fi : w m oh AVegetaWcPreparationlbr As similating feFcodandncguki ting the Slonade Li cf PromofesEigcsUcn,Ghcc;ru! ness andRest.Conteins nciihre' Opium,Morphinc nor Kirrral. UoTNAiicoi':c. Impkix Sal-. ftSrmStrd- Apetfwrt Remedy forO:?'.:, lion. Sour Stomach.Dioj i toca Worms pnyulsions.Feverish ness andLoss cr SLnEr. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a. & sr. c. 15. TIMB TABLE NO. 4. 11. To Take Effect Sunday .'November 28th, ' . 1897, at 13 M.' Going East "SCHEDULE: Going West No. 3 Passenger Trains , No. 4 Lv. p m . stations: Ar, a m 8 40........ (Joldsboro 11 05 : 4 09 .. LaGrange ..10 32 1 483...... . , Kinstou...... 10 12 ' 6 35. .....Ar. New Berne, Lv 9 10 6 43. Lv. T'.'" ' Ar. .... 8 57 8 57. .. Ar. Mjrehead city Lv 7 47 No. 1. f I No. 2, Mx'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. nuu Fass.Tn. I Pass. Tu. Lv. a m Ar. p m 7 10...... ..Goldsboro 8 00 , 743 ... Best's.... 7 20 8 00 ........ LaUraogo 6 50 8 26... Fulling Creek 0 20 ; 9 14.... ........ Kinston..... .. . 600 8 28..... ...... Caswell.... 518 8 43... Ar. Dover, Lv 5 00 1015 .Lv. " Ar 4 20 10 40 ..core creek 400 11 15..... Tuscaioni 3 88 11 81..... ..... ..Clark's 810 12 05 Ar. New Home, Lv 2 50 180......LV. " Ar.....l047 . 213 ...Riverdalo. 10 00 20 croatnn 10 00 43.. .. .... llavclock.......... 9 40 8 13... .....Newport, Lv 0 00 8 23 ... .....Wildwond 8 47 3 81 ...... ...Atlantic .. .8 38 8 46 '. . . Ar. Morehcad city, Lv. .... 8 20 4 01. ...Ar. M. cltv Deuot. Lv 7 50 P, It. A. M. Mou.lay. Wednesday anil Friday. . flueS'lay, Tbuisday and tSuturJiy. ' s. L. DILI., . Superl.i.cndoot. -STOAMFFf- CiBGLUi: DliPAKff AND n.'- . it ii.i in i ii i a n 0. FREIGHT & PASSENGER, For All Pol ill lVorth. The Steamer NEUSE wilt leave on Mo:.divs, Wednesdays; itud FriJays at C p. in., sharp. Mak in; no stop botwoun No liurue to ijiizabolli UttV. - -The Steamer NEWBEUNS will tAil nn Tuotdnvi tad Fridays at It o'olock, noon, makiiie lAQdings at OriuuUl, OcrAUoks aud ltouooke island. rST Frieht received not later tlidu one boar pruvioni to sailing. Fjr fuilher iufurmtliuu tti'pl; to GEO. HENDEUSOX, Agt. M, K. Kiso, Gen. Slr., 11. C. Uci(iisd,0n.Fit.& IWAgt Norfolk, V- Ko9 nerit. N.C.Scpt. 18. lsW' UUANCII OFFIUB IV. A. Foritrld .4 Co. Hncysor to U. W.iUby'.A Co )J Hankers mul Hrokcr. ' Surki, notldD, l ulloa. tirsla. I'rerliloBi 1 1.$ Tax Simile Signature cf ; ! j lAlways Bought. SlliD C i ,:M aii'l mill fur rnili or on muffin - j . r c. n'.. In IniVfrum W op. . r f ' i.i y sr.lmM'11, 1 1 1 i i it i) ink Hrfrremw. in.inl i i il.itinrn. I a. o s ;.'.vn::;ntv. l inn i'T 110' IIS For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature PROFESSIONAL. F. M. Simmons, A.D.Ward J. H. I'oii. E. W. Pon. SIMEONS, POU & WARD, ATTORXEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. MIW llfcHWE, nr. o. Office 08 So. Front Street, nearly oppo site rioiei tJiinttawRa. (Ofthjes also at Raleigh and Smithfield.) KiHcllco In the counties ol Craven. Duplin, lout, Onslow, Ourleret Puiiillco, Wukp, iiiHiiMwii, ituriiecb mm vi lison: in rne, an emu mid loiiernl courts, and wherever 1. en are UcKirtd. IMI. Pelletier, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers Brick Building. Will nractleo In tlie Counties ol Craven Carteret, Jonex, Onslow and I'ttuiUco. uoui uiaqw tfenio aim supremo court ft be State. FINANCIAL. A. Cirecn, Pres, K.II. Meadows, Vice Pre H.M.GnovES.Caahier. CITIZEN'S BANK os rrarw ssixutsi, sr. a. DO A GENKKAL RANKIXU BUSINK3 rhe Accounts of RanKS, bankers, Cornm atlona. Fanners. Merchants and others re celved 0:1 lavorahle terms. I'rouipt and oar tin attention given to tuo inun pbi oi our eus toiners. Coll euoim a specially. BOAUD Or DIEnOTOKS. FoMlnaud Ulrica