LAV1 Wwe.-jnAMfl ONS DNIOYQ Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head lohes and fevers and cures habitual oonstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only, remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. sak mmstsoo. ml hew root, nr. THE JOURNAL. NEW ADVKKTINKMEHTJt. New Berno Theatre Faust. John Dunn Roasted coffee. Lupton House Bayboro. Lost Lidiea silver wotc"i. Business Locals. SMALL Ladies Silver Watch on blue and white fleur da lis chatelaine, Lost Tues day on street between Jarvig' store and my house. Reward for its return to Leah D. Jones. FRESH SEPARATED CREAM for Sauces, Coffee, etc.. will be delivered Tuesday and Saturday, 25 cents quart, IS cents pint. Buttermilk and Separated Milk 10 cents gallon. Notify John Hum phrey, Clark, N. C, by postal card. FIVE Barrels Four Year Old Apple Vinegar, 11 cents per gallon by ban el. Allcgood, 78 Middle Street. HOUSE TO RENT-Two story house, six rooms on Mctcalf Street, number 80. Good locality. Apply to J. D. Dinkins. NEW LINE Spring roods just in at Chadwlck's. Call and examine before placing your order for same elseu here. F. M. Chadwick, 101 Middle St. A DAT IN TH3 CITY. The weather forecast for today Is, fair. There will no meeting of The King's Daughters tonight. The Journal withes to thank its many friends for their kind words and actions tn their appreciation of its news service and bulletins. The meetings at the Church of Christ continue with Interest. There will be preaching this afternoon at 3 o'clock and again at night. The Republican Judicial convention of the Second District, has been called to meet at Rocky Mount on June 1st, for the purpose of making nominations for judge and solicitor. The order Issued from headquarters of the Western Union Telegraph Company, as to Its employes giving out nows going over the wires, Is not limited to any one office or city, but Is general throughout the country and takes in every office and employe of the W. I'. T. Company. Mr. A. H. Baugcrt, foreman of the New Berne Steam Fire Engine Company. hat received an Invitation for hit com pany to attend the Firemen's Interna tional Tournament, to be held at Char lotte May 18-31, to the amount of 9 120 arc offered, but none for quick steaming. Mr. Bangcrt states that his company will be unable to attend the tournament Kaprma Offlr at aarl. The Southern Express Company h jatt ettablithed an office at Newport, the butlncti at that place demanding lit establish nieut. Mr. J. B. Maun will be the agent for the company. Whether on pleasure bent or butiness, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, at It actt mott pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowcln, preventing fevers, headaches, and oilier forms of sicknest. For tale In 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. tUair. Rev. J. T. Kendall will preach at Dethel church, Craven county, Sal onlay nlgbt, April J.lrd, and will commence a tent meeting at Ilotlabore on April 34tb alll o'clock a. m. OABTOniA. tWae jt II lift! la Hi ilmn BotgH Cash or trade paid for your old gold aid tlver Jtwelery, Baiter the Jeweler, est door to Jeraxsh eftlre. TBB SHAM BATTLB. Am talareaUa Kvcat Tala Artera a Fair ennaj, Bul by city At half pool four this afternoon the Naval Reserve will give a practice drill and sham battle at the Fair Grounds. The maneavres will be gone through and a real presentation of a battle skir mish will be given. ' . No doubt a big crowd will 'ce on hand to tee the boys. The admission Is 25 cents for men, and 10 cents for ladies and children. The proceeds are to help buy the uni forms for the Reserves. They deserve to be well dressed. Everybody should go who can, or at any rate buy a ticket. The small sum will educate your pocket for larger calls that may be made upon yonr patriotism in cose of a serious war. The City Band will play tho following airs during the fray; 1 Tenting on the old Camp Ground. 