VOL. IYI--N0 99. NEW BKUNK, H. C. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, tSTABLLSUKI) 1882 "Ha "a, ? 5 I I I n A l IB 1 Ml !J :: . O 5 JonR THE STATB CAPITAL. 'ills : The Shim Dealer bos who uudci takes to furni b a shoe equal to . our ' FINE 7 VEAL V CALF, I.icr.1 and Hand-Sowed Welt, or our VICI KID BLACK AND - TAN, at Iho prices tint wo sell thorn at. They are the. Shoe. par excellence for Comfort, Wear and Stylo. . , Every lady concedes the point that her outfit whether tor M.mntain, Seashore or Home Wear is not complete without a . STYLISH SILK WAIST I Bo in recognition of the fact, ite Imvo Just received a choice line ..r TWO-TONED TAFFETAP, IN ALL COLORS, FOR 75c. per yard, and a stunning line of Black Taffetas, and Gros Grains in unique Ilaycdero Stripes, which make up so hand somely. Prices from 75c to 1. 95 per yard. SUN AND KATN UMBRELLAS for Ladies and Oentlemen ' . in nil styles just in today nrn Truly BARGAINS and with the wide range of prices from 50c to $3.50. Surely all can be satis- v fied. . . - Wo have something new to offer t'lis week in CANNED GOODS. Chicago Beef Steak and Onions in 1 lb. cans at 15c per c in. ' It is already for the table and In perfectly delicious. We are now haml ini; 'Iin.;ii's Indian Haul'-, Armour's Slnr Hams, SIikFi'ih finest Cured an. I oilier lira hK hi forge sizes, skinned or unskiiuwd for nUcing. Wu uUi li ivc Sliced II nil mid Unakfast Pimm In 1 Hi. cans. ' ' These (! mids Arc Simply Perfect anjl Itounil In Suit the Most Fasiiiliuus. Call and be Convinced. Deerll. naipH) rltleLin Bt-KardlDS; f Tro.p.. I'oui. ear M rated. JOURNAL BCRKAU. I Raleigh, N. C., August 1. ( Orders came late Saturday night for the troops here to move on Sunday, so yesterday saw tbe last of Camp Russell All tbe companies that went to St. Simons Island went over tbe Southern Railroad, and tbe company for Tybee Island and the one for Landsend went by the Seaboard. - They inarched through the city and boarded the trains at the Union Depot late in the afternoon. While there were no Raleigh boys in the companies that left here, still many had endeared themselves to tbe people here and it was a sad farewell to see any of our North Carolina boys go, with many possibilities that they will never return. In spite of tbe storm Saturday after noon the flog was raised at the Johnson street s'atioulicre by the employes of the Seaboard shops.' The address by Col. Burgwyne was a fine one, and the prayer offered by Rev. Dr. Norman of the Kdenton street Methodist church, was one of the most beautiful ever heard here. The new Bankruptcy law went into effect today. Much interest Is felt here In its work. ' The committee appointed by the Agri- cultural board to go to Southern Pines and see whether that board would make an appropriation to assist tho German Kale company in the experiment farm there, reported It was not advisable to make the appropriation yet. The Ger man Kali company is the great German syndicate that controls the world's sup ply if poikb. Beptember 8th is the date of the Pop ulist Congressional Convention for this the 4th District. There will be many candidates before the convention for nomination ior nearly evory county In I be district has a candidate. The North Carolina Coal and Coke company was incorporated a fow days go for 30 years with $100,000 capital, Mr. J. W. Bailey, editor of the Biblical Recorder has given his resignation as a APPROACH Beall. ml lb Natloaal !. Baae- f Boll Gnmra Played Ymterday. I Special to Journal. Bt Louis, August 1 Boston 4, St Louis 3. Second gam Bostou 1, St Louis 3. , Philadelphia, August 1 Cleveland 0, Philadelphia!. I Reported That the Spanish Calii- Del fill Accept Tens. MONDAY'S QAM KS. Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati 9. New York 7, Louisville !i. Chicago 7, Washington 4. When They Play Tn.tijr. Baltimore at Chicago. New York at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Cleveland. Boston at Louisville. Washington at Pittsburg. Brooklyn at St Louis. law the Olata Ntnad, General Merritt Wants Fifty Thous and Man. Aculnaldo Making Himself Troublesome. Easy Times In Porto Rico. General Lee In he Gov ernor of Cuba. Special to Journal- Washington, August 1. It is an nouncedthat tho Spanish ministry will accept the terms of peace offered by the United States through the French Am bassador, M. Campon. M, Campon was given the widest au thority to treat in the question of peace. un me parioinie united states, any agreement made by the President will need to be ratified by the Senate. Niiilu' Nlncerll)'. Spain is an up-to-date exemplification of tho adage about the evils attendant upon a bad name. Although President McKinley has acted upon Spain's request for ouc terms of pence as though he be liuved in its honor and straight forward ness, there is no reason to lielievcthat hit faith in Spanish houor is any greater lliau that of tho average man owing to ins experience, ll is probably not so gieat. Not one man out of ten in Wash- W. L. P.'Ct. Cincinnati,.. (12 21) .081 Boston, 57 31 .048 Cleveland 54 84 .014 Baltimore 50 34 .595 Chicago, 50 40 .550 New York 47 40 ,510 . PitUburg 45 "41 .500 Philadelphia, 42 . 4.1 .404 Brooklyn 33 53 ,388 Washington......... 81 56 .350 Louisville, 33 58 .350 St. Louis...... 20 09 .20!) Wall POWDER Absolutely Pure GOOD FAMILY FLOUR 2 c. A n.l the VRUY liKST FLOUlt ONLY 3u lb. I'u rn Lied rtinl ltuiiiford's Baking Powder. Fancy tilgin and Fox River Print Butter, right fresh from tho Dairy, 25c per lb. Fulton Market Corned Beef- Now Lit o( Portsmouth (Joined Mullets, Cod Fish find Irish potatoes. Big Hums to Cut, Small Bnvikfusl Strips, Sugar Cured Hams and Englisli Cured Shoulders. Finest Tea and Roasted ColTec in the city. Fresh lot Libia's Petted Ham and Tongue. Chip Beof and Cooked Corn Boef and a full stock of General Groceries. GOODS DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. Wholesale fc l.etail Grocers, 'lMione 91. 71 ISrol SI. Haniel 4 Mill, V.-?.:-:.: : v. .r-vr-v: v. : wsv f AiiSLBook Store f i School Hooks i a & School Supplies t OF AfcL KINDS FOR YOUR SUMMER SCHOOL. inptnn believes tlnit finiiln nutria IIuibu mcmucroi tue agricultural ' ' overtUres with any serious intention ..I pui.ne. ite uocunes 10 serve any cccpting our terms of p. ace, although that puts corrupt men In power and as jn Ul8 , . . At Hackburn's. Keepingr Busy IW Hot "Weather. INTERESTING ITEMS . . . FOR THREE DAYS ! such he designates Johu R. Smith, com missinner of Agriculture. The Railroad commission over ruled the exceptions of the Wiliuiiigton anil Weldon railroad as to reduced ralef. Tbe Pullman Car company in the a- S'tssed valuation by the commission won their case. The telegraph company's case was postponed. A tremendous crowd gathered to see the last of the I roups leave yesteiday. There wore 20 men left in the hospital at the camp. Surgeon Brooks, one hospital steward. 