and security of its citizens, as well as ot our own. To cure this the President asks the power ti use such military and naval forces of ths United States as may be nocessary for three purpose. The continued dis tribution of supplies Is recommended Thecloteotthe message Is a follow; 'The issue is now with Congress, It Is solemn responsibllly. I have exhausted every effort to relieve the Intolerable condition of affairs at our doors. I am prepared to execute every obligation lov ull's 1 aa "WumaiTi fltvitd" la what I. Joha W. Bull'i PUIS Bar c be Urnicd I Pills for lh will rcMorancrftrt ail lk, tin atraafla, rrtralaW aa4 araaiaU fmr Uoaal aaUvIl at trnn mllit arfaaalBa, Or. I THE ACCUMULATION POLICY OF The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, . . . IH A VOIACV . With the tingle condition that the premiums be r-ald a agreed. With no restriotioni whatever ner oi aeatn. Incontestable after U ha beeo Tbat cannot be forfeited after It With one montb grace lo payment of ell premiums. With the privilege of Reinstatement daring 6 Oionthi following the month o( grace. With guaranteed cash loan at posed by the Constitution and the law. I await your action." - Th. m&aanrra .1oa mvIava fit Mntn. Htaaatav onil mt. that Rnaln ha. tint an. swered the note on that subject sent through Minister Woodford, but makes ! no recommendation point regarding this The President then adds a clause to lie message that acknowledges thif receipt had been snubbed at the palace by O n of iuformatian of a proclamation of sus-.eral Blanco and affronted by Dr. Con- pension of hostilities between the Spanish and Cuban armiesmade by tho Spanish cabinet and then says: "If the measure proposed by tbe Spanish cabinet is successful, our aspira-l tion as a Christian and peace loving people will be realized. If it fails it will only be another justification-for the con- j templated action of this country." I Both Houses listened in silence to the reading of the message. At its conclusion it was referred to the committee on Foreign Relations. The Senate committee on Foreign Re lations, to which the message was re-' ferred, began immediately the discussion of it. A resolution declaring for the with drawal of Spanish troops from Cuba and authorizing the President to use the army and navy to enforce it will be reported to the Senate tomorrow. The general impression of the message ot President McKinley is that it is weak, a id that Congress will over ride it. The New York Sun says that the mes sage is a flat failure. In accordance with the order of the Spanish Cabinet, Captain General Blanco issued a proclamation of a suspension of hostilities in Cuba. General Blanco says that this proclamation has been issued at the request of the Pope. To this proclamation the Cuban leaders in New York and Washington are unani mous in declaring that the Cubans will not consent to a cessation of hostilities in any form whatever. Wilhout exception the members of tho Junta say that even Spain stops fighting tho insurgents will not. General Lee is today on his way to Washington. He is receiving unprece dented ovations all along the route. The Spanish armed cruisers Cristabcl, Cjlon and Marie Theresa, which left Cadiz the last of the week, passed South by TennerifTe, Canary Islands, today. Advices from Manilla, the capital of the Philippine Islands, confirm the report that the United States consul has de parted from the city. A telegram from Halifax, Nova Scotia, states two United States cruisers were sighted off that port today. They are supposed to be the San Francisco and the New Orleans which left Gravesend, England, two weeks ago. DEPARTURE OF LEE. Insalied at HnTsna. Indlgamnt, be Dpenkn Hla Mind. Key Wist, Fla., April 10. Consul Ocncral Lee was so Indignant at the con duct of the crowds who watched the de parture of the refugees from Havana yesterday that he wrote this note to be sent by a pilot to General Blanco: 'You have broken every promise made me. we nave been wbistlea at ana in suited as we go. We will return, and your whistle will be turned into another tune." General Lee tore this note up, how ever, and as the pilot was leaving the Fern he turned to him and gave this verbal message to Blanco: "You may tell General Blanco for me that the Fern Is the last ship of the American navy that will ever go out of his Hsvana harbor while the Spanish flag flies over Morro." Beneath the shadow of Morro Caatle some One brought out a bottle of cham pagne and glasses and General Lee gave this toast: "Here's to the officers and men of the Maine, which was blown