VOL. XVI--NO. 17. NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL. 22 1898. ESTABLISHED lCS'i J A Judge of- SHOE . AND SUPERIOR MAK.K IN SHOES will be delighted whon he examines the good pom tain our Stunk of 1 FINE iEN'S SHOES la all Stylo's ai.d at 1 -'rice that will surely attract. We think we can Suit any Lady iu TIES. . Our Titos. G. Plant Black Kid with Silk Vesting Top is a Beauty. Also their Ian Kid with Patent Tip is both Pretty Hnd Stylish. - ' ZEIGLER'S GOODS are not to be hidden and if you wish t'trae comfort" ask for a CLEMENT & BALL. From TO-DAY wo are Offering our 75c and !K)o . , . . .. . ' A good opportunity for buying a nice article for 5 ..-' little money. 5 Do not forget our 32-Inch Percales For Only 8c Per Yd. j - And every lady who is wico wishes to finish her dress . Skirt with a Binding thHt will Look Well, Wear Better 3g aud bo Least Trouble Kwpii'g in Order. All these ji points are met when she uses Feder's Pompadour Skirt Protector, "S ' And we have a Supply always on hand. OUl. GltOfJEKY UEPAltTJIEKT 3E " hjiifj; receiving a Line rAhe Finest CAKES AND 3 OK.VUlvliRS. Commetit U unnecessary, for even the babies look with longing eyes when they come to our Ja, ' ; St'ro. Our stock of Tiible' Oaliciiciea aud Necessities .,. is Fresh and of the Finest Quality. yl, W0lld uot tko your watch-to a blacksmith to be repnirirl. Ilrt would not know bow to serve joh properly. On the same ;S principle it requires an expert, yea,- combination of experts to run sttcn a business as ours. It is our life Work. It gets all our thought, and attention. Wo put our reputatiou into our a5 merchandise. Wo want all the business we can get. That, is Jg UuiUMe aitibition- But in return we Guarantee all the Satis faction it m possible to give. OBEllliiiliiililieiMlililliiBOIl. A Fieah Lot of-N. C. Hams, only 10c b. Shafer't Breakfast Strips, 10c. Slufer'. Sugar Cured Pig Hams, Via 17. I.ooso Oat Flake and Oat Meal, 3j lb. Large and Small Hominy, 2Jo lb. Fox IJiver Prii.t Butter, 25c lb. Otod Cooking Cotter, 20ol0. In fact oar slock of FANCY FAMILY GROCERIES are always up-to-date. Give us a Trial and be Convinced that we Save Yon Money by Dealing With Us. Very IU-tpectfully, ' njn I? bit . la 3 a oJ. R. PARKER, haal p 'Phone 69. It's True, Too. But very many people will not find il out until loo late. , Looks and low price will decide their choice. The win nun and wise woman will, however, deliberate and, having dellber aied, will dbriuiiiiate in making their bicycle purchase.. They will realize that good louks are often Mil enamel-deep that low price I. often but bull for lliu unwarythat one he. but one life lo llvi, and it it short and tweet, while suriruuna' lull, am hlith and unwelcome. T-nry wilt real, thai (If it eot I. out everything, and I hit l It n "belter lo be sure Uan to be sorry. " And there', where we come In with our 1 Columbia mid If nrtford Illcjclc. All the wmM knows lli-m knows that their in.kuce iir loo firmly elab- li.lied and too a-uloua nf Ihelr nrond mi Illation. In end .lip t Uifm. Tlity appeal lo discriminating Ioiit. Tho wlu-ela lir gocl .k, (if our. Hut Ihcjr li.va inlrlu.H) wiirlh a. wall. Wi li.v. Ih. 'pur.l purt. la Hie Muuh lu .ho1 tl irpiic! or ui help thuae who art Oi no -ratlin. It S. Front St , New IWrn, N. O. ! cSa JR., Wholesale and Retail Qrocer. 77 Broad Street. iff QOBOi1 Our Knowledge of Dispensing. I. comprehensive and complete. We've studied it in all its braather, We make it our spwlnlty.. If your drama friend on earth Is senou.ly ill you wuut to he U. anluiely sure thai the prescription for bhn is carefully prcp.rod and pure drugs used. Wo personally gu'anntro this when we dt.penae your prtwenp tlona. Our store la never without a rrgUlerod pharoisclit. BlliDHiM'S PHARMACY. Henry's Pharmacy, IV Middle fit.. New Berne, N. C. lMijH.clnm Prescript Ioiih A fepwlnlty. rmli Supply of Landreth's Oarilen Reed, fre.li Selected i N.C. Collard Heed. LEATHER E ta For 50c. 1 9 I'M Van STATE CAPITAL. Hardly say H.altment Parorlnc Demoeralle Papall.t ra.loa;. Stale - Treapa All Klihl. - Raleigh, April 31 John