SM OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. V.-E Af.E ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR 'EIGHT 'TO . TIIE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTOUU,1' AND ' ; .. r:TCHt:K.'3 castoru," as our trademark. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Byannis, Massachusetts', vas Vie mginzicr . cf "CASTORIA," the same . that has lyraq aid docs r.o:o beer -',,' m on every the fac-similo signature cf Qutjffl&&J!t'& wrapper. This i3 the origind "CASTORI A" which has been mod in the homes cf the Kzllicra cf America for over thirty years.. , :. LOOK CAREFULLY c.i ihs wrapper and see that it is the hind iou have r ' ' VP bo ana ncs ,xnc si'j.-.tiuro oj t I I : per. No ens hascuthariiif'-frczz The Centaur Company, cf iMch.Chcs. JI. Fletcher is President. Marck24,lS9S. J - '-, A ' Do II Be Do not endanrer ibr; Ufa 'a cheap substitute which coma .aurjiat may offer, you J (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in- jjredients of which even ho does not know. ,. . "The Kind You Have .Always Bought " ': BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF ' ' . .Insist on Having -The Kind That Never Failed You. - TH OCNTAUR COMPANY, TT M UP II AY aVTtKCT. NEW TORK CITY, STEAMERS- CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, riteiGHT & PA&SKNtiCll. For All loinU Xortli. The Steamer NETJSE Will lu.lVU 1)11 Mo., (I IV3, Wu(lMC8lili)8, and Fridays at o p. in., making -landings al Oriental, Ocruooko iintl JtoamiKu IhIuihI. lif FTiight received uot Inter than ono hour previous to sailing. . , . For further information apply to GEO. IJKNLMiUSON, Agt. M. K. Kino, fleu. Mgr., il.C. lluiaiNri,(Jeu.Frt.& lWAgt. jNoifolk, Va. Nhw Homo, N. (J., May aotli, lb'JS. A. & Si. CV It, 11. 11 M B TAlihK MO. 5. ' To Take Effect Sunday, June 19, 1803, at 12 H. Uolng East ScilKDULK: doing West No. 3 ' l'assengur Trains No. 4 Lt. p m 8 40.... 401)... 33... 6S5.... 5 4 V... station:): Ooldaboro II 05 , LaGrange . Kinatou.. New livrne, Lt. . " Ar. ..10 ua ..10 13 . 010 .Ar. .Lt, .... 857 7 47 8 57. , . . Ar. Morehead city Lt, N0.6V1 Passenger Daily. Lv. p. 111. .,: a 20. ... ..... Uoldsboro.. 543 .....LuUrunje.. Mo. S. Ar. a. in. ,. ...700 0 87 0 13 ,.. Kinaton 8 07 7 15 ..... Ar. New Hi-rue, Lt S 05 7 89.. ......Lt, New Ik'Nip, Ar. 4 07 b 37 ....Ar. Jlon lii'Hil Oily, Lv U 47 N.. 1. t I I No. 8. Ix'd Kt. and I stations: Mx't Ft. and lJm.'l'n. I I l'asa. Tu. JLf. a m Ar. p m . 710 Uuldslmro J 43 , .Ueal'a tiOt).. LaUrangu -J0 Fullina Crtvk.... V 14 ..Ki1mu.11 i3...... cnanvll...... ri... Ar. Dovbt, Lt ., 10 lfl ..L. " Ar. 10 10..' core creek...., 11 15 Tu.nira.... 11 HI Clark's 12 Of) .....Ar. NewlM-rnc.LT, I 80 Lt. " Ar . 8 13 . 7 8;l , 7C3 . 0 83 . 01H 5 IN 5 00 . 420 . 400 . 3 38 . 820 t&O .10 47 8 13 Itivrrdule .....10 00 8 20 ...oroalan .., 10 10 UiS ... IlavikHk 9 40 8 13... NuwrKirt, Lt 8 00 3 25 ...... ...WIMwcd ,,. 3 81 Atlantic , ., 8 8H a 40.... A r. Horehcail clly, Lt..,., iao 4 01.... Ar. M. city Depot, Lt 7 50 r. m. a Monday. Wwlniwluj and Friday. (luiHi'tay, TliuiiHlajr and Halunlay. S. L, DILL, HiinrlnlendnL ", PO Vf ARS' EXPCRIENCt , t , n Mamks MT AC 1 n m.f me t) use my name except , a Deceived. cf your child by accepting PROFESSIONAL. V. 91. Simmons, A. 1. Ward J. II. I'oii, E. W. I'on SIMIONS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at ' LAW. NEW BKKNE, N. 1. Office 68 So. Front Street, nearly oppo- sue Hotel uttatiawka, . (Offices also at Raleigh and Hmitltfield.) FrnotlRH in the counties of Craven. liitniin Jonus, Onfclow, Omttirut Pamlico, Wtikt, Johnston, iiaruntt ana wiison: in tne u p rente Hiid 'wieral Courts, aud wherever hwi es are uusirtu. IMI. Pelletier, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers Itrlclr ltnllding. Will ' nrftcttce In the Counties of 'Craven! iMrtorer., Jones, unsiow ana ramuco. v. r?. CouitatNew Berne and Supreme Court cf FINANCIAL. A, tireon, Pre, B.H. Meadows, Vloe Prei H.M.GBoril.Caihler. . CITIZEN'S BANK ob" isrurw BaaNB, xr. o. DO A GKNKBaL BANKING BU8INBH9 The Aoeounts ot Banks, Hankera, Comor atlons, Farniora. Merohanta and othtr it otivol on lavoraule terms. Prompt and oare tul attention given to the tniei rst ot our oos tomers. Coll. ollons a apeeialty. Boiao oroiBTOToaa. Ferdinand Ulrich K. II. Meadows, Chad. Dully, Jr. Jnmi-s KedtnondJ A. Meadows, Hamuel W. ltxick. cnas. it. rowier. n.fvr iioiiii, Thomas A. Urea C. K. Kv. W. j. Crockett. r. tirainner. K. W.Buiallwood. tteo. N.lTea. A. ItBTAN, THOS. DANIELS, President, Vice Pres. 0. II. ROBEKTS. Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK, Of NKW BKUNK, N. 0. XKOOBTOBATIID 1SOS. Capital,-..'..... $100,000 Surplus Profits,.. .....98,168 DIRECTORS! Jas. A. Bxtan, 1'iias.H. Hut as. JKO, DllHH, II. 11. UOHSB Tnoa. Damtkib. J. H. HAtiaauaai I. llARvatr ; K. H. Bishop F. & M. BANK, MAY 1st. 1898. Capital Stock $75,000.00 Rnrplns, 8,500,00 I'adhldrd Proats,.. 0,170.0! OFFICERS: L. II. CltTLIR. Pri-KiilenU W. 8. CiiAnwu-K, Vlrs Pres. T. W. Dswiy, Cnnhier. J. W. liinni S, Teller. F. F. Wattiiswh. CoIlKClor. Dl HECTORS: Wm. D. Blades, M. M. Marks, 1'. II. Pclleticr, J no. HuU-r, J. W, Stewart, D. liradliaiii, II. Cutler. W. . Chadwlck, : T. W. Dswey, We want your business aud feel that! ,i. i any otlier bank In th city, lt is our endeavor to make businoe relations mut ually ploaaant and profitable to our imlrons. Notice of Nclzure. Coukoton's Orncs Fui'RTB DlaT , Raijiioh. N. C. Nolle la hereby given ot Ilia smiure of the following property fur violation ot tlx Internal Revenue laws. Wsaldngtcu, N. C, Hay 18th, 1893, from W. II. Ksrrow A Co- II. L I)., ky Jno. W. Dalley, Deputy ColliK-tor, date (117) May lHth, Ifl'H, one pkj dMUlnlnj 4 gallons corn whlikry and 4 jugs eon lalntng 1 gullnnt corn whiskey. Any person or peiaont claiming; lh riid property are hereby noli (led to up per at my office lu IUIi Igh, N. 0 , wllli In ll.lrty (;!')) duys from dale and make claim In llif form aud manner pre-arillx-d by Inw, or 111 aaid protM-rty will he) (,,(, it. d to llio I'nlii J MM. a. E. 0. IT.NCAN, Collector 4th HiHt. N. C. ' !y Jmo, W. IUir4 I cjniiy ('olli-ctor 1 ,t 1'iv, 4 1 It Dial. N, C, June I ,i I., I'c'H, NOT FIT TO BE HANGED. TlM Patketl Story of aa IrUh Boy aa4 a Priest. It Is the seneral opinion that a must be pretty bad In order to be fit to be aanged. There was one man, however, who osod to toko exactly the opposite view of the case. To hlui lt appeared that a man must be pretty good In order to be lit to be hanged. In his entertaining "Rec ollections" Aubrey Do Vera tolls an Inter esting story of how this good man, who was an Irish priest, once succeeded In helping a man to become good enough for the gnllowa. 'Inure was a boy whom the prlost had taught to shoot, but unfortunately the lad went further than his teacher intended and showed his skill by shooting a gamekeeper. Then came remorse, and by and by It be came so strong that it overcame the fear ot death.- - I'm tired out I can't bear the pain in my heart any longer," said the boy, so he went to the priest and told of his crime, with the intention of giving himself up. Is It to be Hangod you have come heref" asked the priest. "It is to bo hanged, your reverence," was the reply.. .. .. "My boy, It's a very serious thing to die and meet one's God," said the priest. I'm afraid it's a long time sinco you wore at church and that you have forgot ten your religion. ' Lot me hear now if you can say the 'Apostle's Creed.' " The youth strove to repeat it, but failed. "This is a strange thing," said the priest.. "Hare is a man who does not know a B from a bull's foot, and yet ho thinks he is fit to bo hanged. Where are you living, my boyf 1 am living down there, your rover. enoo, about a mile to the west," answered the youth. The prlost replied: "I will goto you ev ery night about 10 o'clock. I'd be afraid of going before lt was dark, for I might be hanged myself as an accomplice. As it Is, it's a likely .thing enough if they come upon us. The priest kept his word. Every night found him visiting the self condemned youth, teaching him the fundamental truths of the Christian faith. Ho made him this promise: "As soon as ovor I find you aro fit to be hanged I will tell you so. Till then don't dare to do anything of the kind," Many nights, at tho risk of his own safety, the priest made his way to tho boy and taught him till tho repontnnco that is only tho sting of rcmorso passed into that truer repentance that is bora of love. One night, beforo giving the young man bis usual purring blessing, tho prlost said, "I promised, my boy, to lot you know when I considered you lit to be hanged, and now I have tho satisfaction of assur ing you that I never knew a man fitter to be hanged than yourself. Tho lud thertmnnii informed aornlnafe himself, but instead of being hanged, as ho and his frlond bad expected, ho was transported. Bulphor Matches. Sulphur