I y.:.g':.'yj;y.s?feJ. i s f- V.'- a.-.- . r i, j A'egckiljle. Prcparationfor As similating i!icl"!:od mvdRctfuU-lii-.g the Slumadia and Bowel j cf Proti! notes l:a-if.l!on".',!- W '-i ncssaTMRrat.Ccpti.tr : Opmm.Morplime ri JiOT NAKCO'fl ' jtlx.Jttnnn . . J ... y 'm.W..W- v J Jlfyrmxvtt - I : . JnQjHomticSedA v I .. ;" ijmtheil tugrr 1 AMifectnenicdv rnrfonstsfl- tion. Sour Slonuxu.DiauUuid. Worms .Convulsions ,f everish ncss and Loss OF SLEEK Facsimile Signniurc r.f NEW YOKK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER . A. A W. . II. IS. TIMH TAIIhK "NO. 0. To Tako EITuct. Sunday, Am?, Mj 1W. at 0 I M. . Going East BcilKDUI.tC: Going Weal No. 3 Passenger Tniina No. 4 Lv. p in . stations: ... . Ar. a m 8' 40 ,". .Goldsbnro II 01 ; 4 09. . . Ludrnngo. .... , . ... 10 33 i83....,,. ... Elusion... ....... .10 13 J35......Ar. New Home, Lv.... , 9 10 545.... ..Lv. ' ' ... Ar . 8 fi? 6 07... Ar. Morehcad dly Lv.. ... 7 47 V N. 5, I 1 N. . t 1UM "t & ptatioxi: MxM Flnnd I'asd Tn. I i'uMt 'in. L. A M - Ar. P. u. .7 10 '....UiililhUirn ,74 UilV . .. . ..... S 13 1 cl tin ........ I Jtu rnnuH 1 43 tt'jll ....... KiilliiiK Crttk ..113 1) 14 .... .....Klimton... ...... ,.13 W l)3S.w, luhell 11 58 10 in. ...:...... Uovur It 40 1040......:.. ..Core Creek... 10 40 11 10 Tuwirra 10 18 1131.......".,... Ciui kn ......... . 1 (( 00 UK .........New licriic. 30 P. M. M. Mnuilay. Wfdnf bdny, Fridny. .. ( Tm-Bdoj-, Tlimnlny hiilurdiiy. ' ... No. 1. t MxM Ft. and . l'll88.Tll. , Lr. m 7 10 T43..,,. . 80.. ...... 8 30 K14.. D 28.. ...... No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. 1 Ar. p m . . Uuldsboro... .. .....Utnl'i...... .. LaUmtige...,, Fulling creek..., . . . KiiiHton . . . . . . ., wcll.,..., .... ... 13 . 7 83 7C3 .0 33 . 0 13 618 600 . 430 . 400 . 338 . 830 8 50 n Aft l43.......,Ar. Dow, Lv ., 10 15...;. ..Lv. ' Ar.., 10 40 onra crock...... U IS.... ...... TuwuKir..., 11 31........... cliuk'i ..... 13 Oft .....Ar. Ni'wIirrno.Lv, 130.'.....Lv. " Ar 3 13. .......... Hivenliili) . . . . ..v. iv. 830....; cronUn ........ 343...,. .... Ilnvelock....... 8 13. . . .. .... Newport, Lr. .. . S 31. ...Wlldwood ...... 3 31 ..........Allunllc ....... 3 4.. . .Ar. Morelitad city, Lv. . 4 01,. ..Ar. M. tlty Depot, Lv.. .1000' 9 40 0 00 8 47 u go a xi " " 7 50 r. m. a. u . Mmiil.iy. Wi (lmln? Hiid Kiidiiy. ) rulr.;. limiMii.y mid Huliiiiluy, S.L. 1'll.t, Buj-i Hid ndeul, A11iiii1I; 1'oiisl UlH'. U'll UIKllTON & Nkw liKKNB IL If., T1.MK TAULK No. 5, In lilfeet Wednewlny, AuR. 7, 18M, fully Kvopl Siindny, Going S.uilli hi 'iic.htLKt Goin( Not 111 No. 51, I'uH'ner Tnvinfi No. 50, l.v. a in, HTvrioNS: 0 (X) New IUtiip , li riilliN'kuvillo U r, l M,tHville . p n.1 ,Ju liMimllt. A r. p m, . . . 6 40 . . . . 6 04 . . . . 4 40 ... 4 13 2 m J ( Wilitilnrion, Ar. Wilmiiiton; r m N... 4. I lllll K- I'l - ! N'M II Si J lU.KillT, c ". j ; r t, i i. , i . .n j;ii.iv, W I i i ,ii l . 1 a New 1 '.fi in: Tint l Ar, r I . . .l.v. 'A urn, I. ,1, Ar 14 : .... ivi nr. v" I.. . . I i I : , II I 2. Tl il For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought' Bears : cf The Kind You Have Always Bought. THl eCNTAUft COMPHNf, NEW VONK OfTV. ' WILMINQTON & WELDON R. R. - And Branches, , . AND FLORENCE RAiLROAD CnNnENSKI) 8CHF.UILB. TltAlSS GOING SOUTH. DATED rtt 13 i)8 O n o CO e A.M P M. P.M A.M. P.M. Weldon n ro 13 5f 0 4,i: U. Alt. . Ml 311 l.v. Tailxin 13 31 0 00 L. It. Ml 1 (Ml! I TiS 3 55 io ar, n 45 7 Hi R 40 13 53 3 30 l.v. Wilson ii n 0 33 l.v..Hiliiin.. 