VOL. XVI -NO. 127. NEW BE UN I, H. C, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1898. ESTABLISHED im ! A PRACTICAL" LESSON ! ANOTHER CHANCE. 5 Yet we llitnk nil will testify to tlio practical economy of buying ; GOOD, blYLISH, BERVIl EABLE 8UOES, aud we have again studied 10 pleas" our customers at tbi point. Then for the next few days, all who are fortunate-enough to wear j0 sizes lieiween Nos. 1 aud 4, can get a Clement & Bull, $ 3 or $i Shoe for (LISTEN) only 5C laIr. Two or Three Prices of All-wool Roman Stripe Flannel, former a price Mo, now 15e. 5 Also a Few Ladies Rib Vents, former price 25c, now 10c. 5 COME AND SEE US, ' X I J. H. HACKBURN. Captain Bveyfasia peeivea Aaather Trial. A 6rt BeaBallon. Clemes aaa's Oplalea. Special to Journal. Paris, September S. At a meeting of the Frenoh Cabinet today it was decided that there should be a revision of the Dreyfus trial, on account of the sensa tional developments ending in the suicide of Colonel Henry after acknowledging forgery of a- letter by which Captain Dreyfus was d nvicted by court martial, Pans, September 1. Never since the Drey i us case existed has a keener, more passionate interest been shown in it than at present. The party in favor of its re vision bas been enormously swollen by the confession of forgery made by Colo nel Henry. His suicide bas given rise to a sort of suspicion that he sacrificed him self to cover his superiors and has won over many who were hesitating. Three fourths of the French press is now in favor of revision of the trial- II. UTTIII. TO BUT. ON THE DIAMOND. Union of RepMcans anl Popu lists to lleleat Ihite Beaalis or iImi Mi1ubiI Umm Base- Ball daou-a IMayrd Yeateraaj. I Special to Journal. Pittsburg, Sept. 2 Pittsburg 5. New York 4. Boston, Sept. 2 Cleveland 6, Bos- I ton 6. Darkness. St Louis, Sept. 8 Philadelphia 12, St Louis 4. and. Do n the Bat the Democracy is np Inc. The Instructions ; Bankruptcy Law. Plans for Fair Week. A Populist Expects , to Defeat White. Whore Ttary Flay Today. Brooklyn at Chicago. Washington at Cincinnati. St Louis at Louisville. Boston at New York Baltimore at Pittsburg. Journal Bureau, V Raleigh, N. C, September 2. f The result of the meeting of the Exec utive committees of the Republican and Populist parties was not obtainable last Olemenceau devotes over two columns I night until after 13 o'clock. Each corn to a leader in the Aurora this morning, I mittee'met and appointed a sub commit- with the heading, "A Crumbling Edi fice." This expresses the general feeling. It is certain already that the old general stall. of the army is in a state of great uneasiness. Qencral Boisdeffree has re signed, It is also stated that many chiefs of the diffcren', departments have re quested to be allowed to rctiie from active service. N. oicmcnceau, In lue A.urore, says: tee to meet with each other, and arrange fusion. . This was done. The details of thiB co-operation to be arranged in deference to the expression of the various conventions of the two parties. It was recommended that the counties and districts proceed to nominate co operative tickets on mutually agreeable conditions, aud the assurance is author ized by the committees, and these com Mnw I lie Club Hian.1. W. L. Cincinnati 74 43 Boston 71 42 Baltimore, US 41 Cleveland, 67 46 Chicago 05 60 New York 63 51 Philadelphia 55 56 Pittsburg 58 60 Louisville 47 69 Brooklyn,. 42 60 Washington, 40 73 St. Louis 82 85 MEN'S ... Higii Grade Footwear! AT DUFFY'S. STORE. "M. Zola's condemnation has no longer I mlttecs promise to do all necessary to raison d'etre, seeing it was inflicted upon I elect tl e co-operation recommended. the evidence of forged documents. The I Thus at this stage of the game the Re- acquittal of Major Esterhazy signifies I publicans and Populists are bound to do nothing, seeing it was a forger who pre-1 something to try to beat the Democrats. vented the judges from recognizing the! It is terrible to realize that the times are authenticity of one of the principal pa-1 such, that the Democrats are compelled pers produced. Colonel Picquardt, who I to use such materiel for Campaign Liter- has beeu dismissed from the army upon ature as is being used, but it is a case of the evidence of a forger, ought to be re instated in his rank. As for the Dreyfus case, it is very sini