THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Calikoknia Fm Sibop Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sykup Co. with the medi cal pi-ofession, and the satisfaction which the genuino Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN rHANOISO. CM. ; CCUVILLE. Kr. XKW YeiiK,.T. THE JOURNAL. EW ADVKKTINKMKNTW. 0 S Hollister Executor' notice. J C Whilty Solid comfortp. O N Ennelt A new book. O Marks Co Co.sets. Business Locals. NESTS of pigeon holes and postoffice boxes in lots of 40 to 100, second-hand hut in good order, for sale cheap. Matt Manly. HOUSE TO RENT-Two story house, six rooms an Metcalf Street, number 80, Uood locality. Apply to J. D. Dinkins. A DAT IN TH3 CITY. The weather forecast for today Is showers. ' 1 be Atlantic Heel Team will give an excursion to Morehead next Friday. Train leaves at 0 a. m. Arrived, Schooner Mary, Rout. F, Geddes, master; laden with coal from Norfolk, to load for Washington, D. C. There was a false ala: m of fire jester day at 13:30 o'clock. The bell did not ring but the hose wagons went up town on the Jimp. The steamboat sail which was to be given by T. J. Mitchell's Sunday school c.Ihbs this evening, is postponed until Fiiday evening on account of the dump nest of the weather. The C. Q..V. Society are requested to meet this, Tuesday, 'tor noon at six o'clock at the hoaie of Misi Mary B. Smallwood. It is important that there ' should be a full ai tendance as business of Impoilarce will be transacted. The weather change Is as pronounced towards a lower temperature as It ws upwards a week ago, the the mometer registering In the sixties yesterday Rain and a northeast wind made heavier clothing a necessity. Ilollowell Peterson will run su ex cursion from Goldsboro to Morehead City on Ju'.y 21st, passing New Berne at 11 o'clock a. m. The train will return on evening of 32nd and reaching New Berne at 3;30. This will afford our peo ple an opportunity of spending two days and a night at Morehead City and the fare for the round trip It only fifty cents. An-AMTTf Hotkl, I Morehead City, N. C. ( To niy surprise I found about two hundred and fifty people down here enjoying the refreshing breeze which blow perpetually across the deep si a and e'er onward through the Atlantic, cheering the young and exhilarating the old with the coolness and health renew ing silliness. Saturday's regular evening train brought In a large crowd from up the country and the summer special arriving an hour or two later had aboard many passengers who came to spend the heated days of July by the sea-side. The Petty johns are exerting themselves to please the visitors and they are eminently suc cessful. When one gels within tight of the holel.fiags are waved as an invitation to enter and the band plays patriotic airs to welcome the new comers. The same spirit of thoughtfulness on the part of the managers is apparent every where about the hotel. Saturday night thirty-live or forty of the young ladies and gentlemen danced the german led by Mr. Tom C. Daniels. The ball room was gayly decorated with flags and bunting and the floor was in splendiS condition. There were many pretty girls among the dancers who would glide as the dream of summer thro' the waltzes played by the orches tra. Some of the dancers were: Misses Lulie Ives, Bessie Williams, Mamie Dan ids, Lizzie Hancock, Belle Marks, of New Berne; Miss Dowd, of Durham, Misses Skinner, Latham, Hooker, of Greenville; Miss Clark, of Wilson; Mrs, Humphrey, of Goldsboro; Mrs. Petty john, of Atlanta; Messrs. T W Dewey, F It Uyman, 8 L Dill, Jr., A T Dill, Harry Marks, Rom Nunn, of New Bern; J H Uuun, of Rocky Mount; Geo Denny, of Richmond; and Messrs. Pace, Cherry, Marshall, Gilliam, Barnes, Forles, Petty john, Humphrey. Quite a number of New Berne pcoplo are down hire: Mrs O H Guion and chil dren, Mr and Mrs James A Iiryan, Miss Laura Hughes, Mrs J R B Carraway, Mrs D F Jarvis, Miss Lillian Roberts, Mrs M A Moore, Mrs Charles Duffy and ton Mr Richard Duffy, Mrs B 8 Guion and children; Mr and Mrs C F Harvey of Kinston; Mrs Julius Lewis of Raleigh; ox-Governor and Mrs T J Jarvis, of Greenville are here. The house party chaperoned by Mr and Mrs P II Pelletier and Mrs R P Williams has been s grand success. Tbey have the Assembly building fixed very comfortably where they live in elegant tyle. They will break up Tuesday morn lug. From the rooms engaged, It is certain that the latter part of July and August will see some gay times at the