11 5H Lv Kny'villi 4 25 7 25 1 v, Ar. loreiiot 3 15 t. iM. A.M I Ar. Gd1(1b. , Lv, (IoUIk 8 00 7 01 3 on 4 13 5 40 P. M. j Lv. Mag'liii ' ArWilm'toii 8 or 9 30 P.M. A M TKAINS GOING NOUTH. (S"S 6i A.M '.U Lv.FIorencc 8 45 8 85 1 Lv.Kay'villc 11 10 13 W 10 35 Lv. 8cl ma. . Ar. YV ilium. II 44 1 " 13 111 A.M P.M A.M LvWllro'lon! Lv. Mhr'IIu! 7 15 8 65 9 36 II 01 Lv. (lohla. s oo 10 10 13 03 '. M 1 A.M P.M P.M. Lv. Wilson 5 8S o in 13 m ii in 13 49 Ar. K. Ml. r.i3 18 67 11 67 1 80 Ar. Turbon 6 45 Lv. TnrlKirci 13 21 3 13 13 5' Ar, nciiion 3 35 P.M. 1 m A.M j Trnin on tlm 8eollnd Neck Ilrnnch i Ilond travel Wvldon 4 15 p in, Itidifiiz 4 80 p m, aniven Scotland N.ck at 6 30 ' p m, (.Ireenvlllu 0 67 p m. Klimton 7 55 I P lietiirniiiK leave Kiiuton 7 50 a tn. . (Irri'nvilleS 63 a m, arrivlntt Halifax at 11 1H a m. Weldon 1133a in. dailv tx- . vvxA. Mimlay. - . I 'e.Ai... ... w.bi.:.,ni..n llrnhcli leave WfeliliiKfon H 20 a hi mid 3 3D p in, ar tiv I'liriiit-ip v ill a in, "i ll 4 0 t ni. re tin nil ! leave I'iirni. lc '.I l5 a m mid li 80 p In arrive SVlu-liintloll 1 1 IK) a m and 7 30 u m, dnlly exceit Puuiliiy. Tiain leave TaiUiro, N (', dally except riumlav r au o in. Miuiinr. In D in. ar live l'lvmouili 7 40 p in, 0 10 m, Ilc- itirnliiK, H nvin I'lynionlh dully i xerpt Huudny, 7 no a m, ml numlay V w a ni, an I ve 1 nrlmro 10 05 a m, 1 1 W a in. Train on Midland: N (' Itrancli leave Ooldnlxiio dnlly, rxeept Hiindnr, 710 in, arriving riniillitleld 8 30 a ni, lieluru init leave SuililiHeld 0 00 a in; arrive at Ooldolxiro 10 25 a m. Train jn Nnolivlllo Tninch leave Rocky Mount at 7 80 a m,4:3ip in, arrive NarhvillH 8 10 a m, 4 63 p m, Hprlug Hope K 41) a ni. n 15 pin. Keltirnuig lrv t-puni; lloie V m a ni, 0 4 i p m. Hll llle U 2'J a in, nrilve at lim ky Wunn 9 4 a m, 0 50 p in, daily exo. pt Bunduy, Train on ( luiton Ilrnnch leave War mw or Clinton daily, exrepl Sunday 1 1 20 a m ami 4 l i p in, Hi tntnlnf( leave t .linton Bt 7 no a in and 3 45 p m, 'l iam No 7S mukeH e.low ennnillon at Welilon lor nil point North dally, all rail la iUt hinuiHl. II M K.MF.IIBON, Gen'l pan Agent, j u is km.v, loon jiMiim-i-r, iT M i.il).U',oN, Tialllo MnimKer. to v.vy . , . fa . .. J vu. (mi ax i I i 1 1 sr im THE COOL GAMBLER. HOW HE BET3, WINS AND LOSES AT MONTE CARLO. by Klht la tha Smt 6IIM Da a Monaoo TMipUnf VlekU For taa a a Ootd Btaode4 Baataaa Tiaas aetlos A Loeky Bmltoh Oaapla, Not to sea the gambling rooms at Vtonte Carlo try flight woold be to mlM Ihe grand show of the plaoe. There are not people enough iu the town to make up the crowds that prees through the big corridor and the atrium 4n the even ing. They come in trains from all the neighboring places from Cannes, Nloe, San Bemo, Men tone, sometimes from as far as Genoa. People ride down from Paris, 20 hours in the raplde, just for a little "shy" at the tables. All outside is as bright as day, though chilly. When I set oat for the casino, I came npon a young English couple standing near the big fountain, disonssing some thing with great earnestness. They were good looking, well dressed, with something of an air of a bridal couple. What became of them at the moment I did not notioe, and inside I stood for a few minutes watching the ronletto ta bios. Ten minutes later I went into the trente et qnaranto room and met them ust inside the big arched doorway. They were on their way out Her rosy cheeks were rosier than before, and her faoe was wreathed in smiles. He was fairly radiant and looked "very fit, " as the Londoners say. In one hand he held a great bundle of French notes, all stretched ont at f nil length, just as they came from the tables. It took no great shrewdness to see that for ten minutes they had been leading active, industri ous lives and had reaped the reward of industry and virtue and were getting out of the place before they were tempt ed "to try again and lose. , . ; One elderly gentleman was at the moment doing