mutchos havo now been almost wholly supplanted by the more modern odorless parlor matches, but somo are still sold, and of those sold in this country more are sold in the long settled east than in the west. Some people use sulphur matches for safety's sako. Sulphur mutches aro used in somo hotels for this roosun, though whuro parlor matches are not used safety matches that havo to be scratched on the box are mora likely to be used, and such matches are used also In sleeping cars and elsewhere. Sulphur matches are still used by some old fashioned people who cling to old customs. Tholr use Is not duo to rea sons of economy, for parlor matches aro now as cheap as sulphur matches if any-" thing, a little cheaper. - In this city sub stantially no sulphur matches are used on the east side, whore tho bulk of tho foreign population Is located. The sulphur matches burned hero are used on the west side, South America has still a domaud for some sulphur matches In combs or cards in which tho matches are uiado In little sheets, separated from one another for throe-quarters of their length like the teeth of a comb and joining In continuous wood at tho base. Such matches are broken off one at a time for use. Matches of this sort were once familiar in this oountry, and a few are still used hero. New York Bun. -What Bnglteh Maaoa. Mrs. Smith What are you reading, Johnf Mr. Smith I am reading Herbert Spencer's "Principles of Biology." Mrs. Smith Why what what's that, Johnf Mr. Smith Herbert Speneer's "Biol ogy." Lot me road you an extract his definition of life. Listen: "It consists of the definite combination of hotorogonoous changes, but simultaneous and successive, In combination with external coexistences and sequences. " - "Why, John, what In the world is tho man talking about!" "I am astonished at you, Jane. Why, this is the work of tho great English scien tist." "Yes, I know, but what Is he writing BbouW" "He Is defining life, I told you. What did you supimm ho was writing about " "Uood gracious I 1 thought ho was try ing to get a pnteut on a clotheshorse." London Tit-Bits Aaf.r a Dlsaaaa. An English journal thus comments on the Injurious effects of anguri "Anger serves the unhappy mortal who Indulges In It much the saato as intoxicant con stantly taken do the Inobrutto. It grows Into a sort of diauose which has various and terrible result. Slr lllchard Uualn sold not long ago, ' He Is a man very rich 'rho custom soon caused considerable an lndeod In physical power who can afford noyaimi, a tho cxorclaus were gruutly dls to bo angry.' This 1 true Kiery tlmo a to row I by the clicking of flint and steel man brooiiras white or red with anger ho Is in danger of his Ufa. The heart and brain are tho organs mostly alloc ted when fits of ruutnlon are Indulged In. Not only duos augur cauae partial paralysis of the small blood veaarli, but th heart's action intenuittent-uuu tmrry now I anu won i nro pa a noac uiucn tne annio ""ITTT"? T r oxoeaslTa amik- ar." Uodlcal Record. Tea Blank. Anxious Bl amnion Yes, Mr. Lakeside, th fact Is, 1 have three daughters who ought to be settled In lira. Is this western friend of yours a marrying manf Sir. Lakeside of Chicago Not to any great extent, mum. I'm afraid be wouldn't want to Uiko mors than ou of W Now York Weekly. Aa Ktapty Cemetlaee. : Willy Wilt That Dew restaurant Is oa fairly uiagnlflront senla Young t'haaxhnm How sof Willy Will Four tables for every eusv tinor. Loudon. Cua. aiBTBtutai ft) arB4ll Mar.ANK. Permanently cured by the masterly power of South American Nervine Tonic, Invalids need suffer bo longer Iwcauar this great remedy can cur litem all. I Is curt for the hoi world of stomach weak urea and Iniligcatlon, The euro bo. tins With til flral dime. The relief It Urirttta i niarvclixia and surprising. It ninMcfl no failure; never disappoint. No mailer how lung you haw anil., red, cure la eertnln under the nar, of Ihia great henltli vlvliig force. I'liwuint and si ways aifn. Hold by C. D, Dradham, Ihurimt, Hew lnin, N. u. TOO SHARP FOB BOTHSCHlLtt. now the 1 s aiaaneWr Was Takaa la By a Swlndlar. Baron Rothschild was Tudted one day by a decrepit old man, who showed him a beautiful bit of porcelain. - "Sir," aold the man, "I have brought this plate for your Inspection. It Is a pioco belonging to a perfect set which has no duplicate and Is the last remnant of my fortune 1 had hoped to retain It as long as I live, but many misfortunes havo befallen