Li TSE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF HGS is doe not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fia Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Sirup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs' has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. CliTILLK, Kj. KKW TOKE.K.T. TBI TiVCZ MOYSKBNT. Fatal aa Am Baaaa BaaltlJ Bank. Barrel raeiary Wajsiaal Hrre. The steamer Newberne left here yes terday with all the potatoes and beans she could carry. This was not a full cargo, for the steamer had to stop at points below to take on more. The A.4N.C. railroad also carried large train loads of . potatoes and beans. There is urgent need for a barrel fac tory here, as the demand far exceeds the supply on hand, and delays are neces sary which are often both vexatious and costly to the shipper. The barge load which arrived at Meadow s's a few days ago was unloaded sad sold right at' .the boat, the demand being so urgent that the barge could not be unloaded before buyers appeared for the barrels. There were a number of farmers in the city, yesterday, all of them with potatoes and beans. The quality of the potatoes arriving is fine. ' Reports from the farmers who were In town, all agree that the potsto and bean crops are goed ones, in quantity, quality and price. Fifty to seventy-five barrels per acre, which sell In this market at $1-75 per b'arrel gives most satisfactory returns to the farmer. THE JOURNAL. IEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IF. & A. Macht Closing out sale. J. B. Srymour List your city taxes. Business Locals. Pnnillea laatliair. The commencement exercises of Pam lico Male and Female Institute will be held June 23-24, which will mark the closing of the school for the summer months. Quite an interesting program is being prepared by the faculty, and the intend ed; participants are practicing daily for the occasion. The closing exercises of this school last year are remembered as a splendid success, and no doubt the rendition of the program for '98 will surpass all pre vious efforts. HOUSE TO RENT Two story house, six rooms an Melcnlf Street, number 80. Good locality. Apply to J. D. Dinkics. KEYS FOUND A long, hinged office key is at tliis office. Owner can have it by pitying coRt and proving property. Also pontofflce key and safe key. A BAT IN TBS CITY. . Tho wcallier forecast for today is fair weather. There was a fair supply of Email fish In the local market, yesterday. At Trent, on last Sunday, William Lupton was married to Miss Sannie lUwls. O Prices for potatoes and beans in New Ysrk, wero yesterday quoted at $2.00 to $3.50 per barrel for potatoes, $1.15 per basket for beans. Tho regular monthly communication of St. John's Lodge No. 3, A. F. & A. 11. will be held tonight. Members are re quested to note and attend. Pataiarsaramllea. Pamlico planters have to report a much larger yield in the potato crop than was anticipated. Monday morning ushered In beautiful weather in Pamllco.and large numbers of hands could be seen In the potsto fields gathering the "Irish" for shipment to northern markets. Owing to the extraordinary large yield the planters arc finding It diflicult to secure barrels. The regulation potato barrel would find ready purchasers In Pamlico now. lo Elliurlb 4'liy. Mr. It. E. Allegood, with his family, left Monday night on the steamer Neuse for Elizabeth City, which they will make their future home. Mr. Allegood has been engaged in the grocery business in this city, but through series of misfortunes has had hard work iu getting along, and he thought that by a change of base ho might find better luck, which the Journal sin cerely hopes he will meet with in his new home. full llrmi V.rninn. Tho first ball and banquet of the sea son at the Atlantic Hotel, Jtlorehetu City, N. C, will be given Saturday even ing, June 11th. It will be a full dress Gerniau, and