3 OPEN LET" To MOTHERS. ER WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS O'JR BIGHT TO '.! THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIA," AND rrrci ier-s castoria,". as our trade mark.. DR. .SAMUEL RTCHEFV of Hyannis; Massachusetts, the originator of " C A ST 0 R I A the same that on event wrapper. I, was lias horns and does now bear the fac-simile signature of .Ihisis the original "CASTO R" 'which has been used in the homes of the Motlicrs cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is -; the hind you have clwms bought rr7 ' - on the and has the sniiature cf (--e&ffluc&ic wrap per. Ho one Has cuthcruy jren me to use my name except y The Centaur Company, c f vhich Cizo. II. Fletcher is President. Do M Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life cf your child-by accepting' a cheap substitute .which some tlrugbt may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in- . gredients of which even lie docs not know. "The Kind -You .Have Always Bought"1 BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF ' Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THst OBNTAUN OOHMHV, IT MUMMY THCCT, HCWVOHK CITY. -STEAMERS- EJTEUBr CAROLINA. DISPATCH LINE, AND- Old Dommioii Steamship Co. FREIGHT & PASSKNGEH, M. Simmons, A.D.Ward H, Pou. . E. W. Pou, SIMnONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. NEW BfcKNR, N. C. Office 68 So. Front Street, nearly oppo site uotei unaltawka. (Offices also at Raleigh and Smithfield.) Practice lu the oountiea of Craven. Dunlin .'ones, onsiow. uaixerei ramiioo. waai- Johnston, llurnetfi ami Wilson: in the Su pivtne ami i-eiteral Courts, ana wherever sui "i w uru iii'hu t-u. . For All Points North. The Steamer NEUSE will lutvu on Mn til tvi, Wmltiesiltiya, nml Fi i'lt)8 lit 5 i. ui., shiirp. Mak ing no btiiim Iwtweim New ltcrno to rjllZ",lH!l!l tjltv. ; " ; The Steamer NEWBERHC will suit on Tuesdays at 10 a. in. and Fridays at 7 a. in. making landings at Oriental, Ocrucoke and Koanoke Island. - IST" Kroight rucoived not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. L1ENDEUSON, Agt. ' M. K, Kino, Gen. Mgr., 1I.C. Ui naiiVd,Oou.Frt.4 Pass.Aet. aXOIlOIK, t ft. New Berne, N. 13.. Mav 30th. 1898. a. & ar. c. it, TIMK TAIIUi KO. 4. It. To Take Eltect-Suuilny, November 28th, 1807, at 13 M. , uoing fiost jsoiirpulki l uoing West No.,8 I'asongcr Trains No. 4 Lv. pm stations: Ar. a m MO,... .T....Ooldboro..'.M.....U 05 4 09... LaUraugo. ....... ..10 83 483...... .Klnston 1013 5 85 Ar. New Berne, Lv...... 9 10 5 43 Lv. " Ar. .... 8 57 957... .Ar. Horohead city Lv..... 7 47 No. 1, f Mx'd Ft. and 1'aas.Tn. Lv. a m 710...... 7 43 8 06.... STATIONS: , Ooldsboro. ....Best's.. , LaUrange. I No. 2. Hx't Ft. and Pass. Tn, Ar. p m 800 720 850 88 Falling creek 6 20 914. ....Kinston.. 9 38.. 9 43.. 10 15.. 10 40.. 11 15.. 1181.. ..... Caswell... , ..Ar. Dover, Lv ..Lv. " Ar ....Core Creek , . . . Tuscarora Clark's . , ......... 13 05 ,..wAr. New Berne, Lv. 1 80... 1J ,. 20... 143... 813... 8 3.5 .. 8 81 .. 8 48 .. .Lv. 600 510 500 4 4 00 888 820 150 10 47 10 00 10 00 940 900 8 47 ' Ar , Itivcrdule Oroalan , .. .... Ilavelock ..... Newport, Lv.., Wildwood ..... Atlantic . Ar. Morehoed city, Lv 4 01 . . . . Ar. M. city Depot, Lv r. m. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, Thutsday and Saturday , , . L DILL) Superintendent 820 760 A. M . f , pkoi'i i,v c i nn Ati p t r- -- 4m PROFESSIONAL. MONEY AND MUSIC. whf We Bmw Mora Thaa Mam. In preparing a list of American con cert singers it was curious to note that the number of tenors just exactly equal ed the combined number of baritones and basses. It is probably true that there are just about two cultivated ten ors to each baritone or bass. There are similarly, about twice as many sopranos as there are mezzo sopranos or contral tos, and there are probably two trained sopranos every tenor. The reasons for these ratios are prob ably these: A higher voice, being the more unusual, attracts to its owner the more attention. The natural tenor and soprano are accordingly encouraged to cultivate what may, alter all, be only a mediocre ability. The mezzo soprano or baritone, however, is thought of as only an ordinary mortal, and a voice of the utmost possibilities may be left to waste its fragrance in the dark, unfa