K. II. Meadows, ChftH. Unity, Jr. Jaini h Uenmoud Mayer Halin, Ti.iii'ias A.tiremii C.K.rov. W. K.Croekett. . A. Ueanows, imue! W. luoi k. v . uruniKer, W. Smullwoud. wo. N. Ives. Farmers & Merchants ...BANK... Sottas. Dvxniiiesa May, laox Capital Sivrk $"5,000.00 riuinl'issnd rruilts 11,111.41 OFFICERS: U II- Ciiriaa, President. w.k. ciiaiiwick, net iTea, T. W, Dkkhv, Cannier. J. W.Bilni.E, Teller. V. f. Mati'iikwb, Colleotor. UI HECTORS: L. H. Cu'lir. JdUn Sotor; W. n.niades W. H i lim!Uk. I' ll l'eiletler,.). ll.Claik. J. W. tti'uil, M., T.W.Dewey. We want vour business and feel that we can oftcr you as much in return at anr other bank In the city. It is our ndeavor to mnae ousinrm relations mui uallv pleasant and profitable to our patrons. I. A. BRIAN, TIIOS. DANIELS, Fmlilent. . Ties Pres. . II. ROBERTS. Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK, Or MKW BKUNK, N. a CaplUI, $100,001 Surplus Pronu .9&,l& OIUECTORSi . jas. A. Htr an. Til o. Dim ii A. Lhai. S. IUrA, Jsu. Hvn. ii. A. BoDsaT J. H. HajksuuS U llAHTUt ; K. H. Uiaaor E. W.S UnJer HotelChatUwkn, New Berne, N. C, DEALER I" , liilm, Binds. Liais, Ceme PIASTER, Garland's Stovjs & Ranges Devos's Ready Mixed Paint, -Air-Tisn Heaters. tie M L J ; The Rind IVF . Ynii Havfi TMS CCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YOUK CITY. ggSHBSai MALLWOOD Saabae aa aa Artist. Om dsy in the spring of 1875, when The Daily Graphic of New York wai in the foil swing of its meteorio oaretir, modest looking young man called at the ait department of the paper, at its Park place offices, with a package of sketches, says the Philadelphia Timet, The draw ings were left for inspection, and the artist, handing hia address in Brooklyn to the assistant of the art editor, took his departure. The availability of the work was manifest aa soon as the pack age was opened, and a comio series from the lot was reproduced at once for j a srMA a. m I : - - J uiu irout pnK xueir appearance wuutj ojnite a flutter in the cockloft of the art staff, for talent capable of furnishing good comics in pen and ink in those days was a scarce and costly article. The page was signed "S." and that was all the staff knew about it until there waB a general shoving about of work desks to make room "for Mr. Sigsbeo. " But Mr. Bigsbee did not materialize, nor did the supply of bis wonderfully fnnny drawings continue. It became known tbat the art editor had duly notified Mr. Sigsbee tbat bis sketches were aocepted and that bo would be given a place npon tho urt staff at once. Wonld Mr. Sigsbee please be on hand on Monday morning? Bnt the week rolled by and there was no Mr, Sigsbeo. . The art editor was un speakably astonished. Ho then wrote still more urgently to the coy, but de sirable artist, and this time he got an an swer: "Lieutenant Commander Charles D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., sends bis compli ments and begs to say that as he is at present in command of a government ship bo cannot accept the position so kindly offered." Japanese Love of the Beautiful. In the principal room of every Jap anese house built by rnle there is n slightly raised platform sometimes so arranged that it ran be entirely inclos ed. This ctuia is the "sacred niche" where the mikado would sit should ho ever enter the house. It is still the rqlo there thut the subject must not look down npon tho mikado. In tho days, not very long past, when it was tmluw fnl even to look upon his face, he wonld have eat entirely shut off from view, and hia food wonld have been served through a side opening so placed as to prevent n sight of bis sacred counte nance. Tbo royal incloEure is. looked npon as an altar. With it the wholo bonse most be in