THE JOURNAL Published eYcry day In the year, ex eept Monday, at W Middle Street. mom No. 8. Charles l. sieven5, ;oitor and PRorsirroB. 8UBSCHIPTION RATES: tine j car. In advance, . ........... One year, not ia advanoe, Monthly, by carrier in the city,. .(4 00 . 5 00 60 Advertising Rates furnished on appli cation. ' Entered at the Poet Office, New Berne, N. C. as second class matter. Ofllclal Paper or New Berne and Craven Conntjr. " New Berne. N. C. Anfr. 1. 1808 Fort Macoii, N. C. lias been the most largely attended and pronper ous "summer resort" on the Atlan tic const this year, thanks to Gov ernor ltusscll's assistance. If Senator Marion Butler's per sonal newspaper would occasionally deal in facts and truths, there might be gome use in trying to controvert what it publishes. NOMINATE ONLY STRONG MEN. The culls for district and county Democratic conventions, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the several ollices necessary to be tilled, are. mutters of most serious importance, to every ono interested in good and honest government. Tnere can be no doubt that every Democrat and while voter is in favor of tiie paramount issue in this Ktite, today, namely, white suprem acy and hotiost government, there fore no candidate is likely to be nominated who is not in full sym pathy with the issue. liut a matter of special impor tance and one which the delegates in every convention should give strict heed to is that the -strongest -candidate be uotiftiuted, and by the strong candidate is meant the tnau who will poll the largest number of voter. , Tho favorite candidate this year, and the ono to nominate is the man who in his county or district can, get the greatest vote, and this with out any pcisoiiul fueling. The object and purpose of every Democrat should be success, and this of uli years should bo the one when a Binglo dissenting voice should not oe raised, but instead only calm and deliberate discussion, when person should be subordinated to parly, and the welfare of all, the community and State, be the firet consideration, aud if personal sucri lice be uecessary to accomplish this result, let it be made. Tn is is no year for the State Democratic party to pa; its political debts to this or that candidate, un less such a candidate bo the strong est and best vote gutter. Noininute strong candidates, men known to be worthy of the respect of the white people, aud they will receive tho votes. MARION BUTLER IS RESPONSIBLE The Democratic papers and speak ers will prove thut in the two last campaigns thousands of honest and patriotic but misguided white men were led into fusion with negroes by tlio treacherous hand of liocky Mount Duller, lie kuew what would be tho result; but not to with his deluded followers, l hey never dreamed that North Carolina would today present the spectacle of hav lax within its borders more negro oiicuholderi', both S ato aud Fed eral, than all the other Stales of the Union combined. Yes, it will be "nigger, nigger, nigger" until every white man iu North Carolina cau see that liocky Mount Builor, aided by his willing tools, is tho man who has brought humiliation and dlngrace upon the State that gave liiin biith. Wil mington Star. affsriat Wea lastaatlf Balls! The Fkmii-unk Tahi.kts almost In stantly relieve all pain, aching and sore ness la the womb. They are applied directly to the affoclcd parts, ami act like a soothing healing poultice, draw ing out fsver and pain. If used In con nection with the Funiculi Tonic, will speedily and radically ears all form ot Female Complaints sad Weaknesses; In eluding Falling of the Womb, Ulceration of the Womb, Congestion of the Ovaries, Painful and Obstructed Menstruation, Leuoorrba-a or Whites. Weight and Pain In Prlvls, Drawing Henistloa la (Jrnln Aching and I'aln la lin k and Limbs Flooding, Klc, Try this new and ur prising rur. Frmlrure Tenia f 1 00 Femli ure Tablets (!M treatments) l.00 (told by Heart's Pharmacy, New