pie. Ue was convicted upon a bordereau which was written by Oommandent Esterhazy and upon documents of which the principal one is now recognized to STACY. ADAMS & CO. make shoes tor men and men only, they don't attempt to make X3 WUUIUJU Ut VyJ-lAAVAJ CU E OUUCJ. X ULC V AACt V O CUltCU UC puuilC, the manufacture of men's footwear down pret- t.w fino Wlipti mm ia handed a ahriB And nor. Th '" rectly informed that its a "Stacy, Adams" you Lai 0.0., about therr Department need not look ior mucn niener grade eroods. "lliatll, evacuation win m begm i These shoes are good enough. Take up a pair and cornnare with the so-called "iust as erood Qi n dnllnr nr tTrnlp-andnnfifanrpndilvfill buildings in Havana and formal control fray actual expenses. Referees cannot be at a aoiiar or iwo less, ana one can reaauyieii of Cubll u BB8umfd b, lhiB country. In required u attend a meeting of credit the difference. ThiS StOre SellS StaCy, AdamS the meantime it Is also understood the m other than the county in which they JPr n.f a ahAoa the authority of the Boaniards ia to be rcsi,le . nl their actual expenses are foro November 1, and that It may be January 1 before the flag of the UniUd .States is hoisted over the government fight the devil with lire." The scholarship for Bingham's school was won by Master Louis Uroves of Chapel Hill. . - . - In some counties in the State much in terest is being taken in getting up a county exhibit for the State Fair, This should be more general. The Wilbcr Opera House company will lie at the Academy of Music all during Fair week. This company is a favorite here, having appeared here severe! nights twice lust winter. : " 1 ' " Judge Purneil gives the following in structions in the bankruptcy law: Petitioners must in addition to the fees required (925) deposit or furnish as needed a sufficient amount in cash to de- I I Ifdll P. Ct. o .633 U .028 r .624 , .593 f .505 yo .553 o .496 L, .492 Q .405 ( ,388 .354 .274 So .to FANCY CREAM : CHEESE. The Very Finest Elgin Butter, right fresh from the Dairj. Nice lot Small Sugar Cored Ilamg and Breakfast Stripe. Freeh Oatflakes, Carolina Bice and Grits. I'orUmonth Corned Mullets, as nice ones as jou ever saw. W have a fow gallons of Nice Strained Honey at 15c por qnart. Oiline Shoe Dressing for Ladies' Shoes., an excellent article, only 10c bottle. Nice Groceries of all kindB at Rock Bottom Prices. McDamel I Gaski Wholesale ft Retail Grocer, 'Phone 91. 71 Brotvl Nt. POWDER Absolutely Pure aaBasaawaaaJLB"a J.J. Wolfenden's Real Estate Agency, New Berne, N. C, Office Over Citizens Bank. FOR KENT! Ml RENT!! Nice house, lirnt- :lasB location a', $8.09 per month. Firxt-elass Iiouht, splendid, location ill 15.00, Olio of the niONt roomy and liest houses in tho city, and best of location $23.00. Modern house, good location at-$16.66. Tenenionts in various portions of city. TERMS Payable weekly and month ly In advance. Houses and IiOts for sale, both as an investment and for homes. Timber Lands, Farm Lands, City Lots, City Houses anil IiOt.s. Choice Lands for growing Bright Toliacco. Lands well suited for Truck Farming. Lands for Grasses, Grain, Cotton', Fruits, Small Fruits, Etc. Fine Lauds for Natural Pasturage, Grasses Luxuriant and Good. Good Transportation, Cheap Transportation, Kail, Water, or Both. Two grade $5.00 and $5.00 nii'H, the best There in quite u range of styles both nobby and tttaple. llerc'N eight line to clioo.se from. Have other styles too. E. HARPER, Real Estate Agent. Tan Vici kid, mod. plain too, sin gle square edgo sole. These : $5.00. Tan Willow Calf, full cap box t'K, single solo. Tlicsu $5.00. ' Black Vici, coin box too, French last Those. 5.00. f Waukonphast bals, heavy calf, single or doublo solos, an ideal com fortable winter shoo. These ' $5 00. recognized on tl.n ih,nd. P"'U- i no same rules appucauie to oilier SR4.00. lllOMllv the Oneof the members of the commission officers of the United Statescourts in re- sail todav that so far tliev had received h-j"""" "-v no instructions regarding the methods "PP'X 10 OUKen 01 iue coun 01 obuk to be followed In enforcinK the terms of Ptcy clerks, referees and messengers. evacuation, and of sur-rjlvina the nloce " nnal "cnarge in oaimrupicy win oe of the Spanish soldiers with an American force large enough to maintain order, and to prevent