VOL. XVI-NO 34. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1898. ESTABLISHED 15102 .. .. c!v . . .. ...iinmi The day? sbo .lil be unserved by liaviug your dinners more erecial iu Dainties than usual on the verge of Summer. In our High Grade . , . Stock of Groceries . You will Dud Fancy and Staple Supplies that will ena Uoyou to prepare a dinner for a King. OUIl COFFEES aro specially appetizing and templ ing jiiBt now and tho THICKS are in Your Favor. Tos. the Prices of Truck are also Liow, and so arc Our Dry Goods. A Salty Line of LADIES' TIES AND COLLARS Just in. Tho very best things to wear with the Piquo , and Lawn Waists. ...... A Beautiful 38-inoh MOHAIR in Black and Grey tor" FIFTY CENTS. A complete Assortment of BELTS in White Kid, Juwel and Black Leather will be in MONDAY. We have an All-Silk TAFFETA SASH KIBBON, . 5 inch. s wid for FIFTY CEXTS. And wo claim, to hajro the Best 4-4 Unbleached DO MESTIC for FIVE CENTS Per Yard. CALL and SKi: FOR YOlfRSEI.YE8. . Shoes in Profusion. . Finest Q unities as well ai those Built Strictly for Hard Service. Air Going at PRICES SUITABLE TO THE PRESENT FINANCIAL-DEPRESSION. wtmwmwmmf?, HEAVY COTTONS IN WHITE Already demonstrated that it's to be Pique Season. Discriminating customers will find our line likely to meet their wants. Plain and striped narrow welt white piques 10c. Heavy white Panama twills 10c. Heavy white dotted brilliants 15c. Wide wale white weTts 16c. White feet 20c. Small figured pique, wide apart cords VIIINTED DUCK. New Printings in plaids in shaded brown, also grey. Fancy stripe blue also green on white grounds 1 A A t t m m m Dcrou patterns in grounds, ah at 10c per yard. NCOTCII OXFORDS. Plaid Scotch Oxfords, a heavy soft coarse woven cotton material, closely resembling duck, printed in bright colored; diagona plaids, )ust like the silk and wool Scotch plaids; adapted ior Ladies separate skirts and two pieco suit3, as well 29 inches wide, price 10c. ' WARWICK MIXTURES. A heavy dressed, reversible, cotton mate rial, suporior to the ordinary dress duck, 29 incnes, price 12 l-2c. .riiiKTi: di ck. Thcso oi a plain canvas texture, natural Linen color, in mottlod and scroll dosigns. A usual ton cent goods, our price 8c. . WM ; -ill' - Tyvxrii. I mffffmmmmm AND COLORS! pique in damasse et Marseilles 25c. White 40c. Duck. . Small broken ootn wmte and navy as for children's wear, )) 0 FUNERAL Or ENSIGN BAGLEY Great mid Imposing. The lni net Bile lo Ine Unllnnt Mwr, Special to Journal. Ralxiqh, Hay 10. The funeral pro cession of Ensign Worth Bagley this afternoon was the largest ever seen in this city. The cerenun'es were very imposing.. very handsome casket contained the dead Ensign's body. It was borne upon the shoulders of six soldiers. Flowers in great profusion covered the casket. Volleys were fired across the grave when it was reached and the notes of the bugle ended the sad ceremonies. The imposing procession was led by Col. Thos. 8. Keenan. . The body of Ensign Bagley reached the city early in the day. Contrary to the first accounts the face was not dis figured, but wore a smile. The funeral exercises by order of the Secretary of War were equal to those carried out in honor of a Brigadier General of the army. THE STATE CAPITAL. Ensign Basle j'. Immn Funeral. Bailer AbI ttklnuer Preparing For S'anventlon. Rain, Hall and Thnn derNterni. - Journal Bureau, Raleigh. N. C, Miw 1(1, f Tliere is much discouragement at the slowness by which the Second regiment is recruiting. It seems almost impossi ble to get enough men to form the regi ment. The 1st, regiment is composed of the cempanieg from the State Guard recruited up to the required uum ber. There seems to be nothing definite as to the moving of the regiment to Tampa. Tho negro companies will probably go to Fort