the journal; Pi.Mished pwy day In the -ear, ex opt Monday, at M Middle Street. Phohb No, 8. CHARLES L STEVENS, tDlTOB AND PBOrRIBTOR. SUBSCRIPTION KATESC .me tear, in advance,..., Om year, not ia advauce, Monthly, by carrier in (he city,. .! 00 . ft 00 . 50 Advertising Rate furnished on appli cation. Filtered at the Post Office, New Berne, N. C as second class matter. Official Paper of Nut Berne and " Craven County. New Berne, N.C. Hay 28 1808 DEATH TO BDTLEEISM AMD RCS SEIXISM ! And all the ronplo will hcnrtilj say, Amen ! The action of the Democratic btnte Convention, which has re jected all Populist proposals teudiug towitith fusion with Butler and the endorsement of ltueeull, means great th n gj for the Ddinocratic party of North Curo'ioa. It sot the seal for white rule, for decei t government, for the material piosperity of the Oil North State. It places principle ubova oftice, the rights of tho musses above tbe advancement of the individual, it destroys the idea which prevails abroad that North Carolina is to be a State for tho politician, and its affairs to be always controlled by the office holder and office seeker. Ths denouncement of Butlerism and Uussellism means that the vam pires of the State must go! That the pure social and commer cial blood of the State is to be no longer sucked by scheming politic ians who fatteu themselves at the expense of the masses of the peo ple. It removes the suspicion which has gotten abroad that North Caro lina's honor and integrity had goue, and shows to the world that tbe Old North State has manhood aud pi triotism, decency aud salt respect within her borders. A Btraight tight! Good news in deed to every North Carolinian, and grandly will the fight be waged, no matter what mountains of But ler and Russell corruption may seem to interfere between the rule of true Democracy and the black con ditions of today. And honor to tloso in the con vention, who while they may have honestly thought that some co-operation with other parties possible, yet set uo obstacle to the declaration for a straight Democratic fight! Death to Butlerism, which means t le corrupting of every principle of honor, an 1 death to Kusseliism, the name for the enslavement of the people, the dictatorship of a single individual over every law, State, municipal aud county ! And now to live up to every dec laration of tbe platform, and the redemption of North Carolina, for a White nun's State, forever ! And all thj people will say, Amen ! Millions Civan Away, It It certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are rot afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering, The proprietor's of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consunip tinn, coughs and colds have given away over ten trillion trial bottles of this great medicine have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thous ands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Uron rhltls, Hoarseness and all diseases of tbe Throat, Litest aud Lungs are surely cured by it Call on K. 8. Dully, tbe UrttKglst, and get a trial bottle tree, reg ular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guar anteed, or priie refunded. Xsassplr. He fe you 'ally believe Ignoranre is Hum? She I don't know. M'py- Ton teem to be State or Onto, City or Toledo, I Lucas L'ouhtt, j FaAKt J. Chkxkt makes oath that he It lbs senior partner of lbs firm of F. J. Cheney A Co, doing business In the Cily of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay tbe sum of ONE llCNLP.ED DOLLAItS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be enrol