AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. t.T! ARE .SSERTIXG IN THE COURTS OVR EIGHT TO ; t::f. rxcxuHiva use of the word "castoria," ajcd lTTCiltR'S CASTORLV" A3 OUR TRADEMARK. : I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts-, was the originator cf "CASTOR. A," the same that has horns and does now lear n? - on every the facsimile signature of(&yffi4jfa wrapper. ; This is theorigind "CA3TORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY rt ihe wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always houjht - on the and ha3 the signature, of wrap per. No one has authority fron me to use my name except . - The Centaur Company, if which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. Bo Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger t!: 2 life cf yov.r child by accepting a cheap substitute vlud some c'riirjrjic'. may offer you ' (because he makes a unv more penniy.i on it), the in gredients of which even I J tyz r.oc know. "The Kind You. Have Always Bought"; ucaho me. oiUNAlunfc Ut- THE RIDDLE OF THING3 THAT ARE." Insist on Haying The Kind That Never Med Yon. TH( CCNTAUH COMPANY, TT MUHRAV BTHKKT, NCWVOHK CITY. STEAMERS- CAROLINA DISPATCH AND- 1 Sleamsliip C LINE, PROFESSIONAL. FREIGHT h PASSENGER, F. M. Simmons, A. I. Ward J. H. Fon. E. W. Pou SIMMONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS al LAW. OQlce 68 So, Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel cualtawka. (Offices also at Raleigh and Smithflekl.) raottoe In the oountiea ot Craven. Dnnllu Jones, Onslow, Carteret Pamlieu. Wake, Johnston, Iinrnott and Wilson; in ;ne hti prcine ana ronerai conns, aua vnerever service aro (lestn-fl. For All Points North. . The Steamer . NEUSE will lento on Mo tUva, Wednesdays, ami tVi'iaya at 5 p. ui., alutrp. Mak ins; no stops botwujti New licruu to Jiiizihrth (Jitv. The Steamer NICWllEltNE will sail on Tuesdays liDd Fridays at 11 o'clock, noon, making landings Island. . ' tW Freight rocoivod not later than ouo hour previous to sailing. Fur farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Kino, Oen. Mgr., ' II. 0. Ui'iiNtOen.Frt.& rass.Ajjt. Norfolk, Vu. New Borne, N. U Sept. 18. IS:!' P. II. Pellctler, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyers Brick Building. Will practice In the Counties of Graver fartorefc, Jones, Onslow and rnrnllco. IM . Court at New Berne and tiuprciuo Court 1 ' he Statu. ITIZEN'S BANK : oi mrrBirBmBi,N.a. DO A SKHBKAIi BASKIHl KUblNKm The Aeeonnu ot Banks, Bankers, Corpor atlons. Farmers, Merclianta and others re oelved on lttvonbhle terms, Krocipt and caje hit attention given to the Intel rr ot ouroui tomers. Collections a Bpooialty. HOARD OV Dl BVOTORS. A. A N. V. II. TUB TAIII.K NO. 4. it. Ferdinand Ulrica A. M endows. Haruuol W. Ipock, Chut. II. Fowler, w. urauiKer, W. Small wood. (too. N. Ives. To Take Effect Sunday, November 23th, 1337, at 13 M. Going Eant .SflllKDCi.K:' Going Wl N0..8 1 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv, p m . stations: Ar. m 8 40 Golditboro., ....... .11 05 4 09.. LaGrauge 10 83 4 8). . . Klnslou ...1012 5 81 Ar. New Heme, Lr...... 910 8 45 Lv. " Ar. .... 8 9 6 57. . . . Ar. Moreliead city Lv 7 47 No. 1. f I I No. S. Mi'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and IWTu. I I Fas. Tn. Lr. im Ar. p m .A. 11RYAN, THOS. DANIELS, President. Y ice Pres. . H. ROBERTS. Cashier. The national bank, Or NKW BKttNK. N. O. CaplUI $100,000 Surplus Profits .98,168 DlKtCTOKht 7 10. 7 43. 8 08 8 30. 914. 9 28 Caswell 9 48 Ar. Dover, Lv 1018 Lv. Ar 10 40 o... core creek 11 15 Ttiscarora 11 81. Clark's ..OoUsboro 8 00 Real's 720 .... LaUrange 8 50 ..Falling creek 8 20 ...... Kinston 000 51 800 420 40C sue 8 2(1 2 tO 12 03 Ar. New Eerne, Lv ISO Lv. ' Ar 1047 1 19 Riverdal 10 CO 20...., .....croatao ...1000 tiS. ..Iiavelock 9 40 8 12... Newport, Lt 906 8 23... Wild wood 8 47 8 81 Atlantic 8 88 1 48... . Ar. Moreliead city, Lv 8 90 401. ...Ar. II. city Dupot, Lt 7 50 r. m. a. h. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. f rueaday, Tbutaday and Saturday. - 8. L. DILL, Puperlnlendaat BRANCH OFFICE , IV. A. IVtAld ft Co. f Successors II. W.llsbyH Co.) llaitkerN, lUlil IlroIirr.H. Rt.rls, llosds. (Ilea. tJraln. I'rerliloai I ...;k-i.t aii'l lil fur mull or on mirgln ml i r rriil. In lots frum '.'0 ap, ( t. . r 1 .! i . . 1 1 I' ichMni.','. f ' HiiiU I. frt'tHs. , ? . .....i nil nt ion. a. o Nr.vr-n:nv. M rttnijM'r. We walk in a world where bo ui The riddle of thlnm that are. From a tiuy fern tn the valley's bears . ?o the light of the largest star. Yet we know that the preasnro of life Is hard And the silence of death Is deep As we tall and rlro on the tangled way That leads to the gate of bleep. We know that the problems of sin and pain And the passions that lead to crime . Are tho uijsterk-s locked from age to age In the awful vault of Time, Yet we lift our weary feet and strive Through the mire snd mist to gropo And find a ledge on the mount of Faith In the morning land of Hope. Harper's Weekly. WaeovAaf Ceaga. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that . any medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement and one bottle cured him entirely. It is the best cough medicine 1 ever had In the house J. L, Mookr, South Burgeltslown, Pa. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. RICHES IN TRIFLES. Will be Correct. Chart Dealer This map Is not authen tic. Spain is left off entirely. Drummer Yes, sir; that is for the fall trade. New York Evening Journal, Saffering- Women Instantly Relieved. The Fkmicuke Tahi.ets almost in stantly relieve all pain, aching and sore ' ness in the womb. They are applied Borne Big Fortunes That Have) Come From little Inventions. It has become almost an axiom with the majority tbat larger fortunes are to be raised from some simple invention I than from difficult and expensive iuven- itntia t.haf ttivnlvo a nrMtt nnllav rtt money to manufacture. This is to a directly to Ihe affected parts, and act certain extent true. A certain Amori- liko 8 soothing healing poultice, draw- can patent for fastening kid gloves tins ing out fever and pain. If used In con- yielded a fortune of several hundred neclion with the Femicoiib Tonic, will thousand dollars for its fortunate owner, speedily and radically cure all forms of and the inventor of a oollar clasp enjoys i Female Complaints and Weaknesses; In $20,000 royalty a year as the reward I cluding Falllng of lue Womb, Ulceration en n "i of the Womb, Congestion of the Ovaries, 50,000 in five years , , , . ... f . , r . for its patentee, and tho simple twisting . 1UUUU1 "u ieusiruuuu, cf safetv tins in such a wav that there Leucorrhcea or Whiles. Weight and Pain is no possible danger of the point stick- in reivia, uragging sensation in uroin, ing in the child promises to enrich its Aching and Fain in Back and Limbs, owner beyond any of bis early dreams Flooding, Etc. Try this new and sur of wealth. A man one day turned a nrisinir cure. Femlcure Tonic 1.00. piece of wire so as to hold a cork more FemIcuro TabIcts (U treatments) $1.00. securely in a bottle and forthwith some-1 So,d b , Pharrnacyi New Berne, body saw a brilliant idea nnd patented ' J ' the modern wire stopper bolder, which Economy is now used annually on several million bottles. The accidental betiding of a Claudo I thought you were not going hairpin by a woman to prevent it from to pay more than $50 for a wheel, sliding ont of her hair so easily produc- Maud I didn't mean to when I went cd a fortune for ber husband, who iin- into the store, but he said if I'd take 8 45 609 8T7 7 85 14 AO 5 (12 4 50 11 87 FINANCIAL. A. Ureon, Pres.: E.H. Meadows, Vice Fret H. H. Gaovis, Cashier. mediately saw the possibilities of a crinkled hairpin for women. Instances could be multiplied indefi nitely of large fortunes being made from small inventions, but fortunately for those inventors who make a lifo study of intricate problems of mechanics and disdain to waste their talents upon trivial, popular articles of tbe day there is often also ample reward held in store for the products that take years to produce and which revolutionize ex isting methods of industry and me chanics. Edison has reaped honors and riches of a pr'inooly character from bis