Berne Hsw's This. W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J, CHENEY A CO., Props.. Toledo, O. -' We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last W years and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation nude by their firm. ' West A Tkdax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.dino, Kiknan & Narvik, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hnll's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family Pills are the best Relic of ths Virfinius. Captain D. C. Woodrow of the navy has the ting floated by the Virginius on Ill-fated filibustering trip to Santiago In 1873. It was taken from the vessel by the captain himself Dec. 26, 1073, just before the ship tui k while being brought back to the United States- BCCBXEN'S ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE In the world for' Cuts, Uralses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ii guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 33 cents per box. For sale by F. F. Duffy. Dynamite Guns. It is announced from St. Petersburg that in view of I he success which has atteuded the use of dynamite' guns in Cuba the minister of mariiie proposes to mount such weapons on four Russian warships. Their use will be extended if they turn out to be satisfactory. About one month ago my child, which is fifteen months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting.- I gave it such remedies as are usually given in such cases, but as nothing gave relief, we sent for a physician and it was under his care for a week. At Ibis limo the child had been sick for about ten days and was having about twenty-five operations of tho bowels every twelve bonis, and we were convinced that unless it soon obtained relief it would uot live. Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diaralioea Remedy was recommend ed, and I decided to try It. I soon noticed a change for the better; by Us continued use a complete cure was brought about and it Is now- perfectly healthy C. L. Bounn, Stumptown, Gilmer county, W, Va. For sale by F. S. Duffy. An Explanation. Smith "You and Jones don't seem to be as thick as you were. Docs he owe you moncj'' Brown "No, not exactly, but he wanted to." Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are rot afraid to be generous to the needy and Buffering, The proprietor's of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump lion, coughs and colds have given away over len million trial bottles of this great medicine and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thous ands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron- chilis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by It. Call on F. 8. Duffy, the urtiggisi, ana get a trial not lie tree, rep ular size 50c and ft. Every bottle guar anteed, or price refunded. Asksd ior Islormation. "I want to ask a qucstlou, papa," marked Sammy Snaggs. "Very well, Sammy 1 But only one, remember." "When the Americans shell a Spsnish army do they cat the colonels?" The Rev. W. B. Costly, of Stockbridge Oa., while attendlug to his patoral duties at Ellonwood, that State, was at tacked by cholera morbus. lie rays: "By chance I. happened to get hold of a hot tie of Chauilierlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think It was the mi am of saving life. It relieved mo at once," For sale by F. A. DuiTy. llnsssU Sage. lttiseM Sage, the New York million aire, Is counected with twenty-seven corporations, in which there are foity three railroads. He Is the only living oiiginal director of the New York Cen tral ralltoad and th only living founder of the Fifth Avrnuu Bank. He ha stood a cash run ou himself in hard times of ,IMH,()00 lu one day. Ir. K. PrirkM'tSall ItlarrIM May be worth more to you than 100 if you have a liihl.w ho soils holding from Incontinence of water during sleep. Cunt old and young alike. It arm) the trouble at once. 1. bold hy u. I. isrtwl ham, druggist. New Heme, N. C. Painful Ifcf etiatiea. The Spaniards will take their medicine but reserve the right to mske fares over It. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like It, but there Is really no I rick aliout It. Anybody can try It who has Lsme Hark and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We nifan h ran cure himself right away by Uklng Klrctrle II I Iters. This mull cln tone up the whole system, act as stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, Is blond purifier ahd nerve tonic. It cures Conatlpsllen, Headache, Fainting Rpclla, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It purely vegetable, a mild laxative, end restore the system to Its natural vigor. Try Electric Hitlers and be convinced thai thry are a mlrarl worker. Every trottle guaranteed. Only &0e a bottle at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store. B.lmlhsl Bias Modern Greek peasants exchange gold and silver wedding ring, and they drink wine from tho same cup. Bat the regular ritual of tho Greek ohuroh or dains that solemn betrothal precedes tho actual marriage, in which ore used gold and silver wedding riuga blessed by the priest, the gold riug being given to the man, the silver ring to the woman. The form of the espousal is then repeat ed, and the rings are placed on tho right hands and then exchanged that no in feriority may be betokened' by the wom an wearing the silver ring and also to indicate a common ownership of prop erty. An Armenian mother usually chooses her daughter's husband.' After all busi ness preliminaries are settled between the families the bridegroom's mother, accompanied by a- priest aud two ma trons, visits the bride and gives her a ring in token of espousal, and with this ring the couple are ultimately married. Among the fishing communities very ancient and elaborate rings are used, and they descend as heirlooms from generation to generation. In Japanese marriages . arranged be tween very young people the girl re ceives a rlngiu evidence that the nnion is binding. In Malabar an old native custom seats both bride and bridegroom on a dais, and a relative wnsnes tne feet of the bridegroom with milk and pats a silver ring on the great toe of the right foot. Ho then hands a gold ring to his kinsman, and a necklace and chaplet of flowers are put on the bride'a neck and head. London Mail norm's Beted Wonder, - The seven wenders of Korea arei (1) The marvelous mineral spring of Kia shanto, one dip in which is a sovereign care for all the ills that human flesh is heir to. (2) The double springs which, though fur apart, have a strange, mys terious affinity. According to Korean belief, there is a connection under ground, through which water ebbs and flows like the waters of the ocean, in such a way that ouly one spring is full at a time. Tho water possesses a won derful sweetening power, so that what ever is cooked therein becomes good aud palatable. (3) The cold wind cavern, whenco comes a never ceaslug wind so piorcing that nothing can withstand it and so powerful that tho strongest man cannot face it. (4) The indestructible piue forest, the trees of which grow up again as fast as they are cat down. (6) The floating stones a massive block that has no visible support, bat, like Mohammed's cofllu, remains suspended. ((!) The warm stouo, situated on the top of n hill and said to have the pecul iarity of spreading warmth and bent all round it (7) A drop of tho sweat of Buddha, for 30 paces round which no flower or vegetation will grow, nor will birds or other liviug things pass over it Brooklyn Eagla Saint Norah and tho Potato. St. Norah was a poor girl, says the Loudon Punch, who prnyod St. Patrick for a good gift that would luako her uot proud bat useful, aud St Patrick, out of his own head, taught her how to boil a potato. A sad thing aud to be lament ed, thut the secret has come dowu to sj few I Since the highest intellectual and physical life