by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cunt. FRANK i. CHENEY. iiwora to before aae and aubscrihsd la my presence, this eth day of December, aw r two, A. W. GLEASOJt, 1 sral ( Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Ukea Inter nally, and acta directly on the blood and asoeens surfaced of ths systesa. Bead for tsstlmonlals, free. F. I. Cll EM Y CO, Toledo, 0. Hold by DrngitlaU Tta. Hall's Vaaally fills are the beat. BRITISH IN AMERICA. It Is JMfcnBta4 That Tkwr Owa Twaattr . Mil Ilea aYerea Hat. How much property do British sub jec'j own in America? Tbe asKresate. based on absolute facta, is known to be captured almost tingle banded one of at least 0,00,000 acres, asserts Tit-'. tba toTta 00 the Hoogly. The fort, Bits. which was strongly situated, was in- " The largest of all is probably the Tex- 'vested by the admiral, and Strahan, as possession of tbe syndicate whioh during tbe time of midday repose, wan inoludes in its membership the Dnkes dered off "ou his own" in its direction. of Beanfort and Holland, Earl Cadogau aud tbe Baroness Burdott-Cootts. Tbe total anionnt of land held by thia association is 3,800,000 aores. It is, a is tbe case with most of the Texas land, lkrgely oomposed of what is called range country that is, land that is twitter ndnnted for cattle miainc? than ' anything else. ne neid ma own with indomitable pluck Cattle and wheat are what the Brit- re-enforced by one or two other tars ish investor seems to think money 00 had straggled ont of camp aud should be made on in the United States. neard nis buzzas, The euemy unpre Tbat is why tbe syndicate represented Pare1 ,rom tn' iI1 timed attack and by the British capitalist Vinoent Scully 'earing further invaders, fled from tbe owns 8, 000, 000 acresof land in Nebras- tort "P0" ho opposite side, leaving 30 ka, Iowa and Illinois. This property is oaunou "d a large store of ammnni situated in tbe heart of the wheat grow- tion Mnou to Strabau's surprise, he ing section. i was lectured by tho admiral for bis Two American girls, who now wear, ' breaou of discipline, and be was dis byvirtneof their marriago with Eng. mLsed with hints of future punish lisb peers, two of the highest British meut "Well," said Strahan,."if I'm titles the Dnohess of Marlborough and flo8Sed for this hero action, I'm d d Lady Randolph Churchill are interest- ed with Sir Edward Beed in a syndi cate that owns 8,000,000 acres situated in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mex ico. This is purely a cattle country, and on it rouge thousands of head of live stock. There is another syndicate which in- eludes among its members the Earl of , steam engines, he experienced much Dalboueie, as well as Viscountess Cross, difficulty in ascertaining from bis dis Lady Hamilton Gordon, tbo Marquis taut customers what sized, engiue they Cbolinondeley and several ethers. I required, and they were not less puzzled There is a holdiug in a still different bow to communicate to bim the infur part of the country, for.tuo lauds of tho' mation. He was frequently guided, syndicate comprise 1,800,000 acres iu however, by their mentioning the uoiii Mississippi, including cotton planta- b. r of horses which the engiue ordered tions, acres and acres of sugar cane and enough swine to stock 1,000 farms. Lord Tweeddale is a syndicate in himself aud owns 1,300,000 acres. Like most iudividnal land owners with large boldiugs, bis property includes a vast territory which, like that of the syndicate spoken of, includes immense traots of gracing lands. Nearly all of this immense pofsesuiou is devoted