conflicts between the re tiring Spaniards and the Cubans Hajor-Oeneral Butler is of the opinion that a lnrge army will be required tor this purpose, . and that suoh ail army should be lent to Cuba as soon as ths evacuation begim. It Is said to be the the allotment will be heard before the Se4?lJ Heed!! Seed!!! intention of the President and the War referoe within tweuty days irom me nil Department to have the Spanish troops ing of the report, but may be adjourned from the Interior towns and provinces ol "om lime to time not excoeuiug tiirriy At the end 01 thirty days, 11 mere Black Vici, plain mod. too, single square edge solo. These $5.00. Calf, London toe cap, heavy sin gle solo. Those - $5.00. Bals. of heavy calf, London too, thick single solo. Those $1.00. Congrws of heavy calf, plaiu toe, uc" Plan wl" lea.likely to result in t... ,!. i:b friction with the Cubans than if the I granted until all the costs aud expenses are paid. "in allotting the homestead and per- I sonal property exemptions of a bank rupt the State law will be followed as I near as may be. The trustee will recom mend and the referee designate corumis- I sioners for this purpose. Objections to Bargains! To avoid breakage In moving, bargains can bo had In Fancy China and Japan ese Waro. Also high grade Papeteries, School and Desk Tablets, paper covered novels. Twenty-fivo cent bound books 6 for a dollar, at another "Only Book Store In Town." K. BERRY Found at Last ! Wheie I can get my SHIRTS, COLLARS and UUFF8 Done Nicely and got that Beautiful Finish which I have been trying to get so Jong. Also Ladies can get their SHIRT WAISTS done right and don't forget to send in your Lace Curtnins. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Steam ? - II. W. NIMPSOX, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Ofticep Broad Street, next to Stewart's stables. Residence 168 Broad Street. tJTRurial robes a specialty. Henry's Pharmacy, Laundry J. E NEW BERNE, N. C. DAYBERUT, Manager, 127 MIDDLE 8T1U5ET, NEW BERNE, N. C. m Eskay's Albumonized Food,' Peptongenic Milk Powder, Maltediilk, Mellin's Food, Reed ft Carn rick's Soluble They Oo Like Hot Cakes. cap Cuba withdrawn first, the stronger garri sons lu Havana and other coast cities to be the last to leave. It is believed thai wide too shoos. Those $1.0O. Spaniards were to attempt to maintain control of the interior while forces were being sent from llavana to Spain. user Oal. I Special to Journal. . Wasuimoton, September J Ths Sec- lond Regiment North Carolina Volun- I teers have been ordered mustered out of the service. The -regiment Is now at 81 mows Island 1 Oa., and are ordered to Raleigh I the discbarge will take place. dayf. be 00 objection sustained, the allotment will be confirmed. "Petitions Id bankruptcy may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the District court at Elizabeth City. New Berne, Wil mington or UalciRb as most convenient to the petitioners. Congressman Skinner could not attend the fusion combine ou account of sick ness. James B. Llovd. Ponulist in the Bec- ond District, says he will get tho Demo cratic vote, and some negro votes and beat White (negro) or Uomrress. Finest Strains of Cabhag, Rula Baga, and Turnip Seeds for Fall planting. Don't fail to Call and Purchase. J. I ClYlltK. ICE! FOR HOME USE HIGH GRADE GROCERIES . . .AUD LOW PRICES I Will tell this is why wo keop busy. We are offering bargains now, to make room ior Fall stock whicli will soon bo coming in. Call and ecu us bcioro placing your orders. Ti3 no troublo to show goods, but a pleasure. traailaitl Taeat Race. I Special to Journal. NawYoHK, September t The com mltlM of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club I ...Il-mI !h IliU ntt liulkr. I " ' I .1.. L. The committee will .arrange for tho contest and the members to not expect any obstacles to arise and that ths ar rangements can all be speedily made. I'aaaalBav la ftblpo. Wa8iiiktok, September 8. After ex where I pending oyer 150,000 in making prepara tions to save the Spanish cruiser Colon, now on heibeant and forty miles west of Santiago, the government has decided to abandon the plan and will direct the elurn north of Constructor Ilobson, who has been awaiting the arrival of his pontoons aud air-bags before beginning Clean, pure, wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically mado from distilled walct and free from Impurities. Bpecially In tended and prepared for human coo sumption. Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) C a. m. to 6 p. m. Sundays (retail only) 7 a. m. to 12 noon. For prices and other information, address, New Berne Ice Co., B. S.'QUION.'Makaoki, Deering Mowers & Hay Rakes. We have on Hand One Horse Mowerr, Two Horse Mowerr, Hay Rake. Come and See Us. 1. C. Whitty to. Agents for Chattanooga Chilled Plows, Cane Mills and Eva) orators. CoTUMBIAN INHECTITUDE - Sure Death to Water Bugs and Roaches , Physician's Prescriptions .......A Specialty Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls I to cute. 2'k:, The genuine bas L. B. Q. ttD worK lue aup iay be Ooate.1. on each tablet. Conirtodore Watson, who was directed I to examine tho condition of the Colon I and the Maria Teresa, - has reported to I the Navy Department that, in his opin ion, the Colon cannot poMibl be saved, I and be questions whether the Teres I can, although the wrecking company ex presses hope (hat with a wook's add!- Fresh Flour, Cutter, Cheese, Coffee, Ilani3 and Frcalilast Bacon Arriving Daily. ! M 1 i . la laM tfraar. Ho'.IhI to Journal. I Nsw Yokk, Srptomber t It Is re a purled from Berllo that It la Uie lutentloo it ltuuia to convene the pup confer te In that city one month after the i a'ljournimnt of tlie rtpanish-AaMiicaa 1U K coiniuiMloo. I It is ih-elured by ths Westminster Oa- d) b'ttu of I.niulon that the British ainlrns- 'Z sK'lor at Ht. l'. t rulmrg lias coininuni- cnt.-l UCxr NichdlM an expression of mi the f- lniK" of hearty sympathy and ap- preclallon wllh which Becretary Balfour ri-xil tho Imjx'fliil iwrlpt prnpoaiug . uiiivi-ixiil 1im'i inauieriL TBI MAKUTTS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish edby W.A. Porterfleld Jt Co. Cvaimiasloa Broken. Nsw Yoax, tV-ptembcr 1 STOCKS. Open. nigh. Low. Cloeo 8iifar H'.J H-.l H2j 144 Am Tobacco ... UH tU 140 144 an.a in i7-m, inj Met. SI. Ry , 1M Va 1MJ 151 D.O 11 iw is COTTON. Open, IHrh. Low. (lose January 6.73 5.74v 4.7 7 CHICAGO MARKETS.. WhxaT Oiwn. High. low. Cli Deoembrtr.... C2( 'l "U CciBH 81 HI W'J 3H ;w Yk r'-linga chum Haluiday SPCCIAIi StofkliollerM t Train, From GOLD8BORO and Inter mediate Stations to Morehead City and Return, WtMliufMliiy. Nept. 7th. All Stockholders of record, and their Immediate famtllos will be passed free. A Stockholder's Immediate family con stale of husband and wife and children I and suth other as domicile with him and for whom he Is responsible for their maintenance and support. All Kinds of Hats FW all kinds of men find a place in our stock. Tlie bat for you to buy U a Ma hal, a hat that has birth stylo and dura bility. Our lino ftf likts will arrive In a few days sml will b complete and up-to-data. We have just received a lot of the famous KNOX HATS, which a-s dl-r-t from the factory and the latest hapm. Before buying your Fall Hats call and examine our stock. Ba!:cr & Dunn, SCHEDULE Leave Ooldsboro TOO A.M. Ueu LaOran Kalllog Klnaton (!aswell, Dover, t'-ore Creek, Tuscarora, (Harks, New Berne, Klvenlale, Croataa, Ilavelock, Newport, ' Wlldwood, Arrive M Ultr. Itaturnlaa: train 7W ng in (Creek, 7 40 7M 801 810 in 884 840 ton IM 4A rut 1004 10 17 leaves Mora- head City at 5 W P. M. Conductor will be furnished a list all Stockholders, and will pas only those who ars of record and thatr faav lllrs Nopasan will b bsaed or nnlred from Ibis offios. Food WILLENBRINK'S estaurant antl Mi Boons, 130 MIDDLE ST., NEW BERNE, N.C. . 'PHONE NO. 118. Every lalac Haw B4 rirM-Claaa. Elerlrta raaa Bwelal stalaa 7 I ha Waek. s outhern R I ail way. The StaodsrJ Railway ot the SOUTH The Direct Line to all PoiuU, TEXAN, CALiIIOItMA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND POItTO It I CO. i Strictly Pirat-Clas Equipment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal l Bleeping Oar on all Night Trains; Faat and Safe Schedule. Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a Safe, Oomfortabl and Expedi llou Jouroay, Apply to Tlokat Agrau for Time Ts- blva, tUlea and Onaral Information, or address F. R. DARBY. R. L, VERNON, 0.p.t.a, T. r, ., Ashmllkj, N. a Charlotte, N. G. ra & Oon, J. m. ti r, 8d V P A Om Man. Traf. M.n. Vf. A.To,OPA. WARIUNUTON, - D. C. pollock sTkMlix S. L. DILL, Sapt