the leading business in that room and attracting the moat at tention by risking ten 1,000 franc notes (3,000 at every dealing of the cards. He was particularly interesting to me, because he was beyond doubt an Ameri can. He was a fine looking man, with gray hair, iron gray beard, well trim med, a shrewd eye tnat watched every move the dealer made, and of course in the regulation black evening clothes. His face showed him to be a man who had made his money, not inherited it I think that lumber was the foundation of his fortune in the northwest some where, but long enough ago to give him time to have tho sawdust brushed out of his clothes, for he was very smooth and well groomed. Not a word was said around the table, so there was no chance to hear ..at language he spoke. Ho was one of those men who would not look at all out of place leading a prayer meeting, but who might be de- ponded upon for a ready revolver if he caught the dealer at any fonl ploy. The notes came out of one of bis vest pookets, bnt not carelessly. There was none of the usual effort to look as if rinking $2,000 every throe minutes was an everyday affair with him. He did everything with caution, always delib erating over what square he should lay Ins money upon, and sometimes chang ing it to some othornquare after ho had laid it down. But whether be won or lost he showed no emotion whatever. Ho won oftencr thau he lost while I watched him, putting the winnings al ways into the same vest pocket At one time the bunker made mistake In du plicating a pilo of his note that had won, bnt this did not bring a word from him. His eyes were opeu, and "Instead of picking np the pile he merely pushed it back toward the banker, wbioh was a sufficient hint for a reoount When the mistake was corrected and the miss ing note supplied, he added the pile to the big lump iu his pocket Like almost every player around the trente ct quarunte tables, he was there strictly for business. It was not tew dollars laid on for the novelty of the thing, but a deliberate speculation Id the hope of winning. My experience of gambling houses is fortunately rather limited, but I have seen tho big places of Saratoga and Long Branch and one or two in New York and some very large ones in Cuba and Moxiou. Mover bave I soen such a businesslike air In any gambling room a there is here. loo may not be wicked enough to know that generally a great doal of smoking and drinking and some eating go with fashionable gambling, but that is the case. The sideboard i almost as neces sary as the tables, and Ooorgoand Sam bo and Houry are kept busy carrying ohanipagno and oooktnlls to the thirsty players. This I pare business with the house, evon whore these things sre not charged for, for does not a man become tho more reoklos the more at- oohol he absorbs? But there is none of that here. There Is no smoking in the rooms, and no drink are served at the tables. As tar as I have anen, there is no plaoe in the casino building wbcro drinks can be had, though poaaibly there may be some oozy oorneni that I have not discovered. It is a much a business house as a wholesale dry good store, and the profit are larger for the Qrm. This gives it a very cold blooded atmosphere, for there Is uot a particle of Interest in either of the games ontslde of the Onan oinl risks involved. They are stupid game of doctored chance that a navvy can play as well as an arithmetician. New York Times. Diplomat!. Tom I've lost adnsen pairs of gloves to that girl, and I haven't a son to buy thmu with. Dic k Tall her no one keeps tho slas niuall enough fur her little hand. She'll kit jut a pleased. Pick Me Up. Too Mock for Aar Mu. 