:- . . " - r -- VOL, XYI--N0. 03.. NEW BERN K, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1898. ESTABLISHED I82 J1 2 3 2 3 (I (i) (i ) S M ( w w m w to w w (M . W ll o n o u C3 i: L'!8 l:;5 K I r, s A Dream of Fair Women ! U"11,J a: - : ': - wnwuiiiw' iiui.itt.,jwjiiiiaiai4vii mi Wbal Mllra Maya. Brfokk Santiaiio, July 12 MaJ. Gen. Nelsoo A. Miles, who this morning assumed command of the American ON THE DIABIOND. rr TTTTTyrTOTTTTTT m rrrir Amies Lylnn Tie Flan of Trice, Beaalia ml the Nntloanl s.eaan llaaa Bi.ll UnmmPlnjrrtl Ymterday. forces in the field, promises to take San- sPecial 10 Journal tiago within three days. Philadelphia, July 13 Philadelphia 1, General Miles declares that the cam- Cleveland 8. palgn must end quickly. Willi thai ob-j Baltimore, July 1.1 -Baltimore 0, (.'in ject in view the Amcricnn Commander, cinnati 11. Thnl c in he, ieali.cd by proper utlcnlinu to llio shape and style of their foot wear is n dainty and pretty foot. .. Our new Oxford Ties Arc especially designed to make the the toot look handsome nnd i t nenl shape, nnd h coinlortalilc and easy at the Bume time. They me perfect in outlino untl cquisilc iu style. Owing to our unusually largo sale of Ladies and Misses Tics, we linvo hail to buy a second line this season. They have come in I his .week and arc selling fust, nnd tho PATENT LEATHER N A N DAL is ngnin to ho foun.1 in our store. Our Line or COLOKED LAWN9,H)IM1TIS AND DRGAN UlliS ALL MA1IKKD DOWN. Solid Colored Organdies only 10' . ' Also u Beaiiliful Line of ilC-Mieh, 10c PERCALES havo Just nriived. - . 1 )o not forget on r:ic niitt 50c Ventilated Corset a nnd Waist Extenders for only 35o. A few of tlie tl.50 WHITE SILK PARASOLS still left. The Town Bnrned Under Orders From General Miles. Germany at the Philippines' Making Trouble. Dewey Acts Promptly. ... JUST OPENED TO-DAY... Aimilier new lot of Iirgo Hums, extra lino, which we sell nt 13o per Pi, cither sliced or whole. A trial will convince you of the quality. AW Small Pi Hams and Breakfast Bacon of the finest cure. Our Oriole at 12c and llluo Ribbon COFFEE. No. 7 at 2(ln per pnu n I still holds tlni lend. We never have succeeded in buying oilier goods to compare with 'hem nt tho price. Our (lni Roiln Crackers and Milk Lunch in ono pound car toons, tire always fresh and certain to give satisfaction. In tact, lor everything Nice, Fresh and of the Best duality at the Lowest Possible Prices Call on H3M () j Pape & Deyo, 2 . UHVUI&ATa COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , Southern Fruit ami Produce a Specialty. 85 & Hill Wnhiiiuloii Nt., New York. KKKKUKNCKS:- -NiUiotiiil Hank of Xcw llerne, N. C. tiiiiuteruiii't lliiiik, New York. Highest Market I'ric.'S, l'mmjit S;ilei ami Chock by Ilcturn in OUU MOTTO ami u Making its Many Fru-mk Muil SIcticilH uinl 1'okIuIs w ill ! furuiKliHl on application to JOHN DUNN, Now lWrne, N. 0. (live us a I rial nliinin-iit ami you will bo pliiiwil with our sales. . , PAPt & DEYO, NEW YORK. i JUST RECEIVED a Fresh Lot ot FOX RIVER BUTTER 25c. Lb. Frofli Lit of Jitooli (!. Slmfr-r & Csi.'i SMALL l'lO ' HAMS, li Otr a l'munl. JmoliO. Kluifer i Co.' IJUEAKFABT STUITS, It (VnU u I'liiiml, (J O'JD COOKINU litlTl'Eli, 20 Conli a Toanil. tfju.i WHiilitioiliiiiK Wi (MHirjKIUK.I go to TAK. -K K!;H sift )ii fiH !) find llic.i l'rtnh am! Up to HliiMilnrtl. l'iR:e (liiaraiitee, m Low M llio IOWrtl. K'ei)lfllll, " o o who arrived on the Yale veslerdav TflrlftiVP HlllltT morninS, hastened to the front and took 1-UUI1IU UUUlill . He found fortv niceei of liffht HE DREADED ENEMY. ourteen Pases of Yellow Fever Reported at Siboney, Special to Journal. Washington, July 13. General Shaft er has cabled to Washington that he granted General Total in command of the Spanish army In Santiago a truce until tomorrow to decide upon surrender ug the city. The army and navy combined will then renew the bombardment of the city if General Torul docs not give up. OOVrla Withdraw. Geneial Miles cables that General Torul has permission from the government ftl Madrid to withdraw the spaniidi troops and surrender the harbor ports, muni lions of war and the territory of eastern Cuba. ' Tint