VOL. XVI--NO. 39. NEW BE11NE, N. C, SAN DAY MORNING, MAY 2'2, 18911. ESTABLISHED liiiU -1 V '4 4 WE HAVE EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE DESIRED TO COMPLETE A DAINTY DRESS FOR THE YOUNG LADY GRADUATE. tinuc. At Fort Monroe two strangers were arrested and one of tbem bad lin- j portant plana and papers with hlin. ! Honor Dubose, late aecretary of Spanish Legation at Washington rented a house at Quebec where he direct the Spanish agency. ON THB DIAMOND. I the has will 1 in the I in tad Passaie. FInl BrclmaBt Uaea Today. Special to Journal. Kalugh, May 21. The First Regiment received orders this afternoon, and leave tomorrow at 7 a. m. for Tampa, Fla., go ing via Southern Railway. STILL AT SAHTI1G0. COLLEGE DUAL OAMES. Prlneeion uefeata Columbia and Prja eylvanla Baals Cornell Special to Journal. Princeton, N. J., May 21. In the an nual dual games on Princeton Day, on Osborne Field, between Princeton and Columbia, Princeton won easily. The best performance was Long's work in the auartor of a mile dash, which dis- Sonio Fighting on the Cuban Coast tance he covered in 40 1-5 seconds, and Bnalia or Ina National l.rae liaae Ball Samra Playrtl YrMrrday. Special to'Joiirnul. fit. Louis, May 21 New York 5, St. Louis 14. Ciucinnati, Mny 21 Boston 4, Cincin nati 8. Louisville, May 21 Brooklyn Louis villerain. Chicago, May 21 Chicago 8, Washing ton 3. Cleveland, May 21 Cleveland 5, Phila delphia 2. Second game Cleveland 3, Philadelphia 0. Pittsburg, May 21 Piltsburg-Balti- moie rain. According to Another Report the Spanish Fleet Still There. inch WHITE ORGANDY for 15 Cents, or C7 inch for 40 Cents. Then an Imported A Fino 30 better-still, a Beauty, 72 inch, 75 CentB. TRIMMINGS for thnse in Val. and Oriontnl L-uje, ' Mnnseline tie Soia in nil Ncolora and a full lino of TAFFETA AND SATIN RIBBON. An ALL-SILK 5-incli WHITE SATIN SASH tor 50 'Cents per yard. . MONDAY wo expect tho NEW WHITE PUFF SCARF, ulso the Prettiest Line of WHITE KIDS, clasp or hook fastening' Our 25 and 35 Cent LINEN. BATISTE, marlced down to TEN CENTS. , And do not Forget that we.Continno to Handle the Very Finest Qiality of BUTTER AND CHEESE Wliicli ore Kept on loo and aro sent out from onr store as II ml and Firm ns if in the dead of winter. Wo hiivo a1 , just received a Fresh Supply cf - POSTUll CEREAL, lie Great Subsi-itn'e for Coffee' Pettyjohn's Breakfast F.m1. Fould's Wheat (Wai. Shre.Mod Wheat Biscuit. Quaker Oats and Various O.hor Cereals. Give Vs a. Trial mid You Will Surely . . He Pleased. Aj For this section, new things almost daily, Ladles Sailors, white crown with colored brim, also with white brim and colored crown Price 50c. Anew shipment ol Leghorns, in snapes adapted ior children and misses. good dollar value, A new Leghorn for Ladies a particularly good value at $1.00. New Ribbons, in block plaids, various col ormgs at s sc. BUEEIl PRINTED FABRICS. Organdies and Organdy Lawns in Dres den. Coral and clustered floral effects, at 16 20, 25 and 35c. A few pattern lengths in flow' ered Organdies, marked down from 30 to 20c WHITE LAWN AND OllGANDIES. The real French Organdies filmiest of. all white dress textures, 2 yards wide 25, 40, 50,' 60 and 75c. White Swiss Lawn, a sheer wiry fabric, without gloss, laundries well, 36 and 42 in. at 25, 35 and 40c. Linon D. Inde, the best of the lawn family, beginning as low as 5c per yard and along to 2!c. HEAVY PIUKTED COTTONS. Scotch Oxtords, in bright diagonal plaids, Warwick suitings in mixtures and checks, 4J . i 1 ll V. J a. l i . I liui ou iiueu WilSU UUU UgUl BU QUCKS, a gen. as prises. The cargoes were aUo coo erOUS assortment in TlftTir Trlnfinrr r-rratt ftf domocd along with lb vnw.