Atlantic. Quite a numlier of Raleigh peop'e will be among the guests. A large New Berno house .party goes down Wednesday afternoon and will have quarters in Assembly Hall for a couple of weeks. L, THB Bid EYENT. Cwly raaaaslMlMn. -r- I The Board of Commissioners of Craven Tk mmwmN stily mm starawea county met at the Court House la New M rrt sWaweli. j Berne on the 4lh day of July at 11 o'clock Thurtdtr. the 11th of August will set bl, it belng a legal holiday the Board great timet at Fort Barnwell for the big took a recess until Tuesdsy morning, barbecue and speaking will beheld there, July PERSONAL. Mr. L. O. Daniels of Bsyboro, wat here yesterday. Miss Iladdie Davis left on lsst night's trsln to visit at Smyrna. Mr. Alex Justice returned to Wllmlng ton yesterday morning. Rev. It. B. John left yesterday morn' Ing for a Hp to Chatham county. Jtrt. O. W. Bunjmerlll left yesterday morning to visit at Klniton. Mr. B. F. Delemar left on the Ncuse yesterday afternoon for Portsmouth, Ya. Mr. C: H. Hollister, returned home oa the Neose Sunday morning from a north' em trip. Mr. R. II. Berry left on the A. & N. C train yesterday morning for a business trip. Mr. Charlie Thornton, of the Cape Lookout Signal Corps is In the city on a furlough. Mr. John T. lla-gett If ft jealerday morning to spend a few weeks with friends at Blrlls. Wmcs Jessie Carroll of lUlrljjh, and Bottle Tyson of Greenville, were on last night's train going to Morehead. Maters. John F. Mcwborne and L. Harvey of Klnttoo pasted through tlit city last night going to Morchesd. Mrs. E. II. Bsrnum and daughter, re turned oa the Wilmington train lgul2frora a visit with relatives In Ons low county. Messrs. J. H. Bell and I. II. Karros came p from Morehead yesterday mora Ing, and left oa tbe Wllrolngtoa train f. r luclr homes at Pollockavlliav OABTOIIIA. juntas " m "SuM Kpata ef on that day, In the first place the barbecue will, be something Immense. A whole roasted ox will be on tbe table. The roasting of the ox will begin the day before and it will be done to a torn. The horns will be preserved as a memento of the occasion. The barbecue right will be one hun dred fine pigs and 8 o'clock In the morn ing will find them being prepared so that by 13 o'clock they will be fine, very fine. - This Is Craven county's feast and treat and Lenoir, Pitt and other adjoining counties are invited Two thousand people, none less, will be present. The rtt tpesking will begin at 11 o'clock. The speakers announced are the Hon. C. B. Aycock and Hon. Thot. W, Mason of Northampton. No doubt Hon. Jas. A. Bryan and other honorablea will be there lay down tbe Democratic law in a way they know how. Fort Barnwell is a pleasant place to visit, 24 miles from New Berne, 9 miles from Dover, and one mile from the banks of the Neuse. This city will be largely represented on the festive occa sion. . - Messrs. W. C. White and M. D. Lane of Fort Barnwell were here yesterday In consultation over the work, for there is work getting up tuch an affair. They are able ge .tlemenand will do their part The committeemen wll be an nounced in a few days. . Mailer Bweloa Thcro was a beautiful wedding at Oak Grove church, Bachelor, July 5th, at 8.30 p. m. As the organ gave forth the melodies of the Mendelsohn wedding march, Miss Nannie Bocton and Mr. Dula Salter were happily united in mar riage. The church was well crowded with iclativct and friends of tbe young couple. At the head of tbe msin aisle stood a high arch covered with cedar and bamboo vinet in which were entwined while jasimlnet. Gates covered with tbe same white Uowcrs and bamboo vines opened before the arch. Great quantities of beautiful palms and flowers were ar ranged on the sides. Bsck of the arch the pulpit was beautifully decorated with paling flowers and vines The first of the bridal party to enter tic church were two little boys, Masters Geo. Bi ll and Goo. Gilbert acting at pages. Next in order were the five brld;t irntdt and the five groomsmen, The brides maids were Misses Ssdle Bcclon, Bertha Bell, Alible Whitehead, Mamie Brooks and Mamie Becton. Tbe groomsmen to correspond were Mesirs. Earnest Webb, Herman Rire, Claude Taylor, Clarence Marshall and Hugh Salter. The bride was elegantly gowned In white and wore the white veil and car ricd a boquct of hiteflowers. The brides mslda were also dressed in white each bearing In hand a boouct of whltr flowers The ceremony wss performed by the Rev. G. T. Simmons, after which Mr. rnd Mrs. Sal