to stock. St Louis Bepublic THE CLERK'S MISTAKE. Thought She Was a Hayseed Because She Ordered a KcroaeM Lamp. Just otter tbo night clerk bad come on nt tbo botel and curled bis mustache to bis likiug bis attention was called to business. "Keroseue lamp for 237,!' requested ! a bellboy. i "Kerosene lamp?" echoed tbe clerk as be whirled the register about "Let me see. Blandly and wife of Pluuker Ttlle in 237. I tbonght so. Never been in a first class botel before. Go back and show tboni bow to use the electric light Wonder they didn't send for a tallow candle," and tbe clerk took several of tbe corridor loungers into bis confidence. "Lady says if this botel can't afford a lamp to send up a gas stove and send it quick," said tbe bellboy, wbo bad made the round trip iu phenomenal time. "She acts pretty hot" "Pretty cold, I should think. Go back there aud open tbe register, show the lady bow to nse tbe water faucets and bow to turn off tbe electricity. Thank the Lord, she oan't blow it out" Tho next word from 237 came with a rush. It was brought by a vision cf loveliness, dressed in bewitching style. ber face flushed and berblue eyes throw-' ing off sparks. "Make cnt our bill and receipt it at ouce," she said as ber dain ty foot beat time on tbe marble tiling. "But. Mrs. Blondly" "Attend to my order, sir. Include in yonr bill a carriage aud an express wag on to transfer us and our things and tell Mr. Blondly when he comes iu that be will find nsat the other bouse, where we will spend the rest of the season. Understand, we must go at once. I waut to go to a hotel where it will bo possible to warm some milk for baby before tbe little angel st&rves to death." Then the loungers bad fnn with tbe clerk, and tbe best be could master was a sickly grin. Buffalo News. Zola's Proposed Leeiara Tour. It is reported that M. Zola has agreed io come to tbe United States aud deliver about 13 lectures, relating probably to anti-Semitism in Krauce and to tbe trials of Dreyfus and himself The arraugo inent is asserted to bave been made with Mr. Edmund Orson of Now York and to bave followed immediately upon tbe decision of tbe French government to grant M. Zola an appeal from tbe sen teuce of imprisoumeut lately pronounc ed npon bim. Aa interesting detail of Ibis report is that a sum approaching (00,000 is promised to M. Zulu for bis visit One conld wish perhaps that that i detail had been omitted. M. Zola would ' nndoubtedly excite great interest here ' and would draw full bouses, but be most interests Americans at present in ' bis character, lately assumed, of patriot aud protectant agaiust prejudice and in-1 Justice, aud interest based ou grounds uf that sort is hardly tnitablu for con- i version iuto cash. It is possible, bow- ' ever, that bis recent experiences bave ' bees costly, and that be has more than J ordinary need cf money. Harper's Weekly. Not Cas4 to Iraclla riaaea, Mrs. Huast wife Bridget, that is tbo seventh piece of cbina that you have broken within tbe last two days. Bridget I know, mum. At tba last place where I wor-rked tbe folks never ate off of aonytbing but goold aud sil ver. Souier villa (Mass.) Journal. A Bible is now in the possessioD of tbe Forty-sixth regiment of Massachu setts npon wbicb Washington once took an oath of Masonry. Iu Paris fbarlty. ocm person In 18 live on CASTOR I A Tor lafanU and CMldrtn. Til Mod You Han Always Eosght Baars the Btfaavtarsj lUnjiai and Hullnrt and Bl rings of all k lads at Da atrr, the Jeweler. a. Hscaa4e4 Hero. The story of. Bergeant Walker, who was kept prisoner for six weeks by tbe Afrldia and was court