keeping, and it ii here that sosie grouping cf flowors or leaves, some beautiful work of urt, is always to be seen. The spot is itself n sample cf excellent Work, aud bore tlio little children learn from infancy to re vere and love tho beautiful and tho good in nature and in art, Tho love of the beautiful seems, in deed, to bo inborn in the Japanese race. Pictures on the wall are changed every mouth, according to tho season cf tho year. Clusters of favorite flowers are gracefully disposed around the house in nge pots or vases aud are a sonrco of pleasure to young and old. In the open spaoe at tho rear of the house, no mat ter how small, a garden is ruado in which a tiny landscape is skillfully planned. Ida Tiguer Hodnett in tit. Nicholas. Two Bad Boy. Years ago a Michigan farmer found two boys in his melon patch, and he looked tbem both in his grauery. The frightened lads hnddled olosa together in the lightest comer of the prison, and after their first fears were over began to talk. Billy," said one, "did yon ever bear of a congressman!" "Yes, Charley," said the other. "Tho fellow tbat made the speech down to the scboolhonso the other night, with the silk hat, he was a congressman. " 'Well, tboy'a onlyouethiug yon caa arrost a congressman for." "Not for steal iu melons? "No, yoo bet not" "Let's bo congressmen, Charley." "All right." After thoy crew to manhood, ouo cf tbe boys inovod to Dnluth, Minn., aud the other staid in Grand Rapids. Elec tion night in Itnveiuber, lHl, this message was sent from Grand Kapids: Charles A. Tow no, Dnluth, Mum. : I'm thore with 6.0UO to i;aiu. WIIJ.UU Aldus Bmitji. Id reply came tho following from Da- lntb: William AUen Smith, Grand Baplda, Mich. : I sue Tour (.QUO, William, and ru Ton Uvu bet tor. A. TuTi't.. The two sat sldo by side in congress. Chicago JonninL ' Doml.a'a Ball. It was not t success, Domino's ball. Tbe men were right enough, and thore were plenty of tbem, bnt tbe dear girls I Snob painful types of bounty, and all so very mature. And there they sat, waiting in vain for partners Helens of Troy and Joans of Aro aud Rosamonds that were not bit fair all antique snbjeots, you will perceive, baok num bers of fiction out of date. Bo tbe men kept near tbe buffet, and one said to another: 'I did not know tbat onr host was so devoted to horticulture." "Do yon refer," ssid the other, "to the cabbages be presents as for cigars?" 'No," smiled back tbe first "I was thinking rather of his ardent psssion for oolloctlug wallflowers." And their glanons wsndered vaguely to ths ballroom. Pick Me Up. AbyMlalaa L(al Pomp. Ths lord chief ju.tica cf Abyssinia was cbosry old gentleman, dressed in S huRO black bat, greeu allk bandkur ehlef tied rooud his bead underneath ths bit. Hack silk cloak embroidered with sold, smart porpls silk shirt on lerueutk and oonllnnationsof lbs fairest linen. This representative of the law wss alio armed with loug sword In a red scabbard, snd bis squires running alongslds ranlud bis rills and gold mounted shi.ld. Altogether be Was most Imposing flgorw, St James Gs setts. MSTSttNSIXa T)AH BtftRlSE. Permanently cured by lbs maiterly power of 8Mith American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need surfer no longer bcauae this great remedy caa sire tbem All. It Is curs for ths whole world of stomach wekniws sad Indigestion, Tbs enrs b. sins with ths first dose. The relief it brlnira is marvrlnus and surprising. I niikrs no failurfti never dlMptxilaim N m.tler how Ions; you have ulfered, ymir curs Is pertain under lb UH of Mil. great heaHh-e-ivirijt f rre. I'lexmnl snrT al ) Hfn. Hoi. I by '. . ;ilr'llim, Iiiri;tl, New Heme, N. C. Or. Bull s A 1 vara eflVets fnre of grippe and bmncbiiit, mri ma end