'There isn't any one o good that It Joesn't makn Mm mad to go home to llnm r nd And tni one sitting la bis chair at ths ul,K At. hlw.n Globe. HTIWIIIM TAI M BiaKAKB. Permanently cured by the malnrly power of yMitU Anirri, an Norvlno Tonic. Invali,! need ufT-r no brfjrer borauo lliii ur, at remrily rnn tore them all. It fot the v Ii ut-nt nl in.! M of Blonini h TliB rnn bo- Tl.a r-lirf oi;.t!nl,( 111. f .4, ,.,i CITY FIRE FIGHTERS. flu Deadly Peril They fcttoonnter In SmT IdS lluinaa Live,- A great tenement house was burning like tinder wood in one of the poorest quarters of the metropolis. The stairs bad gone np in smoke before everybody had left the buildiug, and even the fire escape down the outside of the building was cut off by the hot flames from the lower windows, whioh had already peeled off a part of it A young girl of 14 or 18 was frantically shrieking for help in one of the top windows, and a mother was wringing her hands in piti ful despair down in the street The chief called for volunteers to save the girl, and three men came tor ward on the instant, without hesitation and without awaiting to oount their chances far success. This is the custom in such cases, for no one would take the responsibility of ordering a fireman to bis possible death. A strong young fellow who had yet to win his spurs was selected for the task, . and " be ' disappeared quiokly through the doorway of the adjoining building. When next the crowd saw him he appeared at the window just under the roof, and, grasping the tin cornice of the burning building next to bim, be swung' out into the air and made his way, hand over hand, for 80 feet through the dense smoko that rose in block clouds from the lowor windows to tho sill where the girl was seen. She bad fallen back into the room unconscious and was overcome with smoko by the time he reached her. A thousand anxious faces in the street bo low were tortured with fear for tho hero, a hundred muttered prayers went up for his safety as the fireman disap peared into tho black cloud, and a thou sand throats sent up a lusty shout of re liof as be appeared again at the window a moment later with tho limp form of the girl in hiB arms. Harper's Bound Table. THE CLOTHES OF AUTHORS. Some Strictures Upon the Dreu of Kng . llsh IJteimrx Men. - Novelists and playwrights in Bample quantities aro the latost class to come under the basilisk eye and measuring tape of Tho Tailor and Cutter. These members of the sister professionof jour nalism, and perhaps oven the severely judged members of pnrliamout who have appeared in a like connection, may be relieved to know that the novelists and playwrights scarcely excel them as glasses of fashion and molds of form. By way no doubt of sharpening his pen, the tailor critic begins with I. Zang will, whose lounge snit "might have belonged to any period during the lost ten years," and had even reached the stage of the "shabby genteel." How ever, it is consoling to know that Mr. Zongwill'a literary success enables him to wear a frock coat that nearly passes muster, even though the accompanying trousers are too short. Mr. Jerome, J. M. Barrio, Henry Ar. thur Jones and Hall Caine might al most be called moderately well dressed in a nonsty lish sort of way. At all events they avoid the shuddering soleoism of wearing a light coat and waistcoat with dark trousers, attributed to Robert Buchanan, or tho mixed styles of W. S. Gilbert But the only two members of the olass who unreservedly enjoy the approval of our contemporary are Sir Walter Besant and Clement Scott The former will no doubt be rejoiced to learn that his clothes might cause him to be mistaken for "a prosperous city merchant, 'Awhile Mr. Scott might 'easily be mistaken for a prosperous tradesman," says