martialed for being "abseut without leave," remiuds me of an Indian tale of 1757, when a nian-o'-war's man, Strahan by name. uafning tbe walls without discovery, be took it into bis head to scale a breach made by the cannon of the ships, and on reaching tbe platform he flourished his cntlasa and fired bis pistol at "the niggurs," shouting, "The place is minel" The native soldiers attacked him, and " 1 eTar takes another tort as long as I livest" Loudou Sketch. Horsepower. Watt, tho great improver of the steam engiue, introduced into tbe vocabulary of machinists tbe term horsepower. Wheu he first began the manufacture of was designed to replace. Acting upon this bint, he ascertained by experiment that tbo very strongest of tbe Loudon brewers' horses (animals of wonderful size aud strength) conld exert a force equivalent to raising 33,000 pouuds one toot in a minute. This force he called one horsepower, and adopted it as the standard in regulating tha size of steam engines. Now, not oue horse iu 100 is able to exert that degrerof strength. A steam eugine of teu horsepower can, in reality, do tbe work of about 20 horses. New York Ledger. Legend of tba Tea Plant. : Dharma, tho ascetio priest, was the son of a king of India. , He went into China, and for tbe space of nine years tx remained iu coutomplation iua tem ple. Later be went to Japau, and be died on Mouut Katavka. Ho imposed npon himself, as the first rule of bis life, privation from sleep. Uue day, in- cignant at falling asleep, be cut off bis eyelids aud threw them away as miser able sinuers. From the spot where tbe eyelids bad fallen sprang up a bush which is tbe teu plant, aHurdiug tbe perfumed beverage which chases aWay sleep. Vick's Magaziue. An Kngllsh Dozen. I was in a well known lauipsbop with a friend tbe other day. Be was seeking some of those stubby candles of generous diameter which are nsed as night lights iu sickrooms. Tbe price was CO cents a box. "A dozcu iua box?" be asked. "So, II." "Uutwhy not a dozen?" "Bos isn't big euon);b," said the shopkeeper. "But why tl' n't they make tbe box big euougb?" asked my frieud. " Because they're Euglish." "'hut was all. Time aud the J-.,i They Seattorw So many people talk at random that tnlfof wha is said never makes a hit New Orleans Picayune. EMI CURED BY CUTICURA I was troubled several years with chronlo Eoema,oa my bsad and face. I took medi cal treatment from tiro doctors and several lotiona, bat received little relief. At titan, the dreadful Itching became almost intoler able. When I was heated, tha Eczema became palnfnl, and almost distracted ana. I tried ConcnOA Rkukdiss. Ths Ecsema rapidly UMwnmf, and an tttll, nth no (race of mnv rreni rfiaane. J. Ell MFTT REE VE8, Ttb.Si, IS9S, Box US, Thorn town, but Sesaav Ceee TemsraeirT ma Torrraiso, rtitrie vuttf llt-uoRs. a-iTit I -asms Hue.-wnn hethtwidi Ci'tHt'Rt S.itr, vefttts nwtttii.ri - aaiU 4ms af Una s a.i.nrT. fesrse. Uew U law Torttalae Stia 1H fc- li I t.MI.'Jlli'WVllllll " ALL VGMEH JiHT-Tifrrij of all the pain andsicknsssfrom which women suffer Is cataed by weakness or derangement In the organs of meastruatlan. Nearly always whtn a woman Is not well these organs ara affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman la vary seldom sick. Is nslurs's provtalon lor the re ro tation ol the menstrual function. It cures sll " female troubles." It la equally affective, cr tbe fit I la ber teens, tha young wife with do mertlo and malarnal erea, and the voman approaching the period known as ths " Chani Mje el Thty cl Ufa." They all need It. btasfitud by it, are all eV aeMre eiass fe-tff rreefil slletetlonv adtreti. rf Ry.,np.