discov eries; MoCormiek baB realized in his' reaper the fortunes of a millionaire ; tbe i Corliss engine brought honors nnd dec-1 orations to its inventor and eunbled. him to amass a great fortune in a few yearB; Professor Bell found in his tele phone not only the consummation ot bis early hopes and ambitious, but a sub stantial peenniary reward; harreyized steel armor has beconio synonymous with the inventor's Gams, and it brings an annual income of hugo proportions to its discoverer; Elins llowo, the in ventor of the sewing machiuo, realized over 83,000,000 from his inventions, and Nikola Tosln, though still young and rich in promises, finds an nbnn duueo of money in bis work. George Etkelbert Walsh in Cassior s Maguzine. the $(10 wheel he would let me have a dollar pump for 08 cents. Indianapolis Journal. 8100. Dr. E. netehon'snlt Dlurelie May bo worth more to you thau $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble al once. $1. Bold by C. D. Brad ham, druggist, New Berne, N. C. Sheriff's Tax Tievy. By virtus of the Tax List of Craven County in my hands for collection for tbe year 1897, and In default of payment, acrordinir to tbe provisions of the exist ing law,! have levied on the following described property. Sale will take place June bin, KAUB. LOCATION. TAX & COST. TewNI, Ke. I. Chapman, R E 135 acres Little ck Johnson, Peter 11 acres branch Morris. W R 101 acres Plney Neck Fillingham, W II Jr !!7J acres Neuse river Teiwufthlp, Na. 3. Becton, Ceasar 700 acres Popular Swamp Clarke W E 5G2 acres Dover Tuwn.tllp 9Jo. 5. Taylor, N II 100 acres Cokoquc Towuntlip No. O. Nelson, Aaron 25 Si acres Have lock TWHNlll No, 7.- Ivcs, Bryan W acre Itiverdale Tnwnxhlp Hit. 8. Banks, Hannah 1 lot Berne st Boyd, Geasar 95 seres Caswell branch Crsgg, A C 1 lot Jerkins alley Chapman, M W 1 lot cor Pine and Berne sts Conner, Andrew 1 lot Browns n'.ly Douglas, Frederick 5 lots Berne, Bryan, Broad and George sts Harris, Randall 10 acres Caswell branch Johnson, Ilev Jno S 1 lot Scotts alley Moore, Nanle S 60 acres Trent rd Pasteur, Henry 1 lot Jerkins alley Patterson, F T for wife, 1 lot Johnson st; 1 lot New St. Riggs, E R 4 7 acres, Batrlielors Creek Stluison Lumber Co. by C M Dock ham, Gen. Maug'r. 1 lot Queen street 14(! 95 Simpson, Rufus L 1 lot, Bryan street Smyer, ilev R A 1 lot, White st; 2 lots A & N C Road Satterthwalte, Wm 1 lot corner Broad and Chapman st Wadsworth, Dennis 1 lot Queen and Pollock sis, Whitfield, Jesse 2 acres, Pembroke Road North Carolina. AUTKUKT Col NTt ( Loum Snow. Jr.. on be- half of liimwlf and all oilier crtditoni of 11. e Whiio )k River (,'or- porulioii. Superior Court. '82 8 81 IS 75 4 48 23 02 2 83 15 2 8!l (i 95 52 52 E iscouragisg. Bob "WhtU's the mslter? Has the heiress refused you?" Dick "Well, I don t know as you could call it a refusal exactly, but we had hardly got seated in the parlor be fore she said it was a pity that all our best men had gono to war." 4 03 10 4; 8 22 10 34 Townablp No. 9. Charlton, leir's by T B Ipock agt. 300 acres, Railroad French, L J 20 acres, Turkey Quar ters French, F J 37 acres, Wildcat Davis, Daniel heirs by Guthrie Davis, sgt. 100 acres, Dover Road 5 (15 7 08 6 3 54 3 47 K. II. Meadows, . Chart. Dufly, Jr. James Kedmood, Mayer llahn, Thomas A. Ureer, C. K. For. W. F. Crockett. J as. A. Brtak, Chas. 8. HarAS, Jo, Dusk, 6. H. BosssT Tho. DAimu. J. H. HACKBuair' L. Hakvbv M.E Biaiior Saved hy Cat. Sir Edward Osborne, lord mayor of London in his time, bonght nu ancient housu in Yorkshire, and sent hie chil dren thither. There were two boys. Tho elder dutifully obeyed when summoned to his lessons ouo luoruiug in a turret, hut the younger, loitering, "happed to light upon a cat which he delighted to play with and crept after ber to catch ber under a table in tho room, which was covered over with a carpet banging down to the floor." Thus he disappear ed, and next instant a terrible rush ot wiud overthrew tbe turret, in which bis brother and the tutor eat at work, crushing tbem todeutu. opposing tbat both her sons were there, tbe mother fell into convulsions, and we imagine tbe scene. One of the maids, running in a distracted manner from room to room, caught sight of the small boy peeping from under tbe table, with tbe cat in his arms, matched him . np and bore him in eostasy to his mother, he only crying, "I pray theo, I pray thee. do not whip me I" Bo it may be said tbat tbe Duke of Leeds now owes his existence to a cat. Pall Mall Gazette. F. & M. BANK, HAT 1st. 1808. Capital Stock 7,000.00 Sarpln 8.100,00 Uadlrlded Profits, 8,170.08 ' OFFICERS: L. II. CtiTi.xa. President V . 