th orn ed caves of its owner's thorax. , A village church is the epitome of the world in this respect The women "sing alto" or keep quiet, or strain and squeal at the top notes; the men drone out a bogpipish bass. The good voices are lost in the lugubrious average, but if there is a girl who takes the high nptes flutily or a, boy who can interpo late the tenor part without danger of scarlet fever these voices sing out above the grounding chorus. Every one pricks ear to listen, and the wrd is passed that Sukey Smith or Jokey Jones "has a voice." It may be that that voice ought to bo cultivated, it may be that it ought to be confiscated, but to the teach er it must go. The steps from this first discovery to a career of public weal or woe are easy. So much for the disproportion of high and low professional singing. The fact that more women than men study song is doubtless to be accounted for by tho superstition that nourishes in many dis tricts that selling dry goods or keeping books is a more manly career than sing ing. This public creed keeps many a man from developing the gold mine in his larynx. Besidos, there is, especially in America, a sentiment that a man should not depend on his father after he has reached his majority, It is a wholesome sentiment on some accounts, a pernicious sentiment on oth ers, but many a father will set his son np in business with a sum of money which if dovoted to paying his artistio tuition a few years on in his twenties might give him a capital of unlimited possibilities. Godoy s Magazine. BBUEr.IHIIXJHOrJBM . Distresain gTKidney and Bladderdutease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its exceed- ng promptness ia relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, ia male or female. Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by C. D. Bradbam, Druggist, New Berne, N. O. He Remembered lie rose to depart as the clock sounded eight, And, getting his hat and his cane, His wife sweetly murmured: 'Now don't stay out late, Dear Charlie, 'Remember the Maine!' " With that somewhat ttartling Injunction 'in view, 1 He was back home at ten with his pet, For should he stay later he very well knew What a great blowing up he would gel. Denver Post. CASTORIA tot Infant! and Children, The Kind Yon Hate Always Bought Bears the Signature of JAPANESE PUS. CURB FOOLED THE PREMIER. P. II. Pelleticr, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyers Brick Building. Will Tiractlce In the Counties nf Craven rurturet, Jonea, Onslow anil Pamlico. V. H. Court at New Boruo and Supreme Court of heHtuU : FINANCIAL. A. tireen, Pres, B.H. Meadows, Vice Pre. H. II. Obovss, Cashier. CITIZEN'S BANK OS" XTBI W BBBKU, N. O. DO A GENERAL BANKING BU81NEW The Accounts ot Ranks. Banker.. Coruor atlons, Farmora, Merohauta anil other, re oelved on lavorable terms. Prompt ami oai (ul attontlon given to the lnli .t ot our oua tonutrs. Colli cllon. a Specialty. BOARD OVDIKVOTORS. Mr. 1. Ectckam of Pike City, Cal says: "During my brothers late sickness from sciatic rheumatism, Chamberlain's Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For sale by F. S. Duffy. t A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES, Capsules of Ointment and two Boxes ol uintntent. a never-iailmg cure lor rues of every nature and desrree. lt makes an oueration with the knife, which is painful, and often results in death, unnecessary, why andur. this tsrribla .Iims.7 W. pack a Wrlltea SuarantM la sich V.X. no cure, wo ray. soc.anasi aoox,oior Sent by mail. Samples lice OINTMENT, 26 and BOo. rONTIPATIflN Cttnt- Pnvsntef, by UUNOI ITAI IVn jtpan.u Ll.r P.ll.tt.the great LIVER and STOMACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take: especially adapted for children's use. 50 doses 15 cents. FRF F A vial of these famous little Pellet, will be given with a $1 box or more of Pile Cure. NOTICB THE GENU1HB FRESH JAPANESB PlLB Curs for sale only by F.