-:.T.s1 the " L&3v' AMsrnr fcirau-wt.'' Tee Ch.ruaaoea MeOUaa Caw. T Ti'tr aaass.Tsu. IM01. 1. tWH, Titm'J. tttst ssrsj are fetes eaCWs Irs at ee Irraaater SSHt astaeat aiawstraabea aS sisters snMsrinamMt. Mlaa at CaMat aeelreeff sai.S aef aaS alaa a.'seS Bit sasar Ifcmoaa s Casaaa at Uw." iki-i'iriVsisiiiiu Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored antee to Cure Insomnia, Fiti, Dixxineaa, Hysteria, Nervous Ltebllur, Uost Vitality, beantnal Losses, Failina Memory the result of Over-work. Worry. Sickness, Errors at Youth or Over-indulgence. mci euc. aaa at awes aa, For quick, positive and lasting reaults hi Sexual 'eakness. Impoteticy. Nervoue Debility nod Lost Vitality, use BLUE LABEL SPEOIAL elouble strength will give strength and tone to every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest ana beat. Pills Si! by mei FREE A bottle of the famous Jspai Liver pel ets will ne riven with a si box ven with a It box or snore of ataf. actk Nervine, Ire. Sold only by F.S. DUFFY, Now Berne, N. . Lodge Directory: BOKKKA LODGB NO. T, I. O. O. T. : 019 Mra: R.J. Dlsoswav. N ().: C. It. Hull. V. O.; J. L. Moody, H'c'd. rSec'ty; J. R. Parker, Jr., Treaa. Kcmilar meotttma everv Monday Qlrht at & uo o'clock. . . ... , CAl.TJalKT KNCAMPMRNT NO. 4. 1. O. O. F. Omeers: O. H. Hall, O. 1'.: P. It llyntan, II. f.;N.(J. Iluirliea, S. W.; A. K IUDImrtl, I. W.i It. O. Luiustlen. fertile: K. Ueruck. Treaa, lteajjlar KncauipmentK, lat. 8tL and 5th (It any) riiarwlay i IkIjU In oach month at 70: o'clock tTHEKIA liOUUB NO. S. K. t ".-Meets every Tuesday ntulit In their ;aMlo Hall, Middle "'eet.; vtaiiliur Knlirnta wlM lecolve a clilvalr'o welcoun-. J. Jl. Smith, C. Ci A. E. I'lttinan, . O.; W. P. mon, K. R. h.; C. O. Thornton, Jl. of V. J. J. Ilaxler, M. of K. I'ANTOS CLKbirfONT HO. 1, P. II-I. O. O. t, iiftlconi: Oeo. 81ovor. Cantaln: T. O. Mv- man, Lieut t P. II Pelletler, Enslun ; Wm. J. Pitta, Clerk ; Ed. Heroes', Aocountnnt. Keg Dlar CantonmentH, M and 4th Tliurstlay a'ttntsineaeninonuiatswi n-otoea- , ''HAVEN LODGE NO.l, KNIGHTS OF HAR MONY: Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday uielita In each month lu Rountrev's Hall. USOo clork. B. It llaJL, Prtsldent; J. U. Smith, Secretary. - .IOHN'8 I.OIMjK NO. S. A. r. AND A M: Onioers:-T. W. Iwwew. m.j N. Oafo, 8. W.; George Green, J. W.; T. A. Green, Treas.; W J Pltte. Becty. Regular Coin niumcaUona id Wednesday each month. (JIIATTAWKA TRIBE TtO. 14. IMP. O. It. M Meets the Sad Sleep of every 7 Huns Monday nlirhH ai K. 01 P. Castle Hall. Middle ftr.'Ot. New lWn , N. c. Visiting Keil Mm alwavs weloome. T. J. Pae, Sachem; J. II. Soillh, ColK JKW BERNE CHAFFER NO. 46, R. A. M.: ifllcenis T. A. UreeiuH. P K.: T. W. Dewnv. Scribe: Chas. Duffv. Treaa.: C. I). Rrndham, Bec'ty. Ileirular Convnca- '.131UI ai MOuav eacn nirmui. - ST. JOHN'S COMMANDER? NO. 10, K.T.: Officers:!. W. Dewey, K.C.; Jas. Redmond G.;T. G. Hymaii, C. G ; T. F. Mc anihy, Prelate; R. S. Primrose. Recorder. Reuulai Conclaves first and third Fridavs ol the month. KMUHTS or noNOU-Ofnceni: R. D. Pope, Rotator; O. 1.. Vinson, Iteiortor; W. F. Kouitoe, KininclBl K'-iiorter New lb me line No. its meela the 2nd and 4th rrldav nivhta nt TOo'oiock iu Rountreo'a Uall, Kiliutk Street. v SKW BKItNK I.ODCK' NO. 1, V. II. A C J. C. Scales, Prest ; i. H. S ttl'h, Keoonlinif Snety; K. K. gulnu-y, Flnnncliil tH-cty. Ueets In Knlithtj- of l' thins hall every 1st and 3rd Wednesday nuhta lit each month. Wiip.n talking to YOU . . . . About Furniture The sharpestjioict we can argue is the facial hat our Long kstauusiikd business and the Great Army of Sat isfied Patrons - we have made is the best testimony as to the quality of Jnir goods and the way we do buslnesp. ... ALL KINDS OF Desirable r.nte fonnd here hurniture i "rKt r - --.