W. Harden, a nephew of the late Associate Justice Edwin G. Reade, was married here to Miss Kate Belvin, daughter of President Charles H. Bel vio, ot the Raleigh Na tional Bank. Major E. M. Hayes, seventh cavalry, United Slates Army, on duty at military headquarters here, has left hurriedly for Washington. Colonels of the Secood and Fourth Regiments. State troops, are here and said their commands are ready for any service. A wealthy syndicate is being formed here to develop the great water power at the Narrows of Yadkin river. Two ex-chairmen of the Democratic State committee today announce they find hardly any sentiment for fusion with the Populists, save in Raleigh, and that everybody recognizes that the Democrats cannot be united on it. There will be no such fusion it is now safe to say. The Railway commission lias reduced the express rate on fish shipped from Morejiead City and New Berne. It post pnned until next week the hearing of the exceptions of the railways against the recent order requiring railroads to honor a mileage book no matter by whom pre sented. The last of the cotton grown last year on the Penitentiary farms was sold here yesterday. There were 600 hales, which brought $U,00O. The total crop was very nearly 3,000 bales The Raleigh amateurs will present the "Midado"at Henderson next Monday and r. large audience is assured. mere is quuo an industrial boom in the State if the large number of charters granted new corporations by the Secretary of State is an index There is marked enthusiasm here at the passage of regular troops throng); this city. Gray headed men sat up until midnight to see them. Interest in the baseball game between North Carolina and Virginia next Satur day is greater than ever before, because tho Nortli Carolina University team playing so strong a game. Tho State chartered the King's Moun tain Telephone Company. cnpitallO.,000 and Queen City Telephone Company, of Charlotte, capital $250,000- Three Nor folk men arc the principal stockholders in the latter. Governor Russell, it is announced, will make no further effort to oust Chairman Caldwell, of the railway commission. Tho Democrats of Winston have nomi UK ted Col. A. B, Gorrell. a prominent to bacco warehouseman, for mayor. Enclnnd. Voice. London, April 21. The Daily News today sayc "The Spanish royal speech presents a version of history than cannot be adopted by impartial minds. The allegation that the United States inter ferred because afraid that Jhome rule might succeed and put an end to the civil war is preposterous. It is all very well to talk of filibustering expeditions. hut these are not spontaneous nor in any large sense American. Nor are Spanish Ministers wise in attributing the policy of Congress to a pnrt only of the Ameri can people. 'Sentiment must uot blind them to the fact that in this struggle for human free doni, the United States have the right on their side. As for the prospects, the Spaniard would undoubtedly make uau uegtnning it the nrst shot nred was directed against vessels conveying sup plies to their own fellow subjects." la.Mpaal.li fleat. Nkw York, April 20 A Washington special to tiio Herald says: "Spain's an swer may take the form of shot and shell. The formidable fleet, which has been mobilising at the Cape Verde Islands for tome days, tailed today from those Islands for an unknown des tination. So Important It this Information that there It reason to believe that the Navy Department will put every bit of ma chinery in motion that it it possible to start lo learn the whereabouts of the licet. It It conceded to be highly proha- me thai ins neet win Hasten across the ocean to Porto Rico and Cuba to prevent by force the outtiog from tbe Islands of the naval aud military forocs of the Spanish government. On the other band, It It possible that the ships havo gone to the Canary Is lands, but this It not considered proba ble in view of the fart officially reported that the vessels were Coal Ins: all day yet. terduy, and thit motaig before their de parture and th.t their bunkers were filled to ovvtflowlog with fuel. j Relallaaa