a tailor. The force of flattery could surely no farther go. London Chronicle. Gladatoao1 Conrtoay. "My father," says a London restau rant keeper, "was a milkman, and bis place was in the neighborhood of Hur ley street He supplied the Gladstone family with milk, and I dolivored it One day when on my rounds a thunder storm camo on as I had just reached Mr. Gladstone's house, and the rain descend ed in torrents. I rang the servants' boll, but it was uot promptly answered, aud meantime I was being soaked with the rain. The front door opened, and a kindly voioe asked mo to stop into the doorway, so that I might bo sheltered. Mr. Gladstone hod seen me from the window and opened tho door himself, He also rang for tho servant, so that 1 might be attended to without fnrthor delay." U(bt mmi Artificial Fo. The production of cloud by the action of ultra violet light was demonstrated at a soiree at tho Royal society by O. T. R. Wilson. The beam from an aro lump was focused by a quart leus iu a tube containing moist air free from dust In a few minutes a blue fog was seen to form in the illuminated cone, and this fog could be mado to move by applying boat to the tube locally. When the ul tra violet rays were cut off by a sheet of mica, no such formation took place, and it is therefore tuggeatod that the small particles wbioh give rise to the bluo of the sky are produced by the ultra violet rays of sunlight absorbed In the uppnr layer .of the atmosphere Engineering. Doll I'ooa a Bowlder. There Is a village in England built upon an enormous bowlder of chalk. This bowlder Is half a mile long and must bave been carried coaatward a dis tance of 26 miles by some great Iceberg. It was dropped to the bottom of the glacial ana, where it borame partly Cov ered and surrounded by bine gray bowl der clay. Mrs. J. M. Bnll, wife of the paatnr of the McthoriUt Episcopal ohnrrh at Wortliingtoii. Minn., supplied the pul pit on a recent Sunday In tha abonooe of her h unbuild. . The flrat baby get Its photograph taken every three month Ths other babies are Im ky to got their tukne ones In three yoar. lUuihnli. For broken nrface, Sure, tntcct bites burn, kla dlei sad eipeell)y pile) there 1 on rellshl remedy, DeWlll's Wltdi Ilwl Hlv. When yua till for DeWlll's don't sreept cnnntrfll of frtml You will not be ill(. pointed wlih lieWIU'i Wllrb ll.i.l Pair. FS DulTy. 17"! IIIEYiLLE, DIl. M. II. STBEETSole Owner fc Prop. Hi 31. PLANTERS v FOR UHMk We have every facility for conducting an Ample capital, large and well-lighted floors, polite service. Highest Market Whether shipped or brought in person A trial will convince you. Come and see us. We promise to send vou home satisfied. PROFESSIONAL. F. M. Simmons. A. I. Ward J. H. Ton, E. W. Pon. SIMnoNS, POU & WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS al LAW. NEW IIKKKK, IV. V. Office 08 So. Front Street, nearly oppo site liotet unauawKa. (OfllccB also at Ralclirh and Smitlifield ) Practice In the cmintiuB of Craven. Dunlin. Jnnotf, Onslow, Carterut 1'umllno, Wake, JolinHton, tlimictt ami Wtlaon; In tno u preiiw ami reilernl Courts, and wherever serviees are uemmi. OWEN II. OUION, Counsellor : at : Ijjiw. Offices, 46 Broad St., . I New ' Berm, N. V. P. II. Pelletier, j ATTORNEY AT LAW. I Middle Street, Lawyers Brick 1 Building. Will practice In tlie Counties of Craven Oarteret, Jonen, 1 inalow and Pamlico. (J. H. Court at Now llerne aud Bupreuia Court of no nuiut. FINANCIAL. T. A. Ureen, l'rra, E.P. Uoadowa, Vice I'rot H. M.GBOVM.Canhler. CITIZEN'S BANK oje srarw sxizutbi, isr. o. DO A OKNKHAL RANKING BUHINKHe The Account of Bank, hankers, Cornnr S' ton, Ifarmer. Merchant ami other r I plKtUintlmi jflven to the Intel i-81 ol on l cut t .mer. lioll ollons aaiioulally. soard or DiaacToas. Ferdinand Ulrica K. II. Meadow, Hi, lull's , lr. Inltii . l..lo.olld, Mayer toiln,, Taoeiew A i reon, c. k. rov. W. t. ITroekett. J. A. MeAdown, Hamuel W. liMck, Uhu. If. Kowl.