8. Ciiauwick, Vice Pres. T. W. Dswsy, Cashier. J. W. lirPDU, Teller. F. F. Mattiiiwb. Collector. DIRECTORS: Wm. B. Blades, M.M.Mark, (J. li. Bradhaiu, P. II. I'ellellor, U ti. Culler, Jno. outer, W. t?. Cbadwick. J. W. btewart, T. W. Dewey. Wa want your business and fool tbat wa can offer yoa a much in return a any other bank In lb city. It la our endeavor to mak business relation mut ally pleasant and proHlabia to our pair una. TAX NAIVE. Tlrvlrlueof the City Tax List In my hands, ( have Ihi day levied upon the following real ealal to satisfy the taxes due and unpaid for tho year 1H17, and will al public outery, at the court nous door In Uie city of New HVne, County of Crwvan and Kinie of North Carolina at II o'clock M., oa Monday. Jun liliu. 1H0& I1UOU J. LOVIOK. Cily Tax Collector, Name. Blrert. Tax 4 Cost Cruet. A 0 Jerkins alley 4 9-1 ChsiMO.n. M W I'lit. Darn and lroil si 8 02 Clarke, W K part owner and agent Hoot I lieits 4 lot Richardson' l-ond 8 IB Douglass. Frrderlrk, New Pr.nlU Font si, Bern st, itroad st, Dry. an si. (loorir. at west side .(Innrue) at sMn IX 8B .Johnson. Jim S FVott S alley lilt (irimi, H'l.-s r st 7 14 Sinvrr, ll It A A dt N O , It K n. hll. .1 1 Stir. t. H It . r wit fVllfx k st 11 U a.Li,tli, iMibis I'.JmkIi m yitl SIB 4 It Many soldiers now feel tlio effects of the hard service they endured during the war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of Ross- ville, York county, Penn., who saw the hardest kind of service at the front, is now frequently troubled with rheuma tism. "I bad a severe attack lately," he says, and procured a bottle ot Cham berlain' s l'ain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know what ou would chargo me for one dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted I' both for his own use and to supply it to his friends and neighbors, as every family hould have a .bottle of it In Ihcir home, not only for rheumatism, but lamo back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is unequalled, tor sale by F. S. Duffy. Didn't Fool the Old Man. A somewhat reckless youth who had enlisted for the war and had spent his time in camp in writing home for money Anally sent this telegram as "a cllnchcn" "Father: Leg Bbot off In sham battle. Send all funds you can." To this the old man replied: "Son: Don't know your number, but wooden leg goes to you by express. If doesn't fit, get camp carpenter to plane It. Love. All here well." MystiaeaAloa. His weakness wa prevarication. His wife detested ly lug and constantly nrged bim to mend hi ways. Ouo morning ib said: "Will, set If yoa can t be per feotly truthful today. Don't tell a lie. Now, promise I" He promised and went away to work. When be came home to dinner, aba said : "Dear, did yoa keep yonr promise?" "I did," be replied soberly. Then be caught her In bis arm. "Darling," be cried, "I will not 11 to yoa. When I said I had kept my promise to yoa, I did not tell the troth bat, believe me, that wa tbe only 11 I told all day." For 93 seconds she was lost in per ploxity. Than sbo gar It np; tb prob lem was loo deep for her. Nw York World. . Im It AIL "By the way, Tom," (aid Mr. Man nlna to his (on, fresh from academle grove, "I bar been thinking tb mat te over, and I bar come to theonolo don that I bad better to to school some- wber and that yuo had better tak tb business and ran it II cannot belp Im proving onder tb y of ou so gifted as yourseir." Boston Transcript, mall Tommyl Wish. Small Tommy wss very food of oandy and asked, "Mamma, can God mak anything b want to?" "Of coarse be can." was tb reply, "Woll," siclslined th littla fellow, "I'd Just Ilk lo sm bliu mak (tick f eaudy