4 nurses and 2 cooks were left in charue. Four of the men are sick with typhoid fever. There was much criticism at the sta tion regarding the dllTerenco In the ser vice given by tbe Seaboard and Southern aailroads. The Seaboard had nice coaches and moved in time, while the Southern furnished old dirty small windowed coaches In many instances and one sec tion bad to wait for l hours before leaving. The death of Adjutant Bradley Wool ten of the 2nd Regiment at St. Augustine and of private Needliam Wilson of the tho 1st Regiment at Jacksonville was reported here today, but neither report has been confirmed. The Railroad commission will hardly glvo a bearing In the passenger rate qnestlon until the 9th. It Is said that John R Smith will make him give report of tho penitentiary. nearly reached a ease of ".nust" willi -Spuiii, and if it does not accept the pres- n t terms, which, umler the ciicuin stances uru liberal in tl Ite ext emu si ilieral Unit the l-'ivni'li Au.bassa lor, who is now also accredited as S auish minis ter, accepted them on the spot more severe ones will have to bo accept, d lulor. Hlna roiMlltnllon. In the general discussion which has followed Spain's plea for peace, some very Interesting points have been raised For iuatunce, ns an ovidence of Spain's insincerity, one man calls attention to a clause in the Spanish constitution "'Inch prohibits the crown even entering upoq negotiations having In view the cession or exchange of any portion of Spanish territory, until authority therefor lias been granted by a majority vote of both branches of National Legislature. alrrmely Frlradlj. ' rnejport ot ronco, rorta Kico, is now open to tbe commerce of the world under the American flag. A collector of cus toms of tho port Colonel Frederick Hill baa been appointed. Gen. Miles is having an experience In Porto Rico that is unique in war. In stead of finding himself and army In the enemy's country, lie .finds that they are among the warmest sort of friends. The Porto Iticans cheer (our Mag and our folillers whenever a town is taken ros- WILMINQTON & WELDON R. R. And Branches, AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. CONIIENSKO SCIII'.lll'I.K. TRAINS GOING til dj I'll. I G. H. Ennett. n.Tnr July 2. '!H. Lv. Weldon Ar. U. Ml.. o AC A.M II 50; 13 5; Lv. Tarlioro Lv. R Mt Lv. Wilson Lv. Selnia. Lv Fay'vllle Ar.Florence Ar. Golds. Lv. Golds. Lv. Mnc'lia ArWilm'ton 12 29 1 00 1 58 2 51) 4 25 7 25 P. M. P M. 9 4)1 10 30 10 30 11 13 11 58 1 07 3 15 A.M 1 h P.M A 00 0 45 7 ml 8 00 P. M. A.M, 5 411 0 23 7 01 8 05 9 30 A M. O oS P. M. 12 20 3 05 4 12 5 40 P.M. fho Finishing Touch On our Summer Suit, that we put on in such an exquisiie and tlisiin icuished manner, is what makes it look swell and and so Immeasurably superior to what you see on men who are not for tunate enough to lie fitted out liy an urtistic tailor. The Coolest and Thinest iibrics uiitdo and fitted by us keep their shape, and always look well. Our prices are reasonable. 1 M. Chudwick, Middlcstreet, NEW BERNK, N. C, TRAINS GOING NORTH. f.londay Tuesday---Yiednesday, session of and declare themselves to be MtaaMan nt siaalla. I loyal Americans, many of them carrying Manila, July 211, vis Hongkong, July Iho declaration to the extent of asking to :(0. The Newport, with General Morrltt I be allowed to enlist in our army and anil 500 men, Including the Astor Bat-1 fight for the flag which they already tery, arrived Monday after an unexciting consider their own. Owing to the retreat trip direct from Honolulu. The other I of the Spanish garrisons of tho captured transports, lagging behind because of I territory, Gen. Miles is now In possession their slow speed, are expected here In a I of ,nlmost the entire southern end of few days. For the present General I Porto Rico, including Ponce and other Lv -Florence Lv.Fay'ville Lv.Sclma. Ar. Wilson. O as 1 LvWilm'ton Lv, Mnn'linl Lv. Golds. Lv. Wilson Ar. R. Mt A M 8 45 11 Id 13 85 1 17 '.M 1 V 2 12 ISt. 2nd. 3rd. Merrftt's headquarters will bo on the Nowport, after which the commandant's bouse will be atCavltr, where be can keep iu touch with tbe fleet. American officers expect heavy fight ing when the time comes to take the city. A close watch Is maintained