-b. TlM 10c and 12 l-2c. Seasons ttiven for Patting Oh the Cuban Invasion, Spanish Spies Arrested. Monterey to (to to Manila. Isltfouabi? Specml to Journal. Washington, May 31 From Gape Huitien, Haiti, eoines the report of a bat tle between llie American and Spanish eels. The dispatch says that a passenger steamcr'nrrived at Cnpe Ilaitien from Port Du Pax and reported that a naval engagement had taken place off the Mole St. Nicholas, on the north coast of Haiti. The battle continued until twelve Spanish warships were sunk and two of the American warships were disabled, The report lacks confirmation. HIIII At Nantlaa. The latest heard from the Cape Verde fleet was that It was still at Santiago dc Uuha, where it was last reported. The authority for this statement sid that Admiral Sampson had notified the De partment that dispatches to that effect had been received and the same authority added that appearances pointed to a but tle tomorrow. The fleet that was to move against Admiral Cervera consisted of three bat tlcships, one second-class battleship and two armored cruisers. To protect the blockading squadron, the four monitors Puritan, Amphitrite, Terror and Minnie noinoh, will be retained off Havana. Nlill Threatening. Private advices from Madrid claim that the Cadiz fleet will certainly sail for the Philippines next Monday, to recover possession of Manila from Admiral Dewey. Eight thousand Spanish troops were reported embarking at llarcelona. The monitor Monterey has been ordered to leave San Francisco for Manila. The cruiser Charlestun has stnited on her course, having made tho necessary re pairs to the condensers'. The City of Pekin is expected to leave for Manila tonight with 1,000 soldiers on board. Much pressure Is being brought to bear upon the President to delay the invasion of Cuba until the fall, hut equally strong pressure hoe beeu exerted to compel action at once. Opposition to the invasion at present argue that the Spanish fleet Is a menace to unprotected transports as long as the location of the Spaniards Is unknown. They also quole the army authorities 1 1 saying that fifty-two million rounds of cartridges for the troops are needed be fore undertaking the Cuban Invasion. The Invasion will lcaye from Key West, and not from Tampa, as has be n thought. If the start went made from Port Tampa, the tranai-ort with their loads of stores and troops, would be ex. posed toaltaci for a period of over thirty hoar, even if no allowance is made for the delay in landing the troops oa Cuban territory. If the start is made from Key West, as 1 now the plan, the length of lime neceisary to transport the men to Cuba will be reduced to six or eight hours. A dlf patch from Key West states 1 Hiding baa been eff oted on the o st of Cuba near Mataazaa. and that a fort situated at the point where the landing was made was silenced and the guns wore spiked. The American Hag w.i plualrd oa the captured works. The report from Havana that two American ships btntbankd Ouaulatarno, Cuba, on the coast east of Santiago de Puba, Is confirmed by a report received in Washington that during (he bombard men! the American ships did, heavy damage to the place. The Bpaniali ac count said that an attempted landing was repulsed. The s-rlara. The United Stales Prise Court at Key West lodsy condemned Ova Spanish eels taken by the United Stale warships also won the 220 yards dash In 22 seconds I flat. The former time breaks the Princeton record, while the latter equals it. Philadelphia, May 21. (Special.) In the dual games here today bctweeu Penn-1 sylvania and Cornell, the lied and Blue I won by a score of 93J points to 23 points, I Where They Piny To-day. Washington at Chicago. Pittsburg at Cincinnati. Baltimore at Cleveland, Brooklyn at Louisville. New York at St. Louis. MONDAY'S GAMES, Boston at St. Louis. Baltimore at Chicago. Brooklyn at Cincinnati. Washington at Cleveland. New York at Louisville. Philadelphia at Pittsburg. Buy Your Hilt 0GER1BS O m McDANIEL & GASKILL, 71 BROAD STREET. CAPTAIN CLARE. Willing; la riant Ml "pain Willi the Oregon. New York, May 20. In connection with the trip of the battleship Oregon an interesting story is in circulation at the Nayy Department which cannot be con firmed, but which illustrates the intre pidity of Captain Clark, commanding the I Philadelphia, vessel. Upon his arrival at Rio Janeiro, the war board took under serious considera tion the Wat ion of protecting the bat tleship from the