aw THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS U due not only to the originality and aimplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by acientiflo processes known to the California Fia Sruup Ca only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the. genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CixiroitNM. Fia Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia. Fia Sruup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN FRANCISCO. CU wrsviLLE, id. kkw roue v. v. Caeeas Taylor, colored, who attempted to break into the store of Mr. L J. Taj lor, last week, and who gave bond for his appearance at trial which was to have been held yesterday, failed to appear, and it is thought he has left town. . raHh at Jaljr Aelaal. The only Fourth of July accident re ported in the city was I bat lo Llkie Tolson, who was firing cannon crackers, and when about to throw one, It explo ded, burning his face and band, and cut ting a gash in bis chin. His wounds mere dressed snd be is getting along all right. Editor Journal: In the very Inter esting letter of jour lialeigh correspond ent this morning, there is an error In the statement that . "Major Dixon of the Second Regiment who preached at the I Presbyterian church Sunday is a Metho dist minister, though not connected with any Conference." He is a local Methodist preacher of the W. N. C. Conference, which is the relation he has sustained to the M. E. Church South, for years. Local preachers in our church practice medicino, teach, engage iu mercantile pursuits or any other honorable occupa tion; and sometimes go to war. Thank ing you in advance for use of your columns. SAM'L. L. ADAMS, Visiting Methodist. IKS). At the residence of his sister, Mrs. Frank W. Dewey, at Portsmouth, Vs., W. II. Justice, In the 50th year of his age. Ths deceased will be remembered by many friends In this city, as a member of the well known hardware firm. Or LOCAL INTEREST. ; Having had five years experience In the collecting business, I offer my ser vices as collector. All persons having accounts in the city to collect will have prompt attention. Good references. Bat- Hammond and Justice, of Charlotte, N. U. He was the only son of Vr. John R. Justice, and wife Fereby Elizabeth Gulon, only sister of Dr. John A, Qulon. The deceased had long been a sufferer ! $2.50, sizes 3 to 6 in black and tan. from paralysis, from which he died, sur- early and get your size, lsf action guaranteed. Address Z. V. Harrington care of Journal. J. J. Baxter la offering 100 pairs of E. P. Heed's Oxfords at $160, worth Call rounded by the loving care and devotion of bis sister whose ministrations soothed bis last suffering hours. His body will be brought to this city for interment this afternoon on the A. N. C. R. U. and the services will be conducted at the cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are Invited lo attend. THE JOURNAL. SEW ADVKRTlNKMKNTtt. City Treasurer's report. O. Mai ks Co, Reliable retailers. II, B. Duffy Hot weather furnishings. Business Locals. LAblES to do Plain Sewing at home; fl.HO per day; four month's work guar anteed. Send stamped envelope for par ticulars. Utopian Supply Company, Twelfth and Fibert Streets, Philadel phia, Pa, FIELD'S CAFE Cloves Gum at Hargelt's Drug Store. HOUSE TO RENT Two story house, six rooms on Metcnlf Street, number 86. Good locality. Apply to' J. D. Dinkius. Base 0ill Tomorrow. - The first game of base ball of the sea son will be played tomorrow, Thursday, commencing promptly at 5 p. m. at the Fairgrounds. - The interest attaching to the game Is due to the fact that tho proceeds will be for the Atlantic Reel Tenm, and also that the players ate all known and will piny hard ball to win for their respective sides. Admission is only ten cents. 