ctmnimtion. It U toe mot cia:ackugr3i.edy Upi A LMon la BtulneM. Blamper failed oaoe aud lost bit last dollar. He studied the thing over from every view and concluded that his fatal mistake was in not advertising. He was a general favorite in the country town where he met with disaster, he held nothing out against bis creditors, and bis Vewnrd came in the shape of the postmastersbip. The income depended very largely on tbo number and valne of stamps sold. - Blumper determined that he would not fail again, at least from the same oause. In the local paper there appeared big display advertisement notifying the pnblio that Blumper had the largest, brightest, newest aud best selected Btock of postage stamps in tbe county. He wonld sell them at tbe lowest figure, warrant them to be all tbat was repre sented, wonld sell tbem in quantities to snit the purchasers, guaranteed that tbey would carry a letter as far and as safely as any other stamps in tbe world, defied competition and wound np by Baying tbat he had tbe backing of the government. Aa long as it was good he was good. "It bent tho band," tells an old citi zen.. "We laughed at bim and knew tbat he was the first postmaster that ever adopted such taotics, but he was a winner. It tickled the people almost to death, and thore is no bettor way of getting their favor. They sont from 100 miles in every direction to buy stamps of bim. Net a man came to town to do business or mako a visit tbat did not have a oommission to bny postage stamps of Blnmper. He made a uioe thing, is now in private business again aud thinks an advertisement about as good as ready money. " Dotroit Free Press. Not Their Exact Words. The general tendency to look at the actions of others through one's own par ticular spectacles is frequently observed. Perhaps not so often noticed, however, is tbo habit of unconsciously reuderiug another's speech into one's own lan guage. A Boston girl who had been taking ber first lesson in bioycle riding ex pressed ber satisfaction at borne at tho result of her experiment. "Tbe man said," she repeated, "that I had made most satisfactory progress for a novico." "Why, did he roally say that?" was tive surprised query, "Well, no," answered the Boston1 yonug woman, after a moment's refleo-1 tion. " What he did say was, 'You'll do fust rate for a new beginnor.' " A friend of the poet Bryant ohanced to be alone in his study when a cabinet maker brought home a chair tbat had been altered. When Mr. Bryant return ed, ho asked : Miss Robbins, what did the follow say about my chair?" He said," answered the visitor, 'that tbeeqnilibrinm is now admirably adjusted." What a fine fellow 1" said Mr. Bryant, laughing. "I never heard him talk like that. Were those his exact words?" Well, be said, 'It joggles just right,'" repeated. Miss Robbins, Youth's Companion. Story of a Boiton "Tip. In n fashionable restaurant the other evening a lady aud gentleman were diu no tinrnia nrtlnrv fn nil nn Inini fliaatae They had been belated in arriving, and their order was consequently small and hastily consumed. Handing tbo waiter a $5 bill for tbe check, be was requested to hurry, but as be did not return with the 92 change, nor could bo be seen nnywhero in the room, tbe gentloman beckoned to another waiter and told bim to look np tho other. After n still lougor delay, the first waiter, looking glum cnongb, reappeared on tbo scene. ' Where is my cbaugo? said tho gen tloman. "You told me to keep tbo change," returned the waiter, with a snrly air. Here the lady took a band. "You're mistaken," she said. "It is not likely tbat tbe fee should be (2 when yon leave ns to pnt on onr own wraps." rio the follow drow the (2 from bis pocket, aud tbo