2- Hail to tho Chief. 8 Yankee Doodle. 4 Hail Columbia. 5 Star Spangled Banner. 6 Bocnie Blue Flag. 7 Maryland 8 The Girl I Left Behind. 9 See the Conquering Hero. 10 The Flag of our Union. 11 Dixie. 12 Red, White and Blue. 13 Wc Won't go Home 'Till Morning 14 When Johnnie Comes Marching Home. 15 Home Again. 10 Auld Lang Syne. 17- Ola Folks at Home. 18 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground. l!t Home Sweet Home. 20 America. ITB30NAI.. Mr. Emily Claypoole left on yes terday's morning train to visit at Dur ham. Mr. O. J, Carroll of the Raleigh Morn ing Post, is in the city. Miss Mabel Chadwick camo up from Beaufort yesterday and is visiting Miss Mary L. Uendren. Mr. Sam B. Waters, Jr., arrived on last night's train. Mr. W. S. Chadwick of Beaufort, spent the dsy In the city yesterday. Messrs. A. F. Davis, of Smyrna, and J. T. Cooper, of Bayboro, wore in the city, yesterday. fcot I'LSi Wentber. The fish dealers are inclined to com plain about the weather which is much too cold for their business. There are good orders for fish from outside buyers, and the trade would be good, but fish are scarce, due to the con tinued cold weather which prevents catches of fish of any consequence. Fish are in demand but few are on the market. raoiT not damaged. Uallook Piinilwa Fine For Peaehea, Fiamaanil ntrawberrlea. At Slew pari. Mr. Geo. N. Ives, the senior member of tho firm of U. N. Ives & Son, who have the largest fruit farm In Eastern North Carolina, located at Newport, was seen by the Joi knai. yesterday, and asked regarding the damages from frost, which his fruit had received during the cold spell of last week. "Upon examination I find that we have suffered no damage from the freez ing weather, or from the frottt which wo have had nearly every night." "Tcachos and plums are very fine and the prospect is for a large yield. Our strawberries are coming all right. We shipped the first today, more on Satur day, and noxt week they will go lively. I think we are ahead of Mt. Olive on strawberries this year, In first shipment.' "I think the precautions we took dur Ing the cold nights, building fires, saved our fruit crop." Maval Rrarrve. Alleallna. Vou are ordered te meet at your armory, this (Friday) afternoon at o'clock for a drill and Sham battle. By order Commanding officer, J. T. Hahoktt, B. M. C. P. O. The collection of rents and accounts given careful anil personal attention. Best of references given J. K. Land, 137 Broad street. A big envolce of boys and chlldreni spring suits on our counters this week, prices ranging from 60c. to $7.50 for a suit. BARFOOT'S. Give your orders for enlarging plo lures to T. J. Turner, Crayont $1.99; Pastel $2,118. Satisfaction guaran leoil. ailhaaa Laer. Our second shipment of new silk? and laces will be In this week, as a special we offer a beautiful line of two tone silks this week at 50c yd, regular price Tic HA It FOOT 8, Bock Beer mures blood anI braim, for tale at tho Palace Saloon, 13 Middle Buret. Nlllla.rr , Mitt Albtugb, out Baltimore trimmer, It making a specially of trimming Pana ma and chip short backt tailors with the new frlnced scsrfs thit week. BAHFOOT'd'. Philadelphia Drwiog Company's Celebrated Bock Iteor, for sal at the i'alaca Saloon, 18 Middle St. Selizer Water t Seltzer Leoonidi FIBST-CLASS SALOONS; 'POLITICAL ECONOMY." Practiced by Governer Russell on A. fc N. C. Railroad. All Slaw natlaaaa-. tftwlifa ala "Ka.aa.ll7 aa MS.a Pallile taaa Happy. Hl Will lk tiwk aollrs Llka it. Governor Russell's brief reign, a little over a year la North Carolina, has given him a wonderful insight into the cor rect way to manage railroads, for po litical purposes. The Governor's great victory (?) la his personal fight against the Southern Railway, has been entered upon his private diary, as a work of genius. 