tho music will be f urnUlitd by the celebrated and renowned Old Colony Orchestra, of Pennsylvania, which has been engaged by this famous resort for tho season. A large attendance is expected. Fpworih Ijeaaae Rending Koeni. There has been some delay in trans ferring books and we wish every mem. ber of the circle who has not already done so to take or send book to one whose name comes last in it, with re quest lo read half the book by June 13th .30 p. iu. We urge this to be done at once, also urge attendance upon meet ing. We will finish the course this mouth. There will be no meeting of the circle tonight. H. B. John. rCKSONAL. Itcv. T. M. N. George went to Raleigh yesterday. President Patrick, of tho A. & N. C, railroad, returned to the city last night. Mrs. S. L. Dill and son, Marcus, left last night to visit at Morehead. Mr. E. J. Lanier returned last night from a business trip In the Interest of the Singer Mfg. Co. Rev. W. B. Hone left yesterday morn' Ing for his home at Ooldsboro. Mrs. Isaac Colin and little son, Frcder ick are visiting relatives at Ooldsboro. Rev. J. W. Cobb, agent for the North Carolina Baptist, was in the city, yesler day. Mr. Cobb left last night for More- head. Mr. James D. Catkins Is lack in the city, and is looking very well. Ills friends here were glad to greet him. Mr. II. D. Hardy, representing the Raleigh Newi-Obscrver, Is In the city on business. Mr. Sam W. Westbrooke, of Phllsdel pli la, has been In the city on business connected with the truck trade. Dr. John Hey Williams, of Aihevllle father of Capt. Will 1L Williams of the A. N. C, passed through the city last night gslng to Morehead to spend a few days. in EattrvrUUf Drag gist. There are few men mote wide awake and enterprising than F. 8. Duffy who spares no pains to secure tit best everything In their line for their msny customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds, This Is tht wonderful remedy that Is pro ducing such a furor all over the country by Ittmaoy startling cures. It absolutely cure Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of tht Throat, Chest and Longs. Call at abovadrug store and gel a trial bottle fret or a regular Im for SO cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to car or price refunded. OAFT. HENBT BITTJSNS. Oacs Taraask a araaar Meralarra LIB. Taaaa Bra ar. Capt. Charles Henry Is a eolered" man some where arannd sixty years of age and lives at Beaufort N. C. and it a native of that place. What ever adventures Capt nenry had In' bit early dtys, fat reserved for hit later years an ex perience that would have tried the en durance and pluck of much younger man. On the 83th of last April, he went fish ing off tht ihoals that make down be)ow Beaufort harbor. While twelve miles off Ci pe Look Out a violent storm swept down npon his frail boat. It became unmanageable, the fury of the wind and the quickly raised teas dashed hit craft about. It toon became a wreck and left the Captain clinging to the portions that the fury of the storm bad spared. Captain Henry drifted about in the ocean and waa carried in a southerly direction. No help reached him until the second day of May. By that time he had reached the South Carolina coast and was about thirty five miles off George town. . Here the steamer J. H. Miller bound from New York to Tampa, Florida, to be used to transport troops to Cuba hoyo in sight and picked up the cast-away. He was taken on board and carried to Tampa. There he obtained passage on a vessel bound to Baltimore, and thence came by boat to New Berne where he arrived yesterday morning. His friends all thought Capt. nenry was dead. They will welcome him home and he will be glad to get home after his hardships, for he is as one "cast up by the sea." WE ARB REPRESENTED. Mew Bern Bay With amon' Fleet Wrllr, a Brlrt Lrller Hone. A letter received by Mr. Wm. E. Clarke from Hoy ward Howerton, a New