-- If you are contemplating the purchase Of Furniture a call alj my Hon 3 a ill Jirove profitable. John Suter, Under Hotel Chstlawka. w Berne, N. C. P TVM. DUNS, JAS. BE1UI0M), Presideit. Vice Prrs, B. B.fiTJION, Reely Treas. New Berne Ice Co- lHaaafactareTS , Pure Crystal Ice, From Distilled Water. Out-put 30 Tods Dull v. uar JiOnd lt a Popi-ile-i. Ice rlrlivered daily (except Suadn v) a. m. to t p m. bunnays (retail only) 7 a. iu. io 1: nKMi. For prices and otht-r information. adiirsM. ILK. tl'JION. Manawer. Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle St., New feme, N. C. llij'Hlclan.i PrcwcrlplfoiiM A Nicclal(y. A lvaib Kupply of Lamlrrths uariien Urctl. t rrU S Ircttxl N.C. Collard Heed. AdmiuUtralat't Notice. Hat leg duly rjnalir.etl as Administra tor on iltv estate nf Itollle A. Kllla, ile, on Ike t lnl day of May 1H1 All peraoas nwlng salil eaial are beseby Bollfttd to make prompt pay ment. All parsons lioMIn rlaliia aralnal eld estate are niHlned lo ptcaeat the same dulyvetllltd lu lite nn.ler.lane,! Ailailulslietor na or lfra Stay J ltd, I Hue, or thia anlire will be pleaded In Ur of tbeir recovery. r. (itnofK, Atlmlnt.tratnr. T. j.turner! i 1 rrr w vn a ir T ? lOWPBICES ! We have Just noeived another Fine Slock of FURNITURE emulating of Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Chiffoniers, I Ward Rubes and Uall Stands at Lowest Prices ever known. TO THE LADIES I Oivo your orders to T. J. TURNER with your Small Ficture .f yourself or anyone of your family and he will fur nish you a fine 16x20 Crayon Picture for $1 98 16x20 Fine Pastel Only 2 98 16x20 Sephia, latest' style 2 98 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Toucan see a flue sample of this work at iny store. ' This fine work is done by tbe Owens Portrait Co , of Chicago. T. J. Turner is the cheapest place to buy your nico Toilet Sets, Mosquito Can opy and Fancy Willow Rockers. A call at our new store, 75 Middle Street, will not only prove to be pleasant but benefi cial. '. ."v.' V'T' T. J. TURNER FURNirURB 10 M Middle Slrct-t, New litne. N. O. A Good Telephone - SERVICK IS A IlUSINESt NECESSITY,.' A 1IOMK CONVENIENCE. A COM- i ' 111NEI) . r . . . . . . . Ncc'N.sij'. Cuivfiih'iice, Order Your Phone at Once 1 Its True, Too. liutvery many people will not lind it ouuiutil too late. Looks und low price will deride their choice. The wise man and wise woman will. however, deliberate and, having deliber aietl, will discriminate in making their bicycle purchases. They will realize that good looks are often nut enamel-deep that low price is often but bait for the unwary that one lias but one life lo live, and it is short and sw ft, while surgeons' billa ate high and unwelcome. They will realize that first cost is not everyliilnir, ami that it is "better to l sure limn to lie sorry." And there's where we come in with o-tr Columbia and Hartford ISIcycIea. All the world knows llim knows 'that their makers are too (irmly ratal)- lislmt anil too It-alous of tin Ir proud rep utations In endanger them. Tin y nppt-al to discriminating buyers. The wheels liavejtorNi looks, of course, ittit I hey hare intrinsic worth as well. We have the separate parts in the rouph lo show the skeptical or to help those who are deliberating. . . Wife T. HlfiTi, 3Ct, 61 So. Front St., New Berne. N. 0. A Story Wlthont Words