me, and I must part with it as I have parted with my other troasures." Tho boron examined the plate and at once coveted It, for he loved fine porcelain. "How much do you want for the service sntiref" he asked. "Let me ex Main," said the old man. Ton see how bowed down I am by years and misfortunes. I wish to end my days In comparative comfort, and I ask that you give mo a monthly Income for my life of 100 francs Instead of a single payment Then 1 shall not bo able to squander the money, nor can It bo got away from me by robbers or Bwlndlora. The yearly sum is only little to you, and I am so poor and so old 1 So be It, " said tho baron after another inspection of tho plate. "The first pay ment shall be givon to you when you de liver the sorvlco, and I will havo your name entered on tho books of my treas urer." The set was delivered by the man In person on tho sanio day. Exactly a month later a young and vigorous Hobrow enter ed the office of the bank at a momont when tho baron was himself present and demanded tho second payment Ho was referred to tho baron, who looked upon him with surprise "You are not tho person with whom I had dealings," oxclaimod tho banker. "Ho was old and decrepit, while you are stong and erect and oannot be a day over BO." "But I am tho same nevertheless," said theman, assuming a tone and posture which the baron recognized at once. " Doubtless I apjicarod to be at least 80 when I saw you last I am 50 years younger than that, and, thanks to your magnificent gonorosity, I have completely recovered my health, but If you see fit to repudiate the bargain I shall not com plain." Tho baron looked fixedly at the lngenl ous swindler for a few moments. " You nro an excellent comedian and you have played your part so well as to earn the annuity, to say nothing of the porce lain, which is as beautiful as I expected. You shall havo the money regularly and you should always remember when you ro celvo lt thut you have taken ino In com pletely. " Perhaps I am the first who has done that, " said the impostor, whose heart was probably In his mouth all the time, "and I hopo 1 may bo tho last. Thou the two bowed politely, the money was paid, and the man went away. For years certainly ho received 100 francs every month and perhHps Is still getting it Guests of Damn Rothschild never fail to odiniru the porcelain set, and sometimes tho baron hiir.-elf relates how ho caiuo by it Now York Press. Materials For a Skyscraper. An idea of tho amount of material re quired in t ho construction of a modern office building can bo got from the fol lowing figures furnished by Mr. McCaul, who had charge, of the construction of a 10 story skyscraper in Philadelphia: About 8,000 cubic yatds of excavations, 4,000 yards of concrete and stono masonry, 4,871,665 pounds of steel, 800,000 pounds of ornamental iron, 30,000 pounds of orna mental bronze, 10,000 cubic fect of granite, weighing 000 tons; 200,000 square feet ot flreproofing, weighing about 3,000 tons; 1,800 tons of patent mortar used in plas tering, to cover 42,000 square yards of plastering'; about the same amount of ce ment mortar used In brick and stone ma sonry, 40,000 square foot of Pevonlzzo, Nuinldian and Italinn marble; 15,000 pounds of nails, 10,000 cubic feet of terra cotta, weighing about 200 tons; 826,000 face brick, 1,600,000 common brick, 34,000 square foot of gloss, weighing about 78, 000 pounds; about 30 miles of electrio pip ing to Incase tho electric wiring through out tho building and about ten miles of plumber and steam fitters' piping. There were on an averago 200 men working on this structure from the start until the fin ish. Philadelphia Inquirer. Young Seal at Play. I had great opportunities of watching the young seals. Balls of snow white fluff, thctw innocent looking babies llo basking In their icy cradles, equally happy in sun shine or falling snow, sometimes for hours on their hicks, flapping their flippers lm potently like fans, unable from sheer fat to got over again. In the coldest stormi est season they grow fastest and fattest, so marvolously docs nature provide for tholr necessities. Nor does sho do less for the old seals. Ro thin that they sink at once If shot In the water In summer, as winter approaches thoy fatten and fatten up, till now thoy enjoy this terribly cold weather as wo would a bath In summer. They dive In off the loo, paddlo to and fro In tho water, throw themselves on tholr backs and float, pulling