THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fie Synup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fiq Sirup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Syittrp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrnp of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name ol the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - SAN FRANCISCO, CL WCISVILLl. B. HKW VOUE, N. Y. THE JOURNAL. VEW ADVERTISEMENT. Allegood Oil canH. Willenhrink's Restaurant. Monroe Book Co. War book. N. Nunn & Co. Fresh lot Heylers. C. J. McSorley Story without woidr, Business Locals. AT COST Bright Yellow Syrup 25c per pallon. Apple Vinegar 15c by the gallon Lome at once. Only 15 days more at above prices. 2 second-hand show cases very cheap. Store Lampr. All for cash only. Three second hand oil cans, ca pacily 00 pillions. Allegood Grocery Co., 78 Middle Street. TO KENT Good house on Broad Stieet (1 rooms, including dlniug room and kitcheu. Inquire of Mrs. Sarah Blount. A SAT IK TH3 CITT. The weatlior forecast for today Is fair weather. The banks will be closed tod ty, a Slate holiday, Declaration of Mecklen burg Day. Planking on the driveway of the Neuse river bridge is being laid as fast as the piles are driven. The Congressional Convention of tlie Third District will meet In Clinton, Sampson County Thursday, June 80th, Fishing parties on the river are getting to be a popular source of amusement, and the catches are generally large enough to mike the sport very attractive The King's Daughters will meet to night at the residence of Mrs. L. M. Ilendren at the usual hour. A full at tendance is earnestly requested. The colored graded school will hold ill closing exercises today, beginning at one o'clock. The public it invited to attend and witness the exercises. Mr. W. Ii. Warier master mechanic, has been connected with the Atlantic A North Carolina railroad, In various ca pacities since 1871, making a period o' 27 years, instead of ID years, as stated in yesterday s Joi iinai,. Croakers are becoming quite abundant In our waters. Yesterday morning party consisting of Masters Dalton Whltford, Ooclct Carraway and Martin Brock went out and In about four hours succeeded In landing sixty-seven of these fUu. traukra Wklik.jr. Deputy Collector J. W. Duller and Deputy Marshall Blackledge, returned last night from Washington, N. C, where they had been on business con nected with their office. They report having seized, one barrel, four jugs and one kej of "crooked' whiskey. PflaaON&L. Mr. F. M. Simmons returned to Raleigh yetlcrUiiy. Mrs. Geo. W. Gasklll and daughter who have becu spending several weeks In the city, lelt yesterday morning for Durham. Miss M ittio Green who has lieen visit lug at Kalrigli returned home last night Mrs. T. If. Sutton went to Seven Spring yesterday. Mr. N. II. Banks of the Grantsboro Business Co. was In the city yotlerday. The genial countenance of Mr. A. 11, iiawsoc oi jasper was seen on our streets yesterday. Messrs II. 0. Smallbones ami T. Wright Mcarea, delegates from 8. John's church, and Mr. Iteuben Pickett of 111. l'aul'a church, Vllntlulon,' arrived last night to attend the Diocesan Counc'L Messrs Jss. A. Bryan, It. DeW. Steven son, 1'. H. l'eersall, D. L. Ward and Henry II Bryan, Jr., went to Horsy Mouut yesterday to attend the Judicial Convention of the Second district. lal Mala. 10 down Ladlee Broad brim sailors with colored crowns, beei telling fur 73c. by oar neighbors, to be opened Ibis week at HOc. each. BARKOOTfl. DIOCESAN COUNCIL Its Fifteenth Annual Session Be gun Yesterday. , rail at IsMmluS Laraaljr Allraata. Hwllis la ChrIM I'harck. rraevealBcaof Yeaieralajr. ?;' frarnM. The F fto n a, Annual Council of tie Protestant Episcopal church In the Diocese of East Carolina, met in Christ Church, yesterday. There was a large attendance at the several sessions held yesterday. The Council was called to order by tkewtt. Rev. Bishop of the Diocese. The roll of clergy and lay delegates was called and a quorum found to Le present. : Rev. Dr. Carmtchael was elected presi dent and Rev. F. N. Skinner, secretary of the Council . Rev. N. Harding announced the pres ence of the Rt. Rev. James B Cheshire, Jr., Bishop of the Diocese of North Car olina, and on motion, he was invited to a seat by the side of the presididg Bishop The hour of 11 o'clock having been set for divine seivice a recess was taken. A procession of the clergy was formed at the Rectory, and in their vestments they moved into the church while the choir sang. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Jas. Carmichael from Eplicsl ns, "As unto tho Lord " The holy coin- nfuniou was then celebrated by Ut. llev. Bishop Watson, assisted by Kt. Rev. Bishop Cheshire, and some of the clergy, The Council convened immediately afterwards and the Rules of Order were adopted. The hours of the business sessions were decided to be from 0.30 a. m. until G p. in., daily, with a recess from 1.30 to 4 o'clock each afternoons A recess was then taken until 4 p. m. At the afternoon session, Bishop Ches hire addressed the Council on behalf of St. Mary's School, Raleigh. After Bishop Cheshire's address the following resolution was offered by Rev. Dr. Rout. Strange: "That the Trustees of the Diocese be authorized and directed to turn over to the Trustees of St. Mary's school, the sum of $3,000, of the fund for the Education of Children of Deceased clergymen, school trustees to obligate one aunual scholarship, scholar to be designated by Bishop of East Car olina." The resolution referred to committee to report Friday. Reports wero made by Finauce, Stu dents Aid, and Commissioners of Ameri can Church Building committees. The following were appointed a Fi nance committee: Rev. L L Williams. Rev I W Hushes, Mr Wm Calder, Mr Geo II Roberts, Mr II O Smallbones. At night, Rev. L. h. Willams and Rev. W. L. Loveless, read the ser vices. Addresses were made by Rev. F. B. Ticknor, Rev. Edward Woollen, Rev. Francis Joyner, Rev. N. C. Hughes and Bishop Watson. Today's services wiH be, early service at 7.30 a. m. Annual meeting Women's Auxil iary of the Diocese, In All Saints Chapel. At Christ Church, in the morning Bishop Watson's address, the annual elections, and reports during the day sessions. Services at 8.15 p. in. tonight. free Pills. Send your address, to II. E. Bucklen & Co , Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Atrial will convince you of their merits. Thctc pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of Constipa tion and Sick Headache. For malaria aud liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be periecuy tree irom every suostance and to lie nurelv vccelablo. Thev do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate me system, ueguiar size c. per box. Bold by jr. . Dully, druggist. Hriaodlut n.n rirale. The steamers Howard and Perlle May carried the Sunday School scholars of Centenary. M. E. Church, up tho Neuse liver, yesterday, to Street's Ferry land ing, where all went up to the grove, and spent the day In various amuse ments. Upon the return to the city, Capt David Styron, of the Perlle May, took a number of those who had been at the picnic and some who were on the dock wailing for the excursionists return, oi board of his steamer and gave them a most enjoyable three mile trip down t lie Neuse river. This act of Capl, Slymn's wm voluntary on bis part and the cour lesy was greatly appreciated. Many soldiers now feci the effects of the hard service thry endured during the war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of Hum vllle, York county, Pcnn., who saw the uartlest kind of tervico at (he front, bow frequently troubled with rheums tUin. ''1 had a severe attark latclv.' says, ' and procured a Lottie of Cham berlain' Tain Balm. It did so mncli good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bottles." Mr, Anderson wanted ! both for bis own use and lo supply It to his friends and neighbors, as every family should Lars a bottle of It la their borne. not only for rheumatism, but tame back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises burns, for wblcb It Is unequalled, sale by F. 8. Duffy. and For t'aaaa Waasaav. Is close at hand. We pal on sale this woes 100 dot. Fans ranging In price from