Mel VOL. X.VI--N0. OG. NEW BEUNE, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 1898. ESTABLISHED 1882 3- 5 ; n 8 ( (.1 M ? M w M O n o : i U TWO WFIS AGO A PItOPEB OUTFIT, HUT FOR THE L, 1ST FEVD4YS,WnEW!!! PEACE THE TALK Spain will have lis Chance tee Ten at once. civil gorernor has ruled that excessive prices for bread are unwarranted, Spanish silver is at a discount of fifty per cent, and storekeepers refused to take it. ON THE DIAHOND. Kt-anlla ar lb Nallenal Bhkp- ....FRESH LOT OF.... 3 The Dainty Orgniulv Dresses are not completes with out a WHITE l'AUASOL, and we have a line of $1.50 , . one's, that wc arc offering for : . . . $1 10 Alsojcveral pretty things ill coiors. A new line of Cliisp Fastening White Kids.. ' Then the No. 80 Sash ltibbon in all colors for 50c .. jier yard. - Only a few pieces of 32-inch I'ERC ALE, Usual price 10e, we offer them for . . . . 6c Lvppett Mills in Black, White and Light Blue, for-", nier price 25c, now . . la i-2c A few more Dross Pftttwiis of Solid Colored Organ- - dies for 10c per yard. . The Very Thing for a bewitch- . ing Evening Dress. . . lh not forget our - Great Reduction on all Summer Underwear. JUST RECEIVED. THEY WILL RE LIBERAL Sickness Great at Santiago. Moved, General Miles ad vancing on I'once. Starving in Ha vana. Philippine. l.drm.lir. Washington, July 87. Tlie disposition of the Philippines is a subject that promi ses to outweigh all others, not so much from the importance of the islauds to either Spain or the United States, as 'lie possibilities of entanglement which this country may encounter if it takes any part of the islands or attempts to exert any protectorate over them. The fate of Cuba and Porto Rico being settled, that of the Philippines and the LadroncB, and a money indemnity arc the questions calling for the deliberations of the administration, and over which there is every probability of wide differ ence of opinion among members of the cabinet and other influential persons who will be consulted. The question of indemnity will cull for serious thought. Spain's well known inability to meet her own war cxpensep, anil the depleted condition of her finances I Cleveland wun no promise oi ner nscai an airs nv Among the Troops! proving after the war, holdout pruc Ordered to be I tically no promise that an indemnity could be met. At least $100,000,000 and, perhaps, twice that amount would Le the sum asked, if any money payment were demanded, ami at the present rate of collection from her revenues, Spain could not meet it in fifty years. With lie loss of her richest colonies, from which she has drawn Annually large for her public treasury, the Boll Uuuri Plajed) VMUnltf. Special to Journal. Louisville, July 28 Louisville 0, New York 4. Cincinnati, July 28 Cincinnati 7, Brooklyn 1. I Pittsbuag, July 28-Pittsburg 0, Phil adelphia 7. I St Louis, July 28 St Louis 2, B wton, 6. I ltallimore-l lcveland game pust poind wet grouuds. . Whrr. They Piny T-aln). Washington at Chicago, lironklyn at Cincinnati. New York at Louisville. Philadelphia at PiltBburg. Boston at St Louis. Slow tbe Clnb. Ntnul. W. L. Cincinnati, 59 20 Boston 55 30 52 33 Baltimore, 40 83 Chicago 47 40 New York 44 40 Pittsburg 44 4:1 Philadelphia, 40 42 Brooklyn, 3:1 dp, Washington, 31 53 Louisville, 32 55 St. Louis 21 05 P. CI. .070 .047 .019 .005 .540 ,523 .500 .487 ,402 .301 .308 .270 FOX RIVER PRINT BUTTER i JUST RECEIVED ! CORNED l'OKTaMOUTIl MULLETS. Also Freeh Lot of Fancy Cakes anil Crackers. Small Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and Jiig Hams to Cut. Fulton Market Corned I!oef. Mason's Fruit Jars, all sizes. 1'iini Flavoring tracts and Spinis. I'lii'o Apple Cider Vinegar. Choice Tea and ltoaslud Cullue. Complete Stock of the Heat (iroceries to he had. Give us a Call. Han iel & Gaskill Wholesale A ItHail 4 rovers, 'lMione 91. 71 ltroii'l Si. I Sciul to Journal. Washington, July 28th--"Our terms I amounts A lot of Nice Willow Market Baskets, either opened or with doubled hinged covers, also Clothes Baskets in three sizes, very nice and cheaper than ever before. . We have idso received a consignment of Cycle and American Bounty Cigarettes, put up either in packages of 10s or 20s at $2. 