That Is brins; told every day, now A slcry without words Is cnnlaiiied in every hox of Delicious and Unliilv Con fections that we make for a ciitical nuli- lic They tell lliat they are moat excel lent nnd tootluunne monu-ls that am manufnet tired, ami our fino rhneolalo Concoctions are tempting to tbe fislid- tous taste. Corner Pollock and Middle SIS. Don't forget the place. C. J. McSorley A Co. WAR! 4111 KO WAW Wo Have the Nicest Line of , . ICefrlgernlom niul Wnlsr C?oIevm . . In the f'lly. Also such Srasonaldn Artlt-la-a aa Fly Traps, Screen Moors, Wiinlow Hrrecns, Ice Cream Krrrarra. f!J anil Motue Traps. Clanrs Scissors sn-1 nasora, every ar- lK-le with tlx name i4 Claaaa on same s fully warranted. Excelsior and I'.lmo Ctmk Stoves, No Fancy Caallne;, bnt we guarantee them to give sallsfaction. . L. II. I'll TUN HAUDWARK 10 BO v CXFERICNCK iK'lig t Tfir Marks ' I I ' CoFypKKT Aft. AnwrftO Mmting sittew r mrA rtsM-v H ksi a tfcaftel rtrt If ruMiSrtem' I at i( unllw axil f re-st lll-l-al sur f. w iiun ltxanfe i ssa '.HI 'lafTl Iftfe A , ruajV 4VVlV...ll.V Jfe... Ui.e A krH'rtrr ft ftMs p) Vti I I Ml iBiircs - c At UnliCurd I am Selling a Bran New Western or Cincin nati Buggy for $25.00. ..- U yon want a Snrr; I can sell jou one jtist from the factory for $05. ' ' I also liave on liai il H"paics made by Randolph, Kinston, N. C; Tyson and Jones, Cwtliajse, N. C; Hufsoy, Tuibor-v N C; Hackney, Wilson, N. (J,; Bnrbnnr, S nth IWistoni Vtt., which I am elling chenp for tho CASH or O.N TIjIE. nRKAT HKDUCri'OX IN WHIPS. For tho next 30 tiayg I will st II Whips for 50o on the 1 00. . New Line of Summer liohes Just lfeceivcd. ' Have IIORSKS AND MULKS which will be sold at Rmlured Prices, . a? I want to reduco n.y stock for the Uon'l Forget thai I am in the t!8i, 70. Ti. 7ii 74. 74AKD 70 l!U0AI STIiEKT. M. Hahn & Co., Livery, Sale & Exchange Stables. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I EALERS :N X COMPLETK LiNiror- Buggies, Poad Carts and Harness. No. 'f liS, 120 and THE NEW BERN FIRE OF NEW CAPITAL, laTDOES A GENEItAL FIUE INSURANCK IlfSISESS. T. A. URKKN. rrcsidcnt. QKOHUK (1MEEN, Secretary. ll. J. WOLriKDtH, Gcn'l Arcdi. J. V. WlLLIAflS Si Co. U GREESWICfl STI'.EKT, NEW YOKK. TIrrcliniiilirxc ISrokri-N mill 1iiiih!mm1oii ?frrflimilM, j Are In potMlon tnnhlnln IHithrat . I'rlees f TltUCK, fltOUUCK, r Hit, tie. We sl. make a Specialty ut Buying tor Koiultern TratK IVoIVE Us A TUIAU-Vkt, Flats, All Sizes,,;, ;fartl,n Lna. on Dirk or la 1I..I.1. Red Heart Mand-Mado oml , 5wrd 5hlng c I Always on II mil. I Cut IVIits on Brick, Uihs and Kence r.nU. Rtova Wood Cut and J live red to your door. See bio imu i The Shingle Han. A CAUI.OAU OF IVtt laltMlif-ln niul Itarrrl Cuter J Jl ST Hit HVKli. .3. r.. :.':!iA'i, - ziins z of Prices. nimmer. tlirnees IS si neap. lew 'Berne, N. G. I ja Hiddle Street. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 w. n. ri,ADES,iYllNir . . Offlcf: OVER 1'ITIZCKS BANK I DEALER l.V ji:m:imi, II AltDU .viti:, ANO AIX KINDS OF- MiTOtliaU Wire Netllnr, Screen DairsA Windows. Itcfrlgrratorn, Wlileli are Ike ttra'. Tltey have lint few iials and NO gUI'EKIOIt". Cream Fret-sera, 'rVat-rOil-ra. Michigan Hlovr and Rancaw. Ag-nt Ovvrw's ratnla. Under Hotel Chattawka, New Berne, N. C. ka rrliUlrwd d ail r-t tot ft Unnt a.ea , OuOfYiflt-ofiT1U r-Ttrsf orr.r , r'' Ut tSM bus tfcUI rsrrWMs Tmrft . aali. ratV tWtaaJ 4'WK,.r nsr etrtna .UJ , V Sk'l II i I hat fva r.4 I'll fMlnl be) .-1 Pts I . In iha) L', fi. Maui 1..,. - . T r r .J ja-s f a mm it buetitwaskfj tfW)l.M

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