1 "The nines expect to line up as follows: A Halter mt i-aaaraialailaav While death and wounds are the por tion of so many gallant North Caro linians 4n this war with Spain, It Is a matter of congratulation that New Berne's brave son, James B. Hughes, Jr., First Lieutenant Troop B. Tenth United States Cavalry, has escaped all Injury. Lieut. Hughes was "reported in last Friday and Saturday's fights befoie San tiago de Cubs, two most severe contests, and while so many officers have been in jured, Lieut. Hughes Is untouched. Every one will rejoice ' at the good fortune which attcndB New Berne's gal lant officer. New Bcrnes. Atlantics. F. Thomas, p Bashford Bragg, c Nelson R. Jones, lstb . Jordan L. Hendren, ?nd 1 Jim Gsskill A. Patterson, 3rd b Geo Roberts J. Fulford, " If Bert Roberts J. McQowen c f ltrehnrdson A. Hardisou, ' r f C. J. McSorley J. Smith, sub J. Hill, sub ss W. J. McSorley A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try It who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medi cine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier ubd nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy ItHs purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and bo convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50o a bottle at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store. When in Bayboro stop at the Lupton House for good accommodations. Single Tube Tires $2.25, Inner Tubes 75c, Search Linht Lamps $3.50, Foot Pumps 40c each, and all other Sundries proportionately low, for Spot Cash only at Hill's. See J. J. Baxter for summer clothing, straw and crash hats, shoes 'negligee shirts, &c ' J. J. Baxter has the cheapest ribbons in New Berne. . - The collection of rents and accounts given careful and personal attention. Best of references idven J. K. Land, 127 Broad street. . ' Tanglefoot Fly Paper , and Insect Powder " at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. Phone 56. Cor, Broad & Middlo 8u, Jrnrjr ChIvmi rorHnlr, I have for sale 1 full blond bull calf and 2 high grade I blood bull calves, Jersey stock. Apply to JOHN HUMPHREY, Clark, N.C. This Year's Spring Inmb, . Teal, Mutton, Pork, And the: FINEST BEEF'ever Iliroucht to this City, can; v Sam' I CoIiit & Son's 88 Middle St., Phone 46. JB?-Also Live and Dressed Poultry, , M-Clal. We place on sale this week a new line of R. and G. corsets in regular and sum mer velght ranging in price from oOcts. to $1.50 tho pair. BARFOOT'S. AMERICAN BOND & TRUST CO. OF BALTinORE, flD., Will Go on Your Bond. A BAT IN TUB CITY. - The weather forecast for today is gen erally fair. Register of Deeds J. B. Willis has re ceived copies of the new road .law and road supervisors can get copies by calling at his office. In the article on the Confederate Vet erans, in Tuesday's Journal, iu the list of officers the name of Rev. Geo L. Leyburn, Chaplain of the Camp, i omitted. There were a good many visitors in the city, on Monday, July 4th, and while the saloons were open, and fire crackers and general hiliarily prevailed all over the city, thero were no disorders, arrests or drunks reported. The City Council at Its meeting last night granted the two Fire Company permission to take their apparatus to Goldsboro during the Firemen's Tour nament. Will firming Harritd. Mr. W. T. Herritage, who is pleasant ly remembered in Raleigh as the Ser geant Major of the First North Carolina Regiment, was married Friday. Mr. Herritage received an honorable dis charge from the First Regiment at Jacksonville a few days since 'Ike Aalievillo Citizen says of the marriage. 