War Department on instructions answered General Miles refusing to agree to the withdrawal of General Torn! from S intiago on any terms, a surrender ol the tipauish army being required. Yellaw rr. fourteen coses ot yellow fever are among llio employees of tho quarter master's department of the army in the village of Siboney. General Miles or dered the burning of the place and nearly every building was fired and destroyed, A special Cabinet meeting was held today to consider the situation. Tin breaking out of yellow fever is causing much worry among all tho government officials. It is feared that the fever may spread from the neighborhood of Siboney and attack the troops in the trenches before the city. Immune doctors and nurses are being sent to' General Shatter to attend the cases in the hospitals. Bab Etna. The captain of the Iowa, fighting Bob Evans, is reported as asking permission to run his ship into Santiago harbor re' gardless of torpedoes and submarine mines. An expedition to capture tho Wind ward Islands is reported as formed nnd has.Niiled for that purpose. The First Ohio Regiment started for Tampa today. The Second New York Regiment sailed today from Tampa for Cuba. The First New York Regiment has reached Bun Francisco and received great welcome on the first stage their Journey to Manila. 1 has Urrmaaa. Admiral Dewey cubk-s that the Germ in warship Irene prevented tho insurgents under Ueurrol Aguinalilo from taking Ioa de Grmud In Subig Bay on July Bill Dewey sent the cruisers Raleigh and Concord Jo So big bay. One shell lliroa into the house occupied by the SpnuUh officer Colonel Riot caused hi in to iiir render. Four hundred Spanish Irani itli much ammunition fell into Amur lean hand. Dewry eipectf further reinforcement to arilve by July 1,1. He will then atla Manila and take the city. ImJ nin J. R. PARKER. JR., WholesaleanJ Retail Grocer. 'Phono CO. 77 Eroad Streot. ",7::''.."..'7,.;,7,;.2 V.Z C CfX C3 C3 ll O n o n , i New York, July IS Major-General J H Brook will be In command Of the army thai soon will Invade Porto Rico, General Miles will exercise supervision In a sens similar to that which he now exercises befort Santiago. There will to no Irs llisa (8,000 Uul ted State troop, at least 1 0,000 of whom w 111 to regular. At the fall of Santiago Die men will bar brief retting spoil and will then move on Torto Rico. Mo more troop will be seat from the United Slate to Santiago. ' It would to,"ald a War Department official today, "Ilk send'ag coal to Nw Castle." Tl iroopo are now aader order to tall from the United Stale, and they will go direct to 1'orlo Kloo, The place of landing for the Torto Rico upedltloii bu aa yet tan deter mined npoa by tb Administration Landing point are scare on the Porlo Itlcan ooast, but a natal baa similar to (iuanltnamo will be captured. , In advance of Ibe army will go part of Admiral Sampson's Includln In addition to several protaclrd erolMrs, the Iowa, Ttios, Indlaaa, Brooklyn aad N.w York. charge. lie found forty pieces of light artillery mounted and ready for use. The Spaniards, after lieing heavily bombarded by tho New York and the Brooklyn from oil Aguadorea, hoisted a Hag of truce yesterday 'afternoon. A portion of the city had then been ile- royed by the American fire. General Miles was enthusiastically re ceived by his troops when he appeared at the front. lie arrived during a driv ing rainstorm, and was accompanied by ,000 reinforcements from the Yale and the Columbia. The St. Paul also arrived with the President's Own" Regiment from Ohio and other reinforcements from Illinois and Massachusetts. Shocked at the condition he fouud in Siboney, General Miles immediately or dered that the town be destroyed by fire. He decided tipon this as a sanitary meas ure, and several wooden buildings, iu- iiill ng one In which General Miles ilablished himself temporarily, arc now n llaniea. Ambulances arc constantly arriving at Siboney with sick and wounded. General Dufllcld, who is confined in the hospital, Is in a very serious condition. Rain fell all night and the hospitals and trenches are flooded. WasliiiiKlon, July Chicago 4. 