$ DUFFY, New Berne, N. C. When His Blood Was Up. Jobson ''Just see how hard Dobson is working at beating that carpet." Mrs. Jobson "Yes. Mrs. Dobson sets him at work at something of the kind just after he reads the war news in the papors." A Good Telephone Ferdinand Ulrlota J. A. M undowa. Samuel W. Ipork, unos. k. rowier, 4 . w . urainger, B. W. Smallwood. o. N. Ivea. K. U. Meadows, Chaf. Uufly, Jr. Jams Reumond, Mayer Halm, Tbomaa A. tireen. C. K.Fov. w. r. Crockett. I. A. BRYAN, THOS. DANIELS, President. Vice Pres. 0. H. ROBERTS. Cashier. THE national bank. Or NKW BKBNK, M. 0. INOOBPOBA.TBTD 1880. Capital, $100,000 Surplus Profits .98,168 DIKECTOKS: ikK A. Drvar, Cms. a. II a ran, J no, Diihm, 0. If. Bossrr Tho. DaimtLa. J. H. Haohbukm L. HAKVar , H. R Bnmor An Experiment Which ' Made Matter. Worn Than They Had ltoen. . A story, the truth of which is vouch ed for in high quarters, is told concern ing the "maimers' ' of tbo political mem bers of a small country renowned for its ancient courage. Tho primo minister gave a reception t(5 meet somo distin guished Englishmen. Tho ussemblago consisted solely of tho straugers, tho members of the parliament and tho prime minister. During the course of the oveuingouo of tho more distinguish ed of the English guests discovered that his watch had been taken. He went to his host and informed him of his loss, adding that he especially prized tho watch, as it was a present to him from the king of the country whoso guest ho bad the honor to be at that moment The primo minister saw at once that there was only one thing to be done, and, asking for silence, explained the situation to the company. He said that no doubt some one had yielded to the temptation of the moment, bnt that when they learned that the missing ar ticle was the gift of their king he was sure their loyalty, if nothing else, would prompt them to restore it to its owner. In order that the culprit's honor might be preserved and tho country saved from a scandal, he said, the lights would bo lowered for five minutes and the guests wonld defile past the writing table, which would give an opportunity for the delinquent to place the watch there. Upon this the room was darkened for the stipulated time. On the lights being turned up it was found that the watch had not been placed on the writing ta ble, but that a volnablo silver inkstand, also a gift of the king to his prime min ister, was missing as well. London Telegraph. ' ilea. Suffering Women Instantly Believed The Femicukk Taiilets almost in stantly relieve all pain, aching and sore ness in the womb. They are applied directly to the affected parts, and act like a soothing healing poultice, draw ing out fever and pain. If used in con nection with the Femicuhe Tonic, will speedily and radically cure all forms of Female Complaints and Weaknesses; in eluding Falling of the Womb, Ulceration of the Womb, Congestion of the Ovaries, Painful and Obstructed Menstruation, Leucorrhu-a or Whites. Weight and Pain in Pelvis, Dragging Sensation in Groin, Aching and Pain In Back and Limbs Flooding, Etc. Try this new and sur prising cure. Femicure Tonic $1.00. Fcmlcure Tablets (24 treatments) $1.00. Sold by Henry's Pharmacy, New Heme SERVICE IS A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED "Necessity, Convenience, Luxury ! Order Your Phone at Once I F. & M. BANK, MAY 1st, 1808. Capital Stork $75,000.00 Surplus, 8,500,00 Usdlvlded ProDU 8,170.08 OFFICERS: . L. II. CtiTl.SR. President. W. 8. Ciiadwick, Vice Pros. T. W. Dkwsy, Cashier, ' J. W. Hini.i i, Teller. F. F. Mattiiiws. Collector. DIUECTORS: Wm. B. Blades, M. M. Marks, O. D. Brad ham. 1. H. Pclletler, L. 11. Cutler, Joo. Suter, W. 8. Chadwlrk, J. W. Stewart, T. W. Dewey, We want your business and fool that wa can offer you as much in return as any other bank In the city. It is our endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant and profitable to our patrons, Why NuHcr all Hie Torture of Rlirumalism snd Neuralois whin you tan be n lievrd by Dr. Pmithwlck's Anti-Rheumatic Neuralgic Pills. A safe and elllclent remedy In tha treat- mnil of all forms of Klieumstitm sod Nturalma. m hf-lhrr acuta or chronic A remedy lliat I ran recommend with the illnimd conllilenre, knowing that It Will de Hie innat good In a sivra number ol emu. IthrnitialUm Is duo to so eioeas of Urlo Arid In I lie blond, which arts as an Irnlant. Tims pills contain drugs whk li will eliminate Ins Add from the Mood snd annlha Hi. InfUmrd snd Irilla- led pmts, so that a euro la rapidly liinua'it aloul. ?ii'iira!Hi is an Inflamma tion of th nerve. Thine nlll. will sixilhe and abate the Inflammation in aueb a urn urn r