'Mies Bonnie Kate Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. U. Reed, of Biltmore, was married at Hcndersonville yester- day to Sergeant Major W. T. Herritage of Asheville, who has -been with the First N. C. Regiment at Jacksonville and who was a few days ago granted an honorable discharge from tho army. "News of tiio marriage will be a sur prise to the friends of the young couple in this city. The brlde-lo be met Mr. lien Itage at Henderson villa, where the wedding occurred as Blated, and a letter to Mr. Held yestciday afternoon an nouncing the fact was the first Intima tion the family had of the marriage." Raleigh Post, July 4lh. STATEMENT NO, 5. John II. Spjriroiir. Acconnt with the City of New Berne. RECEIPTS. Balance forw arded from Statement 4..... $1,241 17 May 16, received from tax col lector 350 00 May 10, received from chief of police May 23, reev'd from tax collector " " chief of police 30, " " tax collector. " " chief police.. June 18, " 27, " " " 6, " 13, " 27, " Hats, All Sizes, "Carries Load on Deck oin Hold. Red Heart Hand-Miide and Sawed Shingles I Always on Hand. Out Prices on Brick, Laths and Fence Posts. .' ' : ' .-- Stove Wood Cut and delivered to your door. Bee V BIG HILL, he Shingle flan. tax collector.. 7 0T 250 00 18 25 285 00 ill 85 14 83 25 00 125 00 270 00 125 00 WAKTED to BUY Wool, Cotton, Beeswax Highest Prices Guaranteed. T. E. J.ITIIOI, Near Cotton Exchungr FOR RENT. The most desirable house in tho City for a hoarding house containing 18 rooms, water and ens. Located on South Front Street. Apply to J. W. STEWART. rEBSONAL. Mr. J. M. Howard relumed yesterday from Morebead. Mrs. E. E. Harper and little daugh ter, left yesterday morning to visit at Kinston. Mrs. Eunice Gaskill relumed last night fiom Salisbury, accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. J. Ennett. Mrs. B. B. Davenport and children, returned yesterday from a two weeks visit at Morehead. Mrs. S. II. Scott returned yesterday from attending the district confeience at Beaufort, Mrs. W. P. Fife end daughter, Miss Elma, who havs been visiting at Dr. Geo. Slover's left yesterday morning. Mrs. A. O. Ksfcr left yesterday morn log for Winston, to join her husband, who left last week to engage In the bak cry business In that city. THIS MODERN BtUl'TT Thrives on good food and sunshine, with I plenty of exercise in the open air. Her I form clows with health and her face I blooms with lis beauty. If jher system I needs the cleansing action of a laxative I remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant I Syrup of Figs, made by the California I Fig Syrup Co. only. M Prraay laaare b.ll.rrr. Under the new provision of the postal laws, second class, third class snd fourth class mall matter, which, of course, In clude all classes of printed publications, wi:i not be returned to (be sender, or re- mailed lo anyone, nntll the postsga has I pen fully prepaid on the same. Hereto fore, all suck matter has been forwarded or returned, tod the postage collected from tlie recipient. Marrlaaes ia Jaa. The following licenses for marrying I were issued by J. B. Willis, register of I deeds, during June, IH'.IS. WHITK. Walter Lewis to Mary Ann I pock. Luther Foreman lo Lillian Simpson. C R Williams to Sadie Forest Ilorman W Bell lo Lunlla E Wbaley. 