VOL. XVI--N0. 3G. NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1882 4? There With Both Fid, 1 - w ' : -1 - - ?o is? ikm&i g NORTH CAROLINA'S OFFBRINO. UNCLE 8AM DID. nis boots aren't much on beauty, but for STRENGTH and - LASTING QUALITIES they are dandies. Onr stock of Hen's Footwear Is Stylish, Handsome, aud Well-Made, and our Bull Dog Toe, Kussia or French Calf, Vici Kid, and Fine Tan and Russet Leather Shoea are beau ties, as well as being Light and Durable. From time to time we have been calling the at tention of our Lady Friends to our Spring and Summer Goods. We now ask the GENTLEMEN to remember us as we think we can please them - whether it is laalara Baa-ley MItm rp HI Is It la Hla Country's Servlea . Special to Journal. Raleigh, May 12 This city Is in mourning over the death ot Ensign Worth Bagley who was killed on the torpedo boat Winslow off the cotstof Cuba yesterday. . - The Winslow was fired on by a battery in ambush. A shell from the hidden battery burst above the boat. Ensign Bayley and four men were working a rapid fire gun and were killed by the fragments of the bursting shell, Lieut. Bernadow and three seamen were slightly hurt.. The Winslow was considerably damaged and was towed to Key West. The effect of the shell on Baglcy was to blow off his entire face from the skull and to scatter the pieces. It is said that the Ensign staggered towards the flag when struck and sank down under "Old Glory" dying' there. Ills comrades did not believe that he was dead until his arms slipped from the flag staff and h e fell to the deck. The body of Bagley will be embalmed and sent to this city, lie was only 25 years old, having graduated at Annapolis last year- The Raleigh Post is starting a monument fund for the Ensign's memory and the people are responding largely. Underwear, gauze or drill, Dregs or Negligee Shirts, Collars or Cuffa they wish. The Season now reminds ns that DAINTY ORdANDIES, PERSIAN LAWNS and INDIA LIN0N5 are necessary to a lady's happiness and yon will find By calling at OUR STORES that you have --been Thought Of and Prepared For. . ; Everything in the GROCERY LINE Is booming. We have a Large and Complete Stock and you can save Large .Money by -Laying in a j iit tie ior tne f uture. Nearly every article surely be advanced before mu-uy days. will We have just received a Fresh Consignment of the Celebra ted ''Blue Ribbon" Mocha and Java Coffee,which we are still selling at 25 CENTS. Try it mice and you will use no other. ' The old Reliable "Oriole" Is still spreading its wings and flying to its consumers and continues to give perfect satisfaction to the Patrons of. . . . . . . . . A vonon o ra o JUST RECEIVED ! oonov h p run Lyti CrS pin A Fresh Lot Fox River But'.er, 1 lb. prints, 25c. Fresh Sugar Cure l Ilaraj and Brenkfast Strip. Also Irge Hams, with fat and skiu off, cut to order 12o lb. Try our 25o and 30j Coffees. The; hare no equal. Io fact onr Stock of FANCY GROCERIES are always, fresh and up to standard and our PRICE3 are always as low as the Lowest, quality considered. All Goods Guaranteed as Represented or M )oey Unfunded. Thanking my friends for Past Favors and trusting to Merit Your Future Busi ness, I am yours for business. 4, l a J. R. PARKER, JR., tSStSL O 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. GM1 BEAUTIFULLY LESS. Spain Loses Five More Vessels From Her Navy. Two Vessels Sani There. Oite Elsewhere. THE STATE CAPITAL. Pape & Deyo, S COMMISSION MERCHANTS. i - - , Southern Fruit and Produce a Specialty.' J" 839 & 801 Wellington Ht, New York. , Z REFERENCES: National Bank of New Berne, N. C v : "! Gansovoort Bank, NwYork. ." Highest Market Prices, Prompt Solos and Check by Return' Mail is OUR MOTTO and is Making us Many Frk-nds. . Bk-ncils and Postals will be furnUhnl on application to JOHN DUNN, New Berne, N. C, Give us a trial shipment and you will be phrased with our sales. 