out tholr chests and throwing showers of water ovor their up turned nusos with fore flippers. Bide stroke and breast stroke, diving and sounding, they sport alwut till ono almost feels tempted to follow and share their raptur ous pleasures. Pittsburg Dispatch. Smoked I Chanh. "Tho early settlers of the Plymouth col ony," says the Worowitor Gasutte, "were greatly addicted to smoking, which atone tiino Is-cnino o common tlutt many Der- I ..,,.,L..I i K,,n.k ri,,ri,,i. , to light their pliwa and clouds of smoke In the church.' A luw was pruned In loot) to remedy this evil and prohibited persons from smoking on the lord's day 'going to or coming from tlui meetings within two miles of tho meeting houau. 1 ho penalty was IS pence for every offense. Under this low sovcral ponton worn fined for 'smoking tolmceo at the etui of th Yar mouth meeting house on tho Lurd'sday.' " StnBloa of Ju ile me el, "How do you stand on tho liquor ques tion, whoolurr " liutwecu whisky and water I hardly know which to ikcldo for. I pnnotured niytlreoneoovore broken boor bottle, end onu of tho worst headers I over took was from (lipping on a watered struct." In dlamipolls Journal. At th Art Kahtblllem. Byetonditr rthntild you say that picture was token from lifer Crltlo I don't know, but the world wouldn't miffor If the artist waa till Journal. Our bahy list been continually troubled with colic and -cholera Inlanltim since bit birth, and all that ws could do for him did not teem lo give more than tern porsry relief, until we tried Cbamher- Isln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Blnoe giving that remedy be'litt not been troubled. W want to give yon this testimonial as an evidence of our grstliude, not that yon need It lo adver tise your meritorious n-motly O. 11. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sslo by f. S. Duffy. CURED BY CUTICURA I was snfTerlng tortnrea from a diseased fteai). 1 was scratching my head from morn ing till nihc. Little pimples broke out all over my head. I tuwl no rest. I wanned mjr head with hot water and Ctkthra Soap, and nplied Citticura as a dressing. How my head hasn't a pimple on it and mv hair is growing splendidly. ADAC. HARRRLL, 330 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. I thonfrht I wrmM po frantic with Itching scalp humors, I Imt considerable of my hair of which I bad fin abundance. I tried several remedies, they failed. I tried CnncitRA Boap, relief immediate, itching completely cone. Mra.M.JUDAN,24G Halflday St., Jersey City. Bold thmn-Ttmit ttw world. Pttm D. ft C. Can., Bolt nl.,ihtuu. Uatorroduc.axoiuntUair, bee AT HILL'S In addition lo the Tope Mfir. Co.'s regular lines of Cliainless and Chain Columbian, Hartford and Vedette Bicycles, I have added a new wheel, . , Hill's Special, which are made for me by ,the Hartford Cycle Co., and which are tip-to date in every respect, which I will sell . For $3o.ob I will have a full line of CHEAP NEW WHEELS in a few days, prices ranging from $20 to $25. Complete Line of SUNDRIES Tires, Bells, Lamps, &c., at Lowest Cash Prices. Send for price list. Sold for CASH only. I have Becured the agency of the COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY'S GOODS And have a stock of same on hanil, con sisting of (irapliophonts, Records and Supplies Generally. ORAPI1OPII0NES SOLD ON IN STALLMENT. WM. T. HILL. 61 So. Front St., New Berne, N. 0. MONTHLY SUFFERING. 'T'housan.ds of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with paius in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But they need Sot suiler. These pains nre symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. males stecstruatiou painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer tnonth after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve herf It costs Jr. oo at the drug slore. Why don't you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv iug symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Mediciue Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ..eeoQOa Mrs. ROZtMA LEWIS, el OenanHI. Teiat, strl I I wee treukleo st monthlr Internals wnh terrible palm In ray hand and back, but have bees eriUralj rattened br Wine el Carsul." LaimMUiira JAPANESE pi LB CURB A New snd Complete Treatment. contislitiR of SUPPOSITORIKS, Cspsulel of Ointment and two BnxM of Ointment. A ncver-failinK cure for Piles of every nature ami decree, it makes an operation v h lite untie, wntcn la na