up by a Span ish mine.' In responding Mr. Ackers, an English subject said: "May fifty guns speak fur each of the Maine's dead and esoh gun mean fifty Spanish lives." Asked If lib) toast was significant. Ix replied: "It is significant as I speak from the heart, not fiom the head." General Lee also raid: "I believe It my duty that I should be silo we 1 to lead the first divlsioa on Havana, If I do, please aay for me that I know how to take tbe city." Tonight gentleman who came from Hsvana on the Fern with General Lee stated that the Consul General had assured him that h (Let) had possession of the original documents, and would give to the Washington authorities India putabl evldenoe that Weyler bad planned lo destroy any American warship just as the Main was destroyed. showed a letter from A! gernon Bartoris, grandson of Geo. U. 8. Qrant, Id wbioh Bartons said he wrote as grandson of Ih great commander on tbe Northern side to ask one of the lead' respecting occupation, living or men , Id force one jeer. shall have beeo In force three ysars. A per csot. et stated time after 3 jre ers on the Southern In cast- General L nf Putin tn airvA Ml hia Bluff. Mr. Kar. tnrt. .riflpil that, ha W.I t.v.ntT vpflr. old. He presented the compliments ot his mother and grandmot'ier. . The consul general was indignant at the insults heaped upon his head by the Spanish officials and the populace. He gosto. As the Fern, bearing the consular representatives, left Havana harbor there were cries of "Begone" from thousands of throats General Lee sent in his compliments to General Blanco, with a request for an audience. He was still consul-general and desired to say that he took leave, pending his return from the United States. Instead of General Blanco came Dr. Congosto, with a curt message tbat the captain-general did not desire to see Generall Lee again. The consul-general was dumfounded. Congosto bowed and withdrew, leaving ucncrai ijib ooiung wiin inuigoaiion. Consul Gollan, instead of leaving .with General Lee, made an excuse that he had to see Dr. Congosto on a personal errand, nd remained behind. As General Lee passed down the crowded staircase the Spanish subalterns and attaches made way for him, muttering insults and say ing "Begone !" It is the duty ef soldiers at the palace, when consular representa tives appear, to stand at "attention." As General Leo passed the soldiers remained lounging about. Soon afterward General Lee went on board the fern." As the Fern passed the cruisor Al- phonso XII a gun was trained on her by tne cruiser. Uencral Lice saw it and spoke of it. The gun was swung around after the Fern bad passed. Covering the rear of the fleet of refugees, the Fern swept out to sea and headed for Key West. THQ MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by! W. A. Porterfield & Co. Commission Brokers. NbwYobk, April 11, STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close Sugar 120 120 119 120f Peoples Gas.... 93 92 91 92 C. B. & Q. 94 94 3 93 948 COTTON. Open. Hijh. Low. Close May 5.97 6.03 5.97 5 99 CHICAGO..MAKKETS. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close July........... 844 841 831 83J Corn Mav 294 295 293 29 Cotton Sales 53,000 bales. Slore ftoldlri for rimwell. Peters ituRO, Va., April 10 A delrch merit from battery I, second heavy artil lery, arrived here tonight from Columbus Ohio, en route to Fort Caswell, N. C. This is tho second detachment from this battery that has been sent to this fort during the past week. Bao? Inaron ibr Phllipplaes. London, April 11 The Hong Kong correspondent of the Daily Mail, tele graphing Sunday, says: "Tho American quadron has completed arrangements Or putting to sea. Two vessels have steam up ready to start at a moment a notice. The cruiser Baltimore and the revenue cutter Hugh McCullocb are expected t morrow. The British steamers Nanshan and Zuflro have lust been bought by America for tran-pnrt purposes " F0YDER Absolutely Pure &Ferrall, 128 & m FAYETTEVILLE ST., k 'Vat VJ UVIVW1 47 T T T store, HALF.IGII, N. C. Ifter Easier Nhopplng! New Arrivals ' In Klieer Printed Drew Fabrlcn! The handsomest collection of French Organdie. All entirely new and eiclo slve designs, surpassing la high novelty printings all previous styles, Price 83 inches wide, S3 cents. French Organdies In plain colors, now so stylish, cerise, lurquoi, evil.' blue, violet, Ac, 71 loch wide, 40c DEOCA MUSLIX.