'The Slate has been saved $13,000 in lawyers fees, and I have made the cor rupt Andrews pay the piper," enters the Governor upon his diary. But diode thirsty by the success of bleeding the corrupt Southern cor poration, the Governor looked about for a new railroad field in Twhich to dis play his genius. The Atlantic and North Carolina rail road is the Gouernor's, that Is so little remains for private stockholders, that their representatives while permitted to attend directors meetings, yet have little voice in the actual say so as to the road's management. The Governor, after his failure to dis pose of the A. and N. C. by lease to the Southern, found it necessary to have a President for the road, also two di rectors. To "name" his men, meant their elec tion of course. 'No Craven county men need- apply," has hung as a motto over the Governor's desk for several months, so Jones and Onslow counties were given the offices of directors, for it was good "political economy." "Governor, our man Hewett, the guardian of our Carteret Lodge, the pro server of our fish and game, must be President of the A. & N. C. railroad," says the Messrs. Dukes. "But Dan Patrick is the better man, gentlemen," replies His Majesty. "Remember our Republicanism, say the Dukes. "Then let us practice political econo my, answers the Governor. 'Therefore be it resolved, that T. D. Hewett, be made Road master at a salary of $100 per month, In place ef C. K. Hancock, who drew $70 per month." "Docs that please you, gentlemen?" "It does Governor, for we thiiik that Hewett can manage to live upon the monthly stipend of $100 if Hancock ex isted on $70." Therefore all Is happy. The Governor has his Dan in office, the Dukes have friend Hewett provided for, and the poli ticians are satisfied that the Governor will continue to practice his "political economy" in every department of the A. & N. C. and their "friends" will receive something decidedly better than stand ing on the platform, watching the trains go past. And so tho Conquering Russell pro ceeds, but the stockholders? -Well they may complain, but then why should they, when the Governor will wisely shske his head, and proclaim that by "political economy," only, can railroads be successfully managed. TONIGHT AT THE THEATRE, A Flaa Ealrrlalameat PramUrd. Namra r TbM Taklaa; Part A Ciypey Daace. Tonight will be given at the theatre the "Chronothanetoletron" and a fine presentation Is assured. The celebrated personages of by-gone ages will appear in living form and will converse familiarly with each other. Tbey will dress again as they did in their former life, and their characters will havo undergone no change In the past ing years. The following are the character rep resented and the names of the young ladies representing them: "GcnW-SIIss May Hendren. "Invonlress" Mrs. J. T. Holllster. "Sarah, wife of Abraham" Miss Eu lalia Willis. "I'haroah't Daughter"' Miss Agnis Foy. "Cornelia" Mins Maude Land. "Cleopatra" Miss Jennie Watson. "Queen Ellr.abeth" Miss Luiie Ives. "Mother Blckerdick" Miss Lizzie Hancock. "St. Cecllla"-MUs Addle Culler. "HypaiK"-MiM Mamie Daniels. "Sappho" Mi. Stella Roberts "Agnesf'-Mls Mary Gulen. "Martha Wahlnglon" Mist Rota 1'all. Piltcilla" Mls Annie Stevenson. "Joan of Arc" M Its Sadie Moore. "Pocahontas" Mia. Aurusta Craimn. "Virginia l)are"-Mrs. 11. U Lumi den. As a second part !o the entertainment, what was st first a "Spanish dance, ' but I now called a "gypsy dance" will be given. The vnung lailltt will all be In coatume. Their names are as follows: Miss Hadlt Moore. Mist Nora lluddleslon- Mist Addle Claypoole, Mist l.ola Taylor. Mist Hancock. Mist Ftnnlt Cutler. Mist Corlnne Chadwick. Miss Carrie Hendren. MiM Ao'ile Foy. Ml Mary Jones. Mist Mstil Kounlree. Mr. . C. Lnmsden The tale of seats at Waters' brisn ye- tertlsy and was large. A full house It expected. The prtcasar AO tenia ra .wrved, 83 crnt front row gallery, 24 rem i general aomitriou. I woe reading aa