niu . ami onen realm In death, unneveaaary. Why anre this lerrlkl SluawT Wt sack s Written Saarasles I sack 1 Sea. No Cure, No Pay. . and ft a box, 6 fur 5. Sent by mail. Samiilea f ire OnCTMENT, STm. aad fiOa. CONSTIPATION Jaaaneie Llw Pellets, Ihe treat and STOMACH KKl.ULAniRaii.l BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleaaant lo takes especially adapted lor children? use, doaea a cents. FREE. A vial of these tamoni little Pellets will he timi wilh a ft boa or more ot Pile Cure. NOTICB THK GKNUIMB rSSSH JArANKaa riLB tea mx sale eaiy rry F. 8. DUFFY, New Heme, N. C To all Lovers of Good Beer. I will sty that I can furnish as good at can be had in Ihe United States Bottled FRESH EVERY DAY and it is especially recommended by some of lb Best Medical Authorities lu the country for Weak sod Debili tated Persons. Our Noft lrliikft fc 9fliiernl Water. Our Ginger Ale Is equal to the Im ported. We guarantee Quality and Clcouliiicas In our goods. Aoxlous to Plea, I am yours reivtfully, James F. Taylor Certificate Lostt Certificate of Block, No. 1308 In the A.otN. 0. It. B. Nolio Is hereby given that applicatio will be mad for vttipli eats ot same. 0. K. HANCOCK. Commissioners Sale! Pursuant lo a judgment of the Super ior couit of Craven county in un nciion wherein William Dcintiry and wile are plaintilTs and K. 8. 81 rut i defendant, 1 will tell st public anelii 11 at the Court Uoufc door in the ciiy of Isew Denis ai 12 o'clock m,, on Hominy the -silt day ol July, 18118, the fnllowiue: real estate: A certain tract of land in the county of- Craven known as the Kboru Ixml, hcinglhe same land conveyed lo Wil liam Btnibry by Klijah Ellis Executor of Amos WaLe deceased situate on tin south side of Neusc river, Ix-ginning at the north side of Great Dianili, at the mouth of Horse Vi u Drancli. ruiinin.' up Great Branch to a liav stump lo liardi- son's line, and with llardisou's line lo the main road leading from New licrut to Beaufort, N. C, and up I lie said road to Horse Pen Branch, and down mill Branch' to the beginning, coiitaiuinL' acres more or less. Terms of sale Cat-h. CHAS. C. CLAKK, Commissioner. Notice ot Sale ! Pursuant to a judgment rendered al the rebruary term ot the Craven county Superior court in a Buit for the foreclos ure of a mortgage, wherein Mark Disos- wiiy is pliuntiu and i redcrick Douglas Is defendent, 1 will on the first day of August, 1808, at the court house door in New Heine at 12 o'clock m., sell al public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described land, to:wil; One piece or parcel of land on the south side of Bryan street in the city of New lSerne, tieeinnintr on lirytin street in the city of New Berne, and runs I hence east 110 lectio. I W Walkers line; thence south along said Walker's 45 fect to Levy Canaday s Hue; thence west lib feet to Bryan street thence north along said Di van street to the beginning. For fuller description see Deed hook No. 1)0, pane 530 Craven county records " R. W. WILLIAMSON, Commissioner. June 25, 1898. Sale of Land. By virtue of a judgment of the Su perior court of Ihe county of Craven, in the special proceeding cutille In Re Selh West, guardian of the Griilin heirs by their guardian Selh Weat, ct als tenant in common, I will sell at Dover station on the Atlantic and North Carolina rail road, in Craven county, N. C, at 12 o'clock m., on Monday, July 4, 18!I8, to tho highest bidder, the following de scribed real estate: Bounded by and ad joining the lands of L. II. Outlaw, L. B, Humphrey, 1j. 11. Whitehead, Jortllarn ell road, Seth West, James ljolttn, A Adler and Methodist Church lot. Said land being known as the land left by W. B. Griilin lo his children by his last wife, containg 77 acres more or less. Terms of sale, one-third cash, balance secured by bond payable in one and two years. SETH WEST, Guardian. Foreclosure Sale. In compliance with a judgment and order rendered and made at the l'ehru- :uy term of Hie Superior Court nf Craven county, N. C. A. D., 1808, III an action wherein 1,. J. l,hapmau ami J. A. Mnilli arc plaintiffs and K. E. Chapman is de- ten, laid, the undersigned commissioner of the court will sell a certain Iract or lot of laud situated in Craven county, North Carolina on Little Swift creek, nlioinintt Ill's land of Isaiah Tolcr, W C Whilfnrd and others, which land is known and described in the partition of the lands of Moses Ermil, deceased, as lot No. (I, and is further described