1 i .1 i I t t 1 1 ' f i l I f I I I V t t , Grand Lodge l Meet at Kalelab Next Year, ttfieclal 'ferma for Superior ConrH. Yonnc Baa-ley' Deatb First Reglmea. Kqulimieut, Journal Bureau, Raleigh. N. C, May 12. ( The Grand Lodge of the Odd Fellows met in secret session yesterday to discuss some important matters, among them being the meeting place for next year, Winston and Raleigh were the places named and Raleigh won by a large ma- ority. The ministers of the Epis'opul church es and the lay delegates left yesterday to attend the- convention that began iu Henderson, There was a -very largely attended meeting of the Ladies Aid Society, formed by the ladies of Raleigh, 'held yesterday. They have gotten the work well mapped out, and now the soldiers will be cared for should any of them be sick. . A Japauese is iiere to watch the meth ods of tlits country iu mobilizing and equipping troops. The Secretary of Slate has sent out to the Registers ot Deeds of the various counties the North Carolina Road Laws revired and reprinted. These are to be distributed among road overseers and supervisors. The Governor has ordered special terms of Superior court for the following coun tics: For Forsythe which benan Mav la, Inst, Judge Timberlake presiding, for civil cases; of Brunswick county for criminal cases, June 13, with Judge Allen td hold it; of Union county, July 11th for civil cases, Judgo Adams presiding, and Judgo Hoke will hold a special term ot Buncombe county, July 11th, The next issue of "The Confederate Veteran" published at Nashville, Tcnn. will be a North Carolina edition. It will contain among other things a portrait of Leonldas Merritt of Chatham county, itb a sketch of him by Mr. Richard H. Battle of Raleigh. Ten convicts were yesterday scut to the Castle Hayne Slate Farm. In the case of William Smarr of Cleve land county who is sentenced to bang at Shelby, July 20, for burglary in the first degree. The Governor declines to inter fere. At the laying nf tho corner stone of the big new building at the Blind Institute yesterday the Governor hail been asked to make the address, but not having time to prepare bis speech he asked Mr, W. J. Peele to speak for him. Mr. Pccle made a good address. A. Q. Bauer, architect was found dead in nis room nere tnts morning. It was decided be had been dead about 24 hours. Was locked In his room and had shot himself. TIo was one of the men who was Injured by a train at Durham some two years ago, and who compromised his suit against the railroad getting f'SOO. This .morning Mayor Run received the following telegram from Commander Beraadow, of the torpedo boat Winslow dated Key West May lltb ' Please break newe to Mrs. Bagley that her soo Worth was Instantly killed la ao action off. Cardenas yesterday." This caused great sorrow here where Mrs. Bagley and her family are so much beloved. Mrs. Bagley is stunned by the blow. Mayor Ruse has telegraphed Bernadow If passi ble to have the body embalmed and sent home. Captain Gretbam, ths mustering off! eer bas been asked from Washlngtoi what la required to (quip the 1st Regi ment to go to Tamps, lie replied that It would require 557 rifles, with bayooeta aod scabbard) 200,000 ball cartridge 900 meat cans; 770 knlves 804 forks; 814 pooosj 608 knap sacks; ASS kavoe sacks; nm cartridge belt; 7431 canteens wtlb jlrups and usual spare parta for repairs, and screw drivers. " It is today contradicted that either of the drecrtcrs from the Ooldsboro Com pany has been caught. They will be tried, wben taught, by court martial and sentenced to the penitentiary. The soldiers la camp at night "make the welkin ring" with old plantation eongsi "Old Black Joe," Little Alabama Coon" etc. The Waynmville Company are the crack banjo p-ayjrt and Jig dao erra. It was s.id that the Onr.rnnr would iditband IIiom mirpanlre that rrfuatH) to volunteer, tint this I. Incorrert. Three OMBARDING AT PORTO RICO Troops Pushed Forward Tor Ma- ila. Possession of the City Assured. Hawaii to be An nexed. Spain in Sore Distress. The Phllliluea. Special to Journal. Washington, May 12. A flag of truce floats over Manila. Admiral Dewey will soon be in possesion ot the city itself, having sunk the Spanish fleet and de molished the forts in the harbor. Dewey had already notified the gov ernment that be maintains the blockade of Manila and that he had captured all the Spanish stores in the vicinity. Admiral Dewey also reports that the cruiser Concord came across the Spanish cruiser Argus that was not in the Manila fight, and after two. hours battle sunk the Spanish vessel. As a fit sequel to tho unexampled ex ploit in Manila harboi. Admiral Dewey has obtained possession of the flag of Admiral Montcjo fro n the sunken war ship Maria Christina, as a trophy of the aght. On account of the threatening condi tions at Manila, the British Consul there asks for a warship io be sent there to protect English interests. Much anti- British feeling has been exhibited by the Spaniards there. Help For Iewy. Eleven thousand volunteer troops start for San Francisco tomorrow. They are from Wyoming, Idaho, Kansas, Montana and Nebraska. It was expected that these troops would go to Chlckamauga and then to Cuba, but since the administra tion has determined to hold ihe Philip