Je. each to 11.48 for so Imported silk beauty. BARFOOrS, tales Stalaaa la raaallea. Capt. W. T. Caho waa In the city last night, Just In from Pamlico epunty, where he says the war excitement haa greatly calmed. Capt. Caho said that the people in Pamlico were greatly stirred np at ene time over the war reports, and some talk was started as to the advisability of bollding block houses and aand forts, against possible Spanish In vasion. ' , . Feala afa la Caarlalta, The country will never (pel safe until a squadron of gunboats Is oanchred off Swansboro, in Onslow county. Char lotte News! ft bat la in Saw? Now that the Trent river bridge Is a public highway, there ought to bo some notice given at the approaches of the bridge, which shall inform all drivers of horses or vehicles some idea whether they can drive across the bridge on a wnlk or a run. Several instances occur daily of trans fers driving across the bridge at a fast pail, and fast driving on a bridge is neither safe for pedestrians nor good for a bridge. . , If there is any law on this matter, the County Commissioners should inform the public,, and especially those who drive over the county's bridge. BUCELEN'S ARNICA SALVE, THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. rncc an cents per box. i or sale bv jr. S. Duffy. Frw Knaarniion rarYenr raaald. eratloa. "Did it ever occur to you" That in hot or inclement weather sickness may be avoided by not exposing yourself? ; A Telephone is a safe guanl. That when feeling indisposed, a phy sician's attention in time often proves 'au ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" Phone for your Doctor. If he is out you need not be away from home hunting, but endeavor to find him through the Central Office. If the case be urgent you can Phone for another Doctor, That a Telephone obviates the neces- sity of being troubled with "remember ing to do and what to buy." All can be done in a moments time with a Tele phone. That if "time is money" a Telephone saves it. Any busluess worth your time and attention is worth saving. A Tele phone docs it. Don't send nor travel. Telephone. You can order medicines, soda drinks (all kinds of lahel')coi lections, groceries meats und all other tllngs loo numerous to mention. Everything you can think of cap be ordered at once. All up-to-date business houses have Phones for taking your orders as well as for their own convenience. You can make appointments with attorneys at law, as well as with the Dentist if you have a Telephone. My freight come? Train late?? Tele phone t The New Berne Telephone Exchange is now prepared to furnish a first class service, surpassed by none, equalled by lew. A letter or postal card addressed New Berne Telephone Exchange will receive the attention of one of its rep. rctenlaiivcs who will be pleased to con fer with you. Wis KB, SJATt'RE Needs assistsnce it may be best to ret dcr it promptly, bat one should remem ber to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the Califernla Fig Syrup Co. FroHh Iofc lluyier's Just Received. Xt X. IVimn A Co.'m. II. WILI.EN0m.VK, PROPRIETOR WILLENBRINK'S Eeslaurant and Iiio. Rocms, 150 MIDDLE ST. NEW HKI'.NE, N. C. BteryiBiBK Raw Aaa ritni ( law. NBAs. S.1. ttlvrirle tmmn. Martal Hal. a Pjr laa wna Till YearV Nirlii laiiuib, ' Veal, Million, lork, And the FINEST BEEF ever brought to this City, ran be hod at Sam'I Cohn & Son's M AWdU St, - Phone 46, pr AIm Lire and Dmarri fmiliry. e larS War Maaafcrr. McClure's Magazine for June will be a special War number, with articles by General Miles and General Fitzhugh Lee; an account of the first cruise of the blockading . fleet ot Cuba, written by Mr. Stephen Bonsai, who was on the flagship New York; a description of the marching of the volunteers, by William Allen White; some "Song of the9u!pe of Steel," by James Barnes; an Ameri can's account of bis life In Manila; and other timely articles, and a great many pictures relatiag to the war. A Story Wlthont Molds . That Is being told every (lay. now. A story without words is contained in every hnx of Delirious and Dainty ('on; ft-ciiun that we maka for a viiiiudl puli lic. Thy