Wlib) rariaaal, I New York. April SX-The Herald b morrow will publish thlt despatch from Washington: ir Mpaln tliould use tbe salute was returned. Ctpe Verde I.lsnda at a basa of opera- twelve mounts for rapid Are guot ar tiontln time of war, Portugal will be rived at Old Pornt and were teat on at called lo account by the Unite! Butet. ; 0Ce to Newport Newt, where they will The Cape Verdo Ialandt belong to the be placed la position on board the eon Lisbon Government, wblcb receotly In. ' verted cruiser Dixie, formed the United Stale that it bad The ram Katahdln It read j to tail at rrJecUd propositions made by Spain to an hour's notice, and orders to tall are enter Into eo nftVeslve and defensive airwclad at anv moment. neutral. Br. FmWs Imr Dr. M-iHI I'tMi ( tit. It IJ I I r 14 1 blttoq ) impur, f friif k ytmt U wv iMteriiht I B I I U fiwi4 MwWHHI twMH. UtkNl 0t 14m , I J W IM.IU nit. HMi HE LAST STAGE. By Force of Arms Will tlifi Issue 1! Our Squadron Believed to Be Now Off tbe Cuban Coast. Minister Woodfopd and the Consuls Ont of Spain. Spain's Refusal to Receive tbe Ultimatum Con sidered a Declaration of War. Spain's Fleet Has Sailed. The stage of actual hostilities between the United States and Spain was entered upon yester day. The ministers having left Madrid and Washington, the two governments have no means of communicating officially. The late news of the move ment of the fleet is vffry meagre. It is supposed that the squad ron is on its way to blockade the Cuban ports, but the De partments are giving no infor mation. The actual state of affairs will be known today, but last night the real situation was very uncertain. Special to Journal. WAsniNOTON, April 21. Spain acted with vigor today. Minister Woodford was not allowed to present the ultimatum of the President which demanded the surrender of Spanish sovereignty in Cuba. Before he could do so his pass. ports were handed him and Spain mad an answer and virtually a declaration of war by the act. Secretary Alger says that the treat- tnent of Minister Woodford by Spain is to all intents and purposes a declaration of war and it is so considered by the Administration. Minister Woodford left Madrid at four o'clock this afternoon and has gone to Paris. All the United States consuls in Spain have also left the country. Congress today passed a bill to pro hibit the shipment of coal from United States ports and also placed a embargi on other munitions of war. A resolution was introduced in Con gress to declare war against Spain and it can be taken up and passed at any mo ment. Tho President has tent a note to the powers advising them of the relations existing with Spain. At a cabinet meeting thit afternoon the advance of the North Atlantic fleet on Cuba was decided upon. Orders were tent to Captain Sampson directing him to "execute the orders already delivered The fleet It reported to have left Key West late In the afternoon, but Its move ments are not known, The orders are to blockade the Cuban coast Imme diately, Tbe advice of the Strategic Board for the bombardment of Uavana. The movements of the Spanish fleet are not known, nor are the exact dis tances of Spain's warships from Cuba. I it reportea from Madrid that the Spanish officers are ordered to fight when ever the United Slates 8quadron Is met The fleet stationed at the Cape Verdo Islsads sailed today. Tbe entire United States army Is bring rapidly mobilized todar. Tbe remain ing regiments and cavalry were ordered South and are already In movement. Tbe enlistment of volunteers under the call of the President will be restricted to tbe National Guard. The Knglish tramp steamer llamt stead tailed fram Norfolk for the Cap ' De Verde Islands, with ber cargo of coal, The veasel has been detained nearly a week, and It was thought by many that the woufd not be permitted to tall, but the went witn a ruin, muling the nag' thlp Brooklyn at the pasted, which CASTORIA 7 or .Infant and ChiMrt. 1 I I THE OREGON IN SANGER. Hay be Altaekeil by ib Hpanl.b Tor ; peao Bsal.