advertisement of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Dlsr. tho Remedy In the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads mt to write this. I caa truthfully say I nevrr uied any remedy equal to It for oolie and diarrhoea. I bsva lever hod to at mors tbsa one or Iw do to cur lb worst case with aiytalf or chlldrea. W. A. Srnoro, Popnmok City, Md. For sals by f. K. Puffy. f TBENTON. Aaxlawa Far War tm ralar4 CM . aa Trllaarik Waaa.rfal Via AS alaw. IIaaariatraS. TaasTO. April 14. Mist Rosa Ktnsey of Tuckahoe It visit ing the family of R. L. Hay. Edgar Hardy and Ell Hardy went te Klnston today on business. Lon Taylor has nearly completed his livery stable. - - Business it a little dull around Tren ton now, farmers are too busy to visit us. .Mr. Bray of New Berne paid a flying visit to Trenton yesterday and left for home today. Every man in Trenton Is at the Post office on the arrival of the mall from Cove to learn the war news. Many of us attend a half a hour before time and wait very Impatiently with anxous'Jooks down Jones street to see it coming. War ; has absorbed everything around here. The rains are bringing out everything around here which was damaged by the late cold snap. The fruit has sustained but little damage by the late frost Mr. Lupton of South river has accept ed a position with Sylvanus Baker as salesman. - The shad catch around Trenton is very limited, only two or three are placed on the market of mornings for the last two weeks. A colored citizen of Cypress Creek township, has for the last two weeks when visiting Trenton been very solid tous about the war between Spain and the United States and making many in quiries about the fighting propensltesand the barbarities and the afrocities of the Spanish soldiers, when some of the boys around here concluded to have some fun by telling him how cruelly, he would be treated, if he should be captured by Span iards and tlrat the militia would certainly be called out and that he would have to go. "No sirs, said he, when I hear of that call I am going for the pocosin and stay there until the war ends." A few days ago busluess called our rrai to Klnston and he concluded to go out and see the Naval Reserves drill and when he returned home he said if Spain wanted to know how badly she would get whipped she ought to just visit Klnston and see that wonderful gun there that just kept shooting all the time. lie said If our people would give theCypress Creek boys just f uch a gun as that at Klnston, he was ready to go and fight them for he was certain that they could whip Spain and make her leave this country. ' Several Episcopal preachers with Bishop AVatson will hold services at Grace church Trenton commencing on Friday next to conlinuo during the re mainder of the week. Mr. Lon Taylor and wife are visiting relatives and friends at Dover. KILL-A-BUG ! - Will save time and woiry Kills insects and bugs the old way of "Spring Cleaning" almost kills the patient and liard-woiked housekeeper. Sold and Guaranted by Bradham's Reliable Drug Store. MOTH BALLS, 10c PER POUND. TTmbrelle, USTews BUYING RIGHT Quantity, Kind and Price, Let this Store tell its Trade oi Good Things in Umbrellas. These Umbrellas, for ladies or gents, are all ready for your inspection and the store wants your Judgment. Our claim is, "take thr line through, and its the best you've seen." The beginning is made at 38c and along up to $3.60, At 33c and 50c. S6 inch f-iat black twill florla, dressed wnutl handles. M loch fat black twilled gloria, natur al wood handles. Jit $1.00. Ke. 1U0.-S0 Inch twill silk gloria, par u frames, stvl ,lod, AMMan vlue, Kbuny and Congo handles, 11.00. At $1.00. No. I03.-M loch, heavy twill silk gloria, paragon frame, steel rod, Contfo dandle. At $125. No. l')V-t Inch hvy twin silk glo ris, paragon frame, slerl rod, rubber handle. At $1.50. No. 1M.