tell that they are most rxec' leut nud toothsome morsels that ate manufactured, and our fine Chocolate Concoctious ure tempting to tho fastid ious taste. Oorner Pollock and Middle Sts. Don't forget the place. C. eT. McSorlcy & Co. FOR RENT. ' The most desirable house in the City for a boarding house containing 18 rooms, water and gas. Located on South Front Street. Apply to J. W. STEWART. J. V. Willi Ans & Co. ' 463 GREENWICH, STREET, - NEW YORK. . Merchandise Brokern anil Commissi! Merchants, Are in position toolilnio Highest Prices for TRUCK, PRODUCE, HSU, &c. We also mnke a Specialty of Buying for Soul hern Trudc tJriilVE U3 A TRIAU- TAX SAXE. By virtue of the City Tax List in my hands, 1 have this day levied upon the following real estate to satisfy the taxes due anil unpui I for the year 8!)7, and will t public outcry, at the court bouse door in the i ity of New lierne, County of Craven and Sbilu of North Carolina at 13 o'clock M., on Monday, June 13lh. 1893. HUGH J. LOVIO'K, City Tax Collector. Name. Street. Tax & Cost Crngrj. A C Jerkins alley 4 93 Clispinaii, M W Piur, Kerne mid tu- Urorge sts Clarke, W E part owner and ngent Scott heirs 4 lots Richardson's Pond Douglass, Frederick. New Sonlh Front st, Bern st, Broad St. Hry an st, George st west side.Georgo st cast side Johnson, Jno H Scott s alley Omm, Miles F Eden st Smyer, Rev R A nenr A & N O It It anil While st Street, 8 R for wife Pollock st Wads or ill, Dennis Pollock and 8 03 10 in so 0 13 714 a in IS 15 612 (jueen ata It's True, Too. But verr many people will not find it out until too late. Looks and low prioe will decida their Choice. The wise man and wlso woman will. however, deliberate and. bavins! dcliher- aicd. will discriminate in niakine their bicycle purchases. Thry will realise that rood looks are often but enamel-deep that low price ia often but bait for the unwary that one lias uut one iiio to live, anil it Is short and iwi ct, while surgeons' bills ate liirh and unwelcome. Thry will realize that first cost la not everything;, ami Hint It is "better to lie sure than to be sorry." And there's where we comu in with our Columbia and Hartford ISIcjele. All the world knows them knows that their makers are ton firmly estan-j lisbed and too jealous of their proud rep-1 utatimn to endanger them. They appeal I to diwrlmlnuting buyers. The wheels have gotxl looks, of oouisp. Rut lin y hare intrinsic worth as well. We have the separate part in the touch lo show the strptital or lo help those who are delib rating. WM. T. HIlYr,, A fit., 01 So. Front 6t., New Berue, If. (J. oconiiisiiiiieiiiiiisiiiaono JUST RECEIVED 1 A K.esh Ioi Put Itiver Duller, I lb. priulu, 2-o J 1 Frs'i Siijrir Unrol II imt a-i l llWaf '. S rip. . pi I."! Alto f.irjf.1 Ibnn, with fat anJ skin off, cut to p' IJ1 order U ll. P Xi Tiy our 25o and UOiCofftfes Tuey h.r. uoeqaai. Cj3 M- In fct our Stock of KAN'CY 0 ItOCKUI KH are always , ) rjuj fruli and to standard and our I'ltlCl'M are ala)s Ixw fjj rjjuj as the Liwesl, tpiality considered. All (ImIs G Jaraniurd nij as IpraaenkMl or Money lUfunded. Thank i'H my friends pin for I'asl Favora and trusting lo Merit Your Future Busl- pin pin , ; lies, I am yours for business. , n'!) J. ll. PARKER, JR.,- O 'Phone CO. 'Jfa " rv" ' "Tr,rT"7r"7r" Or LOCAL INTEREST. A Fine Lot of Strawbernee at Five Cent t quart at John Dunn's this morn ing. ' J.J.Baxter is offering 100 pairs of E. P. Reed's Oxfords at $1.50, worth $2.80, sites 2 to 6 in black and tan. Call early and get your size. . - See J. J. Baxter for Manner slothing, straw and crash hats, shoe negligee shirts, &e. i. J. Baxter has the cheapest ribbons In New Berne. When in Bayboro stop at the Lupton House for good accommodation! - The collection of rents and accounts given careful and personal attention. Best of references given J. K. Land, 137 Broad street. Hartford Single Tube Tires 93.00 each, none better. Inner Tubes 7iic each, All Sundries very low at Wm. T. Hill's Bi cycle Agency. A Rcaaliral Has. Fancy braid, trimmed with liberty silk 1 pr. wings, 3 bu. roses, 1 bu cowslips, 1 bu. aigrettes, 3 jeweled ornaments. Your choice of color for $5.00. " BARFOOT'S. Dobbin & Ferrall, a. 