13 Washington 2. JLto cut 5 Where They rinj To lny. Cincinnati at Baltimore. Louisville at Boston Pittsburg at Brooklyn. St. Louis at New York. Cleveland at Philadelphia. Chicago at Washington, low the :1iiI;nibuiI. W. L. P. Ct. Cincinnati, SI 25 .071 Boston, 41 27 .020 Cleveland 41 23 .011 Baltimore 42 2!) 'Im Chicago,.... 44 32 .579 Pittsburg 39 33 .542 New York, 30 33 .522 Philadelphia, 30 39 .435 Brooklyn 28 41 ,400 Washington, 29 43 .403 Louisville .. 23 4! .311 St. Louis, 23 53 .303 WhInoii llelAyeil.' New York, July 12 The Herald has the following from Washington: Kacli day's delay in the cnplure of Santiago means that much time lost in the depar ture of Commodore Watson's squadron on its mission to the roust of Spain. The necessity of keeping Admiral Sampson's ships well supplied witli coal has required the retention of some of t lie colliers Intended for the eastern found rou in Cuban waters. The result has been that tho Navy Department has been com pelled to revoke the orders directing the colliers to come north at once, and sonic of these ships havo not yet arrived at Hampton Uoads. It Is evident now thai the ilect cannot get away as promptly as had been ex pected. The delay is deeply regretted by naval officials, who place the blame for it upon the so far unsuccessful efforts to capture Santiago. If Admiral Camaras vessels attempt to pass through the straits of Gibraltar tho American consul at that point will promptly notify this government. The authorities are not now especially con cerned about the Spanish licet, as it location in European waters renders ineffective They feel, however, that it should bo destroyed, and positively as sert that Commodore Watson will be sent as promptly as possible to opera! agaiust It. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfield & Co. Commission Brokers. New York, July 13. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Clore , 134 134J 132 133 . llllj 99J 98 . 1008 100s 1051 COTTON. Open. High. Low. . C.05 t.07 0.04 CHICAGO MARKETS. WiikaT Open. High. Low. September.... 08 OTJ 07.J ColtN September.... 32 32 31 J Cotton Sales 50,000 bales. Sugar Peoples (ji 0. B. & Q. Ailgunt Of Nhrlllactbe-lij. IIkkouf. Santiaiio, July 11. Firing on the city of Santiago was resumed by the American forces at daybreak (hi: morning. To Hie surprise of the Americans the Spaniards did not, use their artillery, al though the batteries apparently are still n position These might be dummy gun. !io signs of lite were visililc thereabouts. It is known that two of the enemy's batteries on the left arc dummies. One suggestion was that the enemy might be runulng short of ammunition and that Geaeral Torsi, expeet'ng an as i tult on the city, was saving what an munition he had left to bo used then 8. on after the land forces got well at work a part of the fleet joined In, ham mering Santiago from off Aqunilorcs, The Brooklyn, Indiana and Texas were with the Now York, but all ot the tiring was done by Admiral Sampson's flag ship ami tho Brooklyn. The Admiral declares that bo can destroy Santiago without the aid of the army if ordurod to do to. General Wheeler, whose health I tJinewhst Improved, wont Into Santiago this afternoon under a white flag. He bad a conferince with General Torul and told the Spanish commander that our forces could utterly doUroy Ibe city He asked General Toral to surrender on the ground of humanity. It was a little after 0 o'clock this morning when the New York began tending shells over the bill at Ave min ute Inlorvals, oilng ber forwanl and after guns. These shell Jutt il tared the summit of lb bill and then went crashing Into the city. General Bbafter tent word that the (bell were well pltced and that all wore bunting and doing good execution. Small Pg Hams. Breakfast Bacon. CALIFORNIA HAMS, ENGLISH CURKl) AND SUGAR CUUKR SHOULDERS. FOX RIVER PRINT BUTTER. FANCY ELGIN BUTTER ON ICE, ONLY '5 CENTS AND ANYTHING ELSE IN GRO CERIES YOU WANT. GIVE US A CALL. IioIcKale 1 0 r 1 Ml Wholcsa (Mill, 'Phone' 91. 71 Brood St. THE MARKETS. 