in a ertiiiii mortgage to I, J Chapman by aid defendant which is registered in the I'rcordH of Craven county in book No. Ill on folio 404, 405, etc., to which ref erence is had. The said land will be sold nt public Minim nt 12 o'clock in., on Monday, August 1st, 1808 at the court house iu New Berne, N C. II. C. WUITEIII RST, Com missioncr. Ajlmiiiislrator's Notice. Having duly ottalilied as Ad.ninislra- i" .,,", r i,, a t'ii:. .1.. ceased, on the 23rd day of May 1898. All persons owing said estate ttrc hereby notified to make prompt pay meat. All persons holding claims niiinst said estate arc notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned Administrator on or before May 2:lnl, 1800, or this notice w ill le pleaded in bar of their recovery. fc. ur.itut h,, Administrator. Notice of Administration, Havinir duly oualillcd as Hie admiiils- tralor of Milan it. Howard, deceased, all persons are hereby notified lo present their claims 10 mo duty vermeil or to tny attorney, Owen H. Giiion, on or before Juno 21st, 1800, or I bis jiolice w ill be piemiea in liar ot recovery. All persans Hulclilcu lo nlil estate are reiiiif-ulcd to ittnkn llnliH-ilinte lint llietit. Tills June 21sl, 1808. I II. II. ROSS, Administrator. OWKN II. Gl lON, Attorney. Nollre l SlnnelHtlnw til' I'NriHeralilp, The fit'iu of Clink nnd Giiion, by linil lation of time and by mutual consent, is litis day dissolved. All mallets now in litigation will Ic preset tiled Slid defended lo final jiulg - men I jointly by the Individual members of the Him. sir. liars wm retain ms pincc o: ousiiicBB in ins oiiicc now oecu pled by the 11 1 nt. Mr. Union w ill remove to the office on llic North side of Brosd street, Immediately adjoining his resi dence, so toon as the same is prepared for occupancy, of which notice will be given, tntll which tlmo bo may be found al his residence, or at the office of Mr. Clark. This Juno lltl.,lN0H. Wm. VY. CLARK, OWEN lLUUION. WARMER'S HELMET NERVE TABLETS PROMPTLY Ct'RB ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, HEADACHE- SLEEPLESSNESS Flies, fc., tec r $1 aer lea. MA TUf AO TIOH ouKTrro OH eVOaHr ptfUMOED. nan ET. j. rwmrtnn esrreor:,; stiurruintritt to, eaeSMw.t. Sevt NOTICE OF SALE. " North C -olina, ) t'raT. n Counly. j"' Tobias Buriic, ) vs. Notice or Sale The Hilinscn Lumber j under Execution Company, J Pursuant lo thai certain Execution in my hands issued from the Superior Court of Craven cnuii'y on the .'id day of June 1H18, upon a Judgment In said ('mill rendered at Ihe Fall term, 1807, in favor of the pUintilt and agaiiiht the de fi'ni::nil, ir I Me actiou therein pending et titled Tobias liuike against the Slim son LmnlK-r Company, for the sum nf iwo thousand aud titty dollars and In terest and cost, as fully set out in said execution. And pursuant to the said execution having duly levied upon, I will proceed to sell al the- Court House door of Urau-n. cuiinly, on Monday July . 4th, lo!)H, at the hour of 12 o'clock M., lo the highest bidder for Cash, all the right, title and rsiate which the said Slimsnn Lumber Company owned at llic date of the docketing of said judg ment, or which may be owned by it on the day of sale, in and lo the following described piece or parcel of land lying ami ueing situaie in the city ol Jcw Bemc, Stale of North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at the south east comer of the Gooding or Walk ins line ou I lit; north side of Queen street and running thence with the Gooding or Watkina line northwardly to the right of way of the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail road company, and thence with said R. It. Company's i iulil of way eastward ly to the channel of Neuse river, and thence with the channel of Neuse rher southwardly to the north boundary of Queen street thence with Hie north boun dary of Queeen St., lo beginning; saving and excepting that portion consisting of said tract heretofore conveytd to Thom as A. Mclntyre by said defendant being a strip 150 fect wide extending to the channel of Neuse river. This June :id, lHiiS. J. L. HAHN, Sheriff Craven County. Sale of Land, As eninpiissioner of the Court in pur suance of a judgment rendered at Feb ruary term of the Superior Court of Craven county. N. C, in an action wherein James B. Gardner is plaintilT and Ashley Kirkmim and Edith Kirlt inan, his wife are defendants, Ibo under signed will sell the within described land at public auetioti at the court house in New Berne, N. C, a'. 