er accompanied by some of their friends left for their home at Mcrrimon. May their future lives be a long and happy one. C. Disceveres by a Wemaa. Another great discovery has been made and that too, by a lady In till country. "Disease fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven years the with Hood lit severest teats, but her vital or gaos w ere undermined and death seemed Imminent. For three mouths the coughed Incessantly' and could not sleep. She finally discovered a wty to recovery by purchasing of nt a bottle of Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, and was to much relieved on taking first dote, that she slept all night and with two bottles has been alisoliitcly cured, Her name is Mrs. Lmtior LuU.' Thus writes W. C. llsmnlck Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at V. n. PuiTy Drug Hlorc. Regular site 6ue and $1.1 J every bottle guaranteed. For Teachers. The Oriental Academy at Oriental, N. 0., desires correspondence with teachers In regard to running a first class school at that place. Plans for a modern school building are also desired. Address tbe Oriental Academy, Oriental, N. C. Or LOCAL INTEREST. Unlaw Prayer eeilntT The Union prayer meeting will be held tonight at the M. E. Chapel on Pollock street, Members of all the churches Invi ted to attend. It may not be amiss to say a word about the purpose of thlt meeting. It is an -undenominational mesting designed to form a basis for the co-oper ation and fellowship of all Christians in prayer and song and exhortation that will lead eventually to a great awaken ing in our midst. No man who feels himself a Christian can object to its pur pose we are sure. There Is entirely too much isolation among Christians. They have no common place of meeting and therefore they don't know each other. Such a prayer meeting as we are trying to have will destroy this tendency snd bring ut all nearer together and nearer to God. .W.G.J. Board met pursuant to recess Tuesday morning, July 5lb, at 11 o'clock, present, Commissioners E G HllL chm'n; E W Smallwood, It P Williams and R G Moseley. The chairman, E G Hill, presented to this Board one Bond of the denomination of $500, numbered 818, taken np and paid for by him out of the funds collect ed for redemption of the tame. ' Also seven coupons of the denomina tion of thirty dollars each and numbered as follows: No. US$3000. No 8 80 00. v No 156 80 00. No 157 80 00. No 158 30 00. No 4 80 00.. No 318 . On motion It is ordered that Commis sioner Smallwood and Moseloy are ap pointed a committee to burn the tame which they do in the presence of the Chairman of the Board, RP Williams, J II Hunter and others. The report of AudltingOommittee: To the Board of Commissioners: , Gentlemen We your committee beg leave to submit the following report: We have carefully examined the books and accounts of the Treasurer of the County and find them, to be correct, that his boohs are kept in a business like msnner, and that we carefully and thor oughly compared the vouchers with tbe entries in his books and afterwards we cancelled said vouchers and deposited the tame with the Clerk and now in the vaults of his office. Ordered that all petitions as keeper of bridge the same is hereby deferred until the next regulai meeting of the Board. Ordered that the lot listed by R, S. Simpson be stricken from the tax list, said lot being lot No. 84 in Jones' sub division on Bryan street and the proper ty of Miss Nettie Jones, upon which she has paid all taxes. Ordered that correction be made in the age of Mr. A. D.Ward. Ordered that upon payment of $15.00 to the sheriff, J. B. Willis is hereby re leased from back taxes, for the yean to- wit: 1898-'94-'03 and '00. Ordered that report of Treasurer 0. B. mil be accepted, hied and spread upon minutes. Treasurer's report to I ho board of com missioners of Craven county up to 1st of July, 181)8: On Hand. General Fund $500 .84 In't Account 10133 Slock Fund No. 1 Stock Fund No. 3 07 Clothing at Cost. I will offer my en tire stock of Clothing at Cost, begin ning MondayT July 11. J. J. BAXTER. I stilt have on hand 85 pairs of those E. P. Reed's Oxfords at $1.50, worth $2 50 Also other Oxfords will be sold now at Cost. A good line on hand. J. J. BAXTER See me for R. & G. Corsets, will sell now at 60c to $1.00 and all other goods in the Summer line st a big reduc tion. Respectfully, J. J. BAXTER. Having had five years experience in the collecting business, I offer my ser vices ss collector. All persons having accounts In the city to collect will have prompt attention. Good references. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Address Z. V. Harrington care of Journal. When In Bayboro stop at the Lupton House for good accommodations. Single Tube Tires $3.25, Inner Tubes 75c, Search Light Lamps $3.50, Foot Pumps 40c each, and all other Sundries proportionately low, for Spot Cash ocly at Hill's. j i f " "v w f" " -"" f JV W V s W W 'W' W mmJ W W W m W W W W W W W O O A DaasilH, At a special meeting of Pamlico Lodge No. 4 Knights of Harmony on Wed dsy night, July 81 b, 18utf, a donatio was made to the amount of eleven dollars and presented to the widow of T. I; Carraway, deceased. Mr. Carraway was ant member of tbe order but hail sent forsa application and died before receiving It, therefore the order feting frleud to the widows anil orphans made tbe above donation willingly and gladly. U. C. HOLTON, Pres. GEO. EDWAUOH, Scc'y, Mat IXtera. Remaining in the Post Office nt New Berne, Craven county, N. C, July 11, 1808: HIN'S LISTS. B G L Bryant, d L D J R Daniels. F Johnnie Fisher. G C C Griffin, W C Griffin. H-Dsvld Hinds cr W U Holloway Johny L House. T Abard Jones. O Wra Osteen. , R-K V Itlggs, Jno R Richardson. 8 Wm D Stanley, Jones Speucer, G C Simms, Jot Slaten. W Wm Washington. Ambrose Willis, Robt Wilson cr Grace G Bennett, Wil Hams. 1.ADIRS LIST. B-Merrla Beil. C Sam Curies. D Besuford Deacon, Julia Donsor. E Harriett Etharidge, d 1, Laura Erary. G Polly Green. J-Mlllle Jinklnt, Allies Jonet, Minnie Jordsn. L Msry J Lalhamy. M Sarah Moore, Maregrute Macky. P Carrie E Paterrlck, Sarah Pallonne R Bertha Richardson. S-Daisy Smith, Wlnty Smith, Llda Slwthon. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised and give date of list. The regulations now tcqulre that one (1) cent shall he collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. 8. W. HANCOCK. P. M Tke '! In ihr liy. During the hot summer, when twol- lerlng humanity finds some little com fort In asking "the other fellow" "It It hot enough for your and when In addi tion, one can seek the shad) places or hunt for the refreshing breeze, he Is much better circumstanced than man's best friend, the gallant and gentle horse, who being subject to the control of his (too often careless or Indifferent) mestrr, bss no choice of place where be may seek rest and repose, and, as Is often the rase, confined In hot and anventl-l la ted st ahles, and suffer! torments little dreamed of by tbe Indifferent or unob servant. This much as preface to the an nouncement that the new stable of E. 8. Street oa South Front street, near Han cock, right on the edge of Trent river, through which tbe prevailing summer Southern breexra, are constantly blow ing It the coolest stalile In the city, a veritable horse Paradise, and where In addition to the comfort of the horse being ansa red, the charges for board art so reasonable that any on can afford to keep horse la Comfort, It follows that It Is the duty of the wis and prudent to liable bit slock with Street, Overdrawn. Tanglefoot Fly Paper and Insect Powder at . Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. Phono 56. Cor. Broad & Middle Six. This Year's Spring Liaiiib, Teal, Million, Pork, And tho FINEST BEEF ever brought to this City, can lw had at ; Sim'I Cohn & Son's 88 Middle St,' Phone 46. v" Also Live and Pressed Poultry. o o o u o a o o o o o o 3 El 0 E3 m W e Have the Agency in New Berne for the Celebrated IMS 51- I 787. CO spect fully submitted, C. B. Hill, Treasurer Craven county. Ordered that Report of Dr. L. Duffy be accepted and the same Is ordered filed snd spread upon the minutes: To the honorable board of county com m'.suoncrs, The sanitary condition of tho county and public buildings Is fsirly good. Typhoid sn1 malarial fever occurring In certaU localities. Lkinhtkh Duffy, Supt. Health. July 8, 1808. Ordered that correction In schedule B, list of H. Gaskins be mado on account of enorforslx months ending December 81, 1808. Ureteral that examination of the re port or the chcrltl on special tax be re ferred to Commissioners Smallwood and Williams. Ordered that the sheriff be Instructed to refund 1100 on fenco tax to G. F. Anderson, he not being In the fence dis trict. Ordered that Bam Locker, Louisa Beasley he placed on the pauper list. Board took recess until 11 o'clock Wednesday, July 6, 1898. Board met pursuant to recess Wednes day, July 8, 1808 at 11 