-Mavnl uineera Con-1 eeracd. Washington, April 20. Uunttached to : any fleet and alone on the ocean, the j battleship Oregon, now on her way to : Key West from San Francisco, is the! subject of some concern on the part of the naval officials, who, while confident that the big tighter can well care for her self Bhould she meet a small Spanish fleet, would much prefer that she were with Captain Sampson's command than in having to pass through waters which in two weeks may be well patrolled by Spanish war vessels. Nothing has been heard from the Or egon s'nee she sailed from Callao on April 0, and nothing is expected to be received from her for a week and per haps longer. From the straits to Monte video is almost one week's run, and un less the Oregon has orders to stop in there and await instructions she may not be reported until Rio or Bahia is reached. Somewhere off the South American coast is a Spanish torpedo boat, which may be laying for the big ship, but un less caught unexpectedly, and the au thorities have no fear this will occur, it not believed the little craft could harm the big one. But after rounding Cape St. Roque, the eastern extremity of Brazil, and pointing then to the west and north for the vicinity of Florida, the Oregon must pass right across the lane of travel taken by the Spanish fleet, if it comes over to this side. The Oregou will be near Porto Rico also, and if the Spanish vessels operated within a few hundred miles of that port they miuht fall in with tho American vessel when she passes along there about three weeks from now. Lieut. Carniilha Npt-abfl. Washington, April 20. Lieut. Caran- tha, who left with the Spanish Minister Barnabe, made the follow ing statement in leaving Washington: "It is no longer a question ef retain ing Cuba. That was merely a question of territory. Now a higher purpose is in view tho honor anil dignity of Spain since the United Stutes has contempt uously ordered Spain to vacate Cuba and has made the infamous chnrgc that we are responsible for the murder of the poor men of the Maine. These orders and charges are made with a kick of the boot, and against such action Spain will resist to the uttermost. There should be no mistake about this. History has recorded tkut even the legions of Napol eon, with 4UU.0UU men, hearing Uie triumphs of all Europe, were hailed and retired from Spain after those legions had lost between 200,000 and 300,000 men. We recognize the gallantry of the American navy, and the notable heron of its past Paul Jones, Farragut, Por ter but Spain, too, has ber heroes, and their blood is in the veins of those now called upon to defend her honor. I speak after recently talking with my naval associates, commanders of Spanish ships and of torpedo boats, and I know that there is bnt ene sentiment, namely, that not one Spanish ship i-lnill be taken. Your navy may send many of them to the bottom; superior forces may seek to annihilate them; but not one Spanish ship will surrender to the American nary. With honor at stake, that will be the response of the navy of Spain." Lieutenant de Carantha spoke with great earnestness, and his statement was taken in notes and authorised. Cabaaa la laatfrran Wlib Uenernl Mile.. Washington, I). C, April 2.-Tlie statement li made on higher authority that Tomas EMrad Palim, the repre sonlative of the Cuban Republic In this country, in company with one of the bridanicrt of Gomez's army was in con sultatlon witb General Miles lod-iy ar ranging for co-operation in Hi- conilu-'t nf the campaign in Cuba against Spain This is taken a. a virtual recognition of the Cuban Republic. It Is stated that Pal ma was summoned here for thit eon ference. FOVDEn Absolutely Pur Till MARKETS. Yesterday't market quotations furnish ed by TV. A. Porterfleld 3t Co, Commission Broken. NtwYoRt, April 21. STOCKS. Open. High. Low, Close Sugar lift, 113, II tj 118) People Oat....' fUJ 8V 88, 88) c. n. o, i n m COTTON. Open. Hlyh. Low, Clot May .M 183 .M , CHICAOO MARKETS. Wb4t Open. High. Low, Cloa July B 88 87, 88 Com July Ml 88 tt M rrilea Balsa ttt.OUO balat. rrrnnrrTrirrrrrryTTrTTnrTPi FRESH BARREL 3 FULTON MARKET Fresh Elgin Butter. Nice Lot Fruit Jelly in 5 