with only on and to It" Memphis Boimlur. TdCMaiao iMArM saaB. Permanently eurcd by th masterly power of Houtb Amertntn Nervine Tonlo. Invalid nerd enffer BO longer because this frral remedy can cur them all. I I cur for the whnl world Of tomach weakness and Indigestion, Tb par be gins wlih Hm first dnee. The roltrf ll bring I marvelous ami turririalna-. It makr no fslluret never ilianpninla. rustler how long yoa bare sulTrmt, pure is rerlain urulrf the nsa of thta gi health glvlnf force. I'leeannt and si ways e.fe. Hold .y D. Kra lham, liiggtsl,..Trw llrn, ri. t. Why SulTer nil the Torturer of Rheumatism and Neuralgia whin you can bo relieved by Dr. Smithwick's Anti-Rheumatic Neuralgic Pills. A safe and efficient remedy in the treat ineut of all forms of Rheumatism and Neuralgia, whether acute or chronic, A remedy that I can recommend witli the utmost confidence, knowing thai It will do the most good in a given number of cases. Rheumatism is due to an excess of Uric Acid in the blood, which acts as an irritant. These pills contain drugs which will eliminate the Acid from the blood and soothe the intlamed and irrita ted parts, so that a cure is rapidly brought about. Neuralgia is an Inflamma tion of tho nerves. These pills will soothe and abate the inflammation in such a manner that the sufferer Is quickly re lieved, and a cure aliected. Price 50 cents per box. Prepared only hy J. W. P. Bmithwick. M. D. Lu- Qrnmro. N. C. 1' or sale by all aruggists, or can be uau tiy writing direct and icmitting price. Tho White ):ik River Coiporaiion. Notick ok Sai.u By l!i:i Pursuant lo Unit cerium Jtnlpiicnt and Dcciee of ihe Superior court of l ai crel county rendered at the spring term 1808 under which I as lleceivcr was or dered and dircclcd lo a :1 1 all l lie proper ty .assets and cITeci s or every kind ami de scription now rcm.'titiinif in iny hands uu sold.of Ihe White Oiik liiver Corporation, I will offer for .sale and sell lo die hieliesl hiilder for cash ou (he 15ih day of June, 1898, at the hour of 12 o'clock in., the following property of Ihe siiid Corpora tion, to-wit: All that rerlain mill, ma chinery, belling, pulleys, saws, and all other fixtures anil machinery of kind belonging or appertaining thereto, together with all that certain Lease hold interest in and to the land upon w hich said mill and sheds are situated; and together with all buildings belonging to and use in connection with said mill. Also all the loose and scattered lumber lyin ' and located upon the mill yard and within the buildings located upon the premises aforesaid;-also all the lease hold nterest in and to those ceriaiu lots or parcels of land the buildings and improve ments theieon located, upon which is situate,thc tenements, ollice buildings and stables, held by said Corporation under lease Iroin Mrs. Mary W. liarker. All of said property located and situate in the village ot Mella, Carteret county, Worth Carolina. Also that certain tramway, and fix tures and appurtenances, consisting of six miles more or less of ro id bed and right of way, rails and cross ties and the engine, cars, and appliances and appur tenances, conveyed to the White Oak liiver Corporation by the Jones and Onslow Tramway Company, consisting of a complete tramway system of six miles more or less in length and formerly owned and operated hy said Corporation. Also all the riL'lit title and interest of said Corporation in the Charter Stock and Franchise of the said The Jones and Onslow Tramway Company. Also all the right title interest anil estate of the White Oak River Corporation in and to all the following lands, timber and tim ber rights: Those two certain lots in the village of Stella, commonly known as lots unm- ber 15 and l(, known as the Hotel Prop erty, and fdlly ilcsciihed in a deed from Mrs. Alary W. Barker lo the White Oak Itiver Corporation: Recorded in Ihe ollice of the Register of Deeds of Car teret county in Book Q. Q. page 272. All those certain tracts of lands and the limber thereon, lying and being sit uate in the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, conveyed lo Ihe White Oak River Corporation by K illy E Terry and wife, by deed dated the Sit ti day of December 18HT, and recorded in the Reg ister's ollice of Onslow county Book 51, page 14'.': and being the same as conveyed to said Terry, hy Mary C. Bell and John C. Bell, by need dated the 14th day of December 188H and registered in said records liook 4i, pageoMi; anil hy .1. .V Henderson and Catherine J. Henderson hy deed dated the 25lh day of February 1887, recorded in said liook page .iiiH; fV Idle Oak river and on the norih-.