ia dependent upon diet since the cook makes, whilo the physi- oiiui ouly mends should uot sho who prepares oar pies be as carefully trained as he who makes our pills? Certaiuly whatever may bo the knowledge or the iguorauce of tho serv ant in tho kitchen, tho mistroRs of tho honse, be sho yoaug or old, ought to be able, like St. Patrick lu the fnbla, out of her own instructed head to teach Norah how to boil a potato or broil a steak go that they may yield their utmost of rel ish aud nutriment. Until she cau do that, uo womrui Is qualified to preside over a household, and since few reach adult lifo without beiug culled to that position in the household of husband, father or broth er, the ltgoud of St. Norah has a wide significance. Youth's Companion, Tha Northwoot Indlaa sad Bki Ways, The Indian of tbe plains is a far more picturesque Individual than bis brother or cousin of tho const. Uo decs not erect totem poles and bo no timber for tbe purpose if so inclined, bnt he is suffl cieutly spectacular himself without re sorting to grotesque carvings and paint ed wood. His saddle, with its leather hangings and wooden stirrups, is in itself a remarknblo aggregation, and when set off with his goods aud chat tels tied iu bags, rags, strings and strap.:, tho effect is remarkable. He wears the cast off garments of his whito brother In such original combinations thut he looks like the personification of a secondhand store. Bonietimes the adoption of a pair of guernseys as an external covering gives him quite an athletic appearance. Uo wears his hair in Gertrude braids, und prefer ear ring about the sire of half dullarcoiu. A mosquito net or handkerchief t hi favorite head covering, and if bo as sume a bat it is a an additional and purely ornamental appendage. Detroit Free Pros. ltarlrd at Santiago. "Few students of Napolconlo histo ry," say the Loudon Chronicle, "are awaro that Dr. Antomarchi, who at tended upon Napoloou I during hi last illness at St. Helena, is buried lu tbe eemctury at Santiago de Cuba. He bad brother living ia that island, and aftor tbe emperor' death proceeded thither aud lived at Santiago, exercie lug hi ikill a an oculist gratuitously among the poor. After lis death in Wit a public nmnnmmit was erocU-d to hi memory In tbe local cemetery." Im la Karly bays. 'Yea," sold Adam to Eve a tbe twi light drew about the aged coo pie, aof tuning their liueunirnt to a mmblauo of youth, "how well I mnenilKir the day wo met I Voe wore a diffident Jr" That was all. Indianapolis Joomai. aiwTkmii srestiH KiNBanit. Permanently cored by the masterly power of Hootb American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need sutler no longer brcaua this greet remedy ean Cur them all It is cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and indlgMtioa, The fnre be gin with the Drat dnse. Tbe rlirf It bring- h marvrhm and aarnrtaioe. ' It wiakr no fallurai imt disappoint. No Blatter bow tone you bav aulfet rd, curs I certain under tl aa of this grml health giving fiirr. I'lrnonnl and al ways aofe. Hnld by 0. (. flradham DiuffKiat, New lWrn., N. C, ' , - ji h v XJ ta J . My litUoboybr-okooui with an Itching rash, ' I ti::l tfiron doctors and me&c&l college bat -ba L:;it BotUne worse. Tiers ara not nu iqaLirtimckqflkincnkisickotebodiinwfcctcd. lio was on man of tons, and thostenck was fr.:-h-ul. la rumoring the bandages they vauli take the akla with them, ::t tbe poor th.U't screams were heart-breaking. After ths second application of Cctcouba (oint ment) J law tiffin c improvement, and tha sore to dry up. His Rlcin pooled off twenty ' times, nnt now At it entirely cured, V -.-1 EOU'T WA.TTAM, T2 Cook at., Chicago, rtl. Ihibt Cum Tbbatket lot Ftbit Eabt Homos, . Wtru I.OSS or lUlk. Warm baUu with Cuticuu Snip, faUowrd ty mtlt -"-Vtiei viUv C'v ti.