'Tucker's Store, 128 it 135 FAYETTEVILLB 8T. RALEIGH. N. C- lust Now Very Stylish- Printed Foulards and India Silks. Our styles tire prettier than other Stores. We have the tastiest buyer in America. OUR PRICES tire also LOWER than other Stores. - ' , a bet us send you samples ami you will send ns an order. WRITE TO US, Dobbin & Ferrall. frames I Celery Gompound 1 AT l Davis' I Pharmacy. I Phono 50. Cor. Uroad & Middle Sts. A Good Telephone SERVICE 19 A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED ......... tfeceKHisj', Convenience, Luxury ! Order Your Phone at Once ! One can sucecssfully flit Trv criptlon by Guessing What the Doctor wants. Wo make it our business to Know. Iti-gistered Druggists wait on customers and fill prescriptions Here v And the gurssing element la cutirely eliminated at BRADHAM'S PHARMACY Wholesalend Ratall Urocer. 77 Broad Btrcct. - 7Tr" r " VERY NOTABLE VALUES THIS WEEK ! ECONOMY daring these Pculiar Timet is a Habit to be encouraged, and all Mir Offerings are PK1UED . .' Accordingly. o o ' o ' WHO BUYS HERE . . . . BUYS WELL. 100 doz. New Fans jiut opened, all color, rfinpirp in ' prico frjm Jo each to tl 48 for au Imported' Bilk buautj. -t Ladies Summer Yeftii, our, WW at 5.) 'each, Silk Vests 50o each, up. ' 7!) pairs Ladies OxFord Tii', all flaw, t 4!)it tatter ocea at IHo to t'i.50 a pair. 12 (lit ers Now Orjialidieg Ltwiig M:U Dimiti. if, taaiiti- . - tul i!eUiif hihI volorrt. tauii wiling at PJo ami 15-, this week 10' llm yard. lOtlua. Lidiw Trunin -il Sail'ira. mo, lirniui mi flu wiMi colond RpiWhii. 1 5'! the prico aaki il tv our i i-iyli- burs, jour uIhmV' ' !i!iri i !iu wtok 50 . ' None can Outdo iin in Valwv WJviug. ECONOMY IS WEALTB! opp. Pa B AR FO 0T' S g The Large i Assortments Q a o O O . o O a a o o o o o o o o o o We have Given this Spring has ," made our store "a Busy Place. ' We intend to Continue this and. offer this week , . Very Sheer Wliite India Litiion, Co. 40-inch White India Linon, loo. Hetter and Finer Cloth at l"c,'20c and 25o. This is io tailing Wliiio Liwu at wholesitle pri'-es. Smo neat patterns of G A LATE V CIjO TH for milking boje panta, are j ist shown. Dirk Navy U.-iitin-i, with nar row whito stripe, 15o yuid. New patterns of 30 inch I'KUOAfilW Fait color. Small black and white figure, 12Jo. MENS COLOEKD SHIM'S for summer wer-fst c .lor and the lightest weight shirt ev r shown here, M CO e-ich. 1 pair ciitTi with each tliirt MENS ULACK SOX. the (rood reliable kind, 10-!. MENS FANCY MIX SOX, regnlmly 25j value, but thin wee we will eell 2 pairs for 25a, MEN'S LINEN COLLAU, 10c. a o o a COLORED ORGANDIES B O Are leaving its rapidly, thH is a kind nf farewoll notice to yen that if you wish one of those delightfully cojl and beau tiful tinted "rjriiiidieB, com ut once. The pricjs are 15), 18', 30) and 25'), and some of the piettiest styles cm )t Iw lu l if ynii are in a burry. Crash Skirts, 69'. .White Duck Skirt t9;t. Chedked Crash Skirts, regularly 1.0(1, this week 89.t. Indies Crnoli Suits 08c. This will lie a great season for using VAN I, ACE We knew it Wfiil-l be Inat winter and placed "'if order with the importer. The result M we aresellini; at 2d.i "7,i yards lace, worth 25c, and at 25u dozen y itds luci', wurlb 33 1. o o o D a o o o () o o a o o o COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THE SAVING OFFERED YOU. g Maya5, cccoccccocccooocccoccco: 300, Pape & Deyo, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stio'lirrn fruit and Prodacc i Pirc!lty. 859 V SOI Wa.!iIn-(on ht.f Nnv York. liKIEUENCr-S;- IIijli(it Market Prices, Iroiiipt 8ales and 'lieck by Heturn Mail is OUU MOTTO and is Making its Many Frietuls. gtenvils and I'ostils will lie furnished on application to JOHN DUNN, New lWne, N. C Givo lis a trial shipment and jou will be pleased ailh our sales. , f r HA HIT DEYO, ( f I i Ml M f O o a o ts Q U o o o () o o a Q O O O O o D o and Especially Good Values ! o o ea O ea o o o 1 o a o o o o () o a o a o Naliimiil l'.unk of New lame, N. Gniiaevuni't Hunk, New York. it:: y hi. 1 I ll I f I M i i t t i o cr o o EJ O O o (3 C) O a w m ai