Macon, off Beaufort, tomoi row. The man who was arrested as a Span- lard and who was thought to have pois oned the water supply of Camp Bryan Grimes has been released. lie was a half Indian. The water was chemically exam ined, and pronounced pure. Many of the soldiers in camp here have contributed to the "Worth Bagley Mon nment fund which has now reached $450 and subscripilions to the fund continue to pass into the committee. Raleigh has welcomed many large fun erals, but never such a one as Ensign B-tgley's this afternoon. It was a strict ly military funeral. When the body reached here It was met by a detachment of soldiers and carried to the home of his mother, where it remained until 1:8( p, m , when It a was placed in the rotun da of our beautiful Capital. At 4 o'clock the casket was carried Into the Capital square grounds, and placed on a cat afalque in front of the big bronze statue of Washington. The military were grouped around the grounds and In long lines far down the streets. The funeral services were held by Her. Dr. Eugene Daniel of the Presbyterian church, sisted by all the other ministers of the city. "Hark, Hark, my Soul," and "Just a I am" with a solo "As from the voice of an angel" sung by Mrs. Charles lie Klmmon were the hymns sung at the services. Then the long line of people numbering thousands followed the young hero to his last resting place and there "Abide with me" followed by the last verse of a hymn that Is used at the Naval Academy at every service, was sung as the grave was closed. A most beautiful editorial on the young man was written by JUr. w. it. unrlsteau, who for years has made his home In Mrs. Bagley't fam lly circle. Senator Butler and Congressman Skin ner are here on the field to prepare their lines for directing the Populist conven tion which meett here on the 24th. Secretary of State has Just chartered the Brown Bros. Company of Mitchell Co. It is for the mining and handling of mica. The most severe storm that has been seen here for more than 20 years passed over the city last night. The lightning and roll of the thunder was terrible from 0.110 up to It "o'clock. Many houses were flooded, bridges washed away .but as yet no serious damage Is reported. The building at the Fair grounds where some of the soldiers were quartered was struck and some ot the men stunned lor quite while. The rainfall was 8 Inches, several barns In the city wero struck. Mall fell in a blistering storm. In some rlacea In the lowest part of the city people had to swim to reach ground. This storm will be remembered for years. TBI MAKEETI. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porte rfleUl.Jfc Co. Commission Broken. New Yobic, May 18 UTOCKB. Open. High. Law. Cloe Sugar. 13l 1841 13l U enpia Uaa.... M Mf M C. n, 4 Q. W W 98 00 COTTON. Open. nirh. Low. Close Auiiut t.80 t.8S 80 85 CBICAQO MARKETS. WHkAT Open. High. Low, Close July.... 108 10U 108 1081b Cork July Ml tl Ml Mi (lottM Bales M 800 bales. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Til Kind Yea Kits E:?:ht Tj.are th. f J iieiii; UK At UUUtkl Tie Fleet of Cadiz to Join Tliat of Cape Yerfle. HURRY OP SIT.1PS0H And Sink the First Before the Second Appears. OREUON IS APPROACHING. BLANCO CAN'T I1U1IT. Because He is Said to be Short of Powder. Flying Squadron Well to the Sonth. Great (ather lng of Ships of War Aronnd Cuba. TbeCadla Fleet. Special to Journal. Washington, May 10 It is declared that Spain has sent the rest of her war vessels across the Atlantic to meet the ships of America. The Spanish fleet that has been lying at Cadiz is now coming this way. The Board of Strategy believes that Admiral Sampson will have destroyed the Cape Verde fleet before the Cadiz fleet sailing nortli from Curacoa can reach Cuban waters. Between Two Firm. How to