pound Toy Pails. Also by the pound for 5 CENTS. Freeh Lot of Fancy Cream Cheese and Macaroni Small Sugar Cured Pig llama. Fancy Carolina Rice. L'jose Oat (lakes, Fresh Grits and Big Hominy. A complete stock of the best Groceries at the lowest possi ble price. mm & Gaskil 111 71 Broad St., NEW BERXE, S. V. JLOJULJLO.JUULJLOJL Buffalo Lithia Water J ...OX SALlE at... I Davis' Pharmacy. Phone 50. Tor. llrond & Mi. Idle Sts. (!) HOTEL ALBERT. Rooms With or Without Board. FIRST CLASS TRANSIENT BOARD. $1.00 TO $1.50 A DAY, ACCORDING TO LOCATION. M US. J. A. THOMAS, FKOri!. Carolina Worm Killer! A h'glily valuable preparation, capuhle, from the promptitude of its action, of clearing the syBicm in a few hours of every worm. The origin, development, and support of worms, in the human sj stem, are to be attributed to a dt-pruveil ami debilitated condi tion of the stomach and bowels; it liein an established fact that wlieie. the digestion is unimpaired, and general powers of the syHtem in a heulthy state, they can find no habitation. This preparation lias I lie peculiar advantage of not only destroying every worm, but also of producing a healthy ac'.ion of the stomach and bowels, thereby re lieving many complaints arising from a derangement of tbe diges tive organs. There is no disease to which ) children are exposed which is so ;j common and fatal as worms, and ; this medicine should be kept in ! every nursery and in every house ;j hold. This preparation not only ) extirpates the worms, but cleanses the sv.lem of the mucus In which V they are engendered, and promotes V, a lu-althy action of the digestive ) powers. 2 Carolina Worm Killer never fails to do all wo claim for it. Try a f) bottle and get your money hack if not as represented. Manufactured J, and Sold at Bradham'f t Reliable Drug- Store. Thl Year" NpriiiK Lamb, Yeal, Million, Pork, And the FINEST BEEF ever brought to thlt City, ran be had at Sam'l Colin & Son's M Middle St, Phone 46. ptr Also Uvs tad Dressed Poultry. Nred Irl-h VotiMoea! " 'Ked nilss," "White Bllst," "Pride of South ' and "Early Hose" Cheap for Cash, J. E. LATHAM. ( CYaren Street. II. IV. NIMPNON, Funeral Director and e Fmbaltner. Office (W.Broad Street, next to Stewart's at able. ReeldeDot 168 Broad Street tVUurtal robot a specialty. CORNED BEEF ! Wholesale fe lletail Grocer, Dobbin & FcTrall, 123 & 123 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Store, RALEKJH, N r. IIB We rhVr our Latest Iii-r.ortn'ions of BLACK ALL-OVER LACES .or foil ' GostUioes mid Skirts :-.nd Wiii.-ls t .un prinitie; Chanii'-y (,'r(iitit-le, lleuaUutice, j&c. tojeuer n ull the Ne. -t Guides in j Plain and lilace TAFFETA SILKS for j fOUUllllll 'US. No house in the trad.', v.e feel, will offer a Choicer Collectio'i. nor kiicIi Un approitclinble Low Price-. Besides the Iicei by the yard, we show a Select Line of Lace Circular Skirts and Robs, Very Stylish j list now. Correspond with us regarding these Laces. Dobbin & Fw-rrall. Love's YounK Dream Turns to Chocolates. Marshmallows, Bon Bons and many of the exquisite concoctions in confections that we know how to mix with an artist' h;ind Som of our choice cp'fial. in weeis nie a dream in thenis. Ives, and for wedding., receptions, etc , our cai dies are ill great dcinuuit and high favor. Corner Pollock and .Middle Sts. Don't forget the place. C. el. MeSorl y .. Tho . . Nnrlng Furiilliiiig Are at distinctly different from the Winter Furnishings as your Spring Suit It from your old Winter tuli We have just received a Beautiful Line of Spring Bhlrla and Necktiet and you can suit yourself etaetlv by giving us a trial. Our Stylet are the Latest anr 1 our Prices are Cheao You .honld tee our Spring Halt and gboee which are UP to date, but DOWN in Price. We bsre just received our Spring Olovet and Every Pair it Ouaranteed. Our TAILOKINU DEPARTMENT It giving great taliaftctina and a trial will taliafy yon that our templet are new and ttyliahi that our Prices are right and that we give a perfect fit. Call and set os.n Baker & Dunn. f7 POLLOCK STREET. 7 ; IB

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