gentlemen, not wish ing to make further trouble, gave him the customary quarter aud departed. Every one knows tbe coarse that should have been pnrsned, bnt with not two seconds to spare people csnnot stop to make oomplaiuts st headquarters, and tbis tbe wily waiter understood qnite welL Boston Herald. Wanted a Good Oaa. Speaking of antiquity brings np the inexplicahlo American fad of nslug coats of arms. It reached a climax not long sgo, wben a youthful daughter of wealthy (ierniau brewer visited an engraver's office, aud, looking over tbe books on heraldry, finally ordered one ooat of arms for ber own nsa which combined ths prettiest features of tbons belonging to three great Luglub honses. Her yonugest sister, not to be ontdone, ordered one for bur notepapcr and books which coutulned devices from five old English bonset, not one of which coin cldod with the other's choice, Tbs mussed engraver endeavored to expos- tnlate, bot neither of lbs yonnj womsu wonld listen so bis srgumcnt. "They liked the coats ut arms," they said. "Auybody ooold boy tbem wbo wsuted so, aud they didn't propose to allow any ridiculous nonsrnss to prevent tbem having wbatploased them, liesldsstbat, tbey wanted tbem different anyhow, so tbat tbey wouldn't get mixed op." Nsw York Mail and Express. Tk. B.lUr Weed. Bond Don't you resllsS) tbst msr rings broadens a man? Uunediot Ob, yes. I snppoas it can be pnt tbst wsy, bat "flsttens" Is ths word I'vs always nsod. Loodon Tit bits. It Teacbsr At wbsl age does anally get bald? Bright I'opil Wbsl kind of ami uarried of slugltr Chicago News OAHTOniA. , list sd ta. Ma Atwael Bifaatars Dough j. Aeat idea. The innkeepers in tbe countries cn the Khine follow a practice v.hicb ii worth hinting to persons of tbe cima profession in this country. They give their guests a carte, or piece of pnpr measuring about 10 inches long ad 4 inches brosd and which folds together like a small map. This cr.rto, when folded, exhibits cu tbo cntsido a viow of the hotel, also its name, and the name of the keeper; on expanding it ( wo find that toe other parts consist of lists of tho principal cnriceities cr pnb lio buildings vvbich are worth visiting in tbe town aud its environs, and along the whole iusidu we find a map of tbe chief rontes from tho place. Thus the German hotel keeper's carte isu card of bis house and a local guide, all in OU3 bit of paper, tho es,ti.te cf which can not be much greater than that ef a com mon bill of faro. New York Ledger. A 13!lnsfttl Sup.isitlon. "Mistnh Pinkley," said Miss Miami Brown, "does you know wbnt a bird of paradise is?" "Well," was the reply, "of co'su I doesu't know lull ure. Hut when I gits ter de uex' wurl I wouhlii' bo a kit si:r priie to disuuvuii tlut it was a i-pri:ig chicken. " Washington fc'tar. r Patiiutlo l a. Tommy My pa's awfully patriotic. Harlie Yon don't ray. Tommy Why, yes. Ho even plays tards with red, white aud blue buttons. New York World. Sbeamnilim Tared. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable. W. J. Cuylek, Red Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. W. O. Phifpin, Editor Red Creek Herald. For sale by F. S. Duffy. t Paris Exposition, Men of genius are flooding the direc tors of the Exposition to be held in Paris in 1000 with brilliant ideas. One inven tor urges the dropping of a gigantic glass egg from the top of the Eiffel tower into a pond below, several persons t have the privilege of occupying the egg, in order to experience falling from a high point into space. Another sug gests tne construction of a Colossus like that of Rhodes, whose interior shall Bhow visitors Ihe arrangement and posi tion of all the organs of the human body and shall have room enough besides to