12 o'clock M., on Monday August 1st, 1808. The said laud is situated in Craven county, N. C. ad joining the Henry, Lime and Perry W tllianiR laud on tho north side of JNciisc river aud south side of Swift Creek, be ginning at Uenry Lillie's comer in Perry William's line near James Cooper's Pat ent corners und runs north 50 degrees GO poles to Henry Lillie's corner, then south 5;! degrees east 25 poles to another of Lillie's corner, then south 40) west 00 poles lo said Lillie's corner in Perry William's line, then witli said line to the beginning, containing eleven acres, more or less. Also another tract situated us the above, beginning at n stake in Henry Lillies line aud a corner of the land that was deeded to Louisa Lillie by Wm. Pate and runs north 50 degrees east a distance sullicicnt when extended and run home to include and contain nine acres. I lie said land being ilcscribeu in a mortgage executed by Ashley Kirk iti h n find Eilitli Kirkman his wife to Wm. Pate which is registered in book Kilt on pages 578 and 57!l. II. C. WIIITEIU RST, Commissioner. Sitl' of Ij.iimI, By virtue of a powei of sale contained in a deed of trust executed by Hugh L, Banks and wile Hannah A. Hanks to R. B. Nixon and W. P. Desansurc trustees for the Metropolitan Building nnd Loan Association, of Richmond Yu. Klid deed being recorded in the ollicc of Ihe Regis ter of Deeds of Craven county, N. ('. in Book 110, page 87, I w ill sell at the Court House door in New Berne. N. C hi 12 ? ' "CK. " "e ':'.' V '" ' ,:';,' V'e i louowing tiescriueu rein csiate. neing 1 m. ,1,e iN'',v I!erl,c N- V; J'1" ug l the Nort heasl corner of lot 40 nun itiiiiiuiK iiim in n ai illy liinni; me West side of Berne street, II feet thence Wcstwardly 107 fect :l inches, parallel with the Northern lii e of lot 10, thence Southwardly 41 feet parallel with the snid Berne, street, thence Eastwardly 107 feet a inches to the beginning, being the front one half of a lot or parcel of bind conveytd lo Aiiiob York by Alex Mitchell by deed dated May 20lh 18011, book 00, p'ngc 275, Records of Craven county and left to Hannah A. Banks by Amos York in the hist w ill and testament of said York, book E. tiauc clerk's ofllec of Craven cotiniv N. C. ! Terms of sale ij:'.2.Y(0 cash, balance lo ho secured by lirsl moitgiigc on said property. Said sale to bo made lo satisfy a balance due upon bond secured by snid deed of trust default of which has Ik'CH made by said grantors. R. 11. NIXON, Trustee. SALi: OF I, A.M! By vlrlue of s power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed I , v MiMsnlirr - ' Holly and wife to II. B. Nixon and W. ' P. Desansure trustees for the Metropoh , Ian Building and Loan Aasoclalion of l Richmond, Y., said deed lielng recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of 1 Craven Counly, N. C, in Book 115, page , Vew llrriie N C Court House door st 12 o'clock on the irt, dsy of July, 180M, llic followliigd.-s- - . criueti rest estate: Ail mat certain pan of the lot of land lying on the rust aide of George St., in the Clly of New Berne, N. C, and known In the plan nf said city by the number !l:t:l end deacrllied ss follows: On George St. measuring on front 1171 feel, thence running east 1WI feel, llience south fllj fifl, thence west on "Hie Fulsliire line" 120 feet, the ssme being conveyed lo Musisphcr Holly by deed reconleil In Book 04, pages 50, 51, 5! and 511 In Ihe Register's ollli-e of Cisven county, N. C, to which refere.irs is made for further description. Terms of sale $050 caah, lialnnee lo lie secured by first mortgage on said proper ly, said sale lo be made lo aatlafy a balance due upon bond aecitrul by I mat deed, default of which has been made by said grantors. It. B. MXON. Trustee. Commissioners Sale! Pursuant to lb judgment of Hie Su perior court of Craven counly, at Feb ruary I erm, Irani, in s certain suit there in pending entitled Asa L. Hynnra, agtlnst Alfred Baker and wife. 1 will as commlsjloner ot said court Sxpoee lo public sale st the Court lloass door In the clly or New Heme on Moodsy, July 4th, I mm, at 13 o'clock m., til that cer tain piece or parcel of land situated In cllv of New Iterne, N. C, between Urtggs alley and Stanly slrenl, adjoining th lands of Oeorg Physic and oilier, being part of lot Na 1 H, which wss formerly lb properly of Thomas Harris, deceased logmlier with Ihe Improvement thereon, Terms of sale Csah. W. U. WAT80K, Coinmissloacf.