capture or destroy the Spanish fleet, now in the Caribbean sea is the great war question of the hour. When the Squadron has coaled it is thought that it will proceed to some port on the southern coast of Cuba. The authorities believe that the men- of-war on blockading duty in the vicini ty of Cienfuegos are safe, and that, in fact, they would like nothing better than for the enemy's squadron to proceed in P1onfitn(v..o Ritoli Affirm mnlH 'result In B ' bringing down upon them Commodore Schley's fleet from the North, through the Yucatan channel, while Sampson's fleet would hasten along the southern coast of Cuba, and the Spaniards would be caught between two fires. Harvar an Trrrar. In view of (he announcement of the French government that the Harvard, twenty-four hours before the completion of her repairs, must give notice of bor in tention to depart, it Is presumed by naval officials that similar action will be re quired of the Terror's commander. Be sides, in international law it is not per- mlssable for a belligerent cruiser to pursue a cruiser of the other belligerent immediately on the latter leaving a neu tral port. Before such pursuit twenty- four hours must Intervene. Fljloa- nqnadran. A number of ships were sighted off Sand Key, near the Southern end of Florida late today. It Is thought that they may be Schley's fleet. The fleet left the vicinity of Charleston Sunday night under order for Key West. CHimlnllu In Ww Fern. Fifteen thousand of the volunteer troop will rendesvou at Camp Black. These troops will bo known a belonging to the department of tbe East. The enlistment of men has been going on rapidly at Camp Black. 3ome have failed to come to tbe scratch. Fdir men ere egged out of Caiiip by their former comrades for refusing to enlist. The steamship SagusrnQO and 8n lin go with extra stores of coal and supplies for the us of the fleet sailed from New York today for Key West. They will be used upon their arrival as transports for lb troops. Th cruiser Columbia which ha oven oo scouting duly along tho Northern Atlantic coast, arrived at Ithe Delaware breakwater tonight m4 irTrn. Information ha been received that Otneral Blanco is already short of am munition for th defense of Havana. Th supply now on band U said to be sufficient for not mora thau two day fighting. Minister Woodford in declining th appointment of Major General soys that commissions should co to younter men I who ar better fitted to command. Th Navy Department has detailed Chk-f Engineer Filch, on th retlrwl list, and Ihree other Engineers to Investlgalo and establish tlx additional coast de- fooors. A change Is expected In th present way of managing th movement of lli flcoU. This will Involv th abolishing of th Dosrd of Htrategy and lui power will b wielded by a a board of con sultation. Th hopes ot Hpaln In relieve Havana ar In trying to bav Mm blocked of that port declared Ineffective and therefor invalid. Hh ha aekvd the power to so Tn reen. Th Nsvy Department officials bellevej that the battleship Oregon ha. passed the The fear lion been expressed that the Spanish torpedo boat Terror in remain leg at Fort de France, proposes to su.y Va until she receives information concern-1 Vj ing the position of the Oregon, when she Will dash out and attempt to destroy that vessel. Officially no apprehension is felt concerning the safety of the Ore gon and her consorts. Capt. Clark telegraphed that his vessel was safe, but the course taken by him is not allowed to be known. Hampton Neleel a Position.' The Navy Department has been ad vised that Admiral Sampson, acting iu accordance with instructions sent him by the naval war board, is making all speed to the western end of Haiti, when he will proceed, it is understood, down the Windward passage to take station at its