-t. . rmmaemilla enrol. SoHtlmNrVtthwnri4. Firrrxm Dwro aitd Cttwk. OoarfrapUMtoo. liovtoCMiUajtltiaon.mfc Mow tfrlck on an Old Mloor. "If you 'never had n mi ne salted on you," remarked an old Urno Colorado miner, "you have missed half of your chance to get good oxperlonoo. " . "Did you ever have it happen to you?" asked a stranger irwifrtho cost. "Yoe; my first lesson cost nio ?3,000, when I bought a mine in ljcmtvlllo that bad been tunneled into tho mountain sido for nearly 200 feet. I had hoard of tho trick of salting properties, so after the man showed me whut there was in sight he invited me to -go right ahead cud blast out several feet lu order to satisfy myself, which 1 did, and the ore seemed to bo just as good as it was when he was working It. Of course I bought it, and then it never paid a cent it was salted. " V But how could they suit three or four feet into tho solid rooky" ' ' There was tho trick of It. Thoy didn't salt the rock, but put the gold colors into tho giant powder, and as long as that lasted there was gold Insight.',' Denver Times. ' ; Raw Ante aa Itolloaclee. Raw ants are largely eaten in Mexico. As is known, certain nuts nro selected by their kindred as storehouses .of '.honey. They ire fed with' honey until tho abdo men speedily becomes smooth and round and so filled with honey that tho skin is transparent. 1 hiwo outs am doomed to pass tho remainder of their lives as mera bouey cells, from which their kindred ex tract tho honey when It is required. Thoro arc several specimens of theso ants in tho Iiritlsh museum, with tho honey still within their transparent bodies. The Mcxiciuis raid the ncsti of t htso aots tor tho sake of tho honey that their bodies con tain, and tho nuts aro catun raw us sweet meats. They are sold by measure und form an article of commerce. London Standard. ' Kindly Meant. "You'll have a lit w hen 1 get through with you," cried the llrst. - ".lust try It on," promptly retorted tho other. No, gentle render, they were not uunr- relioM. flrst siioaker was a dressmaker d the other tie. , ' -s 1'hiludelphtn rloeoin, .- ..' ... -. all the pshV and slcknc3sf rem which women tuffcr Is. caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick, , fcSCFinFF't mm Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles." It Is equally effecUve for ths girl In her teens, the your.g wile wish do mestic and maternal crej, and ths woman approaching the period known as the " Chaneo cf Life." ' They .all need it. They aie all benefitted by It. For aj.lcs tn eues n:Mr,c rre!al dlrecilon. iddrw... rtir,r avmpins. tha "!.'' Advisory rapa.1r.enl,'1 Tin Ckimwfi ttuuclna Cv., C.Wu aeata,1oa. TH0, I. COOpIR, ThssIs. Kits., tern ' ) t'lttr luftrrea Itam nry Irrosalw saS HifMhl MerttnibbAa aad extort C)M Ml ri kv. Win ! Cjrtul snttrflv etirtd hn an als Kla9d ct now wrvugn ma taangt ct uw, ' Easily, Qulokly, Permanently Rettored IlLniinL wtidrn riiar. ulee to Lure In-omnm, IiiiirrMA, IfvM?ria, Net-rout. Ifehility, IxmI Vitality, Semlrul lowt, Ptiltng Memory Hht ren!t o Oven-work. Worry, SHm-j, Krror i Ymith or Ovw-Wulfnc, hoc quirk, (MMittvt atxl lasttn rwitti hi Vioal Wek , lmpntcnry, Nervoua I tofhility and Iiekt Vitmiity, ja Bt-UI LBBL BPfOIL-'W fMrenrtH tll give 4rvittt inimi Ki imic lo ereery part ltd ellexl a tH'tenanewt cura. Pill t by tvaU. v nejapew im beat. PRFF A hnttWaf tha famrata Iim 1 hear reiwi viif nt aivra witn a 91 imi or nori f cue ncrniMt mm, iom oatv try F. 8. DUFFY, New ttorr.o, N. C IELrETr r:mvE i tj TAELETS retOMPTLV Ct'IIBl ALL KHIVOU3 rrtra, V , luc. r II rr S.