-.-ist side of I'ti, k rtwnmp DeM-rilied in difltfiiim John t to K. K. Terry molded hi ihe words of mid county in liook i: I pace ;:;u. The Iniere l of the corporation In tlio tin, her and limber tigbis on Ihe certain t:ait of land ling in ,), s county at Hohi-!er' creek, known as the Cannon tract desirilud in a doed from Oinrire Ci.m:o:i lo K. E. Tenv datt-d Apiil&ih 'I he inliiei.1 of said corporation in I ha limber end ihnlier rights on the certain land lying in Joues county and described ilia deed from Manill I 'oiling to said corporation dated April 30th. 1H94. Also all the ligln tiile interest and in esiaie in and to all the lands, timber and limiier rights, of ihe said corporation, as owned in common with Thomas A. Mclntyic, lying and being situate iu any or all of the counties above named anil ( Isew here, as may not have been set out ami described above; and all other lands, limber, timber rights, and prop erly of every nature, kind or description, wherever located or situated, owned liy tiie White Oak River Corporation, in fee or for any shorter term; which may not have been described or set forth herein; Also a certain stei.mer formerly used hy said corporation in connection wilh the said mill, commonly known as the "Nannie B"; unless said boat shall the sooner be disposed of by private sale. A full description of all the foregoing property will be made known if desired on the day of sale: or any and all in formation may be had at any lime prior thereto by application to the Receiver or lo his attorneys, Clark & Union at New Berne, N. C. Said sale will he made at tlio village of Stella upon the premises on which the mill is located, and will begin at the hour above named and continue until all of Ihe above described property and all other property of the Corporation is sold anil disposed ot. Immediately upon the completion of such sales report thereof will be made to the Judge of the 6ih District at Cham bers for confirmation; and so soon as confirmation of said sales shall he had, title will be made to the purchaser or purchasers as provided for by the terms of said decree. This May 5th, 1898. JAMES A. BRYAN, Receiver White Oak River Corporation. CLARK & Of ION, Attorneys. , Administrator's Notice, Having duly qualified as administrator of tlie estate of Arthur Jones, deceased, on the 4th day of May, A. 11., iw, all persons owing said said estate are hire by notified to make prompt payment. All persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present the same duly verified to tho undersigned admin istrator on or before May 4th, 1809, or this notice will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. May 4th, 1868. ROBERT G. MOSELEY, Administrator, Commissioners Sale! Pursuant to the judgment of the Su perior court of Craven county, at Feh- and by deed from the same parlies dated ; ruary Term, ,80. in a certain suit there- StrXIEF INHIXHOUK DistresslngKldncy and Bladder disease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of It exceed- ng promptness in relieving pain In blad dcr, kidneys and back, la male or female. Relieve retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this ia the remedy. Hold by C. D. UraUham, Druggist, New lie rue, N. C. A Bat Balanc. lie wa making a hollow pretense of being hungry at breakfast. Had to stay at th office to balance the books last night, my dear," h te marked. She wa gazing gloomily out of tbe window, and upou th lawn Iher were divers tricks. "1 hop lb books were better balanced than yourself, when yoa got through,1 th answered, not without bitterness. February 25th 18H7 and registered in said in pending entitled