accommodate a medical congress. Itt.MKl' IN NIX IIO I UN Distressing Kidney aud Bladder disease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its exceed ng promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, ia male or female. Relieves retension of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by C. L. Bradham, Druggist, New Berne, N. C. Needs a Bath. The Appeal to Reason, a PopulUt pa per printed in Uirard, Kan., refers to the American flag as "a painlcd rag ou a stick," and cays that it is "ridiculous, criminal and debasing to teach little chil dren to bow down to it." In calling at tention lo this item the Kansas City I oarml casually observes that there is a , 'ce uorse-ponu in uiraro. "A word lo the wise is sufllcient" and a word from the wise should be sulll cient, but jou ask, who are Ihe wise? Those who know. The oft repeated experience of trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge. Mr. V. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy gives better .alibfnclion than any other in tho mm kct. He has been in the drug business st Elklon, Ky., for twelve yean; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy snd nearly sll other eon -h medicines msnufscturcd, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's Is the most sstisfactory to the people, aud is lbs best. For ssle by P. S. Dully, t Besnlt sf the First Battle. Tommy's Mother "You nsughty boy! You've sent Sammy Hwackhammcr home crying!" Tommy "You bet! We was playin' wsr an' bs was the Spsnlstd ! ' 100. Dr. BS. nelrkvsiXAall llinreiie May be worth more to you than 10) if you have a child alio soils bedding fn m incontenence of water during sleep. Cures old snd young alike. It arrests the trouble st once. (1. Hold by C, D. Brad bam, druggist, New lletnr, N. C. A i'ashloaabla Brsseh. Miniature of court besutlos, pslnted on Ivory snd mounted in a tbln bsud of gold, ars ths brooches of the hour. In 1888 my wife went Esst snd wsi atlscksd with rboumstl.m. She tecelvt-d no relief until she tried Chsmberlaln's Psln Itslm. Place tbst time ws bsvs nevsr been without It Ws find It gives Instant rslicf In cams of burns snd scslds and is ntvor fslling for sll rheumatic snd neuralglo pains. D. C. Bakt, S.nis Yaea, Cat For sals by r . 8, uuny. t Traass UOMlln-. The gradual cooling of Frsncs Is proves by lis vegstation. Tbe lull poplsr, common In early French etch ings, Is now seldom seen In tbs country, whlls tbs lemon sod ortnge art disap pearing fast. TS CCstlA !) ! f Take- La .stive UroDio Qniuine Tsb lets, AH draggists refund lbs money if it fails 10 cur, tbo. Ths genu Ins has U It. Q. on each tablet. BABY'S W fa i 11 In r.H li:; voi. 1 t.!fn I it ervi.ij;,?.i,i i .u. scMi-', ami luir, a t i y . . , lir I i j. t.i; I ,e t;. f ;:t-;t ! -viy I; I :'1I T!U Si.U', II it 'Hi I'UA vl- in:r, as war:;. I a . it ; v : anil pontic n;ioiiii,ii;'i v.. meat), the groat bk.ii c::ro. Jl O 'r.1 3 f'i'.ljolll EVERY HU?.US 1 SiiarU Charmers. lu tho Pi rsiau gulf tho divers havo a ! onrions way of opening the season. They dcps'jil implicitly npon tho shark conjurers will not dusceud without their presence. To meet this difficulty the government is obliged to biro tho charmers to divert the atttntiou of tho sharks from tho fleet. As tho season approaches vast numbers of natives gather uloni? tho shorn and erect huts and tents and bazaars. At tho opportune moment usually ut midnight, so as to reach the oyster banks at euurise the fleet, to tho number of 80 or 100 boats, puis out to sen. Ea.