-r. 1. i, ratiufer. B. W.ainallwaod. Ue Iraa F. & M. BANK, MAY 1st, 1SSIS. j Capital Stork $73,000.00 Siirpln H.600,00, Vnilirlilid I'rollt 3,170.0 OFFICERS: L. H. CtiTi.KR President W. 8. Ciiadwk'K, lee Pres. T. W. Dkwky, Cnidiier. J. W. IIidhi s, Teller. F. F Mattiirwr. Colli-ctor. niRKCTOItS: . Win. R. Blade, M. M. Mark. C. I). Brnilliain, P. II. l'elleller, L. II. Cutler. Jno. Kuier, W. S. Uiadwii k, J. W. Stewart, T. W. Ih-wey. We want your business and fuel (lint we can offer you as much in return ni any other bank In Hie rily. It Is our endeavor to make htiaine relation mut ually pleasant and prod table to our patron. ' BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Tmdc Mamms C0iVRiOMT &0. Afimni atsnAitiff fcrtrf and rtwwipkifi Mf trkif asHwiAtrt mir ntitnton free whs hmr mm tfiTMtttlort W pmhRfMj pvtwilrilx Com man if. Um RtHrtlf rin1rwit-J. lUrwItxW 1 I'sUsojiU Mnl fmv Olrlo-t igwtirT fc twv-wnint Mnia. I'BAiswitAi tsUrtt I lirwutf h Munn m Ou. twoaiw Scientific American. A liMirtAnm lllnMralM wfetr. t. eiiUlhH. nt .nr rMMiOMr lrti), Tt.rniB. A . innr : r,ir monllM. IL out all nwlwlfT .UNUCo.""" NewM ibaMSi um. t t St, Woiklosiuu, U. U. A Good . Tcleplione SERVICE IS A nusiNFs; KECE8SITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED Neeefwlly. Convenlriice, TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, THE SALE OF , TOBACCO. 7r j IWi Prices Guaranteed the Seller, THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW A PIT Alt, ISDOES A GENERAL FIUE T.A. GREEN, President. (JEORUE GREEN, Secretary. J. J. W0I.FENUEN, Gen'l Agent. Notice ! In tub Mattrr ok tiik NiJN Cnr.Tivit W11.1. of Koiikkt A SMVKIt. Drckahmi. To Hie Heirs and Next of Kin of R A . Smyer, Deceased: Take nolicc that a Nun Cupntive Will of Robert A Smyer, deceased, has been filed for probale in this office this day, and you are notified and cited to appear at my office in Craven county on Thurs day, October 10th, and contest said will if you think proper. This 3olh day of August, 1898. W. M. WATSON, C. 8. C, Craven County. Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to the certain power of sale contained in those two several inort- gKe executed respectlvely to It. II. I Street on the 17th day of January 1H04 and recorded in the olllce of the Keglster of Deeds of Craven county in book 11 u oi lier 113, folio 4:14, 4:15; and to W M Walann, O 8 C, receiver of Hit estate of Kd M Barron, niinorf on the 31st day of May, 1N0, recorded in the record aforesaid In hook 117, folio 1:15, j lilli, 137: by M M Williams and wife Kan I nle L Wiliiains; and by said Street and Walson duly assigned and transferred lo the undersigned guardian of K M llarrnn. 1 will offer for ale and sell at the 'court house door of Craven county at line nour 01 13 o ciocr Hi , on Monday October 8l, 1808 all and singular the lollowlnir ilercrilied real estate as fully set out In said several niorlgage as fol low, town: A rerlatii tract or parcel of land in No. 6 Township ailjoluiug the lands of A IMiroiir llliain ami W II Ire con taining one hundred acres more or less, anie being a tract of laud willed lo M M Williams by his father J W Wil- llnmiand umiii which lliry now reside. Teinis of riale uasii. Thl8ept 5lh, 1808. KATIE 11. BOYD, By O II (lulon. Ally., gitrdin of E M itarror, and aisiguee 01 ft 11 mrecl, Mortgagee. Commissioner's Sale ! Punuant to a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Craven county rendered at the May term 1808, In a