Asa L. Hvnum, Book page 570; To which said deeds ref-! against Alfred Baker and wife. 1 will as erence is made for a full description of eomtnisjioner of said court expose to said tracts. public sale at Ihe Court Iloase door in ,i,. f ixi .iiaiH the city of .New Berne on Monday. Julv in Jones county North Carolina, adjoin-1 W:,H' u cl, ;' .''al cer ing the lands of Asa W. Morton and oth-1 ta'" n!t'5';u "r.Psrcc' ,f 1,111,1 situated in ers, containing 133 acres more or less cl of N.ew. Iiur,"u' "V C " helween liraggs as conveyed to said Corporation by Killy ; allcv and Stanly street, adjoining ,,e K. Terry on the 17th day of October ISSH " '"'"s- '"-'"H and recorded in the ollice of the Register 1 1. wiiicii was tornierly A. X. . llnllroml, New Berne, N. C. April 23, 1898. Supplement No. 2 to Time Table 4 ot Nov. 28, 1897. Iq IlTect Snniljy, April 24-12 M. From riorehead City to New Bern NO. 4 Passenger, Daily Except Stindny. Leave Moreliead City Dcol, 7 00 A. M " Atlantic Hotel, " Morehcod City. 7 23 " " Atlantic, 7 80 " " Wlldwood, 7 81 " " Newport, 7 41 " " llavelork, 7 55 " Croatan, 8 04 " " Riverdale, 8 08 " Arrive New Bern, 8 33 " I bar been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever line Ihe war and bav used all kinds of medicine for It At hut I found on remedy Uat ha been a success ss a ear, and that I Chamber lain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. X. Obisram, Oaar Mills, La. For sal by F. b Duffy. rjTThli train No. 4 will leave New Bern on regular schedule al 9: 10 A. M. a ususl, 8. L. DILL, Superintendent. Oeasral W basis r. Ia response to In query of a newspa per msa who aiked him bow be felt to b sgala wss ring tb blu uniform, Osn ral "Jo" Wheeler, th i-Confederat officer, who ha take a command la th Called Bute army, replied; "1 feal as If I had been on a furlough and bad Just got back." AasUer Cass f Baal Batista Car4 Caamserlala's Fab aUa. My (on wa afflicted with rheumatism which contracted hi right limb nolll a wa anahla to walk. After aslaf on and a hail boUlrs of Cbamoeruda' Pala flslra bo wa abl to b alnt again. I caa heartily recommend H to persons suffering from rheumatism. Joan Hal- !b. Freed, Cslhoua Co., W. V. For sis by F. H. Doffy. Eastern Carolina Dispatch and Old Dominion Line. Important Notice! On account of the stringent or der Issued by the War Department, rcfittiring the" early departure of Btewnier ont of the harbor of Nor folk, our Ktcaincrs will have to, anil earlier from New llerne. The (Steamer NKUSK must tail at 8 P. M. SHARP. Therefore lo Insure forwarding Perishable Frtlht oii the toAie day, it i neceasary that It be on our wharf not later than 4 p. n. GEO. HENDERSON, Agent New Berne, N. O, April 30, 1898. of Deeds of Jones county Book ;i7, page 219; to which reference is made. Also that certain tract of land king and being in Carteret county adjoining the lands ol Alonzo ( . I elleller and r.d ward W. Pcllelier, 570 A. more or less, as conveyed to the White Oak River Corporation by Killy E. Terry hy deed dated the I'-ilh day of February 1M91, and recorded in the ollice of Ihe Register of Deeds of Carteret county in Hook R. R. page 585. Also the timber rights ami tunuer standing and growing upon that cennin tract ot laud situated in Carteret county conveyed lo the said White Oak River Corpoialion by .1. A. Hay by deed Haled September IMti:i, bounded on the l-.ust nv W. Buck, ami J. Thomas, on the South by 1). S. Weeks, on Ihe West by the heirs of Eliiali Weeks, on tho North hy the heirs of Thomas Duncan containing 450 scress more or less. Deed recorded In Hook page . Also ail tiie timber standing and grow ing upon that certain tract of land in Jones county in White Oak Township bounded by the Main or Public road loading from Maysvllle to Stella, and the lands of P. C. Foy and Mancil Collins; as conveyed to the While Oak Corpora tion by C. D. Foy by deed dalcd July 'Jnd 18'J4. Also all Ihe timber Interest of said White Oak River Corporation in Hie lands lying In Onslow county as fully dcscrllied In a deed from Frank L. Mills to W. II. Mills, recorded in the records of said County Book 57, page 