lliat Ilia .uflVri-r Is quickly ro lirvd, and a turn .ITii.lrtl. J'm Ml rrril. J- r bus, l'rcpnn d only hr J. vt. r. rmliliwlik, H. U, L (.HI LT, N. tl. j-.'i mi'.i' I v 1.11 ih ui l. !!.. f-r i an I e bad l) ft i int l; tiiii 1 kh.l it inillil g lit i' Experienced. "Why, Laur," said Mr. Snickers, the humorist, "is that a pistol by the side of your plate?" "It is, my dear," replied Mrs. Snick crs, sweetly. "It is loaded, too. We have biscuits of my own make for break fast, and I wish to discourage criti cism." Bow to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely ' on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver Is inactive, you have a bilious look, if your stomach is disordered, you have dyspeptic look, if your kidneys arc affected, you have a pinched look Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Elec trie Bitters" Is a good Alterative and Tonic. ' Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at F. 8. Duffy's drug Btore. 50 cents per bottle. Thoughtful. "Didn't your absconding cashier leave you any message?" "Yes; he left a line in the cash box transferring to me his paid-up member ship in a Don't Worry club." Bad management keeps more peopl In poor circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must Frants Poesina oonld not nndentand ui ... i.n .1,.. . ,i,. .1,.. 1 tun. lu. b.. wuu u . nuvau mv un w um why he should not be allowed to leave , fvoraule opportunity presents itself he Is ready to take advantage of H. little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy in the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until necessity compeli it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one psys out 25 cents, the other Is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why his neignbor Is getting richer while he Is getting poorer. For ssle by F. 8. Duffy. t the barge office. His card bore tbs in scription, "Not money enough," but be thought he bad something as good as money besides the cash, he bad shown. He was a healthy young German, bis accent -fresh from Uuter den Linden, bis soil and bis boots apiok and span, his manner full of dignity and method, "They say I have not money enough, he argned, "but I have a brand new suit in my trnnk, for which I paid 84 marks, and I have not worn it more than four or five times. Yon wish to see M Well, anybow, it is worth at least 58 marks' now. I assure yon it is as good as new. Then I have a lot of new books, for whlob I paid 60 marks. They are sll about business, and one is entitled 'The Merchant on the Height of His Success, and How to Follow Him.' I bought all these books before leaving because I bad made op my mind to go into business In this coun try snd 1 wanted to prepare for it So, yon see, I havt 60 marks' worth of books snd a suit of tlotbes worth 55 marks. This makes together 105 marks, and yet they say I fasve not money enough." New York Commercial Ad vertiser. Oklvairr aad Coaaxaw.laltixn. The Colonel Yes, anht that fend, stahted, sub, ovah a gallon of cidah sweet cidnh at that has cost the lives of 20 of Kalntucky's bravest sons, sab. The Yankee Huh, that Is nothing. We had a lawsuit ovor calf in our neighborhood thai cost over 1 11,000. luiliauapulU Journal I was seriously sllllcted with acouuh for several years, and last fall had a mors severe cough than aver before. I havs used many remedies without re relvlnc much relief, snd being recom mended to try s bottle of Cb.ambarlaln'1 Cough Itemrdy, by a friend, who, know ing me to lie a poor widow, gave It to 011, I tried l, and with the mod gratify ing results. Ths flr.t bottle relieved me very much snd the n-cmid bottle has ate anlutelv cured ma. I have not bad ss food fitallh for twenty year.. I ilv this certificate without solicitation, .imply io sppreclallun of the gratlttids fi ll for Ilia rure efleclod. Itenpectfully, M as. Maav A. Ilr and, ('lar.iiuire, Ark. . For sale by F. 8. DulTy. f Wilts Bis Treablas Began. "My fighting days date back to 1H03, said the gray haired veteran In a com placent tone. "I wss married In '50," reflectively remarked the man with no balr at all City Lot Tor Sale. FOR 8ALE The city lot bounded by New, East Front and Short Streets, (be property of the late Mrs. M. E. Manly. For Particulars, inquire of MATT MANLY. IHssolutioii