In the bay. Tbe Boston and Raleigh are now lying oft. Camp Dewey for tbe pro tection of our troops. The revenue outter McCulloch Is stationed dally off Malalion, north of Manila. The German Incldont is apparently A Ladies (jailors, sold first ot season for $2, prico for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 60c. LadieS Bailors, Splendid 76C Value, prloe L,,, The Cormoran returned on Bat- for Honday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 50. Indies Sailors, usual $1.25 value, price tor Ilonday, Tuesday-and Wednesday 76c. Thcso Sailors in whito only. rday, bringing the (loot s msll. It wss hoarding by American officers and (be German Admiral thanked Dowey for boarded her, sud sent him a lamp in return for two sheep that Admiral Dew ey bad sent him. -owns of more or less importance. Gen: Miles is slowly approaching San J nan and there may be some severe fight ing there, allhongh but littlo surprise would bo caused by the surrender of the garrison when our army sets near enough to assault their fortifications. AsralaalaV Aira, General Merritt cables that he will need fifty thousand Iroopa to bring the Philippines under the con t nil of the United Stales, The situation in Manila is regarded as very grave owing to the attitude of Aguinaldo. Agulnaldo, the Insurgent chief In the Ar. Tarlioro Lv. Tarlioro Lv. R. Mt Ar. Weldou 12 2) 12 a 25 P.M .M 5 00 P.M 8 85 10 85 II 44 12 111 5 8N 8 15 0 45 A.M. 13 19 13 67 P. M 7 15 8 55 10 10 P.M II 15 11 ft' o a Ad A M, 0 85 II 01 13 03 13 S7 1 iW A.M P. M 12 49 1 30 Train on the Scotland Neck llrancl Kond leaves Weldon 4 15 n in. Halifax 4 30 p m, arrive. Scotland Neck at 5 20 p m, Greenville 0 67 p m, Klnstnn 7 65 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 60 a Greenville 8 53 a at, arriving Halifax at II 18 am, Weldon 1133a m, daily ex cent eunuay. I rains on nasiiington lirancli leave Washington 8 80 a m and 8 80 p in, ar rive rnrmcle iu a in, ami 4 uu n m. re turning leave Parinele II 85 a m and 6 80 ni arrive Washington n uu a m aad 7 20 Drcs3 Oinsliams in pattorn lengths ot iO f.l:j onlv. -nrico lor Honday. Tuesday and .Tuesday, COT- rcr pattern of 10 yards. -.rial Hint re Tor IMS. I mid la ! diJtrjMNt Upon Accoiiuf s. not Sm 1'rata.r Sta Washington, July 80. Admiral O'er- vera's fisgthlp, the Infanta Maria Te resa, has been saved and Willie added to Hie Unllrxl States navy: Acting Admiral Hampton cahl.w as follow.! "Pin) a, July 29. The Infanta Maria Teresa, upon which the wreckers are now .njngml, will be floated and brought to Ouanlanamo a soon as a small lesk Philippine Is nursing bad cose of the p m, dally T Sunday, big head, and has bad lltlleenongh tense Trf ln Tarlar.., N 0, dally ex. , ', ,, ,,,,, 8undav5 80pm, Buu.Uy, 415 p m, to try to gl himself airs la his dealings fiwet (,ljmoXtll 7 40 p ,u , with Admiral Dewey, On consolation In the situation la that Aguioaldo rela-1 tions with the Spanish are such that there is no possibility of his making a cooibliisllon with Ihenf against us. The taking of Manila Is not likely to be much longer deferred, unleas peace Hits a stop to the r4iiiwlgn. t'abatt nSf4ra. Hie Srmy of occupnllon of Cuba will be rained to fifty thoUMnd men. General Is will be appointed military governor f U I.M-sie.1 which Is somswher In the of the l.lno I, landing J he settlement of bow of Hi. .hip. Wheilwr this leak Is the quwlloa orl.lng out ih? Hm. foriua do. to a small valve being left open or a line of a new form of govern menu bote will, h may have been made in the - ,o is not jet known. Her oa a pum I ' O Xk. HT O TT X J. . ' Min nurd to remove the water,' SauiO. IU l""i Tw Hast I'J1 taM l!,,-m l-iu j uti-uin In one of her holler..! Blfmstir. , JjLS ? HAiir.soN." i SXV fcAU WAR! OK NO WAR We Ilavo the Nicest Lineof , . Reirigeralors and Water Coolers . . In the City. Also such Seasonable Articles as Fly Traps, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Ico (Jream Freezers, Rat and Moiihc Trap9. ('lauss Scissors ami Ru.ors, every ar ticle with the name of Chinas on same s fully warranted. Excelsior und Elmo Cook Stoves, No Fancy Castings, but we guarantee ihem Lonive satisfaction. I, !1 CUTLKK HUWAKS W. I mm (I! Henry's I'liBtj, 127 AIIUDI.I-: STREET, NEW KERNE, N. C. . Eskay'siAlbiimonizedEood. Peptongenic MilkPowder, MiiltedlMilk.JMellin's Food, Reed it'.Carnrick's Soluble Food COLUMBIAN lNSEt'TITl'DE 4Suro Death toWnlerillugs and Roaches) Physician's Preset iptions A Specialty. ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles. 73 Mils Street, .-Jew Bene, N.C, T.J.TURNER STILL LEADS IN LOW 1111 CHS ! We linve Just received anollier Fine Stock-of Fl'RNlTCRE consistiiiR of Kid Room Suits, Parlor Suits, ('hilToiiiers, Ward RolM-saiid Hall Stands at lowest Prices ever known. except ar- Re turning, leaves Plymouth dally except nunday ,7 (si a m, ami ruiwiay w a in, arrives Tarlxim lOuaam, llUOam. Train on Midland) N C lirancli leaves Gold.boro dally, exuept Sunday, 7 IU m, arriving HniilliHeid 8 30 a at, lUturu ing leaves Kmlilineld VOU a m; arrives atOol.Lhom in M am. Train, on Nashville Dranch leaves Rocky Mount at 4 Ml n m, arrive Null vlllon 0.1 pm, Hnrliig Hope A H'l p Retiirulug leave rtprintf li.i ,00 s n Nubvilln H8.1 m, srrlr. a( Rocky Mount 9 05 a m, dally eoept Sunday. Train on Clinton ltrauuh leaves War saw for Clinton dally, except Sunday, II 80 a m and 4 16 p ni, Returning leaves Clfntoa at 7 ou a m and t 45 p m. Train No 71 makes cl.M oonneclloa at Weldon for all points North dally, all rail via Richmond. M M EMERSON, Gn 'I Pau Agent J R KRNI.Y, Onii'l Mansrer. T M LUKRSON, Tralllo Manager. AT HILLS In addition to the Pope Mf. Co.'s regular lines of Cliainle. and Chain Coliiinbias, Hartford and Ycilctlo lllcycles, I have rwlded a new wheel, . . , Hill's Special, w hich are made for me by the Hartford Cycle' Co., and which ore up tn-diite In every impact, which 1 will sell For $3o.oo I will have a full line ot CHEAP NEW WHEELS In a few days, prices ranging from ' to f . Complete Line nf RL'NDUII--Tirea, Ih-lla, lni, Ac... at Lnwrat ah I'rioea. Send for price list. Sold f. CArtll only. I have secured the agency of the COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY'S GOODS And have a stork nf same on band, eoa-leilnt- of Uraphoi.hnncs, Kevords ai d Supplies Generally. (1RAPIIOPI10NE BOLD ON IN STALLMENT. WW. T. HILT 61 Bo, Front St., Mew Dome, N, 0. TO TUB LADIES ! Give your orders to T. J. TURNER with your Small Picture of yourself or anyone of your family and he will fur nish you a fine 16x20 Crayon Picture for SI 98 16x20 Fine Pastel Only 2 98 16x20 Sephia, latest style 2 98 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED You can see a line sample of this work at my store. This fine work is done by the Owens Portrait Co., of Chicago. T. J. Turner is the cheapest place to buy your nice Toilet Sets, Moxpillo Can opy and Fancy Willow Rockers. A call at our new store, 73 Middle Street, will not only prove to tie pleasant but beneficial. T. J. TURNER rURNirUUE CO, 76 Middle Street, New Berne, N. 0. A BIG LICK ! AND KNOCK IWWN, CUT DOWN PRICK, On the very best No. I 'Allien. , We keep Ilrlck. hand made and sawed shingles. Flats to Ut. Stove Wood always dry under large .hols. Milch Cows, Horses and Buggies. Itouiwe la rent. Keep everything other ieodo do aot keep. Oue store EVirt Front, one store South Frool to Let. Iilcrck. See bio inn, The Shingle flan.