08J 105J Close 0.07 Clof e 07, b 311 w atchwords ; CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Summer Outing Outfits Are never complete without Toilet lbquislles Ve have Co!,! i 'ream, 'as- alme t'olil Cream. Magnolia li.iliu, Mad-1 am Soule's Tan Krailicator, Mrs. Conk- linn's Culling Cream, Auiolia Knee Lo tion and others too numerous to mention. et tlieni hefoie leaving Don't fail from liilBook Store A New Book, "Solution of the Race problem." Gordon's Celebrated Mandoliu. Sheet Music a Kiiri'ialty. i Bradham's Eeliable Pharmacy. a G. H. Ennett. Pay Your License Tax! Doctors, Lawyers, Horse-dealers and all others who doing liusinesn under Schedule It, are hereby notified that their Licenses cvpired May :11st, nnd the same iniisl licrcncwcd At "sre. Get your License and save trouble. J08KPH L. 1IAIIN. Sheiill Craven County. June 10th 1S9S. The PURITY S, i.) of our drugs and chemicals (J The ACCURACY with which our prescriptions are (! compounded (.) i.) and The STABILITY of all our preparations jfj are the sterling tonalities that we ') pride ourselren are embodied in 4J all goods we pohhcsh. Our ex- S haustive stock of chemicals together with our Assorted Variety of toilet articles anil ili'Uk'iiists' Jj sundries enables us to offer to the ft public prios that t an be favorably ( compared with those of any drug establishment in the coiiutrv. i & Bradham's Reliable Drug Store. Tax List Time Extended ! Hie time nf listing City Taxes bus been EXTENDED TEN DA YS. The City Tax Lister will be at the City Hall to list tuxes from July 7tli to July 17th. Olliee hours 10.110 a. m. to i'.V-O p. in. and 4 to 0 p. in. i. is. sr.vjioi it. 1VAKTED to BUY Wool, Col (on, llVcHiViix Highest Prices Guaranteed. T. i:. T,TII AM, Near Cotton Excliunge. II. W. NIiHPSOtf, Fimcrul Director audi ?nilaliiM'r. OlhVcG8 Broad Street, next to Stewart's stables. Mcsitlciico ItlH llroad Street. tir'Uuriul robca a specialty. FOR SALE ! MOEEHEAD CITY PaOPtETTT rm- m Aktsiuiely Cure ON FIKST DAY OK AUGUST, 181W, at 13 o'clock at tho Gourt House door In the town of lieaufort, Carttvol Co., I will sell tho following re il estate: Loll No. 1, 14, 1, 10, situated In square No. 7 in tho plan of the town of Morelicsd City, A six room dwelling Is situated oo said Iota. Property la near Atlantic Hotel on plank walk ami was summer lioma of Ilia lute J. A. lUrrell. Termsi Hull cash, remainder eauy payments, ror further Information ap ply to MRS. R05A P. IIARRELL, llimdei m, Vanoe Co., N. C. A Hot Wave is Coming Soon, and it Is well to lie prepared with stylish ana cll-r llllng Ulollilnc, wlileli meant comtorl ami case to the wearer. Our e vunl.llo Summer Kabrics are cool and handnome, but, when made into a suit of Stylish Clothing by us, will hold their shape and look swell, be cause we know now to make them lit, and give comfort at tho same time. F. tf. Climhvlck, ciiryslliiiriicv, lii37;MiDDi.r-(Tiir.Er. NEW IlKKNl'., N. C.J Enkny's AlbiimonizedKooil, Peptongenic Milk Powder. .Maltiiljnilk.IMellinsKood, Itet'd t Carnriek's Solulil, "I'ood COLUMBIAN INSEt Ti l IDE -Sure I'eitb to Vnler,llug and lioaclie Physician's Prescriptions A Specially. Middloitrpct, NEW IlEUNK, N. C. ...HARDWARE.. The Thirst Relieved. On tbeso hot, sultry days, w hen the sun is nt its zenith, a few minutes in our parlor will give you a fresh, high spirited feeling and make you go awsy light hearted and happy. Ice Cream, 30c Quart. Delivered to any part of tho city, PACKED IN ICE. Corner Pollock and Middle Street.. Don't forget the place. V. J. MtKorley Co. $15.00 Reward 1 Hiraynl or Stolen from ay logging eamp, near Korl Harnwrll, (I raven Co., on Sunday July 8nl, a large bay mare. will weigh about 1,100 lbs, with a wblla spot in hor fara, foreUip waa cut nit 1 dote, sliod In front, about I years old, la fast anil works well any hertj. I will ilva 115.00 for ber del, vary to me In New Bern or at my ramp, i J. T. U. MOOltE. Masury.'s Paints. Ariel Bicyles. 73 Mils Street. . Net Eerar, K.C. City liot For Niilc. Ft tit HALE Tha rlly lot bounded l.y New, E.wt Kmrit and Shorl Slreela, Dm pniierty of the lata Mra. M. E. Manly. Kor Particulars, Impilr of MATT MANLY. FOR RENT. Tha most dealrabU boaaa in tho City for a boarding hooaa rooulnlng II mom, water aud aa. Loestrd a South Front 8 mat. Apply to J. W. bTLWART.