(. AIT' .If r-''r:uri tn r, fnrl'-r.rrt. WUi.l.lIt riuu .', MM ' t$fc PROFESSIONAL. F. X. Simmons. A. D. Wsrd J. H. Pou. t. W. Poa. 5IMH0NS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at - law. . NCW Bl.HNK, K. (I. Office 68 So. Front Struct, nearly oppo site Uotel Chaltawko. (Offices also at Ralcieh and SniithflclJ.) Praotlco In the counties oi (Graven. rHiniin Jcnea, Onslow. Carteret Pamlleo, Wafcf, Jonnuton, Harnett and Wilson; in tne Su preme and J-'Mlral Courts, and wlierevei services arc dealred. Owen if Guioar, Counsellor : at : JLnw. Offices, 46 Broad St., : jsw n top, sr. c. IMLPelletler, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyers lirick : Building. Will nractlce in tho Coantlea of Craven O.irterot, Jones, Onslow and ramllco. V. a. Court at New Borne ana Suprema Court el hs State.,,. FINANCIAL., T. A. Ureon, Froa, B.H. Meadows, Vice Pref l . H.H.eBOVBS.Caahtur. ' CITIZEN BANK ; OB" ITITWBIIBKII.N.O, : . DO A ' CIENlfiKAL RANKING . BUaiNliMt The-Accounts ot Banks, Bankers, Corpor ations. Farmors. Morclmnts and others ro eeived on tavorable terms. Prompt ami cars nil attention given to tneinietrat or onreas tomers. ColUetions a Siioolnltj. . , . board oroiaOTona. : - rerdlnand Ulrieh K. II. Meadows,- J. A. MuailowH, Chan. Dntly, Jr. Samuel W. Ipork, Ja:n ReilinondJ Chaa. H. Fowior, Mayer Halm, w . urauiKer, Tiioinaa A. breen, E. W. .Smallwoort, C. K. Fov. W. F. Crockett . F. & M. BANK; ' : MAY. Jst, 1SII8. - Capital Stock, . ...;...... 73,000.00 Surplus,.., 8,500,00 VndlTided rrollts,;...... 3,170.08 . . OFFIOEUS: -L. H. CiiTlkk I'resit'ent. . W. 8. ('iiai)wi(.'K, Vieo I'res. T. W. DaWKY, 4'iiHlner. J. W. II111111.K, T. ller. . F. F Mattt!W8. Collector. MltKCTORSr Win, B, nimlffs M. M. Murks, O. 1 llrmlhain, , 1'. II. IMI. iier, L. H. t tiller, - Jnn riuter, W. 8. Cluidwiek, J fcUjwart, T. W, Dewey. We want your htisiness and Tecl 'that we can olfor jym as much in return as any ot.iicr hatik in the city. It is oui endeavor to make business relations mut ually pleasant and prolituiile to om patrons. '. -STEAMERS- CAROLINA DISPATCH LINK, -AND- Old Dominion Steamship Co: KliK!(ilir& PASSKNUKIl. For All l'oinl.s Norlli. The Steamer NEUSE will loavo on Morula;, Wedncsdnvs, ami riJa;8 nt 5 p. tn., making landings, at Oriental, Ocracoke and Uouuoko lolutxl. 557" l'riieht received not later than ono hour previous to Bailing. . .For further information apply to . C.J50. UENDEUSON, Agt. M. K. KiMrt, Gon. Mgr., . U.C. Uci)aiNs,Con l'Vt.A rass.Agt. Norfolk, V. New liorno, N.O., May 3)th.-x!8, Lodf?e Directory. 8T. JOHN'S LODGE, NO. 3. A. V. a- 41 ; Olllcors: It 8 I'rlmrore. WM Oeoriro Orocn. 8 V: (J 1) llradhain. J W I A t.rccn, Treasurer; W J rills, Becro- tsry; w w tlartt, a D; T ( llvnmn, J I), ltoirular t'ommunicatlons Stl VVcdnvsilav cacu inoniu. CAI.UMKT KN CAM I'M KMT. NO I. O. (. K. Ortlccrs:-K It llytnan, C I N C Hughes, II 1'; A K llihhaiil. H V 1 I Momlr, J W; C II Hall, Hcrilr; E Uorm k, I ptMiirer. ltccular Kneamii ment, lt, 3ril, and Slh (if any) Tliursilay mollis in cacu ntoHiu at Y:.iU o clock. EVIIEK. I,OIKiK NO. 7. 1. O. O. X Omocw-O. II, Mall, N. CI; J. h.Mooilv V. O i T. II, Hmion, HVd. lcc'ty: i. It rarkor, Jr., Tieas, ltccular mretlnu every jiiiiliony nipui 01 K:iai o CUN'k. canton t-i.Ki.rf'iNTN". ;, i: u i.o. o. r, imtcvr-. t.t-o. ximcr, apt'iini T. u. Ily ritu, Cl.-rk;-l. Uornrk, SooiitltiliMiU alar Catiioiimnt-, til anl 4ta Tnur.lax t'KtVKN UIIHiK MO. 1, KNIUIITX UK ItAK MUNV: Swli toil ami 4li Mp.liu.t.lny K:,,a in ll'l IIMMIIII 111 U'HIIliriW-H 1 1 n at I iOnrlorK. , 14. Hall, I'lmlilimli 4. II noil 111, nvorviary. - SKW RrHMB ( HAr KH Nil. S, H. A. M uti!-f. A. ilnm, II. V. k T. W. iH-wiTT, SctiIk-; i;ii. Inure, Tmu. t. l. iiranuani, MuMy. H.-rfulir 1 imvnea Hona i aiwuM men inoniu. T. JIlllN'H :i)MMNliKHT Nil. Hi. K.T Umcr;-1. W. K. C. tnw. Iii-Immii ((.; 1. u. iirinnti, 1.. 11 1 T. r. Mi- ai rr-1-11; M. a. i'i im !m, ic,yyH-,t,.r. K.-tfriti (imriavM aiM aud mini rri'iara m Hi aimiib. anniiiTS or - hunob im.-.r: a. i I ..!, liN UWi (I I,. V',hi, R, iKirlrr w. Y. Kiint't., rin.,,f.N li,..Hirl,-r h ll'iruu UmIku Mi 411 otfN-t llm i,,t fttid 1 rl.luy MlliU M ;iu'cIim:S Im K- nmr,-.- Ilnll, rolliiTK Niwt. ar.w iiKiiNK Linn, k mo. 1, r. 11 a ;.- "rali-a, l'nl . J II. H ,.- h, 11" i.r.lh.K . K. K. ()uMI.-vi, rilinti.