pines their orders are to leave for the west en route to Manila. It is announced that whatever may the attitude of Germany, France or any other European power toward permanent control ot the Philippine Islands by the United States, the administration will not brook interference from any qnarter with the plan of military possession of the islands. Secretary - Long says that Admiral Sampson is shelliug Sao Juan, Porto Rico. The only result so far reported is the destruction of two of the Spanish ships that were In the harbor. Admiral Simpson bas a formidable force under his command and will be able to reduce easily, it is behoved the fortifications of the city. Accompanying him are his flagship, the armored crui ser New York, the battleships Indiana and Iowa, the monitors Terror and Am phi trite and the' cruisers Montgomery, Mar- blehead and Detroit, besides a number of smaller vessels. War M rafca. From many points of the Cuban coast fighting was reported today and yester day. Cardenas is being shelled by the cruisers Wilmington and gunboat Machias. Tn the attack they wreaked two Spanish vessels, tbo cruiser Lopri and the gunboat Ugera, which hive been In the bsrbor at Cardenas. The only dsmage reported to the Americans was that to tbe torpedo boat Winslow and the unfortunate death of Bve of her crew. The forts at Cardenas are reported de molished. An attack reported to bave been made on Oientnegas ott (be south coast of Cuba Is said to have been repulsed by the Spanish. No authentic details are forthcoming. SWaa tllv.a. The superior gnnnory shown by tbe Spanish batteries to what they bave done before is declared to be due to tbe man nlng of the guns ty French artillery saeo who landed in Cuba from the steamer Lafayette. Tliis steamer was sllowed to pan the blockade into Uavana nn ids representa tion of tbe French government that the only purpose was to deliver mall to their Consul there but the pMngvrs stayed behind when the Lafayette sailed again. A cablegram from London tonight says that four Spanish torpedo boats arrived at Las Palmas. This is the cbief city of the Grand Canary. The topedo boats are probably those that were left behind at tbe Cape -Verde Islands wben the rest of the fleet sailed for Cadiz. A warship was seen off Cape Ann, Massachusetts today, but it is believed that it was the United States cruiser San Francisco. Hawaii Wanted. The House Committee on Foreign Af- fairs.has decided to report favorably on the annexation of Hawaii as a war meas ure. The President has been in favor of this action but Speaker Reed was said to be opposed. Although much pressure was brought on the committee to prevent the reporting of the bill, tbe committee his decided to do so. Slenenscr from Gsmrx. The messenger who has been expected from General Gomez has arrived in the United States and will probably be in Washington by day after tomorrow. It is stated that he brings word to the ef fect that the United Slates may depend upon tbe assistance of at least 40,000 in surgen's. If this is true the War Depart ment will do all in its power toward equipping the men In Gomez's army. Work ror Dewey. There is reason to believe that the further instructions sent to Admiral Dewey, on the dispatch boat McCulloch, which returned to Manila from Hong Kong, required him to destroy at once any other vessels or fortifications which Spain has in the Philippines. Helllnc More Ditte.. It is believed here that the Spanish squadron from the Cape Verde Islands will Join the one at Cadiz, and that all will move together about the beginning oi June, unless (lie Americans go to Cadiz. In the meantime, Spain wants to gain time and have the American troops reach Cuba as far in the Bummer as pos sible. Npitia Dr.pernle. In Madrid nearly all places of public entertainment are closed. The Stock Ex cuaoge is at a standstill and rum among persons of average means widespread. The streets are fuller than ever of desperately hungry women, crying for food for their starving children. Even the bullring was half empty last Sunday and when that is the case matters are, indeed, in extremes. The government keeps talking about raising money, which may be voted, but where it is to be collected from none can say. ti i.ioerai nils tnree columns wttti no tices of riots from one end of Spain to the other, and in three weeks' time, it is stated, there will be a bread famine. Ha Maaey Lrli, The much-talked-of national subscrip tion amounted to nothing at all; n drop in the ocean, enough for a few days sup plies if war is to be carried on vigorously. This was