1) M Bailer to Nancy E Beclon. COI.OIIKU. Matthew Johnson to Minnie Berry. Pontiiey Satlerthwalle to Mary E Jones. I John II Cobb to Julia Hlnipsou. Frank T JcRers lo Addle Slaton. Thos McColter tc Cells Carr Geo Taylor to Julia K Perkins. Isaac Alexander lo Phenla E Turnage. I J W Morton to Hora L Dudley. Shade A Moore to Hannah Williams. Solomon Keddlck to Carolina Oram. Amos Howard to Ada Stevens. Jerry Clark to Carrie E Dugglns. Wm Satlerthwalle to C Davis. Alfred lennls to Minnie J Parker. Lewis Gaylor lo Nettle Coleman. '1 II Smith to Carrie M Rhone. Jacob D Blount lo Fannls Jackson. Irrae Mrrrlas-, svmmI. A Ulrgram received hers on July 4th, from ltl.lgewsy, Pa., reported Ike death at Ibal plara of Miss Irene Herring, danshterof Lieut. Herring, her death taking place last Handey. Lleat. Herring and family lived In Nsw Berne som rears sco and will be re' menibered by nisny here. Calami MS tajar.a. While lbs special train on the A. A I N. C. rallrosd carrying the colored corsloniits to Goldsboro, last evening, was pawing lbs pisiform al nines' Mill near Kinston, colored man standing on the ear steps was ilrock by lb platform nod sever! hurt. DCCKLCtra ARNICA lalYE, THE BEST SALVE la lh world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, I Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped llauds, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, snd positively cure Piles, or no I pay required. It It gbsrenleed to dive I perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price U oral per box. For sals by K.I 8. Dully. rar Si. a alr. W put on sal this week a aw col-1 lection of awn's summer coats, all lltel way f rum 4Hc for aa oltlc coal up to I $4.50 Imported Mohair. BARFOOTB. OABTOniA, tmnU Unusual Mil tiin 6osfl Ladles cuff pins, watch guard chains, dm ballon sets, and studs In endless style and prices, at Bailer's, lb Jew ,r. $3,743 17 EXPENDITURES, voucher D G Smaw 4 35 llynuin Supply Co 14 !)'! Charles M Harris 75 Aaron Bell 1 60 New Berne lee Co 29 00 John B Willi 1 00 John B Willis 1 33 Wm H Moore 75 T A Henry 01 70 George Slorer A 00 J E Latham 0 05 John C Green 10 50 John C Green 22 10 P M Drancy 25 00 II W Gibbs 20 00 Baker & Dunn 150 50 Charles B Hill 81 30 M T Rolwrts 50 00 A A Bryan 40 00 John II Howell 40 00 Henry Pasteur 30 00 Alonza Bryan 6 00 T R Richardson -80 00 William Foscue HO 00 R C Bsker 30 00 J D McCoy 30 00 J J Moselry 80 00 Chailes II Sqnlrcs 30 00 Burru Jt Grsy 23 M Itr Williams 270 17 John W Stewsrl 75 00 William Wood JO 00 R W Williamson 25 00 John B Seymour 10 CO J B Sey mou r, ch orders 200 31 Edwards & Brougbtnn 1 60 A It Drnnlson Ml 00 Archie Wallace 21 70 Waller Walker 1 2.1 C W Bell 1 20 I. II Culler Hardware Co 30 Jno Bowdcn, 1 00 John Hargvtt 4 00 llollliler A Cox 10 00 Thomas Allen I 30 II V Willi 0 00 Mose 8 Moyo .75 Alloa Moore .78 MP William 10 00 Oliver Fonvlll .73 Aaron Brll .73 Isaac W bb 1 50 Christopher Dixon 1 50 Samuel Jackson 84 Georg Slorer 0 W . Waller Walker I M New Bern Telephone Co 10 00 Chaa M Harrl .75 Samuel Cbadwkk 4 50 F J Hanllsnn 14 00 Rlepheny White .71 W II Ukhardoa ,73 U A Nana I M Nw Berse Joiimmai, 10 00 W F Bell .73 William Crtspla .73 Balance 1,100.81 $1,743,17 liiUf-Book Store & o BOOK-KEEPERS SUPPLIES Constantly in Stock. tlurlburt's Empire Court and j Whiting's Pnpeteries in Latest Styles. i G. H. Ennett. t Sworn mat subscribed lo before I this 5tb day of July, IHWb A. A. UKYAN.J. P, REPRESENTED BY Romulus A. Nunn, Atty. THE MBY. BRING or send the children down to our Fountain and cive tin m fouio Kods Wutcr. J hey need it these hoi days. Wo use ricrfectly puro wnler, charged with natural carbouic efts. Then we use nothing but THE puicst fruit juices made from ute fruit, siu-li mat will not future your BABY, mil will refresh and slicpgllieii it. Children arc treated w iih as much contidernlit n as grown folk nt Bradham's. i? i . w