Berne boy now with the fleet off Cuba, is of interest at this time. The young msn is on the gun boat Manning. He writes from Key West where his vessel. has mado a visit, under date of June 1st. The portion of the letter not personal Is as follows: "I received your letters the olhor day while off Havana, and we came into this port yesterday from the Cuban coast. "We were near the Cnban shore the other day, near Bahla Honda, when the Spaniards opened fire on us from a small masked fort, and also from some field pier ei they had on a hill. We answered them from our guns and in a little while there was no masked battery left. We were not Injured lo any extent although it wus quite hot for a few minutes. The Manning is a new ship, has only been finished about one year and was built for a gunboat, but has been sta tioned at Boston as a revenuo cutter. She mounts three 4-inch rapid rifled guns, four (l-pounders, two Maxim machine guns that fire about ninety shells a min ute Sbo also carried one torpedo tube. Her speed is good, as she can make 18 to 20 knots an hour aud is 235 feet Iu length We have been having beautiful weath er down here. The harbor at Key West is full of shipping, men-of-war, newspa per boats, prizes, supply vessels and every kind of boat." T.aelilac t'arlldeam Bevakrrt. Bayboiio, June 7. Yesterday, Prof. F. O. Tooten of Arapahoe was summoned to appear be fore the Board of Education of Pamlico county and Prof. W. W. Cole, County Examluer, on the charge of being druuk during school hours. Mr- Tooten was represented by coun sel II. L. Gibbs, and W. T. Csbo appear ed for the prosecution. The trial took place here at noon. After the evidence wat given on both sides, Lawyei Glbbs made a strong speech In favor of Mr. Tooten, and he was followed by an equally powerful speech by Mr. t'aho. Prof. Cole and Board then retired and In a short time returned with a verdict of guilty, and that under the present school law Prof. Tooten should have his teach- er't certificate and credential, revoked. THB NODEK.H BEAI'TT Thrives ou good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise In Ibe open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with Its beauty.'4 If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Or LOCAL INTEREST. Single Tube Tires $3 25, Inner Tubes 73c, Search Unlit Lamp $3.50, Font Pumps 40c each, and all other Sundries proportionately low, for Spot Cash only at Hill's. When In Bayboro stop at the Lupton House for good accommodations. J. J. Baxter 1 offering 100 pairs of E. P. Reed's Oxfoidt at $1.60, worth $3.60, tires S to 8 In black and tan. Call early and get your slit. Set J. J. Baxter for summer clothing, straw tod crash bait, shoes negllget shirts, dtc J. J. Btxltr has tht chetpest ribbons In Naw Berne. Tht collection of rents and accounts f ivtn cartful and personal attention Best of references given J. K. Land, 127 Ilroad street. Car ef Taaaaa. I wish to thank the New Berat Fire Department for tholr efforts last Satur day night, In saving my property from and been telling for 48c, at tht special Bra. HOUT.M. MO.tELKY. print IV, BARFOOT8. llllMry Caraar. Wt pot on salt this week lOdoita (120 bunches) new flowers Just opened CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children, Tits Kind Too Han Always Bought Bears tht Signature of Closing Out Sale ! Tor the next THIRTY DAYS, ' we have decided to CLOSE OUT our Entire Spring Stock of . Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, And a Fine Line of GENTS' FUHNISUINQ GOODS AT NEW YORK COST, ". in order to make room for our Big Fall Stuck. Now Is the time to ill viet your money and Secure llig Barjr:iiiis. Call and Examine our Stock and be Convinced, 'J II. & A. MACHT, Prop?. Salesman:-J. R. JONES. No. 63 Middle Street, next to Jones' Furniture Store, List Your City Taxes 1 Having been appoiU'-'d Tax Lister for the City of New Heme, I hereby give notice Hint I will receive same from date until June 80th tit Clerk's Ofllce, begin ning June 8, IMI8. Oltiee hours 10 a. ni. to 12:30 p. iu., mid 4:30 p. in. J. IS. SEYMOUR. Soda Water Flavors Made from Ripe Fruit and Served in Polished Glasses With Cream if you wish at Bradham's Fountain. ) w w w ; HEN'S FURNISHINGS, U u o o o ) () o o o o WITHOUT ANY FANCY PMCES TACIIED. WORTHY GOODS AT AT- t I t ) ( ) u EXCELLENT VALUE o ----- n Tba Calarr Troop., rart Maeaa, Editor Journal: I have noticed re peated accounts of misconduct on the part of the colored tioops now stationed at Fort Macon, as published in various Democratic papers in this Slate. The same papers have pi in ted reports of mil- treatment and dissatisfaction among these soldier. I had occasion to visit Fort Macon on the Clh instant In the interest of the wives and mothers of the New Heme troops, with a view to furnishing tbem with money and provisions while wait ing on the government for their pay. It gave mt a most gratifying surprise to And the colored soldiers comfortably situated in their-lodging apartments, and amply supplied with all the neces saries of life. Major Young has given particular attention to the comfort of hit battalllon, whllo Lieut. J. T. York hat won the affection and esteem of all tht officers and soldlort by bis courtly and plessant manners, and the keen eye he keeps for the welfare of tht New Berne boys. There wat not a single man dissatis fied er desiring to return. A visit to the Fort will quickly disprove all reports detriments! to tht battalion, and leave the visitor Impressed with the high degree of excellence these men have at tained In soldiery during tholr short army service. O. C. Roach, ft Maimer l'aarwrar. For men wt offer an unusually attrao tlvt collection of Balbrlggan shirts and pants from 18c each up lo Vie, 00c and 73cfor tht $1.2.1 quality BARFOOT. Is ns great as vnurs will be if you try lo rind n Choice, Pure and Dainty Confuc tiouery ns we manufacture fresh every day. Our Chocointit Mnrshmallow and Caramels are unrivalled for Flavor, liicli, Creamy t Smoothness, Purity, an.l Healthful and Toothsome Deliciousness. Corner Pollock and Middle Streets Don't forget the place. C. J. McSorley & Co. AT HIL US In addition to tho Pope Mf?. Co. 'a regular lines or ChainlesM and Chain Columhias, Hartford nnd Vedette Bicycles, I have added a new wheel, ' . . - Hill's Special, . which are made for me by I lie Hartford Cycle Co., und which are up to date in every respect, which I will sell . . ' . For $3o.oo I will have a full line of CHEAP NEW WHEELS in few . days, prices ranging Train $31) to Complete Line of SUNDRIES Tires, Bells, Lamps, &c, at Lowest Cosh Prices. Bend for price list. . Sold for CASH only. I have secured thengency of the : COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY'S GOODS, And have a stork of siimu on hand, con. sistine of Oraplioi.hones, Records and Supplies Generally. GRAPHOPHONE3 SOLD ON IN STALLMENT. . WM. T. IIILiTv, 1 So. Front St., Now Berne, N. 0 11 li ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints, f jUne MEN'S WHITE UN LAUNDKUKl) SHIRTS, made extra full, bosom ail liuen, bo'ly of shirt of Wamantta Muslin, hat every good point that yon will find in a tl.00 LtUDdered Shirt, an J one more x good point that it not in the Dollar. Shirt, that is, Price, on ra is . . . , . . 9 MEN'S NIGHT SniRTS, Tiimmnl with Neat Embroidery . . . . . , . . MEN'S ALL LINEN COLLARS, some new shapes of high turn down collars just iu . . MEN'S COLORED SHIRTS, Zephyr weight, one pair cuffs with each shirt, . . MEN'S SOX, fast black, fall rojrnliir made, . MEN'S FANCY SOX, . . . . .50 .50 .10 1 00 .10 15 Here's a CIoseOut Price on Kid u loves I ANY 11.00 (3 LOVE, either T.lack, Whito or Tan, this week only . ... . ANY 75o GLOVES, . . . - . The sizes are mostly large ones in Gloves. for .75 .69 WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION ONCE MORE TO THE PRETTIEST LINE OF I, AlIli - Nil HIT - WAISTS, ' E- er shown in New Berne. Some Excellent Styles are yt't to bo had and the Prices nre Only .Fair. y A FEW STYLISH 60o WAISTS are worthy of your attention. : LADIES CRASH SKIRTS, 50 CENTS. LADIES BLAZER SUITS, 08 CENTS. HERE ARE THREE EXCEPTIONAL GOOD VALUES - IN LADIES HOSIERY Th-y are Bargains. 