uot from any lack of patriotism pn the people, but simply because it lias not'eash to give In summing up, in a leading article the condition ot the couutry, El Liberal says: "In addition to troubles of the Antilles and Philippines, we are face to face with tbe necessity of declaring mar tial law throughout Spain, where dis cord, misery and exasperation cry at every door." c Small IJreskfast Strips. California II. mid only 8 CENTS per pound. Small Sugar Cured Hams, finest qual ity 12 CENTS per pound. Fulton Market Beef. Plenty of Nice Fresh Eggs. Fancy Cream Cheese. Finest Elgin Buttor. Heioz's Sweet Mixed Pickles. Dried an J Evaporated Apples. Freeh California Prunes Fresh Canned Goods of all In fact a Complete Stock of the BEST GROCERIES that money can bay can be found at our store. kinds. VlcDaniel & HI, Wholesale ft Retail Grocer, 71 Broad St., NEW BERNE, N. C. UULOJUULJLOJUULJL ON THE DIAMOND. Resnlia or Ihe Nntloiinl l.eaane Bitse- Bnll Games Played YeMerday. Special to Journal. Brooklyn, May 12 Brooklyn 3, New York 0. Boston, May 12-lioston 15, Balti more (1. Pittsburg, May 12 Pittsburg 2, Louis ville 3. Chieago, May 12 Cleveland 12, CbicaJ go 4. St. Louip; May 12 St. Lmis 5, Cincin nati 8. Second game Cincinnati 8, St. Louis 2. Rain elsewhere. Paine's Celery Compound -AT- Wherrbey Piny Tr.lny. BrooKlyn at Boston. Washington at New York. Philadelphia at Baltimore. St. Louis at Pittsburg. Chicago at Cleveland. Ilnw Ihe 4'liili Niftntl. W. L. Cincinnati, 4 Cleveland 11 0 Baltimore. 0 5 Boston, 12 9 Brooklyn, 9 7 Chicago, 9 8 New York, 9 8 Pittsburg 10 10 Philadelphia 7 8 Louisville, (1 17 St Louis, 4 13 Washington, 4 13 .790 .7(10 .C41 .57.-) .500 ..W0 ..130 .500 .4H7 .201 .236 236 1 Davis' I Pharmacy. Phone 50. Cor. Broad & Middle Sts. $ No Eli IVnoi lh bkMPd m blrrtj tei fWc Its eoaipleitrHi ttf h rlr. e 'setM fti.iM-wtv IX.Jo.a W.lMl,lHll. l-rksrtMdMM, I'S Pills M &AKII10 FOYDZil AbeelMtaly Pure TBI MARXISTS. One can successfully fill Pre emption by Guessing What the Doctor wants. Wc make it our business to Know. Registered Druggists wait on customers and fill prescriptions Here And tho guessing entirely eliminated i Bit U) HAM'S PHARMACY. element is k I at Z ARMACY. 2 INJTSPesVSB BARBER nXTOBES FOR SALE Having thought of enlisting In the I lltb New York Volunteers, sud not hav ing any further use for Qarber Fixtures, 1 offer for sale a complete outfit of the same. Apply before the war is over to J. W. MOOHE. FOR RENT. The most desirable house In the City for a boarding house containing 18 rooms, water ami gas. Located on South Front Street. Apply to J. W. STEWART, eaMonable )uKget!on. Boda Tasterdsy's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porter fluid, Co. Commission Brokers. Nw York, May II. HTOCKU. Open. High. Low. Close Sugar.....' 183 132J 181 1331 Peoples Oas.... S3 99 98 91 C.;B. 4Q. 100 100 1 99 1001 O0TT0M. Open. Ulyh. Low, Close Anfttet ....... 1.87 1 88 8 83 188 CHICAGO MARKETS. Wheat Open. nigh. Low. Close July 112) 113J 108) 118) Cos July 87, IT) BO, M iVXtoa Bales 78,000 bales r Is Always "In Bee- eon." whether taken Hot or Cold It Is wholesome bever age, unless rendered deleteri ous to health by being loaded with Impure artificial flavor Ings and glucose erups. Cold Boda drawn from Our Artie Soda Ijackl Nothing could be Desired by the nwet ftcoeltlve Palate. We use Only pur juicee made . Direct from fresh fiolts And can give any flavor Our "Cold Soda Is at ways Cold. BrsuJham't Reliable Drue 5tor. The Tug at Mckinley's Coat Tails Was the cry for vengeance from the dead sailors of the Maine. There will be a tug at your conscience if you buy a ready made suit of clothing, when you see tho Exquisite Creations in Fit. ratine, finish and General Llpgance that we are making, without a tug at your pocketbook. F. M. Cliadwirk, Middlestreet, NEW BERNE, N. C. Agency For Dr. Twisdale's Catarrh Cure, At BRADHAM'S PHARMACY. Agency For Pigott's Dilulute, A Sure Dyspepsia Cure. AT Bradham's Reliable Drug Store. The Man Whose Clothes Fit Him Is the man whose Clothes were mads for htm. No use whose clothes were made for nobody Id particular can be really well dressed. , The suit we make for vnii will n ouly luwk Ul'.-t ji tit -i . Inn it win Wear j Longer and Look Belter than any buit you could buy elsewhere. Is OUR SUITS we put only the Beet Trimmings, and Ifcst Mateilals Through eut, and we guarantee tatiafactloa est every suit Ramember we guarantee not only a perfect flt, but also a Rock Bottom Price. Baker & Dunn. I POLLOCK STREET.

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