w w w ' iio x f ) l o . ; o 1 o ' , o lo, r - . ,. v u I u -- o 1 o . - n In V. - o i o . - : n ! i. EiIllS 0 QPilDI o -O o o RELIABLE " il RETAILERS O O O ) nc ur o & o ia o o g II 0 o 0 o ia a 1 SitfOElE illlll &j . a o o o o - - o o iff . n cs O U Q The Thirst Relieved. On these hot, sultry ilnys. when the sun is nt its xenlth. a lew mimiti- in our psi lor will Kive ynu a fresh, high-. ptritcd feeling and make you k" away light-hearted and happy. Ico Cream, 30c Quart. Di-llrered to any pari of the city, rACKED IN ICE. Corner Pollock hml Middle Hlrectj. Don't forget the place. V, . Iflt-Norley A Vo. The Wisest Thing You Can Do ABOUT THAT SUMMER SUIT is to lei us make it for yor. You will be sure of the Fabric, sure of the Cut, sure of the Style, sure of the Fit, and siuo of tho Durability. And you'll be sure that the price Is away below the figure which bin h work as our would cost you elsewhere. CALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL. Baker & Dunn, POLLOCK STREET. HOT WEATHER FOR MEN. FURNISHINGS ! w-1. HOBSON'S CHOICE. Mr. Iliibsnii. Mr. IMianti, You're a ''ilanil)" and s "prarh,'' And lit biKX'sl, blnnniltig prtildr Tlinl Is sinning on the orach, -As a hi m you'll fon-vpr Take the "erlierlno'' iami You're tlin lilrd of Hanliuitn And the prwle of Uncle Sam. Mr. Ilotmnn, picas ri'ineinU-r. When you want to lake vnur choice, Frame a lti of a htt'. In rrio, Ami lo McKinli-y giv if voice. If it's a suli oft lothing Hwr than you've ever worn brfura. V will miWi II lit your orih-r r'rom IU lliml fabric In our store, P. Jf. Chndwkk, ltkl.llo.lmt, ' NEW liEUNK, V.C. 5 BOYS AND G1ELS WANTED At the Knitting Millr. Apply nt ONCE to P. IF. PJEstXlSTIEIt. This store can likely supply your wants, where serviceable qualitie3 at fair prices can be had, in hot weather furnishings for men. STltAW HATH, " r Two collections of straw hats, samples in show window of the 40c kind, some ot these worth as much as one dollar, many could not bo bought usually lor less than seventy-five cents, but now your choice tor 40c. Lower down in store, a long counter full of men's straw hats, tew in this lot worth less than fitty cents, we lot you take pick for 25c . Theso two lines of hats were manufactur-5 er's samples, hence these low prices. THIN lTSKnUrILIK. Two grades of Balbriggan underwear, a air quality at 25c per garment. , A better one at 50c. Bleached drill drawers at only 25c pair A splendid quality ot bleached drill drawers with clastic ankles at 50c pair. SPECIAL. Wo have lett only tour pairs Scriven3 elasMc seam drawers, size 32 waist. - To clear out these, will sell for 80c per pair. This is the $1.00 grade. Hub Tlt'S of t'olurfil Matins at 25c per dozen. . While Livid Tlf s t 10c per dozen. Fly biO'l bovr pf illk at oilj Iflc. OXFOKD TIES. . Mack vld Mil Oxfiirils, a vnmforUblc hot wfatbrr fIioo it $:!.() Tan v lei lid OxfurJ at only Summer Outing Outfits Are nrvrr enmph-le wilhnul Tlli llrnnlsllrs W. lint ViAii I resni. V aline .!! (Iroain. Msgnnha II dm, M ul aia Soiilu's Tan Erailirator, Mrs. Conk. ling's t'urlins Cream, Amnlia r'uio lx- ami olbtrs Ino numrirm. loiri sllrni llnn'tfall to g llwin In Into leavln from Bradham's Reliablo Pharmacy. '7S.CB. HOTEL ALBERT. Willrr.rlWIthoul iwurr clash tiunsiknt noAitr, $1.00 TO $I.J0 A DAY, AUCOKDINO TO UK ATMN. mks.j. a. moMAS, ri:on:. Ileal Iuitc Agency ! Houses I'or Kent. Houses l or .Sole. u Farins I'or 5ulc. ColloLtlonsiif Kinf, Any liii.inr.. in"onr line a 111 I jlrrn prom .t stliiill. n by Ii1:-k annl at ll.n Hum i f N. Nunn & Co., i. iwilu ilm I'.Hlt OffliT. K. 1.. II AM I II

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