75 per thousand. And the old established Duke's Cigarettes and New Lights, (iiirtnlincco.) Old Virginia Checroot, Buttle Ax Tobacco nm.ihi various brauds of Snuff, controlled by the American Tobacco Co., and the 1'. JiOi illard Co., of Jersey t ily. - For any of the above call on. , I will meet the approval of the whole-world." Thus said a cabinet member in regard lo the terms of peace to bo offered to Spain by the administration as a result of the communication through the French Ambassador. Secretary Day says that the draft of I the reply of the united States to Spain will be submitted to a meeting of the Cabinet tomorrow. The answer t Spain will not only set forlli the general terms upon which the I United States will agree lo end the war this time, but will be in the nature of an ultimatum position of her finances would be still I more weakened. TBE STATE CAPITAL. Destination of ih Companion. Vhalr. man Rlmiiittn'M Rfly. Butler on Fnslon. Journal Bureau. I Raleigh. N.C.. July 28. The sixth death occurred at Camp Russell yesterday, the result of a malig nant rasa of measles. The comrades of I the dead so. dier laid Id in lo rest in the! There is to be no parleying the Federal cemetery here. It was pri- IT F017DER Absolutely Pure I LBook Store '4 V. 1i:4Rliinii!i1ilp ltiitinn-rv- - j i Oltiec Stationery, And School Stationery. i our Yvatchwortls : I over the question of opening peace ne gotiations. Spain, by her action in seek- iing peace, through the French Ambassa dor practically asked America's price for peace. It will be so worded aa to require ei ther Immediate acceptance of thu United 1 Slalcs' terms or put an eud lo peao lie- I goiiations at uuce. Iklay on the part ol Spain will mean more extemu terms, I when the subject of peace is again sill milled. . In Port Rleo. vale Haglerof Greensboro. The heavy rain prevented dress parade but Co'onel liiir,'yi c later read the order to designate one company to go to Lands Eud, near Port Uoyal S. U , ouc to go lo Tyliee Island and four to go lo St. Si mon's Island, Ga. Company G, of Oas luuii, goes to Lauds End; Company E from Greenville to Tybee Island; Com panies B from Hutherfordton, II, from Aslieville, L. of Naiilahela, and K, ol Wilnilnglon, go to St. Simon's Islam). Major Dixon will go to Lands End; Ma- m i A lot of New School Iiooks Juft Received. G. N. Ennett. The Americans underUencral Miles arc Jor Wilder is already at Tybee Island gradually making their way toward and Colonel Hurgyne, Held ana stall olll- Pooce from Guanica. cars, surgeons and hospital corps go to Fonce, the second In the island in size St, Simon's. Colonel Hurgyne thinks and importance and the point at which that orders to move with transportation the railway ends and the highway aoross will come by Saturday or Sunday. the island to San Juan begins. This is a The doath here at Rex llospltal Tues- HIGH GRADE GROCERIES . ... AND LOW PRICES ! " Will tell this is why we keep busy. We are offering bargains now, to make room tor Fall stock which will soon be coming in. Call and see us belore placing your orders. 'Tis no trouble to show goods, but . a pleasure. : . () fine military road and seventy five miles day night, of MrT. D. Turner, of Hills- in length, its direction lor mo nrsi forty five miles is almost northeast, and thence for the remainder of the distance I generally due north to Ban Juan. The road is twenty feet in width throughout its length. . General Brooks sailed from Newport boro, was sad news wherever he was known. Mr. Turner bad for many years been a travelling salesman; for a long time representing a Richmond house and was a favorite everywhere. He had typhoid fever; The demand ot Hon. F. M. Simmons for a report ot tbe management of tbe Fresh Flour, Butter, Cheese, Coffee, Hams and Breakfast Bacon Arriving Daily. JOHN DTJKISr, S 53 POLLOCK NTIIEKT. News today for Porto Rico with five Ipenelentlary under John It. Smith has I thousand troops. General Lee will cer-1 stirred up a regular hornet nest. 8u tainly go lo Porto Rico. A strike ot two perlntendent Mewborne has made a most hundred loader of transport occurred vicious attack on 11 r. Simmons for ask at Jacksonville