Notice ! The co-partnership hitherto existing botwoon Powell and Pony is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. B. Powell will continue the busi ness at the old stand, 75 Broad street and will assume all debts of the linn of Powell and Perry. All persons indcl ted to said linn will please make immediate settlement. A. 11. POWELL, E. E. PKI5RY, Juno 3, 1S!I8. NoitTit Cauoi.ika, I Cautkhkt County. J Loura Snow, Jr., on be half of himself and all other creditor of. the W Lite )ak Uivcr Cor- poration, Sncr;i.r Court. v The While Oak River Corporal ion. Notice up Sale llv Hki eivkr. Pursuant to that certain Jiidi;iiH'iit j nml Dcciee of the Superior court of t'ar eret county rendered at the Hiring tetin 1 16!I8 under which I as Kerch cr was or dered and directed lo sell all tho proper ty .assets andeffecls of every kind and de scription now remaining in my hands un fold, of I iie While Oak.ltivcr Corporation, ' 1 w ill offer for sale uud Fell In the highest bidder for cash on tiie lllh day of June, 1S9S, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., the following properly of the said Corpora tion, to-wit: All that certain mill, ma cjiincrv, belling, pulh-ys, saw s, and all other lixliues and machinery of kind belonzing or apperlaining thereto, together with all that certain Lease hold interest in and to the land upon which said mill and shells are situated; and together with all buildings bclongim; to and use in connection with said mill. Also all the loose and scattered lumber lyin? anil located upon the mill yard and within the buildings located upon the premises aforesaid;-also all the lease-hold i interest in and to those certain lotB or parcels of land the buildings and improve ; mcnts thereon located, upon which Is ', situate.the tenements.oilice buildings and stables, held by said Corporation under J lease from Mrs. Mary W. Barker. All of i said property located and situate in the i village ot hlella, Carteret county, .North Carolina. Also that cei tain tramway, and fix tures and appurtenances, consisting of six miles more or less of road bed and right of way, rails and cross ties and the engine, cars, and appliances and appur tenances, conveyed to the White Oak River Corporation by the Jones and Onslow Tramway Company, consisting of a complete tramway system of six miles more or less in length and formerly owned and operated ny saiu uorporauon. Also all the right title and interest of said Corporation in the Charter Stock and Franchise of the said The Jones and Onslow Tramway Company. Also all the right title interest and estate of the ai While Oak River Corporation in and to ail uie louowing lanus, iimuer ami um ber rights: Those two certain lots in -the village of Stella, commonly known as lot: unm bcr 15 and 1U, known as the Hotel Prop erty, and fully described in a deed from Mrs. Mary w . liarKer to the w line uaK ltiver Corporation: Recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Car teret county in Book (J. (J page 272. All those certain tracts of lands and the limber thereon, lying and being sit uate in the County of Onslow, State of North Carolina, conveyed to the White Oak River Corporation by Killy E Terry and wife, by deed dated the (ilh day of December 18S7, and recorded in tho Reg ister's olllee of Ont-low county Hook 51, page 14'-'; and being the same as conveyed to said Tony, by Marv C. Bell and John C. Bell, by deed dateil the I Ilh day of December lHSli and registered in said records Book 17, page-Mill; and by J. N. Henderson and Catherine .1. Henderson by deed dated the 25lh day of February 18s 1, recorded 111 said iiook page of WhiluOik ilvcr and on the north east sid;i of IMack Swamp. Descrilied in deed I roui John Collins to K. E. Terry recorded in the reeonls of said county in lionk IJ 'il 1 page 2C0. The ii!lrret if the corporation In the limber and timber rights on the certain tract of land ljing in Jones county at Uollister'a creek, known as the Cannon iiact detcrilicd in a deed from (ieorte Ccncoa to K. E. Terry dated Apiil 5lh, The interest of raid corporation in the timber mid limber rights ou the certain land lying in Jones county and described in a deed from Mmibill Collins to said corporation dated April 30th. If94. Also all 1 lie ritflit title interest and