-Plslo white, the sheerest cotton fabric woven. Eqti d In tettur and sbeerns to th Muslin wovm la the core of India. M inch wide Toe, ASK FOE SAMPLES. Dobbin & Ferrall. Fulton Market Corned Beef, JUST SECEITED! Big Hams to Cut, Small Breakfast Strips, Smoked Beef Tongues. California Hams only So pound. Bologna Sausage, Canned Ch'p Beef, Cooked Corn Beef, Potted Ham and Tongue. Sardines, Salmon, Kippered Herring. Lemon Cling and Yellow Crawford Leaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Succotash. Corn and Tomatoes. Okra and Tomatoes, Bartlett Pears, Green Gages, Eagle and Dime Condensed Milk, right fresh. Finest Teas and Roasted Coffee. Fancy Elgin Butter, fresh from dairy. Mustard, Catsup, and Worchesteisliire Sauce Ileinz Baked Beans, Pure Cider Vinegar. Finest quality Portorico Molasses and Fancy Cain Syrup. The best of everything in the GROCERY LINE can always be found nice and fresh AlcDaniel k (Mill's 71 Broad St., UTEW KERNE, IV. C. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Liberal Quantities and Favorite Our judicious buying is evident in this ine. Styles not overlooked, and values prominent. Value is a telling factor, no mat ter what the merchandise is. That's one reason why tnere s so Stetson's Hats. A sample line of the Famous Jno. B. Stetson & Co.'s Soft and Stiff Hats, in blacks, browns, modes and pearls, the grades that sell from $3.50 to $3.00, this store's price " $2, 2.25 & 2.50. Men's Suits. Men's light check, all wool, round sack suit at Rfl Men's all wool plaid, square and round sack, stylish business suit at $7 50 & $8.00 Blue also black, all wool scree suit. quare and round sack at $7.50 & $8.00 Men's all wool Mark clay, round sack. satin lined, very nobby at $ 10 Men's Handkerchiefs. Any texture you may need, cotton or linen, its the pure linen ones, wi arc tell ing of now, and hemstitched at that, the price only 10 1.2c Finer ones, 1R OA fir. O.hf'1 a -aa- y www w 1 n ii. Worm Killer! A highly valuable preparation, capable, fiom the promptitude of lis action, of clearing tho sys.em in a few hours of every worm. The origin, development, and support of worms, in tbe human system, are to bo attributed to a depraved and debilitated condi tion of the stomach and bowels; it being an established fact tbat where the digestion Is unimpaired, and general powers ot the system in a healthy state, they can find no habitation. This preparation ha the peculiar advantage of not only destroying every worm, but also of producing a iieaitny action ot tna stomach and bowels, thereby re lieving many complaints arising from a derangement of tbe diges tive organ. There I no disease to which children ar exposed which Is so common and fatal as worms, and this medietas should he kept In overjr nursery and In every house hild. This preparation not only es'lrpalf th worms, but cleanse the system nf the mucus la which they ar ngtfiulerel, and promote a healthy aullun ot lb dl(tlv power. Carolina Worm Killer never falls to do all we claim tor it. Try a bottle and gt your money tuck II not s rpreMDUd. Manufactured and Bold at Dradham't RcllabU Drug Store. at Wholesale & Retail i Grocers, Qualities Mrjderate at Prices, much business done Colored Shirts. I'p-to-date st lea. iniiml ricil ai .l soft fronts, with and w th mt enlhi's. a whin range to choose fioni, qimliii-s thni will surprise, at 50 & 75c A speclil value in Pnn nl- Shirts with Httarhed collars and i iitT. mrdiuin ami Unlit colorings, a gmd 5 c garm-nl, price now Qq Men's Neckwear. The new ideas in leeks, club ties and fly band bows, Tecks of goods, silk, the new Kn"t at 50c Fanoy Club Ties, of printed India silk, in some places they go at 25c, this stn s puce, IOC Fly hows, both b'a''k nnd f '-ci s p. lit v lo elinreu' frnm ii ecnerii ' n i'c for them, this sturt 's r, e 1QC Men's Socks. The fast lilack kinds, priiv In gin ai 10c then to 2."c. Men's heavy fast blak, lis', socks a, only 20c. The . . Nprlug Fiiriilliiiir Are as distinctly dl.Terent from th Winter Furnishing a your Hprlng Suit Is from your old Winter Pult W have just received a Deautlful Line of Spring Hhlrls nd Mecktlis and you can suit yourself aiactlr by giving us a trial. Our Styles are Ih Latest an our Price ar Cheap. You should see our Spring Hals and Shoe which ar I'P to date, but DOWN In Price, We bav juat received our Spring Olovee and Every Pair m Guaranteed. Our TAILOHINO DEPARTMENT I giving great satisfaction and trial will satisfy yon that our samples are sew and stylish; thai oar Price am right aad thai w give a perfect It, Call and see us. Baker & Dunn. T POLLOCK STREET. WHITE FOR COST OF A TOLICY AT YOUR A OK. Ju IIOfaTaOU i:iaT, Igent. T3 -"- - iv i La w .a w, ' V

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