-lHl --ty. Kniiihl i,f l thlM IinII pvimv 11 ail till w tliiilAy niMMU 111 Hi.tnUt. FOR RENT. Tit hi'l ili-nimlilf- liiiiie In tie Oily fur a iKKihluijr houi-e cfiutmutt, la r'fiiim. M r umI (" (-iinl in Kotilli Kfoiil Hire, t A I)- lo J. v. . in v, a;, r 1.1. ii-ami Livery, Sale & Exchange Stables. WHOLESALE AND HOUSES A COlHPIiETE 1,1 Nl OF- Buggies, Poad Carts and Harness; , - No.'s Ii8, lao and Ethical ional PEACE INSTITUTE, Raleigh, N. C" .- . A fumoits srliool for (J iris. , Very thorough and of high grade. ' Judge fico. D (Jrny, Ci11eper, Va., says: "I sinccrt-ly Ih'Iii-vc it i the very lawt f niale nclmol of uhicli I have any knuwhilge." llliiftiHled ratalogua ficc to all who npily. . Jab. Dinwiddik, M. A., 1'iincipul. Littleton Female College! Tliis institution has a splendid and prominent location In a re markably beautiful section of country, in the miilst of a region of noted Mineral Springs. It has a pus, Commodious und Well Equipped HnililinRS, a Strung Fat uity and Full and Thorough College course at VERY 'MO DER ATE COST. The Fall 1 4th, 1 !!):. For Catalogue, Address, : I. M. TlllMlIIf?,l!SlTY 1 IIIJ Hill I IJIIUI 1 1 Larjst Pnlrotingc & Fiilli-st Equipment in its History. Knculiy.S8; RlmU nls, 5t; n Arailemlc r-oiirw: 8 Klcrlive Courtti": 8 rroft-e. nional fclKMils, in . La., Jlerliciiie anil riiarmnry. Adritiirril Clnfsee open lo women. Tuition fW. a year; rmnl $, a month. Ainplcnpwrltinlliis fnrselMirlp. Schol arship niul loans Inr tliii iMisly. fnin mer rMinol rur TonrhiYr; C4 Instructor. 185 Btmltnts. Total 'vnrollineni,- 0i0.' For CntHloitiK'. Aiiilicss, ' - y' I'UKSIDUNT Al.OHItMAN. . (JhiiH Mill, N.O. The State Normal and Industrial - COLLEGE - (JITcr the youni; women of the HlulfH llioroiiRli prori'MHiiml, 111. rnry, cliKwIi al. Hcit'titilic. Ninl Inilnstrisl nlHCHtiim. An liual KiirnrMi '.HI to K!I. Knctilly ol -.;il nlcniU-rs. Moru limn 300 nxulin students. Una matricubiiil iihont l.M sttuivnls, rt -rri4-iitlnK 'Very county lr tho Hlnt rxci-it two. 1'ra ilirc ami Oh oi vniii.n H. hix.l of hIhii t ) iuplls. T( wcurti Imanl in ilormli rh , sll fni--liiilion npiliriillins must lie ninileJjc. fore August I . t'inn-HM,Milcnro Invited from those de slrltin rom i:lint Inilnril IcsWierr. t'or rntali;nn and i lhi r itifnrmnllon, aildrcM I'UKjSIDICNT ItdVCll, Orwimuom, N. C, Oak Rid Insiilote, Nearly 50 Year drCmilinui'd Surcrx. 2r STUDHNTS LAST YCAR. The Ijiriri-t and II, t Kiiilpo.l l'rlvnU Kitlinn rV lKMil In the Houlh. KiikIIxIi, Hie Clnm-lin, , Slulheinstic, lliink-keci!n. hlinfl-ltnitd, Ti-lec,rnihy, T)''rilinjr. T rms resniHiHlih , I'or rntiili'iio, hi! drcfts J. A. & II. II. HOLT, oak mix;!", fioirrn w iina Hi!. ' RETAIL DEALERS IN T lai fliddle Street. ' IiaKtilutioiisi. large and beautifully shaded Cam- Term will begin Wednesday. Sent, 1KII01EK, Littleton, N C. - The North Carolina College v." i-' it ,K - v i Asticultiirc Mechanic Arts Will rt'-oi'ii tH-ptcmlicr . 1, 18!I8, with iniiirovt'd c(jtiiiiiu-iit in very uYuvrtui'iit. -Twenty -throe" t'Jtpori ont'cJ sjn'cinliiits ill ' FiietiUy. Kull ico-8 Kricillliiro, M-iencc, J Cl vil, Alccuunicul iintl Elwitricfl Kncilicoriliff. Exiicnik'S VWV mod-. crate. J-or c:italom-s udtlrta ... Pres. A. Q. MOLL DAY,; liALEKIH, N. 0. Fur ncnilv lit years this Inmllnliou (or the hit;livr idnriiliun id ynuni; wnnii-n has nci iiii,d ll.c very fronl. rsnk md was in vit hinrc Mimeimmly bMcii ileil lluin n iw. It Ik t,n only protrlihd with a liinh-i;rii(li) Coll, Couih, Imt liss eerti In nil of iu KpiH'inI h-Iiih1m or Music, Ail KliN-iitinn. (.'iiiiiineri inl and luilitrhil SiikIIi-h, W'o will Im ileiueil tnsendrnliiloKUi'nn n'llrulion. Term brgln H'ieiitUT lid. JOUN II. l I.KWIil.I IMnlal, r-nh ni. North ('Hrnliiin. New Berne ACADEMY A High 5ihool Tor llnyf and Girl. FALL MISSION IllictNH i September 5,1898. contains of HTt iiY ! Chiurii-nl, Kii(lili and S'ii-nilll(-. ComN'leul snd Hkilletl Cori of In struelorf. -Tnltinnsnd Itunrd, at Modrralo Itatei. Fur caliilonuc nod iirllenliiM, the I'lim iin THOMAS K. lOl'ST, New Lei ne, N C.

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