in estate in and to nil the lands, limber and timber rights, of t lie said corporation, as owned in common with Thomas A. Jlclntyre, lying and being situate in any or sll of llie counties above named and elsewhere, as may not have been set out and described above; and all other lands, timber, timber tighls, and prop erly of every nature, kind ordesciiption, wherever located or situated, owned by the While Oak River Corporation, iii fee or for any shorter term; which mny not have been described or set forth herein; Also a ccrlain stei.iuer formerly used by said corporation in connection with the said mill, commonly known as the "Nannie B"; unless said boat shall ibe sooner he disposed of by private sale. A full description of all the foregoing property will be made known if di-siied on the day of sale: or any and all in formation may be had at any lime prior thereto by application to the Receiver or to his attorneys, Clark & Union at New Berne, N. C. Said sale will be made at the village of Stella upon the premises on w hich the mill is located, and will begin at the hour above named and continue until all of the above described properly and all oiuer property ol the Corporation is sold and disposed of. Immediately upon the completion ,f such sales report thereof will be made to the Judge of the (ilh District at Cham bers for confirmation; and so soon as confirmation of said sales shall be had, title will be made to the purchaser or purchasers as provided for by the terms of said decree. This May nth, 1PI18. JAMES A. BRYAN, Receiver White Oak River Corporation CLARK & GUION, Attorneys. Commissioners Sale! Pursuant to the iiidgment of t lie Su perior court of (haven county, at Feb ruary 1 crm, iBltn, tn a certain suit there in pending entitled Asa L. Bynum, against Alfred Baker and wife. 1 will as commisjioner of said court expose to public sale at the Court Iloase door 111 the city of New Berne on Monday, July 4th, 18!)8, at 12 o'clock m., all that cer tain piece or parcel of land situated in city of New Berne, N. C., between tlraggs alley and Dtanly street, adjoining tne lands of George Physic and others, being part of lot JNo. 7N, which was formerly the property of Thomas Harris, deceased together with the improvement thereon. Terms of sale Cash. W.M.WATSON, Commissioner. aim by deed 1 10111 1 11c same panics oaieo February 2"ilh 18x7 and regislcied in said Iiook page 570; To which said deeds ref erence is made for a full description of said tracts. Also Ihc certain tract of land situated in Jones county North Carolina, adjoin ing Hie lands of ABa W. .Morion and oth ers, containing l:',H:i acres more or less as conveyed to said Corporation by Killy 1 E. Terry on the 17th day of October lSNtjJ and recorded in the ollicc of the Register ! of Deeds of Jones county Hook :17, page 210; to which reference Is made. j Also that certain tract of land lying ' and being in Carteret county adjoining . the lands of Alon.o F. Pellelier and Ed ward V. Pelleticr, 570 A. more or less, I as conveyed to the While Oak River Corporation by Killy E. T dnlcd the 1-th day of February recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret county in Book H. lt. page 58.). Also the timber richls and timber Sale of Laud. By virtue of a judgment of the Su perior court of the county of Craven, in the special proceeding entitle In Re Seth West, guardian of t he U villi n heirs by their guardian Seth West, et als tenant in common, I will sell at Dover station on the Atlantic and North Carolina rail road, in Craven countv, N. I'., at 12 o'clock in., on Monday, July -I, I s;is, to the highest bidder, the following de scrilied real estate: Hounded by all. I ad joining llie hinds of L. 11. (hiliaw, L. B. Humphrey, L. II. Whitehead, Fort Barn well road, Seth West, .Iiimes Lofiin, A. Adler nml Methodist Church lot. Said land beinsr known as the land left liv W. It. Griffin to Ids children by his last wife, conlaing "7 acres more or less. Terms of sale, one-lhird cash, b:diince secured by bond payable in one and two iiiS; ; years. SET II W EST, Guardian. NOTICE OF SAI.K. Norlh Carolina, 1 Craven County, t Tobias Burke, ) vs. I Nuiii'i1 .if Sab: The Slimson Lumber under Extern .on Company, J Pursuant to that certain Execution in my hands issued from the Superior