-S8 irmh heavy twill dlk glo rl, rgoa frame, stast rud, Jsp. kac-'. Ltsl al lAltara. Remaining la the Poat Office at New - Berne, Craven county, N. C, April 11,1898: Kalft LISTS. ' C Z T Cook. v DU D Davis. F Llrons Fulcher. G Anntug Gaylard. ' H L J Hey. J JnoAJone. MLL Mattock, JasMerritt. P Jesse Pearson, 8 II Philips. - S Robert Smith, Dr Simons, James Seattle, Unbol Sutton. -V Dud K Vetter. W R W Ward. T George H Yeomans. L4DIK3 LIST. B Delia Ball care of Fannie Gilbert. C Minnie Cotton, Mary Coummon. D Eliza J Dare, Fanny Dunn. E Winnie Edward.EUzabeth Edward. G Fannie Gilbert, Georganer Glbbs. J Mary E Jefferson, Manet va Jones, Virginia Johnson. L Mary A Lee. ' M Laura Mackawane, Lizzie Moor. RW J Robinson. S G G Standle, Aria Jane Strlcklan, Hattie Spruel. W Mary William, Sarah A Willis. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised and give date of list The regulations now require that one (1) cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. M. MANLY. 1. M. Or LOCAL INTEREST. When in Bayboro slop at the Lupton House for good accommodations. Buy your fine bed room and Parlor suit of T. J. Turner, the leading Furni ture dealer. . We will for S days only offer special bargains In Wardrobes, Chiffoneers and Toilet sets. T. J. Turner, Furniture Co. The repairing of ladles shoes a spec ialty at E. Havens. Don't Tdrget lhanilll, tho Printer does Job Printing as cheap as any printing office in the United States, doing first class work. 01 South Front street. Having connected my self with my father we are better prepared to make boot and shoeB than ever. Repair ing a specialty. . Jim Havens. One Night Only ! WEDNESDAY, APRIL The Eminent Actor Mr. John Griffith, The Greatest Living MephistoJ'resenliog a Spectacular Version of Faust. More Powerful Than a Sermon. The Electrical Duel. - The Descent into Hades. The Scene on the Brockcn. Produced with Careful Attention to Detail. Special Bienery. Cos tumes and Electrical EffectB. A RlVILiTlON IN I.KOITIMATI DRAMA ! General Admission-. 75 Tents. Reserved Saats without extra charge. Gallery, 25 Cents. At fti nn No. 80-13. JO Inch floe plain English gloria, paragon fram. uttrl rod, "close roller," (Mils cover, fongo handle. At $2, $2.50 Jk, $3. Fin lilaek lalTela silk, stwl rod, the "cloa roller." In prarl, sterling ailver, rubber and Jap. handle. (JciitV ITmbrcllHN,, Ma 105 Heavy twill glorlaillk. par- iron irnme. ieei roil, iiodi nsnoir, tt Inch ONE UOlXAlt, 28 iucli l t No. 80,. Very ttue plain Kngll.h glo ria, "rloM mlli-m". silk oovvr, iC Inch 1.00, M Inch I.U. Ham with unl.t trimmings, tt Inch l.M, JJInuMIW. Plain r-nglUh (Jlorla, family site, 81 inciias, fl.l. Gladstone Nllk Fibre. Something new In Cmhrrllas, stronger I bio cotlon or stlk, aUolulHy fast black, elowly rearmbk union silk, lata stylo nannies rrlr, no Inches IMC, SM Inchas oo, so locnas VI uu. a I m, rv f hA, W W W W tJ r " () () WE OPEN OUR a Shirt O THIS o D O O O o At 50 Cents. Handsome Gingham waist of bright desirable plaids, detach able collar, point yoke buck & tucked, theeo are worth 7oc. At 59 Cents. Fast black waist with detach-' able collar, made as above. Also at this price' very pretty figured Lawu, box plait front aiid back, a perfect fitting waist. At 75 Cents. Very sheer figured lawns, full front, detachable collar, newest shape cuffs and in every woy o o () C) a a o o o o o a o a o o a o o a o Q O a 8 l news, the equal of the waists yoti would ptiv $1.00 for elsewhere. At 98 Cents. ; Imported Madras Clolh in all the dcsirablo colors and made as perfect as a waist can be, Wc would advise an early selection as first choice is always .best.' -V - - . T ' Some new OEQANDIES, LAWN and DIMITIES have been received during the past week that deserve especial attention. - Koechlins Sheerest Imported Organdies, individual dress pat terns, Dresden design, 35c Yard. Flower Designs French Or gandy, 25C Yard Somo new American made Organdies, a