enemy's fleet, then sup posed to be awaiting her at some advan tageous point. One or two members of the hoard urged the advisability of send ing a squadron to convoy her to Key West, hut this was scouted hy the major ity, and voluminous instructions were sent to Captain Clark in regard to the course which he should take. The reply, which, it is said, Captain Clark sent to tiie department, was something like Hi is: "Please don't tangle me up with in structions. I am not afraid of the whole Spanish fleet." Apparently the Spaniards are more afraid of the Oregon lhaii that vessel is of them. Although the Oregon is unac companied on her voyage through t he West Indies by a single ship, the Marittta and Nictheroy haviug been left in Bra zilian waters, no attempt has seemingly been mtdu by Admiral Cervera to, inter ccpt the American battleship. Tho Ore gon will arrive at Key West by Sunday or Monday. How the riulm Bland. L. 0 9 10 8 10 13 13 10 U 10 19 18 THEIR STOCK. IS COMPLETE WITH THE BEST GROCERIES TIIE MARKETS AFFORD AND YOU ARE SURE TO GET GOOD FRESH GOODS AT TIIE LOW EST POSSIBLE PRICES IF YOU TRADE WITH THEM mm Cash Wholesale Retail Grocers, w. Cincinnati 18 Cleveland 18 Boston, 17 Baltimore, 13 New York, 14 Pittsburg 13 Chicago 12 Brooklyn, 9 .. 10 St. Louis, 8 Louisville, 7 Washington, 6 CABLES COT. P. Ct. .750 .067 .030 .619 ,583 .500 ,4(J0 ,474 .455 .333 .270 .250 fio 71 Broad St., JTEW BERNE, JT. C. Bianco . And Orvrra can Have TlrKrMhltt'l?oniiiiiinlr,alloUi Key West, May 20 Naval officers are skeptical about the news that the Span ish fleet is at Santiago dc Cuba, but this disbelief is based entirely on the fact that the announcement comes from a Spanish source. If it be true, the navy regards it a hit of characteristic Spanish strategy. The Spanish fleet, if it bo there, the navy men say, is safe ironi attack by sea, because the harbor is a pocket. At the same time to bottle it up would require a force quite as strong as that which went to Porto Rico. Thus the Spaniards have probably made It necessary for the United states to divide its fleets: It is not probable that General Blanco even now knows of the arrival of the fleet. Not only has the cable at Cienfue- Cos been cut, but the land lines between Santiago and Havana have been inter rupted by the insurgents Thus Havana is isolated, except ior the Key west cable, where a censor sits hy the key A Good Treat ! For all Lovers of GOOD CLARETTE WINE, Having Just Received a Lot I Can Sup ply the Thirsty With the CELEBRATED CLOVER LEAF CLARETTE, The Best Drink For Warm Weatlu r. Try a Glass of our FINE LAGEU. I Paine's I Celery I Compound -AT- Davis' Pharmacy. James F. Taylor. If aFerrall, -AT Tssr'LrAf'c v Store, 123 & 125 FAYETTEYILI.E ST. KALEIOII. N. ('. THB STATE CAPITAL. Hndl otrrnar Wired ! Lair, Secon tteflm! laeomplalv. Val. Capirr a's Gift I Uearral Le, Drain. JOURNAL BURKAP. I IUt.iioii, N, 0., May 21. f Governor Russell yesterday wired Senators Pritchard and Butler to ask the Secretary of War to send the equipment) for the North Carolina volunteers here. Also to request that these troops be not sent to Tampa until they are needed to Invade Cuba. Whether this telegram will In the least effect the movement of the troops Is not known. The Second Regiment is still Incom plete. So many of the men were re jected yosterday of those who came here to be examined and some after getting here refused to enlist. There was a fight In Bryan Grimes camp yesterday In which one private struck another and broke Ills law bone. Col. Benehan Cameron's gift to Oen eral Lee of his thoroughbred horse Choctaw Is heard here with pleas ure. The Worth Baglcy Monument fund has reached 888.45. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Fellows passed bete yesterday on their way to Montreal. From there they will sail on June4lh for England. Mrs. Fellows was Miss Bessie Tucker. The funeral of Miss Mildred Ilsrbee was held this morning from the Edenlon Street Molhodlst Church. Seldom has death closed In onr midst so bright and lovable a (Irl lust verglnc on woman hood. The sympathy of the entire city has gone out to Mr. Uarbee la his sor row, llllilml lost her motner when she l was a little child and has been eared fori by her father's aunt Miss Katie Barclay. 