Court of Craven cou my on the ltd day of June 1H.IN, upon a Judgment in said Court rendered at the Fall term, 1HT, in favor of the plaintiff and atainsl the de fendant, in Ihc action therein pending entitled Tobias Burke auainst the Slini- "erry by deed ' 80,1 IJ,ln,uer Company, lor the sum of tarv ls'.il au, ! two thousand ami fifty dollars mid in- lercsi anil cosi, as iiiuy set 0111 in saiu execution. And pursuant to the said execution having duly levied upon, I will proceed to sell at the Court House door of Craven county, on Monday July standing and growing upon inai certain 4l (w at Mle ,,mlr (lf u oV,J(.k j. tract ot land situated 111 tarierei county j rn (ie highest bidder for Cash, all the conveyed to the said lute -"k. Hlv" . rinlit. title and estate which the said (1 u at oil ; m,;,,,..,, 1 ,,,i,.,P I-,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,,i , the dale of the docketing of said judg- Cnrnntatinn hv J. A. Ilav bv dei ttniilnmlmi- 1MU:! ttminilpil nn Ilip Knot liv I Buck, and .I. lliomas, on uie uin j W Notice of Seizure. CoLI.KCTOU's OmCK ForKTH Dist., Rai.kioii. N. C. Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following1 property for violation of the Internal Revenue laws. New Berne. N. C, May 14th, 18JS, from J. 8. Garrett, R. L. D., by Jno. W. Dalley, Deputy Collector, date (117) May 14th, 1898, one pkg containing 37, W. gallons corn Whiskey. Any person or persons claiming the said proierty aro hereby notified to ap pear at my office in Raleigh. N. C, with in thirty (30) days from date and make claim In the form snd manner prescribed by law, or the said property will be forfeited to the United Stales. E. C. DUNCAN, Collector 4th Dist. N. C. By Juo. W. Daiijcy,! Deputy Collector 1st Dlv. 4th Dist. N. C, May Mil., 18118. ment, or which may he owned by it ly l S vt 1 ecus on ine "csi uy :ic ueirs ; ,hc ,,,1V of 9ulc in ttml , ,,, fiimvinf; of Elijah "W ceks on the North by the 1 deserihed piece or parcel of land Ivinil and being situate in the city of New Heine, State of Nortli Carolina, bounded Mr. John Bevlni, editor of the Pruts, Antbon, Iowa, Says: "I have uited Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlnrr hoea Remedy ia my family (or fifteen years, havs recommended It to hundreds of others, ana bare never known it to fall In a single Instance, For sale by F. 8. Duffy. t Third 'asiraalaal Biatrial trails t'aavaailaa. Notice Is hereby given that the Dem ocratlo Convention of tha Third Co a gresslonal District will be held la the town of Clinton, Sampson county, N. C., od Thursday, June 80th, 1808, si 13 o'clock m., for tbs purpose ol ai mlna ling a candidate for Congress, snd for such - other business as assy properly some before the Coavontloa. . By order of the Ixscatlve Commluee, W. K. X VRCII180N, Chairman. JOnN UNDERWOOD, Secretary, May 18, 1 W9, 1'apers la dl.trh I will please Copy, Administrator'! Notice. Having duly qualified as Administra tor on the estate nf Dollin A. Ellis, de ceased, on the 8:lrd day of May 1898 All persons owing said estate are hereby notified to mako prompt pay ment. All persons holding claims against said estste are notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned Administrator on or before May ftlrd. 1890, or Ibis notice will be pleaded in bar 01 their recovery. E. OKROCK. Administrator, V v 80 YEAr EXPERIENCE . Tnaoc Manas , -O Dsaiona ' CoavmoKTs Ac ATB a-Kittif a rt'-h and doOTIPIMl Mt allr . .m our upinl,-, fr. wh-lhar aa ' tn U- pnt,MT paianlahle, -.,iiotiK. lion, .rtrt I , fl .1 a" ' 1 .1 . j,rtlww. on r-MS tmnt tr. llrt W-T l. mirllia Pal-1. Ptlmla tab Ml l,rmivll M.nn A C laoMVa a4a, allium, ati-ia, la Uu Scuntillc Jlccrican. A kvan mrl4 r-rtlT. Iatw MT. .i.,. ( l-.ma (..,irnJ, T-mu. M a 1, , 1 r a.tka, li. SuM -r all atH- xmo' 'KewYork Vaavaa,! St, Walaiua, Ut. heirs of Thomas Duncan containing 4"0 acress more or less. Deed recorded 111 Hook page . Also ail the timber standing and grow ing upon that certain tract of land in Jones county In White Oak Township bounded by the Main or Public road leading from Maysville to Stella, and the lauds of P. C. Foy and Mancil Collins; as conveyed to the lute oaK i.orpora tion by C. 1). Foy by deed dated July 2nd 1894. Also all the timber Interest of said While Oak River Corporation in the