perceci copy or nie rrencn woods, uniy 20c Yard, We've a store full of Colored Lawns, Organdies, Jaconets, -&c, 4? at Surprisingly Iiw Prices. One particular Lawn we will make fl special mention of. It is price is -10c. fOnr-of-Town Customers may have Samples for the asking. Sonic Especial Good Values in MILLINEHY will be offered during the week. Jt" VISIT THE DEPARTMENT. April 10. o cccoc At New Berne's Busiest Store : THIS - W EES I We are putting price on Seasonable Goods never In-fore quo tej on same Merchandise by us or any of our competitors, in (not this week will be a general ItarKKlrr Week throughout the enure cKtuhlisliment. No tpuce to spate only to quote the lowest prict a ever heard of on Reliable Goods. : Hftv to I lie lNiint: 1000 dozen Buttons, worth lOo, now 1c don. mi) Ladies black silk umbrellas. 93o. BOO silk Umbrella at f2.1H each. I V 0 yaids good Bleaching at to yd. Ilmnp Hooka and Eyes, So card. H sheets good writing pnier 8c. Unj'it suit f Cloth- tide up OUu Holler Window Khhdes at 18r. Men's MM Calf Mm--, now $1.41. White Kllk ParamU 1 81 tn 4.00. Waist Silk. S 8S. 50. 75o, yarJ up. Tto Latllm Straw Sailor at 4!)o, 43-inch Scrlllinn, worth il.8 at 87,0 yard Fruit of the loom Bleaching, 4x1, at OJo yard. No PoiiiU Lilkn Price Point. Economy In Wealth. . G A. Barfoot, Pollock Street. Henry5 . Pharmacy, 137 Middle-St., New Berne, N. C. PliyslclniM PrcNcrlptlonw A Npeclally. A Fmli Supply of Lsndretb' Garden Seed. HOTEL ALBERT. Rooms With or Without Board. FIK8T CLASS TRANSIENT BOAim $1.00 TO $1.50 A DAY, AOCORDINO TO LOCATION. MKS.J.A.T1I0MAS, VlWil I "-yJTSBTSBTNaTSaTs r JLaTSaTSBSaTSBSBSJtTNjr , FIRST INVOICE OF ( ) ( ) "Waists o u WEEK. o IT t) C) () 0 0 u o a o O () () o a o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o o o o 0 o o D o Wilis will he good news to eo I many ladies who have waited to get' one of our Perfect Fitting Waist?. .'-Wo will not disappoint yon .as to style or workmanship. ; They are made only as the best work people know how to make them and the materials are different than the cloth you buy out of the stores they are more exclusive patterns. : Prices begin ns low as 25c, but they are well made for even this siriull amount. , Jttaca.wiTH whits nouREa. o n 01. j 1 is w incnes wiue or sneer cloth and tho . fl The value of these lawns are 15c. m' o D O O 8 O OOO CCOOCOOOOOOf 20o Organdies a Lappet nt 12(0 yd All wixil Novelty Dn-sa Goods VJIJo ' Baby Caps from 9c to J .V) t-acli. 47 pieces Kiblont, assorted, worth lite at 8o yd. 1.5 J Iyf(flior:iH. t lis week, 88c. loco Curtain. 4 c to 1.00. Indies hummer Vint from 4c to 9"c. 1 51 VW IH Dre Shirt 7o. :c Ltd e biik Scarf 8u and 10c Dimitti- at fic yd. Lailie Lent her BWt at 9c ench. S Gium-s Mailora. aortt (I at i!3c Boy's Straw Huts An up Black Silk Glove, l.olu", 2)c up. Opposite Post Offce It's True, Too. 1 nut very many people will aot find it out until too lair. Looks and low prlo will decide their choite. Tli wlw man and win woman will, however, delibrrat ami. having deliber ated, will dlwriniioal in making their biryck purchase. Tbrv will rrallsa that grind ka-k r often but enamt-1 di-rp-siilnl low pric is often but bait fur Ihu onw.ry that on ba but on lilo to llr, and It Is short and tweet, whit sttrgwin.' lull. r high and unwelcome. Tly will ip.llw n,.t Brat cost la not everything, and that It i "belter to b sur than to Iw sorry " And there' where w com in with our t'oluinbln mid llartrortl IIIcjoIcm. All lb worM know lhm knos that Ihelr makai am too firmly ralare ll.lied and tio tralmis of their proud rrp. utations to enUiiRcr them. They appral to dlKrlnilnattiig hiiyrs. Th wlir; hvgoMt liM.ks, of couik. lint llii-y har Inlrintia worth wnll. W bar th s.parw part In Ilia rough to show Hi. .kriiirl or to ht lp thuM who at di-lltxrallng. XV XI. T. IIII.T, A pt , Oi Hn. Fi. nt I , N.

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