-h of those boats curries two divers, a steersman and a shark char:ucr and is manned by eight or ten rowers. Other conjurers remain ou snore, twisting tneir bodies aud mumbliu incantations to divert tho sharks, lu case a mail eater is perverse enough to disregard tho charm and at tack a diver an alarm is given, aud no other diver will descend ou that day. The power of the conjurer is believed to be hereditary, and tho efficacy of his incantations to be wholly independeut of his religious faith. Frank H. Sweet on "Pearl Seeking," in Lippiucott'a. A. & X. . Railroad, New Berne, N. C, April 23, 180S, Supplement No. 2 to Time Table 4 of Nov. 28, 1897. In Ifiect Snndjy, April 24-12 M. From norehead City to New Rern NO. 4 1'iisnenucr, Dally Except Sunday. Leave More-head t'ily Depot. 7 Ull A. Jl ' Atlantic lintel, Aaar t. i. i ih 111. wnrli. P..rn. !'...: I liir." tree. Dm-.! " Moreb'ead City, 7 22 " Atlantic, 7 30 " Wildwood, 7 3t " Newport, 7 41 " llavelock, 7 55 ' Crnatan, 8 04 " Riverilale, 8 f8 Arrive New Hern, 8 32 This train No. 4 will leave New Berne on regular schedule at 9: 10 A. M. as usual. P. L. DILL, Superintendent. JAPANESE CURB A New and Complete Treatment, consisting- of SITI'OSITOKIES, Capsules ol Ointment and two Boxes of Ointment. A never-failing; cure for Pilea of every nature and degree. It makes an operation with the knife, which u painful, and often results in death, unnecessary. Why tndur. this tarrlbl. fllS.ssei n. a nniivn .Hrmin in It Bon. No Cure, No Pay. joc.and i a bo,6 for Is. bent by mail, samples tree OINTMENT. 2&C- and fiOe. CONSTIPATION Mtt-.n. great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD I'LRIKIER. Small, mild and pleasant to lake: especially adapted for children's use. 5. doKi aj cent., FRFF -A vial of these famous little Pellets will be given with a f 1 box or more of Pil. Cure. NilTlca TH GKNUUIB SaSSM J AT AXE. a PL Cvae for sale only by F. S. DUI'I'V, Ken Heme, N. C CHLSPiiL W3 COCAINE HABITS IUd A iacicaL tviit'vs And cermanent core e-iirantitd m 3 cl vn. Absclutcty hirmlras. No "tAperir.g oti" procrv. No subatittf nv tHTfl ' r.-i'-i, ui nuinoa. mua. It. A. tlLNN, M.D.. 41 Pert n't fvi. New Vnrk City. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE DtSIQNS COtYRtOKTt AO. ArtTftfi awnrUnff itrrt rh suvd dMttiiMtrn mmf qqtrklf Mswtam mir opt num frw thhtr tM lnvfttlrn isn't! a Mr tssisntsihlss, rnirjiont-ss. IWsnwMiiHlf nmnatsftitel. Ilsuv1roofc on I'sUssnu sMtl frsHS. OlrlsssH Mtsnry svsr,r1iit psUswil. raissntst tsUsn tlinmvh Mann m (Ju. r tpriai matte, wtthoni chstrM, la I Scientific American. A hswi(1aMiintT HinsTtmiAVl fsjilftUon tif mnf tw-tssnt iBr lotarnaL nlsUton tif mnf 'fasvr : fnnr rMontka, SfWI, i f L eMsssVlf nswadassJsWsV n m New York iagiva,D.U. s iiwn mr iuwtMBiaisi, WH.ltlNN, JAS. BEDIOND, President, YltsFres. B. . 01I0N, Bectj! A Trs. New Berne Ice Co Maaafhstntwrs s. Pure Crystal Ice, From Distilled Wstsf tut nu 10 Toss rMtf. Car Load Uws Minted los rtellversKi dally (sieept BuadayM L n, lit I D n. Hand.ys (rsull only) 1 a, sn. to rr aTmoi Marks 1 . r of prlcss snd other infornaaUoa, s-Ulrsaa, U.a.UUION.slAosjter. Court Notice! JUK0KS and WITNESSES TAKE NOTICE! The Spring Term of tho Superior C.-ml for C ravin County, Judge George II. liroa n, Jr., presiding, will convene on Tuiusday Morning, Slay 12th, 1898 at 'J i.'eli ck, irsNad of Monday the 9th, ily order of Ju Ife Erowp. W. M. WATSON, C. S. C. Flats, Ail Sizes, Carries Load ou Deck or in Hold. Red Heart Hani! -Made and Sawed Shing es I Always on Hand, Cut PriceB ou Brick, Laths and Fence Posts. Stove Wood Cut and delivered to your loor. See BIG II ILL, The Shingle flan. S ee He forC SHORT LOANS. Whenever you have ajpaper you want discounted see me and you GET TliE CASH. ISAAC II. SMITH, NEW BERNE, N. C. lltTiliddle St. Certificate Lost! Certificate of Stock, No. 1117 in the A. &N. C. R. R. Notice is hereby (iiven that