o'clock a m, pres ent Commissioners E G Hill, chairman board, E W Smallwood, R P Williams and R. G. Moseley. On motion It Is ordered that the fol lowing lists he accepted and that a voucher for the same be Issued: B P Coward, No. 1, 110 00 Silas Fulcher, No. S. 20 00 Joseph Klnsoy, No. 8. John 8 Morton, No. II, SO 00 James II nunder, No. 0, 20 00 II D Lane, No 7. OS 00 A Wsdtworth, No. 0, 80 00 County bills were allowed, being re ceived. Board adjourned until 11 o'clock a m, Monday 11, 103. Board mot pursuant to recess, at 11 o'clock am. July 11, 1808. Board tok a receai until Tuesday Julj 11, It II o'clock am. I riiR siunr.a dkaI'tt , Thrives on good food and tuni'ilne, with plenty of exercise In the open air. llor form glows with heallh and Iter face blooms with Its lieauly. If her system needs the clcsnslng action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and plesssnt Brrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Halle, Fablle Srhwl Takra. There will be a pnlillo examination hold of applicants for public school teachers at the Court House, on Than day, July 14th for whites, Friday, July loth for colored. Examinations will U written. At I a. tn. sharp both days. AMERICAN BOND & TRUST CO, OF BALTIflORE, JId!, Will Go on Your Bond. CORSET ! : We especially rjeeonimend this Cor set : as one that fits and gives good service. ; One of their latest makes is the PARIS, Very short hip, Four Hooks, $1.50 0 It is a copy oi the famous French corsets at about halt the price. Besides Thomson's Glove-Fitting wo offer Dr. Warner's Health Corset Ar morside, (does not break down at the hips ) Ferris Waist3 for Ladies, Misses and Children. , Our Stock ol Corsets is always com plete and it is a rare thing to find us out of size?. July 12. -REPRESENTED BY . Romulus A. Nunn, Atty. 0 o M o o o () u u o o o o o o E3 o o o o o o n o n o o o a o u o u O Q O o er o o ? O Q O a o E3 O Q O Q Tbe eblleetloa of rent and aocoaalt (Ivta careful and personal attention. tt of references gives) J. K. Lead, 137 llmad street. il1 - T.C-H-i - The Wisest Thing You Can Do """"about tiiat sumwe; hit is to let it's make it for yor. You will lc sure of the Fabric, sure of the Cut, sure of the Style, sure of I lie Kit, and hiiic of the Durability. And yon'll be sum that the price is away below the figure which sue li work an our would cost you elsewhere. CALL AND GIVE IS A TRIAL. Baker & Dunn, POLLOCK STREET. Cniiteloupe linftkctN ! Double Braced, IIsK-Ttitricl Baskets, for shipping csntelonpct. . For Sale by T. F. cr.iitK. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Til Kind Yea Kan tai Ecit Bears tho Signatare I wis nuts nisuji s-0"i AT HILL'S In nddillon to the 1'ope Sir. . Co. 's rr(!iilr lines of t'lisii.liM -' snd Chain Columbia, liarllnid lid Vedette ttli-yrkt, 1 lme added a new w beil, . . , Hill's Special, which are made fi me by the llnitfnrd Cycle Co.. and whkli r up to diiir In vwry n cl, I will n il . , . For $3o oo I will have a full line f'f CUFAV NMV WllKKIX lii a fi-w days, priors lanplng from a'J to V3. Complete Line nf f)l'NDRIl-TlrM, IVIls, Lamw, Ac, al Iiwrst h i'rlcn. tViiU fur htufi Mat. tf ol I for CASH only. I have SMurcd the sgrney of the COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY'S GOODS. And hare a stork of same on lian I, ron- alullnf of (Iraplionh )w t, herorls ai.d Mupplirs Generally. llUI'llOPIlONEf HOLD OS IN HTALLMKNT, W'll. T. IIII.T,, I Ho. ( rout HU. Ki w Ilrrrw, N. 0. , Wo begiu SATURDAY, JULY 0th, Our Blue Letter Summer Clearing. Salo ot Dry Good3 and Kindred Lines that we do not wish to carry over. The special itcui3 included in this sale, aro tar too humorous to properly describe here, but posteis are now beiny distributed, giving: discriptions and prices of t these offerings, which should bo of interest to every person in New Berne. - - So far as our store space will allow, these goods will be placed upon tables near front door, easy of access and marked in bluo letters. ( Should our carrier overlook you when dis tributins posters, do not tail to send to the store for one. HOTEL ALBERT. Rooms Willi'nr' Will. mil ltj,iil. FlIthT CLAHS TIIASsltNT I'O.MU', Sl.mTOil.E:) AIMY, AC'UiKIjIMJ TO LOCATION. Mils. .1. a. Thomas, ri:nn:. Houses I'or (Cent. Iloutca i or 5iile.' I'arnu I or 5ule. Ciillcitii'its (if I ei t. Any 1 utlnr M in cntr In e n i!l hi ivrn pmiii4 nllt-nlioii by li i ii t; m nl nl tl. s .hi' if N. Ku'ii t in, i 'i'ne tie I',,.! ll!',! r, I.. I. II M.I I U r