1 fepv FOiTDER Absolutely Pure Our Latest Arrivals. BRITISH THIS TIME-Very; Stylish Indeed for Summer. Real Hot Weather Wear. WRITE HATIff MOlIAl II For Skirts lo bj Woru with Separate Waists. White Satiu Mohair is 4H inches wide, tl.00 Per Yard. Than this Wliito Satin Mohair, there will not b offered this Summer any fabric so stylish or desirable. BARBER FIXTURES FOR SALE Having thought of u!it in i in the ith New York Volunteers, and not hav ing any further use fur 'larbt-r Fixture?, 1 offer fur sale a complete outfit of llio same. Apply before the war U over to J. W. MOORE. ''. a, .. .. . . diULtsooK More -riCTlllES OF- Commodoro (leo. Dewey, ) Sljie. Capt. Wiu. T. bamjwon, 2228 Mujor-Gcn. N. A. Miles, ) Indies. U. 8. Navy Illustrati r with fifty photograph views of our great battleships, our flying rquadron, our coast defense monitors, our torpedo bonis, our submarine plun ger, 4c. juue Magazines arriving. i G. N. Ennett. WHITE SATINS are in very correct form for Waists lobo worn with White Bulla Mohair Skirts. i Dobbin & Ferrall. TUB MABUTB. SAMPLES CUKEUFULLY MAILED OUT-OMOWN. 69. Wfffp" crista ooodemned were the steamers Arsonauta and Ambrosie Bolivar, tin schooners Mathilda, Sophia and Ctadl- diu and they were all ordered sold. The upper bay of New York harbor. ooinnir nulng with tonight, will be pa trolled by the mosquito fleet. Edward Morrell of Philadelphia will probalily be appointed ftaoood AsalaUnt Secretary of War. Arrreta of sunprctrd HpanUh spire oon- OAUTOIIIA. 1, A In Hia Una fc;!M , Low, Close Yesterday's market quotations furnish- sd by W. A. PorWrfleld A Co, Commission Brokers, Nrw Yobs, May SI STOCKS. Open. High, dugw 131 mi Peoples (las ... 07 Mi a n, q. loo too. COTTON. 0, Wfh. Aagurf .40 4l CHICAGO MARKETS. WiisaT Opes. High. Low, anas July..... IO0 113 109 Coa iuly tti BnJ W 111 rIU.n Ratas 10,300 bales. C" icigam. I. 'ft, mi He To Wasn't Used the Brand ! Agency For Dr. Twisdale's Catarrh Cure, At BRADIIAM'S PHARMACY. Agency For Pigott's Dilulute, A Sure Dyspepsia Cur. AT--Bradham's Reliable' Drug Store. A ncoMonnble on. Boda Water is Always "In Sea son."" whether taken licit or told it is a wholesome bever ace, unless rendered deleter!, oils to health by heing loaded with Impure lirtitieial flavor ings and glucose .nips. Cold Soda drawn from Our Artie Sud i li'ickt No'.hing could be Desired by li e most Sensitive Palate. We use Only pure juices made Direct from fresh fruits And can give any flavor. Our "Cold Soda" is always Cold. Bradham'i Reliable Drug: Store. 97, 90 , iow, 40 9H 1001 Close 41 And Dewey'selght loch domestic made him sic. Anyone that la aocunlomed to wear ng a suit of clothing made liv an artist lo TAILOR will And it Iran as hard to get used lo wrarinK reedy mode clothing It will make him mok I Let as make vou a twrfoct fliUnc. stvllsli suit, and save yiin frnra lowering yourself la your owa estimation. F. Chadw Itk, Middlsstraet, NEW.IlEUNK, N. C. The First Spring Blossoms Mean a good deal In the Tailoring World. Proper Preparations fur Spring neces stlates Iota of Hustling and gives lots of opportunities to the maa who has aa eye open to BARGAINS. We have Jual re ceived a Special Line of Samples and the Prices are something unlieanl of before la Idle town. The Prices are 8lily Per Cent nt Than Regular Coat and a rail will convince you thai we have Real Oenuine Bargains. If you want a Handsome, Stylish, Well-Made Suit, we nan give you juat what yoa want at most Reasonable i ru-e. Iail ami in us convince yoa that we are stating foclr. Baker & Dunn. t POLLOCK STREET. . DEALER 1M GEXEIIAI HARDWARE, AND ALL KINDS OF IUJILDIXO MATE III A Ii. Wire Netting, Screen Doors A Windows. Glacier Itofrlgerator, Which are the Reel. They have but few equals and NO SUPERIORS. lot Orwni Frvmm. WaUHr Coolers, Mlchlgaa Slovrs and lUngea. Agent Devue'e raiala, Under Hotel ChatUwka, New Berne, N. C.