today. - I ing for certain statement and figures. The Spanish forces are being with-1 The reply of Mr. Simmons was just drawn from all naru of Porto Rico and I cutting and straight from the shoulder are concentrating for the defense of San I as Superintendent Mewborne deserved, I Juan which is belug put in a (tale of I It is said the report will this week be defense. I given to two men here In Raleigh to be Mrkansor Hnaa.r. , put In shape and then given to the pub- Nearly four thousand cases of sickness I He Russell wrote the letter for Mew are among the troops at Santiago. , There borne. I are mostly fever case and many of them I The fact that our North Carolina sol W Tare yellow fever. I dier stationed at Fort McPhejson have 111 Ueneral Shatter ha been ordered tol to do guard duty and share other duties Mf 1 mnn hi. RuMiTmm H.ntliupA la the Unl ted Stales a fast as possible Reports from Havana sar that bun ! dred are dying from starvation, I lie j food supplies being exhausted NpoclRl 4,l-nrnnre Nitl. Commencing Saturday July 23, and Tor 10 days we otter great reductioni- throughout our establishment. IIAHFOOT'S. THE NEW WAY. T70MEN used " to think "fe male diseases" could only be treated after "lo c a I examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The In troduction of Wine ot Cardul ha now demon strated that nine-tenths ef all the cases of menstrual disorders ao not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure with nrgro troop there, I not relished by them nor their friend here either, but inch i the present state of affairs. Senator Butler was here a few day Ibis week. Ills paper today editorially Intimates that no fusion of Populists snd Republicans In this State has been r Fusion I to be left to the varl snncono. JUST RECEIVED a Fresh Lot oi Porthsmouth Corned Mullets. FOX ItlVFItJMtlNT HUrTKIt, 5o pound. FltKSH UOASTED COFFKK, 15c, gOo snd 5.i lb. SMALL rid MAMS. K'olb. r.ONF.I.KSS 1IUF.AKFAST 8TIUP.S, 1 to lb. MO HAMS TO CUT, lio lb. In f irt nnrliner-f FANCY flKOCKtUF.S is com- , plftn. (lite ill a trial and be convinced Ihst wo will s ue ton money. All good guaranteed m r prei ruled or money refunded. Very lu sportfully, Cabana rllBST Sfiur, Santiaoo, July S7 General Shaflcr I ranged. has taken a step toward soothing tlic I out counties lo be fettled there. wounded feeling of Iho Cubans, who I Many dogs hsve died here during .the resent the fact that they were not per-1 last three days, having fonnd poisoned milled to enter the city of Santiago. I meat In Capitol iuare. It I very loud Bongo. small town eighteen mile intimated that tbe poisoning I done ...... - from this place and on the railway line,! by one of the Slate ofllclal. ba been surrendered to tlie American force and tbe Culwns nndof Ceneral rkitlllo have been permitted lo occupy learanee ale rrlc li. It was held Jy a garrison of UAO For 10 day those price have a (ay, Huanlsh soldiers. Captain Carvehal, the Lsdle ready made shirt waists lie, silk Spauisb commander, gave up the town ribbon for tie He, yard, boys wash suit () The PURITY 2! ! 1?) of our drugs and cliemieuls )j I The ACCURACY with which our prescriptions are (I! S, compounded; ) I and The STABILITY I) (i of all our prcpaiiiticiiH w ( ) are the sterling (junlities that we ij) S pride ourselves are cuilnulied in (?) S all goods we possess (Mir ex- S) haustive stiek d' eliemicals ? tJguther with our Assorted Varieiy '! fj of toilet articles and druggists' JJ sundries enables us to nlfer to tlie S public that can lie I'avonili'y compared wild I hose of any drug ; ii) establislimenl in Hie couiili v. v l.) " P.radhani's i.) p S Reliable Drug Store. J! iS'swiiVSg .,',a8 Die I'liilshlng Touch On your Summer Suit, that we put ou in such an exquisite and distin guished manner, is w hat makes it look swell and and bo immeasurably superior to what you sec on men who are not ior tunate enough to be tilted out by an artistic tailor. The Coolest and Thinesl Fabrics mode and fitted by lis keep their shape, and always look well. Our prices are reasonable. F. 31. Cliadwick. Middlc8trect, NEW BERNE, N. C. A Good Telephone SERVICE IS A I'.I SINESS NECESSITV, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM IllNED Con veil iciH'4', Ijiixnr.v ! Order Your Phone at Once 1 taken In the privacy of a voman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Vlne of Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions tor Its adoption. It cuies sny disease that comes under the head el "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the v-omb, "whiles." change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. fl.OOat the drug store. For aiMce I. cms rrirtnr stmUI dlrKtloM, addre.., fWInf .ymplomj. Hi. Ladlaa' AiMlorr Dlrtment," Th. Chaiunoofa MUcln Co., Chatta aootaiTtu. W. L ADDIM1, H.D..CSI7, Miss.. Myn "I ats-WIn f Cardul In aiy srMi.M and nd li a mMl .iMitant araparwlsa for fern. I. InuklM." l tilltini'lllT.t.l'I'll ...HARDWARE... 1,1 fM MI Masury's Paints. 'Ariel Bicyles. l'iwlll For. If you have some lo sell, ship It to us, and w will allow you a8 Cenls Per Pound as soon as officially advised of the capit ulation of Ueneral Totals army. American soldiers are fretting under (he monotony of garrison duty,. Colo nel Howard, of th Kigkth Ohio, has cabled lo PrealuVot MrK Inlay asking that his rraiment either be dlapatcbed to were $1 0(1, now , 1IJ snd l,tc. lawns I For It In Boston, and no charge for com 4. yard. JJARFOOT'8. run HARK am. Testenlav'almarkot Quotations furnish' PnrtA Rloa for aotlva service or arnl I.jl.w . nt.utn. niL pun , wbj niiiwt"'wwvvui."" U i M home. C0 ! lUker will be permitted lo charge r'l only M cents In money for S ponniL On piri arconnior in large quaauey oi nour no which baa U-ra shipped Into the city th mission or carting. References through the South if required. W. II. IIOWDLtAR k CO. nOSTON, MAftf, Office and Warolmuse, 14B Pearl Blreit. jtfRS .3 Mils d str m Kev Berne, N. C. all! V 7-iZiJf . . l T.J.TURNER STILL LEADS IN- - LOW PKIt'F.S! We hnve just received another Fine Stink of FI KNITI KE com-isling of lied Room Suits, Parlor rSiiits, I'hilTonierH, Ward Holies anil Hall Stands at lowest Prie'es ever know n. TO TUB LADIES ! (ive your orders to T. J. Tl'liNF.Il with your Small Picture of yourself or anyone of yoifV family and lie will fur nish ymi a line 16x2(1 Crayon Picture for SI OH 16x20 Fine Pastel Only 2 Q.H 16x20 Sephia, latest style 2 OS SATISFACTION liUAUANTEKD You ran see n line sample of this work at my store. This flue work is done by the Owens Portrait Co., of Chicago. T. J. Turner is the cheapest place to buy your nice Toilet Sets, Moscpnlo ( ini opy and Fancy Willow Rockers. A call at our new store, 75 Middle Street, will not only prove to Itc pleasant but hcncll- cial. T. J. TURNER KL'RSiriRE CO. 71 Middle Street, New Heme, N. O. a. I i u.aull, JI..7 Arholcale',anJ u r i, u Retail Oroter.-1 cr. 77 i:roncl Htrcct. CASTOR I A Tor InfuoU and Children. Hi Vd Yii l!::3 .:.:;, E::;M Hoar the tMjjunture of I if Broker. Nsw York, July W. STOCKH. Open. High. Low, Close' S.igar. .. W V mi l People Oaa.... 0 ini trl 100 O.n.4 0, ..... tW 00( t 105 ; COTTON. Open. Ellfh. Idw, Close intuit B U t.M I.W t.M CtUCAOO MARKET9. Whsst Open. High. Low, Owe rVptembor,... 4 M R (loan HTu..l, I( 81 J M IJ ClaremontColIege For Younf Women. A noted health resort In the mountains of Western North Carolina Ihe Swilaer land of America. "Tbe Land of the Hky." No malaria, no yellow fever, no aallpos. An all the-year-rounrb aim ner resort, Klegant buildings, faTulty of IR University men and women. Slu- rienle froaa nearly evry nouioera ntaie, alao from Uanala, Northern and West ern Slates. Chsrtered by the Stsi. Moat atuacllve college la tbe South. Write for raialortie. 8. P. IIATTON, A. M. Ph. ., Pre , Hickory, N, & Summer Outing Outfits Are never complete without Toilet Kequiaiir n inn wmi i ii aline Cold Uroam, Magnolia Halm, Mad am Hnule'a Tan Eradlcator. Mra. Conk ling's Curling Cream, Amolla race U lloo and oilier too numerous to snentton. I Outfall In get litem before leaving from Bradham8 Eeliable Pharmacy. Henry s lliariiiacj 127 MIDDLE STREET. NEW HEIINK, N. C Eskay'stAlbumoiilaml'Koml, . Peptongenw Mllk;powder, Mai UHMllkMellln's Food. Reed AlCamrU k's Soluble Food OOLUklllAN INSIXTITI'DK --uie Death t4 Water Hugs and llnarlies PhytkUn't Preset I pt Ion i ....A Sptctalty.