application will be made for dupli cate of same. ELLEN MASON, Executrix, of Appleton Oaksmith, Administrator's Nolice. The undersigned having duly qualife d as Administrator c t a. ut Jenny Dudley deceased, on the llith day of March, 1808. All persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to make prompt payment. All persons hnlding claims against said estate are noutied to present tbe same duly verified to the un'leisijrnrd administrator on or before Hi- loth dy of March, 1899. or ibis uoIh-c "ill be pleaded ill bar of tlinir r.cnvi iv. TIM 'MA I-. ' c 'f' 1 in I e I ii I M. I ll.. Itiotli'; oi fSgnmiioiiM. NoKTn CaUoi.ina. Sni-enot i tllAVKX I.OUMY. ) S.IHlj; Tel lK'.'8, J. II. Hudson. George 1'. ) Hudson and V T. lorbert, inner ing a Luinbi iiini-nii r I any, ; f in - J. II. I'b.lli..,, ' , II. Phillip l.-aac Trisscl. j To Edward II. Phillip- ami Uaac Trissi 1, Take Nnti. e. That a certain t ivi: Veiioii Ims l.c.-n begun tigniiixt ou l) uie I'lmniiOV nli-. vi llained, in the Mipeiior ( etui 01 t.niven county for the foreelosuie of 1 1 ;i I eei lnlii mortgage 1 xeciileii by ymi H' il vour c- -defendant lo tbe I'luintilT allow nnnieil, on the 1st da ol Keln 1 v l -iiT. a r. re corded in the ollice nl tiie II . uiM, r of Deeds of (ihviii enmity, i.i ln.i.k 121. pa"e 83, and for the eiilnu 1 111. hi ! the collection of tbe note 1 heii by euri il. Yell and each of ymi aie lieu by noti fied to be mul tippeai 1 etun-1111 np-i lor Court to lie belli 111 I be t om 1 ilou-e 111 the county of I raven. Snile ol North , arolina in the tllll MoinluV aller Hie 1st Monibiy in Mhii-Ii im, mul answer or demur lo the 1 oiiiphiint ubieli will be tiled in my iilll - e (Iiiiiiik' t In- Mist three .lays of wild t. 1111, it tln-rw is.- deleml Hiiiil aell n us von may be ndi'M-d This Maieh 2."ilb, W. M. WATM)N. ('. S. C. Cruvrn County. Executor's Sato of Valuable l.cil tslate. Ueorge l.reen. J.xeeu- 1 tor ot r.liinbetl- u. Green, deceased ! v vs. ,;so S'otice of Sale. Mary (1. Chamlters and 01 Hers. J Pursuant lo that certain order and de cree rendered In the above enlillid pro ceedings pending in the i-iuperior Court ol Craven county thu aaiiie In ing pro- did 111 if by the I nib-r-iirneil an l-.xmiiur of the Estate of Klu.ibeili It (ire n ile. rased, to make mnetn, to imv the d. bts of said eatute, I will aa Ihe said order and decree directed, offer for sale and sell, on WEDNESDAY, MAY Uth, lUS, at the Court House door In 1 'raven county st the hour of 12 o'clock M , or so wion sfter that hour sa Hie Superior Court shall take a reciM during the inoimnK lU'a.ion, all the follow Ing lota i t paireln of land lying in (be city of New th ine. a tollowa to wit: 1st, Thai certain lot ritnated on the West side of Middle si net. letwien New and Jolinsoii at ree:. nml Is inii II, e same lot on winch the annl Klisolk ih (ir. en re bled si Ihe time i l In r d Ii H'tjidionn on ibe Iviiitli iln-lot of Mi. K h ti ,,., deeeaaed. strut on ihe Nonh 1I11 re-nle- ce I f K E Petri 2 ui III ll e. ,i I 1, 1 1 H.i hie of llti Md -11 i. Im-iu.ii I aoco and Miiblle air-1 11 . - . loca the liriek .tore houi' mul ilw. Ilii-a ..mi k 1 'ii'iiil by J. J Tolaini, 1 o , a .lore and dwelling. Terms or Hale. CASH. UF.01U1E GREEN. Eierutor Eliiabelh B Orren, dee'd CUHE 4 Ol'tos, Attorneys. "ii"iiiiviiyiiiwvvnfii. mum tCaireala,nS TraSaJMarliaohtalMS m4 all Ps- .m swmm mmm toe eye a. Osteomas eew.iriu SViTiaTOeri.i ..4 w. ea. wrar. mmum la la, sua. Ikaa Okm. Inwa ffwa WMhingUia, awes motu Ita.inf m sMa, with aeaerlp Una. W . .IM, a. IKH. h at .iWta. 0r se. Mt iwelill Mtnl 1. wrwil. A .wifT" How ut (Mrisl. ralMM," wllb eM J mm MtkjU.l aa4 SorMg. aaaatrla. Mot trM. ASJrMa, CA.SriOWt2.CO. I 11 WAiii'lit ssssi