certain action wherein ueo 1 Hudson and other are ulalnllff and John II Phillip and other are defendant, I will sell at public suc tion al tho court hi use door In the city of New Berne al 13 o'clock M., on Mon day the 8rd day of October, 1808, the following property to wit: All the In terest of the defendants In snd to two acre of land lying on Clubfoot Creek In Craven county at tha junction of said creek and Baker Landing snd along said creek 14(1 yard; menos up la the neid (10 yard or jul so far a to make two acre; alao all ths buildings and Im provements of every description on ssid land: lo one black hone, one work carl, one et of harne, all tbe slock of good, ware and mercbandl of every description In lb slore on said lnd; (l Ih rafting gear used at lbs mill on said lsd which was purchased by lbs de fendant from lb plaintiff; alo a cer tain piece or tract of land beglonlnf al a poplar on lbs west side of Clubfoot creek and running thence weslwardly 118 yard lo a itake; these AH ysrds lo a branch from Clubfoot creek: Ibsnoe lh vsrlou eourae of ld branch IIS yd tn Clubfoot ereet; ibeno vita said erect 118 yard to the beginning containing two acre nor or tea. Alao on leni tug boat named the W. F. Taylor. Tk ld property I what as was il on a lb Phillip Lumber Company's Mill property oa Clubfoot Creek. Term of Bale, CASH. WM. W. CLARK, Comml"loner IMCU, Manager & Salegnu Fair Dealing, HighestPrices, Best Averages, Prompt Returns. extensive business, experienced help and BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 INSURANCE .BUSINESS. W. B. BLADES, JOHN DUNN, Viee-Prest. Offices: OVER CITIZENS SANK Administrator's Notice.. Having duly (inal i(i il as administra tor of the estate of R A Smyer, deceased on the 8tli day of August, A 1) 1WI8. All persons owing snid eslate are hereby no tified to make prompt payment. All persons liolilmi; claims tiiramst said estate are notilied to present tin; same duly verified to the undersigned admin istrator on or before the Mill day of August, A I 1800, or this notice will bu pleaded in bar of their recovery. August 8II1, SAMUEL It. BALL, Administrator. NOTICE. NoiiTii Carolina, u , , Craven Go.'nty. ( S"lK r,"r l""rU Maggie L Burrus anil ) KulphUray, partners trading as Itiiirus ltccciccrs' S Cray and others, J- notice lo vs. j Creditors. The Phillips Luuilicr Coiiiinny. j All creililora of Ihe Phillips Lumber Company, (corporalionl, dcfcuilaiit. are hereby uotified to priBciil their claims duly verified to the limb rMiu il receiv ers of nid IuiiiIm'I' comiaiiv on or liefore the 38lh ilav of NovemlHT," A. 11, 18!W. This 7lhilay of July. A. 1.. ls;w, D. I. ROKERTS. .1. LEO Rl'RRU.S, Ret-eivers. Simmons Pou & Wakp, AtU)nu s. Notice of Administration. Having duly ipialilleil as the adminis trator of J. F. I lupree, deceased, all per son ure hereby notilied lo present llielr claims lo me duly verllied on or U'fore August Kllh, lHtill, or (his notice will be pleaded ill 'air of recovery. All persona indebted lo said eslnte are rciiieled lo make Immeilisle pay ment, T. F. Mi (Win II Y, Administrator. R.B NIXON, Attorney. Till August ldili, 18U8. WILLENBRINK'S Restaurant and Dining Rooms. 120 MIDDLE ST.,; NEW BERNE. N.C. PHONE ?N(). 115. Kverjlklna Mew f.leeirle raas Saeriai Moloo il lb WeeR. A)4 riral-4'loom. KAU Rti4. HUANCII OFHUK IV. I Pcricifciy Co., fHucoeaannf.to.il. Whilst.). Co.) HanUerN antl ISrokcm. Stocks, Dead. CottsR, tirala, l'retUUst Bought and sold for rah or on margin t one per sent id lot. from 30 up. Over Out ton E i eb an ga. tVNaUonal Hank Riferenoer, IsYtkmoUnifJootnllon. A..O. NEWBEttUY. MansKal. Iiiixur.I Oiilt r Your Phone t One I !l C.

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