4811; containing by estimation one thousand acres. Also the Interest of said Corporation In the limber snd limlier rights, on I be tracts of land situate In Onslow county and near Hlarkcy's creek, drecrihed In a deed from Charles Thompson lo Lewis Humphrey, recorded In the reconn ot said County In Book No. 10 pago 55; ana conveyed to said oorporation ny John 1). Costln. All the Interest of the said Corporation In the timber and limber rights in those certain tracts of land lying In Jones county, While Oak Township and fully desctlued In a deed from Lewis Bynum and wife tn said Corporation daled March lOih lMOil. Recorded In the records of said County Book 40, psge 198. All the interest of said Corporations In the limber upon the lands described In a deed from W. J. Morton, to tbe Killy E Terry, lying In Jenes county and recorded in hook ii. Vi, l.xst; aotmning the lines of W. T. Cannon and John Collins. Tb interest of said corporation In a tract of land vine in Carteret county near wni:e oak river anil iiannoicreea, la Whit Oak township, and known as th Dudley Itno: detcrllierl in a aeea from R. B. Pullen lo K. E. Terry record ed In the records of said county, Book It II. owe 2NM. And the same a d scrilied In a"rieod from D. 8. Weeks to said Tcrrv. Tb Interest or islil corporation in ine timber and limber rights, on Ihe lands lying on the WhltaUsk read In Onslow eountv. contalnlnf !K)0 acre mora or leas, and as conveyed to K. K. Terry by Job Hiullu. by daed recorded In lb re cord ot said county In Book III, page 144. Tbe limber Interest and rights of aald oorporallnn In th lands conveyed to K. K. Terry by Curtis and l,oren.e nay Wins In June ooiinly on lb north ol alircy Branch, and described In lb deed recorded la aald county la Book B 87 naa- 1TX th Interest In tb corporation In th limber and limber rights oa tb laads sliest In Jons eoanty en the south suit the property of 1 nomas Harris, deceased together wilh Hie improvement thereon. Terms of sale Cash. W. M. WATSON', Commissioner. Xoliee ofKeiiire. Col.LI'.l'Tllll's OFKll'K lot-mil Dis-i , Rali ioii. N. ('. Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following property for violation of the Internal Revenue laws. New Berne. N. C, .May 14lh, 1S98, from J. S. Garrett, R. I,. D., by Jno. W. Dniley, Depuiy Collector, date (1 17) .May 14th, 1898, one pkg containing a?, W. gallons corn whiskey. Any person or persons claiming the said property are hereby notified to ap pear Ht my ollice in Raleigh, N'. C., with in thirty (:I0) days from date and make claim in the form anil manner prescribed by law, or the said property will be forfeited lo the United Stales. " E. C. Dl'NCAN, Collector 4th Dii. N. C. By Jno. W. Daii kv, Deputy Collector 1st Div. 4tli Dist. N. C, May 14ll.. 189S. Commissioners Sale! Pursuant to a judgment or the Super ior couit of Craven county in an action wherein William llembry and wife are plaintiffs and E. 8. Street la defendant, I will sell st public aiiclh n nt the Court House door in the city of New Items at 12 o'clock m . on Mondiiv the 4ih iliiv nf July, 1M8, the following real estate: - A certain tract of land iu the county of Craven known as the Eborn land. being the ssmc land conveyed lo Wil liam BrniVy by Elijah Ellis Executor of Amos Wake deceased situate on the south side of Neuse river, beginning at the north side of Great Riaiieb, al tbe mouth of Horse Pen Branch, running up Great Branch to a Hay stump lo llardi son's line, and with llsrdlson's line tn the main road leading from New Berne lo HeaiiTort, Pi. C, and tip I lie said road tn Horse Pen Branch, and down ssid llranch M ihe iTglnnlna. conislninir acres more or les. Terms of sale Cah. CHAS. C. CLARK, Commissioner, Drunk i i-v-wr 004 enness Absolutely and prrnuixnllr cured In fdays by a new scientific aad knviforatinf tnat mrnU No publicity oo inkclions oo restraint Can be given srcertly. No"fre treatment schems. St;."?-1?? 7 1 B. A. CHINN, M.D., I 1 41 Esat 3lst atrast. New Vara City, II. W. NIltlPKOX, Funeral Director and Embalmer. OfThytW Broad BtreeH, next tofltewart' stable. Reeidcnea IM Broad rUrert taTBurlal tehee a specially.