southern end. There he will be in close cable commu nication with the department, will be able to throw out scouts and will receive information of the appearance of the enemy w'thin several hundred miles of his position and act accordingly. Only Waul a haue If either Admiral Sampson, with his fleet fresh from the attack on the Span ish fortification in the harbor of San Juan, or Commodore Schlev. with his flying squadron can meet and fight the Spanish Cape Verde fleet this week, the end of the war will be io sight. There is no doubt that either Sampson or Schley can crush the Span ish fleet, if they can only get at it, but there is a doubt about their getting at it. It is now thought to be trying to get to Cuba without fighting either of our big fleets. If it succeeds, the war will be considerably prolonged, and that is evidently what Spain desires, in the hope that if the war is prolonged some other European power or powers will get mixed up in it. Can Bnn meter. Owing to the superior speed of the vessels composing the Spanish fleet, they will have the choice of fighting or run ning should they be met by either of our fleets. The most formidable fighters in our fleets the monitors and battle shipsare to slow to keep up with the Spanish fleet,, if it desires to run away without fighting. It is only a question of time when every ship in the Spauish fleet will either he destroyed or captured if they get into a Cuban harbor it will be a matter of a few weeks. This week will tell which will hold the blockade. The blockade of Cuba, which during the past few days has been accompanied by some stirring fighting, which wc got the best of, besides cutting two Important Span ish cables, will be continued, but the lln,l:n , nm.r in I 'lllm l,o. Kaon postponed until after that Spanish fleet is wiped out. ON THE DIAMOND. esall of In national Ltacue Base- Ball dames Played Teaterday, Special to Journal. Cleveland, May 16 Chicago 12, Cleve land 4. Rain elsewhere. sundat's oamks. Cincinnati 4, Louisville 8. Cleveland 5, Chicago 3. Wner They Flay To.1y. Brooklyn at Boston. Washiiigiou at New York. Ballimoie at Philadulphln. St. Louis at Pittsburg. How (he I'lntn Bland. W. L. P. Ct. Cincinnati 17 4 .810 Cleveland 1 7 .099 Boston, 14 9 .609 New York, U H .579 Baltimore 0 7 .502 Philadelphia, ...... 8 .529 Chicago 10 10 .500 Brooklyn 9 9 .500 Pittsburg... . 11 11 .500 St, Louis, 5 14 .263 Louisville, A 111 .240 Washington ' 4 15 .211 0 FQVDin AkMlutaly Pur Cnkan WMiher. Is close at band. W pot on sal this week 100 dot. Pan ranging In price t torn 9c. ach to $1.43 for an Imported sllkbeanty. BAitroora. Hake- your Coca-Cola FRESH AT HOME So GLASS. 8IP1IOXM, At N. Xnnn fc Co. XTTSTV TTTTTTTTTTT5'TO'T 1 l U H H V mm II U I Din mnQ ron rnro 2 Small Breakfast Strips. California llama only 8 CENTS pound. Small Sugar Cured Hams, finest quali fy 12 CENTS per pound. FultoD Market Beef. Plenty of Nice Freeh Eggs. Fancy Cream Cheese. Finest Elgin Butter. Ileiuz's Sweet Mixed Pickles. Dried and Evaporated Apples. Fresh California Prunes. Fresh Canned Goods of all kinds, r o o o : In fact a Complete Stock of the BEST GROCERIES that money can buy can be found at our store. E McDaniel k Will, 71 Broad St., SEW BEBXE, X. C. OF LOCAL INTEREST. A Fine Lot of Strawberries at Five CentB a quart at John Dunn's this morn ing- J. J. Baxter is offering 100 pairs of E. P. Reed's OxfonU at $1.50, worth $2.50, sizes 2 to 0 in black and tan. Call early and get your Blze. i See J. J. Baxter for summer clothing, 1 straw and crash hats, shoes negligee j shirts, &c. J. J. Baxter has the cheapest ribbons in New Berne. When iu Bayboro stop at t lie Lupton House for good accommodations. The collection of rents and accounts given careful and personal attention. Best of references given J. K. Land, l!i7 Broad street. Hartford Single Tube Tires f 3.00 each, none better. Inner Tubes 75c each. All Sundries very low at Wm. T. Hill's Bi cycle Agency. STATEMENT OF CONDITION of th Farmers antl Merchants Bank, NEW BERNE, N. C, At the rinse of Busine hh, May 5th 1HII8. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts(lime). $ 147,125 2i Loans(demand) 14,180 4 Overdrafts, (mostly secured) 1.806 35 Banking House it,6Ci u f urniture anil fixtures i,4.sa ;u Other Heal Estate 4,423 23 Stocks and Bonds 2.500 00 Due from Banks 10.670 54 Cash in vault 18,013 45 211,543 23 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock 9 I Surplus and Profits 75,000 00 11,687 13 587 27 Due to 1SH11K8 Cashiers checks, outstanding 27 00 124,241 83 Due Depositors 1311.543 23 I. T. W. Dewev. Cashier of the above named Bumk do solemnly swear that this statement Is true and correct to the best ot my knowledge and belief. T. W. DEWEY, Cashier. State of North Caroliua, ) Count v of Craven. f Sworn and subscribed to before me this the lth day of May, 1898. r. 11. rsLi.ETisR, Notary rubnc. Correct attest: L. II. Cutler, W. B, Bl.ADEH, C. D. BKAmiAM, J. W. Stewart, Directors. J. V. Willi Ans & Co. 403 GREENWICH STREET, NEW YORK. JtfercliniuIlKe Krokern mid Comintwilon Merchant, Are In position to obtain Highest Prices for TRUCK, PRODUCE, FISH, &c We also mak a Specially of Buying for Southern Trade. tSHilVE U3 A TRIAL.-! Notice of Nelzure. Cou.BVToa's Omn ForBTH Durr., RalkkiH. N. C. Notice I hereby given of th seuure of th following property for violation of th Internal Revenue law. Now Berne. N. a. May 14lh, 189?, from J. S. Garrett, R. L. D by J no. W. Dalloy, Doputy Collector, date (1 17) May 14th. 1898. one pkc coatalniiii 87, W gallon corn whiskey. Any person or iersons claiming the aid property ar hereby notified to ap pear at my offlo la Kaleigh, N. C, with in thirty (80) day fmm date and mak claim In th form and manner prescribed by law, or th ald property will forfeited to tn UDitea Dial. E. C. DUNCAN, Collector 4th Diet. N. By J so, W, Daiijt, Deputy Collector 1st Div. 4th Dirt. N. 0., May 14th, 1898. - . 10 iu uui 1 "1 per J Wholesale lletail Grocers, KvjiVnTNaTsasaVSSsanrNBv " Agency For Jl Dr. Twisdale's S Catarrh Cure, 9 At BRADIIAM'S P PHARMACY. J Agency For B Pigott's Dilulute, J A Sure Dyspepsia Cure. -AT Brad ham's 2 Reliable Drug Store. ? BARBER FIXTURES FOR SALE Having thought of enlisting in the I3th New York Vuluiilwrs, and not hav ing any further use fur IJarlK-r fixtures, I offer for sale a complete out tit of tin same. Apply before the war is over to J. W. MOORE. Seasonable iiggeKtloii . . . Soda Water is Always ' in Sea son." whether taken Hot or Cold it is a wholesome bever age, unless rendered d leteri. oils to health hy lieiiiK loaded with impure artificial flavor ings and glucose sirups. (Jold Soda drawn from Our Artie Soda j Xjacks Nothing could be Desired by the most (?) Sensitive Palate. We use j Only pure juices made Direct from fresh fruits A.ni can give any flavor. j Our -Cold Soda" $ is alwavs Cold. Bradham's (!) L Reliable Drug Store. .. .. . . i At tnt book More $ SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR NOVELTIES I War Edition of the World's Almanac. Cordon's Celebrated Mandolins. Bralnbridgc's Artistic Clepe Papers, And Music and Musical Instruments A SPECIALTY. A i ? G. N. Ennett. ml Seleetloa for Peeerttloa Day. In fabric for your warm weather (nit, should be thought of now, for when your order Is taken It will glv us very Hill leeway to hav your suit flnlahrd oa lima We never hurry our work, a w guarantee erfeet workmanship, fit and elegant flnUU, and eur fabric ar fro-n the nltrs-fublonabl pattern se .v i it . I lected by leader la style. F. 51. Chad w Irk. Middle street, NEWjBERNE, N. C