lands lying In Onslow county as fully described in a deed hom FranK L. Mills to W. II. Mills, recorded In tho records of said Celinty Book 57, pago 4911; containing by estimation one thousand acres. Also the Interest of mid Corporation in the timber and timber rights, on the tracts of land slluiile In Onslow countv nml near Slnrkey's creek, described in a deed from Charles Thompson to Lewis Humphrey, recorded In the records 01 said County in Book No. Ill page S3; anil conveyed to said Corporation by John D. Costln. All the interest of the said Corporst ion in the timber snd timber rights in those crrtsin tracts of land lying In Jencs countv, White Oak Township and fully desciiU-d In a deed from Lewis Bynum and wife to said Corporation dated March 10th l89il. Recorded In the records of said County Book -to, page 1113. All the Interest of said Corporations In tbo timber upon the lands described lu a deed from W. J. Morion, lo tho Klily E Terry, lying In Jones county and recorded in Book R. 37, 1,284; adjoining the lines of W. T. Cannon and John Collins. The Interest of said corporation In a tract nf land lying in Carteret county near White Oak river and lladnot creek. In White Oak township, and known aa tho Dudley land: descrilied In a deed from H. 8. I'ullen lo K. E. Terry record ed in the records of ssld county, Book lt. R.. ntee 2KH. And the tame at de scrilied In a deed from D. 8. Weeks to aald Terrr. The Interest of ssld corporation In the timber snd timber right, on the lands Ivlns on the White Oak road in oniiow county, containing IKI0 acres more or lest, snd st conveyed to K. K. Terry by JnliHm ib. bv deed recorded In there cords of ssld county In Book 51, ptge 144 The timber Interest sail rights ot said corporation In the lsndt conveyed tn K, K. terry bv Curtis snd Lorenxa Hay lying In Jones county oa the north of Wlrey Branch, snd described In the deed recorded In said county la Book B U? Dare 173. The Interest In the corporation In the timber snd limber tights oa the lands 1 situate In Jonrs county oa ths south sids as follows: Beginning at Die south cast corner of (lie Gooding or Walkins line 011 the north side of Queen street ami running thence with the Gooding or Walkins line northwardly fo the riclit of wav of the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail road company, and thence with said R R. Company's liuht of way eastward ly to the channel of Ncuse river, and thence with the channel of Neusc river southwardly to the north boundary of Queen street thence with the north boun dary of Queeen St., to beginning; saving and excepting that portion consisting of said tract heretofore convcyid to Thom as A. Mclntyro by said defendant being a strip 150 feet wide extending to the channel of Ncuse river. This .1 line 3d. 1W, J. L. II All N, Sheriff Ciaven County. Commissioners Sale! Pursuant tn a judgment of the Super ior com it nf Craven county in an action wherein William iiemhry and wife arc plaintiffs and E. S. Street Is defendant, I will sell at public aticll' n ill the l ourl House door In the city nf New Berne at 1. o'clock m , on Monday the 4 Hi day of iluly, lN'.io, the following real eilnte: A certain tract 01 land in the county of Craven known as the Khorn Inml, being the same land conveyed to Wil liam Henibry by Elijah Ellis Executor of Amos Wake deceased situate on the south hlo of Ncuse river, beginning at the nortli side of Great Branch, at tho mouth of Horse Pen Branch, running up Great llraiu'h to a Ilav stump to llardl son's line, snd with llnrdlson's line to lie main road leading from New Berne to Beaufort, N. C, and up the said road to Home Pen Branch, anil down said Branch to tho beginning, containing seres more or lest. Term, of talo Cash. CIIAS. C. CLARK, Commissioner. AdnilniMralor's Notice. Having duly ounlillej at administrator of the ealale of Arthur Jonea, deceased, on the 4lh day of May, A. D., 1808, all persons owing Mill saia estate are here by notified to make prompt payment. All pernios holding claims sgalnsttaid ratals see notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned admin istrator no or lierora May 4th, I8W, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. May 4th, 18W8. ItOUEKT O. MOSELEY, Administrator.

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