4 THREAD LISLE IIOSE, plain . . 4 ''." " " drps itch, . . . FINE MACO HOSE, drop stitch, . . The ubove are Splendid Summer Hoso. SOME NEW PERCALES the? are very iWiruMe Boy's Shirt Waists have j ist come in. They in figiins that all buys nre of, 3f ineluM, .25 Hi .25 for are () o () () M O o o o () u a o o o () o o o o o o () () o o o o o C2 o B o n o o o Q a o .I2ji El 5. Ariel Bicyles. Heavy Cottons IN WHITE AND COLORS. m Anticipating a strong demand for heavy cottons, adapted lor two piece suits and sep arate skirts, this store placed early and liber al orders for these materials. The range of styles and textures is still likely to meet your requirements. 5$t8'St! 2 Pape & Deyo, GENERAL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Southern Fruit ami Produce a Specially. 859 fe 861 Washington Si., Sw York. RKFERENCES:- -National Bank of New Berne, N. Gansevoort BaiiV, New York. C. Talr ('aaamalaaal BlalrUt Bna- tralla raavaailaa. Nolle Is hersbr glvto that ths Deic ocratlo Convention of Ibe Tlilnl Co a fresslonal District will ba held la Ibe town of Clinton, Sampson county, N. C on Thursday, June 80th, 1N08, at U o'clock m., fur lbs purpose ol n mlns ting candidate for Congress and for sack other business as may properly come before tb Convention. lly order of tb Exacnllv Committer W.E. MCKC!I!N, Cbtlnuaii. JOUN UNDERWOOD, Bacralary. May 18, 1806. Tapers I district will pleas copy. MiAIN SCOTCH OXFORDS. A soft canvas effect, in bright Scotch plaid printings, ot nine styles to choose from, 28 in. wide, price 10c per yd. PRINTED MUTE!; CRASH. A labric closely resembling cotton dress duck, in natural linen grounds with printings ol green, brown, black and blue, 28 inches wide, price 8c per yd. COTTON DRESS DUCK. Unprinted duck in whito, black, navy, tan tarn brown. White ground duck, with scroll patterns of blue, iancy blue also green stripes on white 5j8 Inches wide, price 10c per yd. HEAVY WHITE COTTONS. white Panama Twills, 'Marseilles, whito brilliants in pin dot effects, plain narrow. al30 medium wale cotton welts, prices irom 10c to 25c per yd. Baiter, tli J.welfr, will put Main Spring in youi wslcb for lie or eloan tt (or Too and warrant sillier fur one Jrmr. Watch Cllaa.- lOo LurrYnt'R Tax us At Our at Tira Count Itot.a. SAMPLES (IIEtltrULLY MAILED OUT-OF-TOWN; Highest Market Prices, 1'rouipt Sales mid Check by Keturit U OUR MOTTO and U Making jig Many Friends, Mail 2 Stencils nnd Postals will be furnished on spplicution to JOHN DUNN, New Berue, N. C. Give ns a trial shipment and you will be pltwcd with our Stiles. ! PAPE & DEYO, NEW YORK. Littleton Female College! Tbls institution hit t splendid and prominent locttton la i re markably beautiful necllon of country, in the midst of a region of noted Mineral Springs. It baa a Urge and beautifully nbaded Cam puj, Commodious and Well Equipped Building, t Strong Faculty and a full and Thorough College Course at VliRY 5IOD12II. ATK CO.VT. The Fall Term will begin Wednesday. Sent. Hlb, 'J8. for Catalogue, Addrens, - ' J. 31. llllOni:, Littleton, li C. COLA HEADACHE POWDERS REJJT THAT TIRKD BRAIN AND -AUUE3T- niJADACIlK & N1UJ- KAIXHA. TRICK TF-.V CENTS. Ilradham't Reliable Drue 5tor. FOR .RENT. 1 U most ilnlraliic hmiM In I lie City for a bnarilinjf lioue eoutatiiing Irt rooms, water anil rs. I-nratitl on South Kronl Btrci-t. Ailjr lo J. AV. tTtWAHT. li. xv. fsijiivior;, Fnnornl Director mul I!mbnlinrr. 0(Ho 98 Ilrol Htrwt. nr it to m tulili-s. Itr,lciira IM r.i-wil ! irt. (ITIIiirinl fulx-a sniy lHlty.